LAND L DPRO O SOF FTWA ARE Prroduct Summar S ry Book m Version V 15.00 (9/10/2014) CALL C 281-363-42 213 to sc chedule an online presen ntation 1 GENE ERAL PRICI P NG IN NFORM MATIO ON MAIN PROD DUCTS DESCR RIPTION P PRICES STA ARTING AT VLP2000 Visual Land dPro 2000 Lease Records R & Contract C Manage ement Softw ware $ $1200/month (1st User) S See website e for add’l u users LandPro Ex xpress Online Lease Acquisition Mana agement Softwarre (SQL-200 08).. S See website e LP Express s Import Bridge Allows ability a to imp port data fro m LandPrro Express in nto VLP2000 0 S See website e Division Orrders Calculation n Module DOI callculation pro ogram for VL LP2000 S See website e Various s Training Co ourses. See e website e for Training g Schedule S See website e Comple ete GIS Map pping Softwa are for VLP200 00. Link poly ygons to VLP P in order to o create various GIS Layyers. Editor Metes & Bounds / Jeffersonian J tools, VLP V Info Too ols, Smart-M aps,… S See website e Training Classes Thinkgeo MapSuite M GIIS Editor (Lan ndpro Ed.) W DPRO.COM/T TRAINING.A ASP for morre informatio on. See WWW.LAND 2 INTR RODU UCTION Thank you fo or your interes st in LANDPR RO SOFTWAR RE. We have e been in business since 1987, helping land departments manage their lease record ds and getting g their work d done. We con nsider it our re esponsibility tto listen to companies s like yours, and a find new ways w to add value v to your operations. Chances are we can help you! We pro ovide tools forr the entire ar ray of land-re elated personnel: from Field Landmen to Lease L Analys sts, Division Order O Analysts s, and finally to Land Mana agers. 1. FIELD LANDMEN N start out usin ng LANDPRO O EXPRESS.. They enter name & addrress data, traccts and mine eral ownership p data, leases s. They gene erate Mineral O Reports, Lease e Purchase R Reports, Ownership R Leas ses, Lease Ad ddendums, Memorandum of o Leases, Le ease Data Sheets, Exhibit A’s, Lease Pa ackets… 2. Yourr in-house LEA ASE ANALY YST can also review r leasess in LANDPRO O EXPRESS, make chang ges, expo ort data to Exc cel, and then use the Land dPro Broker Im mport Module e (optional mo odule) to impo ort the Land dPro Express records into Visual V Landpro 2000. 3. The LEASE ANALYST will also add any ad dditional inform mation that m may be missing, for examplle Work king Interest decks, d ORRI burdens, Con ntract cross-re eferences, etcc. This data w would be ente ered into Visua al LandPro manually. m The e lease analys st would also run various re eports, print rrental checks, etc. 4. Yourr DIVISION ORDERS ANA ALYST can qu uickly calculatte DOI’s on a per-well or p per-unit basis. Visual Land dpro automatically knows which w tracts and leases are e associated w with your wells – and it willl show you exactly e how itt is calculating g the Division n Order. 5. The LAND MANA AGER would then t review one o of the variious management style reports, such as our ation Acreage Summary Report by Prospect, P our Prospect NR RI Summary R Report, our Pa ayment Obliga Summary Report, our Exhibit A reports, and d many more. Since LandPro data is stored in various s Visual FoxP Pro tables (.DB BF), 3rd partyy software sysstems can eassily interface with h it. Companiies needing additional a security and/or s eamless integ gration capab bilities to theirr accounting sy ystems, cons sider our SQL2008 version. Accounting g systems that can import fform Excel ca an also benefit from LandPro;’s L ex xtensive capa abilities of exp porting its data Call for more d details. a to Excel. C Want to learn n more? Call or email us to o setup an on nline presenta ation today! Luigi S. Balllatori [email protected] www.LandP (281) 363-4213 3 LANDPR RO PR RODUCTS S&S SERV VICE ES o VISU UAL LAND DPRO 2000 0 PROFESS SIONAL Leas se Records and a Contrac ct Data Mana agement So oftware for O Oil and Gas E Exploration Com mpanies and Coal Mining g Companies s. o VISU UAL LAND DPRO 2000 0 PROFESS SIONAL SQ QL Sam me as VLP20 000 Professio onal, all data a stored in yyour SQL201 12 database es. This version also has access to ad dditional pro ove-useful filtter queries a and allows e easier linking g to your SQ QL acco ounting database o MAP PSUITE GIS EDITOR - LANDPR RO EDITION N Land dPro’s new GIS G Mapping g Stand-Alon ne Applicatio on (replacess our old GIS S mapping softw ware) for com mpanies wan nting a sepa arate, easy-t o-use, non-A ArcGIS base ed Mapping system. o DIVISION ORD DERS CALCULATION N MODULE E FOR VLP P2000 VLP2000 add-on n. Calculate e Revenue and a Expense e Division Orrders using e existing data a. o LAN NDPRO BR ROKER IMP PORT MOD DULE o VLP2000 add-on n. Adds data import cap pabilities from m our custom m Excel Wo orksheets auto omatically cre eated by Lan ndPro Expre ess. This mo odule is also o often used to import da ata from 3rd party p softwarre systems in nto VLP2000 0. o LAN NDPRO EX XPRESS Leas se Acquisitio on Managem ment (online internet acc ess. Data re esides in SQ QL database es) o REV VENUE DIS STRIBUTIO ON MODUL LE FOR CO OAL MINING G COMPAN NIES VLP2000 add-on n. Calculate e Royalty Pa ayments / priint checks. Specific to C COAL Mining g. o DILM MAD REPO ORT WRITE ER o Stan nd-alone Cus stom Reportt Writer for VLP2000 V –a allows YOU tto create NE EW reports & Custtom Excel Exports in VL LP2000. VLP P PLUGIN FOR F ARCG GIS Link ArcGIS .shp p file feature es with VLP’s s subtracts. Generates various VLP P GIS Layerss, store ed in .DBF ta ables, in We ell Known Bin nary (WKB) format. o SERVIC CES & RELAT TED CUS STOM PROG GRAMMING G SERVICES S DAT TA CONVER RSIONS ( IMPORT / EXP PORT DATA A SERVICES S) TRA AINING COU URSES AT OUR O TRAINIING FACILIT TY IN SPRIN NG, TX ON-S SITE ONE-O ON-ONE TR RAINING SE ERVICES GIS DATA CONVERSIONS, GIS DATA A ENTRY SE ERVICES LEA ASE DATA ENTRY SERV VICES CA NDPRO.CO ALL US AT 281-363-4 2 4213 OR EM MAIL SALES SINFO@LAN OM TODAY! 