Page2 1. WHAT IS “WOMENCHANGEMAKERS”? WomenChangeMakers (WCM) is a Fellowship program set up in 2010 and launched in 2011 by the Womanity Foundation for leading social entrepreneurs addressing women’s role in society. The WCM model was inspired by Ashoka’s worldwide experience in driving progress through social entrepreneurs. Its uniqueness resides in its focus on social entrepreneurs who work for women’s empowerment and are ready to go to scale after having successfully proven their model, and in its capacity to mobilize professional support for its Fellows, largely from the corporate sector. WCM awards its Fellows three years of active support and a lifetime access to the WCM network. It provides them with access to professionals who can assist them in key areas to successfully scale up and/or replicate their project, the ultimate goal being to increase their contribution to lasting social progress. At the same time, WCM’s staff assists the Fellows in identifying partnerships and funding opportunities. The program is currently in its third year of implementation. The first Fellows were selected in Brazil in August 2011 and in India in April 2012, while the second generation of Fellows was selected in Brazil and India in August 2013. The program continues to provide support for the firstgeneration Fellows and helps the newly chosen Fellows, with their different features and diverse contexts. 1.1 THE SELECTION PROCESS The main criteria to design this process were to identify social entrepreneurs (women or men) who work for women’s empowerment, who are ready to scale and/or replicate their project and who are looking for help to do so. In the graph below, we specify the three stages of the selection process, the inputs needed in each one to assess the nominees, and the process outputs: Page 3 Chart 1: WCM’s new Fellows selection process Stage 1 – Sourcing/nomination(s): At the beginning of 2013, WCM’s staff invited their selection partners―Ashoka, UN Women, Avina, LGT VP, Ford Foundation. Oak Foundation, Fundo Elas and many others―to recommend candidates working on promoting women’s access to healthcare, education, political participation and economic citizenship and fulfilling the main criteria. They received 21 nominations in India and 44 in Brazil. The nominated projects were screened for their eligibility for WCM in-situ visits. WCM’ steam analyzed first-stage documentation (short history, vision and mission, nature and scope of activities, achievements, ambitions) and rated the Fellows (based on criteria such as contribution to women’s progress, innovation, scalability, replicability, quality, and strength of leadership and team). There were nine shortlisted nominations screened for the in-situ visits and due diligence in India, and six in Brazil. All shortlisted nominees were invited to fill out a detailed questionnaire called scorecard. The scorecard forms the basis for in-situ visits and the due diligence process that WCM’s team conducts thereafter. Stage 2 – In-situ visits and personal interviews: The results of the site visits were presented and discussed with Womanity Foundation’s Global Team and management, including the President of the organization, to arrive at a list of finalists from the wide array of shortlisted nominations. In 2013, four candidatures from India passed this stage and were invited to the selection panel held in New Delhi on July 22, 2013. Also, five site visits were conducted in Brazil so as to prepare strong cases to move the nominations along to the final panel stage held in Rio de Janeiro on August 26, 2013. Page 4 Stage 3 – WomenChangeMakers Selection Panel: The selected finalists were invited to a panel interaction where a group of panelists interviewed the (finalist) social entrepreneurs about their work. These interactions were followed by a scoring of each finalist by individual panel members and a panel discussion where the suitability of the WCM Fellowship was discussed for the candidates. The India Panel selected two successful candidatures, whereas in Brazil the decision was to conduct a further in-depth analysis of the two Fellows that showed highest potential. Finally, after evaluating each project specifically, Womanity Foundation selected two projects each in Brazil and India as second-generation WCM Fellows: Brazil Maria Beatriz (“Bia”) Kern (Mulher em Construção) Panmela Castro (RedeNami) India Chandra Shekhar Ghosh (Bandhan Konnagar) Neelam Chhiber (Industree Foundation) 1.2 WCM SUPPORT Support in the form of consultancies, training and other professional expert services are delivered by WCM’s professional partners to each of the selected WCM Fellows in areas such as the following: Business management - Scaling/replicating: defining strategies for growth and plans to implement them; funding models, fundraising and development Information and communication technologies - Data and knowledge management Human resources - Team building; management skills; capacity building; leadership training; succession planning Communication and PR - Public relations, marketing and communication Legal support - Legal audits; review of procedures; ad hoc legal assistance Monitoring, evaluation and reporting Page 5 2. FIRST-GENERATION WCM FELLOWS The first-generation Fellows were selected in 2011 and 2012. This section details their projects and actions, and the activities carried out under WCM’s Fellowship. 2.1 Rede Asta Alice Freitas, the Founder and Executive Director of Rede Asta in Brazil (, was selected as a WCM Brazil Fellow in Brazil in August 2011. The Asta Institute was founded in 2003 with the mission to contribute to the reduction of social inequality in Brazil. Rede Asta is a social business that helps strengthen production companies led by women from the base of the pyramid and provides them with access to market, knowledge and networking. It builds bridges between micro-companies and the market by stimulating the productive chain, raises consumer awareness about inclusive production, and spreads the concepts of fair trade and solidarity-based economy with the vision of making the consumer a tool for social and economic inclusion. Alice Freitas I Rede Asta In 2013, Alice Freitas became an Ashoka Globalizer Fellow, and received consultancy support facilitated by Ashoka to review Asta’s five-year strategy. HOW IS REDE ASTA ESCALATING ITS IMPACT? In 2014, Asta is collaborating with production groups in 5 new states: São Paulo, Fortaleza, Brasília, Minas Gerais, and Curitiba. Today, 812 craftswomen are part of Asta, organized in 60 production groups (5 new ones in this reporting period). Some new activities were launched