xiccstot Vol. 7, No. 4 Dpcenher, 1°°! ^hnle W>. ?Q vdith tomovrovO ior continuity^ SANTA BARBARA COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Post Office Box 1174 Goleta CA 93116 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 1981 ly Perry Thies President Frank B. Smith VicePresident Lorraine Cramer Laabs Secretary Norman S. Treasurer Scofield Alma Imhoff Lauritsen Director Lilian Mann Fish Director Harry W. Titus Director Victor W. South Parliamentarian. *********** Bette Root Ruth Brooks Scollin Genealogical Instructor Librarian Amy Woods Marwede Publicity Lilian Mann Fish . Jean Stockwell and Shirley Cobb Ruth Morns, Sylvia Hanna, Virginia Paddock and Editor Hospitality Dorothy M. Walt . Book PAST PRESIDENTS Bette Root Harry Titus . 198° 1979 Mary Ellen Webster Galbraith 1978 Carlton M. Smith . . Selma Bankhead West ,„„,. Harry R. Glen Carol Forbes Roth 1977 1975-1976 . 1974-1975 1973 ANCESTORS WEST is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Non-member subscriptions are $6.00 per annum Single copies of current and back issues are $1.50, depending on availability The rate for advertising is $3.00 for the first ?Llna "rZ 10 C?ntS f?r 6aCh additi°nal word. Exchange adver- cinJrfhn^l! hist° periodicals welcomed. Contributions ofr a° glCal1and genealogical orrical historical nature iswill be ac cepted as space allows. Queries are encouraged. Quotes and reXfG?Lf£° m. P^ces appearing in ANCESTORS WEST have the approval of the Society if the source is credited. e£ ?a2ta ?ar^ara cO"nty Genealogical Society membership is $15.00 for the calendar year, dues payable by February 1, and includes one subscription to the Quarterly, ANCESTORS WEST. Members ioinina after July 1st pay half the annual dues and receive Septembe? and December ANCESTORS WEST. Special consideration is givln rSr Life ' Associate and Honorary members. Ro™fa^!fTS' flfSt Saturday of each month, 10AM to 3 PM ll G?leta Community Center, 5689 Hollister Ave., Goleta. Li- ™ rary at above address open each Wednesday, 12M to 4 PM. Attendance of visitors is warmly encouraged. enaance 115 ANCESTORS WEST TABLE OF CONTENTS December, 1981 Vol. 7, No. 4 Page PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE - A Helping Tool for a Local Society 116 PERRY FAMILIES OF NEW YORK STATE 116 Harville FAMILY REUNIONS 1981 and 1983 116 International Gathering of O'Neills 116 MYSTERIOUS CROSS ONCE IN THE TOWER OF SANTA BARBARA MISSION 117 Photograph - courtesy Mission Archives-Library Did Santa Barbara Mission Once Have Its Own "Stonehenge"? ANCESTOR TABLE Chart No. 32 - Leslie Winifred Hanna 118-121 ANSWERING QUERIES PAYS 121 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS 1892 122-126 1893 126-130 130.137 QUERIES MINNESOTA - Map, Early Chronology 131 Genealogical Societies in Minnesota 132 133-136 Minnesota Research FIRST ANNUAL DINNER PARTY 136 SEPTEMBER 19th WORKSHOP 136 INDEX - SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS appearing in Vol. 5 Nos. 1 and 2, 1979, ANCESTORS WEST 138-139 Correction - Morrow Query Sept. 1981 ANCESTORS WEST (Sipes not Stipes) 139 MAPES FAMILY ASSOCIATION - George R. Robertson III, President 139 NEW IN THE LIBRARY 140-142 143 GLEANINGS BOOK REVIEWS English: Census Returns 1841 1851 1861 1871 on Microfilm - A Directory of Local Holdings 3d.1981 ed.coup.J.S.W.Gibson 144 Bishops Transcripts and Marriage Licences Bonds and Allegations - A Duide to Their Location and Indexes, conp. J.S.W.Gibson 145 Record Offices: How to Find Than. ed. Jeremy Gibson and Pamela Peskett 146 Census Indexes and Indexing, ed. Jeremy Gibson, Colin Chapman, Fed. Family Hist. Soc.146 Tracing Your Ancestors in Minnesota: A Guide to the Sources, Vol. 1, Wiley R. Pope and Alissa L. Wainer, 2d ed., revised and enlarged 146 Appeal is made for gifts of books, pamphlets and periodicals for SCGS Library. Contributions will be reported in NEW IN THE LIBRARY section and are tax deductible. Reccnmendations for purchases should be made to the Book Conmittee. for ANCESTORS WEST solicited. Ancestral Charts and articles 116 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE - A HELPING TOOL FOR A LOCAL SOCIETY Two of our members have provided and arranged a large three-hold notebook with INDEX pages for all the states and several countries in which members are searching. Each person is asked to register under the appropriate state or country the FAMILY name with the approximate dates of those researched. Thus another member can locate a fellow searcher - perhaps a distant kinsman. In this way the individuals in the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society are able to help one another. PERRY FAMILIES OF NEW YORK STATE Help for research of Perry families in New York State is coming eventually. Laura Perry McColley collected voluminous records of Perrys who resided in After her death in New York State - particularly Saratoga and Cayuga Counties. 1969 the material was stored in the heme of her brother in Cass City,Michigan. Mr. Perry is turning the numerous note books over to a Perry searcher. It may be months or even years before the records are completely organized. If Perry searchers will send their query on a three by five card using the following format they will be filed according to given name, will be checked pe riodically to match the query with the data extracted. Please send card and SASE to Mrs. Wilbur H. Thies (Emily Perry) 41 Northridge Road Santa Barbara, CA 93105 SURNAME first loot PLACE day "»nth y*ar day "cnth ytar day month year niidle county tttaf city county ttat* city county «tat« PLACE MAR. ' city PLACE nfATH - Date sent Hmrtiw's Address FAMILY REUNIONS SCGS member Ronald "Pat" Harville has submitted a report of the second family reunion of the descendants of Dr. John William Harville, an early Cali fornia settler of Todds Valley, Placer County, which will appear in the next issue of ANCESTORS WEST. 1983 gathering planned for Ferndale, CA, entered around Fern Cottage, the cherished heme of Annie (Russ) Harville. International gathering of O'NEILLS planned for the last two weeks of June 1982 in Ireland. The director of the reunion is Kathleen Neill, 162a Kingsway, Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 9AD Northern Ireland. An announcement of the progratmie of events is included in FAMILY LINKS, PAST AND PRESENT, Vol. 1, No. 1, just re ceived , Scheduled are the inauguration of the chief, a Gala Fete Day at Shane's Castle, Antrim, County Antrim, the estate of the Rt. Hon. The Lord O'Neill, who will be host for the day with a variety of events including traditional dancing and music, races, games and a steam rally, sight-seeing tours, talks about the his tory of the O'Neills and about tracing Irish family history in general, by leading authorities in this field, and at least one banquet which will be hosted by sever al notable O'Neills, including the nominal heads of the 'sept'. If interested in attending, one should contact Mrs. Kathleen Neill, Director, without delay. 117 MYSTERIOUS CROSS ONCE IN THE TOWER OF SANTA BARBARA MISSION The original 8 x 10 photograph at the Santa Barbara Mission Archives Library was photographed by Michael Lawler, son of SBCGS member Janet Lawler, and is here reproduced through the courtesy of Fr. Virgilio Biasiol, O.F.M., Director. Dr. Neuerburg is Professor of Art at California State University, T\>minguez Hills, a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome, and was a consultant on design for the J. Paul Getty Museum at Malibu, California. DID SANTA BARBARA MISSION ONCE HAVE ITS OWN "STONEHENGE"? After describing restoration of certain statuary at Santa Barbara Mission, an article by Norman Neuerburg in the current newsletter of the Friends of the Mission Archives states: "A unique piece of plaster relief sculpture, certainly also by an Indian artist, once adorned the interior of the right hand bell tower until it was lost as a result of the 1925 earthquake. Its existence was revealed by a photograph discovered in the Archive-Library taken right after the disaster. It showed a simple cross, flanked by a pair of flags, above a row of triangles clearly of In dian origin. Its exact meaning is obscure, but it probably meant different things to the mission fathers and to the Indians for it was so placed that it could only be seen at certain times of the year when it was lighted by a ray of the sun. That particular date may have had separate meanings for the Indians and the Span iards." with note: (For a more lengthy discussion, see the author's two articles in THE MASTERKEY. Vol.51,No.4,pp.147-153, and Vol.54,No.4.pp. 150-153.) 118 ANCESTOR TABLE Chart No. 32 Submitted by matiber SYLVIA A. HANNA, 4539 Via ?^aria, Santa Barbara, CA 93111 (805)964-1237 for her daughter, Leslie Winifred Hanna. (I) = Inmigrant Ancestor Birth Death 1. Leslie Winifred HANNA William Clark HANNA Sylvia Ann McKINNEY 4. William John HANNA (I) 5. Grace Amelia CLARK 6. Paul Bucher McKINNEY 7. Mae Elizabeth RANK 8. John Henry HANNA (I) 9. Jessie WATT (I) 10. Joseph Henry CLARK 11. Minnie Elida McMULDROCK 12. William James McKINNEY 13. Sylvia Ann HERRING 14. Barry RANK 15. Laura Deborah GARRETT 16. John A. HANNA 17. Mary Jane ALCOCK 18. John WATT 19. 20. 21. 22. Elizabeth HENDERSON Nelson CLARK Sarah F. WELLER John McMULDROCK 23. Mary THOMSON 24. William MxKINNEY 25. Melinda BRANDT (I) 26. David HERRING 27. Louisa BENDER 28. Erastus Philip RANK 29. Enma Margaret BARRY 30. Albert Ervin GARRETT 31. Mary Elizabeth PENN 32. Oliver HANNA 34. John ALCOCK 40. Joseph CLARK 41. Philena KIMPTON 42. 43. 46. 47. Benjamin Tyler WELLER Mary Elizabeth HANJORD David THOMSON (I) Mary MASON (I) 48. James MEKKYNy(McKinney) 49. Sarah LOURY 52. Henry HERRING 53. Rosina WARD 54. Johannes BENDER 55. Margaret STEIN 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. William RANK Eve Kern BRUNNER William A. BARRY Rachel Anna EACHES Levi GARRETT Catherine RQDARMEL 62. John B. PENN (I) 63. Catherine 80. 1956 - CA 1924 1930 - MI PA 1885 1886 1887 1890 - CAN 1861 1859 1860 1866 1853 1856 1867 1867 - MI - PA - PA 1950 1939 1946 1961 - IRE - CAN - OH MI - PA PA PA PA 1937 1940 1941 1942 1936 1932 1946 1903 1826 - IRE 1840 - IRE 1805- SCOT 1835- SCOT 1818 - VT 1838 - NY 1831-• SCOT 1843 - OH 1827 - PA 1832 - GER 1826 - PA 1831 - PA 1839 - PA 1844 - PA 1850 - PA 1848 - PA IRE IRE 1795 - NH 1798 - VT 1805 - MA 1814 - CT 1788- SCOT 1792 - ENG 1799 PA 1801 - PA 1778 PA 1783 1782 1796 1795 PA 1801 1815 MA 1821 - PA 1818 - PA 1822 - PA 1824 SWTTZ 1822 PA - IL - IL - CA - CA - MI - MI - MI - MI PA PA PA PA 1899 -IRE 1912 1926 1880 1920 1891 1884 - MI - 1900 1909 1917 1924 1899 1885 - MI MI MI PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA IRE IRE 1903 - NY 1870 - PA 1831 - PA - PA 1860 1857 1870 1881 1877 1886 1909 1903 1872 - PA - PA 1877 1904 - PA PA PA PA OH PA PA PA Benjamin CLARK 82. Gideon KIMPTON 84. Benjamin WELLER 85. Abigail BAKER 86. John Williams HANFORD 87. Polly PEARSALL 96. James McKINNEY 1784 1798 1754 - MA MA CT CT PA 1866 - NY 1884 - NY 1809 - PA 119 ANCESTOR TABLE Chart No. 32 104. 105. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. Ludwig HERRING (I) Christina BRAUNSCHWEIG Johannes STEIN (I) Birth 1734 - GER 1737 - GER 1765 1774 1771 - John Peter RANK Eva Christine HARPER Henry BRUNNER, JR. PA PA PA 1851 1823 1827 1831 - PA - PA - PA - PA PA 119. Mary JOHNS 122. Daniel P. RCDEARMEL 124. Johannes P. PENN (I) 125. Elizabeth PA 1799 SWITZ (I) Joseph HANP0RD 1862 - PA 1798 SWITZ 1749 1760 1765 1769 - CT Sarah WILLIAMS Samuel PEARSALL Rachel WAKEMAN Philip RANCK, Jr. 1731 - PA NY CT NY 1802 - CT 1824 - CT 1854 - CT Mary Adam HARPER (I) 227. Anna Catharine BASSIER 228. Heinrich BRUNNER, SR. (I) 229. Catherine REIDELMEYER (I) 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 454. 455. Haynes HANFORD 688. 689. 696. 697. 698. 700. 701. 702. 703. 896. 897. Samuel HANFORD Isabell HAYNES John PEARSALL Martha John SATTERLY Elizabeth KETCHAM Jonas WILLIAMS Sarah FLEET Samuel PEARSALL Keziah SATTERLY 1722 1732 1745 1748 - GER - PA - GER - GER 1716 1715 - CT CT 1723 LI/NY Ann ADAMS Henry BOSLER, Jr. Maria Margaret BICKEL Joseph WAKEMAN, 2nd Abigail ALLEN Nathaniel ADAMS Ann SILLIMAN Hans Valentine RANC Margaretha PHILIPPES 1378. William HAYNES (I) Elizabeth HUSSEY (I) 1392. Daniel PEARSALL 1393. Emm 1400. Joseph WAKEMAN 1401. Elizabeth HAWLEY k1402. Gideon ALLEN 1406. John SILLIMAN 1407. AnnaBURR 1792. Jean RANC 1794. Henri PHILIPPES 1795. Marguerite WEINKRAUSS 1782 1805 1808 1827 - PA PA PA PA 1798 - CT 1774 1803 - LI/NY 1730 1783 1792 Gideon WAKEMAN 1376. Thomas HANKfflD (I) 1377. Mary MILES (I) 1379. 