4 VISUAL L LAND DPRO 2000 2 Tract-based d Land Mana agement Sofftware for lan nd departme ents of Oil, G Gas, and Co oal Mining Companies.. o Keep track of Leas ses Trac cts Mine eral & Surfac ce Interests Seis smic Options s Conttracts Fee Minerals ht of Ways Righ Divis sion Orders Wells / Units Much more! Integrate VL LP2000 data a into your ex xisting GIS mapping m sysstem (such a as Arcview) thanks to ou ur Excel data extractt capabilities s as well as ODBC O conne ections to ou ur VLP2000 Foxpro data abases. Ability to EX XPORT DAT TA to Microso oft Excel Additional EXCEL E EXPO ORT capabilities availab ble thru Dilm mad Report W Writer for VL LP2000 Other option nal modules include Divis sion Orders Calculation Module Docu ument Imaging Brok ker Import Brridge Custtom Report Generator G (D Dilmad Repo ort Writer) VISUAL LA ANDPRO 200 00 is the MO OST advanc ced and com mprehensiv ve land systtem in the m market. No need n to learn n cumbersom me 3rd-party report engin nes... get rep ports in seco onds, not ho ours. No need n to re-en nter field lan ndmen lease e and ownersship data… No need n to pull your y lease fiiles each tim me you want to review th he original lease. Easy y linking (via a our optiona al GIS Auto Linker) L of SH HP files to V VLP’s Subtra acts Please ema ail us at SALE [email protected] to o setup an o online presentation TOD DAY! 5 WELCOME TO VISUAL LANDPRO Here at LandPro Corp we specialize in software development, specific to the land industry. We have been providing solutions for land departments, field landmen, and land owners since 1987. In addition to VISUAL LANDPRO 2000 (VLP), we also offer training, technical support, data conversion services, and software customizations services. Other products that complement Visual LandPro include LANDPRO EXPRESS (lease acquisition software), LANDPRO DOI MODULE (calculates Division Order of Interest), the DOCUMENT IMAGING MODULE, DILMAD REPORT WRITER (custom reports and Excel worksheet generator), GIS Auto-Linker Tool, (link .SHP files to VLP Subtracts), MAPSUITE GIS EDITOR (LANDPRO Ed.) (full mapping capabilities, including Metes & Bounds / Jeffersonian creation tools, legal description auto-converter, VLP Auto-Linker, VLP SmartMaps, and much more), VLP PLUGIN FOR ARCGIS (access VLP map-related data in ArcGIS) and our MINING REVENUE DISTRIBUTION MODULE (coal mining royalty distribution software). VLP data is stored in popular Visual FoxPro 9.0 tables, so it is easily accessible by 3rd party systems such as Excel, Arcview, Arcinfo, and other programs that can read .DBF files. VLP2000 SQL stores its data in SQL2012 databases. VLP is truly feature-filled and very powerful. It was modeled after MS-Office, in order to minimize your learning curve. Our proven-useful reports are abundant, clearly laid-out, and extremely “flexible” (most of them are even USER-MODIFIABLE): we offer numerous “management-style” summary reports, as well as analyst-style, detail reports. VLP can also print leases to MS-Word. VLP allows you to easily export your LandPro records to Excel thanks to our flexible “snapshot” reports. This includes Name & Addresses, Division Order decks, Payment History, Payment Obligations, and much more. This allows you to quickly and easily provide to your accounting department all the necessary data out of LandPro that they may require – should “integration with your accounting system” become an issue down the road. If you need more flexibility in data exporting to Excel and custom reports, then check out the Dilmad Report Writer for VLP, which gives you great power in specifying which tables and fields you wish to extract data from. VLP also allows you to quickly IMPORT BROKER DATA (lease / tract ownership data / and related) thanks to its optional LANDPRO EXPRESS IMPORT” MODULE. This module allows you to import data using a special multi-tab page Excel worksheet file. VLP data is stored on YOUR SERVER or YOUR LOCAL COMPUTER’s hard drive. You can still access VLP over the internet if that is a requirement, by simply using Windows XP’s “Remote Desktop” services, or Microsoft Terminal Services. Call for more details if you wish to license VLP to run on Citrix or Windows Server 2012. Our software is powerful, yet intuitive. It generates over 100 reports, including various Exhibit A’s, Acreage Inventories, Payment Obligation Reports, Rental Checks and Receipts, Expense Summaries, Net Revenue Interest Reports, Division Orders, Mining Royalty Payments, and a lot more! Plus, with the DilMad Report Writer you can create your own custom reports as well. Smaller companies can start out using LandPro Express, then upgrade to Visual LandPro as their needs increase. We have over 100 companies using our products. These include mostly Oil & Gas companies, a few Coal Mining companies, Land Owners, Field Landmen, and Land Service companies. We will be glad 6 r on o a as-need ded basis, so o you can se ee why so m many compan nies choose to work to pass on references with Visual LandPro L for all their land d needs! In conclusio on, we want to t make surre that VISUA AL LANDPR RO will be tthe PERFEC CT Land Software system for your comp pany. Please e don’t hesittate to call o or email us iff you would llike to discusss your company’s needs n in mo ore detail. Luigi Ballato ori [email protected] M (281) 363-4213 Office (713) 818-9020 Cellularr WWW.LANDPRO.COM M Did you know w that Visual LandPro L 2000 0 won 3 sepa arate Microsofft Excellence Finalist Awarrds? FINALIST – VLP2000 1998 Micros soft Visual F FoxPro Excellence Awarrds BEST MIGR RATION TO VISUAL FO OXPRO FINALIST – VLP2000 1998 Micros soft Visual F FoxPro Excellence Awarrds BEST PACK KAGED APP PLICATION FINALIST – VLP2000 1999 Micros soft Visual F FoxPro Excellence Awarrds BEST PACK KAGED APP PLICATION SYSTE EM REQ QUIREM MENTS (VLP20 000) PC with w a Pentiu um 4 – 2.0Ghz or faster processor p preferred Wind dows 8.1 Pro o, Ultimate, Windows 7 Pro, Window ws Server 20 012, Window ws Server 20 003 4GB B+ RAM reco ommended 20GB+ HARD DISK D SPACE E available on o LOCAL ha ard drive. Lase er Printer witth LEGAL PAPER P TRAY Y highly reccommended s in nclude Micro osoft Window ws 2012 and d 2008 Serve er, Microsoft ft LAN Mana ager, Networks supported and other NetBIOS-com mpatible netw works, includ ding Novell® ® NetWare® ® . We also h have variouss clients that run VLP P2000 on Citrix. 7 8 9 10 Example of a Bank Drafft generated by Visual LandPro 11 Visual Landprro 2000 0 Features Quick Data a Entry Wiza ards. Setup p your leases s, tracts, and d contracts ffast! Let Vissual LandPro o do all the “dirty wo ork” for you. Just sit bac ck, review, and a approve!! Setup a leas se form first. Then have e LandPro us se that form m when you ccreate your lease. It alre eady knows a goo od 70-80% of o what goes s on that lease… Setup your tracts t and trract ownersh hip next. The en tell Land Pro which tract(s s) and mineral owner(s)) the lease covers, and itt will automatically do all the calculations s for you (inc cluding importing the lease lega al description n from the trract descriptiion). e clicks, and d you’re done e! Setup your lease last. A few mouse Multiple Ins stances of Entry E Forms s. You can keep k several leases and/or pages of individual re ecords open simultaneou usly. You can als so create all sorts of reco ord “on-the-ffly” without having to ex xit what you were doing first! Use standa ard “pagefrrames” in data entry fo orms. e latest “tab-style” formss for We offer the data entry. You can hav ve multiple windows w ope en simultane eously. Easy Exporrt Capabilitiies into Exc cel and