FOLLOW. SHARE .WIN . THE BIRDS NEST Stop by the Orioles Social Media Stage to get your special FanFest code for 10 free tokens! Sign up now at and start winning! CONNECT WITH YOUR BIRDS. APRIL GO BEHIND THE SCENES WITH INSIDER ACCESS, PLAYER FEEDS, AND UNIQUE CONTENT ON TWITTER, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM AND MORE. 5 6 The Official Kids Club of the Baltimore Orioles • Official Junior Orioles Dugout Club hat • Dugout Club lanyard • Official Membership Card • Collapsible water bottle 19 26 VS SUNDAY MAY 17 - 1:35 VS TUESDAY MAY 26 - 7:05 VS SUNDAY JUNE 28 - 1:35 VS 1:35 20 1:35 27 7:05 14 11:05 21 7:05 28 3 1:05 11 1:35 18 1:10 MIA 25 10 15 7:07 22 7:05 29 9 7:05 16 7:07 23 7:05 30 10 3:05 11 7:10 18 7:05 25 TOR 17 NYY SUN TOR 7:07 24 TOR 7:05 5 17 4:05 12 BOS 7:05 19 JUNE 5 7:05 12 TOR 19 1:35 26 1 1:05 8 8:10 2 1:35 15 1:07 22 1:35 29 CLE 13 1:35 13 1:08 20 1:10 27 8:10 7 MIN WED 1 8:10 8 MIN 7:05 2 1:10 9 14 THU 7:05 TEX 21 10 7:05 22 7:05 28 ATL 7:05 29 7:05 23 7:05 30 NYY ATL 4 7:05 11 17 7:08 18 1:05 24 7:10 25 7:05 31 ATL 2:10 7:15 WAS DET NYY SAT CWS WAS 16 NYY 8:10 CWS MIN 15 FRI 3 ALL-STAR BREAK DET BOS 26 THU 7:05 20 7:05 27 1 FRI 7:05 2 7:05 9 7:05 16 7:10 23 7:05 30 TB 7:10 7 7:05 14 7:05 21 TBA 28 7:05 8 NYY 15 12:35 22 SEA 7:08 DET TB 6:10 TB 7:05 DET DET HOU 1:05 2 7:05 9 7:15 16 4:05 TB TUE 1:35 3 3:35 10 1:35 17 23 1:35 MIN 24 KC 25 30 31 TB DET 4 WED 10:10 11 7:05 18 10:07 5 10:10 12 7:05 19 8:10 26 OAK SEA OAK 3:05 TEX 10:07 OAK LAA MIA TB MON THU FRI FOR FULL OR PARTIAL SEASON PLANS, CALL 888-848-BIRD LAA MIA 29 SUN 7:05 NYY LAA SEA SAT TB NYY TOR TUE 8:10 3 7:05 10 7:05 17 7:10 24 HOU 9 7:05 16 PHI 23 BOS 7:05 TEX 30 WED 8:10 4 7:05 11 7:05 18 7:10 25 HOU 2:10 5 7:05 12 1:05 19 1:35 26 7:05 6 7:05 13 7:07 20 3:37 6 3:40 13 7:05 20 8:10 8:10 27 7:05 7 OAK SEA 14 SEA KC 1 10:05 8 7:05 21 2:10 28 KC 7:05 15 7:05 22 8:05 29 9:05 7:05 OAK MIN KC 7:05 LAA OAK MIN SAT DET LAA OAK NYM NYM 7:05 27 SUN TBA 7:15 6 1:07 7 1:07 13 1:35 14 7:15 20 1:10 21 1:35 BOS 28 TOR TEX 27 4 3:05 NYY 1:05 8 7:05 15 7:05 2 7:05 9 7:05 16 7:05 23 7:05 30 WED 7:05 MIN TEX 7:05 22 7:05 29 7:05 3 7:05 10 7:05 17 7:05 24 7:05 1 THU 4 TB NYY 8:05 TEX 11 7:10 18 TB TOR 5 7:05 12 7:10 19 25 7:10 26 TOR 2 7:05 3 NYY 1:07 1:05 KC 6:10 TB BOS 7:05 SAT TOR TB WAS TOR 7:07 KC BOS WAS FRI TOR NYY BOS WAS TOR TUE TB BOS TB CLE 1 NYY KC TOR 7:05 MON DUGOUT CLUB DATE NYY TOR CLE SAT CLE NYY PHI BOS FRI CLE BOS PHI BOS THU HOU BOS PHI TOR 28 7:05 BOS NYY 21 TUE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER MON CLE 14 6 HOU HOU VS 7:10 TOR HOU VS 7 6 TB WED SEA TB SUN 2:10 WAS BOS CWS TUE LAA 1:35 MON CWS TOR BOS NYM NYM NYY VS VS 4 SAT AUGUST 4 WEDNESDAY JULY 29 - 7:05 MONDAY SEPT. 28 - 7:05 7:05 7:10 TB CWS MON 1:35 24 VS 8 TOR TB SUNDAY SEPT. 13 - 1:35 7:10 NYY CWS 3 FRI TEX TB BOS 2 THU DATES AND TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE VS MONDAY AUGUST 31 - 7:05 7 NYY SUN 31 • Season subscription to Orioles Kids magazine 3:10 1 WED MAY THURSDAY JULY 2 - 7:05 MONDAY AUGUST 17 - 7:05 • Plus, for Dugout Club games, family and friends will have the opportunity to purchase additional tickets at a special rate! 13 BOS • Member-only giveaway item at every Dugout Club game • All inside an Orioles sling bag! 1:35 BOS SATURDAY MAY 2 - 7:05 TUE TB TOR PUT YOUR FAMILY IN OUR LINEUP! JUNIOR ORIOLES DUGOUT CLUB MON HOME GAME AWAY GAME 12 FANS 14 AND UNDER CAN RECEIVE THESE EXCLUSIVE MEMBER BENEFITS IN 2015: JULY SUN 4:05 BOS 7:05 NYY TO SIGN UP OR LEARN MORE, VISIT THE DUGOUT CLUB BOOTH OR LOG ON TO Kids’ Press Conferences presented by MASN