Tab 2: Major Subdivision PreApplication CITY OF BOZEMAN FEE APPLIES- $ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 [email protected] Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1. Name of Project/Development:The Lakes at Valley West - Major Subdivision Pre-Application, Phases 1 and 2 2. Property Owner Information: Name: Name: Name: Name: The Lakes at Valley West, LLC E-mail A Address: E-mail American Bank [contact: Craig N. [contact: Hveem] Greg Stratton] Address: 2880 Technology Bozeman 59718MT 59771 Address: PO Box 1970, 1632Blvd WestW, Main Street, MT Bozeman Phone: 406-599-5603 Phone: 406-522-3528 Mailing Address: Address: Mailing Email: [email protected] Email: Phone: Phone: FAX: FAX: 3. Applicant Information: Name: [same as above] E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 4. Representative Information: Name: Name: Intrinsik Architecture, Inc. Address: 111 North Tracy Avenue, Bozeman MT 59715 Phone: Address: 406-582-8988 Mailing Email: [email protected] E-mail Address: Name: Morrison Maierle, Inc. Address: 2880 Technology Blvd W, Bozeman MT 59718 Phone: 406-587-0721 Email: [email protected] Phone: FAX: 5. Legal Description: See attached. 6. Street Address: South of Durston Road, east and west of Laurel Parkway extension 7. Project Description: Major Subdivision Pre-Application - see narrative for specifics 8. Zoning Designation(s): R-1 9. Current Land Use(s): Vacant 10. Bozeman Community Plan Designation: "Residential" 11. Gross Area: Acres: 19.8 Square Feet: 862,488 Page 1 12. Net Area: Acres: 6.1 Square Feet: 265,716 Appropriate Review Fee Submitted 13. Is the subject site within an urban renewal district? Yes, answer question 13a 13a. Which urban renewal district? Northeast (NURD) Downtown 14. Is the subject site within an overlay district? Yes, answer question 14a 14a. Which Overlay District? Neighborhood Conservation Casino PUD Relaxations 15. Will this application require a deviation(s)? x No, go to question 14 North 7th Avenue x No, go to question 15 Entryway Corridor x Yes, list UDC section(s): See attached narrative O. Planned Unit Development – Concept Plan 16. Application Type (please check all that apply): A. Sketch Plan for Regulated Activities in Regulated Wetlands P. Planned Unit Development – Preliminary Plan B. Reuse, Change in Use, Further Development Pre-9/3/91 Site Q. Planned Unit Development – Final Plan C. Amendment/Modification of Plan Approved On/After 9/3/91 R. Planned Unit Development – Master Plan D. Reuse, Change in Use, Further Development, Amendment /COA No x S. Subdivision Pre-application E. Special Temporary Use Permit T. Subdivision Preliminary Plat F. Sketch Plan/COA U. Subdivision Final Plat G. Sketch Plan/COA with an Intensification of Use V. Subdivision Exemption H. Preliminary Site Plan/COA W. Annexation I. Preliminary Site Plan X. Zoning Map Amendment J. Preliminary Master Site Plan Y. Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment K. Conditional Use Permit Z. Zoning Variance L. Conditional Use Permit/COA AA. Growth Policy Map Amendment M. Administrative Project Decision Appeal BB. Growth Policy Text Amendment N. Administrative Interpretation Appeal Other: This application must be accompanied by the appropriate checklist(s), number of plans or plats, adjoiner information and materials, and fee (see Development Review Application Requirements and Fees). The plans or plats must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8½by 11-inches or larger than 24- by 36-inches folded into individual sets no larger than 8½- by 14-inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. If 3-ring binders will be used, they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Application deadlines are Wednesdays at 5:00 pm. This application must be signed by both the applicant(s) and the property owner(s) (if different) before the submittal will be accepted. As indicated by the signature(s) below, the applicant(s) and property owner(s) submit this application for review under the terms and provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code. It is further indicated that any work undertaken to complete a development approved by the City of Bozeman shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and any special conditions established by the approval authority. I acknowledge that the City