REUNION 2014 1949 1969 1989 2009 1944 1964 1984 2004 1934 1954 1974 1994 1939 1959 1979 1999 Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 Reunion weekend is sponsored by the Wellesley College Alumnae Association, but it represents a combined and concerted effort on the part of the Alumnae Association and the College. We would like to thank everyone involved in making Reunion possible—we simply could not host this event without them. Our profound gratitude goes to the faculty and staff who have generously given their time to enrich the Reunion program. In addition, the Alumnae Association is indebted to the hundreds of alumnae volunteers who deliver programs and activities with generous contributions of their time, talent, leadership, and expertise every year. OUR SPECIAL THANKS TO: Academic Departments Motor Pool Albright Institute Off the Vine Catering Campus Police Office for Resources Center for Work and Service Office of Admission College Archives Office of Housing and Transportation Copy Center Office of Religious and Spiritual Life Custodial Services Office of Residential Life Davis Museum and Cultural Center Office of Special Events Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics (PERA) Post Office Disability Services Printing Services Distribution Center Purchasing Facilities Management Risk Management Grounds Department Wellesley Centers for Women Jules Catering Wellesley College Bookstore Library and Technology Services Wellesley College Botanic Gardens Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center Wellesley College Club Maintenance Services Wellesley College Sustainability President’s Office Wellesley Fresh Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Located at the center of this Reunion program is a campus map including information about campus locations, transportation and bus stops, parking and more. College President’s Letter 2 Welcome to Reunion 3 Reunion Events: Friday 4 Saturday 11 Sunday 23 Reunion Committees and Gift Volunteers 26 Luminaries35 Transportation37 MapCenter Campus Places 40 Class Schedules & Information 47 Alumnae Association 66 A Reunion mobile site is available, should you find it more convenient. The URL is alum/mobile. Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 1 WELCOME TO REUNION! June 2014 Dear Alumna: Welcome to Reunion! It’s wonderful to have the campus buzzing with so many alumnae and friends this weekend. One of the best parts of my job as president is having the opportunity to meet and engage with alumnae—either on the road or here on campus. I am delighted to have a chance to spend time with you. I hope you’ll agree that the campus is looking as lovely as ever. I encourage you to take some time this weekend to rediscover your favorite haunts and to explore some new ones. Over the last seven years, I have seen time and again how exceptionally loyal Wellesley alumnae are to their alma mater. This weekend is a wonderful tribute to that dedication. It is especially meaningful to me, and to our students and faculty, that our alumnae continue to be an important presence at Wellesley. Throughout the weekend, I hope you will share many stories with me about your time as a student and also your experiences since graduating. I always enjoy learning about the ways in which the College has—and has not—changed over the years. I look forward to sharing with you my thoughts and reflections on the Wellesley of today, and giving you a glimpse into the future of your beloved alma mater. I hope you enjoy your time on campus this weekend. Welcome home! It is a pleasure to have you back. Sincerely, June 2014 Dear Alumna: On behalf of the Alumnae Association, I am thrilled to welcome you back to campus! The Alumnae Association’s mission — to connect alumnae to the College and to each other — is fully realized at Reunion. Whether this Reunion is your first or you are celebrating the 80 years since you graduated, we hope you reconnect with all that is Wellesley. We have planned a wide range of programs for you: from stimulating faculty lectures to in-depth tours; from yoga to a walk (or run!) around the lake; from Stepsinging to a variety of open houses. Whether you participate in many of these programs or simply enjoy the beauty of our campus and deepen long-standing friendships, we hope you enjoy your Reunion. When you arrive on campus, you’ll notice a few changes. Four years ago, we opened the doors of the newly renovated and LEED-certified Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall. On the east side of campus, the Whitin Observatory has been renovated and is sharing the expanded space with the Geosciences Department. We hope you have time to visit both of these places. In addition, we hope you will notice an expansion of our green initiatives (such as the water bottles all attendees receive) as we strive to reduce the carbon footprint of Reunion. Please join us in these efforts. Reunion would not be possible without the hard work, commitment, and enthusiasm of your class volunteers. The Alumnae Association Board of Directors and I extend our deepest thanks to all these dedicated individuals. I ask that you please thank them as well for their dedication to bringing you and your classmates together for this special weekend. We look forward to cheering with you on Sunday morning at our favorite and most inspirational Reunion event — Alumnae Parade! Please plan on joining us following the parade at the Association’s annual meeting, where we will celebrate class milestones and noted alumnae and hear from President Kim Bottomly. It’s going to be a wonderful weekend. We’re glad you’re here. Welcome back! H. Kim Bottomly Sincerely, Karen E. Williamson ’69, President Wellesley College Alumnae Association 2 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 3 Friday, June 6 ONGOING Dawn–Dusk Alexandra Botanic Garden and Hunnewell Arboretum 7:00 AM–6:00 PM 7:00 AM–5:30 PM 3:00 PM–5:00 PM Keohane Sports Center Weight Training Facility Chandler Pool 7:00 AM–Midnight 8:00 AM–4:00 PM Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center Campus Center Emporium & Café 8:00 AM–5:00 PM Margaret C. Ferguson Greenhouses 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Clapp Library and Knapp Media & Technology Center 11:00 AM–8:00 PM Davis Museum and Cultural Center 1:00 PM–7:00 PM Arts & Crafts Room Pendleton West 208 1:00 PM–8:00 PM Walk-In Registration & Information Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center Information Booth, 2nd Floor 12:30 PM MUSLIM JUMMAH PRAYERS Houghton Chapel, Multifaith Center Prayer Room, Ground Floor 1:00 PM REUNION 2014 OFFICIALLY BEGINS, AND RESIDENCE HALLS OPEN 2:00–3:00 PM FACULTY LECTURE: Viewing the Supreme Court’s Marriage Case Through the Lens of Political Science I will explain the holding in U.S. v. Windsor, which struck down the Defense of Marriage Act. However, unlike lawyers, I will not use a single precedent or law to explain the outcome in Windsor. Instead, I rely on political science theories that hold: Justices vote based on their personal policy preferences. Nancy Scherer, Associate Professor of Political Science Pendleton East 239 4 Alumnae Association FACULTY LECTURE: A Fascination with Bodies: Literature and Medicine This talk is based on courses I have taught for many years, courses focused on the intersection of literature and medicine. Representation of doctors and patients, the impact of illness on family structure, childbirth and abortion, depression in its many demonstrations, PTSD and AIDS, and more. Attention to works of fiction and autobiography has been enriched by selected representations in the visual arts. Michèle Respaut, Professor of French, Emerita Pendleton West 117 FACULTY LECTURE: Law and the Family in Classical Athens Ancient Athenian family law differed radically from modern American law, just as Athenian families differed from families of today. For instance, women could not own property, nor could men make wills, which Athenians thought would undercut the strength of the family. Ray Starr, Theodora Stone Sutton Professor of Classics Pendleton West 212 FACULTY LECTURE: Biomaterials: Making the Bionic Woman Drawing on diverse fields, ranging from materials science and engineering to medicine, biomaterials have become vital to our health. Together, we will define biomaterials, discuss their connections to basic sciences, and delve into examples of new types of biomaterials. These examples, which are being developed by researchers across the country and on the Wellesley campus, will include biomaterials for spinal cord repair and improved biocompatibility of medical implants. Nolan Flynn, Associate Professor of Chemistry Science Center 277 FACULTY LECTURE: A Chemist’s Approach to the Study of Diabetes The design of new drugs is the focus of much medicinal chemistry. Because a drug must be both highly specific and highly potent, a chemist must understand both the biological system being studied and the molecules being used as drugs. I will talk about our use of small molecules as tools to understand the biological mechanisms by which blood sugar is controlled by the pancreas. David Haines, Associate Professor of Chemistry Science Center 278 FACULTY LECTURE: From Decision Making to Deal Making: How Hormones Influence our Brains and Behavior This talk will explore how the steroid hormones, including estrogens, progestins and androgens, act in the brain to influence behavior and decision making. We will briefly discuss work from the Tetel lab on how steroid hormones act in the Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 5 2:00–3:00 PM brain to influence brain development and behavior. We will then discuss some studies from other labs on the emerging and exciting field of neuroeconomics—the neuroscience of decision making. Marc Tetel, Class of 1966 Associate Professor of Neuroscience Science Center 377 FACULTY LECTURE: Mixed-Gender Imagery in Medieval Saints Lives Employing medieval hagiographic texts and images that explore traditional markers of the feminine and masculine, the talk will explore how both cultural tensions regarding gender identity and eroticism are negotiated in the saintly biography (oftentimes apocryphal). Legends focusing on transvestism, miraculous growth of beards on women, and an emphasis on body and head hair as markers of sanctity, suggest an erotic vein—at the same time that the rationale for these narratives is to preclude this possibility. The main subject will be prefaced by a short overview of historic and contemporary procedures for recognition of saints by official bodies of the Catholic Church. The presentation is illustrated by a wealth of noteworthy images. Carlos Vega, Professor of Spanish Jewett Arts Center 372 FACULTY LECTURE: Funk and Feminism: An Art Historical Perspective Betty Davis, a self-assured, sexually charged, musically creative singer-songwriter who performed during the 1970s, possessed what I call a “feminist funk power,” a performative funk that forces the viewer to reinvent one’s very conception of black female agency in light of their original physical expression of art forms. Through the genre of funk, or an interpretation of funk, how might conceptual and visual artists, like Adrian Piper and Renée Stout, resist and transcend what Piper has called “The Triple Negation of the Colored Woman Artist”? Nikki A. Greene, Assistant Professor of Art Jewett Arts Center 450 FACULTY LECTURE: Hostesses, Circumnavigators, Watercolorists, and Exotic Dancers: How Nineteenth-Century Women’s Culture Made John Singer Sargent Earlier generations of art historians often noticed how complex and remarkable John Singer Sargent’s portraits of women tend to be. But are these “Sargent’s women,” or do the women in the portraits actually manifest the momentous changes in women’s roles during Sargent’s lifetime? This talk explores Sargent’s rich depictions of women and the many ways in which his work actually owes a great debt to nineteenth-century women’s culture. Paul Fisher, Associate Professor of American Studies Collins Cinema 6 Alumnae Association 2:30–3:30 PM ALEXANDRA BOTANIC GARDEN AND HUNNEWELL ARBORETUM WALKING TOUR Led by Kristina Niovi Jones, Director of the Alexandra Botanical Gardens, Assistant Professor of Biological Science. Tour begins at Wellesley College Alexandra Botanic Gardens’ Visitor Center. TOUR OF THE NEWLY RENOVATED DIANA CHAPMAN WALSH ALUMNAE HALL Meet at the main entrance facing the Davis Parking Facility. 