Worrd. Anywhe ere you can do a “Snapshot” report you can also do an Export to o Excel Snapshot. Thes se come in rreal handy w when you wa ant to do som me customizatio on to your re eports! Unlimited Number of Working Intere est Decks. You can spe ecify as man ny Working Interest deck ks per lease as you wish h. Some decks may be different due e to differentt ownerships s at differentt depths, or ssome particiipant interessts changing g between before and afte er payout, or whatever… … Favorites When yo ou are editing g a record, you y can “savve to favorite e” (and even n add a note) in order to quic ckly return to o that record d at some latter time. Th his is also a g great way to o assign taskks to do to other end d-users. S Visual LandPro 20 000 Enterprrise is 100% Windows 20 000 Complia ant. Windows Standards. Right-click on o any form or grid or de esktop to acc cess differen nt menus. P Preview repo orts before p printing them. More printing flexibilitty. Reporrts are acces ssible from m most grids a and entry forrms. You ca an select individual re ecords to be included us sing the tag-u untag featurre. e not convin Various 3rd Party Repo ort Generato ors available. If you’re nced that Vissual LandPro o 2000 Enterprise already a has most m or all re eports that you’ll y ever ne eed, don’t pa anic! Variou us 3rd party rreport generators such s as CRY YSTAL Repo orts, R&R Relational R Re eport Writer, FoxFire!, SD DT Reports,, etc… 12 View-Only Capabilities. You can purchase additional view-only licenses. Here the end-user can print any report they want. And they can lookup anything. But they cannot make any changes! Larger Data Handling. Visual LandPro 2000 Enterprise can handle more records than the older Visual LandPro 98 / LANDPRO 6.0 system. Extensive usage of SQL commands combined with FoxPro’s Rushmore technology is made in order to maximize speed. Depending on your network configuration, tens of thousands of leases should be no problem with Visual LandPro 2000 Enterprise. Unlimited Special Provisions. You can setup an unlimited number of special provision per lease. Actually, you can set these up in the Lease form, then Visual LandPro can automatically “import” them for you into your new lease. You also have access to various “batch-add” wizards that make data setup a breeze. Excellent Filter Engine. Easily specify what you want to see and/or work with. Our “regular” filter engine allows you to fill-in-the-blank what you want to see. You can also “save to disk” your “advanced filters” for later quick-retrieval. Flexible Snapshot Reports. You can quickly run “snapshot” reports throughout Visual LandPro. Move your grid fields whichever way you want, then select the Preview / Snapshot Reports feature. Visual LandPro will then generate a report laid out the exact way you have your grid laid out. If you “hid” a field, that field will NOT print on your report. Snapshot Reports can also be exported to Microsoft Excel very easily. “Smart” Lease Data Sheets and other Data Sheets. We have the most comprehensive and easy-to-read data sheets in the industry. Not only you can select the printing sequence of each “data band”, but you can also hide/display them as you please, and do what we call “Data Sheet Status Reports”, where you select only one or two bands, and multiple lease records per page! Multiple Addresses per Owner. Visual LandPro 2000 Enterprise allows you to setup an unlimited number of addresses and phone numbers per owner. You can also specify which address is to be used for General Correspondence, for Rental Checks, etc… Optional Division Order Calculation Module. Don’t let the “optional” word turn you off… Visual LandPro already comes with an excellent Division Order management system (like most of our competitors). What we have that they do not is the ability to having the software automatically generate the Division Order of Interest calculations for you without having to setup any additional records! Check it out… Ability to view lease lists using our innovative HTML (IE7) Rendering Engine. We also allow the end-user the capability to modify the HTML page so that you can “customize” these forms as you please. When in the Lease grid (or most other grids), click the IE5 icon and you’ll see the bottom half of your grid become an active HTML page. Audit Trail System. You can activate this feature to have Visual LandPro automatically record each addition, deletion, and modification that anyone does in the system. It will keep track of who changed what when and where… (big brother is watching!) Ability to do mass export / imports from Excel. Give our Excel worksheets to your field brokers. Have them populate these spreadsheets as they take leases or run title. Then 70% of your work will already be done! All you’ll need to do is use the Excel Import feature and you can easily import these worksheets right into Visual LandPro. 13 mport/Exporrt feature can n also be us sed to do ma assive data imports into Visual Land dPro The Excel Im from other software s systems. Instead of spending thousan ds of dollarss writing “imp port” program ms, have someo one knowled dgeable with the lease data create th hese Excel sspreadsheetts, then impo ort them right into Vis sual Landpro o! LANDPRO EXPRESS IMPORT I BR RIDGE. This s optional mo odule allowss you to import data from ma special multti-tab Excel Worksheet W that can be quickly q gene erated by lan ndmen using g LANDPRO O EXPRESS, LandPro’s WEB-BASED W D, ONLINE Field F Landm men Data-Entry system. Lease Acqu uisition Nottices LandPro can be used by y Field Land dmen to setu up tracts, mi neral ownerrship recordss, leases, ch hain of title instrume ents. Variou us reports arre excellent for field land dmen, includ ding our Lea ase Acquisitio on Notice Repo ort, and the ability a to gen nerate Lease es directly in nto MS-Word d. elp. Have a question? q Use our innov vative on-line e help syste em and find yyour answerr. Or On-Line He view one of our many Visual V LandP Pro Technica al Movies rig ht from within Visual LandPro. Or vvisit our w and check out our Visual LaandPro Forum for lots off posted question & website at www.landpr answers. Or O send us an n email at he elpdesk@la m a quick reesponse to yyour question n. 14 venue Distriibution Add d-On Module e. Designe ed to allow C Coal Mining ccompanies q quickly Mining Rev setup month hly productio on, and pay production royalties r in a matter of m minutes… no ot days! Generate litterally Tons of Reports (over 200 las st time we co ounted…) (n not even inclluding the un nlimited “Snapshot” reports available. Visual LandPro co omes pre-loa aded with so o many repo orts that we ffeel you’ll never need to do any “custom m” ones like you y may havve had to in