(No Model.)
No. 601,614.
Patented Mar. 29, 1.898.
SPECIFICATION forming part of ‘Letters Patent No. 601,614, dated March 29, 1898.
Application filed June 17,1897. Serial No. 641,116. on model.)
gland or follower A2, which ?ts in the upper
Be it known that I, JOHN W. DUDLEY, a portion of the stuf?ng-box chamber, to which
citizen of the United States, residing at Ohi it ‘is secured by means of screw-threaded
cago, in the county of Cook and State of Illi bolts a2 and springs as, which springs are held 55
nois, have invented certain new and useful in position and adjusted on the screw-rods a2
Improvements in Piston-Rod Packing, of by means of nuts or‘, located on the upper por
tion of said rods. Within the cavity or cham
which the following is a speci?cation.
This invention relates to an improvod pack ber a of the stufling-box are located a series
ing for piston-rods, and while it is more es of ,divided or split rings or disks B, O, D, E,
pecially designed to be used for such rods, yet . and F, each of which is of a peculiar form or
it is applicable as a packing for valve-stems construction and differ one from the other.
and other moving rods or parts of machinery; These disks or rings when assembled into a
To aZZ whom it may concern.
and it consists in certain peculiarities of the group or groups,as will be presently explained,
construction, novel arrangement, and ‘oper
ation of the various parts thereof, as'will be
hereinafter more fully set forth and specific
ally claimed.
The objects of my invention are, ?rst, to‘
provide a packing the parts of which may be
easily assembled and readily adjusted to af
ford a tight or close joint around the piston
a?ord a close-?tting yet yielding packing,
forming a construction to retain a sufficient
quantity of oil or other lubricant to properly
and continually lubricate the piston-rod or
other rod or stem which the packing sur
The split disks or rings B, one of which is
located in the upper portion of the stui?ng
rod, valve-stem, or other rod and at the same box and ?ts within the concavity a5 of the
time to allow the rod‘or stem a slight lateral gland or follower and the other one located
play to accommodate any imperfect alinement in the bottom of the stuffing-box, are beveled 75
toward their. periphery, as shown in Figs. 1
25, which might exist in the arrangement of the and 2 of the drawings, and are provided with
parts of the machine,‘and, second, to provide
a packing which, by reason of the peculiar central openings somewhat‘ larger than the
construction and arrangement of its parts, piston-rod. The disks or rings 0 are likewise
will retain a sufficient quantity of oil or other provided with central openings somewhat
lubricant, so as to keep the piston-rod at all larger than the piston-rod and when in posi
tion in the stuffing-box are so placed as to
times in a perfectly-lubricated condition.
In order to enable others skilled in the art break the joints of the adjacent rings thereto.
to which my invention pertains to make and The rings or disks D are substantially trian
use the same, I will now proceed to describe gular in cross-section and are provided on
their internal peripheries with circumferen
35 it, referring to the accompanying drawings, tial grooves d to receive and retain a suitable
in which
Figure 1 is a sectional view of a vstu?ng- ‘ lubricant and when in position fit the piston
boX, showing a portion of a piston-rod therein rod snugly. The split rings E are beveled
and my improved packing in position. Figs. inwardly on one of their surfaces toward their
2 to 6, inclusive, are detached perspective central openings for the reception of the rod
views of the split rings used in the construc and have their external peripheries slightly
tion of my packing.
Similar letters refer to like parts through
out the di?erent views of the drawings.
45 A represents a stuffing-box of the ordinary
or any preferred construction,which is formed
curved, as at e, to receive the ?brous mate
rial G, which is in thevform of a ring and is
composed of asbestos'g or other suitable ma 95
terial and a core 9’ of rubber or other suit
able yielding substance. Adjacent to the ?at
with a cylindrical cavity or chamber a, the surfaces of the rings E are placed split rings
bottom of which is formed with a concavity F, whose external peripheries are beveled, as
a’ or is inclined toward the opening in the at f, and which rings are preferably made of
soft metal.
