FAOI 2 T H E HACKETTSTOWN GAZETTE. HACKETTSTOWN. NEW JUNE I , JERSEY 19*1 mm leaders arc published in this issue on the sports page. Leading the-.assembly with the Bible reading. Lord's Prayer and flag salute was John Calandi. president of the fre»hman class. Principal Charles A. Keister offered reAwards for academic athletic marks, and music was provided b\ and extra-curricular achievement the School Band and chorus were presented in an assembly pro•,Tam last Friday at Hackettstown U a s s Wficers High School. Certificates were presented to h Dr. Charles E. Kwartlcr. presi « * c l a s s ? " ' « * * b>' M » - M a t b e l dent of the board of education, and lonrenee. William Voorhees. Jertwo students. Bruce Frutche> unci nine McDonnell and Mrs Dorothy Carl Clark, made the presentations Hart. They are. Seniors — Ste\ en Toraeo. presiof cash prizes earned at the an nual Science Fair held in the win- lent: Eileen Johnson, vice presiter. Doners were Camma Chemica" dent. R;ta Althuis. secretary; KathCorporation. the llack"tt>io\\n leen Sickle, treasurer; Loretta GiaRotary Club and the Bio-Kx and mmalvo. Historian. Science Clubs of the school Juniors — Leonard Hale, presiWinners were P h w c a l Science dent: Car! Clark, vice president; -Mark Lipman. 1st. S1U. Jeanne Yolan \a«>. secretarx; John Furda. Kwartler. 2nd. So. d r i Clark. 3rd treasurer: Martha Mills. Historian. $2.50. Biological Science — Bruce Sophomores — David Palmer. Birchard and Patricia Donche-k;. president: Bruce Beatty. vice presitie for 1st. S10 each: Donna Wells dent: Denise Xagy. secretary: 2nd. S5 Joan Lull. 3rd. S2 50 Michael Varj.a. treasurer: Mary Freshman Division—George Bald Jean Rivers. Historian, win and Douglas Schlak. joint pro- Freshman—John Salandi. presilect. 1st. S10. John Salandi. Glenn dent: Richard Pool, vice president: Van Buskirk and Donald Burk. Gerakhnc Sinisi. secretary: Betty toint project. 2nd. S5. Alfred San \\ v ber. treasurer: Joseph Mills, delli. 3rd. S2.50 Historian Honor Certificates student Council Guidance Director Joseph A Student Council certificates were Misklow gave certificates to >tu presented by Charles Wysocki as dents who ha\e made the honor follows: roll three times this > ear. The com- Seniors — Rita Althuis. Loretta plete list will be announced after Giammaho. Eileen Johnson. Linda the final marking period Kitchen. Steven Tomeo. Letters awarded to the baseball Juniors—Carl Clark. Vince Domand track teams and the cheer- eraski. Martha Mills. Yolan Nagy. Charter Rite Tonight For New Lions Club Awards Assembly Is Held^At H.H.S. BENEFIT DINNER DANCE ST. MARY'S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL students of the eights grade e l a n who will he graduated Sunday afternoon, Jane 18. Left to right la the front row are Beverly Vreeland, Dianaa HoUtbowkx, Patricia Dougherty, Maryanu Csepkiewkz, Kathleen Higgns, Barbara Malaaka, Diane Shimanski, Pamela Hosking, Mrgaret Foulk, Margaret DoncbeskL Barbara Sharp, Nancy Davit, Marjorie Lee, Meudgaor Joseph P. SergeL Second row—left to right: Karen Bark, Biargaret Hurley, Carol Malaaka, Jean Lake and Patricia Hardart Third row—left to right: Doyle Cooper, Joseph Slachetka, William Hug, William Salandi, John Wyker Nicholas D'Amato, Joseph Zokaitis, Robert Wyker, Eugene Kishpaugh, Michael Greeay, William Page and James Meeker. Fourth row—left to right: Michael Casey, William Burger, John Bernaski, Bruce Long, Donald Amenson. Gregory Hutton, Gerald Mttirhead, James Flaherty and Lawrence Mahaffey. (Niper Photo) Sophomores — David Palmer../"* ,* Joyce Seber. Larry Ries. Mike Var X ^ U U O n S ga. Donna Wells. Freshmen — Sharon Curl. Jane Frutchey. Jane Gardella. Ronnie Steinmann. Bettv Weber. On Fake Press Credentials Libr ffi ere f C r Blair Valedictorian The inaugural ceremony for charter officers of the Hackettstown Lions Club will be held at the Musconetcong Country Club tonight at 7:15. The following will be inducted: Fred Stehman, president; Andrew Van