VMM Vision Inspection Catalogue

Vision Measuring Machines
High Accuracy Vision Measurement
w w w . ems-i.co.uk
The high performance InspecVista vision
measuring machines come in four
variants. The manual with auto focus,
motorized and full CNC range is available
in four different sizes. The manual version
comes in a high capacity model with auto
focus where the camera mounted axis is
motorized for precise focus eliminating
the user’s skills and experience.
The motorized model is useful in cases
where the machine is used with Touch
Trigger Probe (TTP). The motorized
probing is more advantageous in
getting better repeat accuracies of a
Touch Trigger Probe (TTP).
The full CNC model is specially made
for faster inspection and is also
highly useful in machines which use the
optional digital probe for depth
measurements and the touch trigger
The vision machines come with a high
resolution CCD camera or a high
megapixel CMOS camera as an option.
The optics have a zoom capability of
1:8.3X leading to an on screen
magnification of almost 240X. Higher
magnification are available on request.
The powerful software developed by Electronica has everything that one looks in for a user
friendly software in measurement technology. Full geometric functionality is included with
features like point, line, circle, curve, arc etc. The edge detection is automatic and SPC and
analytic software are included. The DXF import / export is also included in the standard
software. The machines come with 48 LED ring light and LED colour option. The backlight is
green to meet various application needs. The software has the capability to control the
intensity and quadrant selection for ringlight and intensity of backlight.
Z axis
auto focus
Manual with Z axis auto focus / motorized / CNC
1/3” High resolution colour CCD camera (standard) with 800 X 600 pixels
1/2” High resolution colour CMOS camera (optional) with 2048 X 1536 pixels
Standard Zoom lens 1:6X Magnification*
Motorized zoom lens*
Co-axial zoom lens with 1:8.3X Magnification*
3 + L / 175µm, L is measuring length in mm
95 - 265 VAC 50/60 Hz
Ring light - This is mounted on the Optics and illuminates
the top surface of the object. The intensity of the
Illumination can be adjusted for better edge detection.
The ring light can be white, green or red.
The ring light is two rings, quads,
48 cells. Ring light of 4 rings, quads,
64 cells can be supplied as an option.
Multi-coloured ring light - A
Multi-coloured ring light with
different option in a single enclosure
is available as an option. This
multi-coloured ring light can also be
programmed for selection of colour
while measuring a job in program run
Mode as per the previous jobs
measured. This multi-coloured ring
light can be used for measurement of different variety of
jobs including black and while plastic and rubber component
with the different coloured ring light option.
Backlight - This single green LED collimated backlight source is
mounted under the glass plate helping the user to view the
profile. The intensity is programmable and adjustable for
better edge detection through software.
Touch trigger probe - An optional touch
trigger probe can be supplied for 3D
measurements. Touch trigger along with
the probe change rack increases the level
of flexibility and allows the machine to
be configured for specific applications.
Electronic Depth Probe (EDP) - All machine with motorized Z
axis (auto focus and above) can be supplied with specially
designed Electronic Depth Probe (EDP) for measurement of
depths on the job. This specially
designed depth probe works
similar to a touch trigger probe
in single Z+ direction. The probe
can be used for measurement
of depths with a high accuracy
with a wide range of stylus
diameters to suit customer
requirement. The diameter of
the stylus can range from
Ø 1mm to Ø 6mm. Ø 2mm
Ruby ball stylus is supplied as standard scope of supply and
other styli are available as option.
Auto focus (Z axis motorized) - M
with a ‘Z’ axis motorized option w
intelligence of the software and t
exact point of focus on the job. T
expertise and experience. The so
with the help of the camera and s
on the job while scanning.
Laser pointer - The laser pointer
mounted on the machine helps the
user to define the exact position
of the camera centre on the jobs.
This helps the user to select the
correct element to be measure on
a complex job.
Coaxial light - This light passes
through the optical lense and is
supplied as an option. This is used to
analyse blind holes and shafts in vertical
position. This zoom ratio ranges from
1:8.3X to 240X.
Manual zoom lens - This is a standard lens with built in
zoom capacity 1:6X. This optics is a standard scope of
supply and can have optional ranges suitable for various
Motorized zoom lens - The
motorized zoom lens helps the
user to select various zooms in
a single measurement without
re-qualifying the zoom. This zoom
level is set automatically through the
software command and it is also
programmable while using a CNC machine
Telecentric zoom lens - This is an ideal optic for
objects with slight protrusions. The magnification
range is 0.5X, 1.0X and 2.0X, other
magnifications are available as an option.
Joystick - The USB joystick for CNC / Motorized
version of machines comes with a touch pad
that has programmable keys & 0 to 100 %
speed Control. The light, handheld
joystick has a inbuilt mouse function to
operate the PC from a distance. The motion
directions can be changed by the user by deciding
the position from where he decides to operate the machine.
Programmable lighting control - InspecVista comes with
programmable lighting control with
all ring light and backlight controlled
automatically through the software.
Manual VMM’s can be supplied
The lighting system can be
where in the user can use the
programmed according to the jobs
the camera to find out the
programming where it can be
This helps to reduce the operator
switched on & off and the intensity
oftware can scan the surface
can be adjusted automatically as per the previous measured job.
stop at the best focus it finds
3D Measurement - Can be easily done with
this software using a Touch Trigger Probe.
It supports straight as well as star styli
Reports - Different types of reports like full
dimensional graphical representation, tabular
format with nominal values, tolerances with
graphical results can be printed. These can be
exported to Text, HTML, Work, Excel and PDF
EMS (International) Limited
Unit 7 : Kingsley Business Park : Kibworth Beauchamp
Leicestershire LE8 0LE : England
Tel: +44 (0) 116 279 3035 : Fax: +44 (0) 116 271 1153
e-mail: [email protected] : web: ems-i.co.uk
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