1781 - PA Elizabeth Barbara KERN 118. Jesse EACHES 172. 173. 174. 175. 224. 225. 226. Death 1788 - PA 1740 1710 1708 1761 - PA 1761 - PA 1674 - CT 1678 - CT 1751 - CT 1712 1704 - CT 1705 1749 1762 - CT 1804 - CT 1688 1670 FRAN (BAD = 1710 -BAD BAD Baden(Ger)1714 1621163516481652- ENG ENG ENG 1693 - CT 1730 - CT 1712 - CT ENG 1703 - LI/NY 1670 - CT 1679 - CT 1675 1687 1696 1641 FRAN 1816. Johannes Yorick BOSSIER 1817. Lisa WINTERHAUSEN 1648 1403. Anna BURR 1675 1726 1753 1747 1752 1740 1712 - CT - CT - CT - CT -BAD 1747 120 ANCESTOR TABLE Chart No. 32 Birth 2752. 2753. 2754. 2755. 2784. 2785. 2800. 2801. 2802. 2803. 2804. 2805. 2806. 2807. 2812. 2813. 2814. 2815. 3590. 3591. 3632. 3633. Theophilus HANFORD Eglin DOWNE Richard MILES (I) Katherine ELrrHORPE Henry PEARSALL (I) 1598 1592 Death ENG ENG ENG ENG - CT - 1650 1640 CT - 1664 ENG ENG CT - 1635 1637 1654 CT Daniel SILLIMAN, Jr. 1666 1683 1692 1721 1681 1732 1693 - - - CT CT CT CT CT CT CT 1712 1697 1664 Susannah LOCKW00D John SimeonlOSSILLIER - NEC - NEC 1672 - 1700 1676 CT 1626 Thomas PEARSALL 1576 5568. Alyce CHERRYE 1572 Richard MYLES 5508. 5509. John WAKEMAN - (I) (I) Elizabeth HOPKINS (I) 1601 1610 - ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG - 1603 Joseph HAWLEY ( 1 1600 Stephen GOODYEAR Mary - 1628 1642 - 1628 1660 1658 1658 ENG ENG VA - CT CT ENG 1646 AT SEA Catherine 5609. George ALLEN (I) 5605. 5606. 5607. 5608. 11136 - Ann VALENTINE Samuel WAKEMAN (I) Hannah GOODYEAR (I) Ebenezer HAWLEY Hester WARD Gideon ALLEN Sarah PRUDDEN Nathaniel BURR Sarah WARD Abigail OGDEN Nathaniel BURR, Jr. Lorenz WEINKRAUSS (NEC = Neckarau (Germany)) NEC Margaretha Susanna DIRSCH Mary BRENT 5569. 5600. 5601. 5602. 5603. 5604. MA - 1620 1636 Peter PRUDDM TT5 (I) 5610. 5611. 5612. 5613. 5624. 5625. 5626. 5627. 5628. 5629. 5630. 5631. 7264. 7265. 11016. 11017. 11137. 11200. 11201. 11202. 11203. 11204. 11205. 11208. 11210. 11212. 11213. 11214. 11215. Katherine BIRDSEY William WARD Deborah LOCKWOOD 1690 1692 1648 1601 Joanna BOYSE Jehue BURR 1601 STEDMAN Daniel SILLIMAN, Sr. 1626 - ENG - (I) 1610 ENG ROLL Peaceable EGGLEDEN Richard OGDEN, Sr. Mary BALL - ENG ENG Nathaniel BURR 1656 1683 1670 - CT - MA - CT CT 1690 1687 - CT Sarah WARD Joseph LOCKWOOD 1638 beorgam Pietro Simeon BOSSILIER Wilhelmina HELFENSTEIN Thomas MYLES Elizabeth EACRE Edmind PERSHALL Maria BATHURST Francis WAKEMAN Ann GCODE William HOPKINS Helen VICARIS - MA 1717 - 1536 1540 1531 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG 1626 - 1629 1621 1575 1579 (I) - CT 1689 1604 - 1546 - 1647 1656 1613 Zacharye GCODYEARE Susanna BAXSTER Thcmas HAWLEY Edward BIRDSEY Andrew WARD 1602 1606 Hester SHERMAN (I) Robert LOCKWOOD Susanna NORMAN - ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG - 1615 1659 1667 1658 1660 - CT CT CT CT 121 ANCESTOR TABLE Chart No. 32 Mrs. Hanna has listed additional English ancestors and states: "Wehave partial genealogies on the following English lines: HARCOURT, SWINNERTON, CORBET, BATHURST, ROLLESTON, RANDOLPH, DE GREY, LA ZOUCHE, DE FURNTVAL, MARMION, FTTZ-PAYN, BEKE, CHETWYND, CORBEIL, DE LUMLEY, HUNTING DON, BEAUMONT, FITZ-ALAN. The key to the extensive list of English Ancestry is in the books entitled "The Pearsall family in England and America' by Clarence E. Pearsall, Hettie May Pearsall, Harry L. Neall; in three volumes published in 1928, available from Sutro (Library, San Francisco), Call No. C572/P361." Her listings as submitted continue: Birth 11252. 11253. 22032. 22033 22272. 22273. 22274. 22275. 22400. 22401. 22402. 22406. 22407. 22408. 22409. 22410. 22411. 22420. 22424. 22426. 22427. 22428. 22430. 22504. 22505. 22506. Richard OGDEN Elizabeth HUNTINGTON William MYLES Joan Richard PERSHALL Isabella ROLLESTON Lancelot BATHURST Judith RANDOLPH John WAKEMAN Joan Richard GOODE Robert VICARIS Anne STERRY Andrew GOODYEARE Alice PARKYNS William BAXSTER:. 22507. Margaret CRANE 44544. 44545. 44546. 44548. 44550. 44800. 44801. 44852. 44853. Margaret BUTLER Joseph BIRDSEY Ralph WARDE Edmund SHERMAN Joan MAKTN Edmund LOCKWOOD Richard NORMAN Edward CKEDEN 1568 - ENG 1508 - ENG 1529 - ENG ENG Death 1594 - ENG 1524 1587 ENG 1543 1545 - ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG 1572 1575 - ENG ENG 1540 - ENG 1485 - ENG 1578 - ENG 1649 1641 - ENG Margaret WILSON Samuel HUNTINGTON John UKHHATI. Helena HARCOURT Thomas ROLLESHSJ Edward BATHURST Bernard RANDOLPH Roger WAKEMAN 44854. 44855. 45008. Joan Edmonde SHERMAN Anne PELLATPE Tobias MAKTN Katherine Wilhelmus OKEDON 45009. Abigail GODDSALL ENG ENG ENG <" 1490 - ENG 1550 -- ENG 1548 - ENG 1600 ENG 1584 1610 1539 ANSWERING QUERIES PAYS Seme of the editor's experiences: About a year ago a query placed by Clyde M. Senger, 1103 Yew St., Bellingham, WA 98225 regarding the PEARL family of Bradford and Boxfard, Essex County, Massachusetts resulted in additional data on that family frcm him and a sample of Mt. St. Helens ashes. Answering a query in THE SECOND BOAT regarding Methuen, Essex Co., Mass. and Pelham, Hillsborough Co., N.H. families, resulted in much correspondence with Me- linde Hatfield, 2629 Belmont, Eugene OR 97404, who is about to produce her fiast issue a3 editor of The BULLETIN, the quarterly publication of the Oregon Genealogi cal Society. She is the granddaughter of Charles Warren Mann, Jr. of Methuen, and a double relative as her grandfather and your editor's father were brothers and her grandmother Mary Elizabeth(Marsh) Mann and Ella Agnes(Hobbs) Mann were cousins, both having been granddaughters of Moody Hobbs and Elizabeth Parker(Spofford)Hobbs. 122 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS Copied by Lorraine Laabs and Norman Scofield 1892 Place Name Abbreviations Mh. =Sifpinfer-Sa = Los Alamos S. Y. = Santa Ynez Gar. = Garey Los-A. = Montecito Sisq. = Sisquoc Gol. = Goleta S. B. = Santa Barbara Sum = Sunraerland S. M. = Santa Maria (all in Sta.Barbara County) Los 0. = Los Olivos Guad. = Guadalupe Mont. = Santa Rita S. J. Lomp. = Lonpoc S. R. ( ) Indicates spelling of name differs in Bride's and Groom's List. AGER, Ethel M. ALEXANDER, Jean B. ALLEN, Mary L. Mrs. ANTHONY, Alice Mrs. AQUISTAPACE, Antonio ARATA, Jerome ARIGON, Carlota AYANDA, Esvera BADGER, Mamie S. BAEYERTZ, John T. F. BAGDONS, August BALAAM, Arthur G. BALL, Nettie A. BARKER, Henry Asbery BARTHE, Antone BECKER, W. J. (Groom) BEJAR, Blanchie P. BENNETT, Hulda B. BERGIN, Sadie .JBOGG, Henry Clay, Jr. BONETTI, Teresa BRADLEY, Effie M. BRAG, Wm. H. ^BREBES, Frances BOYLE, Elizabeth BRUNELL, Florence BUCKINGHAM, Nellie BUELL, Lucius BURGERON 9Bergeron) Victor BURTIS, Capt. S. CAMPBELL, Donald CANFIELD, Annie Laura CARNES, Martha CARPENTER, Emm CASTRO, Aurora CAVES, Mary A. CESANEAS, Joe D. JXARK, Minnie A. CHALSON (Chaleson), LENA Eugene A. GRANT George K. FABING 10 2 Epifiona FOXEN Giovanni TADDEI James H. HOWARD Olivia S. PHELPS Aurora CASTRO Effie M. BRADLEY Charles S. PLUMM 25 Lena May MOODY 27 27 27 11 8 26 Jun - Mont. 4 Sep - Lomp. Jan - Lomp. Oct - S. B. Feb - S. B. Jun - Mont. 8 Sep - S. M. 18 Feb - S. B. 8 Nov - S. B. 21 May - Guad. 26 Jun - Mont. 27 Mar - S. Y. 1 Dec - Guad. 23 Jun - S. B. 3 Jul - S..B. Frank D. MANDEVILLE Rose Susis RUSK Basilio PEZZCNI Arthur G. BALAAM Mary S. MILLER Manuel Suza NUNEZ Daniel P. TAYLOR H.N. MAYNARD Frank F. FIOURNOY Anne M. SMITH Lucrecia de la CUESTA Susie LEHNER 22 Jun - S. B. 7 Apr - BuFl. 20 Apr - S. Y. 6 Dec - S. B. 23 Nov - Mont. 13 Jul - Lomp. 19 Apr - S. B. 6 Jun - S. B. Mary HEDGELAND Daniel Milligan DOUGLASS Rudolph WOKURKA Maze COLEMAN August BAGDONS Henry KENYCN Mrs. Elen STEWART Daniel W. WATSON 0. M. DYSCHORN A. H. HASTIE COLEMAN, Maze CORDERO, Mercedes OORREIA, Manuel COTA, Alice Emm CARPENTER Jesse R. SAUNDERS Lillian PRELL Mercedes CORDERO Manuel B. CORDERO Filcmena de GLORIE Daniel DOVER COVARRUBIAS, Jose Y. Dominga DOMTNGUEZ COWETTI.Mary E. Samuel N. JOHNSON Elmer E. GALE Adelbert L. NOSSER William TORRENCE Milton A. ROSS Fred LAMBERT Jul - Lomp. Jun - S. B. Jun - S. B. Jun - Lomp. Sep - Guad. Dec - S. B. Apr - S. B. May - S. B. Mar - Gol. 17 Aug - S. M. 22 May - Sisq. Rosalie PEREZ Laura MILES Edmund W. GREGG Max WILLIAMS Thomas F. JOHNSON CRAIG, Nellie E. CRAIG, Sarah Isabel CRONK, Nettie CRCCP, May CROSSWHTTE, John A. CUESTA, Lucrecia de la DARLING, Sanford DAVIS, Bland R. Mrs. de GLORIE (see GLORIE)Filomena 24 Rosa FERRARIS Annie NEWTON COINER, Lula V. (Lulu) CRABTREE, Carrie San Jose, Santa Clara County 18 21 4 5 I. G. WATERMAN Fred FORBUSH CLIFTON, Eva F. COLLAR, Earl Henry COOK, William S. CORDERO, Manuel B. = 22 May - Sisq. 4 Mar - S. B. 6 Jan - LosA. 27 Apr - S. M. 11 Dec - S. B. 28 Apr - S. B. 6 May - LosA. 6 Jun - S. B. 24 Nov - Lomp. 22 Jun - S. M. 6 Nov - S. Y. 6 Nov - S. Y. 15 Jan - S. B. 8 Oct - S. B. 20 Mar - S. B. 8 Jul - S. B. 20 Nov - S. M. 12 Oct -• S. Y. 30 Oct -• S. Y. 23 Sep - S. B. 16 Feb -• S. B. ? 1891)15 Apr Emm HECTOR (Bride List Victor BERGERON (Burgeron) 20 Apr -•s! Venetia Ann SUMNER Francis N. MILLS Manuel OORREIA 24 Mar -• S. B. 8 Jun -• S. B. 15 Jan -• S. B. Y. 123 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1892 de la CUESTA (see CUESTA) Lucrecia Victor BERGERON (Burgeron) 20 Apr - S. Y. de la GUERRA (see GUERRA) Cr: DEMENT, Emily A. DEV, John B. (Deu) DILL, Frank M. DILL, John William DIMMICK, Elsa J. DITTMAN, Ella Frances DOANE, George M. DOCKERN, John DODDS, Mary Ann DOMINGUEZ, Dominga DOMINGUEZ, Nicholas A. DOMINGUEZ, Pilar DOMITILLA, Milan! DOUGLASS, Daniel Milligan DOVER, Daniel DOVER, Isabella DOWNING, Lurinda DYSCHORN, 0. M. (Groom) EADIE, Robert ECKLES, Joseph Orlando EKSEN, Jens Valdemar ELIZALDA, Alfredo ENOS, Helen M. ESCHRICH, F. C. (Groom) EVANS, Etma Mary EVERETT, Lillian C. FABING.Frank Lee FABING, George K. FAUNTLEROY, Virginia P. FELIZ, Rudolfo E. FERRARIS, Rosa FILLIPO, Pertusi FLOURNOY, Frank F. FORBUSH, Fred FORD, Fannie Mrs. ta William LEWELLING John FRTTSCH Rafaela M. TAYLOR Ella Francis DITTMAN Annie LAUNER Alexander GRANT Frank M. DILL Jennie F. McPHAUL Milani DOMITILLA Nellie BUCKINGHAM Mrs. Mary L. ALLEN Charles E. WALLEN FRITSOH, John FULTON, Charles M. Emily A. DEMENT Maggie HICKS GALE, Elmer E. GIBSON, William W. GIFFORD, Belle GLORIE, Filomena de GONZALES, Josie M. GOUX, Anastacio GRACIANO, Candelara GRANT, Alexander GRANT, Eugene A. GRANT, Harry S. Carrie CRABTREE Harriet E. WEST Charles Wilson STREETER HUME, Martha D. (Mary D.) 11 Sep - Lomp. Antonio Acquistapace(Aguistapace)24SepGuad. Virginia P. FAUNTLEROY GREGG, Edmund GUERRA, Cristina de la GUEVARA, Elida HARGAN, Theodore HASTIE, A. H. (Groom) HAWTHORNE, E. Harry HAZEL, Thena HEDGELAND, Mary HEMENWAY, M. C. (Groom) HICKS, Maggie HILL, Minnie HOBART, M. C. (Groan) HOIST, James P. HOWARD, James H. HUFFSTUTTLER, M. C. Mrs. 23 Nov - S. B. 17 Feb - S. R. 28 Nov - S. B. 17 Feb - S. R. 4 Aug - Guad. 14 Nov - S. B. Mary(Martha) D. HUME 16 May - S. B. Horace SQUIFFLET 20 Mar - S. B. Jose Y. COVARRUBIAS 20 Jan - S. B. Micaela VALENZUELA 20 Mar - S. B. Palamon ROBLEZ 31 Dec - LosA. Pertusi FILIPPO 13 Jul - Lomp. Annie Laura CANFIELD 8 Oct - S. B. Alice COTA 27 Jun - S. B. Joseph TAPIE 16 Jul-' Lomp. George Henry WEEKS 11 Dec - S. B. Lena CHALSON (Chaleson) 1 Jan - S. B. Gertrude May WALCH 17 Oct - S. B. Mary LECRCQ Inger Kirstine(Kristine)JENSEN 2 Dec-• S. B. 21 May -' LosA. Rita MARTINEZ 20 Oct -' Lomp. Dorsey Cornelius VANCLIEF 16 Oct - S. B. Carmen REYNA 23 Dec - S. B. James P. HOLST (m. Lomp.?) (15?)14May- S.B. E. Harry HAWTHORNE 18 Dec -• Lomp. Emm WOODS5 Jun -• Lomp. Mrs. Alice ANTHONY 23 Aug -• S. M. L. L. FOX 27 Aug -• LosA. Blandina RUIZ FOX, L. L. (Groom) FOXEN, Epifiona GRANT, Susan GREENE, Margaret A. GREENWELL, Chas. B. 22 Oct - LosA. 20 Sep - S. B. Carlota ARIGON 31 22 4 19 Dec Jun Jun Jun 23 Aug 2 Apr 20 Sep 23 Nov 20 Nov 31 Aug Manuel CARREIA (Correia) 1 Nov 15 Jan Bruno U. ORELLA Josefa MARTINEZ 25 Jan 7 Sep Rosalin VASQBEZ 15 Sep Elsa J. DIMMICK Ethel M. AGER Clara SUMMERS Frank RUTHERFORD Francis M. TULEY Leslie LTLT.TF, Blanchie P. BEJAR William LEWELLING Alfredo RUIZ Sarah LYNCH Eva F. CLIFTON Lillian C. EVERETT 28 Nov 18 Jul J. H. QUICK Donald CAMPBELL Minnie HILL Charles M. FULTON M. C. HENENWAY Fannie WOOLMAN Bnrn M. EVANS (m.S.B.?) Mamie S. BADGER Thomas C. H. WHTTTAKER John DOCKERN -• LosA. -• S. B. -• S. B. -• Mont. -- S. M. -- S. B. -- S. B. -- Gol. -- S. M. -• S. M. -- S. R. -- S. B. -- S. B. -- S. B. •- S. B. -- S. B. -- Lamp. 