T a n e y C o u n t y P l a n n in g C o m m is s io n P. O. Box 383 • Forsyth, Missouri 65653 Phone: 417 546-7225 / 7226 • Fax: 417 546-6861 website: www.taneycounty.org AGENDA TANEY COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 2014, 7:00 P.M. COUNTY COMMISSION HEARING ROOM TANEY COUNTY COURTHOUSE Call to Order: Establishment o f Quorum Explanation o f Public Hearing Procedures Presentation o f Exhibits Governing Statutes Public Hearing: Branson Sports Club\ Variance Request Review and Action: Minutes, April 2014 Old and New Business: Tentative Adjournment. TANEY COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT VARIANCE STAFF REPORT HEARING DATE: May 21, 2014 CASE NUMBER: 2014-0004V APPLICANTS: Branson Sports Club Inc. / Larry & Pam Dapprich LOCATION: The subject property is located at 418 Buchanan Road, Branson, MO; Branson Township; Section 8, Township 23, Range 21. REQUEST: The applicants, the Branson Sports Club Inc / Larry & Pam Dapprich are requesting a variance from Section 7, Table 3, (Lot Size & Frontage Requirements) of the Taney County Development Guidance Code and Article 9, Section 3, Table 1 of the Taney County Subdivision Regulations concerning the two (2) acre minimum lot size. BACKGROUND and SITE HISTORY: The subject property is an approximately 2.32 acre (per Branson Sports Club Minor Subdivision Plat) meets and bounds described tract of land also known as Lot 1 of the (Un-Recorded) Cedar Ridge Subdivision. On June 16, 2003 the Taney County Planning Commission issued Division III Permit 2003-0024 authorizing the development of a gymnasium (Branson Sports Club, Inc.) and six (6) storage units. On July 21, 2005 the Taney County Regional Sewer District approved Septic Permit 2005-0199 for the construction of an engineered, advanced septic system that was to serve both the Branson Sports Club and also the Little Ones Learning Center (owned by Larry & Pam Dapprich) located on the adjoining property to the East. The applicant’s are now wishing to subdivide the 2.32 acres property in question into two (2) lots. If the variance is approved Lot 1 would be +/- 1.09 acres and would consist of the Branson Sports Club and Lot 2 would be +/- 1.23 acres and would consist of the existing mobile home, storage building and the advanced septic system serving the Branson Sports Club and the Little Ones Learning Center. A copy of the Branson Sports Club Minor Subdivision has been attached for your review. Board of A djustm en t Variance Staff R eport - B ranson Sports Club, Inc. / Larry & Pam Dapprich - 2 0 1 4 0004V Page 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The property in question is an approximately 2.32 acre meets and bounds described tract of land, located at 418 Buchanan Road, Branson. The applicants, the Branson Sports Club Inc / Larry & Pam Dapprich are requesting a variance from Section 7, Table 3, (Lot Size & Frontage Requirements) of the Taney County Development Guidance Code and Article 9, Section 3, Table 1 of the Taney County Subdivision Regulations concerning the two (2) acre minimum lot size. Per the provisions of these regulations, the minimum lot size for a property served by an on-site wastewater treatment system is two (2) acres. REVIEW: The applicants have indicated that the property in question was donated to the Branson Sports Club with the intent of separating the personal property owned by Mr. & Mrs. Dapprich (the mobile home and storage building) from the property owned by the Branson Sports Club, LLC a non-profit 501 (C) 3. The applicants have indicated that it will be extremely difficult to continue to operate the Branson Sports Club as a non-profit entity with the other structures (the mobile home and storage building) being located on the same lot. No further development of the property is planned or even possible due to the space limitations of the site; with the existing structures and wastewater treatment system occupy much of the property. The applicants have further indicated that if the variance request is granted, a private sanitary sewer easement will be drafted and filed with the Recorder of Deeds, ensuring access to sanitary sewer for Lot 1 via the shared septic system area located upon Lot 2. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS OF APPROVAL: Per the requirements of Missouri Revised Statutes the Board of Adjustment shall have the have the following powers and it shall be its duty: “Where, by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness, shape or topography or other extraordinary or exceptional situation or condition of a specific piece of property, the strict application of any regulation adopted under sections 64.845 to 64.880 would result in peculiar and exceptional difficulties to or exceptional and demonstrable undue hardship upon the owner of the property as an unreasonable deprivation of use as distinguished from the mere grant of a privilege, to authorize, upon an appeal relating to the property, a variance from the strict application so as to relieve the demonstrable difficulties or hardships, provided the relief can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without substantially impairing the intent, purpose, and integrity of the zone plan as embodied in the zoning regulations and map.” Board of A djustm en t Variance Staff Report - B ranson Sports Club, Inc. / Larry & Pam Dapprich - 2 0 1 4 0004V Page 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: If the Taney County Board of Adjustment approves this variance request, the following requirements shall apply, unless revised by the Board: 1. Approval of a variance from the two (2) acre minimum lot size requirement, allowing the property in question to be re-platted, to consist of Lot 1 which shall be approximately 1.09 acres in size and Lot 2 which shall be approximately 1.09 acres in size. 2. A private sanitary sewer easement shall be drafted and filed with the Taney County Recorder of Deeds Office, ensuring access to sanitary sewer for Lot 1 (the Branson Sports Club) and also the property description of the tract of land containing the Little Ones Learning Center via the shared septic system area located upon Lot 2. 3. Compliance with all of the other provisions of the Taney County Development Guidance Code. 4. The Decision of Record shall be filed with the Taney County Recorder’s Office within 120 days or the approval shall expire (Chapter 7.3.4 Taney County Development Guidance Code). Board of A d ju stm e n t Variance Staff R eport - B ranson Sports Club, Inc. / Larry & Pam D apprich - 2 0 1 4 0004V Page 3 Av TANEY COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION and AFFIDAVIT FOR VARIANCE OR APPEAL (Circle one) Variance ($125.00) Appeal ($125.00) PLEASE PRINT DATE A pplicant Branson Sports Club Inc. /Larry Dapprich Phone417-334-5927 Address, City, State, Zip 4 1 8 Buchanan Rd_____________________________ Representative L arrY D a p p ric h ____________________________ Phone4 1 7 -5 9 8 -0 5 8 7 Owner o f Record Branson Sports Club _______________ Signature:________________________ Name o f Project- Branson Sports Club Minor Subdivision ' fir tijfc * , J , 7a. i / c j s Section of Code Protested: (office entry) f x r t i o * 1 'J&b/c -? y r vr. /ortsnrsiY / (■>&..<.-/a.^r.c C av e. ‘M Address and Location o f site: 418 Buchanan Rd., Branson Mo. 65616_______ ^ _ Subdivision (if applicable) Branson Sports Club Minor Subdivision_______________ Section 8 Township ^ 3 Range ^ Number of Acres or Sq. Ft. Approx. 