Department of Applied Physics, Chalmers, Göteborg Göran Wahnström, Per Sundell, Martin Petisme, 2014-01-24 Self-consistency and the density-functional theory In this exercise you are asked to determine the ground state energy for the helium atom using the Hartree and the density functional method. You are recommended to use Python or . e Helium Atom Hamiltonian e Born-Oppenheimer Hamiltonian for the many-electron system reads H=− 1 1 ∑ e2 ℏ2 ∑ 2 1 ∑ ∑ Zn e 2 ∇i − + 2me i 4πε 0 n i |rri − R n | 2 4πε 0 |rri − r j | (1) 1 ∑ 2 ∑∑ 1∑ Zn 1 ∇i − + r r |r − R | |r − rj| 2 i 2 i n i n i (2) i̸=j or in atomic units H=− i̸=j For the helium atom it simplifies to 1 2 2 1 H = − (∇21 + ∇22 ) − − + r1 r2 r12 2 (3) and where r 1 and r 2 denote the position coordinates of the two electrons and r12 = |rr1 − r 2 |. Hartree–Fo for helium e two-electron Hartree–Fock Ansatz, which satisfies the antisymmetry requirement that the wavefunction changes sign when two particles are exchanged, is 1 Ψ(xx1 , x 2 ) = √ [ψ 1 (xx1 )ψ 2 (xx2 ) − ψ 1 (xx2 )ψ 2 (xx1 )] 2 (4) where the notation x i includes both the spatial and spin coordinate. For the ground state with paired electrons we have ψ 1 (xx1 ) = φ 0 (rr1 )α(s1 ) and ψ 2 (xx2 ) = φ 0 (rr2 )β(s2 ) so that 1 Ψ(xx1 , x 2 ) = √ φ 0 (rr1 )φ 0 (rr2 )[α(s1 )β(s2 ) − α(s2 )β(s1 )] 2 (5) where φ 0 is normalized and for the spin components we have |α(si )α(si )| = |β(si )β(si )| = 1 and α(si )β(si ) = 0. Plugging our Ansatz into the Schrödinger equation and integrating our the r 2 dependence (see [1]), we get the equation [ ] ∫ 1 2 2 2 1 − ∇1 − + drr2 |φ(rr2 )| φ(rr1 ) = E′ φ(rr1 ). (6) r1 r12 2 Density Functional eory e density functional method is based on the observation by Hohenberg and Kohn (1964) that all the ground-state properties of a many-body quantum-mechanical system of electrons may be obtained from a knowledge of the electron density n(rr). ey proved that the total energy of a many-electron system in an external potential is a unique functional of the electron density ∫ E[n] = F[n] + drr Vext (rr)n(rr) (7) and this functional is minimum and equal to the ground-state energy E0 when n(rr) is the ground-state density n0 (rr), E0 = E[n0 (rr)] = min E[n(rr)] (8) n(rr) e notation minn(rr) implies minimizing with respect to the density n(rr) keeping the number of electrons ∫ N = drr n(rr) constant. 1 e Kohn–Sham equations A practical scheme was developed by Kohn and Sham (1965). ey wrote the functional on the form ∫ KS E [n] = T0 [n] + EH [n] + Exc [n] + drr Vext (rr)n(rr) (9) where T0 [n] is the kinetic energy of a (fictious) non-interacting electron system; EH [n] is the Hartree energy, the classical inter-electron repulsion; and Exc [n] is the exchange-correlation energy, the rest. e laer includes all complicated many-body effects and has to be approximated. Carrying out the minimization in equation (8) one arrives at the Kohn–Sham equations [ ] 1 − ∇2 + Veff (rr) ψ i (rr) = ε i ψ i (rr) (10) 2 with Veff (rr) = VH (rr) + Vxc (rr) + Vext (rr) and ∫ VH (rr) = Vxc (rr) = Vext (rr) = with n(rr) = (11) n(rr′ ) , |rr − r′ | δExc [n] , δn(rr) ∑ Zn − , |rr − R n | n N ∑ drr′ (12) (13) (14) |ψ i (rr)|2 . (15) i=1 e ground-state energy is then given by E0 = N ∑ i=1 εi − 1 2 ∫ drr drr′ n(rr)n(rr′ ) + Exc [n] − |rr − r ′ | ∫ drr Vxc (rr)n(rr). (16) Notice that the ε i ’s are Lagrange multipliers introduced to handle the constraint that the number of electrons should be conserved, ∫ N= drr n(rr) = const. 