24 Aug •- Lomp. 30 Apr •- Gol. 29 Oct •25 May •11 Jun •22 Oct •- S. B. S. B. Mont. LosA. 3 Feb •7 Mar •28 Apr 15 May 10 Jul 23 Nov 8 Jun 23 Nov 8 Jun 9 Dec 23 Dec — 8 Mar 14 May - S. S. S. S. B. B. B. B. S. B. Mont. Gol. Gol. Gol. S. B. Lotnp* Gol. B. S. 14 Nov - S. B. 124 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS -1892 HYDER, Maria JARED, Lizzie M. JENSEN, Inger Kristine •JOHNSON, Samuel N. JOHNSON, Thomas F. KEARNEY, J. A. (groom) KELLOGG, William Clinton KENYON, Henry KENYON, Lulu M. KIMBALL, Lillian KING, Chalmers S. KNIGHT, Annie E. LACKIE, Kate 0. LAMBERT, Fred LANE, Mima E. LANNER, Alice LAUNER, Annie LECROQ, Mary LILLARD, Mary L. LILLY, Francis Marion LONG, Mary LOOMIS, Aal LOW, Rosa B. LOWE, Frances H. LUGO, Antonio LYNCH, Sarah McCROSKEY, J. w. (Groom) MCDONALD, Vinnie A. McPHAUL, Jennie F. MANDEVILLE, Frank D. MARETn, J. C. (Groom) MARISOLI, Carolina MARTINEZ, Josefa MARTINEZ, Rita MATIAS, Antonio (Grocm) MEATES, Emily Rose MEDAIRA, Mariana MILES, Laura MILLER, Mary S. Mrs. MILLS, Francis N. MITCHELL, William James MOODY, Lena May MORIN, Anna E. MURPHY, Henry Cloyd NANCE, Ezra Newton NELSON, Jennie NEWTON, Annie NICHOLSON, Abraham L. 28 Apr 28 X1MX Apr Annie WEBB . „. *'»-' Mary A. CAVES 4 Mar 14 Jun 27 Dec Aal LOOMIS Robert L. OWEN Lizzie M. JARED Chas. M. THOMPSON Homes Charles SNYDER May CROOP Kenneth R. PICKETT 8 Apr 19 Sep 17 16 20 17 George Edwin SAWYER(S) Don Carlos SAUNDERS 24 May - Lomp. 17 Aug - S. B. 7 May - S. B. Mary ORDAZ Theodore HARGAN 7 Mar - S. B. Maria HYDER 31 May Henry Cloyd MURPHY George M. DOANE Sadie BERGEN Annie PASQUE Anttilia PEROZZI Anastacio GOUX Alfredo ELIZALDA Maria SILVA Florence BRUNELL Francis Marion LILLY Antonio SILVIERA J. W. J. BECKER William H. BRAY Mrs. Bland R. DAVES (Davis) Adaline Augusta THORNTON Henry Asbery BARKER James M. SMITH Vinnie A. McDONALD Zoe WHITFORD Alexander P. WARREN Georgia Alice SMITH Josie. M. GONZALES Lillian KIMBALL J. C. MARETTI Antone BARTHE Caroline MARISOLI Teresa BONETTI John F. BAEYERTZ Ira H. RASOR William S. COOK Sophy PIKE F. C. ESCHRICH Rosa B. LOW Gol. 10 Dec -• S. B. M. 12 Oct -• S. Y. 26 Sep - S. Y. 1 Dec -• Guad. 21 Sep -• S. Letitia L. TORRENCE Antonio LUGO - S. B. 14 Dec - Lomp. 4 Aug -• Guad. 18 Feb • - S. B. 10 Jan - S. Y. 19 Mar - Lamp. 25 Jan - S. B. 21 May - LosA. 14 Nov - Lomp. 3 Jul - S. B. 17 Mar - S. B. 8 Dec - Guad. 27 Feb - S. B. 27 Mar - S. Y. 8 Jun - S. B. 16 May -- S. B. 27 Jan -- Lamp. 26 May -- S. M. 14 Dec -- Lomp. 11 Dec -- Carp. 7 Aug -• Jerome ARATA Frances BREBES Lomp. Lomp. S. B. S. B. LosA. 14 Sep Gol. 25 May - S. B. 17 Mar - S. B. 12 Oct - Lomp. 14 Jun - S. B. Chas. B. CEEENWELL Emily Rose MEATES NUNEZ, Manuel Suza O'NEIL, Robert Eamet S. M. S. M. S. B. S. B. LosA. S. Y. Gol. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. M. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. 17 Oct 6 Dec 22 Oct Cristina de la GUERRA Lulu M. KENYON Daniel RHODES Frank A. SHEPARD Mar Feb Nov Jan 11 Sep Capt. S. BURTIS NOSSER, Adelbert L. (Groom) — Avery Viola SHIRRELL(Sherrill)7 Sep - Mary SNYDER Nellie E. CRAIG ORDAZ, Mary 2 Dec 8 Jul Lulu V. (Lula) COINER Joseph Orlando ECKLES LILLIE, Leslie ORELLA, Bruno U. OWENS, Robert L. PASQUE, Annie PEREZ, Rosalie PEROZZI, Attilia PEZZONI, Basilio PHELPS, Olivia S. PIKE, Sophy PRELL, Lillian RASOR, Ira H. REYNA, Carmen RHODES, Daniel 8 Apr John William DILL LEHNER, Susie NOSSER, L. P. 31 May Chas. VEIT LEWELLING, William MAYNARD, H. M. J. W. McCROSKEY Chalmers S. KING Jens Valdemar EFSEN Mary E. COWETTI (7 May?) 8 May -'Lamp. 7 Nov - S. 7 Sep - S. 27 Dec - S. 10 Jan - S. 27 Oct 19 Mar 21 May 17 Aug 30 22 30 16 B. B. B. Y. S. B. Lomp. Guad. S. M. Oct Jun Oct Oct S. B. 24 May Lomp. Carp. S. M. Carp. 125 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1892 RIANDA, Elizabeth RIOS, Charles Osbaldo ROBLEZ, Palamon ROMERO, Alfred ROMERO, Eduarda ROSS, James A. OSS, Milton A. ROTHER, Herman ROWLINSON, Nannie RUIZ, Alfredo RUIZ, Blandina RUIZ, Miguel Feliz RUSK, Rose Susie RUTHERFORD, Frank SAUNDERS, Don Carlos SAUNDERS, Jesse R. SAWYER(Sawyers)George Edwin SHAPCOTT, Nellie E. SHEPARD, Frank A. SHERRILL(Shirrell)Avery Viola SIBLEY, Mary SIBLEY, Hiram C. SILVA, Maria Cornelius WASGATT Grace A. L. SMITHERS Pilar DOMINGUEZ Eva VALENCIA C. E. VALENZUELA 1 14 20 29 23 Mar Feb Mar Oct Feb Lotta WALKER Nettie CRONK 18 Sep - Lomp. 23 Sep - S. B. - S. M. - Lomp. - S. B. - S. B. - S. Y. Mary TUCKER 3 Jan Edward TOWNE 6 Apr - Elida GUEVARA 3 Feb - S. B. Rudolfo E. FELIZ Rita VIDAL Henry Clay BOGG, Jr. Susan GRANT Mary LONG Earl Henry COLLAR Mary L. LILLARD George E. THAYER Frances H. LOWE William C. KELLOGG 27 Aug 11 Sep 8 Nov 30 12 24 14 12 17 7 Apr - Mont. S. B. - LosA - S. Y. - S. B. Gol. Oct - Lomp. Nov - Lomp. Sep Apr Aug Sep Mary SIBLEY 20 Jan 20 Jan - SILVIERA. Antonio J. Antonio MATIAS Mariana MEDAIRA 14 Nov - Lomp. 8 Dec - Guad. SMITH, Anna M. SMITH, Erastus H. Lucius BUELL 7 Apr Ella S. WEBB 7 Dec - S. M. SMITH, Georgia Alice SMITH, James M. SMITHERS, Grace A. L. SNYDER, Homer Charles SNYDER, Mary SQUIFFLET, Horace STEWART, Ella Mrs. STICE, Martha Jane (Mattie)Jane) STICE, Moses STREETER, Charles Wilson STKEKTKK, Frank W. STRINGFTELD, Mina SUENDEN, Caroline SUMMERS, Clara SUMNER, Ventetis Ann TODDER, Giovanni TAPIE, Joseph TAYLOR, Daniel P. TAYLOR, Kate P.(Book G, p. 258) TAYLOR, Rafaela Mary THAYER, Geo. E. THOMPSON, Chas. H. THOMPSON, Charles S. THORNTON, Adaline Augusta TINKER, Clement C. TORRENCE, Letitia L. TORRENCE, William TOWNE, Edward TROUP, James TUCKER, Mary TULEY, Francis M. VALENCIA, Eva VALENZUELA, C. E. (Groom) VALENZUELA, Micaela VANCLIEF, Dorsey Cornelius VASQUEZ, Rosalin (Groom) VEIT, Chas. VTDAL, Rita WALCH, Gertrude May WALKER, Lotta WALLEN, Charles E. WARREN, Alexander P. Hiram C. SIBLEY Robert Ftamet O'NEIL Anna E. MORIN Charles Osbaldo RIOS Kate 0. LACKIE Abraham L. NICHOLSON Mary Ann DODDS Joe D. CESANEAS Gol. S. B. S. B. Gol. S. M. S. M. - BuFl. 8 Hay - Lomp. 26 May - S. M. 14 Feb - Lomp. 17 Mar - S. B. 21 Sep 16 May - S. M. - S. B. 6 Jan - LosA. Moses STICE 1 Sep - Lomp. Mattie Jane(Martha Jane)STICEl Sep - Lomp. Belle GIFFORD Anna E. WOODWARD 1 Nov - S. R. 28 Dec - S. B. Charles S. TH0MPS0N(15 Jun?)16 Jun - Sum. Peter PAULSEN 9 Sep - Lamp. Harry S. GRANT 24 Aug - Lamp. Sanford DARLING 24 Mar - S. B. - S. B. Isabella DOVER 27 Jun - S. B. Elizabeth BOYLE 23 Jun —S. B. Milton I. LCKYEA 29 Sep - S. J. John B. DEU (Dev) 23 Nov - S. B. Nellie E. SHAPCOTT 12 Apr - S. B. Annie E. KNIGHT 19 Sep - S. B. Mrs. Mina STRINGFTELD (16Jun)15Jun - Sum. William James MITCHELL 16 May - S. B. Esvira AYANDA 28 May Jennie Miller (or 1893?) J. B. NOSSER 30 Jul - Garey 26 Sep - S.Y. Sarah Isabel CRAIG 30 Oct - S. Y. 6 Apr - S. B. Nannie ROWLINSON Isabella MARR (or 1893?) 20 Sep Herman ROTHER - Gol. 3 Jan - Mont. Margaret A. GREENE 29 Oct - S. B. Alfredo ROMERO Eduarda ROMERO 2i Oct - S. B. 23 Feb - S. Y. Nicholas A. DOMINGUEZ Helen M. ENDS 20 Jan - S. B. 20 Oct - Lamp. Candelara GRACIANO 15 Sep Alice LLAUNER (Lanner?) Miguel Feliz RUIZ 17 Jan - Lomp. 11 Sep - S. Y. Robert EADIE - S. B. 1 Jan - S. B. James A. ROSS 18 Sep - Lamp. Mrs. Fannie FORD 19 Jun - Mont. Jennie NELSON 7 Aug - Gol. 126 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS-1892 WASGATT, Cornelius WATERMAN, I. G. (Bride) WATSON, Daniel W. WEBB, Annie WEBB, Ella S. WEEKS, George Henry WEST, Harriet E. WHTTFORD, Zoe WHITTAKER, Thomas C. H. WILLIAMS, Max WOKUHKA, Rudolph WOODS, Enna WOODWARD, Anna E. WOOLMAN, Fannie Elizabeth RIANDA Jean B. ALEXANDER l Mar 21 Jun Minnie A. CLARK 27 Apr J. A. KEARNEY Erastus H. SMITH Lurinda DOWNING 28 Feb 7 Dec 16 Jul William W. GIBSON 31 Aug Ezra NewtonNANCE n Mrs. M. C. HUGGSTUTTLER Julda B. BENNETT Martha CARNES 14 May 8 Sep 19 Apr Frank Lee FABING Frank W. STREETER M. S. HOBART (M.C.Hobart) 28 Dec Lamp. S. Dec M. Carp. S. B. S. M. S. B. 14 Dec Lamp. S. B. S. B. 9 Dec Santa Barbara County Marriage Records - 1891 ADDITION AND CORRECTION: Vol. 7, No. 3 p. 89 Correction - GIFFORD, Fred M. Josephine E. MORRIS add (Marris) p. 90 AdditionE. Insert MARRIS, (Morris).Josephine Fred M. GIFFORD This entry was found in the Brides' Index for 1892 An 1893 entry was also found and has been inserted in order below. In the 1893 index an 1894 entry was found and will be checked when that list has been completed for the next issue of ANCESTORS WEST. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1893 ABADIE, Felicidad E. ABLES, Asa W. ABLES, Dora ANDERSON, Karen ANDERSON, Wm. ARCHER, Lulu M. ARELLANES, Beatrice AYALA, Rafaela BABZARI, Albino F. Alexander F. HARMER BAYLIES, Fred Henry BELL, Bessie D. BLISS, Ann A. BLOSSER, Nellie BODIE, Annie C. BOESEKE, Angie L. BONETTI, Catherine BOULDEN, Olive BRAY, Lillie BRENIZER, Ella S. BRUNDAGE, Alice J. BURDICK, Jennie Bell BURTON, William W. CALLIS, John D. CAMPBELL, Sarah R. CAREAGA, Emanuel A. CATTI, Giovannina CHRISTIANSEN, Christian CHRISTENSON, George W. CLARK, Martha E. COINER, Charles A. COLLINS, Cora COLLINS, Nellie CORDERO, Eduardo CORDERO, Jose D. 1 May - Lamp. 14 Apr - LosA. 21 Mar - S. B. 5 Jun - S. M. Rosa TOGNAZZI Nellie BLOSSER Bessie D. BELL Wm. J. A. BEJAR May CURRAN BEJAR, Bernardo BEJAR, Wm. J. A. 19 Oct - S. M. 18 Nov - Lomp. 2 Nov - S. B. Emanuel A. CAREAGA Juan ESPINOSA Adelino A. JANSSENS (13) 16 Feb":r- S. M. John FORBES 27 Dec 20 Dec 19 Aug 6 Aug 5 Apr 25 Feb 6 Aug 19 Aug - Lizzie T. HENDERSON Maude BARTHOLOMEW Harry P. BARROWS A. A. WRIGHT Major P. BAKER Charles E. GRANT (16) David W. WORMSER Philip LaFRANCHI (or 1894') R. SHECKALS Albert ERWAY Frank N. GAINES Albert W. DINSMDRE Chas. B. WQLGAMOTT Mary A. DOUGLASS(Douglas) Daniel MALONEY Beatrice ARELLANES Joseph MAGGINI Feb Dec Feb Mar Oct Nov 27 15 1 15 20 Dec Nov Feb Nov Jun - S. M. - S. B. - S. B. - Guad. - S. B. -- S. Y. -- S. B. -- S. B. -- Lamp. - S. B. - Lamp. - Lamp. 14 Apr - LosA. 14 Mar - Guad. 8 Apr - S. B. 25 Jun - Lamp. 26 Oct - Sum. Anna SMITH Nellie COLLINS John M. DAYS Mary GASCOIGNE Am. E. EDDINGTON George W. CHRISTENSON Josephine MARTINEZ S. B. S. B. S. B. Sum. S. B. Mont. Sum. S. B. 4 May - Capr. 13 2 7 10 28 15 23 Aug Mary E. EATON Josie ZURMUHLEN - S. B. (31)30 Jan - S. M. N. L. SPANNE Hattie MILLER C. A. SIMPSON BAKER, Major P. BARDENWERPEN, Carrie BARON, Marguerite BARROWS, Harry P. BARTJH3LOMEW, Maude 2 Aug Louie JOHNSON Arthur F. FUGLER (24) 2 19 25 27 6 Oct - LosA. Nov - LosA. Jun - Lamp. Dec - S. B. Nov - S. B. 127 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1893 OOTA , Charles OOTA, John COTA, Jose E. COTA, Jose Y. COX, Ashbury M. CRESPINI, Maria CULBERTSON, E. W. CURRAN, May DAYS, John M. DEADERICK, Ella H. DECHMAN, Felicidad DILL, Irvin M. DINSMORE, Albert W. DOMINGUEZ, Albert DOMINGUEZ, Francisco DOMINGUEZ, Julia DORSEY, Austin B. DOUGLAS (Douglass) Mary A. DUTRA, Isabella T. EATON, Mary E. EDDINGTON, William E. ERWAY, Albert ESPINOSA, Anselmo ESPINOSA, Delfina ESPINOSA, Juan EVERETT, Clara May FERRARI, Severind FIELDS, John FIELDS, Willis J. FITHIAN, R. B. FLANNAGAN, Margaret R. FORBES, John FOXEN, Salvador FUGLER, Arthur F. GAINES, Frank N. GALVTN, Mary GARCIA, Hercules GASCOIGNE, Mary GAUX, Anita (Goux) GENTINI, Paul GILBERT, Harry L. GOUX,Anita (Gaux in Br.Index) GRANT, Charles E. GRANT, Mary Ann GRISLNGHER, Alena GUEVARA, Bernarda GUEVARRA, Lena GUTHRIE, J. M(N in pencil) GUTIERREZ, Gertrudes. HALL, W. CREIGHTON (init.C.) HARMER, Alexander HARRIS, Charles HARRISON, John HARSH, (Walsh), Flora HASKELL, George B. HAX, Frank B. BEATON, H. Allan HECOX, Edwin F. HENDERSON, Lizzie T. HERNSTER, Katie (Nernster) HESSE, John H. HILL, Benton HTLLER, J. Roy HCEFLING, Lawrence HOPPER, Lena B. HUBBARD, Willie Andrew HUDSON, Evyln HUDSON, Martha E. Anite GOUX (Gaux) 2 24 20 14 Feb Jan Jan Jun Gertrudes GUTIERREZ Emma SHARP Inocento RAMAZZINI 31 May 30 Nov - S. S. S. S. S. S. B. B. B. B. M. M. Mary R. SCOLLAN Fred Henry BAYLIES 21 Oct - S. 5 Apr - S. B. B. Delfina ESPINOSA Mary OLIVERA Martha E. CLARK Edward F. PENDERGAST Jules VISSIERE Effie MARSHALL Alice J. BRUNDAGE Lena GUERARRA Bernarda GUERARA Peter STARNI Katie WALKER John D. CALLIS Tristas de SIMA(Br.Index William W. BURTON Cora COLLINS Lillie BRAY Minnie SANDERS John COTA Rafaela AYALA John McCLEMENTS Pia RIGHETTI Bertha WRIGHT Mary E. SMITH Anne STOW John WELCH Carrie BARDENWERPEN Rose VALENZUELA Dora ABLES 26 Oct 20 Dec 20 Nov 28 Aug 27 Dec 22 Nov 22 Apr 20 Nov 4 Jan 15 Nov — only) 9 Feb 1 Feb 19 Nov 15 Nov 4 Jul 24 Jan 21 Mar 20 Sep 16 Dec 8 Oct 30 Nov 6 Jun 10 Jul 27 Dec 13 Sep 19 Oct - Sum. Carp. S. B. S. B. S. S. S. S. S. B. B. B. B. B. Lamp. Guad. S. B. LosA. S. Y. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. Guad. S. B. S. S. S. S. S. S. Y. B. B. B. B. M. Elle (Ella) S. BREMZER(Brenizer) 23Aug S. B. Lawrence HCEFLING 17 27 2 2 Petra SOTO (Sato) Chas. A. COINER Charles OOTA Nattie VALENZUELA (25 Aug) Grace F. PERKINS Charles COTA Annie C. BCDIE George SAUGSTER Robertino RIOHETn Francisco DOMINGUEZ Albert DOMINGUEZ Martha A. WRIGHT Jose Y. COTA C. Carpenter TWITCHEIL Felicidad E. ABADIE Emily SIMPSON Lucy May SIBLEY John SYKES Elsie SWANSON Ida E. LTVERHORE Edna Dean SALLADA Belle PHILLIPS Bernardo BEJAR J. Roy HTLLER (25) Isabelle PICO Eleanor SWEET Katie NERNSTER (Hernster) Mary GALVTN Henry W. OSBORN Alice Rose STICKLE Theodore J. McMURRAY James M. LQVELL Jul Jul Oct Feb 25 May 2 Nov 2 Feb 2 Dec 17 Aug 17 Jul 22 Apr 22 Nov 30 Jan 14 Jun 1 Jun 2 Aug 11 Jun — 17 May 27 May 8 Jul 19 Sep 7 Jan 30 Sep 24 Feb 26 Jun 22 Apr 4 Feb 26 Jun 17 Jul 23 May 4 Jan < 21 Feb 13 Dec - S. B. S. B. LosA. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. Gol. Guad. S. B. S. B. Gar. S. B. S. B. S. B. Lon^p* S. S. S. S. S. B. B. B. B. B. LosA. Mont. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. LOSO. S. B. Sisq. Lamp. 128 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1893 HUNT, Lydia C. Bryon L. STEELE HUYCK, Eva J. JANSSENS, Adelino A. JENKINS, Harry C. JOHNSON, Louie 19 Apr James RENNIE 20 Dec - Lomp. 20 Dec - S. B. 15 Nov - S. B. Marguerite BARON Alice SEAVERNS Asa W. ABLES - S. B. (30)31 Jan - S. M. JOHNSTON, Harleigh JORDAN, Frank L. (bride)i KEITH, Helen KETCILAM, Edward T. KING, Wm. Houston Theodore MEYER William STRONACH Julia I. MERRITT - S. 10 Jul - S. 11 Nov - S. 19 Jan - S. KLEIN, Mary Augusta Olive Mary WRIDE 11 Jul - Carp. Frank SMITH 19 Apr - S. M. Allen D. SMITH Geo. A. WHITE Isabella T. DUTRA Frank B. HAX Oliver P. McMULLEN Matie H. WHITNEY Martha E. HUDSON 26 Dec - Carp. LAMBERT, Lizzie LELAND, Edna M. LIMA, TristaS de (SIMA) LIVERMORE, Ida E. LLOYD, Flora A. LORAINE, C. M. (groom) LOVELL, James M. McCLEMENTS, John McIVER, Annie McMULLEN, Oliver P. McMURRAY, Theodore Z. MAGGINI, Joseph MALONEY, Daniel MARBLE, Emma MARR, Isabella MARSHALL, Effie MARTINEZ, Josephine MARTINEZ, Peter Mary PRITCHARD MERATTI, Francisco MILLER, Mary MILLER, R. H. (groom) MOFFIT, Adeline MOORE, Frank B. MORE, Laura W.• MOREHEAD, Nina D. MORRISON, Fleetwood MUSCIO, Clement NEWBERRY, L. J. (groom) NIDEVER, David T. NOSSER, J. J. (groom) OLIVERA, Mary OLIVERA, Miguel ORTEGA, Jose Vicente ORTEGA, Ramona A. RIGHETTI, Pia RIGHETTI, Robertino Lamp. S. B. - 1893 11 Nov - S. B. Giovannina CATTI 14 Mar - Guad. Sarah R. CAMPBELL 20 Jun 1 May 20 Sep 28 Aug - L. J. NEWBERRY James Troup (1892 Gr.Index) Irvin M. DILL Eduardo CORDERO Mrs. C. BORBOLLA Pascullina YGENIO Edward T. KETCHAH Frank (sic) L. JORDAN Wm. ANDERSON - Sisq. Lomp. S. B. Gol. S. B. (27)24 Dec - S. B. 21 Jun 15 Jan 23 May 19 Jan 10 Jul 2 Nov - S. Y. S. B. S. B. S. M. S. B. S. B. - Gar. Clement C. TINKER (1892 Gr.I)30 Jul R. H. MILLER 20 Apr - Lamp. Mary mtti.fr 20 Apr - Lamp. Thcmos E. SCOTT Anna F. WILLIAMS George R. STEVENSON John C. RUDOLPH Ida C. WYLIE Matilda RIGHETTI Emm MARBLE Ella May WRIGHT Agnes K. RYAN Jose E. COTA Mary ZURMUHLEN Ramona A. ORTEGA Jose V. ORTEGA Canuto RIOS REED, T. L. (groan) RENNIE, James RIGHETTI, Matilda B. Guad. S. B. S. B. S. B. 21 Feb Lena B. HOPPER RECTOR, William L. - S. Eryln HUDSON ORTEGA, Simona PRTTCHARD, Mary RAMAZZINA, Giocomo RAMAZZINI, Inocento B. B. B. M. Flora A. LLOYD OSBORN, Henry W. OTIS, Frank R. PENDERGAST, Edward F. PENFIELD, Ralph PENRY, Mary E. PERKINS, Grace F. PHILLIPS, Belle PHILLIPS, Douglass PICO, Isabelle PRATT, F. A. PRTNGLE, Amanda M. 9 Aug 9 Feb 19 Sep 11 Nov 9 Jul 13 Dec — 20 Sep - Clara May EVERETT Frank CARDOZA( 1892,Gr.Index) 12 Jan MENAN or MENANI.Pelagie (gr) Francoise SAVE MERRITT, Julia T. MEYER, Theodore MILLER, Hattie MILLER, Jennie 30 Sep Daisy V. WAY Ella Howe DEADERICK Mary E. RUSSELL George YOUNG Harry L. GILBERT 29 Jul - S. B. 25 Oct - S. B. 4 Nov •- S. M. 5 Apr - Lamp. 1 Nov •- S. M. 29 Jul - S. B. 1 May •- 28 May -23 May -27 20 28 1 2 Jun Dec Jun Mar Nov Edwin F. HECOX 30 Sep Lillie Myrtle WOODS 29 Nov John H. HESSE 22 Apr Maggie B. ROMERO Joseph STEWART 13 Jan 18 Jan Harleigh JOHNSTON 30 Sep Luigia SCETRINI 25 Mar Maria CRESPINI Sarah B. RUDOLPH Louisa M. YOUNG Eva J. HUYCK Clement MUSCIO Severino FERRARI 30 Nov Alena GRISINGHER S. B. 29 Oct •- Carp. 21 Jun •- S. Y. 20 Jan •- S. B. 6 Nov -- S. B. 29 Jan •- S. B. 29 Jan -- S. B. S. Y. LosO. -- S. M. -- Carp. -- S. B. -- Gol. -- S. B. -• LosA. -• Gol. -• S. B. -• Sum. -- Lamp. -• S. B. -• S. M. -• S. M. 1 May -' Lamp. 27 Jan - S. B. 20 Dec - Lamp. 29 Jul - S. B. Guad. Guad: liSgi: 129 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1893 Virginia RUIZ ROMO, Henry T. RUDOLPH, John C. RUDOLPH, Sarah B. Simona ORTEGA F. A. PRATT RIOS, Canuto ROMERO, Maggie B. RUIZ, M. ( groom ) RUIZ, Virginia RUSSELL, Mary Edith RYAN, Agnes K. SALLADA.Edna Dean SALZMAN, Emily A. SANDERS, Minnie SATO, PETRA(SOTO, Gr.Index) Nina D. MOHEHEAD Wm. L. RECTOR Oliva STURGEON Henry T. ROMO Ralph PENFTEID J. J. NOSSER H. Allan HEATON Rockwell J. WOOD Anselmo ESPINOSA Hercules GARCIA 28 May - S. Y. 13 Jan - Sum. 30 Jan - S. B. 5 Apr - Lamp. 1 May - Lamp. 15 Nov - S. 30 Jan - S. 28 Jan - S. 21 Jun - S. 7 Jan - S. Mary Ann GRANT (no day given)- SAUGSTER, George Mary S. WIISON SAUNDERS, John W. (James) SAVE, Francoise (illegible -MENAN or MENANI, Pelagie Harry C. JENKINS Ashbury M. CGX SHECKELS, I. R. (groom) SIMPSON, C A. (groom) WHITE, George A. WRIGHT, Bertha Y. B. B. Y. B. 7 May - Lomp. 4 Jul - S. B. 27 Jul - S. B. Aug - Gol. Giocano RAMAZZINA E. W. CUIBERTSCN Adeline MOFFTT SCETRINI, Luigia SCOILAN, Mary L. SCOTT, Thos. E. SEAVERNS, Alice SHARP, Emm SD3IEY, Lucy May SIMPSON, Emily SMITH, Allen D. SMITH, Anna SMITH, Frank 6 Apr - Lomp. 15 Jan 25 Mar 21 Oct 29 Jul - 15 Nov 31 May - S. B. M. S. II. B. B. B. S. S. S. S. 19 Apr -- Mary Augusta KLEIN 28 Oct - S. B. 17 May - S. B. 1 May - Lamp. 11 Jun -- Lamp. 26 Dec -- Carp. 8 Apr -- S. B. Olive BOULDEN John HARRISON Lulu M. ARCHER Charles HARRIS Lizzie LAMBERT Christian CHRISTIANSEN Willis J. FIELDS SMITH, Mary E. Karen ANDERSON SPANNE, N. L. (groom) Carrie STRUBE SQUIRE, Arthur M. Julia DOMINGUEZ STEELE, Byron S (Bryon L,br,.) Lydia C. HUNT STARNI, Peter STEVENSON, George R. STEWART, Joseph STICKLE, Alice Rose STOCK, Nellie J. STOW, Anne STRONACH, William STROBE, Carrie STURGEON, Oliva SWANSON, Elsie SWEET, Eleanor SYKES, John TAYLOR, Horace H. TOGNAZZI, Rosa TWrTCHELL, C. CARPENTER(br) VALENZUELA, Nattie VALENZUELA, Rose VICK, Hattie A. VISSIERE, Jules WALKER, Katie WALSH (HARSH), Flora WATKTNS, Emily WAY, Daisy V. WELCH, John WHITE, Fred B. WHITNEY, Matie H. (bride) WILLIAMS, Anna F. WILSON, Francis WILSON, Mary S. WOLGAMOTT, C. B. WOOD, Rockwell J. WOODS, Iillie Myrtle WCRMSER, David W. WRIDE, Olive Mary WRIGHT, A. A. (groan) Laura W. MORE Amanda M. PRINGLE Willie Andrew HUBBARD Fred B. WHITE R. B. FTIHIAN (groom) Helen KEITH Arthur M. SQUIRE S. M. 30 Nov -- S. Y. 18 Nov -- Lamp. 29 Nov -- Lamp. 20 Nov -- S. B. 19 Apr - S. B. - S. M. H Nov - Lomp. 18 Jan - S. B. 4 Jan - Mont. 24 Aug - S. B. 6 Jun - S. B. 11 Nov - 29 Nov - Lomp. M. RUIZ (Groom) 15 Nov George B. HASKELL 8 Jul Benton HILL 4 Feb Flora WALSH (Harsh, Br. Index)27 May Mary E. Young 3 Oct Albino F. BABZARI 5 Jun C or W. Creighton HAIL (W.gr.) 1 Jun Paul GENTTNI (25 May.Gr Index)25 Aug Salvador FCKEN 13 Sep Francis L. WILSON 19 Jul Felicidad DECHMAN 20 Nov Austin B. DORSEY 4 Jan John SYKES 27 May - 10 Jul Margaret R. FLANAGAN 11 Sep Robert Lee WYLIE Frank R. OTIS 27 Jun 24 Aug 9 Aug 9 Jul 25 Oct 19 Jul - Nellie J. STOCK Edna M. LELAND C. M. LORAINE Frank B. MOORE Hattie A. VICK S. Y. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. M. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. M. S. M. S. B. Mont. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. 6 Apr - Lamp. James (John) W. SAUNDERS 15 Nov - Lomp. Jennie B. BURDICK Emily A. SAIZMAN Douglass PHTLLTPS Angle L. BGESEKE 7 May 29 Nov 7 Feb - Lamp. - Gol. - S. B. 11 Jul - Carp. 4 May - Carp. 8 Oct -S. B. Wm. Houston KING Anna A. BLISS John FIELDS /U 130 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1893 WRIGHT, Ella May WRIGHT, Martha WYLLE , Ida C. WYLIE, Robert Lee YGENIO, Pascullina YOUNG, George YOUNG, Louisa M. YOUNG, Mary E. ZURMUHLEN, Josie ZURMUHLEN, Mary 29 Oct - Carp. David I. NTDEVER Jas. N. GUTHRIE Fleetwood MORRISON 30 Jan - Gar. 1 Nov - S. M. Emily WATKINS 11 Sep - S. M. 23 May - S. B. Francisco MERATTI Mary E. PENRY T. L. 1 27 3 6 6 REED Horace H. TAYLOR Jose D. CORDERO Miguel OLIVERA Mar Jan Oct Nov Nov - Gol. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. Note: There are several varying dates as noted above. ?????????????????? QUERIES CLARK KlilflPTON Who were the parents of Joseph CLARK b. 1795 Neui Hampshire? He m. Philena KIITIPTON 14 Jan 1815 in Hartford, Windsor Co., VT. Also need her parents. UIELLER Wanted: HANFORD Verification of death of Benjamin WELLER b. 1805/08 New Ashford, mass, served in Civil War, but disappeared between I860 & 1870. Wife was mary E. Hanford 1814-1903, m. Z2 Dec. 1833 in NY. BARRY EACHE5 Who were the parents of William A. Barry, m.D.? surgeon in Civil War, b. 1 Nov 1817 Boston, mass. d. 1886 Penna, m. Rachel Ann Eaches in 1838, Penna. Were her parents Jesse Eaches and friary Johns, Penna? BRUNNER Henry Brunner, Jr. KERN info on wife, of Penna. need birthdate and Barbara KERN in Penna. late 1700's. Sylvia A. Hanna (Mrs. William) 4539 Via Maria Santa Barbara, CA f SI11 BROOKS Widow Susanna DUNHAM married William BROOKS before 1659. DUHHAM was mentioned in the will of Timothy HATHERLY. What was the re- HATHERLY lationship? PHTI£RICK James She PHTLBRICK, son of Lt. James and Hannah (PERKINS) PHJJJBRICK PERKINS married Sarah PARKHURST Needed: . Need all data on Sarah. Any data about Benjamin PARKHURST, one of the "Associates" of Eliza hath, N. J. COLBY PHTLBRICK Joseph COLBY married Mary Philbrick JOHNSON 1722. dates for Joseph COLBY Needed. Birth and death JOHNSON CURTISS Solomon CURHSS born 1680, Braintree, MASS. married Abigail. Who were her parents? WOODWARD Who were the parents of Mary who married George WOODWARD c.1621, BURTON John BURTON born 1765 Cranston, R. I..married Cynthia. son of Richard and Rose WOODWARD? Need all data on Cynthia. BENNETT STURGIS Need proof Isaiah BENNETT, Washington County Census 1790 is the Isaiah born to Thomas and Ann Reynolds BENNETT 1731, Preston, CT. John STURGIS b c. 1670, son of John and Deborah Barlow STURGIS, Fairfield, CT m. Abigail. All data for Abigail needed. BARLOW Need proof Ann \*o m. John BARLOW, Fairfield CT was dau of Andrew WARD and Hester Sherman WARD. FROST RUMSEY All data needed for Rachel FROST dau Daniel and Elizabeth Barlow FROST, Fairfield, CT, who m. Robert SUNSEY before 1680. Emily Perry Thies (Mrs. Wilbur H. Sr) 41 Northridge Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93105 131 MINNESOTA (Territory 1849 State 1858) 32nd State Capital * St. Paul umatnj jf Early Minnesota Chronology (Tracing Your Ancestors In Minnesota, vol. 1, 2nd ed. p. 64) 1654 Raddison and Groseilliers, French traders, made an expedition into the west, reaching the Wisconsin region and possibly the Minnesota country. .... j 1680 Father Hennepin discovered the Falls of St. Anthony.which he named. 1689, May 8, Nicholas Perrot, at his fort, St. Antoine, on the Wisconsin shore of Lake Pepin, laid formal claim to the surrounding country for France. 1727 The French established Fort Beauharnois near the site of Frontenac on Lake Pepin. 1763 By the Treaty of Versailles, France ceded the part of Minnesota east of the Mississippi to England, the country west of the river having been ceded to Spain the previous year. 1784 The Northwest Company was conducting extensive fur-trading opera tions in the Minnesota country with headquarters at Grand Portage. All of Minnesota east of the Mississippi became United States terri tory. 132 GENALOGICAL SOCIETIES IN MINNESOTA MINNESOTA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box 16069 St. Paul MN 55106 LOCAL GENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES IN MINNESOTA ANOKA COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 3rd Ave. S. Anoka MN 55303 Pres.: Karen Holsten, Sect.: Barbara Walchessen Dues $5.00 CROW WING COUNTY GENE. SOCIETY 131 Belle Rae Circle,Brainerd MN 56401 Pres.: Jay Simon, Sect. Lois Kanne Dues $5 (Family $7.50) FREEBORN COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box 403 Albert Lea MN 56007 Pres.: Jean R. Legried Car. Sect.: Catherine Wittmer GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF CARLTON COUNTY Pres.: Darlene Matthes, Sect. P..O. Box 204, Cloquet MN 55720 Darlene Carter Dues $5.00 GENE. GUILD OF WTXKIN (MN) AND RICHLAND (ND)Counties: Box 330,Breckenridge MN 56S20 HEART 0'LAKES GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY D „ _ „.