Buskirk, first vice president and secretary: Herbert W. Davis, second vice president and treasurer: Ned Mardenly, third vice president: Lee \V. Fish. Paul Rotermund, Tony Vandre. Andy Vorwicek. Board of Directors: Frank Sickle. Jr.. Tail Twister: and Tom Adams. Lion Tamer. Other charter members are Ralph Groover. Kenneth GusUfson. James McKeon. William Putz. Don Ramp-\ Paul Mallon. Robert Chesnev. Michael Wagner. John Boggetti. Al Baetz. Jack Wright. Floyd McNeil. Gene Glennon. Sid Henr\, Herb Ackerman and Ogden Schureman. Mayor Frank L. Fowler has been ! invited to address the club. Other guests will be George McClurey, International counselor, as toastl master: Samuel Voltaggio. International counselor: Norman Spraguc, district governor, and Herbert J. Birum Jr.. past International director. DIVORCE GRANTED Six uncontested divorces granted in Superior Court at Morris'town last week included that to William Carr. defendant, and Mackenzie. Gwendolyn C a r r . plaintiff, of business.Stonewall Road. Budd Lake, for reasons of extreme cruelty. Enters Guilty Plea '.£ J£ JEff"-**. To Theft Of Autos "^^± i Howard Wydner of 7 Kenvil Av-, ienue. Succasunna. entered guilty 'pleas to two auto theft charges in : Warren County Court last Friday. He will be sentenced later. >|ydner was charged with taking ia truck belonging to William Doujma of Mansfield Township and a jcar belonging to George Metz. 'Washington Boro. both on last i March 2. Wydner was arrested May 24 by ] Trooper Verne Steinmann of the Washington State Police station. According to police. Wydner' istole Metz's car in Washington last [March 2 and drove to the Pequest •section on Route 46 where he was j involved in an accident. Wydner i drove away, abandoned the car land stole a stake body truck beSamuel Lee SeUager, sea of longing to Douma. police said. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Seliager of ROUGH AND READY ^2 M ^ i rinrha n Alerted by the National Press presented by Mrs Elaine Caraatan p h o t o g r a p rh e r s Association that unto Harriet Williams, president: ^ Hotel Clarendon. Hackettstown scrupulous vendors, offering press Georgine Bargiel. vice president: credentials for sale, have been re-j Holy Name Society Gwendolyn Jackson, recording sec- ported to be operating in several; retary: Mildred Spinelli. corres- parts of the nation. Colonel Joseph] Our Lady of the Mountain Church ponding secretary: Carol Dannaf. D. Rutter. Superintendent. New JerSchooley*s Mountain. V J. treasurer: Susan Good RIBS OF BEEF DINNER , - , . c„;«-n; f^!fi/.;»,.; se y State Police, today warned the. Donation S3.T5 treasurer: pEdith•Spinelli.Publicity Danqing 9 to 1 . . t a k e n i n - if t h e ; pJblic not t0 ^ Ticke'us at Helen's Plavland chairman: Marietta Hoffman, ser- ^ndms ^ . ^ ^ [n > > w J e r 39-2 geant-at-arms. ie>. ; : 'Chorus Seniors The Colonel added. "Press cre-i —or any place else m the Sacramento. California area. Just dial Senior Chorus certificates w e r e . d e n t i a l s are issued bv some press! Area Code Number 916, then the number you want. Area Codes presented by Mrs. Ethel F. Gardner! associations and individual news.Mt^fliQ*' to Patricia Gardner. Judith Henry. i p a p e r s within New Jersev, but the are the i'ey to easy telephoning to arv place. Every area has a Nancy Leh. Nancy McMurtne. J p - ; a c c e p t e d official press cards issued code You'll find them m the f-c-t pages of -.our phone book. Carole Noonan. Helen 01enick.