3:30–4:30 PM FACULTY LECTURE: The Supreme Court’s Year in Review This interactive lecture will focus on four recent or upcoming Supreme Court decisions from the 2013-2014 year, representing a range of constitutional law issues. Lynne Viti, Senior Lecturer in the Writing Program Pendleton East 239 FACULTY LECTURE: Cannibal Art I would like to present my work as an artist using the principles of simulation and the cannibalization of cultural influences. Daniela Rivera, Assistant Professor of Art Pendleton West 212 FACULTY LECTURE: What the Heck is a MOOC and Why is Wellesley Doing This? Please join us to hear Professor Adam van Arsdale, who taught Wellesley’s first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). He will discuss his experiences teaching in this new medium and compare and contrast it with a face-to-face class. Ravi will discuss why Wellesley is interested in this new medium of instruction and some of the exciting new possibilities that this opens up for connecting with the alumnae. Ganesan (Ravi) Ravishanker, CIO & Associate Dean for WellesleyX Adam van Arsdale, Assistant Professor of Anthropology Science Center 277 FACULTY LECTURE: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life Wendy Hagen Bauer, Professor of Astronomy Whitin Observatory 114 Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 7 3:30–4:30 PM 3:30–5:30 PM FACULTY LECTURE: The Eye is a Part of the Mind: Visualization in Science Education Do we lose potential scientists because visual learners have difficulty with complex concepts presented in texts and lectures? I will try to address that question, and will show numerous examples of what I feel are useful visual aids to the learning process. Flick Coleman, Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus Science Center 377 THEATRE DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Alumnae Hall, Ruth Nagel Jones Theatre FACULTY LECTURE: “A Uranium Atom Walks Into A Bar”: Nuclear Challenges in the 21st Century Since the discovery of nuclear fission in the 1930s, the potential of nuclear energy both for war and for peace has presented an ongoing challenge to humanity. How do we deal with this challenge in our post-Fukushima world, in which daily newspaper accounts of the need for sources of energy other than fossil fuels as well as ongoing developments in Iran and North Korea highlight the importance of understanding the “positive and negative” potential of the atomic nucleus? Nancy Harrison Kolodny ’64, Cohen/Heller Professor of Chemistry, Emerita Science Center 396 FACULTY LECTURE: Women in the Labyrinth of Leadership Why are there so few women leaders? How do men’s and women’s personalities, family roles, gender stereotypes, and organizational challenges affect women leaders and what can be done to increase the advancement of women? Linda Carli, Senior Lecturer of Psychology Jewett Arts Center 450 FACULTY LECTURE: Like a Great Roman Ruin: The College Hall Fire and Anne Whitney at 100 Join us for an overview of the 1914 College Hall fire exhibition currently on display in the Davis Museum. This exhibition includes objects from the Davis, Archives, and Special Collections—as well as gifts and loans from alumnae worldwide— ranging from letters written by students and faculty to tableware used in the College Hall dining room, from marble busts and a painted mirror saved from the Browning Room to the Tree Day Spade and more. Together these objects examine art and life in College Hall from the founding of the College in 1870, to the great fire that destroyed the building and its contents in 1914, to the fundraising and rebuilding efforts that followed. Jacki Musacchio ’89, Professor of Art Andrew Shennan, Provost and Dean of the College Ian Graham, Director of Library Collections Jewett Arts Center Auditorium 8 Alumnae Association 4:00–5:00 PM FRIENDS OF BILL W Pendleton East 251 5:00 PM JEWISH CANDLELIGHTING AND KABBALAT SHABBAT Hosted by Wellesley College Hillel and the Hillel Alumnae Board Houghton Chapel, Multifaith Center Main Room, Ground Floor 5:00–8:00 PM FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER Please refer to your class schedule. 8:00 PM STEPSINGING Led by Margaret Elsemore Sipple ’64, Karen Body Brennan ’89, and Anna (Sasha) Papernik ’04 Houghton Chapel THEATRE PRODUCTION Wellesley Summer Theatre Company presents HAY FEVER, directed by Marta Rainer ’98. Chaos ensues when the eccentric Bliss family invite a motley assortment of weekend guests to their fashionable summer home. The guests end up fleeing, unnoticed by the Bliss family, who are too caught up in their own dramas to pay them much attention. A comedy of manners in the grand tradition! Reservations at 781.283.2000 are absolutely needed. Ticket prices are $10.00 for alumnae and their guests, $5.00 for those over 65. Alumnae Hall, Ruth Nagel Jones Theatre 9:00 PM S’MORES! Come gather around the fire and share in the fun! Bring your children—everyone is welcome! Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, Fire Pit Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 9 LGBTQ SOCIAL HOUR A gathering for the LGBTQ alumnae and their friends and families Green Hall, Newhouse Center for the Humanities, 2nd Floor 9:00–11:00 PM DANCE YOUR CLASS OFF - ALL-CLASS DANCE PARTY All Reunion classes are invited to the Academic Quad Tent to show off their best dance moves. Will your class stand out? Academic Quad Tent Saturday, June 7 9:00–10:00 PM ONGOING Dawn–Dusk Alexandra Botanic Garden and Hunnewell Arboretum 7:00 AM–6:00 PM 7:00 AM–5:30 PM 9:00 AM–11:00 AM 4:00 PM–5:30 PM Keohane Sports Center Weight Training Facility Chandler Pool 9:00 AM–12:30 PM Open Boathouse 7:00 AM–Midnight 10:00 AM–4:00 PM Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center Campus Center Emporium & Café 8:00 AM–5:00 PM Margaret C. Ferguson Greenhouses 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Arts & Crafts Room Pendleton West 208 8:00 AM–8:00 PM Walk-In Registration & Information Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center Information Booth, 2nd Floor 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Clapp Library and Knapp Media & Technology Center 9:00 AM–5:00 PM WZLY 91.5FM Alumnae Broadcasting Day 9:00 AM–8:00 PM Davis Museum and Cultural Center 7:00–8:00 AM LAKE WABAN WALK/RUN Join Friends of Wellesley Athletics and members of the Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics (PERA) Department for a walk or light run around Lake Waban. Meet at Green Beach (lawn by library) 7:00–9:00 AM BREAKFAST IN RESIDENCE HALLS Please refer to your class schedule for location. 10 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 11 7:30–8:15 AM 9:00 AM–12:30 PM YOGA (BEGINNING) Start your day with a Hatha Yoga session focusing on breathing and mindfulness. Keohane Sports Center, Studio 201 OPEN BOATHOUSE Join members of the Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics (PERA) Department for recreational canoeing, kayaking, sailing and pedal boats on Lake Waban. Children are welcome, but please provide your own child-sized personal flotation device. For those classes who would like to have a Reunion row, gather your teammates and meet at the boathouse. (Boathouse is closed if raining, high wind, thunder, lightning. Weather call at 8:45 AM.) Wellesley College Boathouse YOGA (ADVANCED) Start your day with a Hatha Yoga session focusing on breathing and mindfulness. Keohane Sports Center, Studio 202 GENTLE STRETCHING A nurturing and compassionate way to greet the morning is with this very gentle Yoga class. There will be a bit of sitting and centering, conscious seated stretching, possibly some standing stretches, lying down and concluding with some guided relaxation. Stone-Davis Living Room 7:30–8:30 AM CAMPUS BIRD WALK IN ALEXANDRA BOTANIC GARDEN AND HUNNEWELL ARBORETUM Led by Friends of the Wellesley College Botanic Gardens docents. Tour begins at Paramecium Pond on the side next to College Road. 8:00–9:30 AM SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING Breakfast and meeting for Shakespeare Society members Shakespeare House 9:00 AM–5:00 PM WZLY ALUMNAE BROADCASTING DAY Stream us at to hear alums from various classes spin their favorite tunes! Contact during broadcast: 781.283.2690. Join our list: alums.wzly@gmail. com or join the Friends of WZLY group on Facebook. 10:00–11:00 AM ADMISSION OFFICE The College Admission Process: Applying to Selective Colleges Informal discussion with Jennifer Desjarlais, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, on selecting and applying to colleges. For alumnae and their children entering grades 9 through 12. Weaver House 9:00–10:00 AM TOUR OF THE NEWLY RENOVATED DIANA CHAPMAN WALSH ALUMNAE HALL Meet at the main entrance facing the Davis Parking Facility. CHILDREN’S STORY TIME Children must be accompanied by an adult. Margaret Clapp Library, Brackett Reading Room, Main Floor 10:30–11:30 AM 9:00–11:00 AM CLASS MEETINGS IN RESIDENCE HALLS 9:00 AM–Noon “PLANTASTIC” MORNING AT THE GREENHOUSES Families are invited to explore the wonders of the Margaret C. Ferguson Greenhouses and enjoy creative hands-on activities. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Wellesley College Botanic Gardens’ Visitor Center 12 Alumnae Association AFRICANA STUDIES DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Founders 31 GUILD OF CARILLONNEURS OPEN TOWER Meet and greet your fellow carillonneurs, and visit the bells. Guild members only. Galen Stone Tower MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Science Center 362 Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 13 OFFICE OF RESIDENTIAL LIFE OPEN HOUSE The Office of Residential Life would like to invite former Resident Assistants (RAs) and House Presidents (HPs) to join us for a reception to reconnect with each other and to share our stories from years ago. Current Residential Life staff will be available to greet you. Family and friends are welcome. Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, Punch’s Alley, 1st Floor PHI SIGMA OPEN HOUSE CE House TZE OPEN HOUSE TZE House ZETA ALPHA OPEN HOUSE Zeta Alpha House 10:30 AM–Noon The Wellesley Alumnae Network: Connecting Through LinkedIn and Shared Interest Groups More than 8,000 alumnae have joined the Wellesley Alumnae Network on LinkedIn. Come hear about using LinkedIn from Nancy Horwitz, Associate Director of the Center for Work and Service, and network with alumnae from various professional industries and WCAA shared interest groups including Wellesley Women in Medicine, Wellesley Lawyers Network, Wellesley Alumnae in the Peace Corps, Wellesley Entrepreneurs and more. Nancy Horwitz, Associate Director of the Center for Work and Service Science Center, Faroll Focus Area 11:00 AM LEGACY PHOTOGRAPH Alumnae are invited to join their mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers for this year’s legacy photo. (Rain location: Alumnae Hall Auditorium) Alumnae Hall, Hay Outdoor Amphitheatre 11:00 AM–Noon FACULTY LECTURE: Medea in Corinth This lecture will address Euripides’ engagement with a comic representation of Corinth. Passages from the play will be enacted by students from the theatre department. Kate Gilhuly, Associate Professor of Classical Studies Founders 120 14 Alumnae Association FACULTY LECTURE: Discovering the Albright Institute Come hear about the Albright Institute at Wellesley College. Director Joanne Murray will discuss the Institute’s mission and program and will reflect on its first five years. **Please note that Secretary Albright will not be a part of this panel. Joanne Murray ’81, Director of the Madeleine Korbel Albright Institute for Global Affairs Nora Mishanec ’14, Albright Fellow Emma Smith ’14, Albright Fellow Pendleton East 239 FACULTY LECTURE: Media Influences on Social Outcomes: The Impact of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant on Teen Childbearing This presentation will address the impact of the widely viewed MTV reality TV show, 16 and Pregnant, on teen-bearing outcomes. When the show aired, it led to more searches and tweets regarding birth control and abortion, ultimately leading to a 5.7 percent reduction in teen births in the 18 months following its introduction. This accounts for around one-third of the overall decline in teen births in the United States during that period. Phil Levine, Professor of Economics Pendleton West 212 FACULTY LECTURE: The Power of Data: How Research Advances Social Change for Women and Girls Rigorous research, sophisticated statistics, and disaggregated data are essential to advancing women’s and girls’ equality and empowerment. Women-and-gender research institutes like the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) have the expertise and focus to provide high-quality research in partnership with social change organizations and funders, while also providing data for policymakers, advocates, and the media. Layli Maparyan and WCW scholars will discuss how WCW is working to advance development and other social change initiatives across the globe through its research, theory, and action programs. Layli Maparyan, Ph.D., Katherine Stone Kaufmann ’67 Executive Director of the Wellesley Centers for Women & Professor of Africana Studies WCW Scholars: Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D., WCW Research Scientist Sumru Erkut, Ph.D., WCW Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist Erika Kates, Ph.D., WCW Senior Research Scientist Nancy Marshall, Ed.D., WCW Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist Nan Stein, Ed.D., WCW Senior Research Scientist Science Center 277 Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 15 11:00 AM–Noon FACULTY LECTURE: The Eye is Part of the Mind: Visualization in Science Education Do we lose potential scientists because visual learners have difficulty with complex concepts presented in texts and lectures? I will try to address that question, and will show numerous examples of what I feel are useful visual aids to the learning process. Flick Coleman, Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus Science Center 377 FACULTY LECTURE: Dear Home: The Launch of a Crowd-Sourced Transcription Project for Wellesley The poet and sculptor Anne Whitney (1821-1915) was an important member of the artistic, literary, and political circles in her native Massachusetts and further afield. Wellesley’s Archives house approximately four thousand largely unpublished letters to and from Whitney over the course of her long life, all of which contain richly detailed and sometimes astonishing information about nineteenth-century art and life. But these handwritten letters are fragile, and few people have ready access to them. With this in mind, we are launching a crowd-sourced transcription website for the Wellesley community, so that alumnae can take part in transcribing these remarkable letters online. Whitney is an especially