ENTER FANFEST HERE W PRATT ST W PRATT ST S SHARP ST S EUTAW ST S CHARLES ST Baltimore Convention Center W CAMDEN ST PERRY ST S SHARP ST Oriole Park at Camden Yards W CONWAY ST W CONWAY ST W HOWARD ST W HOWARD ST W CONWAY ST FREE TOURS OF ORIOLES CLUBHOUSE AT ORIOLE PARK AT CAMDEN YARDS. ENTER THROUGH HOMEPLATE PLAZA. LAST TOUR BEGINS AT 5:00 P.M. Young O’s fans should be sure to join us in the Kids Theater Room (Room 310) at 11:30, 12:30, 2:00, and 4:00 to participate in our Kids’ Press Conferences throughout the day. Kids will receive their own press credential courtesy of MASN and have the chance to ask some of their favorite Orioles players a question just like members of the media do after a game! Be sure to check the Kids Theater Room schedule on the opposite side of this brochure and on the sign outside of room 310. Tom Clancy Orioles Reading Club Story Time The Orioles would like to thank the following Corporate Sponsors that made FanFest 2015 possible: Orioles Reading Club! Stop by the Kids Theatre Room (Room 310) at 1:15, 2:45, and 4:30 to hear baseball themed books read by Oriole players. Be sure to check the Kids Theater Room schedule on the opposite side of this brochure and on the sign outside of room 310. Orioles Social Media Stage Stay tuned to Orioles social media channels throughout the day as players visit the Orioles Social Media Stage on the 200 level of the Charles Street Lobby to engage with fans both virtually and in person. The Orioles Social Media Stage will offer fans multiple chances to win prizes and autographed items through contests and sweepstakes all day long. Be sure to stop by! #OsFanFest. 60th Anniversary Book Sales Stop by the 60th Anniversary Book Booth to purchase your “Baltimore Orioles: 60 Years of Orioles Magic”. Written by longtime Baltimore sportswriter Jim Henneman and featuring a foreword by Orioles Legend and Hall of Famer Jim Palmer, the book takes us from the return of Major League Baseball to Baltimore through last year’s exciting division title and postseason run. Filled with more than 300 photographs, some of which have never before been released, “Baltimore Orioles: 60 Years of Orioles Magic” is the perfect gift for every Orioles fan. The Orioles have continued the autograph policy which debuted in 2011, designed to support youth charitable endeavors through OriolesREACH and reduce fan disappointment by shortening wait times. Children ages 4-14 will have a specially designated Kids Only player autograph station presented by ESSKAY that is free of charge and will operate continuously throughout the day. All other ESSKAY autograph stations at FanFest require the advance purchase of autograph vouchers for $20 each, presented by through OriolesREACH. There were 250 vouchers available for each autograph session, guaranteeing that each fan purchasing a voucher for a particular session would receive an autograph from each of the players at the station. Fans were able to print their vouchers at home and must present them to the attendant at the appropriate autograph session, shortening the amount of wait time in autograph lines. Fans must be in line for their autograph session no later than 30 minutes after the session begins. All autograph vouchers are sold out for this year’s FanFest. There is a purchase limit of two autograph vouchers per person, per session time. Fans redeeming autograph vouchers must be four years of age or older and may only redeem one voucher per person, per session time. The complimentary Kids Only autograph line at FanFest Players signing in this area will not be announced in advance. Kids