VOC Regulations for Adhesives and Sealants Products 16 fl oz or LESS (Including All Sizes of Aerosol Adhesives) REGULATIONS CURRENT AS OF MARCH 2014 Regulated States S TA TE E F F E C TI V E D A T E SEL L T HR O UG H E X P I RE S C ALI F O R NI A * CO NN E C T IC U T D EL A W AR E S EE W E B S IT E 1 /1/ 200 9 5 /1/ 200 9 S EE W EB S IT E U N LIM IT E D U N LIM IT E D IL LI NO I S I ND IA N A M AIN E 7/1 /2 009 - 7 /1/ 20 12 6 /1/ 201 1 1 /1/ 200 9 U N LIM IT E D U N LIM IT E D U N LIM IT E D M AR Y LA N D M ASS AC H US ET T S MIC H IG A N 1 /1/ 200 9 1 /1/ 200 9 1/ 29/ 20 07 U N LIM IT E D U N LIM IT E D U N LIM IT E D NE W H A M PSH IR E * N EW J ER SE Y 1/ 1/2 00 7 - 1 /1/ 20 15 1 /1/ 200 9 U N LIM IT E D U N LIM IT E D NE W YO RK 10 /15 /20 09 U N LIM IT E D PE NN S Y LV AN IA 1 /1/ 200 9 U N LIM IT E D O HI O RH O D E ISL A N D 1 /1/ 200 9 7 /1/ 200 9 U N LIM IT E D U N LIM IT E D WA SH D C 3 /1/ 201 1 U N LIM IT E D V IR G IN IA * U T AH * 8 /1/ 201 0 9 /1/ 201 4 U N LIM IT E D U N LIM IT E D * P lea s e s ee be lo w for s p ec i fi c in for m at io n California & New Hampshire Currently Effective – CA Effective 1/1/2015 – NH Construction, Panel and Floor Covering Adhesive has a 7% VOC Limit California Currently Effective Non-Chemically Curing Sealant/Caulking Compound VOC limit has dropped to 1.5% Chemically Curing Sealant/Caulking Compound VOC limit has dropped to 3% CARB (California Air Resources Board) regulates the whole state for Consumer Products such as adhesives and sealants that are16 fl oz or smaller. Effective Dates May Vary Virginia Only the following Northern counties and cities in the State of Virginia are regulated: Counties Cities Arlington Spotsylvania Alexandria Fairfax Stafford Colonial Heights Charles City Falls Church Chesterfield Fairfax Hanover Fredericksburg Henrico Manassas Loudon Manassas Park Prince George Petersburg Prince William Richmond Utah Only the following counties in the State of Utah are regulated: Counties Box Elder Cache Davis Salt Lake Tooele Utah Weber Please contact Henkel’s Regulatory Affairs Department if you have additional questions/comments 1-440-250-7700. VOC Regulations for Adhesives and Sealants Products LARGER than 16 fl oz REGULATIONS CURRENT AS OF MARCH 2014 Regulated States STATE EFFECTIVE DATE SELL THROUGH EXPIRES CALIFORNI A * CONNECTICUT SEE WEBSITE 1/1/2009 SEE WEBS ITE UNLIMITED DELAWARE 5/1/2009 UNLIMITED MAINE 1/1/2011 UNLIMITED MARYLAND 1/1/2009 UNLIMITED NEW JERSEY 1/1/2009 UNLIMITED NEW YORK RHODE ISLAND 9/30/2010 7/1/2009 12/31/2011 UNLIMITED WASH DC 3/1/2011 UNLIMITED PE NNSYLVANIA 1/1/2012 UNLIMITED UNLIMITED VIRGINIA * 8/1/2010 MASSACHUS ETTS 1/1/2015 9/1/2015 UTAH * 9/1/2014 UNLIMITED * Please s ee below for specific information California 35 Air Districts Thirteen (13) air districts have VOC regulations for products larger than 16 fl oz: Each air district could have differing limits, product categories and effective dates. Please refer to the district website. Antelope Valley AQMD Shasta County AQMD Tehama County APCD Bay Area AQMD El Dorado APCD Placer County APCD Sacramento Metro AQMD San Diego APCD San Joaquin APCD Santa Barbara APCD South Coast AQMD Ventura County APCD Yolo-Solano AQMD Virginia Only the following Northern counties and cities in the State of Virginia are regulated: Counties Cities Arlington Alexandria Charles City Colonial Heights Chesterfield Falls Church Hanover Fairfax Henrico Fredericksburg Fairfax Hopewell Loudon Manassas Prince George Manassas Park Prince William Petersburg Spotsylvania Richmond