Vortex Sheet Formulations and Initial Value Problems: Analysis and Computing David Ambrose August 6, 2014 Goals Part I: Describe an efficient numerical method for the solution of the initial value problem for interfacial flow with surface tension in 2D. Describe a well-posedness proof for interfacial flow with surface tension in 2D. In the water wave case, demonstrate that the zero surface tension limit can be taken. Part II: Do the same for 3D flows. Also discuss numerical analysis for the 3D numerical method. Part III: Describe a new formulation for the traveling wave problem which allows for overturning waves. Discuss analysis and computing of traveling waves using this formulation. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 1 / 67 Part I: Initial Value Problems in 2D Includes joint work with Nader Masmoudi. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 2 / 67 Interfacial Flow We consider two infinitely deep, horizontally periodic fluids, separated by a sharp interface. The fluid velocities are given by the irrotational, incompressible Euler equations: ρi (vi,t + vi · ∇vi ) = −∇pi , div(vi ) = 0, vi = ∇φi . The fluids have densities ρ1 and ρ2 . David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 3 / 67 Comments on the Problems in 2D If the upper density is zero (ρ2 = 0), this is the water wave case. This problem is well-posed with or without surface tension. If both densities are nonzero, then the problem is ill-posed without surface tension (this is related to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability). The ill-posedness has been proved by several authors: Caflisch-Orellana, Duchon-Robert, Lebeau, Kamotski-Lebeau, Wu. With surface tension, the problem is well-posed regardless of the densities. One should only expect to be able to take the zero surface tension limit in the water wave case. With surface tension, there is a 3/2-order stiffness constraint from an explicit timestepping method. Surface tension enters the problem through the Laplace-Young jump condition for the pressure: [p] = τ κ, where τ is the surface tension coefficient and κ is the curvature of the interface. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 4 / 67 Equations of Motion In either fluid region, the velocity potential is harmonic. Also, the normal derivative of the potential (i.e., the normal velocity of the interface) is continuous across the free surface. This suggest representing the potential with a double layer potential: Z µ(α)(x − x(α), y − y(α)) · n ˆ (α) 1 dα. φ(x, y) = − 2 2π (x − x(α)) + (y − y(α))2 Taking the gradient gives the velocity in the interior (γ = µα ): Z 1 γ(α)(−(y − y(α)), x − x(α)) (u(x, y), v(x, y)) = dα. 2π (x − x(α))2 + (y − y(α))2 We use the Plemelj formulas to take the limit as (x, y) approaches the interface: Z 1 γ(α′ )(−(y(α) − y(α′ )), x(α) − x(α′ )) γ(α) ˆ PV dα′ ± t. ′ 2 ′ 2 2π (x(α) − x(α )) + (y(α) − y(α )) 2|(xα , yα )| David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 5 / 67 Equations of Motion, continued In the case of 2D fluids, we can choose to study the horizontally periodic case: x(α + 2π) = x(α) + 2π, y(α + 2π) = y(α). The velocity integral simplifies to an integral over one period. This is best seen by complexifying: let z(α) = x(α) + iy(α). Then, the integral is Z 1 γ(α′ ) dα′ . 2πi z(α) − z(α′ ) We rewrite this: Z ∞ ∞ Z 2π(j+1) X γ(α′ ) γ(α′ ) ′ dα = dα′ ′) ′) z(α) − z(α z(α) − z(α −∞ j=−∞ 2πj Z 2π ∞ X 1 dα′ γ(α′ ) = z(α) − z(α′ ) + 2πj 0 j=−∞ Z 1 1 2π γ(α′ ) cot (z(α) − z(α′ )) dα′ . = 2 0 2 David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 6 / 67 An Equation for γ If we know γ and we know the position of the curve, then we know the velocity of the curve. So, we need an expression for γ. Recall that γ is related to the velocity potentials: γ = µα , and µ is the jump in velocity potential across the interface. The velocity potentials satisfy Bernoulli equations. So, we can get an evolution equation for γ by (a) writing the Bernoulli equation in either fluid, (b) taking the jump across the boundary in these to get the evolution equation for µ, and (c) differentiating this to get the evolution equation for γ. We will see the result later; the main thing to know is that the Bernoulli equation contains the pressure, and the pressure jumps according to the Laplace-Young jump condition, [p] = τ κ. So, the surface tension appears in the γt equation. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 7 / 67 The Hou-Lowengrub-Shelley Method Hou, Lowengrub, and Shelley (HLS) introduced a non-stiff numerical method for 2D interfacial flow with surface tension. This involves making an arclength parameterization of the free surface, and computing using (θ, sα ) instead of Cartesian coordinates (x, y) : yα −1 , s2α = x2α + yα2 . θ = tan xα The free surface has velocity (x, y)t = U n ˆ + Vˆ t; from this, evolution equations for θ and sα can be inferred. U is determined by physics, but V is chosen to maintain a favorable parameterization (e.g., arclength) from the equation sαt = Vα − θα U. U is decomposed as its most singular part plus a remainder. With these choices, HLS are able to use a semi-implicit timestepping scheme and remove the stiffness constraint. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 8 / 67 The θt and sαt Equations We have the generic evolution (x, y)t = U n ˆ + Vˆ t, and the ˆ ˆ geometric identities tα = θα n ˆ and n ˆ α = −θα t. This implies (xα , yα )t = (Uα + θα V )ˆ n + (Vα − θα U )ˆ t. p Since sα = x2α + yα2 , we get sαt = (xα , yα ) · (xα , yα )t = (xα , yα )t · ˆ t = Vα − θα U. sα Since θ = tan1 (yα /xα ), we get θt = 1 1+ 2 yα x2α · David Ambrose (Drexel University) xα yαt − yα xαt (xα , yα )t · n ˆ U α + θα V = = . 2 xα sα sα Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 9 / 67 Equations of Motion, Revisited: Normal Velocity The normal velocity is dictated by the fluid dynamics. This implies that U = W · n ˆ , where W is the Birkhoff-Rott integral. Using complex notation, denote the interface as z = x + iy. The Birkhoff-Rott integral is W = (W1 , W2 ), given by Z 1 1 ′ ′ (W1 − iW2 )(α) = PV γ(α ) cot (z(α) − z(α )) dα′ . 4πi 2 We have an evolution equation for γ : t)γ)α θαα ((V − W · ˆ + sα sα 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ − 2At sα Wt · t + 2 γγα − (V − W · t)Wα · t + gyα . 4sα γt = τ David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 10 / 67 Equations of Motion, Revisited: Tangential Velocity As we have said, the tangential velocity is chosen to enforce our preferred parameterization. We have sαt = Vα − θα U, and we have specified U. In the periodic case we would like to use a normalized arclength L , at all times. parameterization: sα = 2π The length, L, evolves according to Z 2π θα U dα. Lt = − 0 So, we should choose V to satisfy Vα = Lt + θα U = P(θα U ), 2π where P is the projection which removes the mean of a periodic function. The constant of integration does not typically matter. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 11 / 67 Approximation of the Birkhoff-Rott Integral The Birkhoff-Rott integral can be approximated well with a Hilbert transform: Z 1 1 ′ ′ (W1 − iW2 )(α) = PV γ(α ) cot (z(α) − z(α )) dα′ 4πi 2 Z 1 γ γ(α′ ) 1 1 ′ ′ ∼ PV cot (α − α ) dα = H . ′ 4πi zα (α ) 2 2i zα π n). L H(γˆ π n − Lπ H(γθα )ˆ t. L H(γα )ˆ In real notation, this can be written as W ∼ Differentiating, this becomes Wα ∼ We have made two different approximations – using the first term of a Taylor expansion, and pulling functions through Hilbert transforms. The error from both of these approximations can be controlled, with estimates for the errors in Sobolev spaces. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 12 / 67 Estimates for this Approximation Define K[z] by K[z]f (α) = 1 4πi Z 2π f (α′ )K(α, α′ ) dα′ , 0 where ′ K(α, α ) = cot 1 1 1 ′ ′ (z(α) − z(α )) − cot (α − α ) . 2 zα (α′ ) 2 Note that this is not a singular integral – the singularities of the two terms in K cancel. If z ∈ H s+1 , then K maps H 1 to H s : kK[z]f kH s ≤ c1 kf kH 1 exp{c2 kzkH s+1 }. We also use commutator estimates: k[H, ψ]f kH s ≤ ckf kH s−2 kψkH s . David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 13 / 67 Summary of the Evolution Equations The evolution equation for θ is θt = Uα +V θα . sα Since U = W · n ˆ , the leading-order term here is θt ∼ Wα · n ˆ . For this, we use our approximation. Similarly, in the γ evolution equation, we have Wα · ˆ t, and we use our approximation here as well. We get the following system of evolution equations: θt = 2π 2 H(γα ) + P, L2 2πτ 2π 2 γ 2 θαα + H(θα ) + Q. L L2 Here, P and Q are collections of smooth terms which may be treated routinely in the energy estimates. γt = David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 14 / 67 HLS Method: Spatial Issues The method is pseudospectral: some operations are carried out after taking the FFT, and some operations are carried out in physical space. Derivatives and Hilbert transforms are multipliers in Fourier space, so they are carried out after taking the FFT: ˆ H(k) = −isgn(k), ∂ˆα (k) = ik. Mutliplication by functions in real space is carried out in real space. For integrals, quadrature is done in real space. Any singular integrals to be computed utilize the alternating-point trapezoid rule. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 15 / 67 HLS Method: Timestepping HLS use the fourth-order implicit-explicit timestepping method of Ascher, Ruuth, and Wetton: du = f (u) + νg(u), dt 1 ∆t f nonlinear, g linear, 25 n+1 4 1 u − 4un + 3un−1 − un−2 + un−3 12 3 4 = 4f (un ) − 6f (un−1 ) + 4f (un−2 ) − f (un−3 ) + νg(un+1 ). Notice that the linear part of the evolution equation is evaluated at step n + 1; this is the implicit part of the method. In the θ − L formulation, the equations are semilinear; thus, treating the linear part implicitly removes the strongest stiffness constraint. Our u is (θ, γ); solving for un+1 just involves using the FFT and inverting a 2 × 2 matrix. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 16 / 67 The HLS Findings The “linearization” of curvature with these choices reduces the timestepping constraint from 3/2-order to first order. This allows for investigations of the behavior of solutions in different parameter regimes. HLS found three types of behavior. For small surface tension or large initial data, they found finite-time singularities, with the interface colliding with itself. For intermediate values of surface tension or intermediate initial data, they found growth of solutions without singularity formation. For large surface tension or small initial data, they found behavior which appeared to repeat in a time-periodic fashion. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 17 / 67 HLS Results: Strong Surface Tension From T. Hou, J. Lowengrub, and M. Shelley, The long time motion of vortex sheets with surface tension, Physics of Fluids, vol. 9, 1997, pgs. 1933-1954. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 18 / 67 HLS Results: Intermediate Surface Tension From T. Hou, J. Lowengrub, and M. Shelley, The long time motion of vortex sheets with surface tension, Physics of Fluids, vol. 9, 1997, pgs. 1933-1954. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 19 / 67 HLS Results: Weak Surface Tension From T. Hou, J. Lowengrub, and M. Shelley, The long time motion of vortex sheets with surface tension, Physics of Fluids, vol. 9, 1997, pgs. 1933-1954. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 20 / 67 Using HLS Ideas for Analysis: 2D The HLS evolution equations for the vortex sheet with surface tension are semilinear, and this is important in allowing the stiffness to be removed. This is also quite helpful in proving well-posedness of the vortex sheet with surface tension, by energy methods (Ambrose ’03). Similarly, Darcy flow can be studied with this formulation (Ambrose ’04), and the water wave with surface tension can as well (Ambrose-Masmoudi ’05). Other authors have since taken up these ideas (Guo-Hallstrom-Spirn ’07; Cordoba et al in several papers ’09, ’10, etc...; Tanveer-Ye ’11, ’12). David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 21 / 67 The Well-Posedness Proof (The Energy Method) 1 Introduce a regularized problem. 2 Show solutions exist for the regularized problem, for any positive value of the regularization parameter. 3 Establish an energy estimate for the regularized problem. 4 Use the energy estimate to establish that the solutions of the regularized problem exist on a common time interval. 5 Take the limit of the regularized solutions as the regularization parameter vanishes. 6 Show that the limit solves the original (non-regularized) problem. 7 Use estimates similar to the energy estimate to establish uniqueness and continuous dependence on the initial data. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 22 / 67 The Approximation Step There are many ways to form an approximate system. One goal when forming an approximate system is: You should know that solutions exist for the approximate system. My preferred method is to (a) introduce mollifiers into the evolution equation, and then (b) use the Picard Theorem for ODEs to get existence of solutions. Mollifiers are related to the idea of regularization by convolution; the function ∂α f can be ‘mollified’ by convolving with an approximate Dirac mass. Call this Jε ∂α f. For fixed ε > 0, the operator Jε ∂α is a bounded operator. A Lipschitz estimate for the right-hand sides of the evolution equations can be performed, giving existence of solutions for a very short time (this time goes to zero with ε). David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 23 / 67 The Energy Estimate The key step in the above outline of a well-posedness proof is the energy estimate which is uniform in the regularization parameter. We typically find the energy estimate for the