2 (17) For the helium atom the Kohn–Sham equation reduces to [ ] ∫ 1 2 |φ(rr′ )|2 r − ∇2 − + 2 drr′ + V (r ) φ(rr) = εφ(rr) xc r |rr − r ′ | 2 with 1 E0 = 2ε − 2 ∫ n(rr)n(rr′ ) drr drr + Exc [n] − |rr − r′ | ′ and (18) ∫ drr Vxc (rr)n(rr) n(rr) = 2|φ(rr)|2 . (19) (20) e Local Density Approximation e exact form of the exchange-correlation functional is not known. It has to be approxiamted. e most widely used is the Local Density Approximation (). In that approximation the exchange-correlation functional Exc [n] is represented as ∫ Exc [n] = drr n(rr)ε hom (21) xc (n(rr )) where ε hom xc (n) is the exchange-correlation energy per electron of an homogeneous electron gas at density n. e corresponding potential is given by Vxc (rr) ≡ δExc [n] d hom = ε hom ε (n) xc (n) + n δn dn xc (22) e exchange-correlation energy can be separated into an exchange and a correlation contribution hom hom ε hom xc (n) = ε x (n) + ε c (n) (23) and correspondingly for the exchange-correlation potential. e exchange part can be evaluated exactly[2] ε hom x (n) =− 3 4 ( 3n π )1/3 (24) and the correlation part has been evaluated essentially exactly by the numerical quantum Monte Carlo technique.[3] e following analytical respresentation has been suggested[4] ε hom c (rs ) = γ , rs ≥ 1 √ 1 + β 1 rs + β 2 rs (25) ε hom c (rs ) = A ln rs + B + Crs ln rs + Drs , rs < 1 (26) with n = 3/(4πr3s ). e numerical values for the non-spinpolarized electron gas (in atomic units) are A = 0.0311, B = −0.048, C = 0.0020, D = −0.0116, γ = −0.1423, β 1 = 1.0529, β 2 = 0.3334. (27) Numerical procedure e Kohn–Sham equation (18) is non-linear in φ(rr) and has to be solved in an iterative manner. An initial guess for the wave-function φ(rr) is made, the Hartree potential VH (r) and exchange-correlation potential Vxc (r) are determined and the Kohn–Sham equation (18) can then be solved. A new wave-function φ(rr) is obtained and the procedure is repeated until the ground-state energy E0 in equation (19) is converged. 3 e Hartree potential e Hartree potential, the electrostatic potential generated by the charge distribution, ∫ n(rr′ ) VH (rr) ≡ drr′ |rr − r ′ | (28) which also can be wrien on differential form, the Poisson’s equation ∇2 VH (rr) = −4πn(rr) (29) For the helium atom the ground-state electron density is given by n(rr) ≡ 2ns (rr) = 2|φ(rr)|2 (30) where ns (rr) is the density of a single orbital. We can introduce the corresponding electro-static potential according to ∇2 VsH (rr) = −4πns (rr) (31) Using the radial symmetry it takes the form d2 U(r) = −4πrns (r) dr2 with U(r) = rVsH (r). e density is normalized according to ∫ ∫ drr ns (rr) = 4π dr r2 ns (r) = 1 and by introducing the variable u(r) = √ 4πns (r) r = √ 4π rφ(r) (32) (33) (34) the following differential equation is obtained d2 u2 (r) U(r) = − dr2 r with the boundary conditions (see ijssen [1] for details) U(0) = 0, (35) U(rmax ) = qmax = 1 By introducing the variable U0 (r) ≡ U(r) − r rmax the two-point boundary value problem is transformed into the standard form d2 u2 (r) U0 (r) = − 2 dr r (36) (37) with U0 (0) = U0 (rmax ) = 0. e radial Srödinger equation In radial coordinates the Kohn–Sham equation takes the form [ ] 1 d2 2 − − + VH (r) + Vx (r) + Vc (r) u(r) = εu(r) r 2 dr2 (38) with the boundary conditions u(0) = u(rmax ) = 0 Finally, the ground-state energy, in the local-density approximation, is given