Stafford Utah Please contact Henkel’s Regulatory Affairs Department if you have additional questions/comments 1-440-250-7700. Only the following counties in the State of Utah are regulated: Cache Box Elder Davis Salt Lake Tooele Utah Weber Construction Adhesives and Sealants VOC - LEED® - GREENGUARD® REGULATIONS CURRENT AS OF E SIZ NA PR H# ID Se l la R e ble i n gu la t VO C ed LE Ar ED ea St s an da r d GR s EE NG UA RD ® MARCH 2014 OD UC ME T Products highlighted in green meet the standards of each category – VOC compliance, LEED® Building Standards, and GREENGUARD® Certification O SI ® GR E EN SE RI ES™ 13 90 0 14 O S I® Gr ee nS er ies™ A crylic Ure tha ne In do or/O u td oo r S ea lan t 14 98 7 17 O S I® Gr ee nS er ies™ F-3 8 Dr yw all & P a ne l C on str uctio n A dh esive 10 O Z 28 O Z 14 98 7 19 O S I® Gr ee nS er ies™ S F- 45 0 He avy Duty Con structio n & S u bflo or A dh esive 15 38 7 43 O S I® Gr ee nS er ies® P ro F oa m II® Mini ma lly E xp an din g, In su latin g Foa m 28 O Z 24 O Z 14 96 5 42 O S I® Gr ee nS er ies™ S C-1 75 D raft & A cou stical S ou nd Se ala nt 13 90 0 35 O S I® Gr ee nS er ies™ Fla me Se al ® Fire , S mo ke & Dra ft S to p S ea lan t TB A O S I® Gr ee nS er ies™ Fla me Se al ® Fire , S mo ke & Dra ft S to p S ea lan t 28 O Z 10 O Z 29 O Z O SI W IN T eQ™ 14 43 84 1 O S I® TeQ ::Foa m ™ W ind o ws & Doo rs 10 03 80 2 O S I® TeQ ::Se al™ W in do w F lan ge Se ala nt 22 .25 O Z 10 O Z O SI TR IMT eQ ™ 15 38 78 8 O S I® TeQ ::Bo nd ™ 14 29 65 1 O S I® TeQ ::Mou nt™ 4 OZ 10 O Z O SI ® QU A D ™ 8 27 8 39 O S I® Qu ad ™ Non -V OC ( W hite ) Non -Re gu la te d S tates 16 38 6 74 O S I® Qu ad ™ 1.5% V OC ( W hite) For Ca lifo rn ia Re gu lato ry R eq uir em en ts 16 42 8 78 O S I® Qu ad ™ 4% VO C (W h ite) Fo r A ll Reg ul ated State s E xce pt Cali forn ia see pri ce list O S I® Qu ad ™ 1.5% V OC ( all co lor s) For All Re gu la te d & N on -Re gu late d S ta tes 8 27 8 37 O S I® Qu ad ™ (Cle ar ) For A ll Re gu late d an d No n- Re gu lated Sta te s 10 O Z 10 O Z 10 O Z 10 O Z 10 O Z O SI ® 15 93 06 8 O S I® EP -1 00 0 En ha nc ed P ol yu re th an e S ea lan t W h ite see pri ce list O S I® SB R-1 00 ™ W i nd ow an d S idi ng C au lk (al l colo rs ) see pri ce list O S I® SB R-1 00 ™ W i nd ow an d S idi ng C au lk VO C (a ll col ors ) O S I® H2U™ Hig h P er form an ce A crylic Ure tha ne Se ala nt (a ll colo rs) 10 O Z 10 O Z 10 O Z see pri ce list see pri ce list O S I® VP -2 75 ™ M ulti-P u rpo se S ilico ne Se ala nt (a ll colo rs) see pri ce list O S I® HM -2 70 ™ Con structio n S ilico ne S e ala nt (a ll colo rs) 16 30 09 6 O S I® F-3 8™ Drywall & Fra mi ng A dh esive VO C Co mp lia nt (al l 50 sta te s) 10 10 10 28 see see see see 10 O Z 10 O Z 5 OZ 5 OZ pri ce pri ce pri ce pri ce list list list list O S I® O S I® O S I® O S I® 14 60 7 31 O S I® 8 55 0 82 O S I® 13 05 81 2 O S I® 8 27 62 7 O S I® 8 27 62 8 O S I® 1 62 68 75 15 96 52 9 8 27 63 1 8 27 65 3 GS 12 1 G utter & S ea m Se al an t (a ll co lor s) GS 12 1 G utter an d Se am Se al an t VO C (a ll co lor s) GS 12 5 G utter Se ale r V OC ( all co lor s) GS 12 5 G utter Se ale r (a ll col ors) M icro Pr em ium G u tte r Se al er M icro Pr em ium G u tte r Se al er SC- 17 0™ Aco u stica l So u nd S ea la nt QB -3 00 ™ M ulti P ur po se Co nstru cti on A dh es ive QB -3 00 ™ M ulti P ur po se Co nstru cti on A dh es ive O S I® SF- 45 0™ Hea vy D uty Co nstr uca ti on & Su bflo or A dh es ive (V O C all 5 0 sta O Ste I®s)SF- 45 0™ Hea vy D uty Co nstr uca ti on & Su bflo or A dh es ive (V O C all 5 0 