2.32__________ Parcel Number 08_3.0-08-000-000-018.000 Does the property lie in the 100-year floodplain? (Circle one)___________Yes X X X X X XX ^0 Required Submittals: | ’/ ] Typewritten legal description o f property involved in the request Postage for notifying property owners within 600 feet o f the project | Proof o f public notification in a newspaper o f county-wide circulation ^Proof o f ownership or approval to proceed with request by the owner Sketch plan/survey of the project which completely demonstrates request Please give a complete description o f your request on page two. 4*7' D escribe in d e ta il th e reason fo r vour req u est; Please see Exhibit "A" VERIFICATION In signing this application, I fully understand, and will comply with, the responsibilities given me by the Taney County D evelopm ent Guidance Code. I certify that all subm ittals are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that my request may or may not be approved by the Taney County Planning C om m ission’s Board O f Adjustm ent. V / z - i ) n S ignature o f A pplicant D ate o f A pplication ST A T E O F M IS S O U R I S.S. On this ,201 day o f CO U N TY OF TANEY B efore me P ersonally appeared , to me know n to be the person described in and w ho execute& ^he foregoing instrum ent. In testim ony W hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed m y official seal, at m y office in Forsyth, M o. T he day and year first above w ritten. M y term o f office as N o tary Public w ill expire 2/6/20 yT. S 17 / ........... / s . NOTARY f , ; SEAL ,-fe r B O N ITA K IS S E E -S O U T E E My commission Expires February 6,2018 Taney County Comittlsilon #10440057 B o n ita K issee, N o tary P ublic A Exhibit "A" W e are requesting a variance from the provisions of A rticle 9, Section 3, T able 1 of the T a n e y C o un ty Su bd ivisio n R egulations and S e ctio n 7, T able 3 of the Taney County D evelopm ent G u id a n c e C o d e concerning the m inim um lot size for a single-fam ily dw elling and a sports club use w hich are each served by sep arate on-site w astew ater system s. The current lot size is approxim ately 2.32 a c re s and co nsist of the Branson Sports Club building, a m obile hom e trailer that has its own septic, a storage building and a advanced drip se w er system that se rvice s the B ran son Sp o rts C lu b and Little O n es Learning C enter on an adjoining property. R ecen tly this original property w as donated to the Branson Sports C lu b with the intent of separating the section with the m obile hom e and storage lot off and back to the original ow ners "Larry and Pam Dapprich" P le a se se e attached "Contract for exchange of real estate". T h e new B ran son Sports C lu b M inor Su bd ivisio n would consist of Lot 1 w hich would be approxim ately 1.09 acre s and Lot 2 w hich w ould be approxim ately 1.23. Lot 1 has the Branson Sp o rts C lu b Building on it and Lot 2 has the m obile home, a storage building and the advanced se w er system . Exhibit "B" show s the current layout of the property that w e are requesting to be split. Exhibit "C" show s the entire subdivision with the current property. T his subdivision already has m ultiple properties that have been split le ss than 2 acres. W e are wanting to get this property split so that the Branson Sports C lu b w hich is a non-profit 501 (c)3 will be on its own property and personal interest on lot 2 will rem ain personal interest. It will be extrem ely difficult to operate the B ran so n Sports C lu b as a non-profit with th ese other structures on the land and it is not in the best interest of all parties involved. No further developm ent of the land is intended or even p ossib le due to the sp a ce that the existing structures and system take up. If this varia n ce is granted, a private e asem e n t for sanitary sew er between Lot 1 and Lot 2 will be drafted and recorded which will be a perpetual e asem en t and run with the land. E xh ib it "B" Legend n Parcels Roads §gj Lakes f~) Corporate Limits O Parcel ID 08-3.0-08-000-000-018.000 Alternate ID n/a Sec/Twp/Rng 8-23-21 Class n/a Acreage n/a Property Address 418 BUCHANAN RD BRANSON Townships Owner Address BRANSON SPORTS CLUB INC 418 BUCHANAN ROAD BRANSON MO 65616-8713 District 4CWX Brief Tax Description PT SWSE4 KNOWN AS LT 1 CEDAR RIDGE SUB (UNRECORDED (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Last Data Upload: 4/21/2014 2:26:38 AM SchnaidBf The -Sehjie dc.