has an Impact Fee Program and impact fees may be assessed for my project. Further, I agree to grant City personnel and other review agency representatives access to the subject site during the course of the review process (Section 38.34.050, BMC). I (We) hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge. Applicant’s Signature: Date: Applicant’s Signature: Date: Property Owner’s Signature: Date: Property Owner’s Signature: Date: Page 2 (Development Review Application – Prepared 11/25/03; Amended 9/17/04, 5/1/06; 9/18/07, revised 11/14/11) SUBDIVISION PREAPPLICATION CHECKLIST These checklists shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked “No” or “N/A” (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Subdivision Type. First Minor Subdivision from a Tract of Record First Minor Subdivision from a Tract of Record with a Variance Second or Subsequent Minor Subdivision from a Tract of Record x Major Subdivision B. Total Number of Lots. 57 residential lots + 6 park/open spaces C. Proposed Uses. Indicate the number of lots (or spaces subdivisions for rent or lease, or units for condominiums) for each of the following uses: 37 Residential, single household 1 Residential, multi household Manufactured Home Space Planned Unit Development Recreational Vehicle Space Condominium Unit Commercial Townhouse Industrial All are part of the PUD 19 6 (Triplex may be condos) (16 duplex townhomes and 1 triplex townhome) Park/Recreation/Open Space Other: D. Preapplication Requirements. The preapplication plan may be a freehand sketch, legibly drawn, showing approximate boundaries, dimensions, areas and distances. The plan may be drawn directly on a print of a topographic survey required for the preliminary plat. Please refer to Section 38.41.030, BMC for the specific requirements for each item. Preapplication Requirements Yes 1. The name of adjoining subdivisions and numbers of adjoining certificates of survey, along with adjacent lot and tract lines x 2. Location, name, width and owner of existing or proposed streets, roads and easements within the proposed subdivision; existing streets, roads and easements within adjacent subdivisions and tracts; and the name of street or road that provides access from the nearest public street or road to the proposed subdivision x 3. Location of all existing structures, including buildings, railroads, power lines, towers, and improvements inside and within 100 feet of the proposed subdivision x 4. Zoning classification within the proposed subdivision and adjacent to it. The zoning proposed for the subdivision, if a change is contemplated x 5. A current U.S. Geological Survey Topographic map at the largest scale available with the subdivision clearly outlined x 6. Embankments, water courses, drainage channels, areas of seasonal water ponding, areas within the designated floodway, marsh areas, wetlands, rock outcrops, wooded areas, noxious weeds and areas of active faults. Include copies of any permits listed in Section 38.41.020 (Streambed, Streambank and/Wetlands Permits), BMC that have been obtained for the project x 7. Location, size, and depth of sanitary and storm sewers, water mains and gas lines x Page 3 (Subdivision Preapplication Checklist – Prepared 11/26/03; revised 9/20/04; revised 5/10/05; revised 7/24/07, revised 11/14/11) No N/A Preapplication Requirements, continued No N/A 8. Location of fire hydrants, electric lines, telephone lines, sewage and water treatment, and storage facilities x 9. Subdivision block, tract, and lot boundary lines, with numbers, dimensions, and areas for each block, tract and lot x 10. Street location, right-of-way width, and name x 11. Easement location, width and purpose x 12. Sites to be dedicated or reserved as park, common open space, or other public areas; with boundaries, dimensions and areas x 13. Sites for commercial centers, churches, schools, industrial areas, condominiums, manufactured housing community, and uses other than single family residences x 14. Describe how the subdivision will satisfy the requirements of Article 8 Section 10, BMC, Affordable Housing 15. An overall development plan indicating future development of the remainder of the tract, if the tract is to be developed in phases x 16. A title block indicating the proposed name, quarter-section, section, township, range, principal meridian, and county of subdivision x 17. Scale, north arrow, name and addresses of owners and developers, and date of preparation x 18. x A list of variance requests which will be submitted with the application for preliminary plat PUD relaxations are noted in the narrative x List of waivers requested from the requirements of Section 38.41.060 (Additional Subdivision Preliminary Plat Supplements), BMC, shall be submitted with the preapplication. The City of Bozeman shall notify the developer in writing of any waivers granted from Section 38.41.060, BMC, after the preapplication meeting or plan review 19. 