s15s_elci7.fm - 1 Lectures: MWF 3:00-3:50 PM in PL-2650 Lab: TR(see page 4) in NE-2076 Offfice hours: MWF 2.00-3.00 PM in NI-2049 The University of Toledo EECS 2300.005/006 Electric Circuits I Dr. Anthony D. Johnson Electric Circuits I The University of Toledo EECS Department EECS2300.005/006 CRN: 31213 Instructor: Anthony D. Johnson Email: [email protected] Office Hours: MWF 2:00-3:00 P.M. Office Location: NH-2049 Office Phone: 419-530-8176 Term: Spring 2015 Class Location: PL-3050 Class Day/Time: MWF/ 3:00 to 3:50 P.M. Lab Location: NE-2076 Lab Day/Time: Please see the schedule on page 4. Credit Hours: 4 COURSE/CATALOG DESCRIPTION Large-signal and incremental characteristics of the pn diode, BJT, MOSFET and JFET. Large- signal analysis and computer simulation of devices and digital circuits. Logic gate implementation. Laboratory experiments and projects. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Student Learning Outcomes, as accepted by a vote of all program faculty, are listed on page 6. TEACHING STRATEGIES Face-to-face delivery of lectures and printed handouts are delivered in class. Homework set problems from the textbook, and Lab experiment assignments from the printed Lab Manual and postings on the course website (please see pages 5 and 4 of this syllabus) require written and computer generated reports. PREREQUISITES AND COREQUISITES One prerequisite course: EECS:2300 FOR LEVEL UG WITH MIN. GRADE OF D- . REQUIRED TEXTS AND ANCILLARY MATERIALS Bibliographic citation for the required course textbook is shown on page 3. TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS Hand held calculators/computers are allowed on examinations, but are not required. UNIVERSITY POLICIES (REQUIRED AS IS) Policy Statement on Non-Discrimination on the basis of Disability (ADA) The University is a equal opportunity educational institution. Please read The University’s Policy Statement on Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Americans with Disability Act Compliance.) ACADEMIC ACCOMODATIONS (REQUIRED AS IS) The University of Toledo is committed to providing equal access to education for all students. If you have a documented disability or you believe you have a disability and would like information regarding academic accommodations/adjustments in this course please contact the Student Disabiliti Services Office. ACADEMIC POLICIES Only advice not to miss the classes is offered. Professionals are expected to grow up at some time. 1/28/15 s15s_elci7.fm - 2 Lectures: MWF 3:00-3:50 PM in PL-2650 Lab: TR(see page 4) in NE-2076 Offfice hours: MWF 2.00-3.00 PM in NI-2049 The University of Toledo EECS 2300.005/006 Electric Circuits I Dr. Anthony D. Johnson COURSE EXPECTATIONS In absence of a university wide policy on tardeness, students are let to enter the class room at any time - better late than never. No visits to restrooms are allowed during examination time. Policies on credit for Lab and homework reports are stated on pages 4 and 5 respectively; full credit is assigned only under exceptional circumstances. No extra credit. Attendance is taken only to encourage students to attend it works. GRADING No weights are involved. Credit points are equal to percentages, since full credit for the course is 100 points. Distribution of points over Homeworks/Lab/Midterms/Final is shown on page 3. Credits for Homework and Lab reports are provided one week after reports’ due date. Credits for midterms are provided during the next class following the midterm. Midterm Grading Distribution of the midterms’ total numbers of points between three problems depends on the content of problems which is variable from semester to semester. Students’ performance on midterms shows whether they are studying during the whole semester. Final Grading Distribution of the final’s total number of points between three problems depends on the content of problems which changes from semester to semester. COMMUNICATION GUIDELINES Email adresses and phone numbers of the instructor, and Lab assistants and graders are displayed on pages 3 and 4. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Students with inadequate preparation in Mathematics and Physics can benefit from tutoring provided by the institution’s academic and student support services. EECS department does not maintain additional activities other than instructors’ and GAs’ office hours. COURSE SCHEDULE The course calendar by textbook chapter topics per semester weeks is shown on page 3. Alignment of textbook topics with SLOs is not a straight forward matter for a number of reasons. Description of SLO assessment methods occupies a few pages in the ABET assessment report. 