ages 4-14 may go through this line as many times as they would like as players rotate through the station. Season Plan Members can access FanFest beginning at 10 to participate in a complimentary autograph session with Zach Britton, Brian Matusz, and Chris Tillman beginning at 10 a.m. at autograph station #1. Event Guide FANFEST ACTIVITIES Player Autograph Station O’s Spring Training & Sarasota Vendors Concessions Restrooms Enter to win a Spring Training Trip Orioles Merchandise (Ages 4-14) Kids Activities 105.7 The Fan Broadcasting Live Vendors KIDS THEATER ROOM 12-3pm IMPORTANT INFORMATION ACCESS TO FANFEST LEVELS Information (Register to win season tickets at all booths) Stairs Escalator Elevator GAME ROOM Rm 301 & 302 ORIOLES STORE & SILENT AUCTION Rm 307 ATM located in the Charles Street Lobby Ticket Sales LOST CHILD? PROMOTIONAL GIVEAWAYS Please visit an information booth for first aid assitance. Rm 308 Rm 309 ENTER PRATT 300 LEVEL GO TO YOUR NEAREST INFORMATION BOOTH PRATT 200 LEVEL ENTER ENTER Face Painters BATTING CAGE & SPEED PITCH @ORIOLES SOCIAL MEDIA CENTER FIELD SPRING TRAINING PHOTOS TO PRATT 300 LEVEL MINOR LEAGUE AFFILIATES PRATT 100 LEVEL Caricatures DUGOUT CLUB KITS SOLD HERE SPRING TICKETS ENTER TO PRATT 200 LEVEL IN CHARLES ST LOBBY SEASON PLAN ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVES presented by 60TH ANNIVERSARY BOOK SOLD HERE ENTER MEET THE BIRD FIELD COCA-COLA FIELD (For fans 14 and under) 11:30-12:00 Fielding Clinic 12:30-1:00 Hitting Clinic 1:30-2:00 Fielding Clinic 3:30-4:00 Pitching Clinic 4:30-5:00 Hitting Clinic 10:30 - 11:00 Orioles Season Plan Members Q&A (Season Plan Members Only) Gary Thorne, host Dan Duquette Buck Showalter Brady Anderson 11:15 - 11:45 Off-Season Chat Jim Hunter, host Tommy Hunter Manny Machado Bud Norris Matt Wieters 12:00 - 12:30 Baseball Operations Jim Hunter, host Dan Duquette Brady Anderson Brian Graham 12:45 - 1:15 Coaching Staff Gary Thorne, host Buck Showalter Dom Chiti Scott Coolbaugh continued in next column Einar Diaz Bobby Dickerson Wayne Kirby John Russell Dave Wallace 1:20 - 1:50 Know Your Teammate Game Ryan Wagner, host Dom Chiti/Dave Wallace Brian Matusz/Zach Britton Darren O’Day/Tommy Hunter 2:00 - 2:30 Pitchers Gary Thorne, host Brad Brach Kevin Gausman Ubaldo Jimenez T.J. McFarland Chris Tillman Ryan Webb 2:40 - 3:10 Hitters Jim Hunter, host Scott Coolbaugh Chris Davis Alejandro De Aza Einar Diaz J.J. Hardy Delmon Young Fan Forum and participants are subject to change. 3:20 - 3:50 Know Your Teammate Game Ryan Wagner, host Steve Pearce/David Lough Ryan Flaherty/Jonathan Schoop Adam Jones/Wayne Kirby 3:55 - 4:10 #PIEDBYJONESY Ryan Wagner, host 4:15 - 4:45 Young Players Jim Hunter, host Tim Berry Dylan Bundy Christian Walker Tyler Wilson Mike Wright 5:00 - 5:30 Media Steve Melewski, host Rich Dubroff Ed Encina Brittany Ghiroli Brett Hollander Roch Kubatko Rob Long Mark Viviano KIDS THEATER ROOM Room 310 11:30 – 12:00 Kids’ Press Conference Presented by MASN • Ryan Wagner, host Zach Britton & Chris Tillman 12:30 – 1:00 Kids’ Press Conference Presented by MASN • Steve Melewski, host Chris Davis & J.J. Hardy 1:15 – 1:45 Tom Clancy Orioles Reading Club Story Time with Bud Norris 2:00 – 2:30 Kids’ Press Conference Presented by MASN • Jim Hunter, host Manny Machado & Matt Wieters 2:45 – 3:15 Tom Clancy Orioles Reading Club Story Time with T.J. McFarland 4:00 – 4:30 Kids’ Press Conference Presented by MASN • Steve Melewski, host Tommy Hunter & Darren O’Day 4:30 – 5:00 Tom Clancy Orioles Reading Club Story Time with Ryan Webb Rm 310
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