in the last year of the WCM Fellowship, giving Asta the opportunity to increase its market share, strengthen its institutional capacities and enhance the organization’s impact. Asta’s salesroom in Ramos, São Paolo, was turned into an atelier where the staff creates new collections, receiving numerous artisans to participate in workshops and producing samples for Asta’s corporate clients. The organization is in the process of building a waste barn for storing and up-cycling cloth and other kinds of waste. Moreover, Asta is improving its marketing, branding and packaging, with the help of Coca-Cola and Tactile Design. Its new direct-sale catalog is coming out in October 2014. Asta has launched the catalog based on Page 6 the new marketing strategy and it is receiving great feedback, including from the resellers, who are now applying on-line to receive their ware for reselling. Asta will issue two catalogs per year, with a look-book appearance, and distribute them among special clients and resellers. To strengthen craftswomen and production groups, Asta is creating a producers’ manual, which explains all the rules and logistics. It is also signing terms’ sheets with all their groups, such as a Code of Ethics, which includes pledges to protect against child labor. Furthermore, Asta is preparing a project manual to regulate all processes needed to deliver services for client companies such as Coca-Cola or Apex. In addition, Asta has a new website, which features more group stories and showcases the products. It newly merges the institutional and business areas to better profile their social mission. Asta’s highest priorities are presently: to attain financial sustainability for the business to improve the efficiency of sales channels to develop professional training for artisans HOW DOES WCM DRIVE CHANGE THROUGH REDE ASTA? Priority areas for technical assistance offered by WCM’s Program Partners in support of Rede Asta’s growth: Business management - Marketing & Sales (Partner: ADP, pro bono staff hours; Chanel Foundation, pro bono technical support) Support activities have been consolidated for Rede Asta, based on the initial support strategy and engagement plan for WCM and its professional Program Partners conducted by Accenture Development Partnerships (ADP). In addition, Rede Asta has reviewed its marketing and sales strategy with the aim of doubling its sales volume, so as to include yet more production groups and reach financial viability. Now, Rede Asta is working with ADP on information technology (IT) support for management, in addition to its broader strategic support for the organization. The Chanel Foundation continues to fund the organization and has started helping Asta’s team with design and branding. One of Chanel Corporation’s senior directors has joined the Rede Asta board. Communication and PR (Partner: Francesca Versace; pro bono) Francesca Versace has created a pattern design for Asta to use on a new line of products, which will be launched in September 2014, helping the organization extend its visibility and increase sales. WCM is co-funding the production by Asta. Page 7 Human Resources (Partner: Egon Zehnder International; pro bono staff hours) WCM continues working with Maitee Camargo at Egon Zehnder International (EZI) to give support in recruitment and management. Camargo has worked pro bono with Rede Asta, delivering a Human Resources Report for recruitment and management. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (Partner: ZIGLA; paid) In the third year of the Fellowship, ZIGLA is planning to offer support in the implementation of a Customer Relation Management (CRM) based system to capture data for monitoring, evaluation and reporting. As part of a more strategic approach to analysis and evaluation, Asta will implement this technological platform, which will improve the monitoring of their indicators and their data-based reporting. Apart from the technical support from Program Partners, WCM’s staff has created networking, partnership and funding opportunities with allied organizations: WCM’s staff has provided support to Asta in researching grant opportunities and writing grant and award applications. Womanity has helped Rede Asta develop its first institutional report and Asta‘s partner documents (English and Portuguese versions). Page 8 2.2 Educate Girls Safeena Husain was the first Fellow selected in India, in April 2012. She is the Founder and Executive Director of Educate India Girls ( Founded in 2005, Educate Girls (EG) is a comprehensive school reform model that leverages existing resources at the government, village, and school levels, and creates community ownership for school reform. The program ensures that local governments, teachers, parents, and girl students themselves become active participants in the process, and operate independently in school governance, even after the withdrawal of EG. EG is actively building a cadre of village-based youth leaders, who are called Team Balika, to work as champions for girls' education and catalysts for school reform. Team Balika work within schools as well as in village communities, spreading awareness on girl-child education to boost enrolment, retention, and learning outcomes for all girls. Safeena Husain I Educate Girls HOW IS EG ESCALATING ITS IMPACT? Educate Girls (EG) currently works in almost 8,000 schools across 4,500 villages and six districts of Rajasthan, reaching about 660,000 schoolchildren, up from 495,000 during the previous school year. This growth has been accompanied by an increase in the number of staff and volunteers to the program. Today, EG has 3,500 Team Balika members, three times as much as early last year. Additionally, the organization has brought on two new board members. In the first year of WCM’s Fellowship, 20,226 out-of-school girls were enrolled through EG’s program across its areas of operation. The overall enrolment rate in their target areas is now 98% with girl students’ attendance at 75%, up from 61%. In addition, 35% of pupils were able to read a story in Hindi in a test ran across target schools, as compared to 15% in non-program schools. Also, EG has helped the community obtain the means to build facilities, such as libraries, and acquire new books. In its second year as a WCM Fellow, EG rolled out its operations in three new gender-gap districts: Ajmer, Bundi and Rajsamand. The organization has set up district office infrastructures and hired almost 300 fulltime employees. With this expansion, the geographical reach includes six districts and over 4,500 villages in Rajasthan. The number of beneficiaries is currently 660,000, with