FFCC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP END OF YEAR MEETING - 05/31/2014 2:00pm Call to Order ! Board Members in Attendance: Paula Alfonso, Erin Brown, Trevor Cox, Mike Higbe, Chris Koss, Tom Slaughter, Alan Smith, Andy Snow & Jim Taylor ! Teams Represented: Apopka, Belleview, Colonial, Cypress Creek, Dr. Phillips, East Ridge, East Ridge Perc, Fleming Island, Freedom (Orlando), Freedom (Tampa), Haines City, Horizon, Infinity, Lake Howell, Lake Nona, Lowndes, Lowndes Perc, Lyman, Melbourne, Menendez, Olympia, Orlando Visual, Paradigm, Riverview, Robinson, Robinson B, Santa Fe, Seminole, Stienbrenner, Sunburst Arts, Sunlake, Timber Creek, UCF Pegasus, UCF Pegasus A, University (Orange City), University of South Florida, USF, West Orange & William R. Boone ! I. BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT a. MINUTES: Motion to Forgo Reading of Minutes (Kristen Bryant Motioned & Joanne Dodge 2nd) b. BOARD REPORTS: refer to attachments for specific details per office… a. TREASURER: $12,000 deficit vs $18,000 deficit from 2013 i. Board Budget Meeting set for July – details will be available following ii. Accept: Kristen Bryant – 2nd Paula Alphonso ! III. FFCC POLICY & PROCEDURE PROPOSALS Refer to additional file detailing proposals as submitted… ! Proposal #1 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL Percussion groups that are sure of their AA class skill level be allowed to compete in AA class at Premier. Motion to Table this amendment for further exploration in the Percussion community... ! Proposal #2 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL For Championships Weekend: Saturday events will switch to where percussion units perform first on Saturday and Guard Scholastic AA units perform later. Amended to request the start of Friday’s event to occur earlier in the day. (Amendment PASSES 25-0) ! Proposal #3 - APPROVED BY BOARD In an effort to be more transparent, make the spreadsheet/system used to see circuit championships available for everyone to see leading into championships. ! ! 2014 FFCC General Membership Meeting 05/31/14 - pg.!1 of !6 FFCC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP END OF YEAR MEETING - 05/31/2014 Proposal #4 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL The purchase of Competition Suites Software circuit wide to allow director's access to judges comments in a more timely manner. Motion to Table until September during which an official decision in program utilization will be made. ! Proposal #5 - APPROVED BY BOARD The mandatory inclusion of contest site pictures, address, and school map in the submitted application to host circuit shows. This information will be made accessible to directors via the circuit website prior to the deadline for show registration. ! Proposal #6 - APPROVED BY BOARD The circuit will provide directors with the timing and penalty sheets to be picked up at the announcer's table at the conclusion of each contest, including Championships. ! Proposal #7 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL All championship retreats should be conducted in the same manner. (FAILS 23-2) ! Proposal #8 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL The top performing groups at championships that are afforded the opportunity for a second performance should not be ranked in the placement on their second performance. This should be for exhibition and educational purpose for comparison in the class. (FAILED Due to Lack of a 2nd) ! Proposal #9 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL Create a curfew time on Sunday of Championships. (Preferred 30-45 minutes after the last guard performs.) WITHDRAWN ! Proposal #10 - OUT OF ORDER Directors should be able to attend all 3 days of championships at no charge even if their guard is not performing. Guard director must present ID to receive wrist band to avoid passing a badge off to a non-director. ! Proposal #11 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL Provide recaps on paper. Amended to say each team will be provided a hard-copy of the recap upon entrance to the critique room and at the conclusion of the contest. (PASSES 26-0) ! 