unregularized system first, and then introduce the regularization in a way that does not disturb the structure of this a priori estimate. For the 2D vortex sheet with surface tension, we take E(t) = k(θ, γ)k2L2 1 + 2 Z (∂αs θ)2 + π s−1 (∂ γ)H∂α (∂αs−1 γ) τL α π2 + 2 2 γ 2 (∂αs−1 γ)2 dα. τ L With this energy, we are able to show that there exist positive dE constants c1 and c2 such that ≤ c1 exp{c2 E}. dt David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 24 / 67 Main Idea for the Energy Estimate The energy controls kθkH s and kγkH s−1/2 . We take a time derivative: Z Z d1 (∂αs θ)2 dα = (∂αs θt )(∂αs θ) dα dt 2 Z 2π 2 (H∂αs+1 γ)(∂αs θ) dα + l.o.t. (1) = 2 L Note that this cannot be controlled in terms of the energy. We continue: Z Z π d1 π (∂αs−1 γ)(H∂αs γ) dα = (∂αs−1 γt )(H∂αs γ) dα + l.o.t. dt 2 τ L τL Z Z 2π 2 2π 3 s+1 s = 2 (∂α θ)(H∂α γ) dα+ 3 γ 2 (H∂αs θ)(H∂αs γ) dα+l.o.t. L τL (2) There is an important cancellation when adding (1) and (2), leaving only one term which is not bounded by the energy. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 25 / 67 Main Idea for the Energy Estimate, continued We continue: d 1 π2 dt 2 τ 2 L2 Z γ 2 Z π2 dα = 2 2 γ 2 (∂αs−1 γt )(∂αs−1 γ) dα+l.o.t. τ L Z 2π 3 γ 2 (∂αs+1 θ)(∂αs−1 γ) dα + l.o.t. (3) = τ L3 (∂αs−1 γ)2 Adding (1), (2), and (3), there is again a cancellation. All the remaining terms can be bounded in terms of the energy: dE ≤ c1 exp{c2 E}. dt Solving this differential inequality, we find E(t) ≤ − David Ambrose (Drexel University) ln(exp(−c2 E(0)) − c1 c2 t) . c2 Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 26 / 67 The Well-Posedness Result Theorem Given θ0 ∈ H s , γ0 ∈ H s−1/2 (subject to certain conditions), there exists T > 0 such that there is a unique solution (θ, γ) of the initial value problem for the vortex sheet with surface tension with initial conditions (θ0 , γ0 ), with θ ∈ C([0, T ]; H s ) and γ ∈ C([0, T ]; H s−1/2 ). The time T depends on kθ0 kH s , kγ0 kH s , the physical parameters (such as τ, ρ1 , and ρ2 ), and on a couple of other things. The solution depends continuously ′ ′ on the initial data in H s × H s −1/2 for any s′ < s. The conditions mentioned above: θ0 must be the tangent angle for a 2π-periodic curve, and the curve must not have self-intersection (a chord-arc condition is satisfied). This is for any values of ρ1 , ρ2 (not both zero) and τ > 0. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 27 / 67 Summary of 2D Problem with Surface Tension Solutions have been shown to exist for the initial value problem for the vortex sheet with surface tension, with arbitrary densities. In the case that the upper density is zero, this means that solutions have been shown to exist for the water wave with surface tension. The surface tension force was very much relied upon in the proofs. In particular, this means that the time of existence for solutions vanishes as the surface tension parameter vanishes. In the water wave case, we can do better than this. Other than the water wave case, we cannot do better – the problems without surface tension are ill-posed, so we cannot expect to be able to take the zero surface tension limit. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 28 / 67 The Zero Surface Tension Limit We restrict ourselves now to the water wave case (ρ2 = 0). In order to take the zero surface tension limit, we need to make an estimate for solutions with surface tension which is uniform in τ. To do this, we have found that a change of variables is helpful: we replace γ with a quantity we call δ, which we named the “modified tangential velocity.” We define δ= γ + W ·ˆ t − V, 2sα and we can interpret this one of two ways: (a) δ is like γ plus a perturbation, or (b) the quantity δ is the difference between the Lagrangian tangential velocity of a particle on the free surface and our artifical tangential velocity. Instead of evolution equations for (θ, γ), we write evolution equations for (θ, δα ). David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 29 / 67 The Zero Surface Tension Limit, continued The leading-order parts of the evolution equations are then θt ∼ H(δα ), δαt ∼ τ ∂α3 θ + k(α, t)θα . This k(α, t) is equal to ∇p · n ˆ < 0, which (as Wu has shown) has a fixed sign. We can make estimates uniform in τ. This is similar to what we would have if we made the estimate when τ = 0. If τ = 0, we make the following estimate: d1 dt 2 = Z Z (−k)(∂αs θ)2 + (∂αs−1 δα )(H∂αs δα ) dα Z = (−k)(∂αs θt )(∂αs θ) + (∂αs−1 δαt )(H∂αs δα ) dα + l.o.t. (−k)(H∂αs δα )(∂αs θ) + (k)(∂αs θ)(H∂αs δα ) dα + l.o.t. = l.o.t. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 30 / 67 Comments on long-time existence For either gravity waves or capillary waves, there are proofs that small solutions exist for all time. One cannot expect large solutions to exist for all time. In 2D or 3D, such results are by Wu, Germain-Masmoudi-Shatah, Ionescu-Pusateri, Alazard-Delort, and Hunter-Ifrim-Tataru. An interesting wrinkle is that the case of long-time existence of gravity-capillary waves is still open. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 31 / 67 Part II: Initial Value Problems in 3D Includes joint work with Nader Masmoudi, Michael Siegel, Svetlana Tlupova, Yang Liu. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 32 / 67 Description of the 3D Problems Two 3D fluids, one above the other, separated by a sharp interface. Horizontally, doubly periodic. Vertically, of infinite extent. In addition to the irrotational Euler problems considered previously, we will also discuss the case in which the fluid velocities are given by Darcy’s Law: Vi = −Ki ∇(pi + ρi gz). Incompressible: ∇ · Vi = 0. V1 · n ˆ = V2 · n ˆ , but there is a jump in the tangential velocity. p1 − p2 = τ κ We let the free surface be given by X(α, β, t). We write Xt = U n ˆ + V1ˆ t1 + V2ˆ t2 . Putting this together, in the Darcy problem, we have that Xt is like three derivatives of X, so we can expect a third-order stiffness constraint from an explicit numerical method. In the irrotational Euler problems with surface tension, we again have a 3/2-order stiffness constraint from an explicit method. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 33 / 67 Extending HLS Ideas for Analysis: 3D 3D is, as usual, more difficult. Need to replace the arclength parameterization and the variable θ. One benefit of using θ in the 2D case is that reconstruction of the free surface is straightforward. In 3D flows, Ambrose-Masmoudi used κ, the mean curvature, as the main dependent variable for energy estimates. Also, an isothermal parameterization was used: if the free surface is X(α, β), then we require E = Xα · Xα = Xβ · Xβ = G; F = Xα · Xβ = 0. With these choices, energy estimates and well-posedness proofs are again possible (Ambrose-Masmoudi ’07, ’09, Ambrose ’07, Wang-Zhang-Zhang ’12, Cordoba-Cordoba-Gancedo ’13). A difficulty is reconstructing X from κ. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 34 / 67 Vortex Sheet with Surface Tension: Evolution Equations Xt = U n ˆ + V1ˆ t1 + V2ˆ t2 , with U the normal component of the Birkhoff-Rott integral. For the vortex sheet with surface tension, recall that µ is the jump across the free surface of the velocity potentials, and the potentials satisfy Bernoulli equations. We thus have an evolution equation for µ : µt = τ κ + t2 )µβ (V1 − W · ˆ t1 )µα (V2 − W · ˆ √ √ + . E E (This is the density-matched case; if the densities are unequal, we get several more terms.) We find an evolution equation for κ : 1 1 1 1 1 κt = √ ∂α √ Λ √ ∂α µ + ∂β √ Λ √ ∂β µ + l.o.t. 4 E E E E E David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 35 / 67 Vortex Sheet with Surface Tension: Energy Estimates We define A by A = (A1 , A2 ) We define the operator L by µα 1/2 µβ 1/2 = Λ √ ,Λ √ . E E 1 1 L(B 1 , B 2 ) = ∂α √ Λ1/2 B 1 + ∂β √ Λ1/2 B 2 . E E We get the following system: 1 κt = √ LA + l.o.t., 4 E At = −τ L∗ κ + l.o.t. We can then make energy estimates, with leading-order energy 2 k 2 Z 1 1 1 ∗ 1 k ∗ κ dαdβ. (L √ L) A + τ √ √ LL E= 4 E E E David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 36 / 67 Vortex Sheet with Surface Tension: Existence Proof The point of the above: good estimates are available for κ. For the existence argument, we make an iterative scheme. We assume that we have in hand (Xn , κn , E n , µn , An ), with some estimate. We construct κn+1 and An+1 as the solution of a linear evolution equation, with coefficients based on the previous iterates. ˜ n+1 as a Then, Xn+1 needs to be constructed: first, we define X solution of the evolution equation based on the previous iterates, and −∆Xn+1 + Xn+1 = −2Eκn+1 ˜ n+1 × X ˜ n+1 ) (X α β ˜ n+1 . +X ˜n ×X ˜ n| |X α β Estimates for the iterates are established, and so on. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 37 / 67 3D Zero Surface Tension Limit This is similar to the 2D case. We focus on making an estimate for water waves with surface tension which is uniform in the surface tension parameter. As in the 2D case, we make a change of variables, and are able to estimate the new quantities, either with or without surface tension. Existence of water waves with surface tension, plus estimates uniform in surface tension, allow the zero surface tension limit to be taken, giving another proof of the existence of water waves without surface tension. Everything is harder in the 3D case, but the elements of the proof are essentially a combination of the well-posedness argument for the 3D vortex sheet with surface tension and the 2D zero surface tension limit of water waves. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 38 / 67 3D Numerical Method For the initial surface, we must find an isothermal parameterization. Tangential velocities are chosen to maintain the isothermal parameterization: the equations Et = Gt and Ft = 0 imply the following: V1 V2 U (L − N ) √ , − √ = E E α E β V1 V2 2U M √ + √ = , E E α E β where L, M, N are the second fundamental coefficients of the surface. The Birkhoff-Rott integral must be computed; we use Ewald summation. We make a Small-Scale Decomposition of the evolution equations, separating out the most singular terms. We then use a semi-implicit timestepping method. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 39 / 67 The Birkhoff-Rott Integral The normal velocity is equal to the normal component of the Birkhoff-Rott integral: Z ∞Z ∞ (X − X′ ) 1 (µ′α X′β − µ′β X′α ) × W= PV dα′ dβ ′ . ′ |3 4π |X − X −∞ −∞ For Darcy flow (the stiffest of the problems), we have µα = −Bκα − W zα + AEW · ˆ t1 , µβ = −Bκβ − W zβ + AGW · ˆ t2 . B measures surface tension, W is proportional to the density difference, and A is proportional to the viscosity difference. Notice that if A is nonzero, then we have integral equations to solve for µα , µβ . Computing W is much harder for 3D flows than for 2D flows. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 40 / 67 Understanding the Birkhoff-Rott Integral We approximate the Birkhoff-Rott integral. We add and subtract in the kernel: If X ∈ H s+1 , then the operator K[X] (which is the integral operator with kernel K) maps from H s−3/2 to H s . This gives a decomposition of the Birkhoff-Rott integral into operators with straightforward symbols (such as Riesz transforms) and the operator K[X]. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 41 / 67 The Small-Scale Decomposition and Timestepping We write n+1ˆ1n n+1ˆ2n Xn+1 − ∆t Usn+1 n ˆ n + V1s t + V2s t = Xn n ˆ1n n ˆ2n + ∆t (U n − Usn )ˆ nn + (V1n − V1s )t + (V2n − V2s )t . n+1 n+1 Here, Usn+1 , V1s , and V2s are the most singular parts of the velocities. For example: !! n+1 n+1 µ 1 µ β Usn+1 = − H1 √α , + H2 √ 2 En En µn+1 = −B ˆn Xn+1 ˆ n + Xn+1 αα · n ββ · n 2E n ! − W z n+1 . We have a linear system for Xn+1 , which we solve with preconditioned GMRES. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 42 / 67 Results: Removing the Stiffness (Darcy Flow with Surface Tension) The above timestepping scheme is first-order in time; higher-order schemes are available, and we have also implemented a second-order version. Using our small-scale decomposition, we are able to effectively remove the stiffness from the problem. A fully explicit method would have a third-order stiffness constraint. We instead face only a first-order stiffness constraint. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 43 / 67 Results: Rayleigh-Taylor with Surface Tension Irrotational Euler flow. Heavy fluid above a light fluid, with surface tension present. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 44 / 67 Results: Darcy Flow/Finger Formation David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 45 / 67 Convergence Analysis We want to prove convergence of (a version of) the numerical method. In 2D, there are convergence proofs of the HLS method (Ceniceros-Hou) and of a boundary integral method for water waves (Beale-Hou-Lowengrub). In 3D, there are convergence proofs for boundary integral methods for water waves (Beale; Hou-Zhang). We are unaware of such a proof of convergence for a 3D boundary integral method for interfacial flow with surface tension. To show convergence, we need to show consistency and stability. Consistency is fairly straightforward. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 46 / 67 About Stability So, we want to prove stability for a version of our numerical scheme. This means that if we have a continuous surface X, and a computed, discretized surface Xh , we need to prove an estimate for the growth of X − Xh . We actually do this for the semi-discrete system (continuous in time, spatially discrete). The required estimates are very much like the energy estimates that we prove for continuous problems. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 47 / 67 Summary So Far, of Analysis and Computing For computing, we can develop a small-scale decomposition for evolution of the free surface. Analytically, we get good estimates for curvature, but of course we need the surface as well; we went through a complicated procedure reconstructing a surface based on the curvature at each iteration. In the numerical analysis, we have a problem, then: we could make good estimates for curvature, but we are evolving the surface itself. Our goal is to find a version of the numerical method for which we can make the desired estimates; we would like the method to be as close as possible to what was implemented, but the main goal is to prove convergence of a boundary integral method for 3D interfacial flow with surface tension. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 48 / 67 Important Ideas for Stability To prove stability, we prove energy estimates for the difference of the continuous solution, X, and the computed solution, Xh . These energy estimates are similar to the estimates of Ambrose and Ambrose-Masmoudi for related problems. Things are more difficult in the discrete setting since relationships may not hold exactly. For example, the equation Fh = 0 is not satisfied exactly. Idea: instead, require ∂t Fh = ǫ∆Fh . Also, estimates work well for κ, but we need to evolve X. We can overcome this, but we need to alter the method (as compared to the method we have previously implemented). With these two key ideas, plus the framework for estimates from Ambrose and Ambrose-Masmoudi, we are able to close the stability estimates. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 49 / 67 Part III: Periodic Traveling Waves in 2D Includes joint work with Benjamin Akers, J. Douglas Wright, Walter Strauss. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 50 / 67 A Traveling Parameterized Curve The usual traveling wave formulation is to posit that the dependent variables are functions of x − ct, for some wave speed c. This is fine for us at small amplitudes, but we should be able to find large-amplitude solutions as well. At large amplitudes, our traveling vortex sheets with surface tension should be able to overturn, i.e., we would like to allow for waves with multi-valued height. Instead of studying functions of x − ct, we must make a traveling wave ansatz for a parameterized curve. With α corresponding to the normalized arclength parameterization, we seek solutions for which (x(α, t), y(α, t))t = (c, 0). David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 51 / 67 The Traveling Wave Ansatz We have two expressions for the velocity of the curve: (x, y)t = (c, 0), (x, y)t = U n ˆ + Vˆ t. We also have an expression for the tangential velocity: Vα = P(θα U ). The solution of these equations is U = −c sin(θ), V = c cos(θ). The equation for V is redundant, from the equation for Vα above. We still need another equation. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 52 / 67 Completing the Traveling Wave Ansatz Since we have a system of evolution equations (for θ and γ), we need a pair of equations in our traveling wave ansatz. In addition to specifying U = −c sin(θ), we also specify Ut = (−c sin(θ))t . It’s easy to see that θt = 0, so this becomes Ut = 0. U is the normal component of the Birkhoff-Rott integral: iθ Z 2π 1 e L γ(α′ ) cot z(α) − z(α′ ) PV dα′ . U = Re 2 2 0 Given the equation U = −c sin(θ), this becomes, upon differentiating with respect to t, iθ Z 2π 1 e L ′ ′ ′ γt (α ) cot PV (z(α) − z(α )) dα . Ut = Re 2 2 0 David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 53 / 67 The Traveling Wave Equations From the above formula for Ut , we can see that if γt = 0, then Ut = 0. We solve the equations U = −c sin(θ) and γt = 0, while using the normalized arclength parameterization. More explicitly, these equations are: iθ Z 2π 1 e L ′ ′ ′ γ(α ) cot z(α) − z(α ) PV dα = −c sin(θ), Re 2 2 0 τ θαα + sα (V − W · ˆ t)γ sα = 0. α (This is the density-matched case; the general case can also be treated.) The quantities L, V, and z are all determined by θ, and W is determined by θ and γ. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 54 / 67 Local Bifurcation Theory We use a version of a bifurcation theorem from Zeidler, related to the Crandall-Rabinowitz “bifurcation from a simple eigenvalue” theory. The theorem has four hypotheses: 1 2 3 4 ψ : H1 × R → H2 is C 2 , ∃u0 ∈ H1 such that ∀c ∈ R, ψ(u0 , c) = 0, ∃c0 ∈ R such that the linearization L(c0 ) = ψu (u0 , c0 ) has a one-dimensional kernel and Fredholm index zero, If ker(L(c0 )) = span(e) and if ker(L∗ (c0 )) = span(e∗ ), then he∗ , ψuc (u0 , c0 )eiH2 6= 0. Then, there exist infinitely many solutions (u∗ , c∗ ) such that ψ(u∗ , c∗ ) = 0 such that u∗ 6= u0 . This is not the most general version of such a theorem, but it sufficient for the present purpose of proving that there exist periodic traveling vortex sheets with surface tension. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 55 / 67 Applying the Bifurcation Theorem The solution θ = 0, γ = γ0 is the trivial solution for any c. If we were to choose H1 and H2 to simply be, for instance, some Sobolev spaces or C k spaces, then the kernels of the operators would be too large. We reduce the size of the kernels by imposing symmetry. Thus, θ will be taken to be odd and γ will be taken so that ω := γ − γ0 is even. The linearized operator is L(c)(θ, ω) = c H τ ∂α2 + 2γ02 ∂α H c∂α θ ω . Hypotheses (3) and (4) hold by direct calculation, using the symmetry assumptions. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 56 / 67 The Bifurcation The speed c must be chosen so that, for some nonzero integer k, c2 = τ |k| − 2γ02 . Letting k0 be the least positive integer k for which the right-hand side is non-negative, the first bifurcation value for c is c20 = τ |k0 | − 2γ02 . 1.2 1 c 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 |y| Numerically, we fix τ and use various values of γ0 . David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 57 / 67 Computed Solutions: γ0 = 0 The computations are performed by finding solutions of ψ(u, c) = 0 with a Newton solver, starting with guesses from the linearization at small amplitudes, and continuing to large amplitudes. With γ0 = 0, the computed solutions never overturn. #% % #$ & % ( " $ $ " % & #$ % #% ! " # $ # " ! ! ' David Ambrose (Drexel University) " # $ # " ! & Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 58 / 67 Computed Solutions: γ0 6= 0 For nonzero γ0 , we find that the waves always overturn, and the bifurcation curve ends in self-intersection of the interface. ! #& "%& #% " #" #%& #$ # ( ' $%& & $ % $%& " # $ #%& " ! " # $ # " ! " ! ' David Ambrose (Drexel University) " # $ # " ! ( Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 59 / 67 A Close-up of the Interface & #"% ( # $"% $ !"% !"# !"$% !"$ !"!% ! !"!% !"$ !"$% !"# ' David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 60 / 67 Another Traveling Wave The previous waves had ρ1 = ρ2 ; now, instead, we set ρ2 = 0. A large-amplitude gravity-capillary water wave: " ( #%& # $%& ! " # $ # " ! ' David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 61 / 67 A Close-up of the Interface 1.4 1.3 y 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 x David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 62 / 67 Gravity Perturbed Crapper Waves Water waves with fixed surface tension, and a gravity parameter, g. %"# % '(h $"# $ !"# ! ï!"# David Ambrose (Drexel University) ! !"# $ $"# % & Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 63 / 67 Our Largest Gravity Perturbed Crapper Wave %$ & ! " ( # $ ï# ï" ï! ï& ï%$ ï! ï" David Ambrose (Drexel University) ï# $ # " ! ' Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 64 / 67 Global Bifurcation In current work, we have proved a global bifurcation theorem for periodic traveling interfacial capillary-gravity waves on infinite depth. The densities can be arbitrary, as long as they are not both zero. The formulation allows for overturning waves, without using a conformal map. This gives hope that the same can be done in 3D. There are several conditions for how the curve of solutions can end, including: blowup of solutions, the curve going to infinity in some sense, self-intersection of solutions, or reconnection to trivial. The theorem uses an “identity plus compact” global bifurcation theorem; the compactness is provided by inverting the derivatives present in the surface tension term in the evolution equations. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 65 / 67 Current and Future Work Finish writing the proof of convergence of the 3D boundary integral method. Possibly extend the numerical analysis to vortex sheets or water waves with surface tension Allow for adaptive mesh refinement via overlapping coordinate patches, in 2D or 3D. Parallelize the computation of the Birkhoff-Rott integral in 3D. Apply these tools to other physical problems (including computing, numerical analysis, and analysis); for example, hydroelastic waves. Further traveling wave studies, especially the study of overturning traveling waves in 3D. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 66 / 67 Thanks for your attention. David Ambrose (Drexel University) Vortex Sheet IVPs August 6, 2014 67 / 67
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