| b v t h e D i v i s i o n o f state Police to Pleas* use them for out-of-state ca:^. - NU. JERSEY K U . Diane Reed. Elaine Rewiski. Linda a l l r e g u l a r l v emploved members of Sabin. Kathleen Sickle. Judy Spin- t h e n e w s m e d i a are co-sponsored bv elh. Joanne Stephens. Susan Wal- t h e N e w j e r s e v Association of ker. Marj^Wildrick. J]"£d_£op^ey.J C h i e f s o f P o l i c e ^ t h e S o u t h J e r Gene ™_ Eberts. Robert,. Edwards. Bar- ^ ^ i, Chiefs Association and are ry Tuxhorn. Robert Sayre. ^ ^ thruout the state." He tt > w h At recognized - T h e following money - awards | c o n tfnued. ' T h e r e is no charge for! the valedictory address Sunday were given for highest ticket s a l e s | t h e ^ identification cards we! at the graduation exercises of Giving Three-Act Comedy for the recent Chorus Festival: Tim; issue. afrr applicants are approved * Blair Academy, where he receivThe Flanders eighth grade will e >> ;r.e New Jer>e> ^\.:r..r.:".:oc or. ed six awards- He was present- rre:-er.t s throe act err-.e'v. "O^p'i Susan Walker, third Public Information." ed with the Rensselaer Medal S'ite. Uncle George." at the school in mathematics, the Dumont on Friday evening at 7:30. f Seek Authority Lane Eckroth Is Engaged Fifteen members of the grade The National Association, in their Prize i s English and course T o G i r l F r o m P i t U t O W n effort to stamp out the illegal uis-j prises in V. S. history, physics, make up the cast with the remaintribution. advise that the- "victims"' English and mathematics. He der of the pupils handling the stage Announcement is made of the are usually persons who lack the also maintained his membership duties, make-up. sound effects, etc. LB the Cum Laude academic In the cast are as follows: engagement of Miss Judith Edna;necessary qualifications, but who; honor society to which he was Elaine Burgher. Charlotte McCon-< Moebus. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.;desire to seek a "badge of author-! George Moebus of Pittstown R. D..'ity" to get them thru police lines at : elected in his junior year. Sam- ;nell. Martha Paules. Donna Graber.j \ ib. L i t t l e A m b a s s a d o r s $2.00 to Lane W. Eckroth. son of Mrs. disaster scenes and gain entry to| uel is entering Princeton Uni- Karen Bonner. Myra Davis, Beverly S Clarence Eckroth of Washington;places not normally accessible to! versity in the fall to major in ;Wyckoff. Man. Hildebrant. Richard William De Vries, Alan Mc$4.00 and the late Mr. Eckroth. who the average citizen. Such a card in: mathematics and physics and to ,Bryan. ib. L i t t l e A m b a s s a d o r s Murtrie. Robert Haeussler. Harvey was a Linotvpe operator for a num-jthe hands of an unlawful person- do pre-medkal work. — Shaw and Allan Raffay. $1.30 ber of vears at The Gazette. A-vould misrepresent the legitimate — • • I ib. A s s o r t e d C h o c o l a t e s Route 46 at Budd Lake Sundav eve- Admittance to the performance fall wedding is planned. nembers of the working press. will be by guest tickets only. $2.95 ib. A s s o r t e d C h o c o l a t e s The bride-elect is employed by Colonel Rutter stated that he h a s ' n i n ? Mt. Olive Police Sgt. Roger Radio Station WCRV. Washington.:not received anv reports of at _. DATE $1.30 She was graduated from North tempted sales of press cards t o ' 8 1 ^ 1 1 * 1 1 5 reported cars driven by W. S. C. S. CHANGES i ib. H o m e F a s h i o n e d F a v o r i t e s .»—-»,, „ „ - , . . Hunterdon Regional High School,date, but fears that the vendors, ex- Ear; C H o t b e m of Stone Creek.. FOR FtAXDEKS MEETIM> $2.93 and Averett College. Danville. Va. oosed in other areas, mav miiirate Ohio, and John R. Wilkins. Jr.. 58. The Women's Society of Christib. H o m e F a s h i o n e d F a v o r i t e s Her fiance attended East Texas to New Jersey. He u r g e s t h a t any- °.f E«ston. Pa., wer e halted in a<,ian Service of the Flanders Metho$1.50 State College after his graduation'one possessing knowledge of such line of eastbound traffic. ib. A s s o r t e d C r e a m s dist Church will hold their June from Hackettstown High School.':sales within the State report it to. Grossmith's car struck the rear 1 meeting next Wednesda> instead of $1.30 He is employed in Kenvil by the the nearest State Police Station. of Hothem's. pushing it forward the regular date. The change was ib. N u t C h e w y a n d C r i s p Hercules Powder Company. Pre. into Wilkins* vehicle. No one was made because of the Daily Vaca12 o z C a n d y J a r C h o c o l a t e s $1.00 viously he served four years in T i c k e t G i v e n T o D r i v e r injured, and all three cars were tion Bible School. the Air Force. _ __ _ _ „. . driven from the scene. Grossmith The all-day meeting will begin at _ .