Analysis of the DC Dynamics of VSC-HVDC Systems Connected to Weak AC Grids Using a Frequency Domain Approach Gustavo Pinares Division of Electric Power Engineering Department of of Energy and Environment Chalmers University of Technology 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden Email: [email protected] Abstract—In this paper, an approach to evaluate the dynamic performance of the dc side of a voltage-source-converter-based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) system is proposed. The approach is based on the analysis of subsystems which compose the HVDC system. The VSC and the dc grid subsystems are defined in this paper and their frequency responses under different conditions are studied. An explicit expression for the transfer function of the VSC subsystem connected to a strong ac grid is derived, and through this, it is shown that the VSC subsystem frequency response has a 180° phase shift at high frequencies and when it injects power into the dc cable. The frequency response of the dc grid subsystem shows a resonant behaviour due to the RLC nature of the dc cable. In unstable cases, the resonance becomes undamped due to negative conductance characteristic of the VSC subsystem at the dc grid resonance frequency. The transfer function of a VSC subsystem connected to a weak ac grid is derived as well, and it is shown that the amplification of the resonance originated in the dc cable is more considerable. Keywords—VSC, HVDC, Eigenvalue Analysis, Frequency Domain Analysis, Passivity, VSC Admittance, VSC conductance, dcside resonance. I. I NTRODUCTION HVDC systems are composed of complex elements such as converters and cables whose interaction may lead to undesired behaviour. For instance, cables have a resonant behaviour due to their RLC characteristic and the resonance may be amplified by the converter dynamic characteristics [1]. Typically, the dynamic evaluation of dc systems has been investigated through eigenvalue analysis. An example of that is [2] where unstable cases in the dc side of the system has been detected. Through eigenvalue analysis, it has been found that the instability is related to the dc-side resonance phenomenon and the operating conditions. Moreover, the instability is attributed to the negative resistance characteristic introduced by the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) which controls the active power. Other works that have applied eigenvalue analysis are [3]–[5]. However, their analysis focus more on the controller design rather than the analysis of the dc-side stability in itself. Although eigenvalue analysis is a powerful tool to analyze the stability of a system, it gives little insight on the origin of the problem. One way to gain understanding on the This work has been funded by the Chalmers Energy Initiative program th 18 Power Systems Computation Conference causes of the instability is to study the frequency response of the elements which compose the system. For instance, [8] introduces the immittance analysis in dc microgrids. In this method, the system is divided in two subsystems, the load and the source. The frequency response of the load admittance, YL , and the source impedance, ZS , are derived, and the dc microgrid is stable if the contour defined by YL ZS fulfills the Nyquist stability criterion. A similar approach is presented in [6], however, with the aim of investigating interactions between ac systems and VSCs. It is found that, at low frequencies, the VSC subsystem has a negative conductance characteristic, which can amplify resonances originated in the ac side. This work is the continuation of [9], [10], where the dc-side dynamics of VSC-HVDC systems is investigated. The main result from [9] is that the studied system becomes unstable when the power flow through the HVDC system exceeds certain value. The origin of the instability is investigated in [10], where frequency domain analysis is applied. The VSC subsystem and the dc grid are modeled as separate subsystems, and it has been found that the frequency response of the VSC subsystem has a 180° phase shift which amplifies the resonance originated in the dc circuit. In [9] and [10], one of the main assumptions is that the