CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150011819 150011820 150011821 150011822 150011823 150011824 150011825 150011826 150011828 150011829 150011831 150011832 150011834 150011835 150011836 150011840 150011841 150011842 150011843 150011844 150011845 150011846 150011847 150011849 150011851 150011852 150011853 150011854 150011855 150011858 150011859 150011860 150011861 150011862 150011863 Page 1 of 11 Incident Type Assistance Call Periodic Check Periodic Check Periodic Check Periodic Check Periodic Check Suspicious Vehicle Periodic Check Periodic Check Pedestrian Stop Traffic/Vehicle Stop Loud Music Traffic/Vehicle Stop Traffic/Vehicle Stop Audible Burglar Alarm Malicious Mischief Just Occurred Traffic/Vehicle Stop Inmate Requiring Medical Attention Medical Emergency 72 Hour Psychiatric Hold Loud Music Audible Burglar Alarm Family Disturbance Medical Emergency Loud Music Assistance Call Inmate Requiring Medical Attention Traffic/Vehicle Stop Disturbance of the Peace Periodic Check Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location 1500 Block of 2ND ST 2200 Block of VIRGINIA AVE 700 Block of OZONE ST 2400 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 600 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 1400 Block of MARINE ST 2200 Block of LINCOLN BLVD 1700 Block of 21ST ST Intersection of 1500BL PALISADES PARK 2600 Block of BARNARD WAY Intersection of 16TH ST / PEARL ST 2000 Block of 20TH ST 2600 Block of MAIN ST Intersection of BEVERLEY AVE / HOLLISTER AVE 1200 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 600 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD Intersection of OCEAN AVE / PACIFIC ST 300 Block of OLYMPIC DR 1100 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 800 Block of BROADWAY 2000 Block of OCEAN PARK BLVD 900 Block of MONTANA AVE 1100 Block of 15TH ST 200 Block of MONTANA AVE 1900 Block of EUCLID ST 2100 Block of SANTA MONICA BLVD 300 Block of OLYMPIC DR 3100 Block of DONALD DOUGLAS LOOP S Intersection of 1300BL 3RD STREET PROM 700 Block of OZONE ST 100 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 1500 Block of THE BEACH 1400 Block of 2ND ST Intersection of MAIN ST / BAY ST 2500 Block of OCEAN FRONT WALK Beat B001 B003 B002 B004 B001 B002 B002 B003 B001 B001 B002 B003 B001 B002 B001 B001 B001 B001 B004 B003 B002 B004 B004 B004 B003 B003 B001 B002 B001 B002 B001 B001 B001 B001 B001 RD 0B1L 0B3E 0B2A 0B4F 0B1J 0B2B 0B2B 0B3F 0B1L 0B1E 0B2B 0B3E 0B1F 0B2A 0B1K 0B1J 0B1F 0B1G 0B4E 0B3C 0B2C 0B4B 0B4E 0B4C 0B3D 0B3A 0B1G 0B2D 0B1K 0B2A 0B1L 0B1B 0B1K 0B1F 0B1E Received 00:06:42 00:08:52 00:10:41 00:11:37 00:13:06 00:17:45 00:18:14 00:26:58 00:30:04 00:38:14 00:40:51 00:43:28 00:58:25 01:02:23 01:07:01 01:28:34 01:29:11 01:32:00 01:40:04 01:45:05 02:07:20 02:12:51 02:19:20 02:31:13 02:44:58 03:05:53 03:08:51 03:10:58 03:18:33 03:39:56 03:41:10 03:44:03 03:54:56 03:57:43 04:06:13 Cleared 00:20:53 00:23:58 00:17:39 00:23:05 00:20:06 00:32:20 00:29:45 00:32:30 00:41:15 00:39:43 01:09:39 00:54:59 01:27:05 01:13:28 01:26:00 02:21:03 01:45:30 03:08:39 01:41:49 02:42:57 03:33:20 02:28:17 03:23:41 03:35:53 03:21:24 03:41:29 03:09:59 03:45:24 03:38:28 03:40:03 03:45:49 03:55:56 04:15:02 04:31:17 04:17:13 Disposition Assist Checks Okay Checks Okay Checks Okay Checks Okay Checks Okay Checks Okay Checks Okay Checks Okay Advisal Field Interview Other Citation/Oth Enforcement Field Interview Checks Okay Field Interview Field Interview Other Cancelled Other Advisal Checks Okay Advisal Field Interview Gone on Arrival Assist Other Citation/Oth Enforcement Advisal Checks Okay Advisal Advisal Citation/Oth Enforcement Field Interview Citation/Oth Enforcement CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150011865 150011867 150011868 150011869 150011870 150011871 150011872 150011873 150011874 150011875 150011876 150011877 150011879 150011881 150011882 150011884 150011885 150011886 150011887 150011888 150011891 150011895 150011897 150011898 150011900 150011901 150011903 150011904 150011906 150011907 150011910 150011911 150011913 150011914 150011915 Page 2 of 11 Incident Type Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Trespassing Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Status Check Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Audible Burglar Alarm Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Periodic Check Suspicious Person Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Periodic Check Periodic Check Trespassing Trespassing Violation of Posted SIgn Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Violation of Posted SIgn Violation of Posted SIgn Trespassing Follow Up Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Trespassing Assistance Call Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location 