1/28/15 s15s_elci7.fm - 3 Lectures: MWF 3:00-3:50 PM in PL-2650 Lab: TR(see page 4) in NE-2076 Offfice hours: MWF 2.00-3.00 PM in NI-2049 The University of Toledo EECS 2300.005/006 Electric Circuits I Dr. Anthony D. Johnson Electric Circuits I SYLLABUS Week 1. Subject Starting 2. 3. 4. January January January February 12 19 26 2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. February February February March March March March April April April April 9 16 23 2 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 Chapter 1 Basic Concepts. Chapter 2 Resistive circuits. Chapter 2 Resistive circuits. Circuit topology. Chapter 3. Nodal and Loop Analysis Techniques. Section 5.3 Thevenin’s amd Norton’s Theorems - introduction. Section 3.1 Nodal Analysis; nodal voltage method. Section 3.2 Loop Analysis; mesh current method. Chapter 4 Operational Amplifiers. Midterm#1 Chapter 5. Additional Analysis Techniques. DC SPICE Analysis. Chapter 6. Capacitance and Inductance. Chapter 7. First- and Second-Order Transient Circuits. Chapter 8 AC Steady-State Analysis Chapter 8 AC Steady-State Analysis. Chapter 9 Steady State Power Analysis. Midterm#2 Chapter 10 Magnetically coupled Networks. Chapter 11 Polyphase Circuits. Goals Understanding the properties of basic electric circuit components and the basic laws of distribution of currents and voltages in electric circuits. Introduction to methods of hand analysis, and computer simulation of electric circuitsof under the steady state DC and AC, and transient conditions. Textbook: J. David Irwin and R. Mark Nelms: Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 10th edition, Wiley, ISBN 9780470633229. Suggested reading: Tuinenga, P.W.: SPICE a Guide to Circuit Simulation & Analyses Using PSpice, Prentice Hall, 1995. Exam policy: Two Midterm Exams (of which the first missed midterm is optional), and a mandatory comprehensive Final examination in the final’s week. Points for one missed midterm are transferred to the Final’s point pool. Missed Final can be taken at the Final’s place and time of any semester in which the course is offered. Missing all three examinations results in failing the course. Grading Policy: Homeworks /Lab/ two Midterms / Final = 14/22/30/34. Instructor: Dr. A. D. Johnson; office NI-2049; phone: x8176, email: [email protected]. Course webpage: http://www.eng.utoledo.edu/~ajohnson/ Grader Ms. Raghupatrini, Sai Santoshi, office: NO Office, office hours: MW 12:00PM, email:[email protected]. 11:00- Location of graders’ office hours in case the grader does not have an office: Nitschke Hall, 2nd floor bridge between.the South and the middle towers. 1/28/15 s15s_elci7.fm - 4 Lectures: MWF 3:00-3:50 PM in PL-2650 Lab: TR(see page 4) in NE-2076 Offfice hours: MWF 2.00-3.00 PM in NI-2049 The University of Toledo EECS 2300.005/006 Electric Circuits I Dr. Anthony D. Johnson 2. Lab information 2.1 Lab Room: NE-2076 - Electic Circuits Lab 2.2 Schedule of Lab Sessions Section Time GA 3400:002 3400:006 T 5:00-7:20PM Akshay Chavan, [email protected] 3400:007 R 5:00-7:20PM Akshay Chavan, [email protected] GA’s office Nitschke Hall, 2nd floor bridge between.the South and the middle towers. GA’s office hours MW 12.00 to 1.00PM MW 12.00 to 1.00PM 2.3 Schedule of Lab Assignments Experiment numbering in this schedule refers to the the Electronics Lab Manual I, by Dr. R.J.King. Semester Lab Experiment week Assignment 3 1 Rediscovery of Ohm’s Law 4 2 Study of Kirchhoff’s Laws 5 3 Meter Circuits 6 4 Wheatstone Bridge Circuit 7 5 DC Circuit Analysys using SPICE 8 6 Kirchhoff’s Laws and Superposition 9 7 The Oscilloscope and the Function Generator 10 8 AC Circuit Analysys 11 9 AC Circuit Analysys using SPICE 12 10 Power in AC Circuits 13 11 Thevenin’s and Norton’s Equivalent Circuits 14 12 2.4 Lab Assignments Description of Lab Assignments are posted on the course webpage: www.eng.utoledo.edu/~ajohnson . Prelab Assignment. To improve the ratio of the time spent building the experimental circuit on the protoboard to the time devoted to the educational experience through experiments on the built circuit, students are required to prepare (carries 25% of the grade) a good quality, computer generated drawing of the physical layout of circuits to be built. Lab report: Computer generated Lab reports are required for full credit. For details, please see the course webpage. Grading Policy: Prelab Assignment / Lab Experiment / Lab Report = 0.5 / 0.75 / 0.75. 1/28/15 s15s_elci7.fm - 5 Lectures: MWF 3:00-3:50 PM in PL-2650 Lab: TR(see page 4) in NE-2076 Offfice hours: MWF 2.00-3.00 PM in NI-2049 The University of Toledo EECS 2300.005/006 Electric Circuits I Dr. Anthony D. Johnson 3. 