„ _ ,„ _._„. R. 2 Box 243, Frazee MN 56544 Pres: Edna Ketter, Cor. Sect.: Clare Gibbons Dues $3.00 ITASCA COUNTY GENEALOGICAL CLUB P. 0. Box 130, Bovey MN 55709 Pres.: Ann Annes Tellor, Sect.: Elaine Hagen Dues $5.00 LOWER MINNESOTA RIVER VALLEY GENE. S0C.1462 E. Lake Dr. Chaska MN 55318 Pres.: Marvin E. Lyddon, Sect.: Cathy Kohman Dues $4 (Family $6) MOWER COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P- 0. Box 145, Austin MN 55912 Pres.: Barry Dahl, Cor. Sect.: Monica Lonergan Dues $5.00 NORTHFIELD GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 411 E. 6th St., Nbrthfield MN 55057 Pres.: Ed Durand, Sect.: Arlene Eiler Dues $5.00 OLMSTEAD COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Box 6411, Rochester MN 55901 Pres.: Ronald Putz, Sect. Lorraine Keith Dues $4.00 OTTERTAIL COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY mo Lincoln Ave. W., Fergus Falls Meeting Quarterly at the Historical Society Museum MN 56537 PRAIRIELAND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 703 North Sixth St., Marshall MN 56258 Pres: Arthur Louis Finnell Meetings in May and October RANGE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Pres.: Mrs. Thomas Hecker, Box 278, Car. Sect.: Buhl MN 55713 Mrs. Charles Moore Dues $6.00 ST. CLOUD AREA GENEALOGISTS, INC. Box 213, St. Cloud MN 56302 Pres.: Inez Kronenberg Sect.: Irene Poissant Dues $5.00 TRAVERSE-DES-SIOUX GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P.O.Box 315, Mankato MN 56001 Pres.: Donna Larson, Cor. Sect.: Dean Milton Pettis TWIN PORTS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY p. o. Box 3340, Duluth MN 55803 Pres.: Helen Sweeney Sect.: Judy Swenson WASECA AREA GENEALOGY SOCIETY Pres.: Barb Ward, Sect.: Dues $6.00 P. O. Box 314, Waseca MN 56093 Donna Fostveit Dues $8.00 WHITE BEAR LAKE GENEALOGICAL S0C2182 E.Maryland Av.St. Paul, MN 55119 Pres.: Charles Stuck, Jr. Sect. Marion Hastings Dues $5 (Couples $7) WRIGHT COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 9n 2nd Av. S., Buffalo MN 55313 Pres.: Marcia Paulsen, Contact Persons „.^_ Dot McAllister Sect.: Kevin LeVoir Dues $3.00 BRANCH SOCIETIES (455-0627) 1960 Charlton .West St. Paul MN 55118 ESGLTSH: Janice North (854-1655) 8514 Elliott Ave. So.Blocmington MN 55420 IRISH: Avis Gobi (739-2928) 200 S. Winthrop #129 St. Paul, MN 55119 SCAND.: Marilyn Sorensen (633-1329) 4468 Arden View Ct. Arden Hills,MN 55112 NORTHWEST TERRITORY FRENCH AND CANADIAN HERITAGE INSTTTOTE (NWTF&CHI) Alfred J. Dahlquist (560-908S)3601-78th Ave.No,Brooklyn Park MN 55443 SLAVIC: Mary Jo Frasczak (735*1509) 2182 E. Maryland Ave. St. Paul MN 55119 133 MINNESOTA RESEARCH A sampling of references at UCSB Library: PERIODICALS NflNNESOTA HISTORY NEWS v. 1 August 1959 St. Paul, Minn. MinneF 606 sota Historical Society 6 numbers a year (for holdings,inquire at M55 Serials Desk) REF Z MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Guide to the personal p pers in the 1299 M5 MSS. collections of the Minnesota Hist. Soc. St.'Paul, Minn. 1935- 3319 eo ,- "^ CD MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Guide to the Public Affairs Collection of Minnesota Hist. Sec. camp. Lucile M. Kane, St. Paul, Minn. Hist. Soc. 1968 viii 46 p 23cm MATTERS, Marion E. MINNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES, Preliminary check list, 3314 cemp. Marion Matters, St. Paul, Minnesota Hist. Soc. Division of ArM37 &MSS chives 1979 94 p. 28 cm. F 606 F7 FRIDIEY, Russel W. MINNESOTA, a student's guide to localized history N. Y. Teachers College Press, vol V 1966 x 36p map 23 cm (localized history series) includes bibliographical references. JK 6131 RCENSING, W. F. MINNESOTA CONGRESSMEN, legislators and other elect- T6 1971 REF Z 1361 H 84 M56 1977 E 184 gg M? 1975 ed state officials, an alphabetical check list 1849-1971, cemp. by W. F. Roensing, viii 143 p. St. Paul, Minnesota Hist. Soc 1971 IMMIGRATION HISTORY AND RESEARCH CENTER, Minnesota U. HUNGARIANS IN THE U. S. AND CANADA - a bibliography; holdings of the Immigration History Research Center of the U. of Minnesota, cemp. and ed. Joseph SZEPLAKI, foreword Steven Bela Vardy, genl ed. Joseph D. Duoger (Minn.) 1977 viii, 113 p. ill. 26 cm. includes index LETTERS FROM THE PROMISED LAND. Swedes in America 1840-1914 ed. H. Arnold Barton» Pub by U of Minn Press for the Swedish Pioneer Hist. Soc. bibliography 325-330, includes index, 1975 vi,344 p (8)leaves plates F 614 CZECHS IN MINNESOTA Writers Program THE BOHEMIAN FLATS, cemp. by M56 B68 Writers Program of the WPA in State of Minn half title FW Project 1975 "Sponsored by Hennepin Co. Hist. Soc." U of Minn Press, reprint of 1941 ed. F615 S8 M3 1975 52 p illus 23 cm. SWEDES IN MINNESOTA MATTSON, Hans 1832-1862 DEN NYS SWENSKA KOLONIEN I MINNESOTA, NORD-AMERIKA 1872, reprinted Stockholm 1970 1872a REF G 1315 BORCHERT, John R. 262 pp. ATLAS OF MINNESOTA, resources and settlement. Map (part col.) in pocket located in MAP ROOM B6 1969 Osnsus 1850 F 605 U3 MINNESOTA TERRITORIAL CENSUS 1850, ed. by Patricia C. Harpole and Marv D* Na«le St- Paal> mxai HiSt Soc. 1972 ix 115 p Map 28 cm. includes biographical references F 606 065 F97 CGFFTN, Charles Castleton, 1823-1896 THE SEAT OF EMPIRE (Castleton) Boston, Fields Osgood viii 232 p. front plates, fold, map 18cm. GLAZIER, Willard (sic) 1841-1905 HEADWATERS OF THE MISSISSIPPI compris- JieoR river, and a full account of the discovery and location of the true source in a lake beyond Itasca, by Capt. William Glazier, Chicago and N. Y., Rand McNally & Co. 1894, 527 p gront. illus. map Federal Writers Project G55 JJ"0 F606 N468 ing biographical sketches of early and recent explorers of the great MINNESOTA N. Y. Viking Press 1938 xxx 56 523 p. incl. illus. plates maps (fold, in pocket) American Guide Series mCOLLET, Joseph Nicolas 1786-1843 JOURNAL OF JOSEPH N. NICOLAS; a scientist on the Mississippi headwaters, with notes on Indian life 1836-1837, translated from Rrench by Andre Ferley ed. Martha Coleman Ray St. Paul Minn. Hist Soc. 1970 v viii 288 p illus. facm.map 24 cm NA 7235 KENNEDY, Roger MINNESOTA HOUSES, an architectural and historical view M5 K4 Minneapolis Dillon Press 1967 275 p illus map 27cm incl.biograph. ref. 134 MINNESOTA RESEARCH Minnesota Government Publications REF Z BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MINNESOTA TERRITORIAL DOCUMENTS, cemp. by Esther Jern- M5 J4 Publications of the Minnesota Historical Society, Special Bulletin III 1223.5 REF Z bek, St. Paul. Minn Hist Soc 1936 XVI 157 p fac 23 cm Half title: 1223.5 MINNESOTA STATE LIBRARY St. Paul CHECKLIST No. 28 Jun 1965 (annual) ^ MINNESOTA STATE PUBLICATIONS v 1 July/Sept 1957 (semiannual) Distribu- M4 C3 Z 1223.5 m m PN 4874 G64 Z7 (in Government Publications Collection) ted ^ Documents Section Div of Central Services of the dept of Administration Minnesota Historic Houses, etc. BERTHEL, Mary Elizabeth (Wheelbouse) 1894- HORNS OF THUNDER; life and times of JAMES M. GOODHUE, including selections from his writings. St. Paul Minn. Hist. Soc 1948 xii 276 p illus. port. Minnesota Cent. publication No. 3 Bibliographical footnotes F606 BJORNSON, Val. 1906 - THE HISTORY OF MINNESOTA West Palm Beach.Fla. B46 Lewis Historical Pub. Co. 1969 4 v illus. ports. 28 cm F606 BLEGEN, Theodore Christian, 1891- THE LAND LIES OPEN Minneapolis U. F606 B668 BLEGEN, Theodore C. and Theodore L. NYDAHL MINNESOTA HISTORY, a guide to reading and study Minneapolis U of Minn Press 1960 223 p maps B 49 735 of Minn. Press 1949 v 246 p 23 cm map on lining papers 1960 #21 of 600 pub. revision of History, 1937, includes bibliography and references F 606 BLEGEN Theodore Christian 1891- MINNESOTA; a History of the State F6 1956 Minnesota Hist Soc. 1926-56 vols 1 and 27 revised edition B5 F606 F606 Minneapolis U of Minn Press 1963 688 p illus 24 cm includes biblio. FOLWFLL, William Watts 1833-1929 A HISTORY OF MINNESOTA St. Paul FOLWELL, William Watts MINNESOTA, the North Star State Boston F68 1973 Houghton, Mifflin 1908 NY Am.M.S. Press 1973 vi 382 p map 19cm original issued as vol 19 of American Commonwealths E183.8 C2 G5 CLUCK, Alvin Charles 1923- MINNESOTA AND THE MANIFEST DESTINY OF THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST, a study in Canadian-American relations, Alvin C. Gluck, Jr. Toronto U of Toronto Press 1965 xi 311 p maps 24 cm. Bibliographical footnotes E89 H93 F606 L35 HUGHES, Thomas 1854-1934 INDIAN CHIEFS OF SOUTHERN MINNESOTA. Sketches of prominent chieftains of Dakota and Winnebago tribes from 1825-1865 illus by A. Anderson,2d ed Minn. Ross & Haines 1969 131 p. illus. LOSS, Wm. E. MINNESOTA, a bicentennial history NY Norton c. 1977 xv 224 p (87) leaves of plates ill. 22cm (The States and the Nation F606 Le IE SUEUR, Mericel NORTH STAR COUNTRY NY Duell, Sloan & Pearce 1945 viii 327 p 22 cm (American folkways ed by Erskine Calwell.lst ptg) series) biblio. 216-218, includes index map on lining papers P601 M52 F606 N97 MINNESOTA HISTORY Feb. 1915- St. Paul. Minn. Hist Soc. quarterly (for holdings inquire at Serials Desk) NOTE Frace Lee 1895- THE VOYAGEUR'S HIGHWAY, Minnesota's border lakeland St. Paul Minn. Hist Soc 1941 viii 113 p Half Title (Publica tions of the Minn. Hist. Soc. ed by A. J. Larsen) maps in lining pap ers, includes songs and music, bibliography p 101-106 BLACK STUDIES REF Z 1361 N 39 T 29 TAYLOR, David Vassar 1945to historical sources. BLACKS IN MINNESOTA, a preliminary guide St. Paul Minn. Hist Soc. 33 p WYLES COLLECTION MINNESOTA HISTORY SOCIETY vol 1 F 601 M66 (for holdings inquire at Serials Desk) Civil War 28 cm includes index 1872 - 19 In Wyles Collection are a number of volumes - see Subject Catalog 135 MINNESOTA RESEARCH WYLES COLLECTION, UCSB cont. E515.1 tboi iayi E601 B 563 raNNESOTA MILITIA 2A *" MINNESOTA IN THE CIVIL AND INDIAN WARS 1861-65 2 vols- Historical sketches and rosters Also in Main Collection. MINNESOTA 2d REGT. 1861-1865 BIRCHER, Wm. A DRUMMER BOY'S DIARY (4 yrs 1861-1865) 1889 199 p font pi ft1™2?, BISHDP' Judson Wade 1831-1917 OFFICIAL RECORDS RE SECOND REGT.MINN B5 E184 Veteran Volunteer Infantry 61 p E515.5 1887 HILL, Alfred James 1833-1895 HISTORY OF CO. E OF 6TH MINN. REGT OF Volunteer infantry, with an appendix by Capt. Charles J. Stees, pub. W tA> lBWiS St' Paul Pioneer Press Co- 1899 45 p (port) 23 1/2 cm p. 11-25 Indian campaign in Minn, and Dakota 1862-1864 App- Lt. Col. Marshall's raid into Dakota 1862 from Journal of Cant E181 J64 Stees of Co.E 6th Minn. Regt. JOHNSON, Richard W. 1827-1897 A SOLDIER'S HEMINISCENSES IN PEACE AND WAR Brig. Gen. R. W. Johnson Philadelphia Press of J.P. Lippincott Co. 1886 428 p front (port) pi. 23 cm F214 T7 same title Add Louisville Ky, Lost Cause Press 1957 No.261 Microcard 10 cards (Travels in the Confederate States) FB06 M5 MINNESOTA IN THREE CENTURIES 1655-1908 Board of Editors, Lucius F. Hubbard et al. Semi-centennial ed. NY The Pub. Soc. of ... 1908 4 v fronts, plates, ports, maps (see main author card for contents) F606 NEILL Edward Duffield 1823-1893 THE HISTORY OF MINNESOTA; from the N4 1882 earliest French explorations to the present time by the Rev. Edward Duffield Neill, 4th ed. re.v. & enl. Minn. Minnesota Historical Co. 1882 966 p double front, i illus port, maps (part fold.tab) 24 1/2 cm F83.563 RIDDIS, Ljuis Harry 1886R6 F606 S5 W4 THE INDIAN WARS OF MINNESOTA Cedar Rapids Iowa Touch Press 1956 311 p ill. 24 cm. WEST, Nathaniel 1824-1906 THE ANCESTRY, LLFE AND TIMES OF HON HENRY HASTINGS SIBLEY by Nathaniel West, D.D. St Paul, Minn. Pioneer Press Pub. Co. 1889 x 596 p 1 1. front Official military reports and dis patches of Henry Hastings Sibley, 1st and 2nd Sioux Campaigns 1862 1863 p. 458-549 F606 P4 PETERSON, Clarence Stewart 1896- KNOWN MILITARY AND CIVILIAN DEAD DUR- ING THE MINNESOTA SIOUX-INDIAN MASSACRE IN 1862; known dead during the great blizzard in Minnesota in Jan. 1873. Baltimore 1958 Cover TitleMinnesota Centennial Memorial 1856-1958 F597 C3 CARVER, Jonathan (Capt.) Edinburgh 1710-1780 J. Key 1798 THREE YEARS TRAVELS THROUGH INTERIOR PARTS OF NORTH AMERICA FOR MORE THAN copy 153 5,000 miles in the years 1766, 1768 and 1768 (3d ed. to which is WYLES & added seme account of the author and a copious index Minneapolis,Minn. SPECIAL Ross & Haines 1956, 543 p. illus. fold, maps (facsimile reprint of the COLL. 3d London edition; limited to 1500 copies) P606 C65 CQFFLN, Charles Castleton, 1823-1896 THE SEAT OF EMPIRE (Castleton) Boston, Fields Osgood viii 232 p front plates, fold, map 18 cm. F606 B823 A5 Also in Main Collection. ALANSON, George G. STIRRING ADVENITJRES OF THE JOSEPH R. BROWN FAMILY. Their captivity during Lndian uprising of 1862 and description of their old home near Sacred Heart destroyed by the Indians 1947 (20) p. illus. ports. Wheaton, Minn. THE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Walnut Grove (756 Inhabitants), on the banks of Plum Creek, Minnesota anmortalized by Iaura Ingalls Wilder in her "Little House" books and by the TV series, "Little House on the Prairie" has recently been in the news due to a teachers' strike. 