the enrolment/retention process begun in July. In the last six months, EG has evaluated the impact of its Creative Learning & Teaching (CLT) methodology on beneficiaries’ learning outcomes. Over 40,000 children have been evaluated for literacy and numeracy improvements, and the organization has observed grade gains between 35% and 55% across genders and geographies. In addition, the organization launched the world’s first Development Impact Bond (DIB) in education with UBS Optimus Foundation and Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) participating as an investor and an outcome payer, respectively, in June 2014. The DIB will help EG to implement a range of program innovations designed to enroll marginalized out-of-school girls and improve learning outcomes. EG aims to impact around 20,000 children in 150 of the most poorly performing schools in Rajasthan. Program results Page 9 will be rigorously measured and, if EG is successful in improving outcomes, CIFF will pay investors back with returns at around 7-13% depending on the rate of success. HOW DOES WCM DRIVE CHANGE THROUGH EG? Through WCM, certain areas have been prioritized to support the growth of Educate Girls: Here is an overview of WCM India’s professional partners’ engagement with EG from July 2013 to June 2014, which allows the organization to consolidate their main activities, scale the intervention model and organize internal processes: Business management (Partner: Strategy&, formerly Booz & Co, pro bono staff hours) Strategy& continues working with EG on its five-year growth and expansion strategy. The aim was to refresh EG’s strategic plan and review the organization’s financial model and partnership strategies. On that basis, Strategy& has recommended appropriate risk management strategies and tools. Additionally, EG’s long-term strategy, including how to shift full accountability to the community and reduce the need for EG’s staff, was developed in partnership with Strategy&. Fundraising (Partner: Smarter Good, subsidized fee) Moreover, in 2014, WCM helped EG sign a partnership with Smarter Good to identify, qualify and schedule funding submissions worth USD 2M in grant pipeline opportunities. These included funding request submissions amounting to USD 1.6M (two projects were rejected, both to Swiss foundations), and another USD 1.2M is in progress. Communication & Outreach (Partner: APCO Worldwide, subsidized fee) Another unique partnership fostered by WCM for EG was established with APCO Worldwide to explore government partnership opportunities. EG will work with APCO Worldwide to identify, through secondary research, key programs within the Indian Government with which EG could seek to ‘partner up’. Information and communication technologies (Partner: Peocit Technologies; subsidized staff hours) Peocit Technologies started its engagement with EG in December 2012, when it provided free support to produce the organization’s 2011-12 Annual Report. During 2013, its second year of support, Peocit Technologies finished setting up a new organizational email system and it migrated all old emails into the new system. In 2014, through this partnership, EG was able to complete its Salesforce Integration, which is a vital milestone for the organization towards better data, resource and contact management. Page 10 Human Resources (Partner: Mercuri Urval; pro bono staff hours) Mercuri Urval began its engagement with EG to work on the organization’s human resource (HR) processes. It has studied EG’s current HR systems so as to make recommendations for improvements as well as provide appropriate strategies to cope with increased HR capacities. Mercuri Urval has supported job description for senior hires and facilitated selection interviews. Moreover, next October Mercuri Urval will finish consolidating an HR management manual for EG, giving a detailed description of team management, core values and guiding principles for employees. Mercuri Urval is currently working on updating the organizational structure with clarification on roles, responsibilities and scopes. Apart from the technical support from Program Partners, WCM’s staff has created networking, partnership and funding opportunities with allied organizations: WCM India enabled Safeena Husain’s participation in the SoCap Event in the USA by sponsoring participation fees. Safeena was able to take advantage of this additional support opportunity during her scheduled trip to the US in 2013. The Womanity Foundation also facilitated the collaboration between with EG and UBS Optimus Foundation, which has led to the launch of the Development Impact Bond, first of its kind in the world in the area of education. Womanity also introduced EG to the Giving Women Network, which resulted in Educate Girls’ successful funding partnership with Cartier Foundation and other potential funding leads. The following chart shows how WCM integrates the first-generation Fellow’s Program Partners’ support with the search for opportunities and networking in order for Rede Asta and Educate Girls to escalate their growth in the mid and long term: Page 11 Chart 2: WCM’s intervention model at Rede Asta and Educate Girls – Actions and Outcomes from July 2013 to June 2014 Page 12 3. SECOND-GENERATION FELLOWS Second-generation Fellows were selected in 2013. This section offers a description of their projects and actions, and the activities carried out under the WCM’s Fellowship. 3.1 BRAZIL 3.1.1 Mulher em Construção Maria Beatriz (Bia) Kern, Founder and Director of Mulher em Construção (MEC) (Women in Mulher Em Construção I Brazil Construction), in Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul. She was selected as a WCM Fellow in December 2013 for her innovative work in empowering women, and for helping them to improve their status within their community: MEC has trained over 5,000 low-income and disadvantaged women in Southern Brazil, in construction skills – masonry, tile-laying, painting, electrical installations, plumbing, etc.