2014 FFCC General Membership Meeting 05/31/14 - pg.!2 of !6 FFCC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP END OF YEAR MEETING - 05/31/2014 Proposal #12 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL Provide 2 instructor bands that allow instructors to sit in the lower section at Championships. Amended to say each team will be provided one wristband that allows them to sit in the lower section at Championships. (PASSES 30-0) ! Proposal #13 - APPROVED BY BOARD Timing and penalty sheets need to be provided to instructors in hard copy or online. ! Proposal #14 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL One recap will be available for each unit attending a critique session at an FFCC contest. WITHDRAWN ! Proposal #15 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL Adjust the championship placement ranking system for color guard to read: Color Guard: Based on your score at your final FFCC Championship qualifying appearance and adjusted by a factor of 2 points per week to quantify growth. From its current wording: ! Color Guard: Based in your score at you final FFCC appearance and adjusted by a factor of 2 points per week to quantify growth. (FAILS 20-14) ! Proposal #16 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL Allow an adult representative of a unit to check-in the unit and collect the wristbands for that unit without the entire unit being present. (PASSES 38-6) ! Proposal #17 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL All FFCC rule change proposals should be posted no later than one (1) week before the FFCC end of season meeting. Already written into Policy ! Proposal #18 - FORWARDED TO THE MEMBERSHIP FOR STRAW POLL The circuit to develop and offer yearly educational training seminars for directors and staff. Motion to table for further review by board and polling of membership for specific needs. ! 2014 FFCC General Membership Meeting 05/31/14 - pg.!3 of !6 FFCC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP END OF YEAR MEETING - 05/31/2014 IV. FFCC EVENT SCHEDULE 2015 1/17 OPEN FOR BID Field Day? FFCC Premier East & West? Cadet, Novice, B & AAA Premier? 1/24 OPEN FOR BID FFCC Premier East & West? AA, A, Open & World Premier? 1/31 OPEN FOR BID FFCC Percussion Premier? 2/7 OPEN FOR BID 2/14 OPEN FOR BID WGI Regional (Jax or Tampa?) 2/21 OPEN FOR BID WGI Regional (Jax or Tampa & So Fla?) FFCC Percussion Focus Shows? 2/28 OPEN FOR BID FFCC Percussion Focus Shows? 3/7 OPEN FOR BID 3/14 OPEN FOR BID 3/21 OPEN FOR BID WGI Regional (Elite) 3/27-29 FFCC CHAMPIONSHIPS 4/9-11 WGI Percussion World Championships 4/16-18 WGI Colorguard World Championships ! V. ROSTER DEADLINES a. Colorguard Rosters DUE by 11:59pm on January 7th, 2015 b. Percussion Rosters DUE by 11:59pm on January 21st, 2015 c. Any units failing to meet this submission deadline will be dropped for all registered shows until such time when this portion of the registration process is completed. This could mean that teams dropped will be placed on waitlists if shows reach capacity in the time lapse occurring whilst waiting for roster uploads to be completed. ! VI. OFF-SEASON PROMOTIONS a. Teams are currently being reviewed. Notification of any promotions will occur by mid-June. ! VII. SUMMER/FALL BOARD MEETING DATE a. Summer: July 13-14th Budgetary Focus th b. Fall: September 6 Show Site Selection Focus ! VIII. SEPTEMBER INITIAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING a. September 21st Central Location - TBD ! IX. SHOW HOST MEETING a. September 21st ! ! Central Location - TBD 2014 FFCC General Membership Meeting 05/31/14 - pg.!4 of !6 FFCC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP END OF YEAR MEETING - 05/31/2014 X. STAFF TRAINING a. December 14th ! Central Location - TBD XI. WGI JUDGE SYMPOSIUM a. December 5th-7th in Las Vegas – open to all interested judges ! XII. FFCC BOARD OF DIRECTOR ELECTIONS b. 5 Positions up for Election c. Nominations: a. Paula Alphonso b. Andy Snow c. Tom Slaughter d. Alan Smith e. Jen Karp ! f. g. h. i. j. Jarret Thompson Tanya Gawrecki Josh Jackson Kelly Ross John Campese XIII. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER a. Paradigm Clinic announcements b. New T-Shirt Design options announcement ! 5:10pm Adjournment ! ! ! 2014 FFCC General Membership Meeting 05/31/14 - pg.!5 of !6 FFCC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP NEW BOARD INTRO MEETING (5/31) 5:30pm Call to Order ! Board Members in Attendance: Paula Alfonso, Erin Brown, John Campese, Trevor Cox, Mike Higbe, Chris Koss, Tom Slaughter, Alan Smith, Andy Snow & Jim Taylor ! I. SUMMER/FALL BOARD MEETING DATE a. Summer: July 13-14th b. Fall: September 6th ! Budgetary Focus Show Site Selection Focus II. BOARD ROLE/RESPONSIBILITY RE-ASSIGNMENTS a. Class Reps: Novice, Cadet, B Paula Alphonso AAA Trevor Cox AA Andy Snow A, Open, World Alan Smith Percussion John Campese b. FFCC Event Coordinaton: North Locations Tanya Gawrecki & Mike Higbe Central Locations - Trevor Cox & John Campese West Locations Tom Slaughter, Alan Smith & Andy Snow c. Championships Liasions w/ DBCC, Ocean Center & Hotels: John Campese & Mike Higbe d. Web Manager & Website Re-Design: Chris Koss e. Site Connectivity & Tab-It Program: Jim Taylor ! III. E-BOARD NOMINATIONS a. 2014 E-Board voted to unanimously to remain intact for the 2015 season… President Mike Higbe Vice President Tom Slaughter Secretary Erin Brown Treasurer Jackie Price ! 