600 Block of THE BEACH 100 Block of BROADWAY 200 Block of THE BEACH 800 Block of ARIZONA AVE 1700 Block of OCEAN FRONT WALK 900 Block of THE BEACH 1600 Block of THE BEACH 1400 Block of 4TH ST 1800 Block of LINCOLN BLVD 1200 Block of 5TH ST 1500 Block of 4TH ST 700 Block of SANTA MONICA BLVD 300 Block of COLORADO AVE 1400 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 400 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 700 Block of SANTA MONICA BLVD 600 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD Intersection of 12TH ST / CALIFORNIA AVE 500 Block of OLYMPIC BLVD W 500 Block of SANTA MONICA BLVD Intersection of 16TH ST / SANTA MONICA BLVD 2400 Block of SANTA MONICA BLVD 3400 Block of OCEAN PARK BLVD 2600 Block of MAIN ST 1300 Block of 2ND ST Intersection of 2ND ST / SANTA MONICA BLVD 1300 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 1300 Block of 2ND ST 1600 Block of 20TH ST 1000 Block of CALIFORNIA AVE 1000 Block of 16TH ST 1100 Block of PALISADES PARK 1200 Block of 4TH ST 1300 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 2900 Block of PICO BLVD Beat B001 B001 B001 B003 B001 B001 B001 B001 B003 B001 B001 B001 B001 B001 B001 B001 B001 B004 B001 B001 B003 B003 B002 B001 B001 B001 B001 B001 B003 B004 B004 B001 B001 B001 B003 RD 0B1A 0B1L 0B1A 0B3A 0B1E 0B1B 0B1E 0B1J 0B3D 0B1J 0B1I 0B1J 0B1H 0B1K 0B1M 0B1J 0B1J 0B4E 0B1H 0B1J 0B3B 0B3A 0B2E 0B1F 0B1K 0B1K 0B1K 0B1K 0B3C 0B4E 0B4E 0B1M 0B1K 0B1K 0B3E Received 04:10:59 04:15:50 04:16:14 04:16:39 04:17:41 04:26:27 04:29:21 04:33:45 04:42:03 04:46:04 04:48:51 04:50:56 05:08:11 05:11:16 05:12:54 05:22:24 05:24:46 05:33:39 05:33:55 05:37:48 05:53:26 06:15:40 06:18:07 06:27:17 06:31:08 06:32:54 06:42:55 06:45:32 06:51:01 06:56:11 07:00:21 07:05:57 07:18:58 07:36:14 07:47:29 Cleared 04:14:19 04:32:46 04:22:14 04:23:28 04:29:07 04:44:20 04:35:49 04:48:38 04:57:37 04:54:50 04:51:46 05:22:59 05:13:28 05:24:23 05:19:05 05:27:56 05:30:01 05:51:32 06:31:51 05:58:17 06:08:45 06:29:48 06:35:27 06:45:43 07:54:49 06:36:56 06:44:16 06:46:14 07:11:36 07:24:50 10:44:38 08:05:48 07:28:08 08:09:31 08:30:22 Disposition Assist Advisal Advisal Gone on Arrival Citation/Oth Enforcement Advisal Advisal Advisal Advisal Advisal Advisal Arrest Advisal Checks Okay Advisal Advisal Checks Okay Gone on Arrival Citation/Oth Enforcement Advisal Checks Okay Checks Okay Advisal Gone on Arrival Impound Advisal Advisal Cancelled Assist Advisal Arrest Advisal Advisal Gone on Arrival Field Interview CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150011918 150011919 150011920 150011921 150011922 150011923 150011924 150011927 150011928 150011929 150011930 150011931 150011932 150011933 150011934 150011935 150011938 150011939 150011941 150011942 150011943 150011944 150011945 150011947 150011948 150011949 150011950 150011951 150011952 150011953 150011955 150011956 150011957 150011959 150011961 Page 3 of 11 Incident Type Suspicious Person Municipal Code Violation At Court Periodic Check Pedestrian Stop Animal Related Incident Violation of Temporary No Parking Signs At Court Suspicious Person Periodic Check Periodic Check Traffic/Vehicle Stop Lost Property Administrative Incident Administrative Incident Administrative Incident Pedestrian Stop Status Check Traffic/Vehicle Stop Citizen Flag Silent Robbery Alarm Pedestrian Stop Periodic Check Traffic/Vehicle Stop Traffic/Vehicle Stop Traffic Hazard Person with a Gun Traffic/Vehicle Stop Bike Theft Report Vehicle with Excessive Parking Violations Traffic/Vehicle Stop Pedestrian Stop Battery Report Periodic Check Disturbance at a Business Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location 1500 Block of 5TH ST Intersection of 1600LK APPIAN WAY 1700 Block of MAIN ST 2400 Block of MONTANA AVE 1400 Block of 2ND ST 1300 Block of ASHLAND AVE 800 Block of 18TH ST 1700 Block of MAIN ST 2500 Block of LINCOLN BLVD 600 Block of MONTANA AVE 1900 Block of LINCOLN BLVD 1300 Block of 20TH ST Intersection of 1400BL PALISADES PARK 300 Block of OLYMPIC DR 300 Block of OLYMPIC DR 300 Block of OLYMPIC DR 2100 Block of LINCOLN BLVD Intersection of LINCOLN BLVD / OLYMPIC BLVD E Intersection of 11TH ST / MONTANA AVE 2600 Block of THE BEACH 1900 Block of COLORADO AVE 1900 Block of PICO BLVD 1700 Block of 21ST ST 700 Block of OLYMPIC BLVD E 400 Block of OLYMPIC BLVD E 1600 Block of 4TH ST 1800 Block of 16TH ST 700 Block of INTERSTATE 10 900 Block of 6TH ST 1100 Block of 4TH ST 800 Block of INTERSTATE 10 Intersection of LINCOLN BLVD / OLYMPIC BLVD W 2600 Block of 34TH ST 600 Block of MONTANA AVE 700 Block of BROADWAY Beat B001 B001 B001 B004 B001 B002 B004 B001 B002 B004 B002 B003 B001 B001 B001 B001 B002 B001 B004 B001 B003 B003 B003 B001 B001 B001 B003 B001 B004 B001 B003 B001 B002 