― and in home repairs, thus radically increasing their employability and revenues. Besides, by providing courses and workshops, MEC facilitates women’s employment in the construction sector. MEC’s pedagogical approach, based on Paulo Freire’s theories, complements the technical training with psycho-social support, building gender and class self-esteem for women. MEC encourages women to continue their studies after graduation, supports women in the field of entrepreneurship, and tracks their progress. Maria Beatriz Kern HOW IS MEC ESCALATING ITS IMPACT? In 2013, 1,270 women enrolled in a one-day workshop called "Cement and Lipstick". Bia Kern estimates that 105,000 people have indirectly benefited from MEC’s work since 2006. The organization seeks to serve at least 2,000 women per year through courses, plus at least 3,000 women per year through workshops. In the next three years, the organization intends to build the MEC School, train 2,000 women per year in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro, and help at least 40% of their trained graduates find stable employment in the construction sector and 28% to pursue entrepreneurial initiatives. At the beginning, MEC was run with Maria Beatriz (Bia) Kern’s own financial resources and loans. She used her own capital to pay for MEC’s legal registration, initial training expenses, accounting firm costs, etc. Later, several public and private partnerships were established in order to provide women’s training. Some partners cover course materials and logistics for the women. Page 13 Recently, Petrobras offered a one-year partnership of USD 350,000 to pilot the program’s expansion in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Salvador de Bahía. Petrobras is supporting MEC in training 160 women in situations of socio-economic vulnerability living in suburban and impoverished communities of the Rio Grande area; the firm will also help to organize eight groups of 20 students each, who will receive training in seven areas, including masonry, tile-laying, painting, electricity installation, roofing and plumbing, among others. It will offer practical lessons that will culminate in the construction of a 50m2 room to be used by community members. However, Petrobas does not cover the salaries of MEC’s team members―only course-related expenses (e.g. materials, logistics, and experts’ fees). Betonex has donated USD 4,500 to MEC for the development of its website. The website itself cost USD 3,500, and the remaining USD 1,000 were allocated to institutional costs, such as fees for the accounting firm. HOW DOES WCM DRIVE CHANGE THROUGH MULHER EM CONTRUCÃO? Priority areas for technical assistance offered by WCM’s Program Partners in order to support MEC’s growth: Business management - Marketing & Sales (Partner: Accenture, pro bono staff hours; Rede Cidada, pro bono staff hours) WCM has submitted MEC’s needs’ assessment and action plan for growth to Accenture, which is now preparing a proposal to work with MEC at a subsidized rate to develop its business model and strategy. Additionally, WCM is forging a partnership with Rede Cidada to offer qualified mentorship to MEC. Legal support (Partner: Thompson Reuters Foundation; pro bono staff hours) To give support in the legal area, WCM has helped MEC submit a membership application to the Thompson Reuters Foundation. This would entitle MEC to free legal counseling during its whole expansion process and beyond. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting (Partner: ZIGLA, paid) ZIGLA delivered a baseline assessment of MEC in February 2014 that provided insights on the advantages/disadvantages of the current approach. Moreover, as of July 2014, ZIGLA has been providing support to MEC with its monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system. ZIGLA’s team is helping the organization to improve the tools designed to measure MEC’s impact and also installing technological solutions to track a set of M&E indicators. WCM’s team will attend an event hosted by MEC at the end of August 2014 and will speak in a panel about the importance of women’s empowerment. Page 14 WCM has connected Bia Kern to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Latin America; she was subsequently invited to speak at the “CGI 2013 Latin America Series” in December as a participant on the ‘Women Entrepreneurs: Expanding to Large-Scale Enterprises’ panel. As follow-up, Bia Kern has been invited to participate at CGI Global, which will take place in New York in September 2014. 3.1.2 Rede Nami Panmela Castro is the Founder and President of Nami Rede Feminista de Arte Urbana in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Brazil ( Panmela’s organization, Rede Nami, is a network of urban female artists based in Rio de Janeiro, which addresses gender inequality through public art, graffiti campaigns and workshops. Rede Nami organizes workshops throughout Brazil, teaching about violence against women and girls, and instructing participants in the art of graffiti as a tool for advocacy. Rede Nami also teaches graffiti to talented young women, offering them professional opportunities in this area, which used to be dominated by men. Rede Nami organizes its activities into an urban arts study group with 180 members, focused on urban arts and intellectual exchange of experiences; an agency which runs graphic workshops, paints murals and gives themed lectures; a Street Theatre group that works to raise awareness on social and gender issues; Rede Nami’s soccer club, to promote the debate on gender equality through the practice of sports; thematic communities and public school workshops to promote the Maria da Penha Law, so as to reduce domestic violence and encourage reflection through urban arts on the position of women in society; and technical and theoretical training offered by Rede Nami’s artists. Panmela Castro I Rede Nami HOW IS REDE NAMI ESCALATING ITS IMPACT? Through its workshops, Rede Nami has reached over 4,000 women from 17 to 56 years old. Women and girls are empowered to take action and express their opinions in Rede Nami’s workshops through their participation in interactive sessions based on the methodology of the "Theatre of the Oppressed". For the mid-term, Rede Nami is planning to change its legal status to organização da sociedade civil de interesse público (OSCIP), enabling staff payment through payroll, partnerships and agreements with different government levels (local, state and federal). With the help from the Oak Foundation, which donated USD 50,000 in October in 2013, Rede Nami has acquired an office building in the Catete neighborhood, a middle-low income community, in the South of Rio de Janeiro. The organization has further received a grant from Mama Cash for EUR 30,000 and the Dillervon Furstenberg Family Foundation Award for USD 50,000, which funded it during 2012 and 2013. Page 15 The Avon Institution is presently Rede Nami’s main funding and activity partner, and together they have recently piloted a campaign to prevent violence against women. The project involved 26 workshops in public schools in Rio de Janeiro engaging young boys and girls between 15 and 18 years old in debates to combat gender-based violence, and six other activities in Brazilian cities