Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper December 2014 Revision: 1.0 Legal Disclaimers Legal Disclaimers By using this document, in addition to any agreements you have with Intel, you accept the terms set forth below. You may not use or facilitate the use of this document in connection with any infringement or other legal analysis concerning Intel products described herein. You agree to grant Intel a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to any patent claim thereafter drafted which includes subject matter disclosed herein. INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTEL PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined". 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Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 2 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Contents Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 5 1.1 1.2 2 Security Features of Intel® IoT Gateway .................................................. 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 Secure Boot ............................................................................... 8 GRSecurity ................................................................................ 9 2.2.1 GRSecurity Administration Utility (gradm) ......................... 10 2.2.2 GRSecurity Full Learning Mode......................................... 10 2.2.3 RBAC Policies Using Full System Learning Mode.................. 10 McAfee* Embedded Control......................................................... 11 Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA)..................................... 13 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway.................................................. 14 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 About this Document .................................................................. 6 Related Documents ..................................................................... 6 Secure Secure 3.2.1 Secure 3.3.1 3.3.2 Boot .............................................................................. 15 Boot with GRSecurity and McAfee Embedded Control ............ 15 Workflow to Enable GRSecurity and McAfee Embedded Control15 Boot with GRSecurity and IMA .......................................... 19 Workflow to Enable GRSecurity and IMA............................ 19 PaX.............................................................................. 22 Summary ........................................................................................... 29 Appendix A Sample PaX Usage .............................................................................. 30 A.1 A.2 Sample a.c File ......................................................................... 30 Sample attack.c File ................................................................... 31 Appendix B Questions and Answers ........................................................................ 32 B.1 B.2 Both IMA and McAfee Embedded Control are configured and enabled, but IMA is blocking my file or process .......................................... 32 Why are symbolic links removable in McAfee Embedded Control even though whitelisted? ................................................................... 32 Figures Figure 1. Intel Secure Boot High Level Flow Diagram........................................................................................... 9 Tables Table 1. Table 2. Related Documents .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Pre-OS and Post-OS protections .............................................................................................................14 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 3 Revision History Revision History Date Revision December 2014 1.0 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 4 Description Initial public release December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Introduction 1 Introduction This whitepaper provides technical descriptions of security profiles that can be found on the Intel® IoT Gateway, and provides technical guidance on the setup of these security profiles. This whitepaper pays particular attention to the configuration of GRSecurity with McAfee* Embedded Control and Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA). In this document: NOTE: • Security Profile is one or more security features that meet an objective for security protection. • Secure Boot refers to hardware based protection features and device initialization flows at system startup that ensure only authenticated and trusted software is allowed to execute. • GRSecurity is a configurable policy that allows collections of programs or process to be executed as least-privilege. It contains a Role Base Access Control (RBAC) mechanism that restricts system access via creating a least-privilege system. GRSecurity contains a PaX structure that prevents executable memory pages from being overwritten with injected machine code. This prevents exploitation of many types of security vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows. • McAfee