VSCs are connected to strong ac systems. However, in this paper, the ac system is considered weak, meaning that the phase-locked loop (PLL) has to be considered in the model. The contribution of this paper is a modelling approach that helps on explaining dc-side instabilities in a VSC-HVDC system. Moreover, a procedure to identify the conditions that leads to instability is proposed. The procedure is based on the analysis of the frequency response of two subsystems, named in this paper as the VSC and the dc grid subsystems. The VSC subsystem is the VSC which controls the direct-voltage connected to an ac grid. The dc grid is the cable, modelled as a Π-section, merged with the resistances that originate from the linearization procedure (later explained in Section III-B). The organization of this paper is as follows: Section II introduces the system under study and some preliminary investigations are carried out through the eigenvalue analysis. In Section III, the models of the subsystems, i.e. the dc grid and the VSC subsystem, are derived. With the models derived, the analysis procedure is presented in Section IV. Finally, the main conclusions of this work are presented in Section V. Wroclaw, Poland – August 18-22, 2014 II. P RELIMINARY STUDIES reactor is described by The system under study consist of two converters, VSC1 , which controls the direct-voltage, and VSC2 , which controls the active power. The converters are interconnected through a 50 km cable as depicted in Fig. 1. The data assumed in this paper is indicated in Table I. Fig. 1. 0 uqc =−kpc (iqref f +uqg − − iqf ) ωg Lf iqf − kic t Z 0 (iqref − iqf )dt f (2b) Parameter Value VSC rated power (Sbase ) 600 MW VSC rated alternating-voltage (Uacbase ) 300 kV VSC rated direct-voltage (Edcbase ) ±300 kV kpc = αLf , kic = αRf AC inductance base (Lacbase ) 0.477 H DC impedance base (Zdcbase ) 300 Ω with α selected as 4 pu (200 Hz) as suggested in [6]. Considering (1), (2) and (3), the closed-loop system becomes a first-order decoupled system, as shown in the Laplace domain α dref q α qref i , if = i . (4) idf = s+α f s+α f 150 Ω DC inductance base (Ldcbase ) 0.954 H DC capacitance base (Cdcbase ) 10.61 µF Nominal frequency (fbase ) 50 Hz Reactor inductance, Lf 119.4 mH (0.25 pu) Reactor resistance, Rf 0.375 Ω (0.0025 pu) Converter capacitor, C 33 µF (3.14 pu) Cable capacitance, C1 10.35 µF (0.97 pu) Cable inductance, L12 9.45 mH (9.88·10-3 pu) Cable resistance, R12 1.9 Ω (6.27·10-3 pu) A. Control system description In Fig. 2 the control system of VSC1 is sketched. The core of the control system is the current controller, which is implemented using the vector current control method. With this method, the alternating three-phase quantities are transformed into two-component dc quantities, in the so-called rotating dq-frame, with the d axis aligned to the rotating vector ug .1 In order to perform the transformation, the angle θg and the frequency ωg are estimated by the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL). In the dq-frame, the dynamics of the current over the phase Sketch of the VSC control system. 1 Underlined variables with not superscript denote two-component vectors in a stationary reference frame (the so called αβ-frame). Underline variables with the dq superscript denote two-component vectors in the dq-frame. For instance z dq = z d + jz q . th (1b) +udg + ωg Lf idf S YSTEM DATA AC impedance base (Zacbase ) Fig. 2. (1a) The current controller is usually implemented as a Proportional-Integral (PI) controller with a feedforward of the voltage ug and a current cross-coupling compensation. The control law in the dq-frame is defined as Z t d udc =−kpc (idref − i ) − k (idref − idf )dt (2a) ic f f f Two-terminal VSC system under study. TABLE I. udg ud − c Lf Lf uqg uq − c. Lf Lf didf Rf =− idf + ωg iqf + dt Lf diqf Rf q =− if − ωg idf + dt Lf 18 Power Systems Computation Conference where kpc and kic are selected as suggested in [11] (3) The Direct-Voltage Controller (DVC) is also a PI controller, and the control law assumed in this paper is Z t ref idref = k (e − e ) + k (eref (5) pe 1 1 ie f 1 − e1 )dt. 0 If the current controller is assumed much faster than the DVC, then, the characteristic polynomial