other softwa are systems. Then again – if yo ou HAVE to make some changes – you y can nor mally exportt our report d data to Exce el very easily, then run your rep port in Excell… Optional 10 099 / MAG-M MEDIA Expo ort. Export your y year-to o-date payme ents to the a award-winnin ng W2/1099 EG GSYS FILER R FOR VISU UAL LANDPR RO 2000. P Print 1099’s o on regular p printer paperr (without hav ving to buy th hose expens sive 1099 prre-printed fo rms). Creatte a mag-me edia file conttaining your 1099 data d to autom matically email or mail to o the IRS. Metes & Bounds (COGO) Too ol available in ThinkGeo M Map Suite GIS E Editor (LandPro Ed dition) 15 VISUAL L LAND DPRO TECHNI T ICAL FEATUR RES Visual LandPro 2000 En nterprise™ (VLP) ( brings s you expand ded capabiliities to help you in everyy area of land management. In th his version, you have grreater contro ol over your rrecord data entry and re eport generation. You can see e improveme ents in perfo ormance, sysstem resourrce use, and work enviro onment. VLP is fully Year-2000 compliant. c It handles multicompany an nd multi-user setups, and it contains s various adva anced securrity features.. This article covers prima arily "technic cal" features s new to VLP and assumes ba asic familiarity with techn nical programmin ng terminolog gy ontents Table of Co Better Perfformance More Robu ust Databas se Managem ment Advanced Land Reco ords Management State-of-the e-art User Interface I Data Entry Wizards Snapshot Reports R Optional In ntegration with w Imaging g Managem ment System System Re equirements s Better Perfo ormance LandPro® customers c ha ave come to o expect the highest leve els of perform mance. In th he previous rrelease, LandPro 6.0 0, the focus was w on a dra amatic new approach to o record setu up and reporrts retrieval, using Reports. In Browse Win ndows and User-defined U n VLP, honin ng performan nce under th his paradigm m was a key goal. VLP V itself is easier e to use e and offers more functio onality, delivvering even ffaster local a and server data retrieval. Object Perfformance VLP takes advantage a off enhancements in spee ed with which h objects are e painted on n the screen and speed with which w form controls c are bound to the e underlying g data, while e reducing th he memory fo ootprint sed controls for several commonly-u c s. The resultt is a 40- to 2 200-percent improvement in form performance e, depending g on machin ne configurattion. Delay Binding The new w delayed binding technology provid des faster an nd smarter o object initializzation, only binding g to the data source whe en necessary y. Clear Cached Resourc ces When VLP V displays a bitmap, p icture, curso or, icon, or fo ont resource e, the resource is cached to optimize perfo ormance. If a resource o of the same name is use ed (for exam mple, a different bitm map with the e same name as one alrready cached d), VLP doe es not reload d the resourcce. 16 More Robust Database Management VLP follows an Object-Oriented, 3-Tier Design, using the Bridge-Pattern Model. It uses Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 as its driving engine - clearly the best database system available. You do not need to own Visual FoxPro in order to work with VLP. Advanced Land Records Management The VLP working environment is more flexible than ever, with editing features only a right-click away. Properties such as Leases, Contracts, Wells, Units, Tracts, Fee Mineral Properties, and Prospects all share the same state-of-the-art user-interface, resulting in a short learning curve. Document-Based Template Approach. VLP simplifies data entry and inquiry through the use of various standardized windows called by the template manager window. This is very similar to the “File New” template window of most Microsoft Office products. Each icon in the template manager provides access to a unique property, such as leases, prospects, wells, tracts, etc… Snapshot Reports After defining the layout of your columns in most list windows, the end-user can generate "snapshot" reports with as little as a couple of mouse-clicks. To run a snapshot report, right-click on the data list, click on “preview” or “print”, then select Snapshot Report. VLP will generate a report that looks exactly like you see your data on the screen. You may even move fields around, and the report will be printed accordingly! See a List of All Fields in a record. The “Show All” option of the entry windows displays a dialog box listing in alphabetical order all the fields specific to the record you are editing. Insert Image File Cross-References Easily. Most files in VLP (leases, wells, tracts, contracts, names & addresses, etc…) can be quickly crossreferenced to an unlimited number of images, documents, and other objects. Images can be of a wide variety of formats (jpg, bmp, gif, tif, etc…), and they can be stored in different platforms (hard disks, cds, DVD, optical drives, web servers, floppy disks, etc…) Create Filters Easily The Filter Builder is accessible at all times from the list windows. Filters can be saved for later usage by yourself or other users. Find Records Fast Searches are easily performed from our list windows. Simply click on the column of interest, then type the first few letters of what you’re looking for. VLP will automatically move the record pointer to the appropriate record. Also, you may use the Filter Window to quickly narrow down the records to be displayed. 17 ake new rec cord entry a snap! s Data Entry Wizards ma ata entry wiz zards, you can setup new leases, tra acts, contraccts, etc… in just a few Using the da moments. VLP V guides you y in coherrent, logical steps in the data-entry p process, and d updates im mportant cross-refere ences as dee emed neces ssary. Customize your Deskttop. The extende ed usage of HTML comm mands allow ws VLP to offfer the end-u user the featture of “deskktop customizabiility”. For ex xample, you can specify what you w want your dessktop to lookk like – such h as “Click here to t ADD NEW W LEASES”,, or “Click he ere to genera ate Exhibit A Reports”. alculations Available. Automatic Acreage Ca When enterring a new le ease, acreag ge can eitherr be entered d manually, o or let VLP ca alculate it forr you. Simply go to o the Lease Acreage Window, and press p the Ca alculate icon n. "Favorites"" Save and Restore Settings You can sav ve to favorite es (bookmarrks) the entry y form and/o or the list win ndow, so tha at you may q quickly return when never you wa ant. Easy Datab base BACKU UP. You can quiickly and easily backup your company’s data ussing our Bacckup utility to ool. Data Securrity. Use the optional VLPSS S.EXE progrram to hide your y databasse from netw work users. Ability to settup View-On nly (all or none), as