Alliance for Vibrancy May 19, 2014 3:30p - 5:00p 29 Pearl Street, NW Suite #1 Agenda 1. Call to order (3:30) 2. Approval of Minutes: 04/21/14 (3:35) ………………………………………… Rosen 3. Special Events Advisory Council Update (3:37) ………………………………………… Van Driel 4. GR Film Fest: Post-Event Evaluation (3:50) ………………………………………… Van Driel 5. Review of Budget Recommendations for FY 2015 (4:05) …………………………………… Cech 6. FY15 Project Plan (4:15) …………………………………… Cech 7. Alliance Updates (4:35) ………………………………………… DGRI Staff • Investment • Livability 8. Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. Update (4:40) ………………………………………… Cech 9. Meeting Evaluation Survey (4:45) ………………………………………… Cech 10. Next Meeting – June 16 (4:47) 11. Public Comment (4:50) 12. Adjournment (5:00) Alliance for Vibrancy Minutes – April 21st, 2014 UNAPPROVED MINUTES Alliance for Vibrancy April 21, 2014 1. Call to Order- The meeting was called to order at 3:37pm by Dr. David Rosen 2. Members Present: Christian Gaines, Jane Gietzen, Janet Korn, Brandy Moeller, Dennis Moosbrugger, Evette Pittman, Joanne Roehm, Dr. David Rosen, Scott Stenstrom, Eddie Tadlock Members Absent: Kate Betts, Kim Bode, Mimi Fritz, Chad LeRoux, Teresa Thome Others Present: Melvin Eledge, Audrey Sundstrom, Nick Nortier, Kayem Dunn, Mary Sierawski, Murphy Ackerman, Kim Van Driel, Mandy Cech, Greg Peacock, Kristopher Larson 3. Approval of March Minutes- 4. Mini Grant Funding Recommendations- Motion: Brandy Moeller, supported by Scott Stenstrom, moved to approve the March 17, 2014 minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. • Simply Living Greg Peacock explained to the Alliance that he operates a small music company called Live Music and has been looking to operate an event that will engage the Alliance for Vibrancy Minutes – April 21st, 2014 UNAPPROVED MINUTES community. Peacock has worked with the Downtown Market to offer free classes to encourage residents of Heritage Hill, the Southeast, and Southwest neighborhood to come Downtown and to become comfortable with the area. This event will also have music and vendors providing free services to help educate the public on what Downtown has to offer. Moeller asked Van Driel and Cech for a balance of the remaining funds available for the rest of the fiscal year. Van Driel explained that mini-grants do not come out of the same line item as the larger event grants. Motion: Janet Korn, supported by Jane Gietzen, moved to fund the Simply Living event in the amount of $1,000 for eligible expenses identified in the event grant application. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Development of Funding Recommendations for FY 2015• Avenue for the Arts: First Friday Gallery Hop Van Driel updated the Alliance that the Avenue for the Arts has withdrawn their application. • Grand Rapids Original Swing Society Van Driel explained that while Steve Zaagman was not available to present at this meeting but that he had presented at the previous meeting. Zaagman’s original request was for $4,958 dollars that will be used to cover police and security for the event. Van Driel also added that the Swing Society is a City co-sponsored event, which means the City covers half of the event costs. Motion: Jane Gietzen, supported by Janet Korn, moved to fund the Grand Rapids Original Swing Society in the amount of $4,958 for City-related expenses for FY15 event dates. Motion carried unanimously. • GRandJazzFest Audrey Sundstrom gave a brief update as an overview of the presentation that she gave at the previous meeting. Dr. Rosen added that this is the final year that the GRandJazzFest qualifies for the grant funding. Sundstrom explained that GRandJazzFest received a $10,000 flat grant its first year and a $20,000 match grant its second year. Gietzen asked if the match grant helped GRandJazzFest to secure Alliance for Vibrancy Minutes – April 21st, 2014 UNAPPROVED MINUTES other funding. Sundstrom explained that she did not believe the match grant or the DDA funding helped GRandJazzFest to secure any additional funding. Van Driel explained to the Alliance that GRandJazzFest is currently eligible for a grant covering 20% of their final budget. Motion: Eddie Tadlock, supported by Christian Gaines, moved to fund the GRandJazzFest in the amount of $18,960 for eligible activities identified in the event grant application. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Priority setting and Budget DiscussionCech updated the Alliance on the budget process for the upcoming fiscal year. Cech explained that with the help of the Alliance, staff will take recommendations and priorities to the DDA Board for approval. Cech presented a list of projects that Alliance members and staff have expressed interest in, as well as estimated costs for each project. Some of these include: an updated website, a mobile app, a Downtown workforce program, holiday décor expansion, and public space activation. Tadlock asked if improvements to the river walk fell under the purview of the Alliance for Vibrancy. Larson explained that things such as infrastructure fall under the Alliance for Investment for planning and