20. E. Yes Stormwater Management Permit Application required Not required with a PreApp x x Section 76-3-504(1)(q)(iv) of the Montana Code Annotated requires that a preapplication meeting take place no more than 30 days from the date that the agent or agency receives a written request for a preapplication meeting by the subdivider. The City of Bozeman encourages Planning Board review of preapplications for major subdivisions. Planning Board review of preapplications provides invaluable comments and recommendations to aid in the preparation of preliminary plat applications. However, Planning Board review makes it difficult to comply with the 30-day review deadline specified in state law. By marking the checkbox below, the developer agrees to a voluntary extension of the 30-day review deadline for this preapplication. If the checkbox is not marked, the preapplication WILL NOT be reviewed by the Planning Board. x By marking this checkbox I agree to a voluntary extension of the 30-day review deadline for this preapplication. Applicant’s Signature: Date: Applicant’s Signature: Date: Page 4 The Lakes at Valley West Pre Application Waivers Requests August 2014 A request to waive the requirement to provide the following supplemental information from Section 38.41.060.A is being included with this Pre-Application submittal. The subject properties are located within an approved PUD. As such, the physical conditions and the methods proposed to mitigate any potential impacts remain the same. Six waivers are requested from (2) Floodplains, (6) Wildlife, (7) Historical Features, (8) Agriculture, and (9) Agricultural Water User Facilities and (20) Affordable Housing. As part of the Preliminary Plat Application, a compliance with the Valley West PUD along materials will be provided. Each item is listed summary response as to the reasoning for appropriate, on the following list in bold italics. narration detailing this subdivision proposal’s with a digital copy of the original reference with the corresponding subsection number. A each requested waiver is provided, where 2. Floodplains. A floodplain analysis report shall be submitted with the preliminary plat in compliance with article 31 of this chapter. The subject properties are not within the 100 year floodplain and, therefore, are not subject to the provisions of Article 31. 6. Wildlife. a. Species. Describe species of fish and wildlife which use the area affected by the proposed subdivision. b. Critical areas. Identify on a plat overlay or sketch map of the proposed subdivision any known critical, significant or "key" wildlife areas, such as big game winter range, waterfowl nesting areas, habitat for rare or endangered species or wetlands. c. Pets/human activity. Describe the expected effects of pets and human activity on wildlife. d. Public access. Describe the effects on public access to public lands, trails, hunting or fishing areas. e. Protective measures. Describe any proposed measures to protect or enhance wildlife habitat or to minimize degradation (e.g., keeping building and streets back from shorelines, setting aside marshland as undeveloped open space). f. Discussion of impact; documentation. The developer shall discuss the impact of the proposed development on fish and wildlife with the state department of fish, wildlife and Parks (FWP). With the preliminary plat, the developer shall provide written documentation from FWP that: (1) Verifies that FWP has reviewed the proposed plat; (2) Lists any FWP recommendations; and (3) Outlines any mitigation planned to overcome any adverse impacts. Wildlife information was provided in the Environmental Assessment as part of the original PUD submittal. A copy of the Environmental Assessment