B004 B001 RD 0B1I 0B1E 0B1G 0B4F 0B1L 0B2B 0B4E 0B1G 0B2B 0B4C 0B2B 0B3A 0B1L 0B1G 0B1G 0B1G 0B2B 0B1G 0B4E 0B1E 0B3C 0B3D 0B3F 0B1G 0B1G 0B1H 0B3D 0B1G 0B4D 0B1M 0B3D 0B1H 0B2E 0B4C 0B1I Received 07:56:30 08:04:41 08:10:59 08:11:58 08:13:48 08:20:50 08:22:37 08:30:35 08:32:11 08:32:14 08:34:26 08:34:46 08:35:20 08:36:25 08:36:59 08:37:53 08:43:47 08:44:04 08:48:13 08:49:40 08:51:02 08:52:27 08:57:09 09:01:07 09:04:02 09:04:27 09:05:36 09:05:45 09:10:24 09:21:16 09:23:57 09:24:55 09:33:29 09:34:21 09:40:45 Cleared 07:59:05 08:24:59 10:55:43 08:39:18 08:19:14 09:13:31 09:17:51 11:15:36 10:42:50 08:45:33 08:41:41 08:44:28 08:35:20 08:36:25 08:36:59 08:37:53 08:46:20 09:24:40 09:01:33 08:56:13 09:13:36 08:56:49 09:03:00 09:22:30 09:10:47 09:21:32 09:40:38 09:17:51 10:43:15 10:01:46 09:36:25 09:44:19 19:08:20 09:50:21 10:01:06 Disposition Cancelled Advisal Other Citation/Oth Enforcement Assist Other Advisal Other Citation/Oth Enforcement Checks Okay Checks Okay Advisal File Only File Only File Only File Only Advisal Gone on Arrival Citation/Oth Enforcement Assist Checks Okay Other Checks Okay Citation/Oth Enforcement Citation/Oth Enforcement Checks Okay Report Citation/Oth Enforcement Other Impound Citation/Oth Enforcement Citation/Oth Enforcement Other Checks Okay Assist CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150011964 150011965 150011966 150011967 150011968 150011969 150011970 150011971 150011972 150011973 150011974 150011975 150011977 150011978 150011979 150011980 150011981 150011982 150011983 150011984 150011985 150011986 150011987 150011988 150011989 150011990 150011991 150011992 150011993 150011994 150011995 150011996 150011997 150011998 150011999 Page 4 of 11 Incident Type Disturbance at a Business Traffic Control Request - Level 1 Animal Related Incident Vehicle Parked in Alley 9-1-1 Hang Up Domestic Violence Now Drunk Driving Investigation Suspicious Vehicle Citizen Flag Vehicle Parked in Alley Disturbance at a Business Vehicle Blocking Driveway Animal Related Incident Traffic/Vehicle Stop Status Check Animal Related Incident Civil Dispute General Parking Problem Trespassing Citizen Flag Citizen Flag Disturbance at a Business General Parking Problem FIRE REQUEST POLICE Vehicle Parked in Alley Traffic/Vehicle Stop Suspicious Person Periodic Check Status Check Check Temporary No Parking Signs Vehicle Parked in Alley Traffic/Vehicle Stop Auto Burglary Report Periodic Check Vehicle with Excessive Parking Violations Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location 2900 Block of MAIN ST Intersection of 26TH ST / OLYMPIC BLVD 1700 Block of OAK ST 200 Block of MONTANA AVE 200 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 1200 Block of 21ST ST Intersection of 21ST ST / WILSHIRE BLVD 1700 Block of DELAWARE AVE Intersection of 2ND ST / ASHLAND AVE Intersection of 2ND ST / ARIZONA AVE 100 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 300 Block of MONTANA AVE 2900 Block of 4TH ST Intersection of CENTINELA AVE / WILSHIRE BLVD 400 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 1200 Block of MAPLE ST 800 Block of MONTANA AVE 1100 Block of YALE ST 600 Block of ARIZONA AVE Intersection of 5TH ST / BROADWAY 1100 Block of YALE ST 1500 Block of LINCOLN BLVD 2600 Block of 5TH ST Intersection of 23RD ST / BROADWAY 800 Block of CEDAR ST Intersection of 32ND ST / PICO BLVD 2400 Block of MONTANA AVE 200 Block of SANTA MONICA PIER 400 Block of GEORGINA AVE 1900 Block of 17TH ST 800 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD Intersection of 22ND ST / WILSHIRE BLVD 1500 Block of YALE ST 3100 Block of URBAN AVE 1300 Block of 15TH ST Beat B001 B003 B002 B004 B001 B003 B003 B003 B001 B001 B001 B004 B002 B003 B001 B002 B004 B004 B001 B001 B004 B001 B002 B003 B002 B002 B004 B001 B004 B003 B003 B003 B003 B003 B003 RD 0B1F 0B3F 0B2C 0B4C 0B1M 0B3A 0B3A 0B3D 0B1F 0B1K 0B1L 0B4C 0B2A 0B3A 0B1J 0B2B 0B4E 0B4F 0B1J 0B1I 0B4F 0B1J 0B2A 0B3G 0B2B 0B2E 0B4F 0B1D 0B4C 0B3D 0B3A 0B3A 0B3G 0B3E 0B3A Received 09:48:18 09:48:31 09:48:33 09:52:25 09:57:44 10:00:05 10:02:44 10:05:44 10:08:00 10:09:35 10:12:48 10:17:40 10:22:27 10:30:18 10:36:31 10:36:59 10:39:27 10:39:54 10:40:17 10:41:12 10:41:32 10:47:31 10:53:53 10:54:35 10:55:12 11:01:09 11:01:45 11:04:59 11:05:04 11:05:18 11:06:07 11:09:19 11:12:45 11:20:10 11:23:00 Cleared 10:07:38 14:25:18 09:53:39 11:00:35 09:57:51 18:32:59 10:29:37 10:50:41 10:14:59 10:29:26 10:28:44 10:50:41 10:54:23 10:33:15 11:28:50 10:55:02 11:51:03 10:40:30 11:12:28 11:01:41 11:25:29 10:54:32 11:02:31 11:47:35 11:29:56 11:15:45 11:34:17 11:19:28 11:43:11 11:41:33 11:33:03 11:19:23 15:20:35 11:20:22 11:46:20 Disposition Gone on Arrival Assist Other Citation/Oth Enforcement Cancelled Report Gone on Arrival Gone on Arrival Assist Citation/Oth