- Ciaipwaiiian ^ v * r ,n i- n K d n r c n r p c iy n . E xh ib it "C " n Parceis Roads Lakes [~1 Corporate Limits Q 1 226 Townships ft Last Data Upload: 4/21/2014 2:26:38 AM ^ W jP The &chn»da-‘ {taoBcatfen Schnofcto WMr*' stfKwatereetp vtxn O F F IC E O F T A N E Y C O U N T Y 911 A D M IN IS T R A T O R I h e re b y c ertify th a t th e m in o r s u b d iv isio n s h o w n o n th is p la t h a s b e en a p p ro v e d b y th e T a n e y C o u n ty 911 A d m in is tra to r. MINOR SUBDIVISION BRANSON SPORTSCLUB D E S C R IP T IO N AND E X E C U T IO N O F PLAT: T h e u n d e rs ig n e d B R A N S O N S P O R T S C L U B , IN C ., a M is s o u ri n o t f o r profit c o rp o ra tio n , d o e s h e re b y c e r tif y th a t it is o w n e rs in F e e S im p le o f th e fo llo w in g d e s c r ib e d p a re d o f la nd. P A R T O F T H E S W 1 /4 0 F T H E S E 1/4 S E C T IO N 8 , T 23N , R 21W , T A N E Y C O U N T Y , M IS S O U R I BRYAN W. STALLINGS Wo^RANTY DEE0 BY CORPORATION BOOK 450. PAGE 441 1 -44 1 3 D E S C R IP T IO N : A ll o f th a t p art o f th e S W 1 /4 o f th e S E 1 /4 , S e c tio n 8, T o w n s h ip 2 3 , R a n g e 21, d e sc rib e d a s fo llo w s: B e g in n in g a t th e S o u th e a st c o m e r o f th e E l / 2 o f th e S W 1 /4 o f th e SE1/4 o f S e c tio n 8, th e n c e W 3 2 7 .3 2 fe e t, th e n ce N 3 3 4 .5 7 fee t, th e n c e E 3 2 7 .3 2 fe e t, th e n c e Souih to th e p o in t o f b e g in n in g . S a id la n d h a s b e en su rv e y e d a n d su b d iv id e d in th e m a n n e r s h o w n h e re o n a n d sa id su b d iv isio n is to b e h e re a f te r k n o w a s B R A N S O N S P O R T S C L U B , a m in o r s u b d iv is io n . T tis p la t d o c s not in v o lv e th e c re a tio n o f an y n e w s tr e e t, r ig h ts - o f -w a y o r ro a d s. A ll u til ity ease m ents sh o w n h e re o n a re re lin q u is h e d a n d d e d ic a te d to th e u se o f th e a p p ro p ria te u tility c o m p a n y . B R A N S O N S P O R T S C L U B , I N C ., is th e so le o w n e r o f th e p r o p e r ty describ e d h e re o n , w h ic h is w ith in th e s u b d iv is io n r e g u la tio n ju r is d ic tio n o f th e C o u n ty o f T a n e y , a n d tha: w e fre ely a d o p t th is p la n o f s u b d iv is io n a n d d e d ic a te to p u b lic u s e a ll a re a s s h o w n o n th is p la t a s casem ents o r d e fic ie n t R ig h t o f W a y , e x ce p t th o s e sp e c ific a lly in d ic a te d a s p r iv a t e , a n d thac w e w ill m a in ta in a ll s u c h a re a s u n til th e o ffe r o f d e d ic a tio n is a c c e p te d b y th e a p p ro p r ia te p u b lic authority. IN T E S T I M O N Y W H E R E O F , th e u n d e rs ig n e d h a v e h e re u n to s e t th e ir h a n d s a n d se al this ________________ d a y o f , __________________________, 2 0 1 4 . B R A N S O N S P O R T C L U B , IN C ., a M iss o u ri n o t f o r p ro fit C o r p o r a tio n K E R R Y M O R R O W , P re sid e n t ACKNOW LEDGM ENT: S ta te o f M isso u ri C o u n ty o f T a n e y _, 2 0 1 4 , b e fo re m e p e r s o n a lly a p p ea re d K erry M o rro w to _ day o f _ m e k n o w , w h o , b e in g b y m e d u ly s w o r n d id sa y th a t s h e is p r e s i d e n t o f B R A N S O N S P O R T S C L U B , I N C ., a n o t fo r p ro fit c o rp o r a tio n o f th e S ta te o f M is s o u ri, a n d th a t the se al a ffix e d to fo re g o in g in stru m e n t is th e c o rp o r a te se al o f s a id C o r p o r a tio n , a n d th a t sa id instrum ent w a s sig n e d a n d s e a le d in b e h a lf o f sa id C o r p o r a tio n b y a u th o rity o f its B o a r d o f D ire c to r; a n d sa id K erry M o r ro w a ck n o w le d g e sa id in stru m e n t to b e th e fre e a ct a n d d e e d o f s a id C orp o ratio n . IN T E S T I M O N Y W H E R E O F , I h a v e h e re u n to se t m y h a n d a n d a ff ix e d my o ffic ia l se a l, a t m y o f fic e i n _________________________________ th e d a y a n d y e a r first a b o v e w ritten. N o ta ry P u b l ic :_________________________________ P r in te d N a m e :_________________________________ M y C o m m is s io n E x p ir e s :. K n o w n a ll m e n b y th e se p re se n ts: T h a t I, K en n e th J. B u c h a n a n , d o h e re b y d e c la re th a t th is p la t w a s p r e p a re d u n d e r m y p e rso n a l s u p e rv is io n fro m a n a c tu a l s u r v e y o f th e la n d h e re in d e s c r ib e d , p r e p a re d by R o z ell S u r v e y , d a te d S e p te m b e r 0 3 , 2 0 1 3 , a n d s ig n e d b y K e n n e th J. B u c h a n a n , L .S . N O . 