Embedded Control is a security feature that provides protection of system integrity by controlling what is being run on the embedded device and a way to monitor file system changes. McAfee Embedded Control allows only authorized software to run, permits validated changes, tracks file system changes and provides capability to protect critical data files from being tampered. • IMA is Integrity Measurement Architecture, a security feature that has the ability to detect if files have been accidentally or maliciously altered, both remotely and locally. IMA offers appraisal and signing onto a file's measurement against a "good" value stored as an extended attribute, and enforce local file integrity including appraisal hash protection. Details about the Intelligent Device Platform software are in the Wind River Intelligent Device Platform Programmer’s Guide, listed in Table 1. December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 5 Introduction 1.1 About this Document Section 2 provides a brief explanation of the security features. This document does not explain each security features in detail. Detailed information is available in the Wind River Intelligent Device Platform Security Guide. Section 3 provides a review of the Security Profiles, including the configurations and instructions to utilize various profiles to achieve your security objectives. This font used within a paragraph indicates command line entries, parameters, filenames, directory paths, etc. This font in a gray box indicates commands or scripts that you need to type, or other code examples that might be a useful reference. This font in a green box indicates a command response or another type of screen display. 1.2 Related Documents Table 1. Related Documents Document Title Document Location Wind River Intelligent Device Platform XT Programmer’s Guide us/en/embedded/designtools/evaluationplatforms/gatewaysolutions/wind-river-idpxt2-programmersguide.html?wapkw=wind+ri ver Wind River Intelligent Device Platform XT Security Guide nt/www/us/en/embedded/d esign-tools/evaluationplatforms/gatewaysolutions/wind-river-idpsecurityguide.html?wapkw=security +guide Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 6 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Introduction Document Title Document Location Intel® Quark™ SoC X1000: Platform Design Guide nt/www/us/en/embedded/pr oducts/quark/quark-x1000platform-design-guide.html Intel® Quark™ SoC X1000 UEFI Firmware Writer’s Guide nt/www/us/en/intelligentsystems/quark/quarkx1000-uefi-firmwarewriters-guide.html User Guide: McAfee Embedded Control 6.1.0 nt/www/us/en/embedded/d esign-tools/evaluationplatforms/gatewaysolutions/mcafeeembedded-control-userguide.html?wapkw=embedd ed+control For use with Wind River Linux 5.0.1 Command Line Interface Guide: McAfee Application Control 6.1.0 For use in standalone mode December 2014 Document # 331648-001 nt/www/us/en/embedded/d esign-tools/evaluationplatforms/gatewaysolutions/mcafeeapplication-control-cliguide.html?wapkw=comma nd+line+interface+guide Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 7 Security Features of Intel® IoT Gateway 2 Security Features of Intel® IoT Gateway 2.1 Secure Boot Secure Boot uses a security table and keys plus a signed kernel image and rootfs image to verify that the kernel image and file system have not been tampered with before allowing the boot to proceed. The Secure Boot feature offers a pre-OS or pre-kernel security protection mechanism to meet your security objective of a root of trust. In a high level logical approach, the UEFI Secure Boot implementation involves: 1. BIOS to verify all modules before launch 2. BIOS to verify OS boot loader before launch 3. The platform fails to boot if verification fails The UEFI 2.2 specification added the Secure Boot protocol with a goal of securing the boot process by preventing loading UEFI drivers or OS loaders that are not signed with an acceptable digital signature. Secure Boot aids in preventing attacks on pre-OS level types of vulnerabilities. It is managed by a read-only UEFI global variable (ON/OFF). The Intel hardened UEFI Secure Boot with Platform “Root of Trust”: • Anchor establishes initial trust and extends through the remainder of the boot flow. • Is grounded in Intel processors, such as Intel® Quark™ and Atom™ processors. • SHA256 Hash is used in RSA Encrypt to generate a Secure Boot signature. • Uses public-key cryptography, also known as asymmetric cryptography. Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 8 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Security Features of Intel® IoT Gateway Figure 1. Intel Secure Boot High Level Flow Diagram For a complete description, and installation and setup steps, see the Wind River Intelligent Device Platform Programmer’s Guide. See Table 1 for other documents that contain detailed information about Secure Boot. 2.2 GRSecurity GRSecurity is a set of free software patches released under the GNU GPL for the Linux kernel to enhance the system security. It allows you to define a minimum privilege policy for the system in which every process and user has only the lowest privileges necessary to function. GRSecurity has two primary features: • Role-based access control (RBAC) provides full learning mode for generating security policy rules. The default policy is located in the /etc/grsec/policy file. • PaX flags data memory on the stack as non-executable and program memory as non-writable. It is a set of patches applied to the Linux kernel. PaX prevents executable memory pages from being overwritten by injected machine code and thus prevents exploitation of common security vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows. December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 9 Security Features of Intel® IoT Gateway 2.2.1 GRSecurity Administration Utility (gradm) The GRSecurity Administration Utility helps manage the RBAC system. gradm parses access control lists (ACLs), enforces a secure base policy, and optimizes the ACLs. It also parses the learning logs from full learning mode, merges them with your ACL set, and outputs the final ACLs. 2.2.2 GRSecurity Full Learning Mode The GRSecurity full learning mode is used to generate policy files for new packages that you want to deploy. 2.2.3 RBAC Policies Using Full System Learning Mode GRSecurity's learning mode can be used on a per-subject, per-role basis, or system-wide. The learning mode can learn all things that the RBAC system supports: files, capabilities, resources, the IP addresses that use each role, and socket usage. To enable full system learning, run the following as root: # gradm -F -L /etc/grsec/learning.logs This enables the RBAC system and initiates full system learning. gradm monitors and logs your system’s activities. You can use the log to build a least privilege policy for your system. It is important to run and use your normal applications several times. This is important because the learning mode uses a threshold–based system to determine when access should be given to a file or whether it should be given to a directory. NOTE: GRSecurity features aid in reducing commonly found software vulnerabilities, such as address space layout randomization, supervisory mode access and execution, and exploitation in brute force attacks. For a complete description of GRSecurity, including installation and setup steps, see the Wind River Intelligent Device Platform Programmer’s Guide. Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 10 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Security Features of Intel® IoT Gateway 2.3 McAfee* Embedded Control McAfee Embedded Control for Wind River includes a McAfee layer that allows you to configure McAfee embedded products to use them on a Wind River target platform. McAfee Embedded Control provides McAfee Application Control McAfee Change Control to the Wind River Linux target platforms: McAfee Embedded Control is a single solution that provides system integrity and change control for embedded devices. This software blocks unauthorized applications from running on your embedded systems. McAfee Application Control/Application whitelisting has the capability to allow only authorized code to run and prevent any code other than whitelisted code to run. The Dynamic update provided by whitelist is capable of restricting updates from a trusted channel. These are called authorized updaters. Application Control offers a tamper proof feature to guard against attacks to the whitelisted system components. The McAfee Change Control mechanism offers an end-to-end compliance solution by providing file integrity monitoring and change prevention. It provides an integrity monitoring service policy driven real-time visibility of change events on the endpoints, and it provides the capability to restrict system changes and provide the ability to monitor the file system. McAfee Embedded Control effectively provides the whitelisting feature that secures the image of allowable agents/applications for a specific device. For a complete description, and installation and setup steps, see the Wind River Intelligent Device Platform Programmer’s Guide. December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 11 Security Features of Intel® IoT Gateway Figure 2. McAfee Embedded Control Overview Whitelist enumerates the set of programs that are allowed to run on the host computer. The members of the whitelist are called authorized or solidified program code. Any program not in the whitelist is considered unauthorized. Its execution is prevented, and the failure to execute is logged. Figure 3. Whitelisting Process Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 12 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Security Features of Intel® IoT Gateway 2.4 Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) The Integrity Measurement Architecture provides the capability for a system to perform appraisals to prevent unauthorized/unsigned loading of applications and libraries. IMA ensures application integrity through a tamperproof file system. The tamper-proof file system prevents end users from making modifications to the device software and from executing unauthorized applications on the device. The