COUNTDOWN TO VBS: 1 DAY! United Methodist Youth Fellowship

Care & Prayer Concerns
Richard Bartosik — Parkwest
Jerry Foster (friend of Mark Overbay)
Family of Patsy Golden (Carrie Linn’s mother)
Fred Hans & Family (death of Fred’s father)
Tiffany Hodge (Marty Layman’s cousin)
Tim Honert (Kelly Clancy’s brother-in-law)
Carrie Linn & Family (death of Carrie’s mother)
Phil Provo (Tracy Knight’s father)
Karen Rutledge (Stella Maddux’s daughter)
Helen Swan & Family (death of Helen’s sister)
Barbara Thibadeau (friend of Mark Overbay)
Frances Wilkins — homebound
Military Personnel & Families: Jake
Bowling, Harrison Foy, Eddie Halcott,
Meghan O’Brien Jackson, Simon
Jackson, Grant Roberts, Christopher
Smith, and Derek Reeves
Intermediate and long-term concerns are held in prayer daily through our prayer chain and prayer groups.
If you have a prayer concern, please contact the church office at 966-8430 or [email protected].
JOY (Just Older Youth)
Upcoming Events
THURSDAY, JULY 31 — Covered dish with Guest Speaker Dr. Bass, 6:30 p.m.,
First Farragut UMC.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 — Bavarian Village and Apple Festival Day Trip to
Helen, GA. We will carpool from FFUMC at 8:30 a.m. Trip is approximately
3 hours (150 miles per Google Maps). RSVP by Sunday, September 14, 2014.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 — Dinner at McCloud Restaurant in their new “SKY
DINING ROOM.” We can take a walk on the trails (easy walking) after lunch.
Charge for new dining area is $4.00 over regular menu prices. We will carpool
from FFUMC at 11:15 a.m.
For more information, contact Anita Oberdecker at 675-1415 or [email protected].
— The Giving Garden needs Harvest Volunteers to pick produce, and
Hunger Table Volunteers to manage the Hunger Table on Sunday mornings. Please sign up at
the Missions Table, or contact Laura Derr at [email protected].
— Wesley’s
Attic is in need of children’s clothing and coats for our next give-away
on August 9. Traditionally, we serve more than 400 children at the
August Mobile Pantry. Please bring donations to the office by
Monday July 28. Your help is greatly appreciated!
— Coats are coming in for our August 9
Mobile Pantry! Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to go through your closets.
We need a team of volunteers to help prepare coats for the Mobile Pantry: Checking to see
that donated coats are clean and in good condition and organizing them on hangers before
the event. Please contact Laura Derr ([email protected]) if you can donate an
hour or two of your time, at your convenience.
On Saturday, August 9, First Farragut UMC and Central UMC will
host our second 2014 Mobile Pantry Food Give-Away to needy
neighbors. The Mobile Pantry distribution will be held at
Central UMC, 301 Hickory Road, Lenoir City. We will distribute
a Second Harvest truckload of food as well as school supplies, used coats in all sizes, and
children’s clothing from Wesley’s Attic. At our April Mobile Pantry we served 200 needy
families; and we expect to see even more in August because it is back-to-school time.
Please stop by the Missions Bulletin Board on Main Street and sign up to help with
this family-friendly ministry on either Friday, August 8, or Saturday, August 9.
We need many hands and will provide on-the-job training!
Children & Youth
Even if you haven’t registered,
we welcome you to join us.
And be sure to invite your neighbors and friends!
We’ll see YOU tomorrow evening
at First Farragut UMC at 6:00 p.m.
for the Workshop of Wonders!
Next Sunday, July 20, we’ll celebrate our “Workshop of Wonders” Vacation Bible
School (VBS) with a blended worship service at 10:00 a.m. All VBS children are
invited to participate in the service. Please meet on Main Street at 9:45 a.m.
After the combined worship service, everyone’s invited
to a church-wide potluck picnic!
Mark Your Calendars for Sunday August 10:
God desires FFUMC to be an intentional, vibrant,
growing faith community transformed through
prayer, scripture, worship, and study.
God wants us to make a real difference
in the lives of our neighbors and each other as we
invite, accept, connect, serve, and share the love of Christ.
“Blessing of the Backpacks,” PROMOTION SUNDAY,
and distribution of Third Grade Bibles
9:00 & 11:00 a.m. worship services
Then we have an easy way to ensure that happens!
Just spend the Sunday school hour (10:00—10:50 a.m.) every week, or
as often as you wish, with our children! Each classroom needs two caring
hearts to help our youngest disciples learn and grow. Children of all ages
need lead teachers, assistants, and substitutes. All curriculum is provided
— you can do as little or as much as you are able.