will be provided in the Preliminary Plat Application. Y:\Projects\VWW\DOCUMENTS\MUNICIPAL\Concept PUD and Sub PreApp\Concept PUD\Supporting Docs\2014-08-15 WaiverRequest.docx All enhancements to critical lands have already been permitted and completed. The lakes were constructed in 2008 providing an extensive area of open water and native wetland habitat for fish and migrating waterfowl and wildlife. Area residents will be able to enjoy fishing, bird watching, and walking on a wide-spread system of gravel trails. The lakes form the west edge of a continuous 30-plus acre wetland system that extends from the Baxter Creek Natural Area/Bronken Park to the shallow-water wetland ponds located southeast of the east lake. The lakes were planted with hundreds of native trees and shrubs and wetland plants creating a natural refuge within the city limits. 7. Historical Features. a. Affected areas. Describe and locate on a plat overlay or sketch map any known or possible historic, paleontological, archaeological, or cultural sites, structures, or objects which may be affected by the proposed subdivision. b. Protective measures. Describe any plans to protect such sites or properties. c. Procedures. Describe procedures to be followed if any historic, paleontological, archaeological, cultural sites, structures or object are found on site during site preparation and construction. d. Discussion of impact; documentation. The developer shall discuss the impact of the proposed development on any historic features, and the need for inventory, study and/or preservation with the state historic preservation office (SHPO). The developer shall provide written documentation from SHPO that: (1) Verifies that SHPO has reviewed the proposed plat; (2) Lists any SHPO recommendations; (3) Outlines any plans for inventory, study, and/or preservation; and (4) Describes any mitigation planned to overcome any adverse impacts. e. Preparation of information. Information on historical sites shall be prepared by a qualified professional, including persons with a professional or educational background in history, architectural history, archaeology, art history, historic preservation, anthropology and cultural resource management. Information regarding historical features was provided in the Environmental Assessment as part of the original PUD submittal. A copy of the Environmental Assessment will be provided in the Preliminary Plat Application. 8. Agriculture. a. Number of acres in production and type of production. b. Agricultural operations in the vicinity, and other uses of land in the general vicinity. c. The productivity of the land. d. Whether or not the property is part of a viable farm unit, and whether the property was under production during the last regular season. e. What measures will be taken, if any, to control family pets. f. Fencing of agricultural land. Describe any existing fence lines around the subdivision boundary which protect agricultural lands under an ownership other than of the developer, and Y:\Projects\VWW\DOCUMENTS\MUNICIPAL\Concept PUD and Sub PreApp\Concept PUD\Supporting Docs\2014-08-15 WaiverRequest.docx describe any measure which will be taken to ensure that the owners of the subdivision will share with the owner of the agricultural lands in the continued maintenance of the fence. The subject property is located within the corporate limits of the City of Bozeman. Urban land uses, like those proposed with this subdivision, have been anticipated and are consistent with the goals and objectives of the Bozeman Community Plan. The property has not been used for agriculture in many years. Information regarding Agriculture was provided in the Community Impact Report as part of the original PUD submittal. A copy of the Community Impact Report will be provided in the Preliminary Plat Application. 9. Agricultural Water Users. a. Type, description, ownership and users of facilities. b. Written documentation demonstrating active use of facilities. If a facility is not being actively used, include a written plan for abandonment. c. Describe any proposed realignment. All realignments must comply with all relevant requirements of state law. Information regarding Agricultural Water Users was provided in the Community Impact Report as part of the original PUD submittal. A copy of the Community Impact Report will be provided in the Preliminary Plat Application. 