of the closed-loop system is of second-order, s2 + kpe C −1 s + kie C −1 , then, according to [12] kpe and kie can be selected as kpe = 2αe ξC, kie = αe2 C (6) where αe is the natural resonance frequency of the closed-loop system, and ξ is the damping ratio. For the tests performed in Section II-B, kpe is selected as 9.23 pu and kie as 1.23 pu. B. Eigenvalue study In [9], the system shown in Fig. 1, considering both VSCs and the dc cable dynamics, is linearized and its state-space model is derived. Considering that the VSCs are connected to strong ac grids, the poles are calculated for power flows, starting from −1 to +1 in steps of 0.1 pu (positive means from VSC1 to VSC2 ). The pole placement is shown in the left plot of Fig. 3, and it can be seen that they move towards the unstable region as the power flow from VSC1 to VSC2 increases, becoming unstable when the power exceeds around 0.8 pu. In the right plot of Fig. 3, the poles are plotted for the case when VSC1 is connected to an ac system with a ShortCircuit Ratio2 (SCR) of 5, with the PLL modelled as described 2 The SCR is defined as the ratio between the short-circuit power of the ac system and the rated power of the converter, as defined in [13]. Wroclaw, Poland – August 18-22, 2014 later by (39). It can be seen that, in this case, the system becomes unstable when the power exceeds around 0.5 pu. It must be highlighted that a SCR of 5 represents a rather strong ac system; however, the low limit of the power transference is due to the fact that the gains of the DVC are high and that no voltage support in the ac side has been considered. Fig. ·103 1 0 −1 −2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −2 −1 0 real axis 1 idc1 = Pdc1 /e1 . −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 real axis ·102 2 3 ·102 ∆idc1 = −(Pdc10 /e210 )∆e1 + (1/e10 )∆Pdc1 ∆idc2 = −(Pdc20 /e220 )∆e2 (9) (10) R10 = −e210 /Pdc10 , R20 = −e220 /Pdc20 . (11) where the subscript “0” means that the variable is a constant whose value corresponds to the initial operating conditions. Considering (9) and (10) the VSC-HVDC system can be represented as shown in the Fig. 5, where the dc cable is modelled as a Π-section and the resistances R10 and R20 originate from (9) and (10), respectively. They are Fig. 3. Pole placement for power flows of −1(◦) to +1(4). Left: VSC1 connected to a strong ac grid. Right: VSC1 connected to a weak ac grid. 4 shows simulations results for the same two cases. In the left plot, the power flow is increased from 0.79 pu to 0.80 pu in the VSC-HVDC system connected to strong ac sources and it can be seen that instability occurs as predicted by the eigenvalue analysis. Similarly, in the right plot, it can be seen that instability takes place when the power flow increases from 0.38 pu to 0.40 pu, which is slightly smaller than the value predicted by the eigenvalue analysis. (8) The linearization of (7) and (8), gives ·103 2 imaginary axis imaginary axis 2 where Pdc20 is constant and e2 is the voltage of the dc node to which VSC2 is connected (see Fig. 1). Similarly, the current injected by VSC1 to the dc side is Note that the resistances R10 and R20 can take negative values and that they have opposite signs. In this paper, the dc grid model is the result of merging the resistances the resistances R10 and R20 with the Π-model of the cable, as shown in Fig. 5. In the figure, the current injected by the VSC1 is ∆i∗dc1 , which, from (9), is ∆i∗dc1 = ∆Pdc1 /e10 . (12) e1 [pu] From the analysis, it can be seen that, for the selected values for kpe and kie , the power flow is limited even when VSC1 is connected to a strong ac grid. The power limit is further reduced when the ac system is assumed weak. The origin of the instability is investigated using the frequency domain approach in the following sections. 