To volunteer or for more information, please email our Children &
Family Ministries Director, Paige Morgan, at [email protected].
United Methodist Youth
Fellowship (UMYF)
UMYF Tonight, Sunday, July 13 — 5:30 p.m.
We’ll be off campus tonight due to VBS set-up.
Meet Chuck at Putt Putt Golf & Games
(in front of Farragut schools) at 5:30 p.m.
The cost is $7 per game or 3 games for $15.
Mark your calendars for a “Back-to-School Pool Party!”
Saturday, August 2, 2014
5:00 — 8:00 p.m.
All youth in 6th through 12th grade (including our recent grads!) are invited
to the home of Rachel & Sarah Lucas, 2100 Riversound Drive, Knoxville, TN,
for a pool party! Bring your swimsuits, towels, and a 2-liter drink to share.
Pizza will be provided. Hope to see you there!
Thanks to everyone who helped with the car wash yesterday!
Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
July 13, 2014
First Farragut United Methodist Church Staff:
Amy Probst, Lead Pastor
Chuck Powell, Director of Youth Ministries
Paige Morgan, Director of Children & Family Ministries
Susan Seratt, Financial Administrator
Jackie Davis, Administrative Assistant
Teresa Belles, Hostess & Kitchen Coordinator
Jayme Lyttle, Contemporary Worship Leader
Janie Powell, Nursery Coordinator
John Morris, Director of Choirs
David Morgan, Accompanist
Sonya Armiger, Director of TAKE-OFF (Parents’ Day Out)  12733 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37934  865.966.8430
9:00 AM Worship
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GROSSER GOTT)
David Morgan
Welcome & Passing the Peace of Christ
Chuck Powell
Call to Worship
David Morgan
Alleluia / I Am Thine, O Lord
Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
UMH # 126
Morning Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Scripture Reading
Matthew 13: 1-23
Paige Morgan
Children’s Message
Scott Hilbelink
Root Check!
Rev. Amy R. Probst
The Kingdom of God
Teresa Belles
Open My Eyes That I May See
UMH # 454
Blessed to be a Blessing
This past week, the Finance Committee and Church Council met and discussed the latest
sound bid from Broadway Sound (one of a number of professionals who have assessed and
offered bids and fixes during the past six months). This recommended solution will address
many of the sound issues with money that your Finance Committee wisely set aside
two years ago for major capital improvements.
Following worship today, the Trustees will have an emergency "called" meeting in the
Conference Room (209) that will hopefully allow us to move forward. If you are interested
in hearing more details, this meeting (as are all Board of Trustees meetings)
is an open meeting, and you are welcome to attend.
Have you completed a “Personal Information Sheet” for your child(ren)?
ALL children participating in ANY event at First Farragut United Methodist
Church MUST have a Personal Information Sheet on file.
Forms can be found at the VBS table on Main Street; on our website at, “Children” tab; or see Paige Morgan, Director of Children
& Family Ministries. Please be sure to have one filled out for EACH child and
return to Paige Morgan TODAY for the start of Vacation Bible School tomorrow!
If you have questions or need more information, please contact
our Children & Family Ministries Director, Paige Morgan,
at [email protected] or 865-966-8430.
* At points marked with an asterisk, those who are able may stand.
Wednesday Night Live
Summer Schedule at First Farragut UMC
11:00 AM Worship
Small groups are on “summer hiatus” until Wednesday, August 20.
Not To Us
I Am
Chuck Powell
Rev. Amy R. Probst
Please join us on Wednesday, August 20, at 5:45 p.m., for dinner
and a special time together to “preview” our Fall Wednesday Night Live
activities and studies. Adult small group studies will begin Wednesday,
September 3, 2014. Watch for more information to come soon!
Next Sunday, July 20, we’ll celebrate our “Workshop of Wonders”
Vacation Bible School (VBS) with a blended worship service at 10:00 a.m.
followed by a church-wide potluck picnic! Everyone’s invited!
Matthew 13: 1-23
Scott Hilbelink
Hallelujah To My King
Root Check!
Rev. Amy R. Probst
How Great Is Our God
Welcome to Worship Today!
We are so glad that you are here! God wants us to make a real difference
in the lives of our neighbors and each other as we
invite, accept, connect, serve, and share the love of Christ!
Please let our greeters and ushers know if they can help you in any way.
A Nursery is provided on the lower level for infants through Pre-K.
Children going to 11:00 Children’s Church (Kindergarten through 2nd grade)
are invited to follow the children’s leader to the lower level.
