Inter-Office Memorandum TO: Development Review Committee DATE: October 15, 2014 FROM: John G. Thomson, AICP Land Development Manager SUBJECT: DRC Meeting Date: October 21, 2014 Request for Extension of the Final Site Plan Development Order 2004-F-FSP-1029, RSN 798364 Holly Bluff River Resort This is a request to extend the Final Site Plan Development Order, pursuant to Section 72504(10)(d) of Article III Land Development, Chapter 72 Code of Ordinances (LDC), for the abovereferenced project. The approved final site plan was for five (5) condominium buildings, with six (6) units each, and the associated paved parking and drive aisles within the Holly Bluff River Resort on a 7.24-acre site. The project is located adjacent to the St. Johns River at the terminus of Hontoon Road in the DeLand area. The zoning classification is Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD). The Final Site Plan Development Order was issued on August 25, 2006, and was valid for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of issuance. Since November 5, 2008, the Development Review Committee (DRC) has granted two one-year extensions of the Development Order. This project has also received two Development Order extensions under Senate Bill 360 and House Bill 7207. The Development Order is set to expire on December 15, 2014. On September 19, 2014, Ms. Astrid De Parry, P.A., submitted a request for a one (1)-year extension of the valid period of the Final Site Plan Development Order. Due to a scheduling conflict, Ms. De Parry requested this item be placed on the October 21, 2014, DRC meeting agenda in lieu of the originally scheduled meeting of October 7, 2014. Recommendation: Approve the request to extend the Final Site Plan Development Order for a period of one (1)-year, with a valid period through December 15, 2015. Please be prepared to discuss and take action on this request at the October 21, 2014, Development Review Committee meeting. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Thank you. JGT/jt Page 1 Astrid de Parry, Esquire* Attorney at Law ASTRID DE PARRY, P.A. [email protected] 107 East Church Street DeLand, FL 32724 LAND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Phone: 386-736-1223 Fax: 386-736-1022 SEP 1 9 2014 September 18, 2014 RECEIVED John G. Thomson, AICP Land Development Manager 123 West Indiana Avenue, Room 202 DeLand, FL 32720-4604 Email: [email protected] Re: Final Site Plan Approval 04-F-FSP-I029 Holly Bluff Marina Our File No.1 0126-007 Dear Mr. Thomson: The purpose of this letter is to request a one-year extension of the final site plan approval for Holly BluffMarina pursuant to Section 72-504(1 0)(d), Vol usia County, Florida Code ofOrdinances. Due to conditions in the current real estate market, my client has not been able to secure financing for this project. An extension of the filing acceptance for the Landings at Holly Bluff Marina, a Condominium, was granted until September 11, 2015. (See attached letter dated August 7, 2013 from Rick Crowe, Supervisor, Bureau of Standards and Registration, Division of Condominiums, Timeshares and Mobile Homes, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations.) Accordingly, we respectfully request the maximum extension of final site plan approval permitted by law for the above-referenced project. Thank you for your courtesies in this regard. Please do not hesitate to call me ifyou have any questions concerning the foregoing. ASTRID DE PARRY, P.A. By: Astrid de Parry, Esquire (5 AdP/tg cc: Richard and Judy Armstrong Joseph Hopkins, P.E. T:\WP Docs\Holly Bluff Marina\Correspondence\ Vol usia County\09-18-14 Ltr to John Thomson requesting one-yearr extension.wpd *Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil and Appellate Mediator Rcrida DeD<~rtrnc~!t0f. Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes Bureau of Standards and Registration 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1033 Phone: 850.488.1122' Fax: 850.921.5448 Busines~((!) Profess iOA-(3 I ROGul-·t-;orl ! ''-_.:;1 ,Clli Ken Lawson, Secretary VIA EMAIL ONLY: Rick Scott, Governor [email protected] LAND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY August 7, 2013 SEP 1 9 2014 Astrid de Parry Astrid de Parry, P.A. 107 E. Church St. Deland, Florida 32724-4323 RE: RECEIVED lANDINGS AT HOllY BLUFF MARINA, A COI\JDOMINIUM HOllY BLUFF MARINA INC. PR 74256 Dear Mr. de Parry: We have received your request for an extension to the recordation for Landings at Holly Bluff Marina, a Condominium in a timely manner. You are granted an additional 24-month period to create the condominium. This extension will expire on September 11, 2015 Pursuant to section 718.1 04(2), Florida Statutes, please provide our division with the information