ENTE[{ËD 7 March2014 The General Manager The Shopping Centre Councilof Australia Level 1 11 Barrack Street SYDNEY NSW 2OOO Dear Sir/Madam, RE: Licence for Publi The Phonographic Performance Company of Australia Limited (PPCA) wishes to advise that, consistent with its usual practice, it proposes to increase tariff rates, based on the movement in the Consumer Price lndex (CPl) since the last increase for each respective tariff. This will apply to all new licences and/or renewals from 1 July 2014, and generally equates to an increase of around 2.745%. The only exclusions are tariff rates applicable to restaurants and cafes (Tariffs 'R1' and 'R2'). Rates applicable to these tariffs were published when the schemes were launched in September 2009, with rates applying to the period 1 July 2010 through to 30 June 2013 available to be viewed from the link in the'Music Users'section of our website (www.ppca.com.au). Please note however, that PPCA has elected not to as yet apply any increase to the seating capacity cap, but will take a longer phase in approach by suspending any further seating capacity cap increase during the June 2015 financial year. However, for those licence holders who have not provided PPCA with up to date details of their licensing requirements as necessary under Tariffs R1 and R2, PPCA does not propose to extend the phase in and the cap on seating capacities will increase to 100; and the tariff applicable to fitness classes (under Tariff 'V1') , which came into effect on I January 2012. Rates applicable to the periods 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2016 had already been communicated to the fitness industry sector, and can be viewed from the link in the 'Music Users' section of our website. PPCA has many thousands of licences and does not generally advise individual licensees of tariff changes other than at the date of their licence renewals. However, this letter is to give you notice of the proposed fee increases and to give you the opportunity to discuss them with us should you wish to do so, either on your own behalf or on behalf of your members, many of whom are our licensees. A list of tariffs is enclosed. Please note that copies of the CPI adjusted tariffs, effective 1 July 2014, will be placed on our website at http://www.ppca.com.au/music-usersJtariffs-incoming/ . lf you are unable to view or print any of the tariff sheets and wish to obtain a hard copy please e-mail [email protected] or contact Agatha Seeto on (02) 8569-1 129 and we will arrange to foruvard a copy to you. ACN 000 680 704 ABN 43 000 680 704 LEVEL 4, 1 1-17 BUCKINGHAM ST, SURRY HILLS NSW 201O PO BOX Q2O, QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING NSW 1230 T. 02 8569 1 1 00 F. 02 8569 1 1 B3 [email protected] www.ppca.com.au PHONOGRAPHIC PERFORMANCE GOMPANY OF AUSTRALIA LTD REAL MUSIC o REAL ARTISTS. REAL IMPACT PPCA PROVIDES LICENCES FOR THE PUBLIC USE OF SOUND RECORDINGS AND MUSIC VIDEOS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT USERS MAY ALIERNATIVELY OBTAIN LICENCES DIRECTLY FROM ALL RELEVANT COPYRIGHT OWNERS 2 General information about PPCA and its activities can also be found on our website - vwvw.ooca.com.au Your members also have the right to make application to the Copyright Tribunal under s.108 and s.151 of the Copyright Act for the Copyright Tribunal to make an order determining the licence fee applicable to their individual users. Those provisions can be viewed at: http://un¡vw.austlii.edu.aulau/leqis/cth/consol acUca1968133/ Should you have any further queries or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours faithfully, Lynne Small General Manaqer ACN 000 680 704 ABN 43 000 680 704 LEVEL 4, 1 1-17 BUCKINGHAM ST, SURRY HILLS NSW PO BOX Q2O, QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING NSW 1230 T. 02 8569 1 I 00 F. 02 8569 1 1 83 [email protected] www.ppca.com.au 2O1O PHONOGRAPHIC