well as limited acccess to varrious areas o of the progra am, add/edit only, print/hide reports, etc c is also avaiilable. VLP can als so print OR RIGINAL LEA ASES. See next page ffor a lease ccreated by VLP. 18 19 ENTRY WIN NDOWS Data is ALW WAYS entere ed from DAT TA ENTRY WINDOWS W ((except for a couple of in nstances tha at shall be discusse es later – inc cluding the PROSPECT P NRI “ADJUS STMENTS” and the TITL LE HISTORY INTEREST TRANSFER R WIZARD The followin ng image is an a example of PAGE 1 of o the LEAS E MASTER ENTRY WIN NDOW multiple reco D NUMBERS”. VLP pre events you frrom adding m ords with the e same ID number. “UNIQUE ID Yet, it does s allow you to o edit and ch hange existing ID numb ers “PICK LISTS” allow you u to specify a word (norm mally as ID N Number). VL LP then auto omatically re etrieves all records with w the matc ching word or o ID numbe er, and displa ays their brie ef descriptio on to its imme ediate right. “MEMO FIE ELDS” allow for unlimited d amounts of o text to be entered or ccopied. “PAGE TAB BS”. Records (such as leases) could contain a LOT of info ormation. We designed o our data entry/display y pages to be b very clearr, uncluttered d, and intuitiive. Click on n any of the “page tabs” to move to a different area a of information for the re ecord you’re e working on n! “CROSS-REFERENCE E” buttons. Records R (suc ch as leasess), can have e various “children record ds” as well as othe er cross-references asso ociated with them. t You ccan quickly a access any of these asssociated records by simply s clickin ng the appro opriate “cros ss-reference”” button as sshown in the e image abovve. 20 SOME VISU UAL LANDP PRO REPOR RTS… REP PORT PREV VIEW WINDOWS… “Lease Audit Report” is only activated for the Travis Audit Toolkit module. QUICK WAY TO ADD SOME S NEW W RECORDS S… 21 DATA SHEET REPORT TS LandPro ® customers c expect e great performanc ce and flexib ility from rep ports. VLP'ss Data Sheetts exceed even these expe ectations. No other sys stem offers run-time opttions such as s Data-Grou uping Reorde ering and Se election. e data sheets are also av vailable for Contracts, C W Wells, Units, Prospects, Fee Propertties, Similar style Tracts, and Owners. 22 SNAPSHOT T REPORTS S The highestt level of satiisfaction and d productivity y is reached d by generatting reports ccontaining information the "exact" way w you wan nt to see it. The Snapsh hot Reports are designe ed to do just that. Use your mo ouse to "mo ove" columns s of informattion as you p prefer. Then n select "sna apshot" repo ort from the print / prreview button. VLP will generate a report r laid-o out exactly ass the displayy window. Step1. Arrange e your data ffields to you ur specificatio ons STEP 2. Se elect Snapsh hot from the Print / Preview w Button. Result - VLP P generates a report tha at looks like a "snapshot" of o your records! OTHER FEA ATURES INCLUDE: Numerous User-Defined U d Fields Multiple Pro operty Cross-References s 23 Unlimited Number of Payment Obligations, Special Obligations, Special Provisions Unlimited Number of Working Interest Decks and Lease Burdens Unlimited Number of Royalty / ORRI interests ADD-ON MODULES DOCUMENT IMAGING MODULE Quickly view associated IMAGES, PDF files, MS-WORD documents, EXCEL Worksheets, and WORDPERFECT documents for each lease, well, owners, and/or most other VLP record types! You can even EDIT and PRINT the documents straight from VLP! Use your own scanner & software to scan your images (documents, maps, photos, etc…), then link these to your leases, wells, owners, and more! This optional module is GREAT, and it can be added at any time to your VLP system. DIVISION ORDERS CALCULATION MODULE VLP will automatically calculate Division Orders. Unlimited number of deck calculations, substance, and payout situations can be accomplished by using this module. Simply specify the well or unit that you wish to generate a DOI on, and VLP will automatically find all tracts related to your well/unit, then all mineral ownership interests, all leases, and all lease burdens and Working Interest decks. You even have the option of changing each tract’s Participation Factor. DILMAD REPORT WRITER FOR VLP2000 Custom Report Writer, specific for VLP2000 databases LANDPRO EXPRESS IMPORT BRIDGE Import custom Excel Worksheets (multi-tab) generated by LandPro EXPRESS users (see 24 VLP2000 0 MICROS SOFT CAS SE STUDY Y Visual Fo oxPro Exc cellence Awards Finalist F Best Packag ged Applicattion and Best Migratiion to Visuall FoxPro INITIAL L SITUA ATION The Oil & Gas and the Coal C Mining Industries have h experie enced a dow wnfall these p past few yea ars. Fewer peop ple are respo onsible to pe erform jobs th hat used to b be assigned d to more em mployees, esspecially in land depa artments. Critical inforrmation, including specia al obligations s, payment o obligations, important da ates, specia al provisions, mineral m own nership, acre eage invento ories, revenu ue distributio on, and intere est conveyances had gotten out o of hand and a needed to be stream mlined. Land departtments need ded a way to o facilitate maintenance a and reportin ng of massive amounts o of lease and contrac ct data. Due to the comp plexity of the e business, e entering data a, generating reports an nd calculating mining m royalty checks was too slow and expenssive when do one manuallyy or when ussing competitors’ land management systtems. Furthermore, the user had to o rely either o on the softw ware vendor or an n in-house software s tech hnician to ge enerate custtom reports. WYSIWYG reports were e a requirem ment. End-us sers not fam miliar with rep port generattor tools nee eded to be able to create c custom m reports ba ased on data a displayed i n list views, as well as ccustom reports based on an ny field in the e various tab bles of the database. d Company-w wide access to scanned documents d specific s to evvery facet off the land bu usiness was also a requirementt. This, coup pled up with graphical display of traccts of land, w would provid de anyone in n the company wiith immediatte access to essential information. 