1.04 1.04 1.02 1.02 1 1 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.85 0 0.5 1 1.5 B. DC grid model 2 0.85 0.7 0.7 0.55 0.55 0.4 0.4 0.25 0.25 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time [s] 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time [s] 2 Fig. 4. Simulations in the studied HVDC system. Left: VSCs connected to strong ac grids. Right: VSCs connected to ac grids with an SCR of 5. III. F REQUENCY DOMAIN MODELLING In [2], [10], it has been shown that the converter which controls the active power, in this case VSC2 , can be assumed to be a constant power device while still conserving the main dynamic characteristics of the dc side. That is, the current injected by VSC2 can be represented as simply idc2 = Pdc20 /e2 18 Power Systems Computation Conference A Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) model, with the current ∆i∗dc1 as the input and the voltage ∆e1 as the output, is derived in this section. Solving the circuit enclosed by the “dc grid subsystem” box in Fig. 5 (which is equivalent to find the impedance seen from the point where ∆i∗dc1 is injected), the following transfer function is obtained G(s) = −1 Ceq n(s) ∆e1 (13) = ∆i∗dc1 (s + ωc1 + ωc2 )(d(s) + ωc1 ωc2 ) + δ where A. Preliminary considerations th Linearized model of the VSC-HVDC system. 0.96 0 P1 [pu] Fig. 5. (7) 2 d(s) = s2 + ωrl s + 2ωlc 2 n(s) = s2 + (ωrl + ωc2 )s + ωlc + ωrl ωc2 δ = −ωc1 ωc2 (ωc1 + ωc2 ) Ceq = C + C1 (VSC cap. plus cable equiv. cap.) ωc1 = 1/(R10 Ceq ), ωc2 = 1/(R20 Ceq ), 2 ωlc = 1/(L12 Ceq ), ωrl = R12 /L12 . (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) Wroclaw, Poland – August 18-22, 2014 Considering that the maximum value that |Pdc10 | and |Pdc20 | can reach is 1 and also that R10 + R20 = R12 , it can be shown that R12 R12 1 − 3 ≤ δ ≤ 0, − 2 ≤ ωc1 +ωc1 ≤ 0, − ≤ ωc1 ωc2 ≤ 0 Ceq Ceq Ceq which, numerically, from Table I, are −0.9 · 10−4 ≤ δ ≤ 0 −1.3 · 10−3 ≤ ωc1 + ωc2 ≤ 0 −5.9 · 10−2 ≤ ωc1 ωc2 ≤ 0. (19a) (19b) (19c) and, considering the Fig. 2, the voltages udc and uqc are udc = uds − (Rt + sLt )idf + ωg Lt iqf uqc = uqs − (Rt + sLt )iqf − ωg Lt idf where Lt = Lf + Ls , and Rt = Rf + Rs . Furthermore udq s is the source voltage in the converter dq-frame.3 It should be 4 noted that udq s is actually constant in a synchronous dq-frame sdq since us is a fixed-frequency ac voltage source (then ∆us is equal to zero). From Fig. 6, quantities in the synchronous dq-frame and the converter dq-frame are related as θg = θgs + ∆θg The denominator of (13) is a third-degree polynomial, a3 s3 + a2 s2 + a1 s + a0 , where the coefficient a0 is 2 a0 = (ωc1 + ωc2 )(2ωlc + ωc1 ωc2 ) + δ (20) and from (19), it can be shown that δ can be neglected since it is much lower than a0 . Then, (13) is approximated as G0 (s) = −1 Ceq n(s) . (s + ωc1 + ωc2 )(d(s) + ωc1 ωc2 ) (22) and the poles of (22) are λ1 = −(ωc1 + ωc2 ) λ2,3 √ ωrl =− ± j 2ωlc 2 (23a) s 2 ωrl 2 −1 8ωlc (23b) where λ1 is an unstable pole and, therefore, Bode diagrams cannot be used to study the system described by (22). However, the minimum bandwidth of the feedback control system required to stabilize (22) is small since the unstable pole λ1 is small, compared to λ2,3 . Then, as shown in [10], (22) can be further approximated by the marginally stable transfer function e 0 (s) = G −1 Ceq n(s) s × d(s) (24) which can be analyzed with Bode diagrams to study the stability of the VSC-HVDC system. It should be noted that this approximation is valid for this particular case. For other cable parameters the approximation procedure must be re-evaluated. C. Model of the VSC subsystem connected to a weak ac grid If the VSC is assumed lossless, the active power at the ac side of VSC1 is equal to the power at the dc side. That is Pdc1 = udc idf + uqc iqf (25) which in terms of small deviations is ∆Pdc1 = udc0 ∆idf + uqc0 ∆iqf + idf0 ∆udc + iqf0 ∆uqc , (26) therefore, (12) can be expressed as ∆i∗dc1 = th 1 ud ∆id + uqc0 ∆iqf + idf0 ∆udc + iqf0 ∆uqc (27) e10 c0 f 18 Power Systems Computation Conference dq sdq −j∆θg z =z e ∆z dq = ∆z sdq − jz sdq 0 ∆θg (29a) (29b) (29c) where z is any voltage or current from the ac side. It should (21) 2 Furthermore, the numerical value of 2ωlc is 49.1 pu which is much greater than ωc1 ωc2 . Therefore, (21) can be further approximated as −1 n(s) Ceq e G(s) = (s + ωc1 + ωc2 )d(s) (28a) (28b) Fig. 6. sdq udq represented in the dq and the sdq frame. g and ug be also noted that, initially, θg is equal to θgs . Then, (28) can be linearized and expressed in the converter dq-frame as ∆udc = uqs0 ∆θg − (Rt + sLt )∆idf + ωg Lt ∆iqf +iqf0 Lt ∆ωg (30a) ∆uqc =−uds0 ∆θg − (Rt + sLt )∆iqf − ωg