2 3 4 0 , in d th a t the c o m e r m o n u m e n ts a n d lot c o m e r p in s s h o w n h e re in w e re p la c e d u n d e r th e p e rsonal s u p e rv is io n o f K e n n e th J. B u c h a n a n , L .S . N o . 2 3 4 0 , in a c c o rd a n c e w ith th e c u r r e n t "M issouri M in im u m S ta n d a rd s fo r P ro p e rty B o u n d a ry " s u r v e y s a n d th e s u b d iv is io n r c g u la tio n s o f T a n e y C o u n ty , M iss o u ri. D IA m K A Y U E B O U J 1 -8. 2 4 2 4 K E N N E T H J . B U CH AM AN I S . 2 3 4 0 , P S -8 . 1307 SURVEYED FOR: ALL PLATS THAT DO NOT SHOW A SAL lUPtSMT M RED MK UA1 HAVE BED) FRAUDULENTLY ALTRED. ALL MFORUATION SHCULD BE DISREGARDED UNLESS VEKF1ED BY THE PROFESSIONAL. LAW SURVEYOR WHOSE S1CNMURE APfEARS ON THIS DOCUMENT. BRANSON SPORTS C LU B , INC. LARRY L. AND PAMELA S. DAPPRICH SECTIONAL MAP R 21 W DATE: 3 -5 -2 0 1 4 CHECKED BY: ROZELL S U R VEY CO . 1031 f. BATTLEFIELD STE 118 SPRINGSELD. MISSOURI 65807 ( IN FEET ) 1 in c h = 40 ft. BK0 t*2 OPG75 I 0 £23 13 L_ 13? - O i s f REC. FEE: 29, m PAGESt 3 ro b e rt a M im l re c o rd e r o f t a h e y c m w n , m» » o h e r e b y CERTIFY THAT THE »3TB3JJ INSTRUMENT OF WR1TIHG, SAS* OH AT lit8»:45 ASH DULY FILED FOR R E C O R D AMD IS RECORDED IM THE R E C O R D S OF THIS OFFICE. IW BOOK VJl-c AT PAGE 75/o-75/2. IS TESTIHOSY WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUST0 SET MY HARD AMD A F F I X E D MY OFFICIAL SEAL AT FORSYTH, H G f AssrjcvJkp 0298943 X T A N E Y C O U N T Y P L A N N IN G C O M M IS S IO N R EC O R D O F D E C IS IO N D I V I S I O N I I I B R A N S O N S P O R T S CLUB, IN C . A N D P A C K R A T S T O R A G E JUN E 1 6, 2 0 0 3 P E R M IT # 0 3 - 2 4 On June 16, 2003 the Taney County Planning Commission (grantor) approved a request by Pamela Dapprich (grantee's) to develop a gymnasium and 6 storage units for commercial use. In accordance with this approval a Division III Permit #03-24 is issued for the property located at the attached legal description. The following Decision of Record details this approval and lists all applicable conditions: Larry and Pamela Dapprich are authorized to construct a gymnasium and 6 additional storage units on property located at 414 Buchanan Road in Sec. 8 and 17 Twp. 23 Rng. 21. With six out of nine Planning Commissioners present, the vote to approve was unanimous. The following conditions shall be complied with: 1. Compliance with the Taney County Development Guidance Code (Divisions II and III permits), that includes plans for the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. Site plan with scale of buildings, streets and onsite parking. Sediment and erosion control Stormwater management Delineation of the 100 year floodplain Utility easements and building line setbacks Land grading permit (if applicable) 2. Compliance letters from the Fire, Sewer, and Water Districts. 3. Maximum number of storage units shall not exceed six (6). 4. The Decision of Record shall be filed with the Taney County Recorder's Office within 120 days. Legal description attached ,DEPUTY BK01»2OPG7 5 I 2 - 02BBB2 In signing this record o f decision I understand that any breach in the terms o f the Division III Record o f Decision will result in the revocation o f this perm it I further agree to abide by and comply with all the requirements o f the Taney County Planning Commission and the Development Guidance Code. Signature, / '< P -— 9 K V W .