tamper-proof file system prevents unauthorized executable applications from running on the device, while it allows authorized software providers to deploy their applications to the device, where the applications can run without exceptions. The following hooks are implemented in integrity management: • IMA Appraisal verifies the extended attribute security.ima of the file against the file SHA1 digest. security.ima must contain an RSA digital signature signed by a recognized RSA private key. • EVM Digest verifies the extended attribute security.evm of the file against the file SHA1 digest. security.evm must contain an HMAC cipher encrypted by a recognized EVM key. • EVM Digital Signature verifies the extended attribute security.evm against the HMAC value calculated by the EVM digest. security.evm must contain an RSA digital signature signed by a recognized RSA private key. For a complete description, including installation and setup steps, see the Wind River Intelligent Device Platform Programmer’s Guide. December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 13 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway 3 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway As described in Section 2 several security features are provided within Intel® IoT Gateway to meet various security objectives. You can choose any combination of these and configure your product to achieve different security goals. This section illustrates combinations of security features that comprise a preOS and post-OS structure. To offer end-to-end security protection, you can combine a pre-OS security feature with a post-OS security feature. You can use Secure Boot to provide protection against boot tamper attempts as boot verification, up to the verification of OS image integrity. Combining GRSecurity, McAfee Embedded Control, and IMA is offer post system boot protection, to the application, kernel, OS and system level. The following table illustrates the possible security profiles configuration in the Intel® IoT Gateway products. Table 2. Pre-OS and Post-OS protections Pre-OS Secure Boot Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 14 Post-OS Primary Security Objectives GRSecurity RBAC and memory protection McAfee Embedded Control Whitelisting; Prevent non-approved SW from execution; Change Monitoring & Prevention IMA Integrity protection GRSecurity + McAfee Embedded Control RBAC, memory protection and whitelisting application + control + change monitoring & prevention GRSecurity + IMA RBAC, memory protection, file signing and file integrity protection. December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway 3.1 Secure Boot Secure Boot provides security protection at the pre-OS area by providing mechanisms to verify the authenticity and integrity of the software before it is loaded and run. Secure Boot protection can be combined with post-OS boot levels of security features such as GRSecurity, McAfee Embedded Control or IMA. For information about configuring Secure Boot, see the documentation listed in Table 1. 3.2 Secure Boot with GRSecurity and McAfee Embedded Control You must define the GRSecurity RBAC policy for software to work correctly. This section describes the workflow to enable McAfee Embedded Control with GRSecurity RBAC, using GRSecurity full learning mode. This generates a minimal working policy required for McAfee Embedded Control to work with GRSecurity RBAC. 3.2.1 Workflow to Enable GRSecurity and McAfee Embedded Control Use the following workflows to derive the GRSecurity policy and with McAfee Embedded Control: 1. Setup the master password: # gradm –P Input and confirm your password. 2. Set up the password for role shutdown: # gradm –P shutdown Input and confirm your password. 3. Enable GRSecurity in full learning mode: # gradm -F -L /etc/grsec/learning.logs December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 15 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway 4. Generate McAfee Embedded Control white list: # sadmin so 5. Enable McAfee Embedded Control: # sadmin enable 6. Restart McAfee Embedded Control service to for McAfee Embedded Control to get into Enable state: # /etc/init.d/scsrvc restart 7. Define any required McAfee Embedded Control polices (updaters, read protection, write protection, monitoring) 8. Run /usr/local/mcafee/solidcore/tools/gatherinfo/ to make the GRSecurity RBAC learn about the McAfee Embedded Control tool. Define the CLI password # sadmin password 9. Repeat steps 4 to 8 for two to three times. 10. Generate polices from learning mode. # gradm -F -L /etc/grsec/learning.logs –O /etc/grsec/policy 11. Exit learning mode # gradm –D 12. Use the policies generated above to enable GRSecurity. # gradmn -E Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 16 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway Policies generated from GRSecurity learning mode might require small modifications to generate a full working policy. If the policy does not work, see Section, Known Issues and Resolutions, for guidance and then try again. Known Issues and Resolutions Issue: “sadmin so” failed to write whitelist (inventory) scsrvc might be denied access to write the inventory. Resolution: “sadmin so” failed to write whitelist (inventory) Review the GRSecurity RBAC log for failures. If necessary, run dmesg to locate the GRSecurity failure logs. Add a rule to give the McAfee Embedded Control scsrvc permissions for the .solidcore directory in the volume in which the denial occurred. Use the following steps. 