Enforcement Gone on Arrival Citation/Oth Enforcement Other Advisal Field Interview Other Assist Other Advisal Assist Assist Cancelled Advisal Report Citation/Oth Enforcement Citation/Oth Enforcement Gone on Arrival Other Gone on Arrival Checks Okay Gone on Arrival Citation/Oth Enforcement Report Citation/Oth Enforcement Citation/Oth Enforcement CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150012000 150012001 150012002 150012003 150012004 150012005 150012006 150012007 150012011 150012012 150012013 150012016 150012017 150012018 150012019 150012020 150012021 150012022 150012023 150012025 150012027 150012030 150012032 150012033 150012034 150012035 150012036 150012038 150012039 150012040 150012041 150012043 150012044 150012045 150012046 Page 5 of 11 Incident Type Traffic/Vehicle Stop Vehicle Parked in Alley Defrauding Inkeeper In Progress Animal Related Incident Animal Related Incident General Parking Problem Trespassing Handicap Zone Violation Loud Music Mark & Tag Abandoned Vehicle Disturbance of the Peace Suspicious Person Disturbance of the Peace Auto Burglary Report Family Disturbance Disturbance of the Peace Vehicle Parked in Alley Audible Burglar Alarm Out of Order Traffic Signals Forensics Request - Fingerprint Audible Burglar Alarm Vehicle Parked in Alley Violation of Preferential Parking Zone General Parking Problem Traffic Accident - No Injuries Bike Theft Report Lost Property Trespassing Vehicle Blocking Driveway General Parking Problem Citizen Flag Grand Theft Report Auto Burglary Just Occurred Hit and Run Misdemeanor Investigation Handicap Zone Violation Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location Intersection of 23RD ST / WILSHIRE BLVD 500 Block of 11TH ST 1900 Block of SANTA MONICA BLVD 2500 Block of 5TH ST 1500 Block of 17TH ST 700 Block of WASHINGTON AVE 900 Block of CALIFORNIA AVE 1300 Block of 4TH ST 1900 Block of OCEAN FRONT WALK 1500 Block of 17TH ST 800 Block of CEDAR ST 1600 Block of CLOVERFIELD BLVD 1200 Block of CHELSEA AVE 900 Block of 2ND ST 3200 Block of OCEAN PARK BLVD 1200 Block of CHELSEA AVE 1200 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 1200 Block of 9TH ST Intersection of CLOVERFIELD BLVD / OLYMPIC BLVD 300 Block of OLYMPIC DR 200 Block of MILLS ST 1200 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 800 Block of OZONE ST Intersection of 5TH ST / ARIZONA AVE 1900 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 2100 Block of NEILSON WAY Intersection of 1400BL 3RD STREET PROM 300 Block of COLORADO AVE 800 Block of 23RD ST 300 Block of ARIZONA AVE Intersection of 3RD STREET PROM / BROADWAY 2600 Block of 29TH ST 1000 Block of PACIFIC COAST HWY 1000 Block of MONTANA AVE 1200 Block of LINCOLN BLVD Beat B003 B004 B003 B002 B003 B004 B004 B001 B001 B003 B002 B003 B003 B004 B002 B003 B004 B003 B003 B001 B002 B001 B002 B001 B004 B001 B001 B001 B004 B001 B001 B002 B001 B004 B001 RD 0B3A 0B4B 0B3B 0B2A 0B3C 0B4D 0B4E 0B1K 0B1E 0B3C 0B2B 0B3F 0B3A 0B4D 0B2D 0B3A 0B4E 0B3A 0B3F 0B1G 0B2A 0B1K 0B2A 0B1J 0B4E 0B1F 0B1K 0B1H 0B4F 0B1K 0B1K 0B2E 0B1B 0B4E 0B1J Received 11:26:34 11:30:58 11:32:46 11:32:53 11:33:47 11:40:16 11:41:47 11:42:47 11:51:33 11:53:54 11:55:35 12:01:04 12:05:28 12:06:18 12:06:48 12:10:08 12:11:39 12:12:14 12:18:15 12:20:58 12:23:32 12:40:01 12:43:54 12:46:26 12:47:45 12:47:47 12:53:38 13:07:24 13:10:05 13:11:13 13:13:54 13:15:39 13:18:40 13:23:26 13:23:53 Cleared 11:36:48 11:36:33 11:52:34 12:09:26 11:56:25 12:10:03 12:45:14 11:46:15 12:12:29 16:04:27 13:02:20 19:08:53 13:36:05 12:36:58 12:55:01 12:10:35 12:51:26 13:22:01 13:19:34 13:34:30 12:33:45 12:50:22 13:17:32 13:09:15 13:05:42 14:49:16 12:53:38 13:12:23 13:33:06 13:11:13 13:18:38 14:19:02 17:22:49 13:47:05 13:32:19 Disposition Citation/Oth Enforcement Cancelled Gone on Arrival Other Other Gone on Arrival Advisal Citation/Oth Enforcement Checks Okay Citation/Oth Enforcement Gone on Arrival Other Gone on Arrival Telephone Report (PSS) Gone on Arrival Cancelled Citation/Oth Enforcement Checks Okay Advisal Other Checks Okay Advisal Citation/Oth Enforcement Gone on Arrival Assist Telephone Report (PSS) File Only Cancelled Advisal File Only Checks Okay Report Arrest Advisal Citation/Oth Enforcement CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150012047 150012048 150012049 150012051 150012052 150012054 150012055 150012057 150012058 150012059 150012060 150012061 150012062 150012066 150012067 150012069 150012070 150012073 150012074 150012076 150012078 150012079 150012080 150012081 150012082 150012083 150012084 150012085 150012086 150012087 150012088 150012089 150012095 150012096 150012098 Page 6 of 11 Incident Type Grand Theft Report Forensics Request - Miscellaneous Loitering Civil Dispute Petty Theft Report Pedestrian Stop Indecent