appropriate topic for Wellesley; her family knew the Durants and she herself knew Alice Freeman and George Herbert Palmer, as well as many Wellesley professors and benefactors; she taught here for a semester and her statue of the English author and reformer Harriet Martineau was a focal point of College Hall before it was destroyed in the 1914 fire. Thanks to Friends of the Library funds, we have digitized hundreds of her letters, from correspondents ranging from her family and Wellesley friends to author Louisa May Alcott, artist Harriet Hosmer, suffragist Caroline Healey Dall, and abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, among others. Join us to learn about Whitney’s life and sign up to read and transcribe letters as part of this exciting project! Jacki Musacchio ’89, Professor of Art Ian Graham, Director of Library Collections Jenifer Bartle, Manager of Digital Scholarships Initiative Jewett Arts Center Auditorium FACULTY LECTURE: Hostesses, Circumnavigators, Watercolorists, and Exotic Dancers: How Nineteenth-Century Women’s Culture Made John Singer Sargent Earlier generations of art historians often noticed how complex and remarkable John Singer Sargent’s portraits of women tend to be. But are these “Sargent’s women,” or do the women in the portraits actually manifest the momentous changes in women’s roles during Sargent’s lifetime? This talk explores Sargent’s rich depictions of women and the many ways in which his work actually owes a great debt to nineteenth-century women’s culture. Paul Fisher, Associate Professor of American Studies Collins Cinema 16 Alumnae Association THE WELLESLEY COLLEGE BOTANIC GARDENS - A LIVING LABORATORY TOUR The Botanic Gardens have some exciting new research gardens that are engaging students in multiple ways. Visit the Creighton Educational Garden, the green roof planted with native species, the Climate Change Monitoring Garden and the inprogress Edible Ecosystem Garden, all within a short walk from our starting point at the Greenhouse Visitor Center. Led by Kristina Niovi Jones, Director of the Botanical Gardens, Assistant Professor of Biological Science Tour begins at Wellesley College Botanic Gardens’ Visitor Center 11:00 AM–1:00 PM TOUR OF NEWLY RENOVATED SCHNEIDER CENTER Come get a glimpse inside the newly renovated Schneider Center! Learn how the College has transformed our student center into a center for student services, scheduled to open this summer. Note: the entire building is not open. Schneider Center Lobby 11:15 AM–Noon WELLESLEY STUDENTS’ AID SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING Speakers will include President H. Kim Bottomly and a current student. Pendleton Atrium Noon–2:00 PM REUNION PICNIC LUNCH Enjoy a picnic lunch for all registered alumnae, guests, children, faculty, and faculty emeriti. Please refer to your class schedule for location. 12:30–4:00 PM CHILDREN’S FIELD DAY (REGISTRATION REQUIRED) Drop your children off at a fun, activity-filled Children’s Camp! Kids can enjoy a field day on Severance Green with activities organized by age groups and a secure designated roped-off area, bubble activities, bouncy houses, field day games, and more. Snacks provided. The cost for this activity is $55.00. Severance Green Rain location: Keohane Sports Center, Multipurpose Gym Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 17 1:00 PM 3:00–4:00 PM THE “W” RETURNS! (FORMERLY FLOAT NIGHT) Join us as we revive this Wellesley tradition! Cheer fellow alumnae rowing barges, as they recreate the Wellesley “W.” (Canceled if raining) Lake Waban Viewing: Green Beach (lawn by library) STUDENT-ATHLETE ALUMNAE RECEPTION/HALL OF FAME PERMANENT DISPLAY UNVEILING Friends of Wellesley Athletics invites you to come reminisce and celebrate your sports participation with teammates, current and several former coaches. All intercollegiate and recreational student-athletes and their families are invited! In addition, come and see the Wellesley Athletics Hall of Fame permanent display unveiling. Keohane Sports Center Lobby 2:00–3:00 PM TALK BY MADELEINE KORBEL ALBRIGHT ’59 Insights on the “Read My Pins” exhibit Housed at the Davis Museum, the exhibition features more than 200 pins, many of which the incomparable Secretary Albright donned to communicate a message or a mood during her diplomatic tenure. Sparkling with Albright’s wit and brio, the collection is both historically significant and demonstrates the expressive power of jewelry and its ability to communicate through a style and language all its own. Secretary Albright will provide insights on the exhibit. Alumnae Hall Auditorium and simulcast around campus (Alumnae Hall Ballroom, Jewett Auditorium, and Collins Cinema) 2:00–3:00 PM CHILDREN’S TENNIS CLINIC Head Tennis Coach Brian Kuscher will hold a tennis clinic for children ages 6-15. The event will run from 2:00-3:00 PM. Drop-off time will be 1:30-2:00 PM, and pickup time is from 3:00-3:30 PM. Participants must be pre-registered. *Must bring own racquet. Outdoor Tennis Courts by Distribution Center, West of Keohane Sports Center In case of rain, the tennis clinic will be canceled. Weather call at 11:15 AM. 3:00 PM THEATRE PRODUCTION Wellesley Summer Theatre Company presents HAY FEVER, directed by Marta Rainer ’98. Chaos ensues when the eccentric Bliss family invite a motley assortment of weekend guests to their fashionable summer home. The guests end up fleeing, unnoticed by the Bliss family, who are too caught up in their own dramas to pay them much attention. A comedy of manners in the grand tradition! Reservations at 781.283.2000 are absolutely needed. Ticket prices are $10.00 for alumnae and their guests, $5.00 for those over 65. Alumnae Hall, Ruth Nagel Jones Theatre 18 Alumnae Association 3:00–5:00 PM ASTRONOMY DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Whitin Observatory 3:30–4:30 PM FACULTY LECTURE: U.S.-China Relations: Possible Futures This lecture presents an overview of U.S.-China relations in the 21st century. It explains possible flash points and areas of potential cooperation between the two great powers. Stacie Goddard, Jane Bishop ’51 Associate Professor of Political Science Pendleton East 239 FACULTY LECTURE: Making Image Matter: Reconsidering Civil Rights Work in the Post-World War II United States What happens when we consider how non-activists contributed to the civil rights struggle? The lecture dramatizes this question by examining the image-making activities of the two black entrepreneurs—publisher John H. Johnson and public relations guru Moss H. Kendrix. Brenna W. Greer, Assistant Professor of History Science Center 278 FACULTY LECTURE: Mixed-Gender Imagery in Medieval Saints Lives Employing medieval hagiographic texts and images that explore traditional markers of the feminine and masculine, the talk will explore how both cultural tensions regarding gender identity and eroticism are negotiated in the saintly biography (oftentimes apocryphal). Legends focusing on transvestism, miraculous growth of beards on women, and an emphasis on body and head hair as markers of sanctity, suggest an erotic vein—at the same time that the rationale for these narratives is to preclude this possibility. The main subject will be prefaced by a short overview of historic and contemporary procedures for recognition of saints by official bodies of the Catholic Church. The presentation is illustrated by a wealth of noteworthy images. Carlos Vega, Professor of Spanish Pendleton West 212 Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 19 3:30–4:30 PM FACULTY LECTURE: Wellesley’s Meteorites Wendy Hagen Bauer, Professor of Astronomy Whitin Observatory 114 FACULTY LECTURE: Biomaterials: Making the Bionic Woman Drawing on diverse fields, ranging from materials science and engineering to medicine, biomaterials have become vital to our health. Together, we will define biomaterials, discuss their connections to basic sciences, and delve into examples of new types of biomaterials. These examples, which are being developed by researchers across the country and on the Wellesley campus, will include biomaterials for spinal cord repair and improved biocompatibility of medical implants. Nolan Flynn, Associate Professor of Chemistry Science Center 396 FACULTY LECTURE: Academic Freedom and Scholarly Exchanges with Chinese Universities: A Cautionary Tale Thomas Cushman, Deffenbaugh de Hoyos Carlson Professor in the Social Sciences Xia Yeliang, Visiting Fellow, Center for Global Liberty and Leadership, Cato Institute, Washington, DC Science Center 277 FACULTY LECTURE: Like a Great Roman Ruin: The College Hall Fire and Anne Whitney at 100 Join us for an overview of 1914 College Hall fire exhibition currently on display in the Davis Museum. This exhibition includes objects from the Davis, Archives, and Special Collections--as well as gifts and loans from alumnae worldwide--ranging from letters written by students and faculty to tableware used in the College Hall dining room, from marble busts and a painted mirror saved from the Browning Room to the Tree Day Spade and more. Together these objects examine art and life in College Hall from the founding of the College in 1870, to the great fire that destroyed the building and its contents in 1914, to the fundraising and rebuilding efforts that followed. Jacki Musacchio ’89, Professor of Art Andrew Shennan, Provost and Dean of the College Ian Graham, Director of Library Collections Alumnae Hall Auditorium 20 Alumnae Association ALEXANDRA BOTANIC GARDEN AND HUNNEWELL ARBORETUM WALKING TOUR Led by Kristina Niovi Jones, Director of the Botanical Gardens, Assistant Professor of Biological Science Tour begins at Wellesley College Botanic Gardens’ Visitor Center ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Pendleton East 430 COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Science Center E125 GEOSCIENCES DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Science Center L200 INTERNATIONAL ALUMNAE OPEN HOUSE Meet Karen Pabon, Director of the Slater International Center and Advisor to International Students. Slater International Center SPANISH DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Green Hall, Newhouse Center Large Conference Room, 2nd Floor WELLESLEY LATINA ALUMNAE NETWORK (WLAN) WLAN invites alumnae and guests to come meet other Wellesley Latinas, learn more about the affinity group, and hear from Mared Alicea-Westort, Assistant Dean and Advisor to Latina students. Green Hall, Newhouse Center, 2nd Floor WELLESLEY ALUMNAE OF AFRICAN DESCENT (WAAD) WAAD, one of the first WCAA affinity groups, welcomes alumnae, family, and friends to their open house with Tracey Cameron, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Director of Harambee House, and Advisor to Students of African Descent. This event is an opportunity to network with other WAAD members and hear about their career paths and choices since graduating from Wellesley. Harambee House WELLESLEY ASIAN ALUMNAE ALLIANCE (W3A) W3A is excited to host an open house with Karen Shih, Ph.D., Assistant Dean and Advisor to Students of Asian Descent. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the affinity group, past Wellesley memories, and identifying as Asian/Asian American. TZE House Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 21 WZLY OPEN HOUSE Former WZLY’ers and fans are welcome to stop by the station. Simpson Hall B-13 4:00–5:00 PM FRIENDS OF BILL W Pendleton East 251 4:30–5:30 PM ART DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Jewett Arts Center Foyer 5:00 PM CATHOLIC MASS Houghton Chapel. Multifaith Center Main Room, Ground Floor EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN GATHERING Green Hall, Academic Council Room, 4th Floor 5:00–8:00 PM CLASS SOCIAL HOURS AND DINNERS Please refer to your class schedule. 5:30–11:00 PM CHILDREN’S CAMP (REGISTRATION REQUIRED) Enjoy your Class Dinner and drop off your children at an evening extravanganza at the Keohane Sports Center with dinner and snacks, a Teddy Bear Picnic for the youngest guests, and movies and a casino night for the older children. Sleeping accommodations will be available for small children until pickup. The cost for this activity is $67.00. Keohane Sports Center, Multipurpose Gym 22 Alumnae Association Sunday, June 8 3:30–4:30 PM ONGOING Dawn–Dusk Alexandra Botanic Garden and Hunnewell Arboretum 7:00 AM–2:30 PM 7:00 AM–2:00 PM 7:00–9:30 AM 11:30 AM–2:00 PM Keohane Sports Center Weight Training Facility Chandler Pool Open Boathouse 7:00 AM–Midnight 10:00 AM–4:00 PM Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center Campus Center Emporium & Café 8:00 AM–1:00 PM Walk-In Registration & Information Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center Information Booth, 2nd Floor 8:00 AM–1:00 PM Arts & Crafts Room Pendleton West 208 8:00 AM–4:00 PM Margaret C. Ferguson Greenhouses Noon–4:00 PM Davis Museum and Cultural Center 7:00–9:00 AM BREAKFAST IN RESIDENCE HALLS Please refer to your class schedule for location. 