1. Disable GRSecurity: # gradm –D 2. Search for subject /usr/local/mcafee/solidcore/bin/scsrvc in the GRSecurity policy file. 3. Under subject /usr/local/mcafee/solidcore/bin/scsrvc 4. In the policy file, provide read/write access in the McAfee Embedded Control directory that holds the whitelist. To do so add the following: /.solidcore rwcd The section for subject /usr/local/mcafee/solidcore/bin/scsrvc should now look like this: subject /usr/local/mcafee/solidcore/bin/scsrvc o { / December 2014 Document # 331648-001 /.solidcore rwcd /.solidcore/scinv rwcd /.solidcore/scinv.tmp rwcd /.solidcore/scinvlog wc Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 17 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway 5. Enable GRSecurity: # gradm –E Issue: McAfee Embedded Control service restart failed scsrvc might be denied access to the McAfee Embedded Control configuration file. Resolution: McAfee Embedded Control service restart failed Analyze the GRSecurity RBAC log for failures. Make sure McAfee Embedded Control service scsrvc has required privileges to read and write to the configuration file /etc/mcafee/solidcore/solidcore.conf and to /etc/mcafee/solidcore/solidcore.conf.tmp. Use the following steps: 6. Disable GRSecurity: # gradm –D 7. Search for subject /usr/local/mcafee/solidcore/bin/scsrvc in the GRSecurity policy file. 8. Under subject /usr/local/mcafee/solidcore/bin/scsrvc, provide read/write access to subject scsrvc in the McAfee Embedded Control directory that holds the whitelist. To do so add the following. /etc/mcafee/solidcore/solidcore.conf rwcd /etc/mcafee/solidcore/solidcore.conf.tmp rwcd The subject /usr/local/mcafee/solidcore/bin/scsrvc section should now look like this. Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 18 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway subject /usr/local/mcafee/solidcore/bin/scsrvc o { / /.solidcore rwcd /.solidcore/scinv rwcd /.solidcore/scinv.tmp rwcd /.solidcore/scinvlog wc /etc/mcafee/solidcore/solidcore.conf rwcd /etc/mcafee/solidcore/solidcore.conf.tmp rwcd 9. Enable GRSecurity. # gradm –E 3.3 Secure Boot with GRSecurity and IMA This section provides workflows to enable the IMA within the GRSecurity RBAC policy. This is used when you want to define a GRSecurity RBAC policy for software that works correctly within the GRSecurity environment. To define a policy set for IMA to work with GRSecurity, use the GRSecurity full learning mode feature. Before beginning this workflow, obtain a list of commands you will need to execute after the targets boots up. This is necessary because GRSecurity is taking a least working privilege approach. After you enable this GRSecurity policy, the system will only allow execution of the commands that are excuted during the learning process. Other commands will be denied access. 3.3.1 Workflow to Enable GRSecurity and IMA Use the following workflow to generate the GRSecrity RBAC policy. 1. Prepare a shell script that contains all the commands you would want to execute after the target boots up. In this example, the name used is 2. Set up the GRSecurity master password: # gradm –P Follow the screen instruction to input and confirm the password. December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 19 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway 3. Set up the password for role shutdown instruction: # gradm –P shutdown Input and confirm your password. 4. Enable the GRSecurity in full learning mode # gradm -F -L /root/learning.logs 5. Run three times: # sh # sh # sh 6. Exit learning mode: # gradm –D Input your master password. 7. Generate policy from learning logs: # gradm -F -L /root/learning.logs –O /etc/grsec/policy 8. Edit /etc/grsec/policy to make it compatible with the process which is automatically started. Replace: # Role: root subject /usr/bin/setfattr o { …… …… } with Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 20 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway # Role: root subject /usr/bin/setfattr o { / h /bin w /etc rw /etc/grsec h /etc/gshadow h /etc/gshadow- h /etc/passwd h /etc/samba/smbpasswd h /etc/shadow h /etc/shadow- h /etc/ssh h /lib rxw /lib/modules h /opt h /opt/benchmark w /opt/lmbench w /opt/ltp w /opt/open_posix_testsuite /opt/prosyst_osgi w /opt/testsuite w /root w /sbin w /usr h /usr/bin xw /usr/lib w /usr/libexec w /usr/sbin w /usr/share w /www w w -CAP_ALL +CAP_SYS_ADMIN bind disabled connect disabled } December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 21 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway NOTE: The ingredients in step 8 enable IMA signing learning within the GRSecurity structure. The contents of in step#5 are not directly related to step#8. Step#8 is the key to maintain GRSecurity and IMA execution in harmony. 