Transmanche 2015 - Clubs 41 Belgium

Transmanche 2015
Dear Friends,
The 5th Transmanche meeting will be held in Dover on Saturday 21st February 2015
12.00 - Meet at Dover Council Chamber for welcome by Mayor of Dover
Town Mayor's Parlour
Biggin Street
Kent CT16 1 DW
13.30 - Lunch at Dover Marina Hotel
You will enjoy a 3 course lunch including
coffee and half a bottle of wine per head
16.15 - Farewell drink at a traditional English pub
Cost £30 per head - To include Mayor's reception,
and Lunch
Bookings to :-
John S Alford
National Councillor South East of England
Three Elms, Pip’s View, Cooling, Rochester,
Kent ME3 8DH
Telephone: 0044 (0)1634 220165
Please note that spaces are limited.
For hotel reservations the rate is £75.00 B & B single &
£85.00 B & B for double. Quote 72188 for special rate
Email: region25@41
5th Transmanche 2015 at Dover / 5ème Transmanche à Douvres
Welcome by Mayor of Dover Councillor Mrs Pam Brivio at theTown Mayors Parlour, Biggin Street
Mot de bienvenue par Madame Pam Brivio, maire de Douvres, à la Mairie de la ville, Rue Biggin
Lunch at the Dover Marine Hotel / Déjeuner à l’Hôtel Dover Marine
Farewell drinks at The Eight Bells Public House / Pot d’adieu au Eight Bells Public House
Order of programme for Dinner / Protocole du déjeuner
Grace / bénédicité
41 Club National President Jim Smith / Jim Smith président national du Club 41 GB & I
Welcome by 41 Club National President Jim Smith / Mot de bienvenue par Jim Smith
Dinner / déjeuner
Loyal Toast / Toast à la Reine
Presentations by / Présentation par
John S Alford, Region 25 South-East of England
And / et
Stephane Meunier, IRO Région 1 Nord – Pas-de-Calais - Picardie
Final Toast/ Toast final
Dinner Menu / Menu du déjeuner
Starter/ Entrée
Garden Pea & Mint Soup / soupe de pois du jardin à la menthe
Main Course/ Plat principal
Classic Rich Beef Bourguignon with dauphinoise potatoes and green beans
Bœuf bourguignon traditionnel avec ses pommes de terre dauphinoises et ses haricots verts
Desert/ Dessert
Sticky Toffee pudding / Pudding au caramel
Coffee & mints / Café et bonbons à la menthe
Half a bottle of wine per person included / Une demi-bouteille de vin par personne incluse