136 MINNESOTA RESEARCH ^CH-C^NADIAN FAMILIES OF THE NORIH CENTAL STATES, aGenealogical Dictionary *«2^lA:n^!T^^ **f set $199.00 pre! fuTtrSS 2fex^er^L^/^1? •—**«. census returns, chuSh records, catioS Tnt SJS^i^tTSch EjiX JE* T* "«*»*• and other publi-' of Minnesota weSS iiS«,S? ^S?~Qlfdian known to have been in the area toba. iTfaas teen^S^^^*6™ Iom« eastern Dakotas ««> Southern Maniup to the SL^rSSK S S8^ ancestors **** to France, and the descendants also contilSeHo i ^ ^ <* whether they stayed in this area or not and have loSer^S™^enciSnS?nnaml^eS ""J?* teaale8 even thouSn the* »»• "5 no pletS tefSe^hTe^ofi^i0"^- t**^ C5ntains 8volumes Md *U bTcan- tV'SeS'LS1"^^ J?*3forATresearch ™"^NE^ «ri ™~ZT^ ljXHHAl«- Guide to(?^GICS' books available PriceHISTORICAL $5 00 nineS0CTE$1.00 postage. Order from Umax, P.O. Box 26372,ITSs 25w55^26 SEE*?SS2LiAiS2ett,r fOT "•*•* the IwrrafflI'a <* *» STS-ar^. ^ y'• ACPPy °f theofA"8118*1981 i^eSectlon ** *» the FIRST ANNUAL DINNER PARTY Although the dinner party never came to pass, there was a lot of hard work generated as well as an outpouring of funds and gifts of merchandise by many local business people. In addition, special thanks have to go to Bill Downey, the intended speaker, and his wife, Kim, for being so willing to interrupt their own heavy schedule of writ ing, teaching and speaking to conform their time to the on-again, off-again dinner Again, many thanks, Bill and Kim. The following contributed either money or gifts of merchandise- SANTA BARBARA BOAT RENTALS, Sail and Power Boats Santa Barbara Breakwater REGAL CLEANERS, Dry Cleaning Alpha Beta Shopping Center JCE REDFOiKD-TOYOia, Automobile Dealer 5611 Hollister Avenue JOH. C. STEuTkl, Watchmaker and Repairman 3114-B State Street INTERSTATE ENTERPRISES, Real Estate Loans and Appraisals 3757 State Street, Suite 201 $15.Oo' 15 00 15.00 15.00 15 00 GRAPHIC IMAGES, Pictures and Frames 5680 Calle Real Gift THE FOOTNOTE*, ladies Shoes and Accessories 5738 Calle Real Gift P'ARTAGNAN'S, Restaurant 5688 Calle Real Gift BURTON'S FAMILY PHARMACY, Drugs 5654 Calle Real Gift PRESIDIO REALTY, Real Estate 5654 Calle Real Two Gifts CASA VEGA, Mexican Restaurant 435 N. Milpas Street Gift H. SALT FISH AND CHIPS, Fast Food Restaurant Gift Alpha Beta Shopping Center In addition, other advertisers were willing to contribute but due to the sudden cancellation of the dinner, funds or gifts were not solicited. Sane of our friends were as follows: Channel Paper Company, Robertson Travel, Santa Barbara Aviation, J. C. Paddock, Real Estate Appraisals, Suzette's Posey Patch. Angelojs Delicatessen and SEPTEMBER 19th WORKSHOP Attendance at the workshop was gratifying. Area workshops were set up inseveral rooms , with appropriate research sources and helpful suggestions from -members available to those wishing assistance. Several renewed memberships and a mmtoer became new members of the society. Many felt that a two-day session would be desirable and many more that the event should be repeated two or three times each year. Carol and Steve Roth are to be thanked for their generosity in providing so much work space and signs designating the various areas; also the many members and friends who loaned books and actively participated in making the event a success by attending , bringing guests, and otherwise making contributions. 137 ?????????»?? ? 9 QUERIES ' ?? f 9 ? ???????????????? CORYELL DRAKE Michael CORYELL b 4 Jul 1796 d 12 Jul 1865 at Vernon, INDIANA m. 7 Feb 1824 Frances (Fanny) DRAKE b 23 Feb 1804 in PA d 2 Dec 1887 Vernon IN. They moved from Chemung Co. NY to No. Vernon IN in 1839. Seek location of births parents and family data re both. CORYELL SLOCUM William F. CORYELL b 19 Apr 1828 in NY d 12 June 1891 m. 23 Aug 1850 Mary A. SLOCUM, dau of Eason Peley and Delaney E. (Delamater) SIOCUM. Seek birthplace, parents, etc. of Am. F. CORYELL. CORYELL PERICE Morton CORYELL m. Ella PERICE (sic) in 1874. date, parents and family data re both. CORYELL SNOW Cornelius CORYELL b 12 Dec 1837 d 17 Jul 1924 m. Phoebe SNOW b 29 Mar 18 Seek Birthplace, birth- d 19 May 1922. A son. Lewis CORYELL b 30 Jan 1881. Seek parents, birthplace, where died and any family data. CORYELL BARBER Frank CORYELL, father of George Oliver CORYELL b 10 Jan 1889 Bloomfield NB d Jul 1966 CutBank MT m. Viola BARBER v. 1 May 1898 in Nebraska. She d Jan 1979 Harlowton, MT. Seek wife, birthplace,birthdate and par ents of Frank CORYELL. CORYELL SPENCER Richard CORYELL m. Frances SPENCER. They had a son Jeremiah CORYELL. Seek parents, birthplace, birthdate, family data re Richard CORYELL. CORYELL JOHNSON Clarence CORYELL b 5 Jan 1889 Milo NY m 19 May 1915 Florence Georgeianna JOHNSON who d 3 Sept 1953 Los Angeles CA. Seek parents and grandpar CORYELL William Franklin CORYELL m. Enma V. ents of Clarence CORYELL. CORYELL b 12 Aug 1925 Chadron NB. , their son Harold Francis Seek parents and family data on Wm. Franklin CORYELL; also maiden name of his wife. CORYELL GIUDRE Elias CORYELL, father of Winfielf Scott CORYELL b 1847 NJ d 1927 in Moline, IL who m. Isabelle GILMORE 23 Feb 1870. Seek parents, wife, family data on Elias CORYELL. CORYELL STEBBINS DAVIS Dewitt Clinton CORYELL b c 1822 d 6 Feb 1895 Deming NM ro (1) Mary H. m (2).Jane STEBBINS she d. 11 Jan 1896. son W. Russell S. CORYELL b 15 Dec 1867 Ft. Scott KS d 22 Feb 1926 m. Beatrice Pauline DAVIS 18 Jul 1888. Seek parents, first wife's maiden name, other fami ly data on Dewitt Clinton CORYELL. CORYELL William Harlan CORYELL b 18 Sept 1884 Omaha NB d 23 Jan 1953 Los Angeles CA. His son Charles DuBois CORYELL b 21 Feb 1912 Los Angeles d 7 Jan 1971 Boston, MA. Seek parents, name of wife, any family data, etc. re William Harlan CORYELL. ROWBOTHAM Joseph McClellan CORYELL b Philadelphia PA d there c 1923 m c 1908 Re becca ROWBOTHAM Seek parents and family data, (or ROWBOTTHAM) CORYELL PITTS Charles Emerson CORYELL b 14 Apr 1845 Ontario, Canada d 22 Jan 1922 Eau Claire WI m. Eliza Jane Pitts 6 Feb 1870 Cedar Springs MI. Seek CORYELL names or parents of Charles Emerson CORYELL. CORYELL HAVEN Morris CORYELL b Nov 1828 New Hope PA d 15 Mar 1917 Plainville or Ches hire, CT m. Lucelia P. HAVEN b 1831 at E. Middleburg, VT d 24 May 1903 W Chestire CT. Seek parents and family date on Morris CORYELL. N. Burr Coryell P. O. Box 662 Santa Barbara, CA 93102 LITTLE Abigail LITTLE, dau Thomas, granddaughter Richard WARREN, Mayflower pas WARREN senger, ra. Josiah KEENE. KEENE BRYANT DYER BOLLES All dates for Abigail needed. Stephen BRYANT born Plymouth MA 1658, resided Duxbury, MA, m. Mehitable . All data about Mehitable needed. Mary DYER, dau William of Newport, RI and Shepscott ME married Samuel BOLLES. All dates needed. Emily Perry Thies (Mrs. Wilbur H, Sr.) 41 Northridge Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93105 138 LNDEX - SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS appearing in ANCESTORS WEST, Vol. 5, Nos. 1, 2,1979 Nos. 3,4 contained Index to Records in Vol.4 wo. i, Marriages; ADAMS, Alex AMEY, Alfred Davis ANDERSON, Charles ANTHONY, Charles V. ARELLANES, Carmen ARELLANES, Jose AYALA, Francisco AYALA, Ramon BALENTINE, Annie BALETO, Gabriel 20 20 BALL, Cornelia W. BARRERAS, Conception BATTEN, Caroline HEAL, Hattie B. BEEBE, Margaret H. BELLS. John L. BOTILLER, Luisa BRECK, B. (bride) BRINKERHOFF, C. (bride) BURNETT, Susie E. CALDERON, Lugarda CALDWELL, James CAMARILLO, Jesus CARRILLO, Vicento CARROLL, M. G. (bride) CASEBEER, Isabella CAVALLERI, Francisco CHASE, George W. CHENEY, Celia K. CLOYNE, Thomas COATS, M. E. (bride) COOK, Ethel Ann COOK, Lillian B. CORDERO, Maria CORDERO, Thomas CORNELL, Abigail M. COSTOBADIE, A. T. (groom) COTA, Juana COTA, Leonardo COTTON, Isaac CRAWFORD, Mary A. DAVIS, Alfred Amey DE IA GUERRA, F.F. (bride) DIEBERT, C. F. (groom) DOMINGUEA, Christina DOWELL, John DOWNING, William DRTJMM, Calvin R. DUJHAM, Addie F. DOXDN, C. ic/o Pagj (bride) EALAND, Joseph EARLEY, Edward EDWARDS, J. C. (groom) ESPINOSA, Jose Damas ESQUEBEL, Tomasa FARMER, Margaret E. FARNHAM, Lizzie FAST, Maggie FEBRE, V. L. (bride) FELIZ, Jose FELL, Albert Webster FLORES, Juan FLOREZ, Jose FLYNN, Anne J. FORBUSH, Fred FOSTER, Fred A. 20 20 42 20 42 42 20 20 42 42 42 20 42 20 42 20 42 20 20 42 42 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 42 20 20 42 42 42 42 42 42 20 42 20 42 20 20 20 20 42 42 42 20 20 42 20 42 42 42 42 20 42 20 42 42 20 •so. z Marriages ios/ FOSTER, Sarah E. FOXEN, Frederico GARCIA, Celedonio GARCIA, Pedro GEORGE, Edgar GILDINGS, Lottie GIFFORD, N. GILCHRIST, M. A. GILCHRIST, S. W. GLASS, Mary GOCDCHILD, C. W. GRAM0, Clementa GRIGGS, Alice A. GUERRA, F. D. de la Page (groom) (bride) (groom) (groom) (bride) HABERLITZ, August HARRIS, S. F. (Miss) HASKELL, Catherine HASTIE, Mary HENDERSON, Laura A. HENDRICKS, Wm. G. HENRY, Janet HERNANDEZ, Macaria HESS, Frederick (sic) (bride) HILL, Jose (groom) HILL, L. C. HOBSON, William K. HGLLEN, Clarence HOLMBERG, L. A. HOME, Haddie HOPPER, Elva J. HGBEL, John RUNFORD, Jesse HUNTER, John IRWIN, Amelia JANSSENS, J. J. JENKINS, M. J. JONES, Samuel J. JOYNER, Joseph KEOTZ, Barbara LACY, E. S. LAIRD, William LAITEN, John L. LAUZA, Maria J. LEHNER, Mary LESLIE, Alenander LEWIS, C. A. LEYVA, Maria Dolores IEYVA, Ysabel LONGAWA, John LOPEZ, Gresilda IOUCIZA, LaFrankie McCLURE, H. B. (groom) (bride) (bride) (groom) (bride) mcdqnald, Mary 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 42 42 42 42 42 42 20 20 20 20 20 42 42 20 20 42 42 42 21 21 42 21 42 42 43 43 21 43 21 21 21 21 43 43 43 21 21 21 21 43 43 43 43 21 .McDONOUGH, Susan also Magdalena both 21 21 (groom) McGUCKIN, P. 21 McIECD, Jean (Miss) McLEOD, M. R. (bride) MAJAS, Concepcion MALO, Maria J. MARTIN, C. W. (groom) .(groom) MARTIN, H. H. HARWELL, John Keneley MAYHEW, Eliza J. MESA, Juan Palma (bride) MESICK, F. L. (groom) MESICK, L. H. 43 43 43 21 43 21 43 21 43 43 139 INDEX SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS ANCESTORS WEST Vol. 5 Page MILLER, Emm NDORE, J. F. 43 (groom) MOORE, Lizzie MOORE, S. F. (groom) MORAGA, Panuncio MORE, Charles 0. MORELL, Alexandre MORELLI, Jose NEALE, S. E. NEBEL, Charles NICHOLS, Mary F. NICHOLS, W. R. NORRIS, Eglentine NORRIS, Mary Bell NORTON, Frank B. NYE, J. B. O'BRYANT, Rachael (bride) (groom) (groom) O'NEIL, Maria ORMSLEY, L. W. (groom) ORNELAS, Biviana ORTEGA, Esquil OWENS, Georgie H. PADIILA, Abedon PARMLEE, Mary V. PARTER, W. G. Jr. (groom) PECK, Orsen PENNY, CarolineE. PENSINGER, Jacob PERHAM, D. R. PETERSON, Chas. PHILLIPS, Hannah PICO, Cristiana (groom) PICO, Erlinda PIOO, Jose PICO, Ramona PIOO, Romoaldo PINA, Maria Concepcion PITCHER, N. C. (groom) POMMIER, Jane POST, Victor V. PRICE, J. S. (groom) RAFFOUR, Louis RAMSEY, W. J. REYNOLDS, Miss RHODES, George (groom) RICH, Emm RILEY, Mary RODRIGUEZ, Jose Antonio RODRIGUEZ, Maria Adelaide RODRIGUEZ, Juan ROMERA, Evarista ROMERO, Armado RUIZ, Adelaide RUIZ, Mariani 43 21 43 21 43 21 43 43 21 21 21 21 21 43 21 21 21 21 21 43 21 21 21 43 43 43 43 21 43 43 43 21 21 21 43 21 21 21 21 43 21 21 43 21 43 21 21 21 43 43 Page RUSHING, Haddie P. RUSSELL, Josie W. 21 RUTHERFORD, Jennette 21 43 SEXTON,. K. (groom) SHOUP, J. G. (groom) SILVERS, A. (groom) SNOW, Carry W. 22 22 22 22 SORIA, Maria SOTO, Ysmael STAFFORD, Edward STEVENS, Mary Ann STICE, Charlotte Ellen STOCKDAIE, Thomas STOKUM, Charles H. STONE, Mary B. STREETER, Martha A. 22 22 44 44 44 22 44 22 22 STRTNGFTELD, Alfred M. TALBOT, Wm. L. THOMAS. C. H. (bride) 22 44 22 THOMAS, B. F. (groom) TOGNAZZINI, Antonio VALENCIA, Clara VALENCIA, Perfecta VALENCIA, Presentacian VALENTINE, Vena VAN CLENE, Rachael VANDELEER, Ida Mae VANDERGRIFT, J. N. (groom) VASQUEZ, Phebe Ann VILLA, Vincenta C. WALKER, Albert F. WALKER, G. H. (groom) WALKER, John A. WEBSTER, Ada WENCH, William WHALEY, Clemency Ann WHALEY, Robert M. WHEATON, W. H. (groom) WHEELER, C. (groom) WHTTCOMB, Jonathan WHTTFORD, Mina WIID, Nancy WILLIAMS, Winnie WILSON, John WISE, Frank H. WITTE, Frank WOLTZ, Mary WOODS, Enma B. WOODS, John YOUNG, F. C. (groom) 22 44 22 22 22 44 44 22 44 22 22 44 44 44 22 44 22 44 44 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 44 44 44 22 ZIGLER. T. S. 44 43 (groom) 21 21 CCRRECTICN - - MORROW QUERY p. 92, Sept. 1981 ANCESTORS WEST SIPES CLAYPOOL ST^ ^L^™68*01"8 <* Sarah Jane SIPES b 12 Oct 1829 Butler Co C^YPOOL6J?LET' She was given wife as of STIPES) JacSon " CLAYPOOL of Armstrong^ Co.,**?