required by rule 61B-17.001(3), Florida Administrative Code (FAC), and submit the association fees pursuant to rule 61B-23.002(1), FAC, within 120 calendar days ofrecordation. Please contact me if I can be of further service. SINCERELY, BUREAU OF STANDARDS AND REGISTRATION SUPERVISOR-BUREAU OF STANDARDS AND REGISTRATION DIVISION OF CONDOMINIUMS, TIMESHARES AND MOBILE HOMES FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATIONS ROGER F. "RICK" CROWE EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected] WEB:VVWW.MYFlORIDALICENSE.COMIDBPR/lSC DIRECT: 850-717-1448 BUREAU: 850-487-9832 LICENSE EFFICIENTLY. REGULATE FAIRLY. WWVV.MYFLORIDAIICENSE.COM (10/1/2014) Sherri LaRose - Holly Bluff Marin From: To: CC: Date: Subject: "Astrid de Parry" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> 10/1/2014 1:46 PM Holly Bluff Marin Greetings Sherry Larose: Thank you for letting me choose. I would like to proceed on October 21 at 9:00 a.m. ASTRID DE PARRY, P.A. 107 East Church Street DeLand, FL 32724-4323 386-736-1223 (ph) 386-736-1022 (fax) <> <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected] Page 1 Land Development Office [email protected] November 20,2013 Astrid DeParry, Esquire Astrid DeParry, P.A. 107 East Church Street Deland, Florida 32724 Re: Request for Extension of the Final Site Plan Development Order Holly Bluff River Resort 2004-F-FSP-1029 RSN: 772210 Dear Ms. DeParry: On November 19, 2013, the Volusia County Development Review Committee (DRC) considered your request to extend the valid period of the Final Site Plan for the above referenced project, which is set to expire on December 15, 2014. The DRC approved the request to extend the Final Site Plan Development Order for a period of one (1) year, with a valid period through December 15, 2014. Please contact the land Development Office if you have any questions. The project name and number should be referenced on all inquiries. Sincerely, Dvl,Jj·~~ a n G. Thomson, AICP land Development Manager [email protected] JGT/vjb c: Ms. Judy Armstrong, Holly River Marina, 2280 Hontoon Road, Deland, Florida 32724 123 West Indiana Avenue Room 202 • Deland, FL 32720-4620 Deland 386-736-5942 Daytona Beach 386-248-8157 " New Smyrna Beach 386-423-3872 Fax 386-626-6551 " Fax 386-740-5195 • Fax 386-740-5136 0 <) Portion of approved plan set 2004-F-FSP-1029 47 2 WISCONSIN AV E LANSDOWNE AV E PK W IAL R D OL S A XON MCKENZIE RD DR O BL VD B N LV D VI D RO RD E RD DOYL LA K ES HO R E DR G ARF I E L D I-4 E S A AV RIVER DR LI DR DR TON S CLAY X DR R JENA D OD EWO WHIT VD BL VO TI P DE B AR Y M L IL APRIL AV 4 DELTONA D ER CR 4157 (FORT FLORIDA RD) AV § ¦ ¨ IS PR R N D SUMMIT AV I-4 W VICKSBURG ST SYLVIA DR ER D IRKS E W LAND BLV D RHODE ISLAND AV EXT E T EN CR 4158 (HIGHBANKS RD W) PARK LN DELE O N RD DEBARY 17 DEBA RY SANFORD AV 92 DR BIG JOHN DR 6TH AV AV 9TH EAST PKWY 12TH AV GASLIN E RD KEPLER RD HO ORANGE CITY * 1 LAKE HELEN RED FOX DR CR 4146 (SAXON BLVD) DOGWOOD TR KICKLIGHTER RD 47 2 CE MILLER RD SHADY LN S A XON B LVD CASSADAGA RD Y GRAVES AV VETERANS M EM O THORPE AV S LEAVITT AV S E PARKWAY WE S T SID PARK AV FRENCH AV SR OHIO AV MA CY SR MAIN ST LAKEVIEW DR EN SR 472 HAMILTON AV BLUE LAKE AV ORANGE CAMP RD RHODE ISLAND AV E RD TAYLOR I-4 FRONTAGE RD TAYLOR RD 19TH ST CYPRESS AV KE P LE R R D JACOBS RD 15A 44 D R M ART IN L KING J R B TWY A O RD FATI SPRING GARDEN AV 15 WESTSIDE PARKWAY SR 9 413 SR 17 92 * 1 MCGREGOR RD CSX RR GRAND AV IVY AV HILL AV WADE AV GARFIEL D AV STONE ST SPRING GARDEN AV SR 15A HAZEN RD GRAND AV AMELIA AV BERESFORD AV BERESFORD AV S SR MINNESOTA AV VOORHIS AV CR 4108 (EUCLID AV W) AV R HOLLY BLUFF MARINA DELAND MINNESOTA AV SR 44 FATIO RD Y AR RK YO PLYMOUTH AV CR ND W WD EVIE LAK U BO O E LD N HAZEN RD GRAND AV TY 44 SR 92 ( / CR 92 N KEPLER RD UN CO SHELL RD N OLD DAYTONA RD D) BEAR PAW LN SEABISCUIT TR MERCERS FERNERY RD I-4 COUNTY CARTER RD S HR RS (M A LIME S T GLENWOOD RD DYKES DR AVR 11 7 404 RG VI IA IN KENTU CKY AV PR I-4 (S CR STONE R D GAUD REY S T A 15 V N) RD E N A SR 11 GRAND AV CR GA MARSH RD LEMON ST G IN E N TE RP RISE O ST E N E RD HOLLY BLUFF MARINA 2004-F-FSP-1029 / 1 inch = 2 miles AR Y ND BO U TY HO NT OO N RD CO UN COUNTY CR HOLLY BLUFF MARINA 2004-F-FSP-1029 25 41 (R ER IV DG RI E RD ) / 1 inch = 300 feet RC W JO ST ULI HN S RD PUD ULI ULI A-3 A-3ESC R ( 25 41 HO RR CR R-3 ULI NR OO NT ESC RC D) LAKE FOREST DR ESC N HO NT OO RR RD ESC COUNTY B-7 R-4C ULI CMPUD COUNTY BOUNDA RY C R-4 R-3 C CON CON HOLLY BLUFF MARINA 2004-F-FSP-1029 / 1 inch = 1,000 feet AR Y ND BO U TY CO UN OO NT O H N RD CR 25 41 Legend FLD_ZONE 0.2 PCT ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD HAZARD A AE AH VE (R ER IV DG RI E RD )
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