sta O Ste I®s)SW -3 25 ™ Sh ea r & Dr ywa ll A dh esive O S I® FRP- 55 5™ La tex FRP Ad he sive 8 27 65 4 O S I® 8 27 65 5 O S I® see pri ce list O S I® 8 27 57 9 O S I® FRP- 55 5™ La tex FRP Ad he sive FRP- 55 5™ La tex FRP Ad he sive RT-6 00 ™ VO C Ro of Tile A d he sive (a ll col ors) RF-1 40 ™ Ro of & Fl ash ing Se ala nt OZ OZ OZ OZ 5 OZ 10 O Z 28 O Z 28 O Z 5 GL 10 O Z 28 O Z 28 O Z 1 GL 3.5 G L 5 GL 10 O Z 10 O Z Ca nn ot be so ld in Ca lifo rni a Please contact Henkel’s Regulatory Affairs Department if you have additional questions/comments 1-440-250-7700. Construction Adhesives and Sealants VOC - LEED® - GREENGUARD® ll a Re b le i n gu lat VOC ed LE ED Ar e St an a s da rd GR s EE NG UA RD ® SIZ E PR O NA DU C ME T ID H# MARCH 2014 Products highlighted in green meet the standards of each category – VOC compliance, LEED® Building Standards, and GREENGUARD® Certification Se REGULATIONS CURRENT AS OF Loc tite® P L® 13 90 59 5 13 90 59 4 14 51 58 8 16 14 90 5 PL PL PL PL Pr em ium ® Pr em ium ® Pr em ium ® Pr em ium ® Co nstru ction Co nstru ction Co nstru ction Co nstru ction Ad he sive Ad he sive Ad he sive Ad he sive 1 0 FL OZ 2 8 FL OZ 4 FL OZ 1 GAL 14 17 17 0 16 50 98 0 P L Pr em ium ® Fa st Gra b Co nstru ction Ad he sive P L 10 0® D rywall Co nstr uction Ad he sive 1 0 FL OZ 2 8 FL OZ 13 90 60 3 13 90 60 2 P L 20 0® P ro jects Co nstr uction Ad he sive P L 20 0® P ro jects Co nstr uction Ad he sive 1 0 FL OZ 2 8 FL OZ 14 21 94 1 14 21 93 0 P L 30 0® Fo am boardC on str uctio n A dh esive P L 30 0® Fo am boardC on str uctio n A dh esive 1 0 FL OZ 2 8 FL OZ 13 90 60 1 13 90 59 9 16 52 27 5 16 02 14 2 16 54 39 2 16 02 12 2 14 02 26 2 15 38 75 0 16 50 97 9 14 02 26 3 PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL 10 28 10 28 10 28 10 10 10 10 16 18 52 2 16 18 15 0 P L S1 0™ Concr ete Cr ack S ealan t P L S2 0™ S elf Level ing C on cre te Crack Seala nt 1 0 FL OZ 1 0 FL OZ 16 18 17 2 16 18 18 1 P L S2 0™ S elf Level ing C on cre te Crack Seala nt P L S3 0™ Roof and Flashing Se ala nt 2 8 FL OZ 1 0 FL OZ 37 5™ He avy Duty C onstr uctio n A dh esive 37 5™ He avy Duty C onstr uctio n A dh esive 40 0® S ub flo or Construction Ad he sive 40 0® S ub flo or Construction Ad he sive 50 0® Landsca pe Blo ck Co nstru ction A d he sive 50 0® Landsca pe Blo ck Co nstru ction A d he sive 50 5™ P anelin g and T rim C onstr uction A dhesive 51 0™ P anelin g and W ood Con stru ctio n A dh esi ve 52 0™ Mir ro r Constru cti on A dhesi ve 55 0™ Tu b S urr ound Con structio n A dh esive see price list P L S4 0™ W in do w Door an d S idi ng S eala nt (al l colo rs) 16 93 63 6 P L 53 0™ Mir ro r, Mar ble and Gran ite A dh esive FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ 1 0 FL OZ 1 0 FL OZ Loc tite® Pow er G rab® 15 89 15 5 P ower Gr ab ® Cle ar A ll P urpo se Con structi on Adhesi ve 15 89 19 9 15 89 34 6 15 89 72 7 15 89 15 5 15 89 15 8 13 63 13 8 P ower P ower P ower P ower P ower P ower Gr ab ® Gr ab ® Gr ab ® Gr ab ® Gr ab ® Gr ab ® Cle ar A ll P urpo se Con structi on Adhesi ve Cle ar A ll P urpo se Con structi on Adhesi ve Cle ar A ll P urpo se Con structi on Adhesi ve Cle ar H ea vy Du ty Con structi on Adhesi ve Cle ar M old ing & P an eling Co ns tr uctio n Adhesive Tu b S urr ound Constructio n A dh esive 9 FL OZ 6 OZ 6 FL OZ 3 FL OZ 9 FL OZ 9 FL OZ 1 0 FL OZ Loc tite® Polyseamseal® see price list see price list see price list see price list 17 23 84 7 P olysea mseal® P olysea mseal® P olysea mseal® P olysea mseal® P olysea mseal® All P ur po se S ea lant ( all co lor s) All P