6:15pm Adjournment 2014 FFCC General Membership Meeting 05/31/14 - pg.!6 of !6 FFCC End of Season Meeting! May 31, 2014! Orlando, FL! PROPOSALS FOR CONSIDERATION! ! ! Proposal #1! Percussion groups that are sure of their AA class skill level be allowed to compete in AA class at Premier.! Submitted by J.D. Ralph, no affiliation listed! Rationale: For groups that only compete in a small number of competitions, this takes away a chance to experience a victory, due to the fact that they are pitted against A class groups who are on a completely different skill level.! ! Financial Impact: This would have zero financial impact on anyone if this were to be changed. ! Proposal #2! For Championships Weekend: Saturday events will switch to where percussion units perform first on Saturday and Guard Scholastic AA units perform later.! Submitted by Michael Rodden, Colonial High School! Rationale: For the units who compete in Color Guard AAA divisions on Friday evening and are allowed to perform again on Saturday morning , this change will allow more time for turnaround. Some units that perform on Friday night may not be able to stay overnight on Friday which can be a burden on the performers, parents, and staff having to drive back home very late on Friday with a possibility of having to return very early morning on Saturday. Another option would be to have the contest start and end earlier on Friday.! Financial Impact: Should not have any financial impact.! Proposal #3! In an effort to be more transparent, make the spreadsheet/system used to see circuit championships available for everyone to see leading into championships. ! Submitted by Joshua Jackson, William R. Boone High School! Rationale: Allowing the membership to see the process would cut down on any confusion, breakdown in communication, or impropriety the membership sees with the process. A simple spreadsheet with the highest score, the added value for non-competing weekends, and the final score used for seeding would allow the general membership to clearly see the process.! Financial Impact: none listed.! ! FFCC 2014 Proposals for Consideration! pg 1 of 6 Proposal #4! The purchase of Competition Suites Software circuit wide to allow director's access to judges comments in a more timely manner.! Submitted by Jeff Grant, Lowndes High School Percussion! Rationale: This past year, many director were not able to access judges comments on the FFCC website prior to the scheduled critique times. This does not allow directors to come into critique with the necessary information.! Financial Impact: According to the 'pricing' section of the Competition Suites Software website, the cost is $7 per group, per event and $13 per group for Prelims-Finals events. This cost could be built into member fees with an average approximate increase of $35 per guard unit and $21 per percussion unit.! Proposal #5! The mandatory inclusion of contest site pictures, address, and school map in the submitted application to host circuit shows. This information will be made accessible to directors via the circuit website prior to the deadline for show registration.! Submitted by Kelly Ross, Lowndes High School! Rationale: This process is similar to that of WGI, the parent organization of FFCC, and will aid directors in choosing the shows that will provide the best possible experience for their members.! Financial Impact: None! Proposal #6! The circuit will provide directors with the timing and penalty sheets to be picked up at the announcer's table at the conclusion of each contest, including Championships.! Submitted by Kelley Ross, Lowndes High School and Jeff Grant, Lowndes High School Percussion! Rationale: This will allow directors to evaluate the efficiency of their floor entry and exit procedures as well as being able to identify the specific reasons for penalties. This will help insure that contests run on time and in an orderly fashion. This will also eliminate directors having to email circuit personnel to acquire their timing and penalty information.! Financial Impact: None! Proposal #7! All championship retreats should be conducted in the same manner.! Submitted by Kristen Bryant, Dr. Phillips High School! Rationale: Students competing in lower class units are not offered the same experience as the A-World guards with the lights and fanfare. The students are the same age group, but happen to be zoned to a school that competes in a lower performance class. The celebration should be equal and consistent across the board.! Financial Impact: I am not aware of any financial impact this would have.! FFCC 2014 Proposals for Consideration! pg 2 of 6 Proposal #8! The top performing groups at championships that are afforded the opportunity for a second performance should not be ranked in the placement on their second performance. This should be for exhibition and educational purpose for comparison in the class.! Submitted by Kristen Bryant, Dr. Phillips High School! Rationale: A guard that has been competing in A, AA, AAA class all year can feel defeated when a group is "promoted" the day of championships and then scores higher than the team that has been in the upper class all year. This is unfair and can lead to a very discouraging end of season finish for some guards. If a lower class guard would do well in a higher class, they should be promoted within the season not on the day of championships. The proposal is to give the best possible experience to all.! Financial Impact: None! Proposal #9! Create a curfew time on Sunday of Championships. (Preferred 30-45 minutes after the last guard performs.)! Submitted by Kristen Bryant, Dr. Phillips High School! Rationale: The awards ceremony takes well over an hour. Students have to go to school the next day and many guards are traveling over an hour to be at championships. This is a a very long day and the extended ceremony although nice, there are ways to shorten this process. ! Class name descriptions can be written in the yearbook and a very short synopsis read. Hall of Fame Bios could be read during breaks and a short synopsis could be read at the presentation of the awards. Explanation of the different awards could be shortened with the longer description written in the yearbook. Hall of Fame Could be announced on a different night and acknowledgement on Sunday night.! Financial Impact: None! Proposal #10! Directors should be able to attend all 3 days of championships at no charge even if their guard is not performing. Guard director must present ID to receive wrist band to avoid passing a badge off to a non-director.! Submitted by Kristen Bryant, Dr. Phillips High School! Rationale: Directors should be able to attend and view any class they choose for support, educational or enjoyment purposes. Directors give many hours to build successful FFCC teams and should be afforded the "perk" of being able to enjoy the weekend of championships.! Financial Impact: Unsure - Depends on how many directors actually pay to go to a championship day they are not performing. It is minimal.! ! FFCC 2014 Proposals for Consideration! pg 3 of 6 Proposal #11! Provide recaps on paper.! Submitted by Kristen Bryant, Dr. Phillips High School! Rationale: Recaps should be available to any guard instructor going into critique. This provides valuable information to direct conversation. Due to the internet access, at times student's are able to pull up recap before the instructor has a chance to look at the numbers and analyze the information. This can create misperceptions and upset students, and the instructor has not had time to review the information before they are inundated with questions. Many teams meet briefly before leaving the competition site and do not know their score or caption rankings when this sheet is not available. This does not allow for effective communication with their team. ! Financial Impact: Minimal - Ink and paper. Each team can donate a ream of paper if needed. I will be happy to donate a carton of paper if that is a problem. Time has been a concern in the past, however, it does not seem to have shortened the wait time between the last guard and retreat.! Proposal #12! Provide 2 instructor bands that allow instructors to sit in the lower section at Championships.! Submitted by Kristen Bryant, Dr. Phillips High School! Rationale: This is done at WGI Regional events and allow the instructor the ability to view shows at a better vantage point for educational purposes. It also allows for easier flexibility to come in and out while dealing with their