-& 1 & - i - « Mr r i / ; c. As the D esignated official for the Taney County Planning Commission, I hereby issue the foregoing docum ent as the permit and decision o f record as detailed above. Greg Sm/th, Taney County Planning Comm ission STATE OF M ISSOURI ) day o f i d S.S. On this COUNTY OF TANEY A. 2003 ) Before me personally appeared Greg Smith and Larry and Pamela D apprich to me know n to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrum ent. In testimony W hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my office in Forsyth, M issouri the day and year first above written. My term o f office as Notary Public will expire 2/6/06 A 5 s p u b lic % a no tary Bonita Kissee, N otary Public BONITA KISSEE NOTARY PUBLIC • STATS OF ?SS0UR1 TANEY COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES F & 8,200S All that part o f the N W 14 o f the N E V* lying N o f the County road in Section 17, Tow nship 23, Range 21. And all that part o f the SW 14 o f the SE 14, Section 8, Township 23, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at the SE com er o f the E h alf o f the SW 14 o f the SW % o f said Section 8, thence W 327.32 feet, thence N 334.57 feet, thence E 327.32 feet, thence S to the point o f beginning. F ut i P ro p o sed G ym A pprox. 120’ by 1 5 0 ’ Pi oposed St. ' b\ 60 Fur Fun Future Future BOA Branson Sports Club NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING ''W ill K o l d a p u b l i c n e a r i n g c o n c e r n i n g t. f o l l o w i n g r e q u e s t e d v a r i a n c e o r a p p e a i. licantl R e q u e st: P r o p c r r y L o c a v io n : H e a r i n g L o c a tio n : T a n e y C o u n t y C o u r r h o u s c T im e : 7:OOpm Dace: W e d n e s d a y . P hone: ( 4 m 7~) 5 4 6 -7 2 2 5 l~ V i T a n e y C o u n t y P l a n n in g C o m m is s io n P. O. Box 383 • Forsyth, Missouri 65653 Phone: 417 546-7225 / 7226 • Fax: 417 546-6861 website: www.taneycounty.org MINUTES TANEY COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2014, 7:00 P.M. COUNTY COMMISSION HEARING ROOM TANEY COUNTY COURTHOUSE Call to Order: Chairman Dave Nelson called the meeting to order. A quorum was established with four members present. They were: Dave Nelson, Tony Mullin, Shawn Pingleton, and Tom Gideon. Staff present: Bob Atchley and Bonita Kissee-Soutee. Mr. Atchley read a statement exp!aining the meeting procedures and placed the Taney County Development Guidance Code into evidence as Exhibit A, the staff report as Exhibit B, and the staff files including all pertinent information as Exhibit C, and the Board of Adjustment Bylaws as Exhibit D. The state statutes that empower and govern the Board of Adjustment were read. The speakers were sworn in before their respective hearings. Public Hearing: SMBZ, LLC; a request by Steve Creedon to appeal the Planning Administrator's denial of the Division I Permit application to construct a single-family residence at 172 Moberly Mill Road. The denial was based on the Taney County Development Guidance Code Section 10 (Improvements, Installation, Phasing and Maintenance), a Division I Permit cannot be issued at the aforementioned location until such time that the installation of the road infrastructure serving said lot is guaranteed. The applicant feels the denial is baseless, and is requesting that the County utilize bond funds to construct the road infrastructure within the Mill Creek Phase II Subdivision. Mr. Atchley read the staff report and presented maps and a video of the site. Mr. Creedon addressed the Board and stated that his intent was not to build gravel roads, that in his opinion it is the County's responsibility to install the rest of the roads in the subdivision because a bond was not posted in the beginning. He stated that he would pay for the curb and gutter. Mr. Creedon stated that the remaining roads do not have the final coat of asphalt and in his opinion the County should pay for this as well. Also in Mr. Creedon's opinion because the original developer lost this property to the bank, and could not finish the project, it is not his fault that the roads are not to standards. Mr. Pingleton addressed the Planning Commission decision of record and stated that he sat on the Planning Commission at that time. Mr. Nelson asked Mr. Creedon if he researched the project before he bought the property. Mr. Creedon