PERFORMANCE COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA LTD REAL MUSIC o REAL ARTISTS ¡ REAL IMPACT PPCA PROVIDES LICENCES FOR THE PUBLIC USE OF SOUND RECORDINGS AND MUSIC VIDEOS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT USERS MAY ALTERNATIVELY OBTAIN LICENCES DIRECTLY FROM ALt RELEVANT COPYRIGHT OWNERS Ap(i|2014 TARIFF GATEGORIES A GENERAL LICENCES For the play¡ng of protected sound recordings at fetes, garden part¡es, school, church or dance academy concerts; and during presentat¡ons or performances by mot¡vational speakers (single event l¡cences are available) B EVENTS AND FESTIVALS fashion shows and similar events c CINEMAS (FILM EXHIBITORS) AND LEGITIMATE THEATRES For the publ¡c exh¡b¡tion of films which include protected sound record¡ngs as part of the¡r soundtrack or for the playing of sound record¡ngs as background mus¡c at theatres D DANCE STUDIOS, DANCE INSTRUCTORS, LINE DANCE INSTRUCTORS For lhe playing of protected sound recordings by dance stud¡os, dance ¡nstructors and line dance instructorG Do LtvE PERFoRMANGE GRoups AND DANGE coMpANtES For lhe playing of protected sound recordings by l¡ve performance groups and dance companies E1 NIGHTCLUBS For the playing of protected sound record¡ngs in a licensed venue for the purpose of danc¡ng E2 DANCES ANO DANCE PARTIES For the play¡ng of protected sound recordings for the purpose of danc¡ng at Dances or Dance Part¡es E3 BARS FOREGROUND MUSIC For the playing of protected sound recordings at a bar or s¡m¡lar venue as a predominant means of entertaining patrons E4 MUSIC EVENTS & FESTIVALS For the playing of protected sound recordings at êny ticketed multÈact musìc event (or part thereof), where a sound recording ¡s used in any form; or at a not-fotrprof¡t event soley for underage parl¡c¡pants F MOBILE DJS For lhe playing of protected sound recordings by a l\¡ob¡le DJ, or any other person using a Mob¡le DJ unit, in a venue that would not ordinarily requ¡re a PPCA licence FW MoBILE vJs For the publ¡c exh¡bit¡on of mus¡c videos by a lvlobile VJ, or any other person us¡ng a Mob¡le VJ unit, ¡n a venue that would not ord¡nar¡ly require a PPCA l¡cence H HALLS For lhe playing of protected sound record¡ngs as background musical entertâinment ¡n church, council, scout, town or othtr community halls HM MUSIC ON HOLD For the playing of protected sound recordings (includ¡ng from the radio or televis¡on) to telephone callers while they are waiting "on hold" FACTORIES, INOUSTRIAL PREMISES AND OFFICES For the play¡ng of protecled sound record¡ngs for employeês in factories, industr¡âl premises and offces, in areas of those premises that are nol generally âccessible to customers or members of the public J AUDIO JUKÊBOXES For lhe play¡ng of protected sound recordings through an aud¡o jukebox JO AUDIO JUKEBOX OPERATORS For Audio Jukebox Operators that lease, h¡re or otheMise supply audio jukeboxes to venues and/or for genêral party hire JW VIDEO JUKEBOX OPERATORS For V¡deo Jukebox Operators that lease, hire or otheM¡se supply video jukeboxes to venues and/or for general party hire K AMUSEMENT CENTRES, POOL ROOMS, SQUASH COURTS, SWIMMING POOLS, TEN PIN BOWLING CENTRES For the playing of protected sound recordings for the background mus¡cal enlertainment of patrons aI amusement cenlres snooks/pool halls, squash centres, sw¡mming pools. ten p¡n bowling cenlres and similar establishments Continued overleaf ACN 000 680 704 ABN 43 000 680 704 LEVEL 4, 1,1-17 BUCKINGHAM ST, SURRY HILLS NSW 2O1O PHONOGRAPHIC PERFORMANCE COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA LTD LINKING BUSINESSES TO MUSIC MAKERS PO BOX Q2O, OUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING NSW 1230 T. 02 8569 1 100 F. 02 8569 1 183 ppca.mail@ppca com.au www,ppca.com.au PPCA PROVIDES LICENCES FOR THE PUBLIC USE OF SOUND RECORDINGS AND MUSIC VIDEOS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. USERS