team schedules.! Financial Impact: None! Proposal #13! Timing and penalty sheets need to be provided to instructors in hard copy or online.! Submitted by Kristen Bryant, Dr. Phillips High School! Rationale: It is important to know how much official time is being used, so instructors can adjust accordingly to ensure no surprise timing penalties.! Financial Impact: None! ! FFCC 2014 Proposals for Consideration! pg 4 of 6 Proposal #14! One recap will be available for each unit attending a critique session at an FFCC contest. ! Submitted by Jarret Thompson, Lake Howell High School! Rationale: Entering critique without knowing your teams placement or score range is detrimental to the development of conversation in a critique setting. By providing the necessary information to directors and staff before they enter critique, FFCC will be fostering more productive and informative critiques for the teams who choose to take advantage of this vital resource.! Financial Impact: Minimal increase in paper and printer ink usage.! Proposal #15! Adjust the championship placement ranking system for color guard to read: Color Guard: Based on your score at your final FFCC Championship qualifying appearance and adjusted by a factor of 2 points per week to quantify growth. From its current wording: Color Guard: Based in your score at you final FFCC appearance and adjusted by a factor of 2 points per week to quantify growth.! Submitted by Jarret Thompson, Lake Howell High School! Rationale: This change in wording would align the scores used to seed championships with the events used to qualify for championships. As the policy is currently worded, units attending a late season regional that is used to satisfy one of their 3 qualifying shows are unable to use the score they received at that regional for the seeding process. Conversely, units attending late season FFCC shows on the same weekend, with the same judging criteria have their scores counted toward the seeding process. This creates an advantage to those groups not competing at the national level (especially when a locally held WGI regional is also the last weekend of the FFCC contest schedule) by negating the scores achieved by the majority of the national level guards competing at a WGI regional. ! Financial Impact: None! Proposal #16! Allow an adult representative of a unit to check-in the unit and collect the wristbands for that unit without the entire unit being present. ! Submitted by Jarret Thompson, Lake Howell High School! Rationale: As it is now, there is no policy regarding the check-in procedure in the FFCC Circuit Policy Manual. However, all units are required to bring their entire unit to the check-in table for their members to receive their wristbands. Often, this is a time consuming and stressful process as 3 or 4 units attempt to check in at the same time. Many times this season, this process placed an unnecessary burden on the units as they waited in long lines to get the wristbands they are entitled to. This time could have been better spent preparing for their own performance or supporting other units as they perform. By allowing units to pick up their wristbands without the presence of their performing members, the check-in process would be more efficient which would provide the units more time to prepare for their performance. ! Financial Impact: None! FFCC 2014 Proposals for Consideration! pg 5 of 6 Proposal #17! All FFCC rule change proposals should be posted no later than one (1) week before the FFCC end of season meeting. ! Submitted by Zachary Morgan, Olympia High School! Rationale: Directors should have ample time to consider each proposal and weigh costs and benefits before voting. Currently, directors are given less than ten (10) minutes to consider policy changes that can possibly have a large impact on the FFCC body. ! Financial Impact: None! Proposal #18! The circuit to develop and offer yearly educational training seminars for directors and staff.! Submitted by Chris Josey, River City Independent! Rationale: The circuit is continuously growing, and most of the persons in charge are young directors and designers, both in age and experience. We need a place to go to learn how to develop a team, introduce proper training practices, how to navigate putting a show together, what it takes to be successful in the class you are in, what it takes to advance through the class, etc... ! Financial Impact: None! ! FFCC 2014 Proposals for Consideration! pg 6 of 6
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