Global Learning in the Revised Northern Ireland Curriculum KS2 Background The Revised Curriculum offers a real opportunity for teachers to enhance pupils’ learning by the integration of global issues in their teaching. The curriculum document states that “The learning opportunities provided through the Northern Ireland Curriculum should help young people to develop as individuals, contributors to society and to the economy and environment” "and in particular... an ts and ideas and developing gh ou th eir th ng ari sh d an lf-esteem in expressing self-confidence and se and wonder of the world; appreciation of the beauty er places, cultures and the oth of as ll we as , rld wo e th s and their place in an awareness of themselve environment; ct on society and the world pa im its d an y log no ch Te n n and Communicatio an awareness of Informatio around them." Approach “Teachers should involve children in the choice of topics that interest them and, where possible, learning should be connected to current events in the world around them.” This document identifies areas within the KS2 curriculum where global contexts can be used can be used as the starting point or focus of a lesson. It gives example of resources available from Practical Action, including both teaching materials and links to secondary sources from our main website such as technical briefs, blogs and videos. 1 KS2 Possible learning intentions from suggested lines of progression. We are learning Statutory requirements for WAU Place P Interdependence I Change over Time COT Movement and Energy M&E ...about similarities and differences among animals and plants I ...that natural disasters can have negative and positive consequences locally and globally P M&E COT ...that extreme weather can have positive and negative consequences locally and globally I P M&E How they and others interact in the world; Interdependence of people and the environment I How place influences the nature of life Ways in which people, plants and animals depend on the features and materials in places and how they adapt to their environment P Features of, and variations in places, including physical, human, climatic, vegetation P Positive and negative effects of natural and human events upon place over time P How change is a feature of the human and natural world and may have consequences for our lives and the world around us COT Ways in which change occurs over both short and long periods of time in the physical and natural world COT The effects of positive and negative changes globally and how we contribute to some of these changes. COT diet, exercise, rest and How living things rely on each other within the natural personal hygiene contribute to world I a healthy lifestyle I How place influences the nature of life P Ways in which people, plants and animals depend on the features and materials in places and how they adapt to their environment P Possible WAU topics/ themes Blue Planet Wonderful World Coasts Impact Eco-Warrior In The News Life in Another How plants are grown in different countries… problems of too much or too little water Practical Action resources The Floating Garden Challenge Global Photo resource Plants – images Country Liquid Gold Natural Disasters Whatever the Weather World in Motion Food for Thought Around the World Impact Life in Another Country Needs and Wants 2 Global context Looking at different foods eaten by different people around the world… and that we all need the basic food groups Food stories KS2 3 cont. Possible learning intentions from suggested lines of progression. We are learning Statutory requirements for WAU Place P Interdependence I M&E Change over Time COT Movement and Energy Possible WAU topics/ themes ...that it is important to conserve energy and not waste electricity, water or light I M&E ...that an absence of light gives darkness and that we need light in order to see M&E The causes and effect of energy, forces and movement Around the World Impact Life in Another diet and personal hygiene contribute to a healthy lifestyle I recognise properties of materials and how these affect their use I P ...that people have positive and negative effects on their environment e.g. conservation, pollution, recycling, climate change etc. COT I P M&E ...that natural disasters can have negative and positive consequences locally and globally P M&E COT ...that extreme weather can have positive and negative consequences locally and globally I M&E P How they and others interact in the world; Interdependence of people and the environment I How place influences the nature of life; Ways in which people, plants and animals depend on the features and materials in places and how they adapt to their environment P Features of, and variations in places, including physical, human, climatic, vegetation P Positive and negative effects of natural and human events upon place over time P How change is a feature of the human and natural world and may have consequences for our lives and the world around us understand melting, evaporation and condensation in the context of water COT diet contributes to a healthy lifestyle I How place influences the nature of life P Ways in which people, plants and animals depend on the features and materials in places and how they adapt to their environment P The causes and effect of energy M&E M&E How change is a feature of the human and natural world and may have consequences for our lives and the world around us COT COT Ways in which change occurs over both short and long periods of time in the physical and natural world COT The effects of positive and negative changes globally and how we contribute to some of these changes COT Country Needs and Wants World in Motion Around the World Blue Planet Coasts Impact Eco-Warrior In The News Life in Another Country Liquid Gold Natural Disasters Whatever the Weather Wonderful World World in Motion Food for Thought Around the World Impact Life in Another Country Needs and Wants Global context Solar lanterns etc. Importance of Practical Action resources Solar Lanterns – information light in education, running a business Solar cookers Climate change – how it affects environments and thereby people’s lives. Floating Garden Challenge Beat the Flood Climate Change case studies Hygiene linked to drinking dirty water? Importance of testing materials for specific uses e.g earthquake or flood prone areas, ability to float. Preserving fresh food using a Zeer