Alliance for Livability for activation. Korn asked where the 50% of funding for City cosponsored events comes from. Larson explained that the costs are absorbed by the City of Grand Rapids and the various departments involved in providing services to events. Dr. Rosen asked Cech and Van Driel if they had laid the various events out on a calendar to ensure that there is programming across all four seasons. Larson explained that this is a goal for the Alliance for Vibrancy and they will begin to fill in the gaps in the upcoming year. Gaines asked about the funding requested for the GoSite and what DGRI would consider success for a $50,000 contribution. Larson explained that there is not a measure in place, and that the GoSite will be an item that the Alliance for Vibrancy will have to evaluate. Gietzen asked if the budget items provided by Cech and Van Driel are already finalized. Larson explained that all Alliances are still reviewing their preliminary budgets with hopes of receiving suggestions from their respective members before bringing it for approval to the DDA Board. Gaines suggested adding a line item for development education for events to help wean them off of grant support. Roehm added that there is a great potential for mentoring these groups to become sustainable and to learn how to monetize their events. Larson expressed his hope that DGRI would begin organizing profitable events that could in turn support other events. Alliance for Vibrancy Minutes – April 21st, 2014 7. UNAPPROVED MINUTES Alliance Updates Update• Investment Kelly gave a brief updated on the Alliance for Investment. He informed the Alliance for Vibrancy that their chair is Nick Monoyios from The Rapid. Kelly explained that his Alliance is currently reviewing and refining different development programs that are currently in place. Another priority of the Alliance for Investment has been the Downtown Plan and their upcoming budget process. Kelly also explained that the parklet manual has been completed and through the Streetscape Program, the DDA can fund up to 50% of the parklet cost. • Livability Kirk explained that the Alliance for Livability is currently doing background work to bring all of its members up to date on the budget process. Kirk explained that his Alliance is discussing what a livable Downtown means and how that translates into a list of projects and priorities. Gaines asked if the Alliance for Livability is looking into a recycling program for the Downtown area. Kirk responded that they are currently working on a more comprehensive long-term plan for recycling. Kirk added that the Alliance for Livability is looking into improving the DASH routes to make it easier to get from the Michigan St. hill into the City. Tadlock asked when the BRT system is scheduled for service. Kirk explained that all construction should be completed by June and the routes in service by August. 8. Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. Update • Spring/Summer Activities Calendar Upcoming activities-Cech informed the Alliance that the International Downtown Association Midwest Conference will be held in Downtown Grand Rapids on May 5th and 6th with tickets now available to the public. Movies in the Park- Van Driel explained that the first movie will be held on June 6th, and that she is currently accepting applications for vendors. State of the Downtown with Annual Report release- Cech informed the Alliance that DGRI will be holding its first State of the Downtown event on June 26th. Save the dates will be sent out in the coming month. Grandwich- The Grandwich kick-off will be in July and put on by DGRI in partnership with Neighborhood Business Ventures. Special Events Advisory Council- Van Driel explained that focus groups were held to discover events that the public felt were successful, and what events they believed were missing Downtown. She explained that the results from survey will be compiled and Alliance for Vibrancy Minutes – April 21st, 2014 UNAPPROVED MINUTES provided at the next Alliance meeting. 9. Meeting Evaluation Survey and Future Agenda Items- 10. Next Meeting – May 19, 2014 11. Public Comment Nick Nortier introduced himself to the Alliance and informed them that he is currently working with Bill Kirk on public art in the Downtown. 12. AdjournmentDr. David Rosen adjourned the meeting at 4:58 p. m. Minutes taken by: Murphy Ackerman Administrative Assistant Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. Downtown Event Grant Application Post Event Evaluation This form is to be filled out after the event. It should be turned in with receipts for approved expenses for reimbursement. Event Name: __Grand Rapids Film Festival__________ Contact Person: ___Jen Shaneberger____________________________________ Date of Event___April 9-13, 2014________________________ o Actual Start time _________ Actual End Time ___________ Describe the Project/Event, its successes and challenges. GRFF is a 501c3 whose work culminates annually with a 5 day festival. The event continues to grow, adding new partners, enveloping competing events (ie. Michigan Film Festival) and