20. Affordable Housing. Describe how the subdivision will satisfy the requirements of chapter 10, article 8. The description shall be of adequate detail to clearly identify those lots designated as subject to chapter 10, article 8 compliance requirements and to make the obligations placed on the affected lots readily understandable. a. On all lots intended to be used to satisfy the requirements of chapter 10, article 8, the allowable building envelope shall be depicted. This provision is not required at this time. Y:\Projects\VWW\DOCUMENTS\MUNICIPAL\Concept PUD and Sub PreApp\Concept PUD\Supporting Docs\2014-08-15 WaiverRequest.docx PRE-APPLICATION PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASES 1 & 2 LOCATED IN THE NW1/4 SECTION 9, T2S, R5E, P.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA PHASE 3A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 57 LOTS PHASE 2 BABCOCK ST. FERGUSON AVE COTTONWOOD ROAD DURSTON RD. HUFFINE LANE ZONING OWNER PURPOSE CITY OF BOZEMAN R-1 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST, LLC 2880 TECHNOLOGY BLVD. WEST, SUITE 273 BOZEMAN, MT. 59718 TO CREATE 57 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 2 R- 3 R- VICINITY MAP 1 R- 1 R- BASIS OF BEARING BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RECORD, DERIVED FROM XXX. N.T.S. DURSTON ROAD W STORM WATER TREATMENT AREA STORM WATER TREATMENT AREA WBO WBO W LOT 5 W LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 14 LOT 13 W W W LOT 24 LOT 23 LOT 5 LOT 10 LOT 8 LOT 25 W W LOT 9 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 W W W W SD W W W W W W W DRIVE WESTMORLAND W LOT 32 W LOT 30 LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 A W W W W PH A PH SE W 2 W 1 LOT 29 SD SE W LOT 31 W W W RESIDENTIAL LOTS SD SD W W PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY 6 WESTGATE AVENUE SE W A W W A PH W W W W W W W W W W ALLEY B W W W W W CIRCLWE X W W 8 CRITICAL LANDS PH W A SE 1309.64' W W W SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE ROADWAY INFRASTRUCTURE AREA SUMMARY- PH. 1&2 LOT AREA: PUBLIC R-O-W AREA: PRIVATE R-O-W AREA: OPEN SPACE (PUBLIC): DEDICATED PARKLAND: TOTAL AREA: 6.1 ac 4.2 ac 1.2 ac 3.2 ac 5.1 ac 19.8 ac 5 W WATER INFRASTRUCTURE SE W W ED N ZO N U W PHASE BOUNDARY/ PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN W PH CRITICAL LANDS W W DEDICATED PARK LAND PH A W ALLEYW A PUBLIC OPEN SPACE 7 W W LAUREL PARK WAY SE W PRIVATE RIGHT OF WAY 2 R- 3 R- 4 R- -1 PL W LOT 10 LOT 9 W W W LOT 7 W LOT 11 W W W LOT 4 LOT 6 W W W W W LOT 3 LOT 15 W W SD W LOT 22 W LEGEND W W W LOT 22 W W LOT 13 LOT 14 W W W W LOT 4 LOT 12 LOT 2 LOT 21 W W A PH W LOT 20 W SD 4 SE W LOT 3 W LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 19 LOT 23 W W W LOT 21 PH N ZO N U A W ED LOT 2 LOT 19 SE W W W W W 3 LOT 18 LOT 17 LOT 16 LOT 15 WBO LOT 1 LOT 20 WBO W LOT 1 W W WBO WBO PRE-APPLICATION PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASES 1 & 2 LOCATED IN THE NW1/4 SECTION 9, T2S, R5E, P.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA PHASE 3A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 57 LOTS PHASE 2 BABCOCK ST. FERGUSON AVE COTTONWOOD ROAD DURSTON RD. ZONING OWNER PURPOSE CITY OF BOZEMAN R-1 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST, LLC 2880 TECHNOLOGY BLVD. WEST, SUITE 273 BOZEMAN, MT. 59718 TO CREATE 57 RESIDENTIAL LOTS BASIS OF BEARING HUFFINE LANE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RECORD, DERIVED FROM XXX. VICINITY MAP N.T.S. DURSTON ROAD W L=42.01' L =2 6' 5 0 .0 L=4 0 R=5 . 01' L = 4 0. 5 0.0 R =55 0 1' W 52.00' 61.43' 61.43' 44.00' L = 2 0 .0 5 ' W .2 8 ' 0. 0 R = 6 5 0 .0 2 8' L = 47.28 R = 6 5 0.0 40.00' 1 45.00' L = 4 9 .5 4 ' PH W A SE 2 ' SE R =65 W PH A LOT 24 4500 sq.ft. SD 1309.64' SD W EXISTING SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN W W AREA SUMMARY- PH. 1&2 CRITICAL LANDS 52.00' W W 52.00' L=52 0. 0 .53 ' =1 W ' 84 5. .0 60 1 R W W W DRIVE WESTMORLAND 4 R = 16 52.00' 99.73' 61.43' LOT 5 6509 sq.ft. L= W LOT 25 4000 sq.ft. 52.00' 2' 1. 4 0 0. W 70.00' W 4914 sq.ft. LOT 6 5752 sq.ft. 88.75' LOT 7 W 4914 sq.ft. 80.00' 4914 sq.ft. LOT 8 80.00' LOT 9 80.00' 80.00' 90.02' 52.00' 60.00' 80.00' 80.00' 80.00' 80.00' 80.00' W 50.00' 60.00' 52.00' 2 1 R= L =3 70.43' 50.00' 50.00' 50.00' 99.45' 10.00' W W 5471 sq.ft. 61.43' 61.43' 100.00' LOT 26 4573 sq.ft. 100.00' 4365 sq.ft. 5 0. 