Editorial Board (PDF) - Organization Studies

An international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organizing and the
organized in and between societies
Published in collaboration with the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
An international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organizing and the
organized in and between societies
Published in collaboration with the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
Robin Holt University of Liverpool Management School, UK
email: [email protected]
Frank den Hond Hanken School of Ecomonics, Finland and VU University,
The Netherlands
email: [email protected]
Managing EditorSophia Tzagaraki Athens, Greece
email: [email protected]
Telephone: +306944607662
Senior EditorsSusan Ainsworth The University of Melbourne, Australia  David Arellano Gault
Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE), Mexico  Bobby
Banerjee Cass Business School, City University London, UK  Andrew D. Brown
University of Bath, UK  Christine Coupland Loughborough University,
UK  Frédéric Delmar EM Lyon, France  Marianna Fotaki University of
Warwick, UK  Yiannis Gabriel University of Bath, UK  Daniel Hjorth
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark  Ha Hoang ESSEC Business School,
France  Michael Humphreys Durham University, UK  Matthew Jones
University of Cambridge, UK  Bernard Leca University of Paris Dauphine,
France  William McKinley Southern Illinois University, USA  Anca Metiu
ESSEC Business School, France  Guido Möllering Jacobs University Bremen,
Germany  Trish Reay University of Alberta, Canada  Carl Rhodes University
of Leicester, UK  Michael Rowlinson Queen Mary University of London, UK
 Ayse Saka-Helmhout University of Surrey, UK  David Seidl University of
Zurich, Switzerland  Graham Sewell University of Melbourne, Australia  John A. A. Sillince University of Newcastle Business School, UK  André Spicer
Cass Business School, City University London, UK  Jacky Swan University of
Warwick, UK  Ryad Titah HEC Montréal, Canada  Marvin Washington
University of Alberta, Canada  Charlene Zietsma Schulich School of Business,
York University, Canada  Mike Zundal University of Liverpool
About the Journal
Organization Studies aims to promote the understanding of organizations, organizing and the organized, and the
social relevance of that understanding. It encourages the interplay between theorizing and empirical research, in
the belief that they should be mutually informative. It is a multidisciplinary journal which is open to contributions
of high quality, from any perspective relevant to the field and from any country.
Organization Studies is, in particular, a supranational journal which gives special attention to national and
cultural similarities and differences worldwide. This is reflected by its international editorial board and publisher
and its collaboration with EGOS, the European Group for Organizational Studies.
Manuscript Submission Manuscripts original in style and content (not under review, accepted and/or published elsewhere) are w
­ elcome.
Prospective authors are strongly encouraged to submit their manuscripts in English. However, should that prove
difficult, manuscripts in languages other than English may be submitted. In such a case the paper will go through
a pre-review process to determine its fitness with OS editorial policy and q­ uality standards. If a paper has potential, its authors will be asked to translate it into English and then the English-language version will be submitted
to the normal review process.
Organization Studies is hosted on SAGE track a web based online submission and peer review system powered
by ScholarOne™ Manuscripts. Please visit http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/orgstudies to login and submit your
article online. Articles should be written in accordance with the journal’s requirements (see Editorial Procedures
& Manuscript Submission on the website, www.egosnet.org/os).
Terms of Publication
Before publication authors are requested to assign copyright to Sage Publications, subject to retaining their right to
reuse the material in other publications written or edited by themselves and due to be published preferably at least
one year after initial publication in the Journal. Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions from copyright
holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.
Permission letters must be supplied to Sage Publications. Authors will receive emailed proofs of their articles, a
copy of the journal (each) and access to final pdf files.
Book Reviews
Please send books for review to the Book Review Editors: Mukti Khaire, Associate Professor of Business
Administration, Marvin Bower Fellow, Harvard Business School, Rock Center 321, Boston, MA 02163, USA
[email: [email protected]]; Claudia Gabbioneta, Department of Economics, University of Genoa, Via Vivaldi 5,
16126 Genoa, Italy [email: [email protected]]; Kyoung-Hee Yu, Senior Lecturer, School of
Management, Australian School of Business, Rm 564 University of New South Wales, Kensington NSW 2052,
Australia [email: [email protected]].
Organization Studies (ISSN:0170-8406 print, 1741-3044 online) is published monthly by SAGE Publications
(Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington, DC). Annual subscription (2015) including postage: institutional rate (combined print and electronic) £1271/$2351; print only individual rate (print only subscription) £114/$211. Electronic only and print only subscriptions are available for institutions at a discounted rate.
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Book Review
Claudia Gabbioneta Genova University, Italy
email: [email protected]
Mukti Khaire Harvard Business School, USA
email: [email protected]
Kyoung-Hee Yu University of New South Wales, Australia
email: [email protected]
David J. Hickson, Stewart R. Clegg, John Child, Arndt Sorge, David C. Wilson,
Haridimos Tsoukas, David Courpasson
Abstracting and
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