Exposure Now Suspicious Person 9-1-1 Hang Up Violation of Temporary No Parking Signs Disturbance at a Business Person Down Periodic Check Violation of Posted SIgn Audible Burglar Alarm Indecent Exposure Now Violation of Posted SIgn Battery Just Occurred Threats Report/Investigations Vehicle with Excessive Parking Violations Indecent Exposure Now 9-1-1 Hang Up Disturbance of the Peace Domestic Violence Now Fight Periodic Check Petty Theft Report 9-1-1 Hang Up Periodic Check Traffic Hazard Traffic Control Request - Level 1 Traffic/Vehicle Stop Pedestrian Stop Information Only Broadcast Traffic Miscellaneous Report Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location 100 Block of WADSWORTH AVE 1600 Block of CLOVERFIELD BLVD 1100 Block of 12TH ST 3400 Block of OCEAN PARK BLVD 1300 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 2600 Block of OCEAN PARK BLVD 1700 Block of OCEAN FRONT WALK Intersection of 25TH ST / ALTA AVE 2900 Block of 31ST ST 800 Block of 2ND ST 2200 Block of LINCOLN BLVD 2200 Block of LINCOLN BLVD 200 Block of SANTA MONICA PIER 300 Block of OLYMPIC DR 1100 Block of STANFORD ST 1700 Block of OCEAN FRONT WALK 300 Block of OLYMPIC DR 1200 Block of OCEAN AVE 400 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 1900 Block of 17TH ST 1700 Block of OCEAN FRONT WALK 100 Block of PIER AVE Intersection of 18TH ST / BROADWAY 700 Block of PIER AVE 3300 Block of PICO BLVD 800 Block of MONTANA AVE 600 Block of SANTA MONICA BLVD 1300 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 600 Block of PICO BLVD Intersection of 16TH ST / PICO BLVD Intersection of 17TH ST / COLORADO AVE Intersection of 20TH ST / OLYMPIC BLVD Intersection of 3RD STREET PROM / SANTA MONICA BLVD 1800 Block of BROADWAY 2300 Block of OCEAN AVE Beat B001 B003 B004 B002 B001 B002 B001 B004 B002 B004 B002 B002 B001 B001 B004 B001 B001 B001 B001 B003 B001 B001 B003 B002 B003 B004 B001 B001 B001 B002 B003 B003 B001 B003 B001 RD 0B1F 0B3F 0B4E 0B2D 0B1K 0B2D 0B1E 0B4A 0B2D 0B4D 0B2B 0B2B 0B1D 0B1G 0B4F 0B1E 0B1G 0B1L 0B1M 0B3D 0B1E 0B1F 0B3C 0B2A 0B3E 0B4B 0B1J 0B1K 0B1G 0B2B 0B3C 0B3C 0B1K 0B3B 0B1E Received 13:30:43 13:31:15 13:34:56 13:40:52 13:41:21 13:42:35 13:44:38 13:47:24 13:50:24 13:50:54 13:53:25 13:57:05 13:57:42 14:05:29 14:06:34 14:11:09 14:11:24 14:19:59 14:23:36 14:26:07 14:28:29 14:29:25 14:33:22 14:34:26 14:38:02 14:44:20 14:51:05 14:53:04 14:56:16 14:57:44 14:57:52 15:00:01 15:04:15 15:14:12 15:16:15 Cleared 15:43:09 14:00:35 13:53:49 14:39:57 13:41:21 14:07:16 13:54:18 14:18:18 14:37:37 14:17:57 14:36:29 14:06:08 14:11:52 14:26:36 14:10:43 14:28:06 15:10:35 14:37:32 19:15:31 14:59:43 15:37:00 14:29:54 14:33:53 15:23:07 16:11:47 15:13:14 15:02:32 14:53:12 15:34:59 15:15:05 15:19:07 15:17:13 15:44:11 16:17:47 15:16:15 Disposition Other Cancelled Gone on Arrival Assist File Only Assist Assist Gone on Arrival Checks Okay Unfounded Arrest Assist Other Cancelled Cancelled Assist Impound Assist Gone on Arrival Impound Field Interview Cancelled Cancelled Checks Okay Advisal Citation/Oth Enforcement Telephone Report (PSS) Cancelled Other Assist Assist Citation/Oth Enforcement Other Cancelled File Only CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150012103 150012104 150012105 150012107 150012108 150012109 150012111 150012113 150012114 150012115 150012116 150012117 150012118 150012119 150012120 150012122 150012123 150012125 150012126 150012127 150012128 150012130 150012133 150012134 150012136 150012137 150012138 150012139 150012140 150012141 150012142 150012144 150012145 150012147 150012148 Page 7 of 11 Incident Type Silent Robbery Alarm Follow Up Public Intoxication Pedestrian Stop Bike Theft Report Status Check Hit and Run Misdemeanor Investigation Hit and Run Misdemeanor Investigation 9-1-1 Hang Up Disturbance at a Business Violation of Restraining Order Report FIRE REQUEST POLICE Violation of Preferential Parking Zone Vehicle with Excessive Parking Violations Traffic/Vehicle Stop Follow Up Status Check Loud Music Check Temporary No Parking Signs Periodic Check FIRE REQUEST POLICE Hit and Run Misdemeanor Investigation Violation of Restraining Order In Progress Follow Up Public Intoxication Citizen Flag Pedestrian Stop Battery Just Occurred Check Temporary No Parking Signs Suspicious Person Disturbance at a Business Disturbance of the Peace Animal Related Incident Municipal Code Violation 72 Hour Psychiatric Hold Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location 800 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 300 Block of OLYMPIC DR 1200 Block of 4TH ST 700 Block of PICO BLVD 1700 Block of 18TH ST Intersection of LINCOLN BLVD / PICO BLVD 500 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD Intersection of EUCLID ST / WASHINGTON AVE 2500 Block of BROADWAY 