Attendance From Last Week:
Total Worship Attendance
9:00AM Worship
11:00AM Worship
Sunday School Attendance 126
The flowers on the altar today
are given to the Glory of God,
and in honor of
Marjorie Jenkin’s birthday,
by Alvin Jenkins.
Under repair … Our right projector has become increasingly unfocused
and blurry. Until the time we are able to secure a lift and work on it, we have
chosen to go to a single screen. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Helping end homelessness, one family at a time!
Our next Family Promise Host Week is August 3-10, 2014. Many people are needed
to help as we welcome homeless families into our church for a week, providing a safe
place for children and their families to sleep. You can help these families achieve
sustainable independence by volunteering to be Overnight Hosts, Evening Hosts,
provide dinner, help with set-up and take-down, or assist with laundry.
Check the sign-up board located on Main Street to see how you can help and to
volunteer. You won’t want to miss out on this life-changing mission!
For more information or to volunteer, contact Steve Krupski at [email protected].
Join us next Sunday, July 20, 2014, as we celebrate the “ Workshop of Wonders”
Vacation Bible School with a covered dish picnic lunch. We’ll begin the day with ONE
COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:00 A.M., followed by a covered dish picnic
lunch. What a special way to end our VBS Week! And, it’s a wonderful opportunity to
INVITE an unchurched neighbor or friend to come to church with you on Sunday!
There will be no children’s Sunday School as our children will be participating in the
worship service. Adult Sunday School classes choosing to meet next Sunday
should plan to meet from 9:00 to 9:50 a.m.
Lunch will be served at approximately 11:30 a.m. First Farragut UMC will provide
grilled chicken. If your last name begins with A-G, please bring a vegetable to
share. If your last name begins with H-Q, please bring a salad to share. If your last
name begins with R-Z, please bring a dessert to share. There's no charge for this
event! However, we please ask that you register in advance so we can be
sure to have enough chicken for everyone. You may register at the Welcome
Desk this morning or by calling the church office at 865-966-8430.
Calendar of Events
July 13, 2014 — July 20, 2014
Sunday, July 13
9:00 a.m.
Traditional Worship Service
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m.
Contemporary Worship Service
“Called” Board of Trustees Meeting — Conference Room 209
5:30 p.m.
United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) — Off Campus
Monday, July 14: “Workshop of Wonders” VBS Begins Today!
6:00 p.m.
Vacation Bible School
6:30 p.m.
James 5:13 Men’s Prayer Group — Off Campus
Tuesday, July 15: “Workshop of Wonders” VBS
Staff Meeting — Conference Room 209
6:00 p.m.
Vacation Bible School
Wednesday, July 16: “Workshop of Wonders” VBS
6:00 p.m.
Vacation Bible School
Thursday, July 17: “Workshop of Wonders” VBS
6:00 p.m.
Vacation Bible School
Friday, July 18: Last Day of “Workshop of Wonders” VBS
6:00 p.m.
Vacation Bible School
Saturday, July 19
Sunday, July 20
9:00 a.m.
Adult Sunday School
10:00 a.m.
Blended Worship Service Celebrating Vacation Bible School
11:30 a.m.
Church Wide Potluck Picnic — Worship Center
For more details, please visit our website at
Be sure to like us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter: @1stfarragutumc
FFUMC Guest Wi-Fi: ffumc001
not getting our weekly newsletter in your email? sign up online at
On July 3, First Farragut UMC, along with members of three other churches,
gleaned a total of 110 pounds of vegetables through SOSA. All the
vegetables went to the food pantry at Strawberry Plains UMC for distribution
that day.
On July 5, First Farragut UMC prepared and delivered 28 Senior Mobile meals;
and on Sunday, July 6, food for more than 40 people was prepared and
delivered to the Volunteer Ministry Center in downtown Knoxville.
And, First Farragut UMC made contributions totaling $8,000 to eight different
service organizations during the month of June.
Thank you First Farragut UMC for your dedication and support to local and global missions!
The First Farragut United Methodist Women (FFUMW) are
challenging the First Farragut UMC congregation to fill 350 plastic
bags with school supplies for the August 9 Mobile Pantry! Each bag
can be filled for about $7 with July sales at Walmart, Target, etc. Bags and lists are
available at the UMW Table on Main Street. Gently used backpacks are welcome, too!
Filled bags must be returned by Sunday, July 27th!
(Please leave the supply list in the bag.)
For more information, contact Brenda Bradford at 692-0955 or Anita Oberdecker at 675-1415.
Have you been trained in Stephen Ministry? We are currently updating our membership
data base and would like to know if you have had Stephen Ministry training. Please
contact the church office at [email protected] or 865-966-8430. Thank you!