ur po se S ea lant ( all co lor s) Tub an d Tile Seal an t (all col or s) Tub an d Tile Seal an t (all col or s) Rai n G ua rd™ S ealan t 1 0 FL OZ 5.5 FL OZ 1 0 FL OZ 5.5 FL OZ 1 0 FL OZ see price list see price list 15 11 10 0 17 94 61 2 P olysea mseal® P olysea mseal® P olysea mseal® P olysea mseal® 100% Si licon e S ea lant ( all colors) Acr yli c C au lk with Si licon e (all co lor s) Painte r's Caulk Painte r's Exp re ss 10 10 10 10 FL FL FL FL OZ OZ OZ OZ Please contact Henkel’s Regulatory Affairs Department if you have additional questions/comments 1-440-250-7700. VOC - LEED® - GREENGUARD® FAQ’s REGULATIONS CURRENT AS OF MARCH 2014 What are VOCs and why are they regulated? The EPA defines Volatile Organic Compounds generally as any compound of carbon (some exceptions) which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions. When VOCs mix with air and sunlight they can create smog and cause negative health effects. The EPA has set standards for smog (ground-level ozone) levels. For the states that do not meet these standards, they must have State Implementation Plans to reduce the smog levels, therefore regulations on VOCs are required in certain areas. How do VOC regulations work? Regulations prohibit the manufacture, sale, and/or use of non-VOC compliant products in certain locations which can be broken down to a state, county, or district level. The regulations also differ based on the size of the product. Consumer products (16 fluid ounces or less) are subject to different regulations compared to industrial products (larger than 16 fluid ounces). What fines or penalties may I be subject to if I do not follow these VOC laws? Each state has its own enforcement. Fines are levied for sale or use of non compliant product in a regulated state. California has inspectors in the field and fines and penalties can be thousands of dollars per day. Will other states not currently regulated adopt similar regulations? What about Canada? States may. Most of the mid states follow the Federal EPA rules but if certain locales need to meet the stringent air pollution limits, some states may adopt their own rules. Canada has proposed a rule much like CARB (California Air Resource Board) and OTC (Ozone Transport Commission) for consumer products. We have no definitive estimate as of late 2013. What are effective and sell-through dates? Effective Date is the date on which the rule and associated limits are enforceable. Sell Through is the period of time when products manufactured prior to effective date can be sold, so long as compliant date code is used. *Note: Some states have sell through dates with specific end dates while others have unlimited sell through if manufactured prior to the effective date My business is in a regulated state but I distribute product out of state (non-regulated state), may I still purchase non-VOC product? Yes. Customers can purchase non compliant product for distribution into compliant regions/states as long as they have signed a copy of Henkel's VOC Exception Form Letter. Where can I find a copy of the VOC regulations map? Contact Henkel Regulatory Affairs at 440-250-7700 or visit the individual state regulation website listed on the respective map page. What is LEED®? LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification provides independent, third-party verification that a building, home or community was designed and built using strategies aimed at achieving high performance in key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in 2000, the LEED rating