25 Descrip ption of o the so olution. We develop ped Visual La andPro 98, a Visual Fox xPro 9.0 app plication. It p provides flexxible access to land information, maps, and document im mages. It is a multi-userr, multi-company applica ation, following a as a document-o oriented apprroach: every y entity (such h as leases, contracts, a and addressses) is seen a document. Visual LandPro uses a three-tiered t architecture e to guarante ee flexibility and maintainability. It bo orrows ideas from the t Smalltalk k community y and makes s use of a Mo odel-View-C Controller-like e architecturre. It uses data objects rather than acces ssing views or o tables dire ectly, thus a allowing us to o easily swittch data sources sinc ce only one set of objects is the med diator betwe een the data behavior an nd interface objects. These data objects can be sent acrross OLE connections. The three-tie ered approa ach is importtant in order to migrate V Visual LandP Pro to the we eb and to su upport various data a sources lik ke FoxPro DBFs, SQL Server, and m more. Using data objectss, we are alsso able to support in ncompatible data source es (i.e. an ad ddress table from anothe er applicatio on). The Internett is very imp portant to Vis sual LandPro o, therefore we make exxtensive use e of the Internet Explorer ActiveX contro ol. We use th his control an nd the Dyna mic HTML fe eatures to p provide and a add dynamic con ntent to our “Interactive”” Desktop, which, w in turn n, can be cusstomized by the user. Ussing the Interactive Desktop, D we got rid of a huge amoun nt of uselesss white spacce and turne ed it into a hig ghly effective and customiza able desktop. We also use u the IE4/I E5 ActiveX ccontrol to dissplay data in n a nice way, to prov vide online support s and more. Visual LandPro also inc cludes a stan nd-alone Sys stem Adminiistrator Tool, which allow ws for creation of new tables and a databas ses, displays s database statistics, s ind dexes and pa acks files, re epairs corrup pted data, review ws the error and a user acttivity logs, ettc.. 26 m Visual LandPro ve ery easy for new n users, w we have made extensive e use of HTM ML In order to make rendering co oupled with the familiar Windows W ’98 8 interface, M Microsoft Ag gents, and various speecch engines. To open or create a doc cument, we use an apprroach similarr to Office 20 000 by displaying an open/new dialog box that shows all a the differe ent kinds of documents d a and template es. “Favorites”, as well as “recently ope ened” docum ments, can a lso be easilyy accessed vvia our intera active desktop. 27 o Visual LandPro has two different views to documents: The list view w and the data a entry view. The list view w is a customizablle grid associated with w powerfu ul filtering feattures: a simp ple, fill-in-the-bla ank filter mechanism and a more e powerful filte er wizard tha at allows the user u to create e and save an ny kind of filtter. These filters s can later be quickly acce essed while working in th he list view. The figure to o the right is s an example e of the “fill-iin-the-blank”” filter. The user typ pes something in the various filter entry fields, then clicks either the “S Show Data” button n or the List Tab, and Visual LandPro will display onlly the reque ested records. This filtering g feature also supports relatively r complex filte ers such as ranges, multiple values, and phonetic se earch. Filter “EXCL LUSIONS” can c also be handled h in the regular filter f logic. Simply S add a “!” symbol in fro ont of the va alue to be filttered and VLP will auttomatically “e exclude” all records with those values. v a work in conjunction n with Date Exclusions also Ranges. Fo or example, say you wan nted to see all lease e records EX XCEPT for th hose with an expiration date of DE ECEMBER 2006 2 you would enterr the followin ng text in the e Expire Date field: !12/1/06~12 2/31/06. VL LP also t filter on EM MPTY fields s (or allows you to ZERO value e fields). Sim mply enter an ASTERIX in n that field: VLP V will then n list only records whe ere that partiicular field is s BLANK or ZERO. 28 b illustra ates an The figure below example of the “Advanc ced” Filter mechanism. These types of filters can be set as a “private” or o “public”, and can be quickly acce essed while the user is in a list window. The data en ntry view is used u to look up details and to edit da ata. Multiple e instances off the same record can be viewed. To navigate e, the data entry view and a the list view v can be synchronize ed. Every re ecord can have binary documents attached. An A attached document d ca an be an ima age, a Word d document, an Excel sprea adsheet, an Internet docu ument, or an ny kind of em mbedded OL LE object. e form allows Our Names & Address entry entry for an unlimited nu umber of addresses, phone numb bers, web sittes, and 29 email addresses. The 2008 release links directly into MapQuest. 30 f can Visual LandPro’s entry forms also display y an “all-fields” and/or “user-define ed fields” pag ge, allowing the e user to quic ckly edit data. A ve ery importan nt part of Visu ual LandPro is the print engine. Vissual LandPro has a vvariety of re eport wizards that crea ate FRX filess, using Rep port Definitio on Obje ects and Vissual Gen nRepoX. Visual LandPro also gen nerates Data a Sheet Repo orts. Here th he user can select which h “bands” of data should d be included in the reporrt, as well as s specifying th he relative position p of each band. 31 32 33 t predefined d reports and d report wiza ards, Visual LandPro ha as a powerfu ul feature we e call In addition to “snapshots s“ – reports which w look similar s to list grids. The u user can sim mply modify the grid (dra ag or resize colum mns), apply filters f and click on the prrint button to o create a ne ew report acccording to th hat grid. SNAPSHOT TS can also be exported d to EXCEL and a MS-WO ORD (and in various instances also tto .DBF and XML file es) Another imp portant part of o Visual LandPro is the grraphical representatiion of the va arious land records s. We accomplishe ed that by crreating our own ma apping Active eX control (Bas seline USA)) using Microsoft Visual C. Quantifiable busine ess benefitts. Perhaps the e most signifficant feature e offered by Visual Land dPro is the tiimesaving. For example e, our ability to auttomatically calculate c min ning producttion royalty cchecks in a m matter of secconds. Our data entry and ca alculation process is com mpleted with hin a small frraction of the e time that itt used to takke when doing it man nually or via a spreadshe eet program m. The financia al benefits to o our clients were tremen ndous. Usin ng Visual La andPro impro oved producctivity and efficiency of practic cally every member m of the company’ s land department. Eve eryone now h had immediate access a to rep ports, maps, scanned do ocuments – all with just a couple of mouse clickks. Anyone fam miliar with Mic crosoft Offic ce, Windows 98, and IE5 5 finds himse elf or herselff right at hom me when workin ng in Visual LandPro - th his translates in reduced d training tim me thus decrreasing costss. Visual LandPro produce es critical rea al-time reports on a vari ety of issuess, including A Acreage Inventories, Payment Obligations, O Rental R Inquirry Letters, D Division of Intterest Calculations, Tran nsfers of Interests, an nd, most imp portantly, Tittle History. These T reporrts, if they we ere to be done manuallyy, would take hours, days, and, in the case of o Division Order O calcula ations, perha aps even weeks to comp plete. Visual LandPro reduces s this to prac ctically minuttes. Also, end-us sers want to o be able to create c their own o “custom m-reports”, w without becoming familia ar with 3rd party pro oducts such as FoxFire, R&R, or Cry ystal Reportss. We deve eloped the “S Snapshot” re eports: these reportt formats are e automatica ally created, and are bassed on the ccurrent layou ut of the activve listview window w, specific to o the records s being displayed based d on our data a filters, keeping us from m to having to wrrite immeasu urable numb ber of reports s for our clie ents! Regarding data d entry, we w include nu umerous Da ata Entry Wizzards, greatly expediting g the data-en ntry process. Our goal was to provide fo or basic leas se informatio on to be ente ered in 3 to 5 minutes. 