9. Enable GRSecurity with the policy you just generated: # gradm –E If the policy does not work, see Section,Known Issues and Solutions, for guidance and then try again. 3.3.2 PaX GRSecurity provides memory protection via PaX, It flags data memory, the stack, for example, as non-executable and program memory as nonwritable. This prevents memory from being overwritten, which can help to prevent many types of security vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows. PaX also provides Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), which randomizes important memory addresses to reduce the chances of attacks that rely on easily predicted memory addresses. Once the GRSecurity is included in your project, PaX will take effect. There is no special command to turn on the PaX feature; it takes effect when GRSecurity is started. If you do not want to include the PaX feature, you can exclude it with the option –-with-template = feature/non_grsec Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 22 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway The default kernel configuration for PaX is: CONFIG_PAX=y # CONFIG_PAX_SOFTMODE is not set CONFIG_PAX_EI_PAX=y CONFIG_PAX_PT_PAX_FLAGS=y CONFIG_PAX_XATTR_PAX_FLAGS=y # CONFIG_PAX_NO_ACL_FLAGS is not set CONFIG_PAX_HAVE_ACL_FLAGS=y # CONFIG_PAX_HOOK_ACL_FLAGS is not set CONFIG_PAX_NOEXEC=y CONFIG_PAX_PAGEEXEC=y CONFIG_PAX_SEGMEXEC=y # CONFIG_PAX_EMUTRAMP is not set CONFIG_PAX_MPROTECT=y CONFIG_PAX_MPROTECT_ALLOW_PTRACE=y # CONFIG_PAX_MPROTECT_COMPAT is not set # CONFIG_PAX_ELFRELOCS is not set # CONFIG_PAX_KERNEXEC is not set CONFIG_PAX_KERNEXEC_PLUGIN_METHOD="" CONFIG_PAX_ASLR=y CONFIG_PAX_RANDKSTACK=y CONFIG_PAX_RANDUSTACK=y CONFIG_PAX_RANDMMAP=y # CONFIG_PAX_MEMORY_SANITIZE is not set # CONFIG_PAX_MEMORY_STACKLEAK is not set # CONFIG_PAX_MEMORY_UDEREF is not set CONFIG_PAX_REFCOUNT=y CONFIG_PAX_USERCOPY=y CONFIG_PAX_SIZE_OVERFLOW=y You can change the default PaX configurations in your kernel configuration. You can also change the flags for specified files via the paxctl tool. Type paxctl –help for information. December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 23 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway To best demonstrate the GRSecurity PaX feature, two sample programs are provided to show a case buffer overflow scenario. The sample source code is in Appendix A, Sample PaX Usage. Below are the specific instructions to exhibit the buffer overflow protection: 1. Build source code on a host: $ gcc a.c $ sudo chown root:sys a.out $ sudo chmod 4555 a.out $ gcc attack.c -o attack 2. Copy the executable files to target: scp a.out ./attack root@targetIP:/root/ 3. Copy private key from your project to target: scp Proj_dir/wr-srm/files/keys/vendor-private.pem root@targetIP:/root/ 4. Sign the executable files on target: evmctl ima_sign ./a.out ./vendor-private.pem evmctl ima_sign ./attack ./vendor-private.pem 5. Execute the binary on target: ./attack Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 24 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway 6. On a system with GRSecurity (PaX) enabled, the execution will be killed and the following information will display on the screen: root@WR-IntelligentDevice:~# ./attack [98281.168774] grsec: denied RWX mmap of /ttt by /root/a.out[a.out:21949] uid/euid:0/0 gid/egid:0/0, parent /bin/bash[sh:2432] uid/euid:0/0 gid/egid:0/0 [98281.186584] grsec: Segmentation fault occurred at ffffffff in /root/a.out[a.out:21949] uid/euid:0/0 gid/egid:0/0, parent /bin/bash[sh:2432] uid/euid:0/0 gid/egid:0/0 [98281.207027] grsec: denied resource overstep by requesting 4096 for RLIMIT_CORE against limit 0 for /root/a.out[a.out:21949] uid/euid:0/0 gid/egid:0/0, parent /bin/bash[sh:2430 Segmentation fault root@WR-IntelligentDevice:~# On a system that does not have PaX enabled, the execution will run without problems. Known Issues and Solutions Problem: Read access root@WR-IntelligentDevice:~# gradm -E Read access to /lib/modules is allowed by the root role. This is the directory that holds kernel modules. The ability to read these images provides an attacker with useful information for launching "ret-to-libc" style attacks against the kernel. One hole was found in your RBAC configuration. This must be fixed before the RBAC system can be enabled. December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 25 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway Solution: Read access Add the variable $grsec_denied to that role, as follows: 1. Before the line -CAP_ALL in the policy, add the line $grsec_denied 2. If items are pre-defined in the $grsec_denied list, comment them out, as shown in the sample below. 