Lt ∆idf −idf0 Lt ∆ωg (30b) and, in steady state udc0 and uqc0 are udc0 = uds0 − Rt idf0 + ωg0 Lt iqf0 uqc0 = uqs0 − Rt iqf0 − ωg0 Lt idf0 . (31a) (31b) It should be highlighted that if VSC1 is connected to an dq infinite ac source, Ls and Rs are zero and udq s is equal to ug dq and it is constant, then, ∆ug is zero. Continuing with the nonstrong ac source case, (30) and (31) are put into (27), and the following is the current injected to the dc side by the VSC1 . iq Lt idf0 Lt (s + zd )∆idf − f0 (s + zq )∆iqf e10 e10 uqs0 idf0 − uds0 iqf0 + ∆θg (32) e10 ∆i∗dc1 =− where zd and zq are zd = 2 Rt ud Rt uq − d s0 , zq = 2 − q s0 . Lt Lt if0 Lt if0 Lt (33) 3 In the converter dq-frame, the transformation is performed with the angle θg estimated by the PLL. 4 The synchronous dq-frame rotates with the constant frequency ω , and g0 the transformation is performed with the angle θgs which can be defined as: θgs = θg0 + ωg0 t. Quantities in the synchronous dq-frame are represented as z sdq = z sd + jz sq . Wroclaw, Poland – August 18-22, 2014 Entering (4) into (32) and assuming that ∆iqref is zero, it f becomes αid Lt s + zd Qs0 ∆i∗dc1 = − f0 ∆idref + ∆θg (34) f e10 s+α e10 where Qs0 = (uqs0 idf0 − uds0 iqf0 ). VSC1 controls the directvoltage e1 with the control law (5), which can be entered into (34) in terms of small deviations. Considering kie = 0, the following is obtained ∆i∗dc1 where Qs0 = Fc (s)∆u + ∆θg e10 αid Lt kpe Fc (s) = − f0 e10 s + zd s+α (35) . (36) If the ac system is infinite, the angle variation ∆θg is zero since the ug has a fixed frequency. Then, the VSC subsystem transfer function for infinite ac sources, Fis , is ∆i∗dc1 αidf0 Lf kpe s + zdis Fis (s) = =− (37) ∆u e10 s+α where ∆u is (∆eref 1 − ∆e1 ) and zdis = 2 Rf − Lf (38) . 0 with kpl and kil selected as 0.2 pu and 0.01 pu, respectively. In terms of small deviations, in the Laplace domain (39) is kpl s + kil ∆uqg = Fpll (s)∆uqg . s2 (40) Considering Kirchoff law and that ∆ωg = sθg , then ∆uqg = − (uds0 + sidf0 Ls )∆θg − (Rs + sLs )∆iqf (41) − ωg0 Ls ∆idf . Combining (40) and (41), the following is expression is obtained (Rs + sLs )Fpll (s) ∆iq 1 + (uds0 + sidf0 Ls )Fpll (s) f ωg0 Ls Fpll (s) − ∆id . 1 + (uds0 + sidf0 Ls )Fpll (s) f ∆θg = − th (42) ∆iqref f = 0, (42) becomes e10 Fθ (s)∆u. Qs0 (43) Considering (4) and (5), and that ∆θg = Fθ (s) = − 18 Power Systems Computation Conference ωg0 Qs0 Ls kpe Fpll (s) . e10 (1 + (uds0 + sidf0 Ls )Fpll (s))(s + α) (44) Finally, using (43) into (35), the transfer function F for the weak ac grid case is F (s) = Fc (s) + Fθ (s). (45) Then, the system shown in Fig. 5 can be represented by the SISO feedback system shown in Fig. 7, where F is the VSC subsystem transfer function mentioned in the previous sections, e 0 is the approximated dc grid transfer function. In the and G following section, the characteristic of the derived transfer functions are studied. Fig. 7. Block diagram of the simplified VSC-HVDC system. IV. udg0 idf0 Lf Continuing with (35), ∆θg has to be expressed in terms of ∆idf and ∆iqf in order to derive a transfer function similar to (37). The angle θg and the frequency ωg come from the PLL block, which is defined as Z t ωg = kpl uqg + kil uqg dt (39a) 0 Z t θg = ωg dt (39b) ∆θg = where F REQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS The stability of the system can be studied considering the e 0 , and the Nyquist stability passivity properties of F and G criterion. According to [15], a feedback system as the one e 0 , are shown in Fig. 7 is stable if both subsystems, F and G passive. However, if any of the subsystems is non-passive, the SISO feedback system is not necessarily unstable. In such a case, the stability of the system can be determined through the e 0 should not Nyquist criterion. That means that the contour F G encircle clock-wise the point −1 of the real axis for the system to be stable. e 0 for power flows Fig. 8 shows the frequency response of G of −1 and +1. It also shows the frequency response of the transfer function of the dc cable, G0 . The transfer function G0 is obtained when the resistances R10 and R20 are not considered as part of the model dc grid model, and it is G0 (s) = 2 −1 2 (s + ωrl s + ωlc ) Ceq . 