0 ROADWAY INFRASTRUCTURE 6.1 ac 4.2 ac 1.2 ac 3.2 ac 5.1 ac 19.8 ac 80.00' W 50.00' 50.00' W 50.00' W W LOT 4 64.00' 45.00' 40.00' WATER INFRASTRUCTURE LOT AREA: PUBLIC R-O-W AREA: PRIVATE R-O-W AREA: OPEN SPACE (PUBLIC): DEDICATED PARKLAND: TOTAL AREA: 80.00' 59.60' 56.48' W 35.00' 35.00' 99.59' 66.59' 5616 sq.ft. 64.00' W W W R=6 DEDICATED PARK LAND SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE 61.43' L= 4 1.9 2' R = 5 5 0 .0 100.00' 0' LOT 27 100.0 .0 100.00' 00' LOT 28 4365 sq.ft. 100.00' 00' 100. 100. 4365 sq.ft. L = 4 7. W 5909 sq.ft. LOT 3 108.00' LOT 29 L=47 PHASE BOUNDARY/ PROPERTY BOUNDARY 6601 sq.ft. W W LOT 30 4268 sq.ft. ' 108.00' 10.00' 61.43' LOT 10 5616 sq.ft. LOT 15 5674 sq.ft. 64.73' 108.02' 4000 sq.ft. 4. 7 0 LOT 14 4914 sq.ft. 10.00' LOT 25 108.00' LOT 2 2 1 R = 16 0 . 0 L=27.77' L = 4 0 . 0 1' R = 5 5 0. 0 0. 0 LOT 31 650 LOT 13 4914 sq.ft. 61.43' 61.43' LAUREL PARKWAY 00' R=5 9 .3 LOT 32 L =3 LOT 12 4914 sq.ft. 18.70' L=41.86' 4500 sq.ft. 10.64' W 35.00' 35.00' 35.00' 35.00' 101.83' 10876 sq.ft. 108.02' W R= 5614 sq.ft. 10.00' 5400 sq.ft. L= 3 44.00' 61.43' 61.43' 61.43' 42.77' 64.22' LOT 24 62.24' 3568 sq.ft. 76.68' 3155 sq.ft. LOT 8 W 3119 sq.ft. LOT 9 81.32' 79.89' LOT 10 LOT 7 L=47.16' 40.0 0' ' 43.76' W 10.64' 40.0 0' 5400 sq.ft. .0 0 LOT 11 108.00' 108.00' W 35.00' 82.10' W 3484 sq.ft. 0' 100. LOT 6 3780 sq.ft. LOT 23 R= 5' 73.0 LOT 11 45.0 45.0 0' 50.00' 0 0. W 75.00' 75.00' 55.00' 108.00' 47.97' 9' 55.4 W 100. 00' LOT 5 3780 sq.ft. W 40.0 0' 50.0 35.00' 108.00' 35.00' 2 L= 40.00' 5400 sq.ft. 2 R= W W W W 3 L= 62.17' 72.00' 72.00' 63.38' 108.00' 0' PRIVATE RIGHT OF WAY 3780 sq.ft. 108.00' W 0' 3512 sq.ft. LOT 23 3956 sq.ft. PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY 35.00' =2 R 2' 40.0 61.05' 43.91' RESIDENTIAL LOTS 40.47' 2' .4 .0 52 .3 R= L= 8' 28.5 W 0' 62.0 0' 40.0 0' 40.0 3000 sq.ft. LOT 14 0' 75.2 0 .0 3' 108.00' LOT 22 5616 sq.ft. LOT 16 6488 sq.ft. ' LOT 13 75.0 W LOT 4 ' LOT 12 0' LOT 22 0 23 0' 40.0 W L =3 42 1. W 27.97' LOT 17 5760 sq.ft. .42 40.00' 3803 sq.ft. 75.0 3000 sq.ft. LOT 21 5400 sq.ft. 108.00' R= 3 3 ' 26.11' LOT 18 5760 sq.ft. 0 6. 0' LOT 21 LOT 3 3780 sq.ft. 108.00' LOT 1 0. 0.0 .0 L=9.66' 20 75.0 108.00' 2 W .8 0. 2 W LOT 20 2996 sq.ft. 3000 sq.ft. PUBLIC OPEN SPACE LOT 2 3780 sq.ft. 6547 sq.ft. R= 27.98' L=23.70' 0' LOT 19 108.00' 31 40.00' R= 7' 5979 sq.ft. 35.00' 1' 26.11' 4218 sq.ft. 1 L =3 LOT 20 L= 5.6 LOT 19 66.2 54.24' 61.08' 108.00' 3746 sq.ft. L=11.81' WBO LEGEND 4075 sq.ft. LOT 15 35.00' LOT 16 3105 sq.ft. W LOT 17 3022 sq.ft. 78.65' 66.49' 76.62' 10 81.9 2' LOT 18 4368 sq.ft. LOT 1 82.17' 72.00' 72.00' 82.14' 108.02' 108.14' 35.00' 40.05' 85.68' WBO WBO WBO 48.04' 40.05' W STORM WATER TREATMENT AREA STORM WATER TREATMENT AREA BRONKEN PARK BAXTER NATURAL AREA PARK MEYERS PARK PARKLAND EXHIBIT PARKLAND OPEN SPACE Legend 1 Baxter Creek Natural Area 2 Berms 3 Boulevard shade trees 4 Bridge Crossing to Existing Trails 5 Class II Gravel Trail 6 Common area (see other plans) 7 Critical Lands (wetlands) 8 Durston Road common area enhancements 9 Entry plaza 10 Fishing access points (existing) 11 Irrigated lawn 12 Lake 13 Native shrubs 14 Natural/native grass 15 Picnic Shelters (2) 16 Playground 17 Trail connection to adjacent property 18 Unprogrammed open space Durston Road 8 8 6 1 6 15 16 3 9 11 11 2 7 11 10 2 18 7 5 10 1 7 10 5 4 12 12 10 10 7 13 5 7 Laurel Parkway 14 1 3 1 7 5 14 14 17 17 17 Scale: 1”=200’ The Lakes at Valley West Pre-Application - August 2014 Park Concept Plan Peaks to Plains Design LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE / PLANNING / CIVIL ENGINEERING P C 404 North 31 Street, Ste. 405 Billings, Montana 59101 (406) 294-9499 90.00' R.O.W. 25.00' TBC TO CL 20.00' 5.00' SDWK 14.00' BLVD 5.00' BIKE 12.00' DRIVE LANE 2.00' 1.00' 25.00' TBC TO CL 15.00' TURN LANE 23.00' 20.00' 12.00' DRIVE LANE 5.00' BIKE 23.00' 13.00' BLVD 2.00' 6.00' SDWK 1.00' EXISTING ROAD CL (APPROX.) 