8:00 AM HILLEL REUNION BAGEL BREAKFAST Patti Sheinman and David Bernat, Hillel Directors, and the Hillel Alumnae Board Slater International Center 8:15 AM CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST AVAILABLE IN MULTIFAITH CENTER GATHERING SPACE Alumnae and their guests are cordially invited to join members of the Religious and Spiritual Life team for a continental breakfast in the Multifaith Center Gathering Space on Sunday morning, preceding the multifaith service. Chapel and office spaces will also be open and available for group conversations with chaplains and advisors. Houghton Chapel, Multifaith Center Gathering Space, Ground Floor Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 23 8:15 AM 11:30 AM–2:00 PM ALUMNAE CHOIR REHEARSAL FOR THE MULTIFAITH SERVICE Lisa Graham, Evelyn Barry Director of the Choral Program Houghton Chapel (Please gather in the front pews.) OPEN BOATHOUSE Spend time reminiscing with Jack Daigle and join members of the Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics (PERA) Department for recreational canoeing, kayaking, sailing, and pedal boats on Lake Waban. Children are welcome, but please provide your own child-sized personal flotation device. Wellesley College Boathouse BUDDHIST/HINDU MEDITATION Houghton Chapel, Multifaith Center Meditation Room, Ground Floor PROTESTANT GATHERING Houghton Chapel, Multifaith Center Study, Ground Floor UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST GATHERING & BREAKFAST Houghton Chapel, Multifaith Center Main Room, Ground Floor 9:15–10:10 AM MULTIFAITH COMMUNITY WORSHIP SERVICE Multifaith celebration for alumnae, family and friends of all religious traditions and spiritual perspectives. Kelly J. Stone, Interim Dean of Religious & Spiritual Life, presiding. Houghton Chapel 1:00 PM CLASS PICNICS Please refer to your class schedule. 4:00 PM REUNION 2014 OFFICIALLY ENDS GOING GREEN! 10:30–11:30 AM ALUMNAE PARADE Led by the oldest reuning classes riding in antique cars, marchers proceed to the Annual Meeting. It is traditional to wear white. Please be in place by 10:30 AM. The parade will start soon after. Weather permitting 11:30 AM–1:00 PM 134th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WELLESLEY COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Don’t miss the State of the College address by President H. Kim Bottomly — learn what’s happening on campus today! Karen E. Williamson ’69, Alumnae Association President, presiding. Includes presentation of Reunion class gifts. Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall Auditorium We are providing each Reunion registrant one 22 oz. BPA-free aluminum sports bottle to refill during the weekend. 24 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 25 2014 REUNION COMMITTEES AND GIFT VOLUNTEERS A Reunion isn’t possible without the dedication and hard work of our volunteers. Please join the Alumnae Association and Office for Resources in thanking your classmates who made this weekend memorable. 1939 President Treasurer Hilda Warshaw Lichtenstein Lucetta Sharp Alderfer 1944 President Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Mary-Alice Ewing Raymond Alla O’Brien Mary Dawley Herberich 1949 President Reunion Chair Record Book Chair Memorial Service Chair Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Class Gift Planning Chair Gretchen Rous Besser Norine Casey Jeanne Minor Walton Vivienne Chapman Elizabeth Arundell Stallings Betty Main Cannon Ann Sylvester Collins 1954 Reunion Chair Record Book Chair Insignia Chair Memorial Service Chairs Parade Marshal Residence Hall Chair Sunday Picnic Chairs Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives Class Gift Planning Chair 26 Alumnae Association Lois Cochran Sullivan Jane Sisson Sibley Virginia Angevine Fuller Judith Shumway Gay Lois Burnham Pomeroy Perry Flynt Phinney Nancy Lurie Salzman Catherine Kahny Brigham Peggy Cullen Nicholson Marcia Adams Roehr Fay Vogel Bussgang Betty Zahn Benedict Joan Prichard Cudhea Carol Zempsky Gendler Charlotte Cotton Germundson Ellen Leibovici Hahn Constance Ludcke Huebner Carolyn Stirland Lindsay Ann Patterson Munro Helen Van Hook Spencer Thelma-Jeanne Friedman Taylor Barbara Goldman Van Raalte Carolyn Hess Westerfield Joy Hallum Winer Maureen Vincent Beck 1959 Reunion Chair Reunion Vice Chair Record Book Chairs Class Supper Co-Chairs Decorations Chair Friday Evening Co-Chairs Hospitality Co-Chairs Insignia Chair Memorial Service Co-Chairs Programming Co-Chairs Sunday Picnic Co-Chairs Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Class Gift Planning Chair Durant Chairs Durant Committee Members Harriette Levy Chandler Sarah Maccracken Donnelly Doreen Crawford Dun Mary Jane Baird Milner Daphne Phylactopoulou Hatsopoulos Nan Tull Irene Throumoulos Vouros Margaret Holbrook Birch Susan Cooper Ritter Merle Ann Beck Siegelman Haralyn Dubin Kuckes Judith Pierce Livingstone Rheta Haas Page Catharine Churchill Collette Nancy Booth Kocher Mimi Brown Dohan Lucy Leinbach Robb Elizabeth Greenman Emily Heath Wilson Anne Sugden Kipp Joyce Hirtz Davis Frederica Mills Culick Margery Clifford Henneman Jackie Eichold Montag Ann Sherby Cole Frederica Mills Culick Elizabeth Strauss Pforzheimer Linda DuPlan Rieke Reunion Co-Chairs Record Book Chair Class Supper Co-Chairs Class Supper Committee Creative Arts Exhibit Co-Chairs Dorm Coordinators Dorm/HQ Committee Friday Evening Chairs Insignia Chair Insignia Committee Linda Furlong Janet Johnson Stewart Wendy Snow Love Kit Campbell Henn Judith Malone-Neville Sarah Wiard Barlow Sally Scully Crock Diane Foster Susan Clattenburg Kemp Elizabeth Archer Barbara Mabie Darling Laura Wick Hallowell Gwyneth Elkinton Loud Susan Clattenburg Kemp Nancy Lankford Suzannah Fabing Muspratt Jane Parker Resnick Margery Casselman Connor Judith Corey Johnsos Bobbie Walsh Rabin 1964 Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 27 1964, Continued Memorial Service Co-Chairs Memorial Service Committee Program Chairs Programming Committee Social Hour Co-Chairs Social Hour Committee Stepsinging Chair Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives Class Gift Planning Chair Durant Chair Durant Committee Members 28 Alumnae Association 1969 Davi-Ellen Rosenzweig Chabner Carolyn McClintock Peter Jean White Cole Alison Chase Cathleen Rolston Litvack Carolyn McClintock Peter Bettie Cartwright Joyce Adams Lanning Jill Kremer Schroder Julia Campbell Taylor Virginia Willman Lee Hawkins Harrison Virginia Maloney Lawrence Cheryl Schmidt Litster Janet Kneubuhl Schloat Margaret Elsemore Sipple Bonnie Greeley Sherwood Jeri Dickson Kozloff Mary Anne Drye Ballard Carol Jillson Barker Mardi Taylor Brownell Linda Furlong Claire Gilbert Gilmore Mary Esther Marshall Linda McJannet Nancy Tomkinson Nyberg Kathy Oakley Bobbie Walsh Rabin Judith Richman Saidel Ora Schade Shay Barbara Ray Stevens Alison Kern Stitzer Janet McCaa Corty Banks Fengler Mimi Fish Alperin Meg Brabson Becker Bettie Cartwright Susan Detweiler Emmy Hall Ehrlich Kit Campbell Henn Lynn Dixon Johnston Betsy Wood Knapp Ellen Jacobson Levine Janet McCaa Janet George Murnick Nancy Needham Susan Tyler Nitze Barbara Benton Patty Jane Parker Resnick Jaan Walther Whitehead Jean Waltuch Wise Reunion Co-Chairs Record Book Chair Class Supper Co-Chairs Arts & Entertainment Co-Chairs Donations Dorm Coordinator Friday Evening Chair Fundraising Chair Guest/Partner/Spouse Activities Chair Hospitality Co-Chairs Insignia Co-Chairs Outreach Chair Reunion Assistant at Large Reunion Treasurer Social Hour Chair Sunday Picnic Chair Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Class Gift Planning Chair Durant Chair Durant Committee Member Doris Jackson Nancy Wanderer Catherine Bowman Mumford Phyllis Nitze Moriarty Katherine Page Priscilla Fox Margaret Ulmer Bonnie Sontag Heidi Winslow Ann Lambert Janet McDonald Hill Susan Kagan Lange Katharine Harding Wanderer Nancy Wanderer Ann Landsberg Betsy Lowry Laura Bullitt Despard Natalie Gaull Susan Herberich Haskell Bonnie Sontag Nancy Decker Janet English Huettig Shaunagh Guinness Robbins Ann Yonemura Susie Sachs Goldman Betty Demy Hutcheon Ann Sherwood Sentilles 1974 Reunion Co-Chairs Record Book Co-Chairs Class Supper Chair Dorm Coordinator Dorm Committee Insignia Chair Outreach Chair Outreach Committee Joan Cassman Krista Fogleman Nancy Anderson Brown Mary Lou Savage Donna Bosco Eleanor Hayes McGourty Suzanne Moranian Bolles Linda Cook Debra Drew DeVaughn Susan Morser Klem Kwan Kew Lai Kirsten Critz Levy Maryann McCall-Taylor Virginia Powell Siggia Laurie Shahon Mary Lou Savage Janet Carpenter Doreen Franke Carla La Grassa Laraine Prasinos Lippincott Muffie Michaelson Judith Sobelman Monteux Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 29 1974, Continued 1979, Continued Outreach Committee, continued Connie Baum Newman Margaret Ost Virginia Powell Siggia Parade Marshal Social Hour Chair Treasurer Reunion Committee Member Wellesley Fund Representative Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives Class Gift Planning Chair Durant Chairs Durant Committee Members Stephanie Bruno Donna Davenport Smythe Bailey Siletchnik Bailey Siletchnik Abigail Ostow Telegen Jane Desforges Missy Moyer Louise Treitman Laura Wray Erna Arnesen Violet Ouyang Karen Rozenberg Berman Anne Shen Chao Debra Drew DeVaughn Deborah Good Heather Crawford Hamilton Laura Wray 1979 Reunion Co-Chairs Record Book Co-Chairs Class Supper Co-Chairs Communications Chair Dorm Coordinators Event Program Chair Insignia Chair Parade Marshal Reunion Treasurer Social Hour Co-Chairs Sunday Picnic Chair Treasurer Reunion Committee Members Wellesley Fund Representative Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives Class Gift Planning Chair Durant Chairs 30 Alumnae Association Maria Iacobo Barbara Anne Sousa Terry Murphy Allyson Dale Samson Maria Iacobo Alison Clarke Kenary Barbara Anne Sousa Mary Vaskas Joan Khattab Judith Colenback Savage Susan Champeny Leslie Kobayashi Leslie Kobayashi Cynthia Guendert Carolyn Painter Billet Barbara Cancro Carr Kimberly Henderson Karen Cunningham Van Adzin Deborah Robbins Schwarzer Leslie Kobayashi Deborah Robbins Schwarzer Patricia Jungreis Sulser Julie Troxell Alexandre Terri Hauser Tamara Nash Judith Reinitz West Sally Buckman Libby Keehn Lewis Durant Committee Members Yvonne Bos Barbara Feer Kathryn Records Ryan Forbes Singer Jody Strakosch Christine Jorquera Vickery 1984 Reunion Co-Chairs Record Book Chair Class Supper Chair Alcohol Chair Insignia Co-Chairs Programming Co-Chairs Record Book Committee Registration Saturday Dinner Committee Social Hour Chair Social Media Czarina Sunday Picnic Co-Chairs Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives Class Gift Planning Chair Durant Chair Durant Committee Members Kristen Lofgren Dennison Wendy Kertzman Klein Ann Leslie Jones Wendy Gibson Foster Deirdre Duffy Small Mary Burke Cynthia Lim Crocker MaryAnne Gucciardi Stephanie Hessler Aylene Watts Calnan Susan Robins Iphigenia Demetriades Mary Solomons Deirdre Duffy Small Mary Ann Hill Maureen McCurdy Hassett Diane Crosson McEnroe Iphigenia Demetriades Laura Wood Cantopher Rachel Bayly Anna Bulkot Harneen Chernow Michelle Clanton Mindy Gottlieb Davidson Nina Finston Julianne Mahler Barbara Deaton McManus Karen Day Pierce Carol Mazzarella Shanmugaratnam Anna Watkins Catherine Chuday Feddersen Valerie Sill Mary Anne Callahan Karen Doeblin Janet Krevolin Alice Yurke 1989 Reunion Co-Chairs Record Book Chair Class Supper Co-Chairs Tracey Barrett Leah Chiavacci Shuldiner Karen Body Brennan Sarah Jane McKinney Gillett Ann Edmiston Rumberger Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 31 1989, Continued Dorm Coordinator Insignia Co-Chairs Parade Marshal Program Chair Reunion Participation Co-Chairs Social Hour Chair Stepsinging Chair Sunday Picnic Chair Treasurer Reunion Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives Durant Committee Members 1999, Continued Nancy Elliott Mukundan Laura Norton Agarwal Page McDonald Karen Body Brennan Barbara Pierce Julia Spencer Ginger Wilson Kerstin Anderson Karen Body Brennan Mikal Sebens Celentano J. Allison Nash Mael Joanne Attridge Ann Edmiston Rumberger Lauren Boglivi Lenore Levy Day Felicity Harper Bryn Johnson Erica Bazzell May Jennifer Raymond Leah Chiavacci Shuldiner Laura Brown Vexler Martha Goldberg Aronson Lauren Boglivi Patrice Footer Lovato 1994 Reunion Chair Record Book Chair Class Supper Co-Chairs Dorm Coordinator Insignia Chair Parade Marshal Programming Co-Chairs Social Hour Co-Chairs Sunday Picnic Chair Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives Durant Chair Melissa Shaw Moesman Arlene Cohen Carrie Lascell Brown Anne DeRose Westlund Amy Zabetakis Arlene Cohen Nichole Peterson Wanhi Lee Salerno Lana Yoon Michelle Park Nichole Peterson Melissa Shaw Moesman Margaret Van Winkle Anne Carmignani Nichole Peterson Heather Warncke Anne Carmignani 1999 Reunion Chair Record Book Chair Class Supper Co-Chairs Class Supper Committee 32 Alumnae Association Farrah Berse Helen Zonenberg Demir Elizabeth Lange Erika Willacy Bonnie Lipton Sabra Jearld Sabra Smith Newby Insignia Chair Treasurer Reunion Committee Members Wellesley Fund Representative Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives Durant Chair Lisa Scanlon Mogolov Helen Zonenberg Demir Eugenia Beh Lisa Scanlon Mogolov Kara Flyg Kathryn Bottonari April Bovet Inga Vandrey Brown Megan English-Braga Erica Moen Emily Nacol Kimberly Priore Molly Maddox Pryzwansky Sarah Rowley Sara Proman Strand Susannah Eastlake-Wade Lewis Marissa Harris 2004 Reunion Co-Chairs Record Book Chair Class Supper Co-Chairs Dorm Coordinators Insignia Chair Parade Marshal Social Hour Chair Stepsinging Chair Sunday Picnic Co-Chairs Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives Durant Co-Chairs Stephanie Borgeson Lauren Fleischer Hedde Adriana Teitel Barrie Neutze Click Elinor Ament Hiller Elizabeth Kite Bridget O’Connor Garsh Laura Haslee Jessica Turk Anna (Sasha) Papernik Salema Jenkins Kate Kamm Lauren Fleischer Hedde Hollee Mangrum-Willis Sarah Barron Hilary Branch Scout Sinclair Salema Jenkins Elizabeth Leddy Laborde Britta Larsen Regina Liang Cori Gentilesco Myers Josephine Noah Martha Ortiz Adriana Teitel Sonia Berlin Anne Catherine Savage Podolsky 2009 Reunion Co-Chairs Record Book Chair Joyce Chen Annie Zhou Moeena Das Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 33 WELLESLEY LUMINARIES IN REUNION CLASSES 