3.1 Homework schedule Minimal Required Homework Problem set Numbers in the Problem Set Contents column of the following table refer to the problem designations in the course textbook; descriptions of other assignments/problems are posted on the course webpage. Problem Semester Problem numbers Set # week due #1 2 Analysis of problem areas in the exams of the last two semesters posted at the course website: www.eng.utoledo.edu/~ajohnson. #2 3 1.3, 1.5, 1.9, 1.20, 1.27, 1.28, 1.30, 1.31. #3 4 1.33, 1.40, 1.41, 1.46, 2.7, 2.11, 2.17, 2.18 #4 5 2.25, 2.53, 2.62, 2.63, 2.82, 2.111, 2.112, 2.120 #5 6 3.5, 3.8, 3.12, 3.14, 3.21, 3.33, 3.34 3.40. #6 7 3.46, 3.54, 3.62, 3.79, 3.75, 3.82, 3.85, 3.94. #7 8 5.6, 5.14, 5.32, 5.40, 5.49, 5.54, 5.60, 5.63. #8 9 5.67, 5.71, 5.80, 5.81, 5.83, 5.99, 5.100. #9 10 6.3, 6.6, 6.10, 6.44, 6.64, 6.67, 6.80, 6.82. #10 11 7.15, 7.16, 7.21, 7.26, 7.27, 7.28, 7.33, 7.38. #11 12 8.4, 8.5(b), 8.6, 8.7, 8.10,8.15, 8.16, 8.20. #12 13 8.24, 8.26, 8.36, 8.38, 8.51, 8.55, 8.66, 8.77. #13 15 8.69, 8.73, 8.79, 8.82, 8.110, 8.111, 8.120, 8.125. #14 16 9.2, 9.3, 9.9, 9.7, 9.12, 9.24, 9.32, 9.44. The minimum required homework set is the result of a compromise made with the past generations of students who had complained that the double number of problems presented them with too much work. Current students willing to acquire a solid knowledge of the subject are strongly advised to solve twice as many problems, including those from past exams posted on the course homepage. 3.2 Policy on credit for homework assignments For full credit on problem solutions: 3.21 give answers to all questions, 3.22 show the original and auxiliary circuit models with circuiit elements labelled by their parameters (which are not the parameter values), 3.23 indicate in the circuit model the positive reference directions of all voltages and currents which are involved in the solution process, 3.24 provide all symbolic and numerical expressions whose evaluation produces shown numerical results, 3.25 apply the determinant method for solving sets of simultaneous algebraic equations. 1/28/15 s15s_elci7.fm - 6 Lectures: MWF 3:00-3:50 PM in PL-2650 Lab: TR(see page 4) in NE-2076 Offfice hours: MWF 2.00-3.00 PM in NI-2049 The University of Toledo EECS 2300.005/006 Electric Circuits I Dr. Anthony D. Johnson 3.3Policy on submission of Homework Reports 3.31 This policy promotes good planning habits. The fact that something went wrong the morning of the due day does not make a case for delaying the due time. We ought to be prepared for the day when something unusual happens. 3.32 All homework reports (solutions) are due at the beginning of the last class of the week. 3.33 In order to discourage the practice of preparing the reports during the time scheduled for classes, the absolute deadline for handing in the homework reports is five minutes after the time scheduled for the beginning of the class. 3.34 Homework reports handed in after the deadline, but before the beginning of the first class of the next week are accepted for half credit. 3.35 Homework reports are not considered turned in if they are not completly covered by a completely filled out cover sheet posted at the course webpage. 4. ABET Documentation 4.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. EAC and CAC Student Learning Objectives define voltage, current, energy and power in the context of an electric circuit, define the terminal behavior of the basic linear circuit elements, apply Kirchoff's laws to nodal and mesh analysis of a circuit, apply Thevenin's and Norton's theorems to circuit analysis, apply the voltage divider, current divider, superposition, and maximum-power transfer theorems to circuit analysis, perform AC steady state circuit analysis using phasors calculate complex power in an AC system, do transient analysis of first order circuits, analyze circuits containing ideal op-amps., recognize physical circuit elements in the lab and assemble a circuit from a schematic diagram, experimentally measure voltage, current and power, produce a written lab report in a standard format, which includes a brief discussion of relevant theory. design and demonstrate an experimental process to make measurements such as on an unknown one-port network and derive Thevenin and Norton equivalents for the same. 1/28/15 s15s_elci7.fm - 7 Lectures: MWF 3:00-3:50 PM in PL-2650 Lab: TR(see page 4) in NE-2076 Offfice hours: MWF 2.00-3.00 PM in NI-2049 The University of Toledo EECS 2300.005/006 Electric Circuits I Dr. Anthony D. Johnson 4.2 ABET Outcomes Supported EE & CSE EAC 4.3 Outcome Supporting SLOs a 1 through 9 b 13 CAC Outcome Supporting SLOs No CAC outcomes are supported. e 10, 11 g 12 ABET Description of EAC Outcomes 4.3 Description of EAC Outcomes a - An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline. b - An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. e - An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. g - An ability to communicate effectively. 1/28/15
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