that hosted the 2014 World Cup. Rede Nami now aims to establish medium- and long-term programmatic and strategic partnerships instead of raising funds for specific projects. This would support organizational growth and help it to replicate its methodology in other geographies. The Street Theater initiative is well rounded, systematized, and ready to be replicated. It also has the potential to create a new revenue stream for Rede Nami if companies and public entities are interested in sponsoring this kind of creative, educational activity. Moreover, Rede Nami hopes to boost Agência Nami’s social business potential by selling services and products (e.g. workshops on the Maria da Penha Law with graffiti art interventions and the sale of paintings). The Agency offers professionals trained in urban arts, focused on women’s rights, for workshops and thematic murals. Panmela Castro is planning to organize her company’s portfolio (combining top artists and entry-level artists from Agência Nami) to help position it in the market while allocating 6% of gross income to fund Rede Nami’s advocacy work. HOW DOES WCM DRIVE CHANGE THROUGH REDE NAMI? Priority support areas for technical assistance offered by WCM’s Program Partners in order to support REDE NAMI’s growth: Business management - Marketing & Sales (Partner: Reza Shahcheraghi, Independent Consultant, paid; Rede Cidada, pro bono staff hours) WCM has proposed working with an independent consultant to support Rede Nami develop its business model and strategy to build up the organization. The objective of this consultancy is to design a long-term strategy to make Rede Nami sustainable over time. Additionally, WCM is negotiating a partnership with Rede Cidada in Rio and São Paulo, whereby they will offer a mentorship to Panmela Castro. Mentors are expected to be selected by the end of August, and the mentorship will launch in September 2014. Legal support (Partner: Thompson Reuters Foundation and Independent Consultant; pro bono staff hours) WCM has put Rede Nami in touch with the Thompson Reuters Foundation. The Foundation will help Rede Nami with free legal counseling in all their areas once it is registered with Trust Law. Page 16 Monitoring, evaluation and reporting (Partner: ZIGLA; paid) ZIGLA has elaborated the Rede Nami Needs’ Assessment Report to identify the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. It has diagnosed Rede Nami’s current situation and proposed key required partnerships. Apart from the technical support from Program Partners, WCM’s staff has created networking, partnership and funding opportunities with allied organizations for Rede Nami: WCM’s staff invited Panmela Castro to speak on a gender justice panel at an international football exhibition held by DISCOVER and Guerreiras Project in Rio de Janeiro during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The event was a good opportunity to publicize Rede Nami’s mission and gave it visibility amongst an international social justice audience. Through Womanity Foundation’s partnership with Hublot, WCM created an opportunity for Castro to showcase Rede Nami’s work at the Hublot VIP 2014 World Cup party. Castro’s graffiti performance was enjoyed by a high-level audience, including the world-famous footballer Pelé and musician Wyclef Jean. WCM arranged for a global group of Lex Mundi lawyers, traveling to Brazil, to tour Rede Nami and experience Castro’s work in November 2013. 3.2 INDIA 3.2.1 Bandhan Konnagar Chandra Shekhar Ghosh is the Founder and Mentor of Bandhan Konnagar, ( and has been Bandhan Konnagar India nominated by Ashoka India. CS Ghosh founded Bandhan Konnagar in 2005, with the dual objective of poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment. The model incorporates two entities: through a non-banking financial company (NBFC), Bandhan Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. (BFSPL) is bringing financial stability to poor women through microloans in 19 Indian states in which it operates. To date, it caters to 4.8 million disadvantaged women. In March 2014, Bandhan Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. (BFSPL) received its banking license from the Reserve Bank of India. It is one of only two microfinance institutions in India that have been granted a banking license. Chandra Shekhar Ghosh Bandhan Konnagar, the non-profit arm of the organization, aims at fostering a deeper systemic development by focusing on ultra-poor women (or the ‘hardcore poor’, such as destitute or homeless women), who fall outside the lending net of most microfinance institutions (MFIs). Through its ‘credit plus Page 17 approach’, it brings them on par with those to whom MFIs and banks will give credit. Bandhan Konnagar lends muscle to women’s financial advancement through community-based programs targeted at education, health, and livelihoods. The model also incorporates a development arm, which is seeded by 5% of the surplus income generated by the microfinance programs. The WomenChangeMakers Fellowship was extended to support Bandhan Konnagar’s growth. In February 2014, Bandhan Konnagar received the Economic Times Benegal Corporate Award granted by the Association of Corporate Advisers and Executives (ACAE). HOW IS BANDHAN KONNAGAR ESCALATING ITS IMPACT? In 2013, Bandhan Konnagar covered 1,082,135 households under various welfare and development programs spread over 7 states of India, i.e. West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Bihar, Odhisha, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand. In the next three years, the organization wishes to expand to 10 states covering 2,000,000 households through 5 community development programs. WCM Fellowship will support the development of IT capacity for Bandhan Konnagar, which will impact the organization’s data gathering and analysis in the long run. Also, WCM India will support the improvement of the gender perspective of Bandhan Konnagar’s development programs by engaging them with several of WCM’s partners with expertise in gender issues. Bandhan Konnagar is making efforts to expand three of its main programs. These include: Targeting the hardcore poor (THP): This initiative targets the extremely destitute women who have no asset base or alternative source income, are highly vulnerable to crisis, have been abandoned by their husbands, or are mainly dependent on begging, wage labor, etc. At this moment, THP has presence in 1,379 villages and helps 15,000 beneficiaries. Employing the Unemployed Program (EUP): In 2009, Bandhan Konnagar launched this program to integrate skill development into unemployment mitigation programs. The HSBC Bank