2009, Continued Class Supper Chair Dorm Coordinator Parade Marshal Social Hour Chairs Stepsinging Chair Treasurer Reunion Committee Members Wellesley Fund Representative Wellesley Fund Assistant Representatives Durant Chair Amy Wang Megan Aebi Nancy Pontius Ava Bastian Julia Shaw Edlyn Yuen Esther Jang Hillary Chu Priya Gandbhir Samantha Keefe Aislinn Luk Christine Randolph Tina Xu May Sifuentes-Dominguez Jaclyn Muensterman Grogan Sarah Gilligan Moreta-Feliz Evann Schwerm Derus Lauren Tilden Jackie Valentine Gin Hoffman ALUMNAE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS * Eleanor A. Raymond 1909 * Niramol Bulakul Suriyasat ’54 2003 * Harriet Stratemeyer Adams 1914 1978 1982 Anne Pyne Cowley ’59 1986 * Ruth Morris Bakwin ’19 1983 Amalya L. Kearse ’59 1981 * Hilda Crosby Standish ’24 1998 Judith Perlman Martin ’59 2007 * Elisabeth Luce Moore ’24 1970 Madeleine Korbel Albright ’59 1992 * Yukiko Domoto Maki ’24 1979 Cokie Boggs Roberts ’64 1985 * Carroll McCarty Gundersen ’24 1975 Carole Beebe Tarantelli ’64 2005 * Jean Trepp McKelvey ’29 1975 Carol Lyons Meyers ’64 1999 * Phyllis Williams Lehmann ’34 1976 Alicia Haydock Munnell ’64 1989 Lila Manfield Sapinsley ’44 1974 Ellen Jacobson Levine ’64 2005 * Florence Marshall ’44 1990 Donna R. Ecton ’69 1987 * Krishna Roy Riboud ’49 1998 Hillary Rodham Clinton ’69 2003 Virginia Rogers Ferris ’49 1988 Martha McClintock ’69 1998 Anna McCann Taggart ’54 1997 Alvia Wardlaw ’69 2010 Marilyn Koenick Yalom ’54 2013 Ophelia Dahl, DS ’94 2008 Anna Faith Johnson Jones ’54 1994 Awarded annually by the Alumnae Association to “alumnae of distinction who through their achievements have brought honor to themselves and to Wellesley College.” SYRENA STACKPOLE AWARDEES * Hilda Crosby Standish ’24 * Marion Eddy Wheeler ’24 * Harriet Creighton ’29 * Edith Levy Elsas ’34 Mary-Alice Ewing Raymond ’44 Amalie Moses Kass ’49 Pamela Koehler Daniels ’59 2004 2004 1994 1984 2009 1999 2009 Awarded annually by the Alumnae Association for continuous loyalty, service, and devotion to Wellesley College. * Deceased 34 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 35 * Elisabeth Luce Moore ’24 * Rose Clymer Rumford ’34 Betty Freyhof Johnson ’44 * Carol Johnson ’44 * Mildred Lane Kemper ’44 Suzanne Kibler Morris ’44 Amalie Moses Kass ’49 * Barbara Barnes Hauptfuhrer ’49 Elizabeth Strauss Pforzheimer ’59 Meredith Riggs Spangler ’59 Betsy Wood Knapp ’64 TRUSTEES * Louise McCoy North 1879 * Alma Seipp Hay 1899 * Grace Crocker 1904 * Margaret Elliott Tracy 1914 * Carroll McCarty Gundersen ’24 * Hilda Crosby Standish ’24 * Jeannette Johnson Dempsey ’24 * Jean Trepp McKelvey ’29 * Leah Rose Bernstein Werthan ’29 * Cynthia Dudley Post ’34 Betsy Ancker-Johnson ’49 Barbara Buckstein Green ’54* Barbara LeWin Luton Rea ’59 Madeleine Korbel Albright ’59 ** Lynn Dixon Johnston ’64 Hillary Rodham Clinton ’69 Janet McDonald Hill ’69 ** Karen Williamson ’69 Wendy Judge Paulson ’69 ** Alicia Cooney ’74 Kathie Whipple ’74 Mahnaz Ispahani Bartos ’79 ** Mary White ’79 Kartika James Anderson ’89 ** Maryam Homayoun-Eisler ’89 Heather Long ’04 * Deceased ** Current Trustees 36 Alumnae Association Transportation TRUSTEES EMERITAE REUNION TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE Vans will circulate throughout campus continuously during Reunion weekend. Please see below for the transportation schedule and pick-up/drop-off locations. You can change bus direction at stops 5 & 14 and 6 & 12. (Please see map at center of program.) TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE Friday, 11:00 AM–11:00 PM Saturday, 8:00 AM–11:00 PM Sunday, 7:00 AM–4:00 PM BUS STOPS STOP 1: WELLESLEY COLLEGE CLUB STOP 2: MCAFEE, FREEMAN STOP 3: SAGE HALL/SCIENCE CENTER, OBSERVATORY STOP 4: GREY PARKING LOT STOP 5: SCIENCE CENTER MEADOW STOP 6: MUNGER MEADOW STOP 7: HAZARD QUAD (BEEBE, CAZENOVE, POMEROY, SHAFER) STOP 8: MUNGER HALL STOP 9: DISTRIBUTION CENTER PARKING LOT STOP 10: LULU CHOW WANG CAMPUS CENTER STOP 11: CLAFLIN, SEVERANCE, TOWER COURT, LAKE HOUSE STOP 12: DAVIS MUSEUM, COLLINS CINEMA STOP 13: ACADEMIC QUAD (FOUNDERS, GREEN, JEWETT, PENDLETON) STOP 14: FOUNDERS PARKING LOT STOP 15: CLAPP LIBRARY, HOUGHTON CHAPEL STOP 16: TUPELO LANE (SLATER, TZE, ZA, CE HOUSE) STOP 17: STONE-DAVIS HALL Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 37 ACCESSIBLE VAN FOR THOSE WITH DISABILITIES OR HEALTH NEEDS (THE ACCESS VAN) The ACCESS Van, which has a wheelchair ramp, is available at the times below. Please ask a staff member or student worker to call for the Van as needed. Friday, 12:00–9:00 PM; Saturday, 9:00 AM–10:00 PM; Sunday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM HOTEL SHUTTLE SCHEDULE Shuttle service to and from the Verve Crowne Plaza Hotel in Natick will be provided during Reunion weekend. The shuttle arrives at and departs from the specifically marked bus stop at the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center (on the side facing the Davis Parking Facility). CAMPUS CENTER DEPARTURES FRIDAY 4:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:30 PM SATURDAY 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:30 PM SUNDAY HOTEL DEPARTURES 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:30 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM PARKING Reunion parking signs are posted throughout campus. Please try to park in the lot closest to your residence hall. Parking attendants are available to help you find a parking space. Please be advised that any car that is parked in a fire lane during Reunion weekend will be towed. Reunion transportation will take you to your residence hall or other campus locations. Wait for the vehicle in the chairs located in the shade. (Please see the “Bus Stops” on page 37 for pick-up and drop-off locations.) Please note a portion of College Road will be closed Sunday morning from 10:00 AM–noon during the Alumnae Parade. Guests may use the Route 16 entrance if they wish to come to campus. The Davis Parking Facility will also be closed during the Alumnae Parade. If you need to leave campus during this time, please park in the Founders or Grey Parking Lots. EMERGENCIES Campus Police Emergency Number: 781.283.5555 If you use the bell-desk phone or the blue call box located outside the residence-hall entrance, dial ext. 5555. NON-EMERGENCIES Non-emergency Information: 781.283.2121 If you use the bell-desk phone or the blue call box located outside the residence-hall entrance, dial ext. 2121. 8:00 AM 9:00 AM TAXI SERVICES Local companies include Veterans Taxi at 617.527.0300 and Wellesley Transportation at 781.235.2200. 38 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 39 Campus Places ACADEMIC BUILDINGS BOATHOUSE Open daily, 7:00 AM–11:00 PM Saturday, 9:00 AM–12:30 PM, and Sunday, 11:30–2:00 PM Canoes, kayaks, pedal boats, and sailboats will be available at the boathouse, and supervision will be provided. Canoeists and sailors must wear white rubbersoled shoes or go barefoot, and they must be able to swim. Experience is required for those using canoes and sailboats. Personal flotation devices must be brought for all children using boats. In case of rain, the boathouse will be closed. Crew equipment will be available on Saturday only for those who have rowing experience. ADMISSION OFFICE Friday, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Tours at 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, leaving from Weaver House Information sessions at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM Saturday, 8:30 AM–2:00 PM Tours at 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM, leaving from Weaver House Interviews at 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM and Noon Discussion with Jennifer Desjarlais, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, 10:00 AM–11:00 AM The Admission Office is open and offering tours for prospective students and parents on Friday and Saturday (times listed above). If you have not already scheduled an interview, please call 781.283.2270 or go to the Admission Office, located in Weaver House, to check on available interview times. Appointments are limited, and interviews are only available to students entering 12th grade. ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Friday, 8:00 AM–7:00 PM Saturday and Sunday, 8:00 AM–6:00 PM The Office of the Alumnae Association will be open during Reunion weekend to welcome alumnae and provide assistance. The office is located in Green Hall 246, and the main number is 781.283.2331. AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINES ATMs are located in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center on the second level by the information desk. 40 Alumnae Association BOOKSTORE Friday and Saturday, 9:00 AM–6:00 PM; Sunday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM The bookstore is located on the fourth floor of the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. REUNION WEEKEND SAVINGS Take 10% OFF any one item Get a free alumna tee-shirt with any $50 or more purchase while supplies last! Wellesley College Bookstore, Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor CENTER FOR WORK AND SERVICE Office Hours: Friday, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Appointments must be scheduled in advance via MyCWS (http://www.wellesley. edu/cws/mycws). The Center for Work and Service, located on the fourth floor of Green Hall, is a lifelong resource available to all alumnae. To obtain more information, please call 781.283.2554. Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 41 DAVIS MUSEUM AND CULTURAL CENTER Friday, 11:00 AM–8:00 PM; Saturday, 9:00 AM–8:00 PM; Sunday, Noon–4:00 PM Exhibitions on View: Read My Pins: The Madeleine Albright Collection. Organized by the Museum of Arts and Design in New York, this unique traveling exhibition features more than 200 pins, many of which the incomparable Secretary Albright donned to communicate a message or a mood during her diplomatic tenure. The collection is notable for its historic significance as well as for demonstrating the expressive power of jewelry and its ability to communicate through a style and language all its own. “Like a Great Roman Ruin”: The College Hall Fire and Anne Whitney at 100 Guido van der Werve: Nummer veertien, home The Art of Science: Object Lessons at Wellesley College, 1875-1940 Tony Matelli: New Gravity Glass Heart (bells for Sylvia Plath) FRIENDS OF BILL W Friday and Saturday, 4:00–5:00 PM Pendleton East 251 HEALTH SERVICES In case of a medical emergency, please call campus police at 781.283.5555. There will be an ambulance on campus, located in Founders Parking Lot for selected hours on Saturday and Sunday. Ambulance Hours Saturday, 12:00-3:00 PM Sunday,10:00-2:00 PM Each residence hall is equipped with a medical aid bag for minor injuries (e.g., ice packs, band aids, aspirin). Please contact your residence hostess for assistance. HOUGHTON CHAPEL Friday, 9:00 AM–9:00 PM, Saturday, 9:00 AM–5:00 PM; Sunday, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM INTERNET ACCESS Wireless connections are available in all residence halls and various points throughout campus (look for the W2-Wellesley Wireless signs). Connect to either the “Wellesley” or “nostrings” network as you would any other wireless network. 42 Alumnae Association Opening a browser window will prompt you to sign into Wellesley’s Clean Access. Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the “Visitor Access” button. There are 8 computers available for alumnae and their adult guests to use during Reunion weekend, Friday until 4:30 PM and Saturday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. These include 4 stations in Knapp (Clapp Library, Lower Level) and 4 stations on the main floor of Clapp Library (inside and outside of the reference room). Airline boarding passes can be printed at the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center Information Booth, Sunday, 8:00 AM-1:00 PM. KEOHANE SPORTS CENTER Please note that some areas of the Sports Center are under renovation until January 2015. BUILDING HOURS Friday, 7:00 AM–6:00 PM; Saturday, 7:00 AM–6:00 PM; Sunday, 7:00 AM–2:30 PM POOL HOURS Friday, 3:00–5:00 PM; Saturday, 9:00–11:00 AM & 4:00–5:30 PM; Sunday, 7:00– 9:30 AM Lifeguards will be on duty at the swimming pool during the times listed above Swimmers must bring their own suits and towels, and they must be at least 5 years old. This is a competitive pool, not recreational, and so is not appropriate/safe for children under 5 years of age. WEIGHT TRAINING/CARDIO FACILITIES Friday, 7:00 AM–5:30 PM; Saturday, 7:00 AM–5:30 PM; Sunday, 7:00 AM–2:00 PM The weight-training and limited cardio facilities are located on the lower level of the sports center. These facilities include a complete Life Fitness circuit, mirrors, dumbbells, treadmills, elipticals and spinning bikes. Children under 18 are not allowed in the weight room or on the cardio equipment. GENERAL INFORMATION Alumnae and guests are invited to use the Keohane Sports Center. Any person under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult when using any of the facilities. Parents are responsible for their children’s safety and conduct. Tennis (outdoors), volleyball, badminton, basketball, and squash are available at the sports center. Equipment may be borrowed at the registration desk. Please wear appropriate shoes. The doors are locked one half hour before closing. If you have questions, please call 781.283.2019. Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 43 LOST AND FOUND OFFICE OF GIFT PLANNING Friday, 8:00 AM–7:00 PM; Saturday and Sunday, 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Friday and Saturday, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM; Sunday, 8:00 AM–9:00 AM Lost-and-found articles should be delivered to the Office of the Alumnae Association during the times listed above. Wellesley College and the Alumnae Association are not responsible for lost or stolen articles. The office is located in Green Hall 246, and the main number is 781.283.2331. The Gift Planning office hours are by appointment only. Please call 800.253.8916 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment. LULU CHOW WANG CAMPUS CENTER Building Hours: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 7:00 AM–Midnight Telephone: Alumnae are welcome to make metropolitan Boston or toll-free calls from any bell desk or residence hall, common area (wall) phone. Dial 9-1-area code-number. Café (located on 2nd floor):Friday, 8:00 AM–4:00 PM Saturday, 10:00 AM–4:00 PM Sunday, 10:00 AM–4:00 PM Cellular Coverage: AT&T, Nextel, Sprint and Verizon are active providers throughout campus. There are reported connection issues with other providers. Please call your provider to confirm coverage. MARGARET CLAPP LIBRARY AND KNAPP MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY CENTER Fax: Alumnae are welcome to use the fax machine in the office of the Alumnae Association for incoming faxes. Please see the hours of operation at the beginning of the Campus Places section. The fax number is 781.283.3638. Friday and Saturday, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Archives (4th Floor): Friday, 10:00 AM-Noon and 1:00-4:30 PM; Saturday, 9:00 AM3:00 PM Book Arts Lab (4th Floor): Friday, 10:00 AM-Noon and 1:00-4:30 PM; Saturday, 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Conservation Facility (4th Floor): Friday, 9:00 AM-Noon and 1:00-4:30 PM; Saturday, 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Special Collections (4th Floor): Friday, 10:00 AM-Noon and 1:00-4:00 PM; Saturday, 9:00 AM-3:00 PM REUNION 2014 EXHIBITS: College Hall Fire Centennial Exhibit, Library Reference Room NEHOIDEN GOLF COURSE The college owns and maintains the Nehoiden Golf Course, believed to be the oldest private nine-hole course in the country. Those who wish to play golf on Friday, Saturday or Sunday may obtain tickets at the Information Desk at the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 2nd floor. There are no reserved tee times. Players tee off on a first-come, first-served basis, unless otherwise directed by the starter. The fee per day is $35 per person, and players must bring their own clubs. Please note that proper attire is required and golf carts are not permitted on the course. 44 Alumnae Association TELEPHONE AND FAX TENNIS COURTS Alumnae and guests may use the Keohane Tennis Courts located near the Distribution Center on Route 135. THEATRE PRODUCTION Friday, 8:00 PM; Saturday, 3:00 PM Wellesley Summer Theatre Company presents HAY FEVER, directed by Marta Rainer ’98. Chaos ensues when the eccentric Bliss family invite a motley assortment of weekend guests to their fashionable summer home. The guests end up fleeing, unnoticed by the Bliss family, who are too caught up in their own dramas to pay them much attention. A comedy of manners in the grand tradition! Reservations at 781.283.2000 are absolutely needed. Ticket prices are $10.00 for alumnae and their guests, $5.00 for those over 65. Alumnae Hall, Ruth Nagel Jones Theatre WELLESLEY COLLEGE BOTANIC GARDENS Margaret C. Ferguson Greenhouses and Wellesley College Botanic Gardens’ Visitor Center Hours Friday and Saturday, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM; Sunday, 8:00 AM–4:00 PM The Margaret C. Ferguson Greenhouse complex is home to an encyclopedic Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 45 collection of plants from a wide range of climates, representing all regions of the world. The permanent collection emphasizes the diversity and adaptations of desert plants, epiphytes and ferns, and includes large numbers of subtropical, temperate and aquatic plants. Self-guided tour information and refreshments are available in the Creighton Room at the Visitor Center. CLASS OF 1934 The 22 acres of the Hunnewell Arboretum and the Alexandra Botanic Garden, open from dawn to dusk, contain over 500 species of woody plants in 53 different plant families. The collection of specimen trees and shrubs provides spectacular flowering in the spring and a range of color in the autumn. FRIDAY THE WELLESLEY FUND OFFICE with friends. 5:00–6:00 PM Classes of ’34–’44 Social Hour Wellesley College Club, Room A/B 5:00–8:30 PM Friday Night Dinner Wellesley College Club Friday and Saturday, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Sunday, 7:30–9:00 AM The Office of The Wellesley Fund will be open during Reunion weekend to meet with volunteers and collect gifts during the hours listed above. Alumnae can make gifts throughout the weekend in many ways: by giving their gift to a member of their class’ Reunion Gift Committee; by dropping your gift off at your class headquarters; by calling The Wellesley Fund Office at 800.358.3543; online at; or by texting their name, class year, and the word FUND to 50555 on their cell phone to make a gift of $10. All gifts to the College will count toward Reunion Class Gift totals. CLASS COLOR: ROYAL PURPLE CLUB HEADQUARTERS: WELLESLEY COLLEGE 1:00–4:00 PM Hospitality Suite Wellesley College Club, Room A/B Enjoy complimentary snacks and beverages while catching up SATURDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Wellesley College Club, Main Dining Room Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Lunch College Club Lawn Tent Enjoy the scenic College Club lawn tent for a picnic lunch. If you prefer to stay indoors, just ask your student worker at the front desk to provide you with a boxed lunch! The Wellesley Fund will also have a table conveniently located on the second floor of the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center to answer questions and collect gifts both Friday, 1:00–4:30 PM and Saturday, 11:00–3:00 PM. 5:00–6:00 PM Classes of ’34–’44 Cocktail Hour Wellesley College Club, Room A/B 6:00–8:30 PM Saturday Class Dinner Wellesley College Club WZLY ALUMNAE BROADCASTING DAY SUNDAY WZLY’s Fifth Annual Alumnae Broadcasting Day Saturday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Wellesley College Club, Room A/B Stream us at to hear alumnae from various classes spin their favorite tunes! 1:00 PM Classes of ’34–’49 Luncheon Wellesley College Club, Main Dining Room CLASS TREE: Eastern White Pine. Located on slope of Jewett between Jewett and Founders. Contact during broadcast: 781.283.2690. Join our list: [email protected] or join the Friends of WZLY group on Facebook. 46 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 47 CLASS OF 1939 CLASS OF 1944 CLASS COLOR: YELLOW HEADQUARTERS: WELLESLEY COLLEGE CLUB CLASS COLOR: RED FRIDAY FRIDAY 1:00–4:00 PM Hospitality Suite Wellesley College Club, Room A/B Enjoy complimentary snacks and beverages while catching up 1:00–4:00 PM Hospitality Suite Wellesley College Club, Room A/B Enjoy complimentary snacks and beverages while catching up with friends. 5:00–6:00 PM Classes of ’34–’44 Social Hour 5:00–8:30 PM Friday Night Dinner HEADQUARTERS: WELLESLEY COLLEGE CLUB with friends. Wellesley College Club, Room A/B 5:00–6:00 PM Classes of ’34–’44 Social Hour Wellesley College Club, Room A/B Wellesley College Club 5:00–8:30 PM Friday Night Dinner Wellesley College Club SATURDAY SATURDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Wellesley College Club, Main Dining Room 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Wellesley College Club, Main Dining Room Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Picnic Lunch College Club Lawn Tent Enjoy the scenic College Club lawn tent for a picnic lunch. If you prefer to stay indoors, just ask your student worker at the front desk to provide you with a boxed lunch! 10:00 AM Class Meeting Wellesley College Club, President’s Dining Room Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Lunch College Club Lawn Tent 5:00–6:00 PM Classes of ’34–’44 Cocktail Hour Wellesley College Club, Room A/B Enjoy the scenic College Club lawn tent for a picnic lunch. If you prefer to stay indoors, just ask your student worker at the front desk to provide you with a boxed lunch! 6:00–8:30 PM Saturday Class Dinner Wellesley College Club 5:00–6:00 PM Classes of ’34–’44 Cocktail Hour Wellesley College Club, Room A/B 6:00–8:30 PM Saturday Class Dinner Wellesley College Club SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Wellesley College Club, Room A/B 1:00 PM Wellesley College Club, Main Dining Room Classes of ’34–’49 Luncheon CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Hilda Warshaw Lichtenstein Margaret Horton Grant Marjorie Willits Albright Lucetta Sharp Alderfer CLASS TREE: Oak. Located near West entrance to Green Hall. 48 Alumnae Association SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Wellesley College Club, Room A/B 1:00 PM Classes of ’34–’49 Luncheon Wellesley College Club, Main Dining Room CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Mary-Alice Ewing Raymond Edith Gray Earle Marjorie Ober Roberts Alla O’Brien Mary Dawley Herberich CLASS TREE: Red Maple. Located edge of woods, near sidewalk from Bates to Founders below infirmary. Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 49 CLASS OF 1949 CLASS OF 1954 CLASS COLOR: BLUE CLASS COLOR: PURPLE HEADQUARTERS: STONE-DAVIS HEADQUARTERS: STONE-DAVIS FRIDAY FRIDAY 5:00–6:00 PM Classes of ’49 and ’54 Social Hour Stone-Davis Living Room 5:00–6:00 PM Classes of ’49 and ’54 Social Hour Stone-Davis Living Room 6:00–8:30 PM Friday Night Dinner Wellesley College Club 6:00–7:45 PM Friday Night Dinner Wellesley College Club SATURDAY SATURDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Stone-Davis Dining Hall 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Stone-Davis Dining Hall 9:00 AM Class Meeting Stone-Davis Dining Room 9:00 AM Class Meeting Stone-Davis Living Room 11:00 AM Memorial Service Houghton Chapel Multifaith Center Main Room Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Lunch Stone-Davis Dining Hall Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Lunch Stone-Davis Dining Hall 3:15 PM Afternoon Tea with Pendleton Atrium President H. Kim Bottomly 5:30–6:30 PM Class Social Hour Wellesley College Club 6:30–8:30 PM Saturday Class Dinner 7:30–9:30 PM ’49 and ’54 Sing Along A pianist plays music from your college days. Make your requests, and sing along! Please join President H. Kim Bottomly for tea. Wellesley College Club 5:30–8:00 PM Saturday Class Dinner and Social Hour Margaret Clapp Library, Main Level Stone-Davis Living Room 8:00–9:30 PM ’49 and ’54 Sing Along Stone-Davis Living Room A pianist plays music from your college days. Make your requests, and sing along! 8:00–9:30 PM Conversations and Libations Catch up with classmates after dinner. SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Stone-Davis Dining Hall 1:00 PM Classes of ’34–’49 Luncheon Wellesley College Club CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Gretchen Rous Besser Martha McDaniel Ellsberry Jeanne Minor Walton Elizabeth Arundell Stallings Betty Main Cannon Marilyn Pearson Isbrandtsen Nancy Hayes Dean Gretchen Rous Besser CLASS TREE: Scarlet Oak. Located at Norumbega Hill near entrance to Green (north). Alice Warner Jones Stone-Davis Small Living Room SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Stone-Davis Dining Hall 1:00 PM Sunday Class Picnic Wellesley College Club Patio CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Nominating Chair Donna Hieftje Tillotson Constance Ludcke Huebner Carol Craven Robinson Marcia Adams Roehr Fay Vogel Bussgang Elizabeth Seymour Bynum-Drake Catherine Kahny Brigham Margaret Cullen Nicholson Toni Inman Palter Antoinette Antoine Malouf Marion Horton Gebhardt CLASS TREE:Purple Beech. Located at south slope down from Munger, east of the sidewalk. 