deepening community reach by expanding the audience base and student involvement opportunities. This growth has been consistent since 2011 when the festival restructured and moved downtown. It was exceptionally noticeable in the 2014 edition due to: Enhanced partnership with KCAD leveraging the universities resources in faculty, students and facility. This brought: o our animated PSA o the Fashion for Film Showcase featuring Bernadine Vida, costume designer o Kelley Baker, sound designer o WNF as our educational hub New downtown venues o WMCAT for the Sponsor Party o Pyramid Scheme for Fashion for Film and edgy films o J.Gardella’s for Young Professionals Trivia o BOB Eve for the Award Ceremony o GR Public Museum for family friendly films o McFadden’s for Special Olympics film o Tavern on the Square for closing party New intern program boasting 9 interns Additional board and committee members Increased attendance, from 400 in 2013 to 900 for 2014 The immediate challenges for the festival remain in building the organizing committee to well represent the regional content creating community and building the audience. Though we added new board and committee members, many film-community members are still not lending their voice to shape the festival or even attending. Though this year was a tremendous increase on the disappointing 2013 attendance numbers, there is still much work to be done in public relations and leveraging our university network. A final challenge area was in negotiating with the downtown venues. GRFF needs to establish a three year commitment with core venues so that organizers can structure their public relations and fund raising efforts. In many ways, the festival feels new and emerging. With a few more years at the current rate of growth, the community impact can be wildly significant. Describe the Goals of the Project/Event and how they were met. 1. To expose Michigan, and particularly Grand Rapids, to independent and industry filmmakers while continuing to elevate Grand Rapids as a center for cinematic arts. Grand Rapids has incredible resources, locations, and talent to offer within its own city limits, as well as within a 60-mile drive in any direction. -GRFF brought 43 films to downtown, beautiful national and international films that would not otherwise be screened in GR. 12 filmmakers attended screenings and visited our downtown locations. 2. To stimulate and perpetuate aspiring and professional filmmakers by giving them a venue for the expression of their voice through cinematic arts—a voice that resonates through films that are inspiring, message-driven, or challenging. We had several stimulating educational events on topics like crowdsourcing, commercial video work, costume and sound design. We screened 43 films in unique spaces, offering Q&A following. 3. To create networking opportunities for students, professors, and industry professionals that will enable the creation, completion, and distribution of quality projects. The production workshop is a great example of this. It brought together several university professors to create this short film through a collaborative pro-shoot demonstration. The fashion for film showcase and fashion career day is another example of this. Additionally, the roundtables and panel discussions open dialogues between area professors and students. l 4. To give viewing audiences quality independent movies which raise the bar for cinematic arts. We screened 46 quality films from all over the world. 5. To build an event that continues to bring fun, newcomers, dollars, exposure, and recognition to Grand Rapids. We had a lot of fun events this year, and brought 900 people to downtown where they purchased food and beverages. Over the 5 day period, 900 people came downtown to participate in the various events. Exposure was given to the downtown venues through radio advertising, print articles and television mentions. 6. To support the local film industry, a growing asset for economic development in our state, by helping to attract an educated and creative workforce. This was demonstrated through public relations and marketing exposure for film related professionals; continuing education events like panels and lectures; and by exhibiting regionally made works. 7. To deliver educational programming through a demonstrative Production Workshop. This is designed to demonstrate each step of the filmmaking process through the exercise of producing a three minute short film from conception to completion, and connecting various panel and lecture components into one cohesive experience. Many regional industry professionals and academics will lend in the effort of producing this portion of the programming. Downtown Event Grant Application 2 The Production Workshop brought together 40 individuals to complete a short film. This experience expands networks by introducing new working relationships in a short project form. Describe the economic impact of the event to downtown Grand Rapids. How were businesses involved in the event? How many businesses participated? Were they successful due to the event? Many downtown