**». Pa. (Name*• incorrectly Ruth Marrow (Mrs. Robert) 2835A Serena Rd.,Santa Barbara, CA 93105 MAPES FAMILY ASSOCIATION.- George R. Robertson III, President Sw»iHn«r rw^io * ^ * w ?° Clifton Blvd-» Blnghamton NY 13903 seeking People to start chapters of MAPES FAMILY ASSOCIATION in their states. Contributions of TIME, INFORMATION MCNEY always needed 140 NEW IN THE LIBRARY BOOKS 1. Census Indpxes and Indpxing in England. Colin Chapman; 2. Bishops Transcripts £ marriage Licenses, Bonds & Allega tions. 3. Jeremy Gibson & Editors A Guide to their Location & Indexes in Eno- land. by J.S.UI. Gibson. Census Returns 1861, 1851, 1861, 1871 on microfilm. A Directory of Local Holdings in England. 1981 Fdition. Compiled by J.S.UI. Gibson. 4. Brouine Records - The Alphabetical Index, by J.D.R.C. Hey- 5. IDayfloiuer Ancestral Index. Vol. I. 1981. f. & Anne Borden Harding? Compilers, The Virginia Couine Family; From it's Origin in the Isle of man to England 4 America, by Jonathan A. Couune 7. Is That Lineage Right? gate Browne. & Janna L. DAR. 8. milton E. Terry Couine. Issued by the National Society of 195B. Ronald Wilson Reagan, 0'Regan Irish Ancestry and Immigra tion to America by Patricia Rleade White, including Reagan Immigration to Illinois by Alma Imhoff Lauritsen. Donated by Jean Stocktuell. 9. A Remembrance of Robert Neuiton IKIcEntire 10. Compiled & Donated by Elizabeth Hvolboll. The Society of First Families of South Carolina 1670- 1828-1907. 1700 - Year Book 1981-1983 & Bylaws. Donated by Harry Titus. 11. Hoio To Write Your Autobiography by Patricia Ann Case. 12. Thirty Thousand Names of Immigrants in Penn. by Prof. I. 13. Donated by Ruth Norris. Daniel Rupp. Donated by Persis Hebberd. Last of the Great Scouts, The Life Story of Col. William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), by Helen Cody Wetmore. Donated by James Beddie. 14. Los Angeles Blue Books - 1962 & 1963. ardson; Editor. William Hord Rich Donated by Wes Kingsley. 15. South West Blue Books. - 1974 & 1976. Gloria Berry Outhie; Editor. Donated by Wes Kingsley. 16. Tracing Your Ancestors in ITIinnesota, A Guide to the Sources. Vol.1. 2nd Edition, by Wiley R. Pope & Alissa L. Wiener. Donated by Lilian Fish. 17. The Ancestors and Descendants of Albert G. Hollister by Ethel Hollister Strain & Kathryn Kellogg Hollister. BOOKS (On Loan) 1. Burke's Landed Gentry including American Families with British Ancestry by Sir Bernard Burke. Loaned 2. Descendants of Bird Smith, His Father & mother, His Child 1. The Beehive House.(Brigham Young's House) by S. Dil- by Shirley Lettington. ren & Related Families of Shelby Co., Kentucky by Neuiton Preston Owen. Loaned by Shirley Lettington. PAITIPHLETS 2. utorth Young. Donated by Harry Titus. List of mormon Genealogical•Libraries in the U.S. - List of Books in the Goleta Branch of the mormon Library Donated by Sylvia Hanna. NEW PERIODICALS AND EXCHANGES 1. VIRGINIAi 2. TEXASi Genealogical Computing. July & Nov. 19B1. A Tale of mid-Cities. Bedford. Oct. 1981. 141 GEORGIA! WALESi Computerized Surname magazine. Atlanta. June 1981. Donated by Harry Titus. Powys Chronicle. Spring 1981. NOVA SCOTIA! Powys Family History Society. Genealogical Newsletter of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society. by Frank Smith. OREGONi Spring 1981. Donated The Quaker Yeoman. 1980-81. Donated by Kathryn Heritage. miNNESOTAi Cousins et Cousinesi A Newsletter for members of the Northwest Territory French & Canadian Her itage Institute, a Section of the minnesota Gen ealogical Society. Aug. 1981. Fish. IRELAND! Donated by Lilian Family Links - Past & Present, magazine of the Irish Genealogical Association. Jan. 1981. NEW mEXICOi Pecos Trails. Carlsbad. Vol.11 1&2. 1981. PERIODICALS FAmiLY ASSOCIATIONS Coryell Newsletter. Aug.1981. Donated by Burr Coryell. Huxford Gen. Soc. Inc. magazine. Sept. 1981. Donated by Harry Titus, martin Family Quarterly. Aug. 1981. Donated by Harry Titus. Richardson Family Researcher. June 1981. ALABAfflAi Natchez Trace Traveler. Aug. 1981. ARIZONA! Sun City Genealogist. Fall 1981. AUSTRALIA! The Ancestral Searcher. Canberra. June 1981. Generation. Queensland. June & Sept. 1981 & Dir CALIFORNIA! ectory of Family Names 1960. Ash Tree Echo. Fresno. Oct. 1981. Calif. Central Coast Gen. Soc. Atascadero. Fall 1981. Calif. History. 197841979. Donated by Persis Hebberd. The Colonial Genealogist. Torrance. Vol.X«4. Donated by Harry Titus. Lifeliner. Riverside. Sept. 1981. Iflarin Kin Tracer. Novato. Summer 1981. COLORADO! San Diego Leaves & Saplings. Summer 1981. Santa IJlaria Valley Gen. Soc. Fall 1981. The Searcher. Burbank. Sept. 1981. Sonoma Searcher. Sept. 1981. Ventura Co. Gen. Soc. Apr-June 1981. Pinon Whispers. Pueblo. Summer 1981. EP^tII^1"' Conn* N"tmegger. Sept. 1981. Donated by Emily Thies. DISTRICT OF CDLUmBIAi National Gen. Soc. Quarterly. Sept. 1981. ENGLAND! Donated by Frank Smith. Family History News & Digest. Autumn 1981. Genealogists1 magazine. London, march, June & Sept. Hertfordshire Family & Population History Soc. FLORIDA! Autumn 1980. Spring 1981. Wiltshire Family History Soc. Autumn 1981. The Florida Genealogist. Tallahassee. Vol.4j4. GEORGIA! The Georgia Genealogical Soc. Quarterly. Atlanta. ILLINOIS! Donated by Harry Titus. Fall 1961. Donated by Harry Titus. Branching Out. HJarisBa. Aug.,Nov. 1980, Feb. 1981. Oonated by Vic South. Cornsilk Newsletter from DeKalb Co. Sept-Oct.1981. DeWitt Co. Genealogical Quarterly. Summer 1981. Gen. Soc. of DeKalb Co. July-Aug.1981. St. Clair Co. Gen. Soc. Quarterly. 19794 1980. Oonated by Vic South. INDIANA! The Yellowjacket. Quincy. Sept. 1981. Genealogy. Indianapolis. July,Aug,Oct The Hoosier Genealogist. Sept. 19B1. South Bend Area Gen. Soc. Fall 1981. 1981 142 IOWA: The American Genealogist. Des Moines. July 1981. Oonated by Emily Thies. The Ill-Ia-Klo Searcher. Keokuk. Oct. 1981. IRELAND! Irish-American Genealogist. Vol.VIi1-4. Donated by Harry Titus. KANSAS: Kansas Kin. Manhattan. Aug. 1981. midwest Hist. & Gen. Register July-Sept. 1981.Wichita. LOUISIANA: Baton Rouge Newsletter. Sept. 1981. mAINE: The Second Boat. Rlachias. Aug. 1981. Donated by Ruth Scollin. MASSACHUSETTS: Car-Del Scribe. Ludlow. 1973,1974,1975,1978. Donated by Persis Hebberd. Car-Del Scribe. Ludlow, may & July 1981. Mayflower Quarterly. Plymouth. Aug. 1981. New England Hist. & Gen. Register. July 1961. The Pastfinder. St. Joseph. Spring 1981. Federation of Genealogical Societies Newsletter. Oct. missouri Historical Review. Columbia. July&Oct. 19B1. Donated by Harry Titus. mi CHIGANt MISSOURI! Platte NEBRASKA: Co. Hist. & Gen. Soc. Bulletin. Summer 1981. Ancestors Unlimited. July-Aug, Sept-Oct.1981. NEW MEXICO: New Mexico Genealogist. Albuquerque. Sept. 1981. NEW YORK: The Dutchess. Poughkeepsie. Fall 1981. NORTH CAROLINA: Bulletin of the Gen. Soc. of Old Tryon Co. Aug. OHIO: Ancestor Hunt. Vol.VIIIi3. Jefferson. The Certified Copy. Cleveland. Summer 1981. Ohio Gen. Soc. Newsletter. June,July & Aug. 1981. OREGON: Beaver Briefs. Salem. July 1981. Timber Trails. PENNSYLVANIA: ITlcminnville. Oct. 1901. Laurel messenger. Somerset. Aug.&Nov. 1981. RHODE ISLAND: Rhode Island Roots. Warwick. Sept. TEXAS: Austin Gen. Soc. Sept. 1981. 1981. Coastal Bend Gen. Soc. Quarterly. Corpus Christi. Sept. Cypress Basin Gen. & Hist. Soc. Vol3i3. Mt. Pleasant. Footprints. Fort Worth. Aug. 1981. UTAH: Yellowed Pages. Beaumont. Aug. 1981. Genealogical Helper. 5ept/0ct, July/Aug. 1981. WASHINGTON: Eastern Washington Gen. Soc. Bulletin. Spokane. Sept. 1981. Seattle Gen. Soc' Bulletin. Fall 1981. Tri-City Gen. Soc. Bulletin. Richland, Kennewickt Pasco. WYOmiNG: Vol.21i3 The American West. 1978,197941980. Donated by Persis Hebberd. Since the preparation of this list by the Librarian a Sample Copy of Vol. 1, No. 1, FAMILY LINKS - PAST AND PRESENT, the three-timea-a-year pub lication of the Irish Genealogical assoe-tn, Kathleen.Neill, editor, has been received and is in the SBCGS Library. It contains much informative material on Irish history, records which have survived, their location and availabili ty. Ten pages on Surnames of the Upper Ards are reprinted with a chart show ing localities occupied by the many named families. This issue is handsome ly produced, in size 8 1/2 x 11, with illustrations, some in color, and is highly recommended to those of Irish ancestry. A leaflet bas a180 been receivedtffran the Irish genealogical Association, 162a Kingsway, Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 9AD, North Ireland Telephone Belfast (0232) 629595 Telex 74314 setting forth the progrannie for the weeks of 20-27 June 1982 ccmnencing with Welcome night June 20 8:30 p.m. Queen's Elms University Halls of Residence, Belfast; June 21 a.m. lectures on tracing family history and on history. P.M. free. Evening formal banquet, presentation of VIPs,including the Lords O'Neill. June 22 a.m. lectures on early emigration from Ireland, Irish folklore and customs. P.M. sightseeing in Co. Antrim.Evening.main lecture of the gathering with speaker, Sir Iain Moncreiffe of that ilk. June 23 Gala Fete Day Shane's Castle, heme of the Rt. Hon. the Lord O'Neill and inauguration of the ' Chieftain. June 24 A.M. free; P. M. visit to Carrickfergus Castle.Co. Antrim. June 25 Coaches leave Belfast 9:30 a.m. for Donegal/Derry,sightseeing on the way. Reception in Londonderry; June 26 A.M. free for sightseeing and shopping. P.M coaches leave at 3 p.m. for Fanad Peninsula, Co. Donegal, for a pageant depicting the Flight of the Earls in 1607. Evening, an Irish night in Donegal. Those staying for the second week have a choice between sightseeing tours or a rest day 143 GLEANINGS In NEW ENGLAND GENEALOGY, Issue No. 17, July 1981, edited by Joseph W Glynn, Jr., Director/Librarian 173 Tremont St., Newton, MA 02158, telephone 617 966-0939 , a little-known and greatly underutilized manuscript at the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston is given a four-page exposure. The title, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, by Clarence Almon Torrey (1870-1962) may be somewhat misleading. The article suggests index to new England marriages prior to 1700 might better describe the manuscript. The work was prepared over a period of some 35 years, starting in 1927, during which Torrey examined in the NERGS Library printed vital records, family and local histories, genealogical magazines and many other sources. The work lists alphabetically by husbands all males in New England married prior to 1700 and is in the Library in photocopy form bound into 12 volumes with blue covers in the reference rocm. A Microfilm Edition was published in 1979 by NEHGS on 7 reels for $269. Reference Librarians at NEHGS have also compiled a card in- dix to Torrey's sources which are said to be in sfcoeboxes in the cabinet beneath the volumes. The manuscript was not received until after Torrey's death in 1962. Clarence Almon Torrey was a former Librarian at the University of Chicago who later resided in Dorchester, Mass. He lists about 37,000 marriages prior'to 1700 either in New England or the mother country. He indexed about 2 000 sources and listed about 100,000 references. About 70% of the wives are said to be i- dentified by their maiden surnames. Types of sources indexed include single- family genealogies, family histories (multi-ancestor compendia or ancestral lines books), periodicals like the Register, TAG, N. Y. Record, Essex Antiquarian, May flower Descendant, Putnam's, genealogical dictionaries, town histories, seme Boston Transcript entries and printed town vital records. Since he worked until about 1960, there is only about a single-generation gap in material covered up to the present time. The following listing of Content of Torrey's Marriage Index is presented: 1. Husband's names listed alphabetically. (No cross reference by wife"s names.) Example follows and cenment: Below the wives* names Torrey 2. might include notes like "dau John" or "m (2) Michael Bacon, 1670." Marriage date in colur*n 2. If unknown, "b 1676" indicates year of birth of eldest child. 