50 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 51 CLASS OF 1959 CLASS OF 1964 CLASS COLOR: YELLOW CLASS COLOR: RED HEADQUARTERS: CLAFLIN FRIDAY FRIDAY 1:00–2:30 PM Panel Discussion HEADQUARTERS: TOWER COURT Massachusetts State House, Senate Reading Room Panel discussion of Wellesley alums who work at the State House & tour of the State House Ongoing 1964 Creative Arts Exhibit Tower Court East Living Room 3:30 PM Memorial Choir Rehearsal Houghton Chapel Class Social Hour 4:00 PM 50th Reunion DVD Presentation Claflin Small Living Room 5:00–6:00 PM 5:00–6:00 PM Class Social Hour Davis Museum Plaza Tent 6:00–7:45 PM Friday Night Dinner 6:00–7:45 PM Friday Night Dinner Davis Museum Plaza Tent 9:00 PM SATURDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Tower Court Great Hall Tishman Commons, Wang Campus Ctr., 1st Floor After-Dinner Social Hour Tower Court Great Hall SATURDAY Breakfast Claflin Recreation Room 7:00–9:00 AM 8:00 AM 50th Reunion DVD Presentation Claflin Small Living Room Ongoing 1964 Creative Arts Exhibit Tower Court East Living Room 9:00–9:30 AM Class Meeting Claflin Living Room Carolyn Elliot: Class Survey Report Claflin Living Room Class Meeting and Red Hot Topics Tower Court Great Hall 9:30–10:00 AM 9:00–11:00 AM 10:15–11:00 AM Discussion Groups Claflin Hall Discussion Groups Claflin Hall Current economics talk for spouses and guests by Dan Sichel, Professor of Economics Pendleton West 117 11:15 AM–Noon 10:00–11:00 AM Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Picnic Claflin Recreation Room 3:30 PM Memorial Service Collins Cinema Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Picnic 6:00–10:00 PM Saturday Class Social Hour & Dinner Wellesley College Club 2:00–3:00 PM Memorial Choir Rehearsal Houghton Chapel 3:30 PM Memorial Service SUNDAY Breakfast Claflin Recreation Room 1:00 PM Sunday Class Picnic Davis Museum Plaza Tent CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 President Bonnie Downes Leonard Vice President Muriel Rosenblum Fleischmann Secretary Jeanne Gleason Register Treasurer(s) Anne Sugden Kipp Wellesley Fund Representative Joyce Hirtz Davis Nominating Chair Nancy Payson O’Brien 52 Alumnae Association Tower Court Dining Hall Tower Court and Severance Dining Halls Houghton Chapel 5:30 PM Class Picture Alumnae Hall, Hay Outdoor Amphitheatre 7:00–9:00 AM CLASS TREE: Breakfast Jo Cornforth Coke Sarah Mccracken Donnelly Rheta Haas Page Carolyn Presley Gould Mary Jo Worthey Warren Starry Krueger Nancy Harmon Jenkins Betsy Turner Jordan Jeanne Harper Little Replanted June 1991. Located at hillside near Dower House and Christmas Tree Alley. Please be on time and bring your best smile. Cocktails will follow the picture. (Rain location: Alumnae Hall Auditorium) 6:00 PM Class Social Hour Alumnae Hall Lawn 7:00 PM Saturday Class Dinner Alumnae Hall Ballroom Breakfast Tower Court Dining Hall SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM 1:00 PM 50 Reunion Luncheon Tishman Commons, with President H. Kim Wang Campus Ctr., 1st Floor Bottomly th The Wellesley College Alumnae Association and the Office for Resources invite you and one adult guest to a special luncheon with President H. Kim Bottomly at the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 53 CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 President Carol DeCesare Goode Vice President Wendy Snow Love Secretary Ellen Krieger Treasurer Bonnie Greeley Sherwood Wellesley Fund Representative Jeraldine Dickson Kozloff Nominating Committee CLASS TREE: Jewett 2015–2019 Wendy Snow Love Cortlandt Banks Fengler Nancy Perk Needham Carol Jillson Barker Emlen Hall Ehrlich Mardi Taylor Brownell Carolyn Paige Partan Maggie Elsemore Sipple Lynn Bryan Trowbridge Pink Flowering Dogwood. Located by curve at end of retaining wall, opposite Shakespeare. CLASS OF 1969 CLASS COLOR: GREEN HEADQUARTERS: SHAFER FRIDAY 1:00 PM Class Reunion DVD Presentation Shafer Hall 4:00 PM Class Art/Craft Exhibit Shafer Gathering Areas 5:00–7:00 PM Class Social Hour Shafer Living Room 6:00 PM Friday Night Dinner Shafer Hall 7:30 PM After-Dinner Program Shafer Hall Informal gathering in the dorm common rooms SATURDAY Ongoing throughout the Class Art/Craft Exhibit weekend Shafer Gathering Areas 7:00 AM Partner/Spouse/Guest Golf Nehoiden Golf Course 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Enjoy fresh baked teabreads served with coffee and tea in the Shafer living room. A full hot breakfast will be served in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor. 9:00–11:00 AM Class Meeting & Class Discussion Shafer Living Room 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Partner/Spouse/Guest Continental Breakfast Shafer Recreation Room 10:00 AM–Noon Partner/Spouse/Guest Panel Discussion Shafer Recreation Room Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Picnic Tishman Commons, Wang Campus Ctr., 1st Floor 4:00 - 5:30 PM Class Concert Jewett Arts Center Auditorium 6:30 - 7:30 PM Class Social Hour Science Center, Balcony overlooking Faroll Focus Area 7:30–10:00 PM Saturday Class Dinner Science Center, Farroll Focus Area 9:30–11:00 PM After-Dinner Sing-Along Science Center, Farroll Focus Area Sing along with Margaret Ulmer ’69 at the piano. 54 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 55 CLASS OF 1974 SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Enjoy fresh baked teabreads served with coffee and tea in the Shafer living room. A full hot breakfast will be served in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor. Ongoing throughout the Class Art/Craft Exhibit weekend Shafer Gathering Areas CLASS COLOR: PURPLE FRIDAY 4:30–6:00 PM Class Social Hour Pomeroy Living Room Friday Night Dinner Clapp Memorial Library 1:00 PM Sunday Class Picnic Hazard Quad Tent 6:00–7:45 PM CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 SATURDAY President Patricia Sullivan Vice President Catharine Reid Price Marilyn Hagstrum Sharpe Secretary Natalie Gaull Treasurer Janet English Huettig Wellesley Fund Representative(s) Shanaugh Guinness Robbins Nominating Chair Janet McDonald Hill Heidi Winslow Francille Rusan Wilson Ann Sherwood Sentilles Martha Spaulding Susie Sachs Goldman CLASS TREE: Eastern White Pine. Located at left hand side of sidewalk at Stone-Davis corner going towards the Chapel. HEADQUARTERS: POMEROY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Options The Pomeroy dining room is a kosher dining experience. A full breakfast will be served in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor, for a non-kosher/non-vegetarian meal. 9:00–10:00 AM Class Meeting & MemorialPomeroy Living Room 12:00–2:00 PM Saturday Picnic Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor 4:15–5:30 PM Gentle Yoga Gentle Yoga: Suitable for all levels, including yoga newcomers. We’ll relax, unwind, and release tension and tightness in body and mind. Led by classmate Laraine Lippincott. Pomeroy Hall 6:30–7:30 PM Class Social Hour Hazard Quad Tent 7:30 PM Saturday Class Dinner Hazard Quad Tent 9:15–9:45 PM Improv Boston Hazard Quad Tent 9:45-11:00 PM Karaoke Hazard Quad Tent SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Options The Pomeroy dining room is a kosher dining experience. A full breakfast will be served in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor, for a non-kosher/non-vegetarian meal. 1:00–3:00 PM Sunday Class Picnic Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor 56 Alumnae Association CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Nominating Chair Susan Esserman Laurie Shahon Marilyn Nichols Gail Siletchnik Abigail Ostow Telegen Karen Rozenberg Berman Christine Carnavos Erna Arnesen Denise Doughton Tinguely Deborah Copeland Levens Barbara Schwartz Garlock CLASS TREE: Purple Fernleaf Beech. Below Quadrangle and Munger, near 1954 tree. Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 57 CLASS OF 1979 CLASS OF 1984 CLASS COLOR: YELLOW CLASS COLOR: RED HEADQUARTERS: LAKE HOUSE HEADQUARTERS: CAZENOVE FRIDAY FRIDAY 5:00–6:00 PM Class Social Hour Lake House Living Room 5:00–6:00 PM Class Social Hour Cazenove Living Room 6:00–7:45 PM Friday Night Dinner Severance Dining Hall 6:00–7:45 PM Friday Night Dinner Tower Court Dining Hall SATURDAY SATURDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Options Enjoy fresh baked teabreads served with coffee and tea in the Cazenove living room. A full hot breakfast will be served in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor. Lake House Living Room 9:00–9:30 AM Class Meeting Cazenove Living Room Jewett Art Gallery 9:30–11:00 AM Class Panel Discussion Cazenove Living Room 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Options Enjoy fresh baked teabreads served with coffee and tea in the Lake House living room. A full hot breakfast will be served in the Tower Court dining room. Tower Court Dining Hall 9:00 AM Class Meeting 10:30 AM–Noon Presentation by Artist, Susan Champeny ’79 Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Picnic Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor 5:30–6:30 PM Class Social Hour Davis Museum Plaza Tent 6:30–11:00 PM Saturday Clambake with Davis Museum Plaza Tent Live Band and Dancing SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Options Tower Court Dining Hall Enjoy fresh baked teabreads served with coffee and tea in the Lake House living room. A full hot breakfast will be served in Tower Court dining room. 1:00 PM Sunday Class Picnic Event Lawn Tent (near boathouse) CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 President Alison Clarke Kenary Vice Presidents Leslie Kobayashi Secretary Maria Iacobo Treasurer Deborah Robbins Schwarzer Wellesley Fund Representative Julia Troxell Alexandre Nominating Chair CLASS TREE: 2015–2019 Joanne (Jody) Strakosch Martha O’Neill Dorrie Voorhis Graul Donna Edwards Positon Available Joanne Berger-Sweeney Tulip Tree. Located at east side of Science Center midway up the banking, near the loading dock. 11:00 AM–12:15 PM Alumnae Association All Levels Vinyasa Yoga with Wendy Klein This yoga class ties movement with breath with a focus on refining and awakening grace and strength within the body. Newer students will learn the basics while experienced students will have the option of deepening their practice with more challenging transitions and poses. Keohane Sports Center, Studio 202 Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Picnic College Club Lawn Tent 6:00–7:30 PM Class Social Hour Academic Quad Tent 7:30 PM Saturday Class Dinner Academic Quad Tent 8:30–11:00 PM Dance Party Academic Quad Tent SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Options Enjoy fresh baked teabreads served with coffee and tea in the Cazenove living room. A full hot breakfast will be served in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor. 12:30 PM Class Buffet Brunch Academic Quad Tent CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 President Wendy Kertzman Klein Vice President Ellen Sullivan Secretary Kristen Lofgren Dennison Treasurer Iphigenia Demetriades Wellesley Fund Representative Laura Wood Cantopher Nominating Committee CLASS TREE: 58 Finding Balance in Your Life (How to Juggle Career, Kids, Parents, and Time for Yourself) Pam Matthews Farber Tara Weiner Rutman Anna Watkins Iphigenia Demetriades Alice Yurke Jane Becker Lyrae Johnson Carmine Crabapple. Located at the corner of the Davis Museum, next to the parking lot on the northwest side. Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 59 CLASS OF 1989 CLASS OF 1994 CLASS COLOR: GREEN CLASS COLOR: PURPLE HEADQUARTERS: SEVERANCE FRIDAY HEADQUARTERS: MUNGER FRIDAY 4:00–6:00 PM Class Social Hour Severance Living Room 4:30–6:00 PM Class Social Hour Munger Living Room 6:00–7:45 PM Friday Night Dinner Alumnae Hall Ballroom 6:00–7:45 PM Friday Night Dinner Wang Campus Ctr., 4th floor 7:00 PM Dessert with President Bottomly Alumnae Hall Ballroom 9:00–11:00 PM Conversations and Libations Severance Living Room SATURDAY SATURDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Options Enjoy fresh baked teabreads served with coffee and tea in the Munger living room. A full hot breakfast will be served in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor. 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Severance Dining Hall 9:00–9:45 AM Class Meeting Munger Living Room 9:00–11:00 AM Class Meeting Severance Living Room 9:45–10:45 PM Panel Discussions: Transitions & Resilience Munger Living Room Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Picnic Bates Dining Hall 5:30–9:30 PM Saturday Class Social Hour & Dinner Event Lawn Tent (near Boathouse) Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Picnic Event Lawn Tent (near boathouse) 3:15–4:30 PM Class of 1989 Circles Severance Dining Hall 5:30 PM Class Picture Jewett Auditorium 5:30–10:00 PM Child Care Severance 6:00–7:00 PM Class Social Hour Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor 7:00–10:00 PM Saturday Class Dinner Tishman Commons Wang Campus Ctr., 1st Floor 10:00–11:00 PM Conversations and Severance Living Room Libations SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Severance Dining Hall 1:00 PM Class Picnic Alumnae Hall Ballroom CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representative Nominating Chair Karen Body Brennan Danna Greenberg Martha Cohen Barrett J. Allison Nash Mael Ann Edmiston Rumberger Kimberley Parker Stephanie Rinaldi Leah Chiavacci Shuldiner Mikal Sebens Celentano Julia Spencer Ann Edmiston Rumberger SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Options Enjoy fresh baked teabreads served with coffee and tea in the Munger living room. A full hot breakfast will be served in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor. 1:00 PM Sunday Class Picnic Munger Living Room CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 President Amy Crocker Geoffroy Vice President(s) Elizabeth Reynoso Erika Stein Rosenhagen Secretary Samantha Murphy Treasurer Margaret Van Winkle Wellesley Fund Representative(s) Anne Carmignani Nominating Committee Chair Margaret Whalen Charron Jennifer Mathews Land CLASS TREE: Margaret Van Winkle Michelle Park Position Available Margaret Whalen Charron Amy Crocker Geoffroy Rivers Purple Beech. Located in between Schneider Tennis Courts and Chapel in corner heading toward Stone/Davis. CLASS TREE: Fraser Fir. Located at left hand side entrance to Dower parking lot, between the parking lot and sidewalk at Dower. 60 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 61 CLASS OF 1999 CLASS OF 2004 CLASS COLOR: YELLOW CLASS COLOR: RED HEADQUARTERS: BEEBE FRIDAY HEADQUARTERS: FREEMAN FRIDAY 5:00–6:30 PM Class Social Hour Beebe Living Room 5:00–6:00 PM Class Social Hour Freeman Living Room 6:00–7:45 PM Friday Night Dinner Hazard Quad Tent 6:00–7:45 PM Friday Night Dinner Bates Dining Hall 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Bates Dining Hall 9:00 AM Class Meeting Freeman Living Room Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Class Picnic College Club Lawn Tent 6:00–7:30 PM Class Social Hour College Club Lawn Tent 7:30–9:30 PM Saturday Class Dinner College Club Lawn Tent 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Bates Dining Hall 1:00 PM Sunday Class Picnic Chapel Lawn Tent CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Wellesley Fund Representatives Sarah Rogan Laura Haslee Theresa Sommers Barrie Neutze Click Sari Hale-Alper Diane Gruber Lauren Fleischer Hedde Hollee Mangrum-Willis Sarah Rogan Laura Haslee Theresa Sommers Barrie Neutze Click Sari Hale-Alper Diane Gruber Lauren Fleischer Hedde Hollee Mangrum-Willis CLASS TREE: Sweet Gum. Located at northwest side of Founders at the bottom of Barbara Bush steps. SATURDAY SATURDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Options Enjoy fresh baked teabreads served with coffee and tea in the Beebe living room. A full hot breakfast will be served in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor. 9:00 AM Class Meeting Beebe Living Room Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Picnic Bates Dining Hall 5:30–7:00 PM Class Social Hour Beebe Living Room 7:00–11:00 PM Saturday Class Dinner Chapel Lawn Tent SUNDAY SUNDAY 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Options Enjoy fresh baked teabreads served with coffee and tea in the Beebe living room. A full hot breakfast will be served in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, 4th Floor. 