CM Name Date Nuclear Chemistry Review Most nuclear reactions involve changes in the number of protons and/or neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. These changes are called transmutations because an atom of one element is changed into an atom of a different element. During these changes, nuclear particles may be absorbed and/or emitted along with a release of energy. There are two types of radioactive nuclear decay: 1) natural transmutation', transmutations occur by natural radioactivity (the ability of a nucleus to emit a nuclear particle and energy without external stimulation); 2) artificial transmutation: transmutations occur by nuclear disintegration caused by external stimulation as a scientist bombards a nucleus with a particle (the addition of another nuclear particle makes the nucleus unstable); • fission: certain nuclei having a large mass are bombarded with special particles that cause the nuclei to split into two lighter nuclei each having a smaller mass than the original <n 41 92 ^ a U + ' o n - * ' s6Ba + 36Kr+ J> 'on 4- energy fusion: nuclei of light elements are combined to form heavier nuclei + ' on + ENERGY iH + 2 iH -> NUCLEAR FACTS Radiation MASS (Particle) of Particle 4 4 amu 2He or \a 0 0 0 -,e or -,p 0 0 ,e or o.p 0 V 1 amu 'on 1 amu '.P Type of Particle Alpha (a) Beta (P") Positron ((3+) Gamma Neutron (n) Proton (p) Charge of Particle +2 -1 +1 0 0 +1 Nuclear reactions that involve bombardment of nuclei vary in their products. For example: 9 4Be + S H e -> xhC + on + 4 2He -» 1780 + MH In nuclear equations, the total number of positive charges (represented by the atomic numbers) of the reactants (substances on the left of the reaction arrow) equals the total number of positive charges of the products (substances on the right of the reaction arrow). The total mass of the reactants must also equal the total mass of the products. For example: A uranium-238 atom decays by emitting an alpha particle to form a thorium-234 atom. 14yN 238^ _> 2 3 4 9 o T h + 42He Another example: Potassium-40 decays to calcium-40 by beta emission. 40 19K - > 40 2oCa + 0 -,p Write out or complete the following nuclear reactions. 1. Technetium-99 ("43 Tc) decays by beta emission to form ruthenium-99 ("44 Ru). 2. Phosphorus-32 decays by beta emission to form sulfur-32. 3. Francium-212 (21287Fr) decays by alpha emission. 4. Fluorine-18 decays to oxygen-18 by positron emission. 5. Sodium-24 decays by beta emission. 6. Krypton-76 absorbs a beta particle to form bromine-76. ff-Ji ~flpi Ll$U "TP./9-ylSMtA.'f^. h o/{ JC^ rf "-/ e / .or 7. Aluminum-27 absorbs an alpha particle to form phosphorus-30 and emits a neutron. (J Hl lH{ " ^ /r r f ^ A^JJ^k^a] 8. Nitrogen-14 absorbs an alpha particle to form oxygen-17 and emits a proton. 9. When neptunium-239 decays, plutonium-239 is formed and a particle is emitted. (Be sure to include the correct particle in the equation.) Complete the following nuclear equations: „) f O _ _> o.,e + „,N 12) ^C fM-ruiMLTrMi»u.fch-<rt/4ii«>lMe*-\ + 'jfe -> '^c + 'on Arh'li(l4 13) »rfJp - . ™«Pu 14) 42He + J ^ L a ^ »94pu + ,„ + 15) 'on + 16> .3 ; N ^ 17 ) ^ ^U- fyofSw""*! ^h'A « 6j>«+*"*l ^AfWaadlhAM^Uk^,^-^ J Tr^ukh* , d<* - $/><« f*"** »„e A)«^^ T^vi^W.^ , v ^ ' " * ! + '.H ^ ««C ^ L L + 'on - 18) m- A/ft'*"'* •Tr**'****-*'-*, _ ^ u ''C + il + Tf^MaUh-vA, '.H - ^ t*"1*** SHe ^ ' ^ . W Tf^mihJ,-*,, ^ + SHe Arh't. U J ^ ^ + ' ^ ^ " ^ 19) 20) 'VF - 21) »24Cr - , ^ 22) 2 ^ e », e A/ftA-^ , + "MPu + 'JOL ty^Wl"14-1 »-,e A)***rtJ - + -> ^vAm ^ ^ ^ ' ^ J + ',H + 'o„n Arh'H'Utd , *)(* • ^h-JlttaJ 23) 24) J jtl iH + 2 iH -> 25) »6c -> 'SN 26) '.Be 27) 'SN + SHe ^ + .Mg + '.'on^ENERGY r k h ' f i « J T ^ - ^ ' - / ^ ^i |0 d ^ J , 5|WW«^ SHe -» "rf J*0__ 26 29) ^ C o + 2iH -> 30) - 8 4Po -> ^ 1 P^ + ^ 'on -> _ » # 28) + ^A + + ^fru'J ,^ ' V.