17.00' 8.00' 3% EXISTING ROAD SECTION 3% CENTER OF R.O.W. PROPOSED ROAD SECTION MINOR ARTERIAL SECTION REVISIONS VERIFY SCALE! THESE PRINTS MAY BE REDUCED. LINE BELOW MEASURES ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING. NO. DESCRIPTION BY 2880 Technology Blvd- West Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: (406) 587-0721 Fax: (406) 922-6702 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY! N:\9109\VW-WING LAKES PH 1\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:ROB LEMKE ON Aug/18/2014 PROJECT NUMBER 9109.VW-Wing KDJ DATE COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2014 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST DSGN. BY: KDJ APPR. BY: KDJ BOZEMAN MONTANA DATE: 08/2014 Q.C. BY: DATE: TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS MINOR ARTERIAL SECTION SHEET NUMBER X DRAWING NUMBER FIG.1 90.00' R.O.W. 2.00' C&G 6.00' SDWK 2.00' C&G 22.00' ASPHALT W/PARKING & BIKE LANE 14.00' BLVD 22.00' ASPHALT W/PARKING & BIKE LANE 3% 14.00' BLVD 6.00' SDWK 3% CENTER OF R.O.W. 6.00' GRASS 19.50' BLVD 18.50' ASPHALT & CURB 18.50' ASPHALT & CURB 19.50' BLVD 6.00' SDWK AT TYPICAL CURB BULB LOCATIONS COLLECTOR STREET SECTION REVISIONS VERIFY SCALE! THESE PRINTS MAY BE REDUCED. LINE BELOW MEASURES ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING. NO. DESCRIPTION BY 2880 Technology Blvd- West Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: (406) 587-0721 Fax: (406) 922-6702 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY! N:\9109\VW-WING LAKES PH 1\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:ROB LEMKE ON Aug/18/2014 PROJECT NUMBER 9109.VW-Wing KDJ DATE COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2014 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST DSGN. BY: KDJ APPR. BY: KDJ BOZEMAN MONTANA DATE: 08/2014 Q.C. BY: DATE: TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS COLLECTOR STREET SECTION SHEET NUMBER X DRAWING NUMBER FIG.2 60.00' R.O.W. 2.00' C&G 5.00' SDWK 13.50' ASPHALT W/PARKING 8.50' BLVD 2.00' C&G 13.50' ASPHALT W/PARKING 3% 8.50' BLVD 5.00' SDWK 3% CENTER OF R.O.W. 5.00' GRASS 13.00' BLVD 11.00' 11.00' ASPHALT ASPHALT & CURB & CURB AT TYPICAL CURB BULB LOCATIONS 13.00' BLVD 5.00' SDWK LOCAL STREET SECTION REVISIONS VERIFY SCALE! THESE PRINTS MAY BE REDUCED. LINE BELOW MEASURES ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING. NO. DESCRIPTION BY 2880 Technology Blvd- West Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: (406) 587-0721 Fax: (406) 922-6702 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY! N:\9109\VW-WING LAKES PH 1\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:ROB LEMKE ON Aug/18/2014 PROJECT NUMBER 9109.VW-Wing KDJ DATE COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2014 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST DSGN. BY: KDJ APPR. BY: KDJ BOZEMAN MONTANA DATE: 08/2014 Q.C. BY: DATE: TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS LOCAL STREET SECTION SHEET NUMBER X DRAWING NUMBER FIG.3 32.00' R.O.W. 2.00' CONCRETE BORDER 8.00' PARKING/ PLANTER BOXES 15.00' ASPHALT 5.00' CONCRETE BORDER 1.00' 1.00' 2% 2% CENTER OF ROAD WOONERF SECTION REVISIONS VERIFY SCALE! THESE PRINTS MAY BE REDUCED. LINE BELOW MEASURES ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING. NO. DESCRIPTION BY 2880 Technology Blvd- West Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: (406) 587-0721 Fax: (406) 922-6702 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY! N:\9109\VW-WING LAKES PH 1\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:ROB LEMKE ON Aug/18/2014 PROJECT NUMBER 9109.VW-Wing KDJ DATE COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2014 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST DSGN. BY: KDJ APPR. BY: KDJ BOZEMAN MONTANA DATE: 08/2014 Q.C. BY: DATE: TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS WOONERF SECTION SHEET NUMBER X DRAWING NUMBER FIG.4 2.00' C&G 5.00' SDWK 5.00' BLVD 40.00' R.O.W. 14.50' ASPHALT W/PARKING 2.00' C&G 9.50' ASPHALT CENTER OF R.O.W. ALLEY SECTION REVISIONS VERIFY SCALE! THESE PRINTS MAY BE REDUCED. LINE BELOW MEASURES ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING. NO. DESCRIPTION BY 2880 Technology Blvd- West Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: (406) 587-0721 Fax: (406) 922-6702 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY! N:\9109\VW-WING LAKES PH 1\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:ROB LEMKE ON Sep/16/2014 PROJECT NUMBER 9109.VW-Wing KDJ DATE COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2014 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST DSGN. BY: KDJ APPR. BY: KDJ BOZEMAN MONTANA DATE: 08/2014 Q.C. BY: DATE: TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS ALLEY SECTION SHEET NUMBER X DRAWING NUMBER FIG.5 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST -WATERS OF THE U.S. EXHIBIT DURSTON ROAD WBO WBO WBO WBO WBO WBO BAXTER CREEK 50' WATERCOURSE SETBACK WESTMORLAND DRIVE BAXTER CREEK AND ADJACENT WETLAND FRINGE (ONLY WEST SIDE SHOWN) MITIGATION WETLAND BAXTER CREEK CENTERLINE OPEN WATER LAUREL PARKWAY ALLEY A WESTGATE AVENUE OPEN WATER MITIGATION WETLAND AAJKER CREEK 50' WATERCOURSE SETBACK CIRCLE X ALLEY B AAJKER CREEK CENTERLINE AAJKER CREEK AND ADJACENT WETLAND FRINGE (WEST AND EAST SIDES) PROPERTY LINE HORIZ. SCALE 50 25 0 50 100 IN FEET REVISIONS VERIFY SCALE! THESE PRINTS MAY BE REDUCED. LINE BELOW MEASURES ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING. NO. DESCRIPTION BY 315 N. 25th Street, Suite 102 Billings, MT 59101 Phone: (406) 656-6000 Fax: (406) 237-1201 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY! N:\9109\VW-WING LAKES PH 1\WATERCOURSE-WETLAND EXHIBIT.DWG PLOTTED BY:KEVIN JACOBSEN ON Sep/17/2014 PROJECT NUMBER 9109.VW-WING KDJ DATE COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2014 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST DSGN. BY: KDJ APPR. BY: KDJ DATE: 09/2014 Q.C. BY: DATE: SHEET NUMBER BOZEMAN MT DRAWING NUMBER WATERS OF THE U.S. EXHIBIT FIG. A Attn: Brian Kruger City of Bozeman Planning Office 20 East Olive Street Bozeman, MT 59715 August 19, 2014 Dear Mr. Kruger, This letter is being submitted to the City of Bozeman as part of the subdivision preapplication for the proposed Lakes at Valley West subdivision. Item (D) (6) of the Preapplication Requirements on the Subdivision Preapplication Checklist requests the inclusion of copies of any permits listed in Section 38.41.020 of the Bozeman Municipal Code that have already been obtained for the project. The Lakes at Valley West parcel (previously called Wing Lake) was included in the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 permit, Amendment 1, (Reference number NW0-1998-90014-MTH) originally obtained for Valley West Subdivision on November 21, 2001. The permit expired in November 2010. Copies of the 404 permit approval letters for Amendments 1 (November 21, 2001), 2 (April 12, 2006), and 3 (June 13, 2006), that encompassed the Lakes at Valley West parcel are included with this letter. The 404 permit conditions required that several mitigation areas be constructed to compensate for wetland impacts throughout the Valley West project area. Compensatory mitigation included the construction of the Lakes at Valley West and the mitigation wetland located southeast of the Lakes, and the enhancement and preservation of the 50-foot watercourse setback associated with Baxter Creek that flows at the edge of the east boundary of the Lakes at Valley West parcel. The Lakes at Valley West mitigation area was constructed in 2008 and monitored from 2008 to 2012. The USACE wrote a letter on August 12, 2013, closing the Valley West permit file based on the successful completion and revegetation of all the mitigation wetlands, which included The Lakes at Valley West and the adjacent lacustrine and palustrine wetlands. The August 2013 closure letter from the USACE is included with this submittal. The Lakes at Valley West provide an extensive area of open water and native wetland habitat for fish and migrating waterfowl and wildlife. The lakes form the west edge of a continuous 30-plus acre wetland system that extends from the Baxter Creek Natural Area/Bronken Park to the shallow-water wetland ponds located southeast of the east lake. The Lakes at Valley West were planted with hundreds of native trees and shrubs and wetland plants creating a natural refuge within the city limits. If you require additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 581-0655 or [email protected]. 1 Sincerely, Barbara Vaughn Environmental Engineer, MS Cc: Attachments: Greg Stratton November 21, 2001, Amendment No. 1, Department of the Army approval letter April 12, 2006, Amendment No. 2, Department of the Army approval letter June 13, 2006, Amendment No. 3, Department of the Army approval letter August 12, 2013, Department of the Army File Closure Letter for Valley West 2
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