pot Zeer pot fridge – information KS2 cont. Statutory requirements for WAU Place P Interdependence I Change over Time COT Movement and Energy M&E ...that a push or a pull is known as a force M&E ...that friction is a push or pull that can prevent movement, slow down and/or stop a moving object (M&E) recognise that we are interdependent with other parts of the world for some of our goods and services I COT M&E P How place influences the nature of life P Ways in which people, plants and animals depend on the features and materials in places and how they adapt to their environment P Features of, and variations in places, including physical, human, climatic, vegetation P Positive and negative effects of natural and human events upon place over time P The causes and effect of energy, forces and movement ...about similarities and differences among animals and plants I Interdependence of people and the environment I How living things rely on each other within the natural world I Interdependence of people and the environment and how this has been accelerated over time by advances in transport and communications I The effect of people on the natural and built environment over time I Food for Thought Around the World Impact Life in Another How they and others interact in the world I How place influences the nature of life P Ways in which people, plants and animals depend on the features and materials in places and how they adapt to their environment P The causes and effect of energy, forces and movement M&E Around the World ...that it is important to conserve energy and not waste electricity, water or light I M&E ...that a push or a pull is known as a force M&E 4 Possible WAU topics/ themes Possible learning intentions from suggested lines of progression. We are learning M&E Around the World Impact Eco-Warrior In The News Life in Another Country Food for Thought Impact Transport Wonderful World World in Motion Country Needs and Wants Natural Disasters Whatever the Weather World in Motion Impact Life in Another Country Needs and Wants World in Motion Global context Use of levers, pulleys etc. to transport people and produce in the developing world Plants grown in different parts of the world are adapted to their environment e.g. salt resistant rice in Bangladesh, potatoes that can grow in extreme cold in Peru Renewable energy sources Practical Action resources Squashed Tomato Challenge Tuins – information Global CREST Challenges – transport and water (for KS3 but can be adapted) Potatoes in Peru Rice adapted to saltier water – information Wind Power Challenge KS2 cont. Statutory requirements for WAU Place P Interdependence I Change over Time COT Movement and Energy M&E recognise properties of materials including strength, flexibility, transparency, waterproofing, hardness/softness, conductor/insulator, magnetism and how these affect their use I P ...that some materials are found in the natural world while others are made by people I P ...that some changes are reversible or irreversible, desirable or undesirable COT How they and others interact in the world I Interdependence of people and the environment and how this has been accelerated over time by advances in transport and communications I Change over time in places P Positive and negative effects of natural and human events upon place over time P Ways in which change occurs over both short and long periods of time in the physical and natural world COT The effects of positive and negative changes globally and how we contribute to some of these changes COT Around the World Impact Life in Another ...that natural disasters can have negative and positive consequences locally and globally Interdependence of people and the environment I How place influences the nature of life Ways in which people, plants and animals depend on the features and materials in places and how they adapt to their environment P Features of, and variations in places, including physical, human, climatic, vegetation P Positive and negative effects of natural and human events upon place over time P How change is a feature of the human and natural world and may have consequences for our lives and the world around us COT Ways in which change occurs over both short and long periods of time in the physical and natural world COT The effects of positive and negative changes globally and how we contribute to some of these changes COT Blue Planet Wonderful World Coasts Impact Eco-Warrior In The News Life in Another P M&E COT ...that extreme weather can have positive and negative consequences locally and globally I 5 Possible WAU topics/ themes Possible learning intentions from suggested lines of progression. We are learning M&E P Country Global context Practical Action resources Small changes Small Is...Challenge Disasters such Natural Disasters can lead to a big impact on people’s lives Needs and Wants World in Motion Country Liquid Gold Natural Disasters Whatever the Weather World in Motion as flooding, earthquakes and droughts have the potential to destroy homes, places of work and farmland (disaster risk reduction) – videos The following outcomes can also be provided by several of the Practical Action resources, thus providing links with other curriculum areas. Language and Literacy Pupils should be enabled to: ssion; e conventions of group discu th e us d an d an rst de or reason to un , know s of view and use evidence int po d an ts en um arg , as evaluate ide share, respond to and proposals; evant for justify opinions, actions or mmunicate information rel co d an ate alu ev t, lec se , ital sources to locate use traditional and dig a particular task; utual Understanding M d an t en pm lo ve De al on in: Pers ge, understanding and skills pils to develop knowled ly with their Teachers should enable pu coping safely and efficient d an ing be ll we d an h wt alth, gro how to sustain their he environment l responsibility about the human rights and socia unity and being concerned mm co e th of e lif e th in rt ingful pa playing an active and mean wider environment al Capabilities: Thinking Skills and Person which allow them to develop lum cu rri cu e th s ros ac es nc rthwhile experie Children should be given wo skills in: ng and decision-making thinking, problem-solvi managing information being creative 6 Global Learning in the Revised Northern Ireland Curriculum KS3 The aim of the Northern Ireland Curriculum is to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informal