1400 Block of LINCOLN BLVD 1000 Block of 19TH ST 1500 Block of 2ND ST 1300 Block of 18TH ST 2600 Block of 30TH ST Intersection of 21ST ST / SANTA MONICA BLVD Intersection of 11TH ST / MONTANA AVE 1000 Block of 7TH ST 1300 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 400 Block of 21ST PL 2200 Block of VIRGINIA AVE 1300 Block of 3RD STREET PROM Intersection of 4TH ST / WILSHIRE BLVD 1200 Block of 12TH ST 1200 Block of 15TH ST 1200 Block of 3RD STREET PROM Intersection of OCEAN AVE / BROADWAY 1300 Block of 2ND ST 2200 Block of LINCOLN BLVD 1000 Block of 4TH ST 2200 Block of MAIN ST 900 Block of MONTANA AVE Intersection of OCEAN AVE / WASHINGTON AVE 200 Block of SAN VICENTE BLVD 1100 Block of CALIFORNIA AVE 2600 Block of PICO BLVD Beat B004 B001 B001 B002 B003 B002 B001 B004 B003 B001 B004 B001 B003 B002 B003 B004 B004 B001 B004 B003 B001 B001 B003 B003 B001 B001 B001 B002 B004 B002 B004 B001 B004 B004 B002 RD 0B4E 0B1G 0B1K 0B2A 0B3D 0B2A 0B1J 0B4E 0B3G 0B1J 0B4E 0B1L 0B3A 0B2E 0B3A 0B4E 0B4D 0B1K 0B4A 0B3E 0B1K 0B1K 0B3A 0B3A 0B1K 0B1L 0B1L 0B2B 0B4D 0B2A 0B4E 0B1N 0B4C 0B4E 0B2E Received 15:24:04 15:27:04 15:28:20 15:30:42 15:31:06 15:34:00 15:42:20 15:46:31 15:46:36 15:47:13 15:48:59 15:51:51 16:00:06 16:01:43 16:02:07 16:05:48 16:07:55 16:10:37 16:13:16 16:13:48 16:14:01 16:19:44 16:22:15 16:26:40 16:28:30 16:32:59 16:33:40 16:35:50 16:35:58 16:37:23 16:40:20 16:43:41 16:46:22 16:48:29 16:49:20 Cleared 15:38:39 18:26:40 18:20:41 15:33:35 16:11:29 20:31:32 19:17:10 16:23:34 15:46:41 17:00:00 17:20:09 16:18:46 17:14:42 17:32:09 16:05:46 16:41:05 16:26:37 16:33:09 16:41:06 16:24:03 19:36:02 16:43:53 21:44:59 17:18:21 17:37:03 16:36:51 16:37:14 16:50:44 16:51:28 16:56:57 17:03:00 17:00:37 18:03:34 18:18:15 17:19:16 Disposition Checks Okay Other Report Assist Report Report Cancelled Unfounded Cancelled Other Report Field Interview Citation/Oth Enforcement Impound Advisal Report Checks Okay Other Checks Okay Checks Okay Other Gone on Arrival Arrest Other Gone on Arrival Advisal Citation/Oth Enforcement Gone on Arrival Checks Okay Checks Okay Gone on Arrival Assist Other Other Field Interview CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150012149 150012151 150012152 150012153 150012154 150012155 150012156 150012157 150012158 150012159 150012160 150012161 150012162 150012163 150012165 150012166 150012167 150012168 150012169 150012170 150012171 150012172 150012173 150012174 150012177 150012180 150012181 150012182 150012183 150012184 150012185 150012187 150012191 150012192 150012193 Page 8 of 11 Incident Type Hit and Run Misdemeanor Investigation Mark & Tag Abandoned Vehicle Traffic Control Request - Level 1 Animal Related Incident Disturbance of the Peace Disturbance of the Peace Follow Up Disturbance at a Business Traffic Control Request - Level 1 Disturbance of the Peace Traffic/Vehicle Stop Traffic Accident with Injuries Valet Zone Violation Disturbance of the Peace Hit and Run Misdemeanor Investigation Pedestrian Stop Mark & Tag Abandoned Vehicle Mark & Tag Abandoned Vehicle Traffic Accident with Injuries Hit and Run Misdemeanor Investigation Panic Alarm Traffic Hazard Violation of Posted SIgn Grand Theft Report Suspicious Person Traffic Hazard Status Check Found Property Suspicious Person Traffic Accident - Unknown Injuries Assistance Call Suspicious Person Critical Missing Person Audible Burglar Alarm Disturbance of the Peace Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location Intersection of 4TH ST / WILSHIRE BLVD 2100 Block of WASHINGTON AVE 2000 Block of BROADWAY 600 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 1600 Block of OCEAN FRONT WALK 2400 Block of OCEAN PARK BLVD 300 Block of OLYMPIC DR 900 Block of MONTANA AVE Intersection of 21ST ST / BROADWAY 700 Block of MONTANA AVE Intersection of OCEAN AVE / SEASIDE TER Intersection of 21ST ST / BROADWAY 1400 Block of 5TH ST 1500 Block of 4TH ST 1400 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 3100 Block of HIGHLAND AVE 100 Block of BICKNELL AVE 100 Block of FRASER AVE Intersection of 23RD ST / PEARL ST Intersection of 23RD ST / PEARL ST 1000 Block of 22ND ST 1400 Block of CLOVERFIELD BLVD 700 Block of WASHINGTON AVE 1300 Block of 5TH ST 1800 Block of 9TH ST 1300 Block of 2ND ST 900 Block of IDAHO AVE 600 Block of OZONE ST 900 Block of 11TH ST Intersection of 17TH ST / PICO BLVD 500 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 900 Block of 11TH ST 300 Block of SANTA MONICA PIER 600 Block of OZONE ST 300 Block of SANTA MONICA PIER Beat B001 B004 B003 B001 B001 B002 B001 B004 B003 B004 B001 B003 B001 B001 B001 B002 B001 B001 B002 B002 B004 B003 B004 B001 B003 B001 B004 B002 B004 B002 B001 B004 B001 B002 B001 RD 0B1K 0B4E 0B3G 0B1J 0B1E 0B2E 0B1G 0B4E 0B3G 0B4D 0B1G 0B3G 0B1J 0B1K 