2 2 s(s + ωrl s + 2ωlc ) (46) e 0 , are passive subsystems since they are stable G0 and G and their phase angle is always less than 90° (see Fig. 8). Moreover, it can be seen that the three cases match closely to the dc cable transfer function, G0 , which means that the frequency spectrum of the actual impedance seen from the point where VSC1 is connected can be utilized for the analysis. The fact that the dc grid transfer function is passive implies that VSC subsystem transfer function is non-passive in the unstable cases. This is analyzed next. A. Study of the VSC connected to a strong ac system Equation (37) shows that the transfer function of a VSC connected to a strong ac system has a zero, −zdis , which depends on the operating point. Neglecting the resistance Rf , it can be seen that the zero is located in the left-half plane (LHP) of the s-plane when the current idf0 is negative (the current if is Wroclaw, Poland – August 18-22, 2014 Ph. [deg.] 10−2 ω = 7 pu 10−1 100 101 102 45 0 −45 −90 10−1 100 101 102 Frequency [pu] e0 (s) for a Fig. 8. Frequency response of: Solid gray: G0 (s). Dashed: G e0 (s) for a power flow of +1. power flow of −1. Dotted G positive if it follows the convention adopted in Fig. 2), while it is located in the right-half plane (RHP) when idf0 is positive. As mentioned in [16], RHP zeros impose a limitation on the bandwidth that the closed-loop system can achieve. Moreover, in this particular case, the fact that there is a RHP zero for positive power flow implies that Fis is non-passive for any positive power flow. This can be seen in Fig. 9 where the phase of Fis decreases towards −180° as the frequency increases. The opposite is also true, i.e. Fis is passive for negative power flow. Again, Fig. 9 shows that the phase angle of Fis is around zero when the power flow is −1. Mag. [pu] When the power flow is positive, Fis is a passive subsystem for low frequencies, while it becomes non-passive for high frequencies. Physically this means that the energy of a low frequency dc-side resonance is dissipated by the converter and, therefore, the system is stable. However, at high frequencies, due to the 180° phase shift of the VSC subsystem transfer function, the dc-side resonance might be amplified instead. As mentioned earlier, the fact that the converter is non-passive is not enough to claim that the feedback system is unstable. For 8 6 Ph. [deg.] 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 0 −90 −180 10−2 10−1 100 101 Frequency [pu] 102 103 Fig. 9. Frequency response of F for three different power flows. Solid gray: Power flow equal to −1. Solid black: Power flow = +1. Dashed: Power flow = +0.8. Dotted: Power flow = +0.5. a power flow of 0.5 pu, Fis is non-passive, but the system is stable as shown in Section II. It is only after the power exceeds 0.8 pu that the system turns unstable. The instability can be explained by looking at the magnitude of Fis plotted th 18 Power Systems Computation Conference in Fig. 9 which increases when the power flow increases. This e 0 increase in such a way that makes the magnitude of Fis G the Nyquist stability criterion is not fulfilled anymore when the power exceeds 0.8 pu. From this analysis, Fis can be seen as the VSC admittance whose conductance becomes negative at high frequencies and positive power flows. In addition, the VSC conductance increases as the power flow increases. From (37), it can be seen that the proportional gain of the DVC plays a roll also in the stability of the system. If kpe is high, the VSC admittance increases and the SISO system becomes more prone to instability. That is the reason why in [9] the instability did not take place when kpe was low. B. Impact of the SCR on the converter system transfer function The reason why the power is further limited when VSC1 is connected to a weak ac grid can be investigated by studying the frequency responses of F shown in Fig. 10 for three different SCRs. It can be seen that the phase of F is around the same for the three cases. Moreover, the figure shows that the decrease of the SCR increases the VSC admittance magnitude, increasing the risk of amplifying the dc-side resonances. In Mag. pu] peak=0.2 pu 10−1 20 15 10 10−2 Ph. [deg.] Mag. [pu] 100 10−1 100 