—I n T h r e e - C a r C o l l i s i o n was summoned to appear in Mt. 11 a.m. at the Church with Mrs. .95 8 oz. P e c a n Delights M t OKvit PA1M>* R«n/M+ iOIiv e Court June 15 on the traffic.Harold Stout as hostess with Mrs. .73 i m . v / u v e ^ r - o u c e rveporr 8 oz. M i n t Patties ^ ^ ^ of B a s k . c h a r g e iClifford Lewis as co-hostess. A Grossnith O n A c t i v i t y D u r i n g M a y ing Ridge, was charged with follow.covered, dish luncheon served at ing too closely after his car touchYou save $1.20 a year by sub-noon. Mrs. John Sims will be in The Mt. Olive Township Police.ed off a three-, ehicle collision onscribing to The Gaaette. Adv.'charge of the devotional service Department made 153 investiga-! — ——— — tions during May. according to the monthly report of Chief John D j Hackettstown, N. J. Connelly. 141 Main Street The department received 175 radio calis and 77 complaints. Officers made six motor vehicle arrests, five disorderly person arr e ^ . two criminal arrests and filed four juvenile complaints. The department covered seven accidents, three fires, two dog bite cases and four emergencies. Mt. Olive cooperated with other departments 36 times during the Cadillac's excellence has gone unchallenged for 60 years. this excellence more substantially than Cadillac's unsurmonth, furnished bank escorts 12 passed reputation for economy of operation and extraorIt is primarily evident in quality, luxury and comfort. times and reported street lights out on three occasions. The patrol car It is eloquently defined in quiet, effortless response to dinarily high resale value. As a sound motor car invest'.M^-'A was driven 6.174 miles during the every performance demand. And nothing emphasizes ment, the "car of cars" merits your personal evaluation. month. Saturday, June 2 4 , 8 P. M . S L2SS J?^£!! h2!! &* ** G""** TO PHONE tgmt n»n<krt WINNERS WINE and LIQUOR COLD BEER 'Have you tried I C W E E S t e v ^ Miniature Chocolates?" PIZZA PIES ANN'S TAVERN Jim & Helen 169 Main St Hackettstown Call GArden 5-9065 PROMPT DELIVERY KERR'S PHARMACY ixeewence Paint & Wallpaper SACKS Shades — Blinds — Housewares CIVIL DEFENSE TO SHOW ABOLITION -OPERATION True Temper HAMMER = 3 16. ReC. 4-49 3 98 1 Quart Charcoal Lighter Regular 59c 39c Full line of SCOn'S LAWN PRODUCTS Torf Builder — Halts — Bonus — Cope — Scut! HACKETTSTOWN DOVER 1M Main S t 52 N . Snstex S t GA 5-5615 FO 6-0119 The Lebanon Township Civil Defense and Disaster Control unit will show the controversial film. "Operation Abolition." Friday at 8 p. m. at its headquarters, the former school building at Woodglen. The guest speaker will be a representative of the Federal Bu reau of Investigation, who will comment on the film. This film is said to depict operation of subversive groups in San Francisco and i elsewhere in the United States. The program will be open to the public. MISSIONARY ON FURLOUGH Miss Esther Bartlett partly sponsored by the Women's Association of Lower Valley Presbyterian Church, is arriving today at Idlewild Airport for a furlough. :A missionary in West Africa since February of 1931. her home church is Christ Presbyterian in T r e n t o n . She will come to Lower Valley during her furlough to meet h e r sponsors. EXPRESSES THANKS We wish to thank the children who p u t on the minstrel at the Legion Home, the proceeds donal-j ed to our daughter, Debbie, and to Mrs. John Hurley and Mrs. How-1 «rd Housel for assisting the ctail ! dren for the minstrel. MR. AND MRS. HARRIE BURK VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUmORlZED^^faaM^ WML G. VIY 4 SONS 4M WASMttMTON STRUT, HACKITTSTOWN, M. J, DEALER
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