has supported Bandhan Konnagar’s EUP in 2012 through a grant facility, which will spread over the next three years. This support from HSBC helps the organization to run training centers where unemployed youths receive multifaceted skill development courses, enhance their abilities and become eligible to apply for jobs. In this context, Bandhan Konnagar is running the EUP in Mumbai in association with Godrej. As part of this alliance, the organization identifies unemployed youths between 18-30 years old. Presently, the EUP covers 4,209 families in three states, and 19 members of Bandhan Konnagar’s are working on it. Renewable Energy Program: With the objective of providing sustainable electricity at low cost without harming the environment, Bandhan Konnagar has taken a step forward in serving the deprived rural population. The initial idea is to use this renewable form of energy in lamps and lanterns (varied shapes and sizes). The benefits of these lights are that they improve health, support extended hours of livelihood activity, and are a safer option, as there is no risk of fire or burns. Above all, they harness the unlimited natural source of solar energy. Page 18 HOW DOES WCM DRIVE CHANGE THROUGH BANDHAN KONNAGAR? Through WCM, certain areas have been prioritized to support Bandhan Konnagar’s growth: Business management - Marketing & Sales (Partner: Accenture Development Partnerships (ADP); subsidized staff hours; all engagement related expenses borne by Bandhan Konnagar) WCM has kicked off a partnership between Bandhan Konnagar and ADP in the area of Information Technology with the goal of developing an IT roadmap for Bandhan Konnagar so that the organization is able to cope with its expansion and data management. Currently, Bandhan Konnagar has a manual data entry process, which accumulates at head office and is preserved without the use of any management information system (MIS) solution. ADP’s scope of work includes defining a technology strategy ensuring scalability to support the management of relations with current and additional beneficiaries over the next five years; establishing a well-defined data management process that integrates information systems and consolidates large data volumes from all beneficiaries to present meaningful reports; and identifying strategic options to implement the technology strategy along with cost/benefit analysis (build vs. buy decision). Human Resources (Partner: Oak Foundation; pro bono engagement) WCM India is working with Bandhan Konnagar to sensitize the organization’s workforce towards the importance of improving the gender perspective of its development programs. Oak Foundation is offering its advice to Bandhan Konnagar on this subject and resourced a sensitization workshop with the leadership team in July 2014. The idea for this engagement is to first sensitize Bandhan Konnagar’s team towards the gender continuum and then engage it with various WCM network partners’ experts in the area to work on an internal gender policy. WCM aims to support Bandhan Konnagar’s capacity to hire a resource person who could study the organization’s current programs and recommend ways to improve their gender perspective. Multiple partners from the WCM network are being roped into this engagement, including Ford Foundation and UN Women. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting (Partner: ZIGLA; paid) ZIGLA has delivered the baseline assessment of Bandhan Konnagar in the areas of proposed collaboration. This document specifies institutional needs as indicated in the collaboration synopsis. Page 19 3.2.2 Industree Foundation Neelam Chhiber is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Industree Foundation I India Industree Foundation in Bangalore, India ( She was nominated by the Schwab Foundation. Neelam co-founded the for-profit Industree Crafts Private Limited (ICPL) in 1994, which was set up as a social business, where the profits were ploughed back into production and the skilling of artisans. The non-profit arm, Industree Crafts Foundation (ICF, later renamed Industree Foundation, or IF) was established in August 2000 to focus on the organization’s work with rural producers and its capacity building on design development, and technical and skill initiatives in the natural fiber sector. In time, the IF’s mandate broadened to include other crafts as well. IF also sought to build up the production base and enable artisans to become owners of their enterprises. In a nutshell, Industree is a hybrid social enterprise that works at two levels: it i) supports the livelihoods of rural producers and agricultural workers in the natural fiber crafts sector across India by manufacturing contemporary products, mainly home accessories; and ii) connects rural producers to urban markets, thus ensuring sales outlets. 90% of the 10,000+ producers engaged presently with Industree are women. Industree Foundation will support Industree Craft Pvt. Ltd. with its focused skills development and capacity-building programs, to improve the producer base for the company, as well as the artisans’ production capacity. NeelamChhiber HOW IS INDUSTREE FOUDATION ESCALATING ITS IMPACT? Industree Foundation (IF) works towards making women employable and encourages them to take leadership of their enterprises. As a result, these women are able to increase not only their income but also their self-confidence, which enables them to be better decision makers for themselves, their families and the community at large. IF’s main partner is the office of the Development Commissioner - Handicrafts, through which it has already skilled 7,500 artisans in 10 states across India and is hoping to reach 200,000 craftspeople in three years. Industree Crafts Private Limited (ICPL)’s brand Mother Earth is aiming to open 20 more stores in the next three years and reaching yearly sales for INR100 crores. Industree Foundation has aligned its mission to support Mother Earth’s scaling plans and the Government of India’s focus on skill development so that a wider base of potential producers may be built. IF is also planning a multi-state expansion over the next 3-4 years to boost its capacity building mission. Moreover, new consulting assignments have now started in Cooch Behar, West Bengal, and the farm-toshelf model in banana fiber units is increasing the number of people impacted. The Cooch Behar project, which is at the baseline and mobilization stage, will bring 100 self-help group members into productive enterprises over the next four months. The orders for ICPL’s Bangalore Green Kraft Producer Company have increased tenfold as the partnership with IKEA