by ] [ ∫ 1 E0 = 2ε − 2 dr u2 (r) VH (r) + Vxc (r) − ε xc (r) 2 4 (39) Boundary value problems e boundary value problem for the differential equation (37) and eigenvalue equation (38) can be solved with various numerical methods. e finite difference method converts the boundary value problem into a system of algebraic equations. is is done by replacing the derivatives with finite differences. Finite differences In the finite difference method the space is discretized xi = a + ih, i = 0, . . . , n, h = (b − a)/n, (40) and one seeks an approximate solution at the grid points yi = y(xi ). (41) e derivatives are replaced by finite differences y′ (xi ) = y′′ (xi ) = yi+1 − yi−1 2h yi+1 − 2yi + yi−1 h2 and the resulting matrix equation can be solved using standard routines. 5 (42) (43) Task 1. Solve the problem in Section 4.3.2 in ijssen [1], i.e. write the wave function as φ(rr) = 4 ∑ Ci χ i (rr) i=1 with χ i (rr) = exp(−α i r2 ) and α 1 = 0.297104, α 2 = 1.236745, α 3 = 5.749982, α 4 = 38.216677. en solve the equations resulting from plugging this into equation (6) self-consistently until your energy change is less than 10−5 eV. Determine the ground state energy and wave function. 2. Consider Poisson’s equation. Solve it in radial coordinates (equation (37)) using finite differences. Discretize the equation and approximate the derivates using a uniform grid. en, solve the resulting system of linear equations. Test your program by using the ground state electron density for the hydrogen atom as input density. You should obtain the Hartree potential ( ) 1 1 VH (r) = − 1 + exp(−2r). r r 3. You also need to solve the Kohn–Sham equation (38). Write a program that solves the eigenvalue problem using the finite difference method on a uniform grid. Test your program by solving the radial Schrödinger equation for the hydrogen atom ( ) 1 d2 1 − − u(r) = Eu(r). r 2 dr2 Compare your results with the analytical result for the ground state energy and wave function. 4. Use the above results to construct a program that determines the ground state energy in the Hartree approximation. In this case, leave out the exchange-correlation terms, and remove the self-interaction from the Hartree potential, i.e. use VH = VsH Make an initial guess for the density and iterate to self-consistency. Stop the loop when the energy changes with less than 10−5 eV. Determine the ground state energy, eigenvalue, and wave function. Make sure that your solution is converged with respect to both the grid spacing and rmax . (Suggestion: increase rmax keeping the same grid density until convergence, and then increase the grid density until convergence.) Compare your results with Task 1. 5. Add exchange contributions to the previous task and solve it. (In this case, you should use the full Hartree potential, i.e. VH = 2VsH .) 6. Finally, solve the task also including the correlation contributions. References [1] J.M. ijssen Computational Physics, Cambridge, (1999) [2] N.W. Ashcro and N.D. Mermin Solid State Physics, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1976) [3] D.M. Ceperley and B.J. Alder, Ground State of the Electron Gas by a Stochastic Method, Phys. Rev. Le. 45, 566 (1980) [4] J.P. Perdew, A. Zunger, Self-interaction correction to density-functional approximations for manyelectron systems, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981) 6
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