1:00 PM Sunday Class Picnic College Club Lawn Tent CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 President Elizabeth Lange Vice President Alicen Burns Spaulding Secretary Helen Zonenberg Demir Treasurer Xochitl Leon Helen Zonenberg Demir Wellesley Fund Representative Kara Flyg Nominating Committee Abigail Akzin Youly Diamanti-Karanou Elizabeth Lange Kerrie McKinstry-Jett CLASS TREE: 62 Alumnae Association Farrah Berse Waetie Sanaa Kumahia Mazeda Hossain Eugenia Beh Emily Nacol Position Available Kousa Dogwood. Located across road from south side of Chapel. Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 63 CLASS OF 2009 CLASS COLOR: GREEN HEADQUARTERS: MCAFEE FRIDAY 5:00–6:00 PM Class Social Hour Lawn outside Bates Dining Hall (Rain location: McAfee Living Room) 6:00–7:45 PM Friday Night Dinner Bates Dining Hall 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Bates Dining Hall 9:00 AM Class Meeting McAfee Living Room Come to STEPSINGING! SATURDAY Noon–2:00 PM Saturday Lunch Tishman Commons, Wang Campus Ctr., 1st Floor 5:30–6:30 PM Class Social Hour Lawn outside Bates Dining Hall (Rain location: McAfee Living Room) 6:30–8:00 PM Saturday Class Dinner Bates Dining Hall 7:00–9:00 AM Breakfast Bates Dining Hall 8:15–9:15 AM Morning Yoga Practice McAfee Living Room SUNDAY Rakeen Mabud, fellow Class of 2009 alumna and certified yoga instructor, will take you through an invigorating routine to start your day off right. All levels are welcome and yoga mats will be provided. 1:00 PM Sunday Class Picnic Bates Dining Hall CLASS OFFICERS: 2009–2014 2015–2019 President Xing-Yin Ni Vanessa Arslanian Vice President Rose-Ellen El Khoury Rachel Allen Moeena Das Secretary Anna Johns Djaniele Taylor Treasurer Jennifer Huddleston Sandy Naing Esther Jang Wellesley Fund Representative Tina Xu Sarah Gilligan Moreta-Feliz Nominating Chair Samantha Keefe CLASS TREE: 64 Alumnae Association Celebrate your Reunion with one of Wellesley’s oldest traditions. Friday, 8:00 PM, Houghton Chapel Kwanzaan Cherry. Located at northwest side of Founders in the glass triangle. Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 65 2013–2014 ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association is to further the interests of Wellesley College and its alumnae by connecting alumnae to the College and to each other, in support of the College’s institutional priorities. The Association serves as a lifelong resource to alumnae and encourages alumnae to contribute to the continued excellence of the College. THE ASSOCIATION’S RELATIONSHIP TO THE COLLEGE The Association is an independent, self-governing organization created by the alumnae of Wellesley College in 1880. It maintains substantial representation on the board of trustees of the College, with four alumnae trustees, a young alumnae trustee and the president of the Association, who serves ex officio and with vote. On administrative and programming fronts, Association volunteers and staff work closely with the Office of Admission, Center for Work and Service, Office for Resources, President’s Office and other College offices. In 1952, during the 75th Anniversary Fund campaign, the Alumnae Association board and the board of trustees began to rethink the fundraising role of the Association. The decision was made to change the Association’s mission, and since then, all fundraising for the College has come through the Office for Resources. The Alumnae Association and the Office for Resources continue to work closely and have a strong partnership as we serve these distinct roles. 66 Alumnae Association President: Karen E. Williamson ’69 Volunteer leader of the Alumnae Association, presides at Annual Meeting, and is chair of the board of directors. She is an ex officio member, without vote, of all association committees except the nominating committee. She is an ex officio member of the College’s Board of Trustees, with vote. Treasurer/Secretary: Martha Goldberg Aronson ’89 Responsible for funds of the association and chairs the finance committee. CHAIRS Chair of The Wellesley Fund: Elizabeth Langdon Preis ’91 Works with the Office for Resources to plan and implement fund-raising initiatives and chairs The Wellesley Fund Committee. Chair of Alumnae Admission Representatives: Patience Singleton Roach ’92 Works with the Board of Admission on alumnae-admission programming. DIRECTORS Katherine Collins ’90 Susan Richards Windham-Bannister ’72 Yolette Garcia ’77 Ginger Horne Kent ’76 Suzy Lebold ’85 Beth McKinnon ’72 Mari Myer ’83 Yang Qiu ’08, Young Alumna Director Jamie Scarborough ’87 Cheryl Seraile ’81 Shelley Sweet ’67 Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 67 EX OFFICIO 2013–2014 ANNUAL REPORT Executive Director: Susan Challenger ’76 Leads the professional staff of the association. She is an ex officio member, without vote, of all association committees and the College’s Board of Trustees. MAJOR PROGRAMS Editor of Wellesley magazine: Alice M. Hummer Directs production of four issues of the magazine each year. ALUMNAE TRUSTEES Young Alumnae Trustee: Diamond Sharp ’11 Alumnae Trustee: Ruth Chang ’81 Alumnae Trustee: Kristina Holland deJuniac ’72 Alumnae Trustee: Sandra Polk Guthman ’65 Alumnae Trustee: JudyAnn Rollins Bigby ’73, MD A Day to Make a Difference: Hundreds of alumnae around the world took part in community-service projects through their clubs and as individuals for our annual A Day to Make a Difference which we host in partnership with the Center for Work and Service (CWS). This tradition of rededication to our college motto has struck a deep chord with alumnae around the globe. Admissions: Admission efforts are greatly supported by our alumnae clubs and individual volunteers. This past year, they conducted more than 850 interviews, attended college fairs, and held receptions for admitted students and summer send offs for incoming first years. The Wellesley College Book Award Program honors exceptional young women who have been top scholars in their high school class and have also distinguished themselves through their extracurricular activities and in their community. The award gives students a chance to learn more about Wellesley, especially if they are not already familiar with the college. This spring, 1,250 books were awarded and distributed by 73 of our U.S. alumnae clubs and 8 international contacts. Alumnae Achievement Awards: The 2014 Alumnae Achievement Awards were presented to C. Tracy Orleans ’70, behavioral scientist, public health advocate; and Eva Sommaripa ’63, organic farmer, champion of sustainable living, in a ceremony held in Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall before an audience of alumnae, students, staff, faculty, and friends Alumnae Leadership Council (ALC): ALC annually hosts class, club, shared interest group (SIG), and Reunion volunteers for training and inspiration. In addition, SIGs give alumnae the opportunity to connect with each other and the College based on a common activity, purpose, background, or interest. Councilors at ALC 2013 learned the specifics of their volunteer roles and heard firsthand about current College programs, priorities and accomplishments from both students and the College’s senior management. Faculty Speaker Program: This year, the Alumnae Association sponsored over 65 faculty speaker programs with our clubs, including thirteen international connections, enhancing our alumnae’s lifelong intellectual connection to the College and their understanding of life at Wellesley today. 68 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 69 Memories Night: A new tradition, Memories Night is a panel discussion with alumnae from across the decades to discuss their time at Wellesley with current students. Students relish hearing how Wellesley has changed (or not!) over the past 60 years. Online Services: Check out our website today at Online services provided by the Alumnae Association include an online directory, Discussions, Class E-Notes, and more. These services offer alumnae a variety of ways in which to share and connect with other alumnae virtually. In addition to the community features, the Association website also offers opportunities for lifelong learning, lets you browse the profiles of the Alumnae Achievement Award recipients, connects you to the online version of Wellesley magazine, serves as a resource to thousands of alumnae volunteers, connects alumnae to their class and local club sites and provides information about benefits and services for all alumnae. 2014–2015 ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION BUDGET ACTIVITIES & PROGRAMS Administration and Office Operations Wellesley Magazine Alumnae Connections PROPOSED BUDGET $1,600,238 380,000 340,000 (includes programs for classes, clubs and shared interest groups) Volunteer Leadership Training Technology Awards TOTAL 60,000 40,000 30,000 $2,450,238 Reunion: For Reunion 2014, we are excited to offer our wonderful faculty lectures and tours of campus sites. Nearly 3,000 alumnae and friends are returning to Wellesley to reminisce and be intellectually refreshed. Stepsinging: Twice a year students are given songbooks and assemble by classes to try to out-sing and out-cheer the other classes. Dressed in their respective class colors—red, yellow, purple, and green—students rally behind the elected songmistresses for each class. Thanksgiving Match: The Alumnae Association, in partnership with Slater International, connects Wellesley students with members of the Wellesley community for Thanksgiving. The program gives students whose own families are far away a chance to get off campus, and enjoy a family setting and a homecooked meal. Wellesley magazine: Our award-winning alumnae magazine continues to provide an exceptional resource to alumnae around the world as it connects us with one another and with activities at the College. It is published quarterly and is also available online at Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @wellesleymag. . 70 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 71 134TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WELLESLEY COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Sunday, June 8, 2014, 11:30 AM, Karen E. Williamson ’69, presiding Greetings Karen E. Williamson ’69 Approval of Minutes of 2013 Annual Meeting Treasurer’s Report Martha Goldberg Aronson ’89 Election of Board of Directors Secretary/Treasurer 2014–2015 Directors, 2014–2016 Yolette Garcia ’77 Ginger Horne Kent ’76 Luisa Bonillas ’94 Helen Hsu ’93 Maneesa Patil ’78 Desiree Urquardt ’99 Young Alumnae Director, 2014–2017 Rachel Salmanowitz ’12 Term Renewal 2014–2016 Director Director Director Chair of The Wellesley Fund Yolette Garcia ’77 Ginger Horne Kent ’76 Jamie Scarborough ’87 Elizabeth Langdon Preis ’91 Alumnae Trustee, 2014–2020 Lawry Jones Meister ’83 Election of Honorary Members Karen E. Williamson ’69 Presentation of Syrena Stackpole Award Shelley Sweet ’67 Awarding of 1891 Reunion Attendance Cup Suzy Lebold ’85 Presentation of Class Reunion Gifts Elizabeth Langdon Preis ’91 Awarding of WCAA Participation Cup Elizabeth Langdon Preis ’91 State of the College H. Kim Bottomly, President Closing Karen E. Williamson ’69 Singing of “To Alma Mater” Leslie Meyer Holmes ’58 72 Alumnae Association DON’T MISS THE STATE OF THE COLLEGE ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT H. KIM BOTTOMLY Learn about what’s happening on campus today! Sunday, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall Auditorium Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 73 NOTES 74 Alumnae Association NOTES Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 75 NOTES TO ALMA MATER Lyrics by: Anne Barrett Hughes, Class of 1886 Arranged by: Flora Smeallie Ward, Class of 1886 from the German air The Mountain Maiden To Alma Mater, Wellesley’s daughters, All together join and sing, Thro’ all her wealth of wood and waters, Let your happy voices ring In ev’ry changing mood we love her, Love her tow’rs and woods and lake, Oh, changeful sky, bend blue above her! Wake, ye birds, your chorus wake! We’ll sing her praises now and ever, Blessed fount of truth and love, Our heart’s devotion, may it never Faithless or unworthy prove We’ll give our lives and hopes to serve her, Humblest, highest, noblest all, A stainless name we will preserve her, Answer to her ev’ry call 76 Alumnae Association Wellesley College — Reunion 2014 77 To minimize Reunion’s environmental impact, emissions from the electricity used to manufacture the paper for this entire book are offset with credits from Green-e certified windpower credits. This piece is printed on Mohawk Options 100% PC White Smooth 70# Text and 80# Cover.
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