businesses were able to partner by hosting festival events. The impact for these venues included food and beverage sales, exposure to a new market and public relations/marketing impressions: o KCAD WNF building as educational hub o WMCAT for the Sponsor Party o Pyramid Scheme for Fashion for Film and edgy films o J.Gardella’s for Young Professionals Trivia o BOB Eve for the Award Ceremony o GR Public Museum for family friendly films o McFadden’s for Special Olympics film o Tavern on the Square for closing party Other businesses leveraged the public relations opportunity to build their network. Cheeky Strut for example was pleased to reach 150 potential new costumers by donating hair and makeup for seven of the fashion for film models. Clear Channel radio (located in the heart of downtown) was able to use the momentum of th e festival to gain advertising dollars from Harvey Chevrolet. The event was able to spend most of its budget on vendors within the downtown area or in the surrounding region. The dollars that left the region where to entice talent to enhance programming. The filmmaking community was impacted through expanded network and increased awareness of collaborative projects. This is important because through this effort infrastructure is built that can sustain larger budget film projects. What was the attendance at the event? Were there any issues with safety or security? Cleaning? Parking? Attendees? Food and beverage? 900 people attended our various events over the 5 day festival. There were no issues. All went well. Was the event well promoted? Was the downtown logo used on all event collateral? Please list any media tied to the event. In addition to a 15k sponsorship package with Clear Channel Radio stations WSNX and Wood Radio, the follow press was granted. Yes, the Downtown Logo was used, even a full page ad was granted in our program of which we printed and distributed 2k copies. Downtown Event Grant Application 3 Date Source Link Mlive p.html MCACA grant mLive Rapids Film Festival rapids/index.ssf/2013/12/grand_rapids_film_festival_se seeking submissions for 2014 e.html event GRBJ 1/16/2014 Mlive entertainment/grandrapids/index.ssf/2014/01/35500_in_statefunded_minigran.html&ct=ga&cd=NjY0ODIyNTMzOTA5N DEwNDkyMQ&cad=CAEYAA&usg=AFQjCNGSJtccaW3SYQ qZikmjzd3DPOnYaw LowellArts grant 2/12/2014 GVSU Lanthorn Intern article 2/17/2014 mLive Rapids Film Festival rapids/index.ssf/2014/02/grand_rapids_film_festival_an announces venues, details for n_1.html 2014 event 3/17/2014 The Rapidian Frankie - film industry jobs 3/18/2014 Experience Grand Rapid Festival roundup The Rapidian Robby Morgan - film industry jobs 3/31/2014 The Rapidian 4/1/2014 GRNow Whats Happening in April 4/1/2014 Revue Magazine 4/1/2014 GRmag 12/15/2013 12/16/2013 12/24/2013 3/20/2014 4/4/2014 The Rapidian Headline Call for submissions fashion article event listing Downtown Event Grant Application Daniel Dobson - film industry jobs 4 WZZM13 Mlive _ra_30.html Top 5 4/6/2014 Mlive m.html Community building 4/6/2014 The Rapidian event listing 4/7/2014 MI evening out share of mlive article 4/7/2014 Wood Radio GRFF begins 4/8/2014 Grand rapids city share of woodtv WoodTV8 eightwest interview with Jen WZZM13 014/04/08/grand-rapids-film-movie-festival/7427305/ films and education WZZM13 nd-Rapids-Film-Festival Take 5 interview 4/5/2014 4/6/2014 4/8/2014 4/8/2014 4/8/2014 festival round-up - downtown focus 4/8/2014 Wood Radio interview with Tamaryn and Lori 4/9/2014 Chimes rapids-film-festival-to-show-film-by-calvin-students/ Moo documentary by Calvin Students 4/9/2014 GVSU Lanthorn Mlive g_danc.html DDA grant Wood Radio DDA grant 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 Downtown Event Grant Application 5 4/9/2014 WZZM13 4/10/2014 Culture Vulture -rapids-film-festival/ home page share 4/10/2014 WJRW film festival begins interview with Jen 14231/pinoy-director-wins-grand-rapids-filmfest First Match best short 4/21/2014 N/A Event Page West Michigan Film and Video Alliance listing Please provide copies of the marketing collateral for the event, as well as copies of media covering the event. Downtown Event Grant Application 6 Actual Budget and Sponsors A. Expenditures. Please list all expense items. These are cash expenses – another 32k of inkind expenses are not reflected in the following numbers. Description of Budget Items Staffing Administrative DDA Grant Funds 0 0 Other Funds 8150 499 Total 8150 499 Hospitality Marketing/PR Venue Educational programming 0 3000 0 4772.17 2297 1345 1390.97 4772.17 5297 1345 1390.97 Total Budget $3000 $18454 $21454 Describe specifically how the DDA Grant Funds were used. These funds will pay for our graphic artist – a Kendall Student, and our printing expenses for programs and posters from Screaming Gnat, located in downtown. B. Income. Please list all sources from which income was received. Funder 1. Sponsorships 2 Grants 3 Ticket Sales 4 Submission Fees 5. Food and Beverage Amount $ 4500 $ 12500 $ 2651.20 $ 2176.20 $ 26.40 Total cash income $ 21,854 Downtown Event Grant Application 7
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