Bully Prevention Resources

Supplemental Handouts
Bullying Prevention & Measurement
within a Multi-Tiered System of
Courage To Risk Conference
January 31, 2015
Lynne DeSousa, M.S. PBIS/MTSS Implementation Consultation
Colorado Department of Education
Office of Learning Supports – Teaching and Learning Unit
Bullying vs Normal Conflict
There is often a misconception between Bullying and Normal conflict. The table below
shows the key differences.
Equal power or friends
Imbalance of Power; not friends
Happens Occasionally
Repeated Negative Actions
Not Serious
Serious with threat of physical or
emotional harm
Equal Emotional Reaction
Strong emotional reaction from victim and
little or no emotional reaction from bully
Not seeking power or attention
Seeking power, control, or material things
Not trying to get something
Attempt to gain material things or power
Remorse—will take responsibility
No remorse—blames victim
Effort to solve the problem
No effort to solve the problem
Adapted from Bully Proofing your school, 1994 (pg 159)
Bullying, Normal Conflict, or Complaint
Staff Activity
Complaint: Unhappy with a situation or behavior, of which others may or may not be aware or
Normal Conflict: Two or more involved in a disagreement, or don‟t see things the same way. There
is an equal balance of power and equal emotional reaction. The “situation” is the focal point with no
one person seeking power or attention.
Colorado House Bill 11-1254 June 2011
• Any written or verbal expression or electronic or gesture, or pattern thereof, that is intended to
coerce, intimidate, or cause any physical, mental, or emotional harm to any student.
Read each of the scenarios below considering the following questions:
If this was all the information you had, would you say this is Bullying, Conflict, or Complaint?
What additional information would make you decide it‟s bullying?
What additional information would make you decide it‟s normal conflict? A Complaint?
1. You go over to a group that is playing soccer and say, “Can I play?” One person says “yes.” Another says
“Only if she‟s on the other team, she‟s no good.”
2. You are walking home with 3 of your friends and another kid nearly half your age. Your friends keeps
telling the younger kid to play practical jokes, negative physical acts, and give mean remarks to you.
They all laugh each time it happens.
3. You have two friends that are not getting along. They are both saying, texting, and posting mean things
about each other to other people.
4. You are playing a game with a group. One person is making all the rules, deciding what roles everyone
can play and telling everyone what they can and can‟t do.
5. You walk over to a lunch table where students are already sitting. You try and sit down and the students
tell you that they are saving the rest of the table for their friends.
6. You have trouble pronouncing certain sounds. As you walk past someone in the hall they say your name
and ask you to say a word that has been difficult for you in the past. They don‟t wait for you to respond,
but chuckle to themselves as they walk past you.
7. You go into your gym locker. As you open the locker door, a can of AXE Deodorant that has been
tampered with automatically sprays in your face.
Adapted from an Activity used by Thompson School District PBIS District Leadership Team 2013
Disrespect Scenarios used for BP-PBIS Practice
1. Someone asks someone else, “Why are you so dark?” (Note: you can insert any insult here)
2. Someone makes a mistake or messes up either in PE or in the classroom and another says, “you
suck at _____” or questions the grade they are in or their gender…
3. Someone is doing their homework and another one calls them a school boy/school girl or
“white” when they are a person of color or other insult.
4. A student tells a boy, “why don‟t you just wear a dress, you‟re talking to the girls all the time?”
1. Someone sits down at the lunchroom table. As they do so, 3 people get up and move to another
2. Three girls are talking and one motions to another girl that is down the hall to come join them.
Once the girl reaches the group, the same girl says, “Can we help you?” in a mean tone. Upon
being questioned, she denies motioning to the girl in the first place and all laugh.
3. Two girls go up to another girl who is reading and say they “really love” her outfit in a sugar
sweet tone and ask her where she got it. The girl perks up and tells them. One says, “Oh
thanks I‟ll remember not to shop there” and they both laugh and walk away…
4. A girl becomes friends with a new student and then her group of friends tries to make her
chose between them or her new friend.
1. Two 8th grade boys tell a 6th grade by to do something physical (it can be anything) to another
student. The 6th grader does it and gets a ton of positive attention from the boys who proceed
to tell him to do something else to another student.
2. Pulling a chair out as a student was sitting down and they fall to the ground.
3. Threatening someone to watch their back.
Rumors or Gossip
1. Spreading a rumor that a boy likes a particular student or vise versa
2. Spreading a rumor that a girl kissed another girl‟s boyfriend
3. A girl becomes friends with a new student and then her group of friends spreads a rumor that
they are “more than friends”
4. A girl becomes friends with a new student and her best friend becomes jealous and starts
spreading lies about mean things that the girl said or did to the “best friend”
5. Boys spread rumors about a boy‟s sexuality
6. A boy makes a really bad play on his sports team and the next day all the kids are talking about
it as if the loss in the game was all his fault.
Supplemental Scenarios to BP-PBIS Lesson Plans for Middle School
Best Practices:
Directly Teaching, Practicing, Reinforcing, and Correcting SOCIAL SKILLS
*Make Connections and Activate What We Already Know
What is it? What does it look like? Sound like? How do we define it?
We discuss it. We activate prior knowledge and thinking about it. We turn and talk about it.
Why is it important? What happens when you do it? Don‟t do it?
*Directly Teach the Skill Steps
Directly teach the steps of the skill.
*Model the Skill Steps
Modeling is telling paired with showing. Do not assume they know and can. As you model the skill
and give examples and non-examples; paying particular attention to almost, but not quite. Always
end with the “right way” you want the students to practice the skill.
*Practice the Skill
-It is not instruction unless you practice. If there is no practice, it is a pre-correction.
-Can practice the skill in the natural setting.
-Students can also role-play the skill, identifying the steps to the skill.
-Teachers and peers provide performance feedback.
*Transfer/Generalize skills
-Pre-correct, prompt and reinforce students at every reasonable opportunity for using the skill steps.
General, Specific, and Effective Praise (Tied to the outcome: Thanks for sitting in your seat, now we
can continue with the lesson)
-Look for and capitalize on teachable moments around the social skill.
-The goal is for students apply and use the skill as naturally and as often as possible.
-Students need 80% rate of success for mastery of any skill (same true for reading and math)
-The typical elementary classroom provides positive to negative feedback at a rate of 2:1 (middle
school 1:1) so this must be increased if you want to create change.
-Your students have learned the skill to mastery when they can perform the social skill automatically and
immediately under the most stressful or emotional situations.
-Correction: It is about the behavior and evokes the message that you are always on their side.
1. Corrective Prompt: Say students name and „teacher stare,‟ model, proximity, remind students what
to do using “class” or “the expectation is”.
2. Guided self-correction- What What Why Approach (Research shows a 75% improvement)
3. Corrective teaching: respond to more severe and persistent behavior when other tools did not work.
(Let‟s rewind)
Align with student—show empathy or praise
Describe inappropriate behavior
Describe appropriate behavior
Give reason for doing it the right way
Practice—doing it the right way
Example: What you did and what you should have done. When you accept no the right way we can
move on and avoid an argument. Let‟s rewind. Ask me again and I am going to say no, I want you to
do this. PRAISE when student does it the right way.
Adapted from Well Managed Schools: Strategies to Create productive and Cooperative Social Climate in your Learning Community,
Boys Town Press 2011