0B1K 0B2A 0B1F 0B1F 0B2C 0B2C 0B4E 0B3A 0B4D 0B1J 0B3D 0B1L 0B4E 0B2A 0B4E 0B2C 0B1M 0B4E 0B1D 0B2A 0B1D Received 16:49:37 16:52:47 16:53:52 16:55:55 17:00:23 17:02:20 17:03:34 17:07:42 17:08:15 17:09:47 17:10:13 17:10:49 17:11:57 17:12:22 17:19:01 17:19:03 17:20:21 17:20:58 17:24:25 17:24:38 17:28:03 17:29:44 17:34:03 17:38:50 17:49:00 18:11:19 18:12:48 18:20:52 18:23:47 18:27:03 18:27:35 18:30:50 18:42:04 18:48:36 18:48:46 Cleared 17:43:33 16:53:40 17:28:45 19:17:19 17:25:14 17:47:28 18:19:09 17:33:39 17:51:14 18:38:11 17:21:26 18:31:34 17:31:55 17:19:05 17:55:36 17:34:30 18:18:31 18:07:17 18:29:21 17:26:59 17:48:43 17:51:17 18:07:22 19:59:09 18:17:35 18:32:33 18:31:04 18:20:52 18:30:13 18:27:55 19:03:41 18:50:39 18:48:50 19:08:58 18:52:49 Disposition Report Citation/Oth Enforcement Assist Gone on Arrival Gone on Arrival Checks Okay Other Advisal Assist Gone on Arrival Citation/Oth Enforcement Report Gone on Arrival Gone on Arrival Other Checks Okay Other Other Gone on Arrival Other Checks Okay Other Other Report Field Interview Field Interview Assist File Only Gone on Arrival Cancelled Gone on Arrival Gone on Arrival Assist Checks Okay Advisal CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150012194 150012195 150012196 150012197 150012198 150012200 150012202 150012203 150012204 150012205 150012207 150012208 150012209 150012210 150012211 150012212 150012213 150012215 150012216 150012217 150012218 150012219 150012220 150012221 150012222 150012223 150012224 150012225 150012227 150012228 150012229 150012230 150012231 150012232 150012235 Page 9 of 11 Incident Type Status Check Lewd Activity Suspicious Vehicle Construction Noise Traffic Accident with Injuries Periodic Check Check Temporary No Parking Signs Pedestrian Stop Pedestrian Stop Disturbance at a Business Periodic Check Public Intoxication Vehicle Parked in Alley Status Check Domestic Violence Just Occurred Suspicious Vehicle Overdose Disturbance at a Business Disturbance at a Business Disturbance of the Peace Assistance Call Disturbance at a Business Follow Up Drinking in Public Traffic/Vehicle Stop Traffic Hazard Disturbance of the Peace Violation of Posted SIgn Follow Up Disturbance of the Peace Suspicious Person Disturbance of the Peace Traffic/Vehicle Stop Status Check Traffic/Vehicle Stop Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location Intersection of LINCOLN BLVD / IDAHO AVE 2600 Block of OCEAN PARK BLVD 1400 Block of 4TH ST 900 Block of 7TH ST Intersection of 16TH ST / PEARL ST 3400 Block of AIRPORT AVE 800 Block of 12TH ST 800 Block of CEDAR ST 1400 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 300 Block of PICO BLVD 1400 Block of 2ND ST 300 Block of SANTA MONICA BLVD 1100 Block of 9TH ST 1600 Block of LINCOLN BLVD Intersection of LINCOLN BLVD / OCEAN PARK BLVD 500 Block of 10TH ST 1000 Block of 7TH ST 1500 Block of OCEAN AVE 00 Block of PICO BLVD 1900 Block of PICO BLVD 3300 Block of MENTONE 2400 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD 1600 Block of BELOIT AVE 1300 Block of 7TH ST Intersection of 20TH ST / OLYMPIC BLVD 1400 Block of LINCOLN BLVD Intersection of LINCOLN BLVD / BROADWAY 1400 Block of 6TH ST 700 Block of HINDRY, INGLEWOOD 2000 Block of STEWART ST 2200 Block of ASHLAND AVE 1300 Block of 3RD STREET PROM 1100 Block of PEARL ST Intersection of 12TH ST / WASHINGTON AVE Intersection of 2ND ST / SANTA MONICA BLVD Beat B004 B002 B001 B004 B002 B002 B004 B002 B001 B002 B001 B001 B004 B003 B002 B004 B004 B001 B001 B003 9999 B004 9999 B001 B003 B001 B001 B001 9999 B003 B002 B001 B002 B004 B001 RD 0B4D 0B2D 0B1K 0B4D 0B2B 0B2D 0B4E 0B2B 0B1K 0B2A 0B1K 0B1K 0B4E 0B3C 0B2A 0B4B 0B4D 0B1L 0B1G 0B3D 9999 0B4F 9999 0B1J 0B3C 0B1J 0B1I 0B1J 9999 0B3E 0B2C 0B1K 0B2B 0B4E 0B1K Received 18:49:10 18:51:28 18:55:06 18:56:38 18:59:09 19:15:10 19:17:44 19:22:31 19:23:46 19:29:42 19:31:42 19:33:20 19:37:12 19:38:57 19:39:15 19:42:22 19:44:55 19:53:03 20:01:38 20:02:42 20:03:57 20:10:39 20:11:43 20:18:37 20:22:15 20:23:45 20:24:27 20:26:07 20:34:59 20:36:58 20:38:26 20:43:21 20:50:06 20:50:48 20:53:44 Cleared 19:02:24 19:41:24 18:58:39 19:05:37 20:04:34 19:25:40 19:56:01 19:40:47 19:23:50 20:04:25 19:39:14 22:03:47 20:10:27 19:52:01 19:57:27 19:48:23 20:12:15 20:01:25 20:53:12 20:17:03 21:45:54 20:20:07 20:34:34 21:02:12 20:34:23 21:18:45 20:24:36 22:20:53 21:44:03 20:53:59 21:00:33 20:53:02 20:56:27 21:41:24 21:13:18 Disposition Gone on Arrival Other Advisal Cancelled Report Checks Okay Checks Okay Advisal Advisal Field Interview Checks Okay Arrest Citation/Oth Enforcement Gone on Arrival Gone on Arrival Cancelled Assist Advisal Assist Gone on Arrival Other Gone on Arrival Other Gone on Arrival Advisal Arrest Cancelled Impound Other Gone on Arrival Checks Okay Unfounded Advisal Field