34 Why Visual FoxPro was chosen. Reliability and performance were two of the main reasons to choose Visual FoxPro over other development environments. Visual FoxPro has a very powerful internal database engine allowing us to create a relatively cheap product version for small to mid-size customers. At the same time, we are able to create a client/server solution for our large customers, without changing the rest of the code. Visual FoxPro’s powerful object model gives us the ability to create a robust solution relatively quickly without loosing the advantage of having good maintainability. The result is a low TCO (total-cost-ofownership), one of the main goals in today’s world of software development. Also, Visual FoxPro is a great tool to create middle-tier components. Together with Microsoft Transaction Server, this allows us to create scalable components without changing the existing code, breaking the old myth of “starting over from scratch with every new product version”. Development challenges and how they were overcome. Incorporate different business aspects of land documents, including maps, technical data, owner data, lease descriptions, ownership issues, acreage issues, mineral rights by depth, and ownership conveyance issues. VFP allowed us to integrate all the different business aspects (applications) required to have a complete understanding of these land management issues through ActiveX controls, browser interface, and three-tiered design. Flexibility on the back end (data-tier). In order to access different databases (including VFP Data, SQL Server and Oracle), we use controller objects that talk to data. We designed this similar to the modern ADO technology, using data objects. Controller objects talk to data and hand it over to the middle tier. Since all the modified data is present in the form of objects, it can be handed over to all kinds of interfaces, thus meeting changing customer requirements. Allow end-users to create reports. We created an OO FRX-creation engine we use in all report wizards and snapshots. 4 We needed a way to quickly receive error messages from our users. The Visual LandPro error-handler uses FoxPro Foundation Classes. It stores comprehensive information about the bug and the environment at the time of the error, then it allows the user to email it to our email address for technical support. Handling Binary documents. These are usually scanned graphic images. They may be anywhere on the network, or on CD-Roms. The major problem was different workstation drive mappings. Handling complex grids and filters in a generic fashion. List views are built on the fly. All the columns in grids are subclasses of regular column classes which was a rather large challenge since VFP doesn’t support using different column classes in the Visual Class Designer. Our grids handle standard tasks such as resorting, filtering and alike automatically. Grids (and the attached fill-in-theblank filters) are configured using our special grid-builder. We needed to provide an easy way for “filters” to be created and accessed at different times. We created a powerful filter wizard system, which automatically gathers information from the database, and grants access to almost all filter options supported by Visual FoxPro. 35 ses, multiple e users need ded simultaneous accesss to the sam me documentt. We developed an In many cas “Automatic Conflict C Res solution” eng gine, where we w provide a way to auto omatically m merge chang ges, in a fashion simiilar to Visuall Sourcesafe e. Visual LandPro attem mpts to merg ge the chang ges on its ow wn, but if it gets confu used, it asks the user to help decide how to procceed (see th he figure belo ow). ould not han ndle complex x databases. We wrote a OO GenD DBC-like classs which cre eates GENDBC co and maintains complex databases. The class is s maintained d automatica ally by a builder we crea ated. The busines ss problem required r a ve ery flexible way w of viewin ng and editin ng data. We e achieved th his goal by using HT TML within our applicatio on. The userr can modifyy those HTML screens to o set up his/h her own views, edit forms f and bu usiness rules. Implementin ng the World d Wide Web was very im mportant for o our users. W We tie into va arious sourcces of content inclu uding our ow wn web site as well as th hird party sittes such as M Microsoft Exxpedia Mapss. 36 VISUAL L LANDP PRO REP PORTS VLP can generate over 270 “canned d reports”, plus p it allowss you to mod dify most of tthese, plus yyou can use a 3rd pa arty Report Writer W called Dilmad Rep port Writer to o write your o own “custom m” reports. ports Class whitepaper w on o this subje ect. Call us for a more d detailed list o of reports, or visit See our Rep our website. The next few f pages display a few reports, to g give you a fe eeling on our report style e and quality. 