stated that he did, and clarified which lots he purchased. Mr. Gideon stated that whether or not a bond was in place should be clarified. Mr. Pingleton stated that a bond should have been collected at the time, but whether the County is responsible for the roads is not the Board's responsibility. Robert Olson who lives the closest to the proposed house, stated that the road in front of his house collapsed a few years ago and was never fixed. He said he doesn't care who fixes it, just that it is fixed. There were other property owners present who felt they should not have to shoulder the burden to fix the roads. Mr. Olson also pointed out this makes a decline in property values. Carrie VanSickle stated that as a property owner she did not want another house build on the road that has not been completed. Mr. Nelson closed the public hearing after everyone had spoke. Tom Gideon made a motion to deny the appeal of the Division I permit. Tony Mullen seconded. The vote to deny was unanimous. Dennis & Christine McClintic; a request for a variance from Section 7, Table 3, (lot size and frontage requirements) of the Taney County Development Guidance Code and Article 9, Section 3 Table 1 of the Taney County Subdivision Regulations concerning the two acre minimum lot size. The reason for this request is that the applicant wishes to sell a "dog leg" area to the adjoining property owner who currently utilizes the property as a driveway into his home. Mr. Atchley read the staff report and presented maps and a video of the site. Mr. McClintic addressed the Board and explained he purchased the property about 3 years ago and the previous owner had allowed the adjacent property owner to utilize the property for a driveway and that he cannot access it and it does not access his property even though he owns it. The adjacent property owner has the property for sale so he would like to be able to sell this portion to him to complete his property. Discussion followed regarding where the wastewater system is located and how Mr. McClintic accesses his property. After discussion the public hearing was closed. Tony Mullen made a motion to approve the variance. Shawn Pingleton seconded. The vote to approve was unanimous. Ted Underhill, LLC; a request for a series of variances from the provisions of the Taney County Development Guidance Code, Subdivision Regulations and, Road Standards concerning minimum road right of way width, minimum easement width, and setback variances. The applicant is seeking to convert the development from a condominium style of ownership to a more traditional form of ownership. Mr. Atchley read the staff report and presented maps and a video of the site. Mr. Charlie Engrum representing the applicant explained that this property was abandoned for over 3 years. He explained that the wastewater plant needed to be installed and other things done to be able to sell the property. So a lot of money was spent on the site, therefore why this request is being made to be able to sell the property and recoup the money. Mr. Gideon asked that Mr. Atchley and Mr. Engrum clarify the variance requests. Mr. Pingleton clarified the firewall provision, and that if this request is approved the nightly rental section goes away. Rob Robbins who lives in one of the units stated that in his opinion a change of this type is a good idea. After discuss on the public hearing was closed. Shawn Pingleton made a motion to approve as presented with the addition of the removal of the nightly rental on the May 16, 2011 decision of record. Seconded by Tony Mullen. The vote to approve was unanimous. Review and Action: Minutes, February 2014; with no additions or corrections a motion was made by Shawn Pingleton to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Dave Nelson. The vote to approve the minutes was unanimous. Old and New Business: No discussion. Adjournment: With no other business on the agenda for April 16, 2014 the meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
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