Interview Citation/Oth Enforcement CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150012237 150012238 150012239 150012240 150012242 150012243 150012244 150012245 150012246 150012248 150012249 150012250 150012253 150012255 150012256 150012258 150012262 150012263 150012264 150012265 150012266 150012267 150012268 150012269 150012270 150012271 150012272 150012273 150012274 150012275 150012278 150012279 150012280 150012281 150012282 Page 10 of 11 Incident Type Disturbance of the Peace Traffic Accident - No Injuries Trespassing Lewd Activity Exhibition of Speed Disturbance at a Business Drunk Driving Investigation Keep The Peace Drunk Driving Investigation Found Property Traffic/Vehicle Stop 9-1-1 Hang Up Audible Burglar Alarm Pedestrian Stop Citizen Flag Status Check Traffic/Vehicle Stop Traffic Accident - No Injuries Traffic/Vehicle Stop Municipal Code Violation Check Temporary No Parking Signs Theft of Recyclables Traffic/Vehicle Stop Disturbance of the Peace Exhibition of Speed Traffic/Vehicle Stop Auto Burglary Now Periodic Check Assistance Call Public Intoxication Loud Music Check Temporary No Parking Signs Pedestrian Stop Violation of Posted SIgn Traffic/Vehicle Stop Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location Intersection of EUCLID ST / ARIZONA AVE Intersection of CLOVERFIELD BLVD / OLYMPIC BLVD 1700 Block of 10TH ST 1300 Block of 2ND ST Intersection of OLYMPIC AVE/ BUNDY AVE 1500 Block of OCEAN AVE Intersection of CLOVERFIELD BLVD / SANTA MONICA BLVD 600 Block of PACIFIC ST 2400 Block of HILL ST 300 Block of SANTA MONICA PIER Intersection of LINCOLN BLVD / COLORADO AVE 1000 Block of 2ND ST 1300 Block of 3RD STREET PROM Intersection of 9TH ST / PICO BLVD 1100 Block of MAPLE ST 2000 Block of 21ST ST 400 Block of BROADWAY Intersection of 4TH ST / COLORADO AVE Intersection of LINCOLN BLVD / BAY ST 1100 Block of 16TH ST 1000 Block of 9TH ST 1400 Block of 17TH ST Intersection of 9TH ST / PICO BLVD 1500 Block of 5TH ST Intersection of 17TH ST / GEORGINA AVE Intersection of 17TH ST / BROADWAY Intersection of 4TH ST / BICKNELL AVE 1700 Block of THE BEACH 1300 Block of 5TH ST 2100 Block of LINCOLN BLVD 200 Block of PICO BLVD 1100 Block of 11TH ST 1600 Block of OCEAN FRONT WALK 500 Block of SANTA MONICA BLVD 300 Block of WILSHIRE BLVD Beat B003 B003 B003 B001 9999 B001 B003 B002 B002 B001 B001 B004 B001 B002 B002 B003 B001 B001 B002 B004 B004 B003 B002 B001 B004 B003 B002 B001 B001 B002 B002 B004 B001 B001 B001 RD 0B3A 0B3F 0B3D 0B1K 9999 0B1L 0B3A 0B2A 0B2E 0B1D 0B1H 0B4D 0B1K 0B2B 0B2B 0B3E 0B1I 0B1H 0B2A 0B4E 0B4E 0B3B 0B2B 0B1I 0B4B 0B3C 0B2A 0B1E 0B1J 0B2B 0B2A 0B4E 0B1E 0B1J 0B1K Received 21:00:07 21:00:42 21:02:23 21:03:00 21:09:22 21:11:29 21:13:09 21:14:37 21:15:09 21:23:38 21:35:22 21:36:53 21:45:13 21:45:29 21:48:18 21:56:10 22:01:35 22:06:09 22:09:39 22:10:50 22:20:31 22:20:49 22:22:40 22:28:39 22:31:12 22:33:08 22:33:57 22:34:56 22:37:58 22:41:19 22:49:41 22:50:44 22:54:49 22:55:35 22:56:12 Cleared 21:17:03 21:21:43 21:45:37 21:19:52 21:09:56 21:28:04 21:28:20 21:45:11 21:41:48 21:23:55 21:40:30 21:59:35 22:12:48 22:09:02 21:52:09 22:19:35 22:14:56 23:20:56 22:40:00 22:30:03 22:45:27 22:31:32 22:27:33 22:58:37 23:01:18 22:39:44 22:59:57 22:54:13 23:22:56 22:48:14 23:09:10 23:15:11 23:05:12 23:14:59 22:59:01 Disposition Gone on Arrival Assist Advisal Advisal Other Advisal Gone on Arrival Gone on Arrival Gone on Arrival Cancelled Checks Okay Checks Okay Checks Okay Citation/Oth Enforcement Advisal Assist Citation/Oth Enforcement Assist Citation/Oth Enforcement Gone on Arrival Checks Okay Gone on Arrival Advisal Advisal Gone on Arrival Assist Checks Okay Other Assist Gone on Arrival Advisal Other Advisal Impound Advisal CALL FOR SERVICE REPORT - PRESS Santa Monica Police Department Incident # 150012283 150012284 150012285 150012288 150012293 150012294 150012295 150012296 Page 11 of 11 Incident Type Burglary Now Disturbance of the Peace Periodic Check Suspicious Person Traffic/Vehicle Stop Traffic/Vehicle Stop Person Down Disturbance of the Peace Date 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 Location 2400 Block of SANTA MONICA BLVD 800 Block of 4TH ST 3400 Block of AIRPORT AVE Intersection of 9TH ST / MICHIGAN AVE 2100 Block of PICO BLVD Intersection of WILSHIRE BLVD / CENTINELA Intersection of 17TH ST / PICO BLVD 3100 Block of NEILSON WAY Beat B003 B004 B002 B003 B002 B003 B002 B001 RD 0B3A 0B4D 0B2D 0B3D 0B2C 0B3A 0B2C 0B1F Received 22:56:56 23:01:12 23:07:30 23:16:31 23:38:41 23:39:28 23:41:35 23:42:36 Cleared 23:20:22 23:19:45 23:15:23 23:26:38 23:44:52 00:30:58 00:01:50 00:15:35 Disposition Checks Okay Checks Okay Checks Okay Gone on Arrival Advisal Citation/Oth Enforcement Assist Advisal
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