+,e f^hlX^ ^ ' ^ ,» J * > •„. ArhfrO^ ^ * - ^ ^ ' " M ' ^ J ! Y?1 4 + 2He AI^«J , ipMfawS Write the nuclear equation for the decay of Po-210 if it undergoes 2 consecutive alpha decays followed by a beta decay followed by another alpha decay. ^ ^ A 0-238 atom decays to a Pfo-2Q8 atom througdi a series of steps, Each point on the graph M o w represents a nuclide and each arrow represents a miclear decay mode. Uranium Disintegration Series 9 ^A i — ^ P^A I P^H-J fcOV — ^ E ^ 090 i 0 ?i8 P14— ^ __, ^ S'-ilfSrL- -tit 91rt 20S202- xV . *jr i ^ t>* 82 83 84 85 8S 87 8$ 89 90 91 92 Pb Bi Po At Rrs Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Atomic Number and Chemi^l Symb^l 84 Based Sased on on this this graph, graph, what what particle particle is is emitted emitted during during the the rraclear rraclear decay decav of a Po-218 atom? tom? [i] ^ f p P „2I8OA(1 {tile* fk? Af/M lit dim/} fa % 0 85 Explain why ihv U-23S diisintep-atiott series ends with the twcfkle P&-206.N Madidi Pi-lot* I'J A smitwropf Complete u u r n u i t s i e the i n e 14 i*t step s i e u decay UKC-UV series a c t i c i of ui U-238 u-coo 9) 214 82Pb ^ 0 -ie + 214 11 V^H-J^Tk *i ^^ <l0< n) ^w1 rid 13)21 It 7 118 ifi'l*- i> . «. / 83Bi u n? ^ n t.?i 14) l1/ ?2 i ^ lllise en all IKamph of l^ksJl -rrtotciW*, tod ty ("rSK S^huii^S Name NUCLEAR EQUATIONS WORKSHEET 1. Write a nuclear equation for the alpha decay of ^Pa" 2. Write a nuclear equation for the beta decay of ^ F r l F « '- ^ ' n * 3. Write a nuclear equation for the alpha decay of ^ S m ti ^0 ^ 4. Write a nuclear equation for the beta decay of ^ P m > -->.?« * !'> 5. Write a nuclear equation for the alpha decay of ^ Md 6. Write a nuclear equation for the alpha decay of u£ Sm 7. Write a nuclear equation for the beta decay of ^ At. 8. Write a nuclear equation for the alpha decay of 1 ^ Gd 9. Write a nuclear equation for the beta decay of ^ Xe. JY 1 ST 10. Write a nuclear equation for the beta decay of ^ C s . r il||ik *> k R • 7) f?^^^ Nuciear ChemSstry Practice Sheet Using your knowledge of nuclear chemistry, write the equations for the following processes: 1) The alpha decay of iridium-174 f^diufki IfkAl Mufah'v* 6/)o^TMftfa3 ; nH jr^>^> 2) Thebetadecayofplatinum-199 / O a ^ ^ i l l hi -, 0^ , fy*rit*Slt*'iS llf ^ 3) Positron emission from sulfur-31 f ^ R f u / ^ TfU^^OL-h^ii'cy) 4) Krypton-76 undergoes electron capture 5) Write the symbols for an alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray, and positron. ,, .. 0 positron. .. -*yp - Q 0 0 //Od / /o© ^<tJS ^ j i ] A -+i<,"+i«U(lB5t)./ J 6) 7) 1/1 T/MMu.fa.hi/i't ft, w< Afh'fr'ud' w^y tytd / IffaAMuWh'irf, h<AOu.\ rJ(M-$j)oMMe<M J If the half-life for the radioactive decay of zirconium-84 is 26 minutes and I start with a 175 gram sample, how much will be left over after 104 IQ d minutes? flfljj -fi^er fJ-^ch-cvx rfafM/Pe / l « t ^ ^ U 0 I L 5"? Mr/is H Why is it difficult to make a fusion reaction occur? 'of SH1Z5 >| '_ H L " '^« ) Nuclear Chemistry Worksheet- J] \\ N" 01^^ ^ »^ Part A; Completing Nuclear Decay Reactions: 1-10 A-y- For each of the atoms listed below, complete the decay reaction by solving for z or other missing information. Remember that the mass and protons on each side of the arrow need to equal each other. 256 103 2 HM>JX jlj 6 211 79 'jB-.ViX JC Au-) .5ef ^X ^ | L id J 'SHo-^ ^He+ ^X l ^Ji br 1!| Part B: Writing Nuclear Decay Reactions: Write equations for the following nuclear decay reactions. Make sure that both mass numbers and atomic numbers are balanced on each side 11. Decay of polonium-218 by alpha (a) emission. $ Psf^ML ^ i o - 7 { He f ? 7 P; 12. Decay of carbon-14 by beta (p-) emission. 13. The alpha decay of radon-198 J bj^rtWHo*) | 0 | | ' T U | ) ^ L / S|)o/lf bntO^S j O o c W s J ' / J ^ O A f M t ^ A --) 14. The beta ((3-) decay of uranium-237 j 0 ^ [ v / C ^ J^/) f M d f J ^ /O
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