systems are developed through an open, consensus-based process led by LEED committees. The products highlighted below fall within LEED Green Standards. What is the GREENGUARD®? The GREENGUARD® Environmental Institute (GEI) has established performance-based standards to define products and processes with low chemical and particle emissions for use indoors. The Indoor Air Quality Certification Program standards establish certification procedures including test methods, allowable emission levels, product sample collection and handling, testing type and frequency as well as program application processes, toxicity limits and acceptance. Please contact Henkel’s Regulatory Affairs Department if you have additional questions/comments 1-440-250-7700. VOC Regulations for Adhesives and Sealants Information Source REGULATIONS CURRENT AS OF MARCH 2014 16 fl oz or LESS STATE EFFECTIVE DATE SELL THROUGH EXPIRES CALIFORNIA* SEE WEBSITE SEE WEBSITE SEEWEBSITE CONNECTICUT DELAWARE 1/1/2009 5/1/2009 UNLIMITED UNLIMITED 22a-174-44 1141 ILLINOIS INDIANA 7/1/2009 - 7/1/2012 6/1/2011 UNLIMITED UNLIMITED MAINE 1/1/2009 UNLIMITED 06 096 - Ch 149 STATE RULE STATE WEBSITE http://www.arb.ca.gov/drdb/drdbltxt.htm http://www.ct.gov http://www.dnrec.delaware.gov/whs/awm/AQM/Pages/AirRegulations.aspx Title 35(B)223.200-285 http://epa.state.il.us/regulations/index.html 326 IAC 8 http://www.in.gov/legislative/iac/ http://www.maine.gov/dep/air/ MARYLAND 1/1/2009 UNLIMITED http://www.dsd.state.md.us MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN 1/1/2009 1/29/2007 UNLIMITED UNLIMITED 310 CMR 2005-035EQ http://www.mass.gov/dep/air/laws/regulati.htm http://www.michigan.gov/deq NEW HAMPSHIRE * NEW JERSEY 1/1/2007 - 1/1/2015 1/1/2009 UNLIMITED UNLIMITED Env-A 4100 7:27-26 http://des.nh.gov/organization/commissioner/legal/rules/ http://www.state.nj.us/dep/aqm/ NEW YORK 10/15/2009 UNLIMITED 235-1 http://www.dec.ny.gov/ PENNSYLVANIA 1/1/2009 UNLIMITED 25:130 http://www.pabulletin.com/ OHIO 1/1/2009 UNLIMITED 3745-112 http://www.epa.ohio.gov/ RHODE ISLAND 7/1/2009 UNLIMITED 44 WASH DC VIRGINIA * 3/1/2011 8/1/2010 UNLIMITED UNLIMITED 20-7 9 VAC 5-45-6 UTAH * 9/1/2014 UNLIMITED 307-342 http://www.dem.ri.gov/pubs/regs/ http://dcregs.dc.gov/default.aspx http://www.deq.state.va.us/programs http://www.airquality.utah.gov/ LARGER than 16 fl oz STATE EFFECTIVE DATE SELL THROUGH EXPIRES CALIFORNIA * CONNECTICUT DELAWARE SEE WEBSITE 1/1/2009 5/1/2009 SEE WEBSITE UNLIMITED UNLIMITED SEE WEBSITE 22a-174-44 1141 http://www.arb.ca.gov/drdb/drdbltxt.htm http://www.ct.gov http://www.dnrec.delaware.gov/whs/awm/AQM/Pages/AirRegulations.aspx MAINE MARYLAND 1/1/2011 1/1/2009 UNLIMITED UNLIMITED 06 096 - Ch 149 http://www.maine.gov/dep/air/ http://www.dsd.state.md.us NEW JERSEY 1/1/2009 UNLIMITED 7:27-26 http://www.state.nj.us/dep/aqm/ RULE STATE WEBSITE NEW YORK 9/30/2010 12/31/2011 235-1 http://www.dec.ny.gov/ RHODE ISLAND WASH DC 7/1/2009 3/1/2011 UNLIMITED UNLIMITED 44 20-7 http://www.dem.ri.gov/pubs/regs/ http://dcregs.dc.gov/default .aspx PENNSYLVANIA VIRGINIA * 1/1/2012 8/1/2010 UNLIMITED UNLIMITED 25:130 9 VAC 5-45-4 MASSACHUSETTS UTAH * 1/1/2015 9/1/2014 9/1/2015 UNLIMITED 310 CMR 7.18(30) 307-357 http://www.pabulletin.com/ http://www.deq.state.va.us/programs http://www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/massdep/air/regulations http://www.airquality.utah.gov/ Please contact Henkel’s Regulatory Affairs Department if you have additional questions/comments 1-440-250-7700.
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