and responsible decisions throughout their lives. It welcomes opportunities for young people to explore real life problems and make meaningful connections across subjects, allowing them to apply and transfer knowledge and understanding from one situation to another1. This is the rationale behind the curriculum objectives which underpin all the areas of learning. integrate the ies for science teachers to nit rtu po op c nti the au ore l world problems and theref Global learning provides rea d below: ce teaching. This is illustrate en sci ir the o int es tiv jec ob curriculum ual young person as an individ nal health Objective 1 - To develop the d biological effects on perso an l, ica em ch , cal ysi ph e ed to explor ng opportunities are provid Within Global learni cultural awareness. gh team work activities and ou thr g din an rst de un l tua and develop mu Society ng people as contributors to you op vel de To 2 e tiv jec Ob global citizenship. ately generates a sense of im ult d an ss ne are aw l ica tes cultural and eth Global learning promo vironment utor to the economy and en trib con a as n rso pe ng you c measures to improve Objective 3 - To develop the change globally and specifi te ma cli of s ect eff the er w it is affected by human ies are provided to consid Learning opportunit it impacts our lives and ho w ho ity, ers div bio of e nc ment2. nt. The importa tion of sustainable develop era sid and protect the environme con ing ow all s rio na estigated. There are real sce activity can be carefully inv 7 1 Key Findings from the Northern Ireland Pupil Cohort Study 1996 – 2003, NfER 2 Adapted from Northern Ireland Curriculum, Key Stage 3 Areas of Learning, Science and Technology KS3- Developing pupils’ Knowledge, Understanding and Skills Practical Action resources Topic Global Context Interdependence of plants and animals Comparing food webs in UK with food webs in a developing country. Energy loss in the food chain – why for so many economically poor countries rice is the stable diet. Cells, genes and reproduction Having food is one of the major challenges facing us all in the future. Consider issues and solutions with growing, processing and storing food. Global CREST Challenge – Food Climate change – how humans contribute to it and who it affects the most. Beat the Flood Floating Garden Challenge Climate Change – blogs on website Climate Change in Kenya - video GM crop debate. Importance of biodiversity for small farmers in developing world. Seed fairs in Kenya etc. Activity on seed fairs in Kenya and Potatoes in Peru - (KS2 but could be adapted) Seed fairs – information Biodiverse agriculture – technical brief Healthy body and mind The consequences of poor nutrition on some people in developing world. Link with Millennium Development Goal 1. Looking at the health issues for people living in poverty stricken areas and the solutions provided by Practical Action. In particular water and sanitisation and waste management. 8 Urban Poverty Toilets in Kenya with Ant and Dec – video Fishing in Bangladesh – video Growing potatoes in the cold – video Zeer pot clay fridge – video Sandbar cropping in Bangladesh – video Dying for a drink – solar powered water pump Global CREST Challenges – water KS3- Developing pupils’ Knowledge, Understanding and Skills cont. Topic Practical Action resources Global Context Global CREST Challenges - shelter Atoms and chemical changes (An understanding of lime chemistry and how it creates cement is required for this challenge). Structures, properties, uses of materials Consider and investigate effective materials for making: Elements, compounds and mixtures Consider the global issues concerning access to clean water to drink and investigate practical solutions to alleviate the problem to include: Earthquake resistant housing Flood resistant housing Using sachets of chemicals to clean water Global CREST Challenges – shelter Beat the Flood Global CREST Challenges - water Solar distillation – technical Filtering water to make it fit to drink Solar distillation Forces and energy transfer Appreciation of the “Energy Gap” between those who have access to the energy needed for a decent quality of life and those who do not. Investigate and consider opportunities to generate electricity by harnessing renewable energy sources in less developed communities. Use of levers, pulleys etc. to transport people and produce in the developing world. Consider the challenges that rural people have in transporting produce down a mountain on their back. Use understanding of forces to design a practical solution. 9 Energy and the MDGs – video: How one lamp makes a difference Practical Action’s work on energy - information Fuels – technical brief Energy Resources – technical Moja Island – task in which students consider the best energy solution for an Island Global CREST challenges – energy Renewable Energy poster set Top ten reasons why renewable energy is cool Free Energy – concept cartoon Squashed Tomato Challenge Gravity Goods Ropeway in Nepal – video Treadle Pump - video Global CREST Challenges – transport and water KS3- Developing pupils’ Knowledge, Understanding and Skills cont. Practical Action resources Topic Global Context Forces and energy transfer continued Consider challenges with keeping food cool or reducing the rate of heat loss in ‘less developed countries. Use understanding of energy transfer and insulation to investigate practical solutions. Global CREST challenge - food Zeer pot fridge – information Zeer pot fridge – technical brief Zeer pot clay fridge – video Fireless cooker – information Fireless cooker – technical brief Solar drying of food – technical brief Using electricity Generating electricity – renewable sources. Moja Island Wind Power Challenge Global CREST challenges – energy Renewable energy poster set Top ten reasons why renewable energy is cool Hydroelectric power – information Hydroelectric power – technical brief The environment and human influences Understand the effect of climate change on the people in the developing world and consider our responsibility in reducing the effects. Climate Change – Who’s in control? Climate Change Word Search Floating Garden Challenge Climate Change – blogs on website Climate Change in Kenya – video Fishing in Bangladesh – video Glimpses of hope – video Investigate practical solutions to alleviate problems. 10
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