50 stuffing-box which receives the piston-rod A’,
By reference to the drawings it will be seen
which passes through a suitable opening in the
that the rings D, E, and F are smaller in cir- ‘
By the useof my packing constructed and
cumference than the rings B, and O and that arranged as above described it'is apparent
the ?brous material G is located between the that the central openings of the rings or disks 65
external peripheries of said rings or disks B and G will form receptacles for a lubricant,
and the walls of the stuf?ng-box, thus forc and that the grooves din the rings D will act
ing' said rings against the piston-rod and for a like purpose, and that a simple, inex
there holding them under a yielding pres- { pensive, and durable packing is afforded
‘ which offers‘ a minimum of friction to the
In the drawings I have shown a stuffing piston-rod.
box with the rings or disks arranged in three
When a stuffing-box the chamber of which
groups; but I do not desire to be limited to has a flat bottom is used and a follower or
such an arrangement, as I may employ one ‘ gland with its lower part formed with a ?at
or more of such groups.
It will also be ob
surface, the rings B may be omitted and the 75
served by reference to Fig. 1 that in the up rings 0 used in their stead.
15 per group the beveled portion of the ring D
Having thus fully described my invention,
is on the lower surface of said ring, while in what I claim as new, and desire to secure by
the other groups it is located on its ‘upper Letters Patent, is—~
surface; but ‘in each of the groups the meet
ing surfaces of the rings D and E are-in
1. In a piston-rod packing, the combination
of .a hollow stuf?ng-box, with a series of split
rings, two of which have their meeting sur
In assembling the parts of my packing the faces inclined and are of less circumference
disks or rings B are placed as shown in Fig.
1 of the drawings, one in the bottom or con
than the cavity of the stu?ing-box, one or
more of said series of rings being of about the
‘caved portion of the stuffing-box and the other same circumference as the chamber of the 85
.25 in the concave part of the follower, the round stuf?ng-box and having central openings
ed or beveled portions of said disks ?tting somewhat larger than the piston-rod, when
said concaved portions. One of the split located on the outer surfaces of the rings with
rings 0 is then placed on the inner or ?at theinclined meeting surfaces, and a ring com
surface of one of the disks B, so as to break posed of ?brous material interposed between 9O
joints, and a ring D, with its ?at surface rest the walls of the stuf?ng-box and the periph
ing against the ring 0, is placed around the eries of the rings’with the inclined meeting
piston-rod, when the ring of ?brous material ‘ surfaces, substantially as described.
G may be placed between the periphery of
2. In a piston-rod packing, the combination
the ring D and the walls of the stuffing-box. of a stuf?ng-box having a cylindrical cham
35 The ring E is then placed on the ring or disk ber, ‘with two split rings of less circumference
D so that their inclined surfaces will meet, than the chamber of the stuffing-box and hav
and a ring F placed on the ?at surface of the ‘ ing their meeting surfaces inclined, their ex
ring E, and another one of the rings 0 placed ternal peripheries rounded or curved, split
on the outer surface of the ring F, thuscom rings located on the outer surfaces of the ?rst
pleting one of the groups.
named rings and a ring of yielding ?brous
While I have shown the bottom of the material interposed between the peripheries
chamber of the stuffing-box and the‘lower por of the split rings having inclined surfaces and
tion of the gland concaved in form and the the walls of the stuffing-box, substantially as
disks B of a shape to conform thereto, yet I
45 do not desire to be limited to such a con described.
3. In a packing for piston-rods, the combi
struction or form, as I may use disks with flat nation of the hollow stuffing-box A, the spring
surfaces and the bottom of the chamber and actuated gland A2, ?tting therein, the split
lowerpart of the follower or gland with ?at ring D,‘provided with the annular groove d,
surfaces; but the concave form of said parts and one of its surfaces inclined, the split ring
will have a tendency when the gland is E, having one of its surfaces inclined, the
screwed down in the box to force the com split ring F of soft metal resting on the outer
posite pieces of the packing toward the piston surface of the split ring E, the split rings 0,
rod, as is apparent. I have also shown the located on the outer surfaces of the rings D,
peripheries of the disks F beveled and those and F, and the yielding ?brous material G,
55 of the disks D and E slightly curved or located between the walls of the stuffing-box
rounded, and while such construction is pref and the external peripheries of the rings D,
erable in that more satisfactory results are
obtained by reason of the ?brous ‘material
and its yielding core pressing against the pe
ripheriesof said disks, yet I may use other
shapes or‘forms on the peripheries of said disks
or rings.
E, and F, all constructed, arranged and op
erating substantially as shown and described.