has been strengthened. As productivity increases, members’ income levels go up. Since 85% of the artisans working with Industree are women, there is a direct impact on education and health in their families. Page 20 HOW DOES WCM DRIVE CHANGE THROUGH INDUSTREE FOUNDATION? Through WCM, certain areas have been prioritized to support IF’s growth: Funding model and strategy (Partner: Ernst & Young (E&Y); subsidized fees) The Development Services Global Deputy Head in E&Y, Mr. Parul Soni, and his team will support IF in developing a viable funding model and strategy to enhance its sustainability. This engagement will entail a three-pronged approach–diagnosis of gaps in current funding model and understanding untapped opportunities, proposing the most suited funding model and longterm strategy, and finally, handholding to rise strategic funding. This partnership will include vital aspects, such as stakeholder mapping, budgeting and potential contributor mapping, networking and connecting to potential funders, which will benefit IF in the long term. Human Resources (Partner: Mercuri Urval; pro bono staff hours) Mercuri Urval has helped IF with its visioning exercise, and now it is in the process of reviewing the organogram to redefine the roles and responsibilities of the IF team. After defining the team’s role(s), Mercuri Urval will carry out a workshop with all IF’s key internal stakeholders to guide team members in their expected responsibilities and facilitate smooth co-working. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting (Partner: ZIGLA; paid) ZIGLA has provided IF with a detailed baseline assessment with specified institutional needs as indicated in the collaboration synopsis. ZIGLA’s team will provide support to IF to improve the tools designed to measure the organization’s impact, and also offer it the possibility to implement technological solutions to track a set of M&E indicators. Apart from the technical support from Program Partners, WCM’s staff has created networking, partnership and funding opportunities with allied organizations for Bandhan Konnagar and Industree Foundation: During May 2014, WCM organized the first India Partners’ Meeting in Mumbai, which brought together WCM’s Program and Selection Partners and Fellows for a highly interactive and engaging daylong meeting. The meeting helped establish a deeper connection among all participants and there was a high degree of participation and interaction from the different stakeholders. The meeting was rich in ideas, from understanding the specific needs of the Fellows, to identifying opportunities to improve the partnering models and developing a structured way forward. This was a significant opportunity for the Fellows to learn from other Fellows’ and Partners’ experiences, for the existing and new Partners to explore different aspects of collaboration, and for WCM to finetune the model and to collectively create better impact. The following chart shows how WCM integrates the second-generation WCM Fellows’ Program Partners’ support with the search for opportunities and networking in order for MEC, Rede Nami, Bandhan Konnagar and Industree Foundation to escalate their growth in the mid and long term: Page 21 Chart 3: WCM’s intervention for second-generation Fellows – Actions and outcomes from their selection in 2013 to June 2014 Page 22 4. WHAT IS WCM’S VALUE? As of July 2014, the program had consolidated a network of 19 active Program Partners to offer technical support for its six Fellows and created networking and financing opportunities through allied organizations. This model allows different Program Partners to channel their social investments through the program in a strategic manner for the scaling-up of WCM Fellows’ organizations. Between July 2013 and June 2014, and through its 19 Program Partners (8 new Program Partners in 2014, 17 organizations and 2 Independent Consultants), WCM mobilized over 1,450 work and technical assistance hours, amounting to over USD 265,000 (of which USD 148,000 pro bono and USD 116,000 paid by WCM). Overall, WCM’s staff has invested over 1,900 direct work hours with Fellows, amounting to over USD 45,000 in value. Thus, for every USD 1 mobilized directly by WCM, Program Partners and other allied organizations have mobilized USD 0.6 towards the Fellows. Besides mobilizing funds at a global level, WCM strives to increase the program’s institutional capacity through a wide array of actions, such as: Alliance with Folha de São Paulo & Schwab Foundation Award: WCM Brazil has partnered with the Folha de São Paulo newspaper - Schwab Foundation Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship Award, the most significant recognition of social and environmental entrepreneurship in Brazil. This partnership aims to bring a specific focus on women’s empowerment to the existing award. Hublot partnership: Womanity and Hublot (a renowned brand of luxury watches) worked together on an event in Brazil during the 2014 FIFA World Cup, which featured Panmela Castro from Rede Nami. As a result, WCM’s project and work gained significant promotion and visibility. Partners’ Meetings 2014 (India in May and Brazil in September): By organizing an event for Fellows and partners from each country to gather, WCM strengthened its relationship with its strategic partners, as well as among partners and their Fellows. The following chart shows all of the organizations that participated in the Partners Program in this WCM edition, as well as the funds mobilized and the first- and second-generation Fellows’ mid-term objectives: Page 23 Chart 4: Value created by WCM between July 2013 and June 2014 Page 24 5. HOW WILL THE PROGRAM CONTINUE TO DRIVE CHANGE FOR NEW FELLOWS? WCM is constantly learning and incorporating improvements to better consolidate an intervention model that allows it to drive change for its Fellows’ organizations. Here, we identify lessons learned, suggestions for improvement and next steps to integrate new Fellows. 5.1 LESSONS LEARNED AND IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE PROGRAM During WCM’s second and third year of implementation, in the support provided to the first-generation Fellows, and in the initial phases of support for the second-generation Fellows, a series of lessons learned were identified over the different stages of work. The associated corrections and adjustments will be made in the next implementation steps, both with the first- and second-generation Fellows, as well as for future generations. 