MAY ALTERNATIVELY OBTAIN LICENCES DIRECTLY FROM ALL RELEVANT COPYRIGHT OWNERS, 2 M COMMERCIAL OR PROFESSIONAL PREMISES reception areas, retail stores, taverns, zoos, and/or similar eslabl¡shments Th¡s tar¡ff also covers the use of protected sound recordings for demonstration purposes in electr¡cal, v¡deo/DVD rental and hi-fl stores MW ELECTRICAL& HI.FI STORES other retail premises N P SHOPPING CENTRES, PLAZAS, CONCOURSES For the play¡ng of protected sound record¡ngs as a general amenity, or as background music, for the êntertâinment of patrms, customers or oths attendees; or as background music or accompaniment to exhibitions or d¡splays ¡n common areas of shopping centres, plazas and concourses PUBLICVEHICLES trams) R1 RESTAURANTS, CAFES For the play¡ng of protected sound record¡ngs jn Restaurants/Cafes and s¡milar establishments R2 RESTAURANTS, RESTAURANT AREAS (HOTELS AND MOTELS) For the playing of protecled sound recordings in Restaurants or Restaurant Areâs operating w¡th¡n a hotel, motel, guest house or similar establishment offering accommodat¡on as ¡ts primary function, and where the Restaurânt or Restaurant Area is exclusively or primarily for the benefit of residents of that establishment and their guests (¡ e the Restaurant or Restaurant Area is not promoted to the general public) s SPORTS ARENAS, RACE TRAGKS, SHOWGROUNDS, OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT PARKS Fortheplayingofprotectedsoundrecord¡ngsasbackgroundmus¡calentertainmentatsportsarenas,racetracks,showgrounds,speedwaysandsimilarvenuesand at ouldoor amusement pârks ss U OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL AREAS For the playing of protected sound recordings âs background mus¡cal entertainment at outdoor recreat¡onâl or ¡nformal sport¡ng âreas, ¡ncluding beaches and parks SKATING RINKS For the playing of protected sound record¡ngs as background mus¡cal entertainment, or as an accompaniment to skat¡ng, for patrons of roller skal¡ng and ice skating r¡nks FITNESS CENTRES, GYMNASIUMS, HEALTH CLUBS, SPAS, SOLARIUMS and similar establ¡shments Fortheplay¡ngofprotectedsoundrecord¡ngswhenaccompany¡ngFitnessClasses (Tar¡ffV1)orwhenusedasageneralamenityforthêinformalentertainmentof patrons ¡n a free we¡ghts area or spec¡alised exerc¡se type equ¡pmenl area (Tar¡ff V2) W MUSIC VIDEOS. GENERAL For the public exh¡bition of music videos WE MUSIc VIDEoS - NIGHTGLUBS For the public exhibition of the visual component of mus¡c videos in nightclubs WP MUSIC VIDEOS. PUBLIC VEHICLES trams WR X MUSIC VIDEOS. RETAIL PREMISES For the public exh¡b¡tion of mus¡c videos in shops, depa(ment stores and other reta¡l prem¡ses coNcERTVENUES For the playing of protected sound record¡ngs as background mus¡cal entertainment (including during breaks in l¡ve pedormances) at concerts CONFERENCE ROOMS Fof the playing of protected sound recordings as a general amenity, or as background mus¡c, for the enterlâ¡nment of conference delegates and other users of conference room fac¡lit¡es z BUSINESS COPYING LICENCE FOR SOUND RECORDINGS (supplement licence only - only valid in conjunction with a publ¡c performance licence) Tocovertheelectronicorphysicalcopyingofsoundrecordingsbythelicenceholderfromalicensedphys¡calcopy(eg MP3 download purchased from a legal online music store) to e¡lher one electfonic copy or one physical copy aCD)orfrom¿licensedelectron¡ccopy(eg an Licence fees are calculated differently in elch category (eg, fees may be flat fees per annum, fees per person or per machine, or fees determ¡ned by s¡ze of venue depending on category) - contact PPCA for full details. is qu¡te possible, depending on your needs, that you may have a licence with any number of Tar¡tfs eg a hotel may have a number of bar areas (Tariff -lt M), restaurants fiar¡ff R1), nightclubs (Tariff E1), éymnasíum fiar¡ff V), and videó (Tariff W). ¡ukebox
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