3. Save and re-enable the policy. role root uG role_transitions admin shutdown role_allow_ip …/32 # Role: root subject / { …. # /lib/modules h # /lib64/modules h ….. $grsec_denied -CAP_ALL bind disabled connect disabled } Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 26 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway Problem: Write access root@WR-IntelligentDevice:~# gradm -E Write access is allowed by role default to /etc. This directory holds initialization scripts and configuration files. One hole was found in your RBAC configuration. This must be fixed before the RBAC system can be enabled. Solution: Write access Edit the /etc/grsec/policy to remove the write privilege w for /etc Role default Subject / { … /etc rw Problem: Denied connection You may be see the following error displayed when the system is in the Enable state: [ 4029.203301] grsec: (daemon:U:/sbin/portmap) denied connect() to port 42442 sock type dgram protocol udp by /sbin/portmap[portmap:2208] uid/euid:1/1 gid/egid:10 [ 4039.066393] grsec: (daemon:U:/sbin/portmap) denied connect() to port 56898 sock type dgram protocol udp by /sbin/portmap[portmap:2208] uid/euid:1/1 gid/egid:10 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 27 Security Profiles for Intel® IoT Gateway Solution: Denied connection Modify /etc/grsec/policy to replace: # Role: daemon subject /sbin/portmap o { …… …… } With # Role: daemon subject /sbin/portmap o { / h -CAP_ALL bind disabled connect dgram udp connect dgram udp } NOTE: The IP address above will be different in your environment. Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 28 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Summary 4 Summary With an Intel® IoT Gateway product you have rich security options to design the gateway product in accordance to your needs. Depending on the security objectives of the gateway product, you have options to protect you gateway in the pre-OS and post-OS capacity. For pre-OS, you can use the Secure Boot feature to safeguard the boot sequences from BIOS to the point before booting the operating system. Post-OS, you can choose a combination of security features of GRSecurity, McAfee Embedded Control, and IMA. Depending on your security objectives, the gateway products can choose from: • A standalone post-OS security attribute of GRSecurity, McAfee Embedded Control, or IMA • A combination of GRSecurity with McAfee Embedded Control • GRSecurity with IMA When a combined security option is chosen, you must note the known configuration issues of the configuration to maintain system stability. December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 29 Summary Appendix A Sample PaX Usage Two PaX samples follow: a.c and attack.c A.1 Sample a.c File #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> void (*ptr)(void); int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int fd; char *buf; fd = open("/ttt", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); write (fd, "helloworld", 10); buf = mmap(NULL, 256, PROT_EXEC|PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); strcpy(buf, argv[1]); printf ("buf = %p\n", buf); ptr = (void (*)(void))(buf + 16); printf ("ptr = %p\n", ptr); ptr(); munmap(buf, 256); close(fd); return 0; } Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 30 December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Summary A.2 Sample attack.c File #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> char shellcode[] = "\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\xb0\x17\xcd\x80" /* setuid(0) */ "\xeb\x1f\x5e\x89\x76\x08\x31\xc0\x88\x46\x07\x89\x46\x0c" "\xb0\x0b\x89\xf3\x8d\x4e\x08\x8d\x56\x0c\xcd\x80\x31\xdb" "\x89\xd8\x40\xcd\x80\xe8\xdc\xff\xff\xff/bin/sh"; int main(void) { char *arg[3]; char *buf = malloc(256); memset(buf, 0x90, 256); memcpy(buf+32, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)); buf[255]=0; arg[0]="./a.out"; arg[1]=buf; arg[2]=NULL; execve(arg[0],arg,NULL); return 0; } December 2014 Document # 331648-001 Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 31 Summary Appendix B Questions and Answers B.1 Both IMA and McAfee Embedded Control are configured and enabled, but IMA is blocking my file or process When both IMA and McAfee Embedded Control are configured, IMA hooks have first consideration. McAfee Embedded Control hooks sit at the application layer. Therefore, the denial is from IMA. The McAfee Embedded Control denial check comes after IMA, so only in the following case will McAfee Embedded Control deny execution when co-existing with IMA: If the respective binary contains a signed checksum in file attribute referred by IMA for deny exec, but is not whitelisted. B.2 Why are symbolic links removable in McAfee Embedded Control even though whitelisted? The /bin/rm command in Wind River Linux is a symbolic link. Symbolic links are not whitelisted, and therefore they are not tamper proof. Only binaries and scripts are whitelisted and hence tamper proof. If you want to make symbolic links or any other unsupported files (files which are not whitelisted) tamper proof, you can add write protection rules for them and protect them. sadmin wp -i /bin/rm root@WR-IntelligentDevice:/bin# mv rm myrm U.1348.1423: Oct 30 2014:10:04:44.354: ERROR: evt.c: 1240: McAfee Solidifier prevented an attempt to modify file '/bin/rm' by process /bin/mv.coreutils (Process Id: 6292, User: root) Intel® IoT Gateway - Security Profiles Whitepaper 32 December 2014 Document # 331648-001
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