01/ 02/ 03/ LESSONS LEARNED WAY FORWARD The success of the technical support offered by Professional Program Partners depends on good timing, agreement on the objectives and clear expectations. In order to improve the articulation with the Fellows in each instance of collaboration, it should be unambiguously established whether the timing is right for implementation, whether there is a shared view of the objectives, and whether expectations are clear. The Fellows view the value created by WCM’s partnerships as a way to rethink their organization strategically, with long-term sustainability in mind. However, for this to materialize, WCM may need to intensify the hand-holding aspect of its work, particularly for those Fellows that are in a less mature development stage. In the even that a Fellow requires further support from the program, WCM’s staff will allocate more coaching and hand-holding hours so that partnership implementation is successful and not limited by the Fellow’s degree of organizational development. The process of needs’ selection and identification is robust. However, the Fellows lead organizations that are in full swing, and which have dynamic support needs. This requires an agile, swift and concise process. Fellows’ action plans are a very useful tool when it comes to planning partnerships. For this tool to be up to date with the continuous changes in the organizations, it should be updated every six months, and objectives must be agreed on with the Fellows. Fellow-to-Fellow and Partner-to-Partner relationships have shown to have great potential. The program offers the possibility to build bridges between the initiatives in the different countries as a way to share experiences and learnings. Based on the experience of the Partners’ Meeting in India, as well as the meeting to take place in Brazil, the relationship process among the different Fellows and Partners can be strengthened. For that aim, more meetings will be facilitated and a project management tool will be available so that all Partners may share information and assess progress with the Fellows. 04/ Page 25 5.2 NEXT STEPS FOR WCM These are the main steps the program will take in the next few months: Hold the WCM Brazil Annual Partners’ Meeting on September 24, 2014 (tbc) in São Paulo, with Rede Asta, MEC and Rede Nami’s team, main partners, and prospective partners. Implement the support program for WCM’s first- and second-generation Fellows in Brazil and India with the contribution of WCM’s professional Program Partners. This will be based on the in-depth needs’ analysis, the growth strategy and action plans. Enlist new professional Program Partners as needed, privileging pro bono and subsidized engagements but also hiring quality paid services. Implement the system to measure and evaluate the impact created by WCM’s Fellows and its aggregate program. The Trafigura Foundation is supporting the WomenChangeMakers program of the Womanity Foundation in its pilot phase from 2012 to 2015 with strategic advice and funding. Page 26 6. WCM STAFF WCM teams were set up and trained in Brazil and India. WCM Country Representatives were recruited in each country: Caitlin D. Fisher (outgoing) and Andrea Piazza (incoming), based in São Paulo (Brazil); and Indrani Sharma, based in Gurgaon (New Delhi), India. They report to the Executive Director of Womanity, Antonella Notari Vischer. The Womanity Foundation is an organization founded and presided by Yann Borgstedt. Yann Borgstedt Yann Borgstedt is a Swiss entrepreneur who manages a range of businesses in real estate development, relocation, logistics and storage in Switzerland, England and France. He graduated in 1993 with a degree in Finance from Babson College, Massachusetts, US, and later joined a venture capital fund in London for six years. He is a member of the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) in Geneva and London and is involved in the YPO’s Economic Development Network and Disadvantaged Kids Network. In 2005, he started the Womanity Foundation (at the time called Smiling Children Foundation). Coming from a privileged environment and being aware of what is happening around the globe, he felt the need and duty to do something to create a fairer world. In a further evolution of the work in favor of women’s progress, the WomenChangeMakers’ program was launched in 2009. The program was inspired by the Ashoka model, which Yann Borgstedt became familiar with through his participation in the Ashoka support network in Switzerland and France, where he mentors two Fellows. Antonella Notari Vischer After working for over 18 years with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as a field-based delegate and as the main spokesperson, Antonella entered the microfinance sector as director of corporate communication at Blue Orchard in Geneva from early 2008 until November 2009. From January 2010 on, she has headed the Womanity Foundation. She also sits on the board of directors of “Geneveroule” and “Giving Women”. Antonella holds an MSc in Media & Communication from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a Licenceès Letters from the University of Geneva. Caitlin Fisher Caitlin, a native of Cambridge, Massachusetts (US), recently finished her Fulbright Fellowship in Brazil. She has been carrying out ethnographic research on gender, the body, and economic development through the lens of football and she is co-founder of the GUERREIRA SPROJECT, an international multimedia initiative on gender and development. She previously worked as a Portfolio Specialist for the Nike Foundation in New York City and Portland, Oregon, where she contributed to the launch of the “Girl Effect”. She is a former professional football player, who played internationally in Brazil, Sweden and the USA, while simultaneously carrying out anthropological research for FIFA. Caitlin received her BA in Biological Anthropology from Harvard University (2004), and her MSc from the Gender Institute, London School of Economics (LSE) (2010). Page 27 Indrani Sharma Indrani Sharma has been engaged in the non-profit sector for the past 13 years and has worked with various national and international organizations of repute on a wide range of development projects, which include social entrepreneurship, microfinance and livelihood. Her area of involvement has been community mobilization, capacity building and community engagement. She has experience not only within India but also in Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, and has represented South Asian projects at a global level. She has successfully worked with organizations like Ashoka and PlaNet Finance and is currently also involved with Ashoka Changemakers. Page 28
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