101 102 103 10−1 100 101 Frequency [pu] 102 103 0 −90 −180 10−2 Fig. 10. Frequency response of F for a power flow equal to +1 pu and three different SCRs. Solid: SCR infinite. Dashed: SCR = 5. Dotted: SCR = 2. Solid gray: SCR = 2, power flow = +0.8 pu. other words, the weaker the ac system, the more negative the VSC conductance is. In Fig. 10, one case with an SCR of 2 and power flow of +0.8 pu is plotted in order to illustrate that, similarly to the strong ac system case, the magnitude of F increases with the power flow increase. Finally, Nyquist contours are shown in Fig. 11. In the left plot, it can be seen that effect of decreasing the power flow is that the nyquist plot intersects the real axis at a point higher than −1, improving the gain margin of the system. The same effect is observed when decreasing the DVC gain, kpe . C. Recommendations for the dc-side stability analysis From the analysis performed in this section, the following is recommended: 1) Identify the resonance frequency and the resonance peak of the dc side. Commercial tools that calculates the harmonic impedance of electrical networks can be used for this purpose. Wroclaw, Poland – August 18-22, 2014 0.5 0 0 imaginary axis imaginary axis 0.5 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −1.5 −1 −0.5 real axis 0 0.5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author thanks Prof. Lina Bertling-Tjernberg, Dr. Le Anh Tuan and Prof. Claes Breitholtz for their support during the first stage of the project. The valuable comments to this manuscript provided by Associate Prof. Massimo Bongiorno and Dr. Abdel-Aty Edris are also greatly appreciated. −0.5 −1 −1.5 −1.5 R EFERENCES −1 −0.5 real axis 0 0.5 Fig. 11. Nyquist plots. Left: Solid, kpe = 9.23 and 0.5 pu power flow; dashed, kpe = 9.23 and 0.4 pu power flow. Right: kpe = 9.23 and 0.5 pu power flow; dashed, kpe = 4.61 and 0.5 pu power flow. [1] [2] [3] 2) 3) Determine if the VSC conductance is negative at the resonance frequency. Determine also if the Nyquist stability criterion is fulfilled. If the system is unstable, investigate if the magnitude of the converter admittance can be decreased by modifying the controller structure. It should be highlighted that the VSC admittance is defined as follow: ∆i∗dc Y (s) = (47) ∆u so, for the analysis, the current ∆idc is not used to obtain the VSC admittance. The use of ∆i∗dc is possible because it has been shown in III-B and in [10] that the resistances R10 and R20 , which originate from the linearization of the powers Pdc1 and Pdc2 , can be merged with the dc cable model, and, actually, disregarded as shown in the simplification procedure of the dc grid model. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] V. C ONCLUSION In this paper, the dc-side dynamics of the system has been studied using a frequency domain approach. A VSC-HVDC system has been modeled as a SISO feedback system composed of two subsystems, the dc grid and the VSC subsystem. It has been shown that the dc grid is a passive subsystem which means that it is not the source of the instability. However, the dc grid has a resonance phenomenon which has to be considered in the analysis. The frequency response of the VSC subsystem, called in this paper the VSC admittance, has a non-passive characteristic at high frequencies when the power flow is positive. If the dc-side resonance occurs at frequencies where VSC conductance is negative, there is a risk that the resonance becomes unstable. With the assumed control system, it has been shown that the magnitude of the VSC admittance depends on the power flow and the SCR of the ac grid to which the VSC is connected. The control system also influences on the magnitude of the VSC admittance. After the analysis, a procedure to evaluate the stability of a VSC-HVDC system has been recommended. Although in this paper the vector current control method has been used to implement the control system, the procedure is not restricted to only this method, as long as the VSC admittance is derived following the definition indicated in (47). th 18 Power Systems Computation Conference [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] N. Ahmed, S. 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