37 LANDPR RO EXP PRESS IN NFORMA ATION Landpro Exp press is Landp pro’s latest on nline lease ma anagement too ol specific for field landmen n and small companies. This T online sofftware lets you quickly generate: Leases Memora andum of Leases Addendu um of Leas se Lease Pu urchase Re eports (LPR R) Various Lease Schedules Lease Ex xhibit A’s Instrument Data Sheets S (Cha ain of Title Instrumen nts) Tract Miineral Ownership Rep ports Tract Da ata Sheets / Runshee ets Leaseho old Summary Reports s Various Data Shee ets (Leases s, Tracts, Owners, O etcc) Custom “Snapshott” Reports Custom MS S-Word Template Ediitor allows field landm men to crea ate their ow wn custom m lease forms. a landmen to sav ve their da ta as “priv vate”, so th hat other brrokers Our security model allows me organiza ation canno ot modify itt. in the sam An optiona al LANDPRO O BROKER IMPORT MODULE M allo Excel works sheets ows easy import of E created by y LandPro Express. E pro Broker Import Module will un ndoubtedly y save your lease ana alyst counttless The Landp hours. We e estimate a time sav ving of betw ween 70-8 0% of the e time it wo ould take to set up the leas se manuallly. e of the num merous Training Video Clips now ava ailable to lea arn more abo out Landpro Watch some Express at our o website. See the new w LANDPRO O EXPRESS S (SQL-versio on of the oriiginal Brokerrmate360), a at om 38 Examples of o a few reportts generated automatically by LANDPRO EXPRESS 39 Another OG GM Lease sa ample (remember... you can create / modify your own Lease e Templatess) 40 Memorandu um of Lease Example 41 Examples of o a Lease Addendum and of a Dra aft, automatically generated d in LandPro Express 42 43 44 45 ase Purchase Report (Pa age 1) generated by LAN NDPRO EXPRESS Sample Lea 46 hase Reportt sample (PA AGE 2) Lease Purch 47 Thinkge eo MapS Suite GIS S Editorr (LandP Pro Edition) 48 49 Ask us also about our new n LandPro o Pluging forr ArcGIS, ge eared for com mpanies thatt already are e familiar with h ArcGIS, bu ut need the ability a to link and displayy LandPro da ata on their m maps. 50 Set “relates”, for examp ple into TOBIIN GIS data files 51 52 Free TE EXAS SURV VEY layer (TX X Railroad Commission n data) 53 ers (BLM da ata). Online automatic d ownload via a Thinkgeo’ss cloud serve er. FREE Jeffersonian Laye 54 Linking g to Lan ndPro Subtrac S cts Creating the e bridge betw ween the Vis sual LandPro 2000 data abase and th he Map Suite e polygons ta akes a few simple steps, s assum ming the data has been setup within n the databasse. The brid dge is create ed by using the Trract and Sub btract ID’s lo ocated within n the Visual L LandPro 200 00 database e. ser creates a Jeffersonia an or Metes & Bounds p polygon for tthe first time e on the proje ect the When the us system auto omatically crreates a new w file structurre (If not pre eviously done e) that puts Tract and Subtract into the attriibute table. When the us ser finishes creating a Jeffersonian or Metes & Bounds polyygon and clicks on Save e the system will bring up the attribute tab ble for that in ndividual po lygon giving g the user the e ability to e enter the Tract and Subtract immediately. The ID’s mu ust match ex xactly with what w is in Visual LandPro o 2000 or the e system will skip over th hat record when n the user go oes to Link the t feature. 55 LANDPR RO SMAR RT MAPS Generate a number of “smart-maps s”, utilizing LIVE LandPro o data, quickkly and easily! Lease Expirrations Maps s: By Year Y By Quarter Q By Month M Lease Statu us Maps HBP P Leas sed Less sees Less sors Resp ponsible Parrties Operators Statu us Codes Type e Codes Basin Codes Spec cial Provisions Regions Distrricts Lease Intere est Maps Roya alty/ORR Bu urdens Entitty Net Reven nue Interest (NRI) WI Participant P NRI N Roya alty/ORRI In nterests Roya alty Owners Working Int. Ow wners ses, the userr is presente ed with the option o to gen nerate the re esulting layerr as a Separrate In many cas Layer (rathe er than as a FILTER with hin the curre ent layer) 56 LandPrro Info Tools Click on any y LandPro polygon, see LIVE LANDPRO DATA! 57 c of title instruments, mineral ow wnership, payyment historry, Working Interest Landpro datta (leases, chain data, specia al provisions, etc) are dis splayed in th he appropria ate LandPro Info Tools w windows. This data ca an also be easily exporte ed to Excel. Simply righ ht-click on it, and select Export to Exxcel. 58 LANDPRO Coal Mining Production Royalty Module Mining Revenue Distribution Module Schematic MINE (Well) TRACTS LEASES Setup Royalty Formulas (Mining Specific) Mineral Ownership Surface Ownership Subsidence Ownership Links to the Mine (Well) record. Must total 100% Must be 100% Leased STEP 1. Enter Monthly Production, on a per-tract basis. Specify Tons Produced, $/Ton, Acre-Ft Mined, etc… GIS Mapping. (optional) Link Subtract to GIS Feature Sub-Tracts (developed / Undev.. Acres Recoups Master STEP 2. Split Monthly Production (Takes Recoups under consideration) STEP 3. Print Royalty Receipts Print Royalty Checks Print Check Register INITIAL SETUP 1 Setup Tracts and corresponding Mineral and Surface Ownership information 2 Setup Leases. Associate them to the tracts. Specify Mining Royalty Burdens in the Lease / Mining Obligations area. MONTHLY PROCESSING 1 Enter Monthly Mining Production (Tons Mined / Tons Sold / $/Ton / Acres Mined / Acre Feet Mined / etc…). Print Production Status Report 2 Split Monthly Mining Production. Run various “split” reports (by Tract, by Payee, by Lease). Takes “recoups” / advance royalty payments under consideration. 3 Print Applied Payment Report for approval. 4 Print Mining Check Receipts 5 Print Mining Checks 6 Print Check Register. 59 P add-on Mo odule geared d for mining The Mining Revenue Diistribution Module is an optional VLP a designe ed to provide e a quick and d easy interfface to the p process of re evenue distriibution companies and for coal, lign nite, and other hard mine erals. Basic work-flow / Generral Steps inc clude: Set up u Leases and a appropriate Royalty payment forrmulas Set up u any “reco oupables” pa ayments spe ecific to each h Lease Ente er Monthly Production da ata specific to t each Tracct Splitt the monthly y production to the vario ous royalty fo ormula owne ers Printt royalty che ecks Each of the above phas ses is accom mpanied by itts appropriatte custom re eport(s) STEP 1. LE EASE SETU UP. SPECIF FY ROYALT TY FORMUL LA(S) FOR E EACH LEASE Each lease can have multiple royaltty calculation n formulas ssetup. VLP w will then take under consideratio on the “highe er” of the varrious formula as. See ne ext image forr the formula a data entry window. 60 Mining Roya alty Calculattion Formula a Lease Edit Window 61 STEP 2. EN NTER MONT THLY PROD DUCTION / BY TRACT Example of Monthly Pro oduction Enttry Window 62 STEP 3 – SPLIT S MONT THLY PROD DUCTION ning Split Sample Min Report (By Tract). This reportt can also be run by PAYEE P and by LEASE. 63 Maintainin ng the Miniing Payme ent Apply Table T To access this table, fro om the File / Open / Optiional, selectt the Mining Payment Ap pply Table iccon. Once the Monthly Produ uction record ds are SPLIT T, the resultting royalty p payment obliigation detaiil line items are po osted to this table. They y will remain here until th he Productio on Royalty C Checks proce ess is done. You may ed dit numerous fields in the Apply y Payments Table, T including Re ecoup Amounts. 64 MINING PR RODUCTION N ROYALTY Y RECEIPT 65 MINING PR RODUCTIO ON ROYALTY CHECK K Please P con ntact LAND DPRO for more m inform mation and d/or a LIVE E DEMO Call 281-363-42 2 13 or emaiil SALESIN NFO@LAN NDPRO.CO OM 66
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