3. Place of Marriage in column 3. "Lyme, Ct." or "Newbury". Torrey assumes you will know Newbury is in Mass. so doesn't give the state. If resid ences were elsewhere these other places are given. Example: Thomas Noyes & Sarah Knight Nov. 16, 1686 Newbury/Haverhill. Here Torrey tells us they were married in Newbury and also resided in Haverhill. of marriage is sometimes in England. Place 4. Year of birth and death for both spouses. Below the name of each person Torrey places "1643-1726" showing Moses Noyes was born in 1643 and died in 1726, or "1648 - " born 1648 and death year unknown or " - 1718" died in 1718, birth year unknown. 5. Sources of Information in column 3 below the marriage place. This is the best information in Torrey and the part that justifies the term "index: to describe his work. The books or articles where Torrey found the marriage or any mention of the husband at all anywhere. In these sources one might find much more than the data Torrey has already provided. Sometimes the sources are so numerous that they spill over into the first two columns. (Examples of abbreviations used are given.) These sources provide a vast index to all references to married New Englanders to 1700. * ****** /•„»,«. *" iBdex of the Santa ^bara County Marriage Records included in Vol. 6 (1980) of ANCESTORS WEST has been prepared, but its length (7 pages) precluded in clusion in this issue. next issue. Research in Nebraska is another subject to be in the An Ancestral Chart showing Nebraska antecedents is solicited. ******** SBCGS member Patricia Meade White , whose Ronald Wilson Reagan, o'Regan Irish Ancestry and Immigration to America, with chapter Regan Immigration to Il linois, by SBCGS member Alma Imhoff Lauritsen, has been widely distributed and com mended, and has received copies of reviews from Ireland, her native state of Ne braska, and other areas in this country. 144 BOOK REVIEWS CENSUS RETURNS 1841 1851 1861 1871 CN MICROFILM - A directory of Local Holdinsg. Third -1981- Edition. Compiled by J.S.W.Gibson. Harts Cottage, Church nanborough. Oxford 0X7 2AB, published by Gulliver Publishing Company and the Federation of Family History Societies., has been received with a request for review or notice in ANCESTORS WEST. It is available, price LI.20 + postage 20 p, airmail 75p,di rect from the compiler. The stated purpose of the Directory is to widen knowledge of local holdings of census records. For this reason no copyright is claimed and any library autho rity, family history society, or other organization is welcome to reprint parts without prior permission (though an acknowledgment of source would be appropriate and appreciated). The information has been provided freely by librarians and ar chivists, and it is the compiler's view that it is inappropriate, and renders no service to research and scholarship, to use the copyright law to restrict publi cation elsewhere. Holdings at universities and colleges are included for information, but are not necessarily open to the public, being the private property of the institutions concerned. Access to them if granted at all, is a privilege which should be taken with gratitude, and not as a right. Their custodians have their first duty to their own staff and students, and may well decline to allow access to the public. "The original books of enumerators' returns for the censuses of 1841,1851,1861 and 1871 are at the Public Record Office in London. These census records have at tracted growing attention from social, local and family historians. To prevent their physical deterioration they were, seme time ago, microfilmed, and it is these microfilms which visitprs to the P.R.O. now consult. At present (1981) the search room is still in central London, at the Old Land Registry Building in Por tugal Street, a short distance from the main P.R.O. in Chancery Lane. However, there is a likelihood that in due course they will be transferred to the new build ing at Kew. No reader's ticket is necessary for consulting census material on mi crofilm. "The existence of these microfilms has made it possible for libraries and record offices throughout the country to acquire copy films for their own areas, for one or more of the four census years open to the public under the '100 years' rule. This Directory shows the extent to which they have done so in England and Wales. It is a continuing process, and the Directory cannot help being out of date immediately. Nevertheless it will give a good idea of local holdings at the begin ning of 1981. "In the year since the second edition was issued many important acquisitions have been made, and once again this new edition has expanded by four pages. With the availability of the 1881 census from early 1982. libraries and records offices will be dramatically adding to their holdings, through the high cost of covering complete counties may mean some spreading their purchase over several years. It is hoped to gather information for a fourth edition, to include initial 1881 cen sus holdings, about May 1982. for publication that autumn. Corrections and addi tions are always welcome. "It should be emphasised that the information given depends much on the de tail supplied by the library concerned, qualified by limitations of space. Thus straightforward-seeming 'complete county' entries may hide missing places on coun ty borders, or include those in neighbouring counties. The hinterland of towns respects no boundaries, and former borough library holdings (for instance in Lan cashire and the West Midlands) are often complex and intermingling. ... "Holdings at public libraries and record offices are normally available to the public without restriction. However, as use of a microfilm reader will be necessary, it is always advisable to make a prior appointment; and at the same time check that the information in the Directory is correct." "The University of Edinburgh 1851 Census 'National Sample' Project Information provided by Dr Michael Anderson, Reader in Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Edinburgh, 18 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LN (Tel. 031-667 1011). The Department holds a National Sample from the 1851 Census of Great Britain. This is a two per cent clustered sample from the entire census. The only connunities for which complete transcripts are available are those with populations under 2,000; thus the project includes one 'village' in every fifty for the whole country, and it is these which are listed under the heading 'University of Edinburgh" in each county section. The date are held in three basis forms: 1. A complete set of photocopies of all the sample information; 2. A complete set of transcriptions of these date in the form of computer print out from the basic transcription file; 3. Machine-readable form which can be accessed for indexing and other purposes by a suite of computer programs. Anyone requiring acess to the photocopies or the transcripts should contact Dr Anderson in advance " 145 BOOK REVIEWS BISHOPS TRANSCRIPTS AND MARRIAGE LICENCES BONDS AND ALLEGATIONS - A Guide to Their Location and Indexes, compiled by J. S. W. Gibson, Harts Cottage, Church Hanblrough, Oxford 0X7 2AB Published 198l by Gulliver Publishing Company, White Lion Walk, Banbury, Oxfordshire and the Federation of Family History Societies, 96 Beaumont Street, Milehouse, Plymouth PL2 3AQ, 32 pp. Price KL.OO+postage. Bishops' Transcripts, as their name implies, were returns to a Bishop (or occasionally an Archdeacon). There was no superior central authority (nor any equivalent return to the Archbishops, except as diocesans), so BTs are to be found only in record offices relating to specific localities, and are identi fied in the ensuing county section in this directory. Marriage Licences, on the other hand, might be issued by the Archbishop of Canterbury, as Metropolitan and Primate, for any part of England and Wales; and by the Archbishop of York for any part of the northern province of York (in addition to those issued by bishops, archdeacons and their surrogates, for their own ecclesiastical jurisdictions). For convenience,the Archbishop of York's ML records are described under the section on Yorkshire, page 31. The records of marriage (and divorce) of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Lambeth Palace Library are described in a recent article in "The Genealogists Magazine" (vol.20, no. U, Dec. 1980), by Melanie Barber. The Archbishop was re sponsible for four distinct series of allegations, two very large collections being of national relevance. These were the Faculty Office, which could authorise a marriage in any parish in England and Wales;and the Vicar General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who issued licences to marry in any parish within the Province of Canterbury. Quoting the Introduction by the compiler: "This is a guide to the location of Bishops' Transcripts and of the records con nected with the issue of Marriage Licences. It also describes any abstracts, calendars and indexes to the latter, published or unpublished, and, when these are lacking, gives an indication of the arrangement of the surviving original documents. For Bishops' Transcripts, reference is given to any lists of parishes iving covering dates or more precise indication of exactly what years exist. "It is not my purpose to discuss the history or content of these records.with which most users will be familiar before consulting this guide. They are describ ed in all genealogical textbooks, and in particular by Donald Steel in the "Na tional Index of Parish Registers", vol. 1 (1968), and by David E. Gardner and Frank Smith in "Genealogical Research in England and Wales", vol. 1 (1956). "The location of the two classes of records can be conveniently described to gether, as both were, like probate records, connected with ecclesiastical juris dictions. As a result, both are usually, though not always, in the same diocesan record offices. However, apart from both being ecclesiastical records, they have no administrative connection. The arrangement of this guide, like others I have produced, is by the pre-1974 historic English and Welsh counties, as it is with these administrative areas that historians deal. "From the reign of Elizabeth I, Bishop's Transcripts (or Register Bills) were supposed to be returned annually, by the clergy of each parish, to the bishop, archdeacon or peculiar authority. Their survival has varied widely, as described under each county heading. There is invariably a gap for the period of the Civil War and the Commonwealth (the 1640s and 1650s), as dicoesan and similar authority was suspended or abolished at that time (and this is the case with Marriage Li cence records too). It will be found that after the introduction of civil regis tration in 1837 only baptisms and burials are usually returned, and the submission of the transcripts, in general, died out in the later nineteenth century. It should always be borne in mind that Bishops' Transcripts are likely to be a less than full copy of the actual Registers, and where possible these should be consultted too. "Marriage Licences themselves will only survive by chance, as they were issued to the groom for presentation to the parson conducting the marriage. The records of use to historians are those that were retained in the issuing office, bonds, allegations and registers of licences. These may contain, variously, in addition to the names of the froom and bride, the groom;s occupation, the places in which each lived and where the marriage was to take place, their ages (particularly if minors), and the names and occupations of bondsmen (often relatives). The exact details can be ascertained fromthe reference books mentioned, and, as in all his torical records, information that should be given often may be found to be missing. "It should be borne in mind that Marriage Licences were used by a wide social strata - not merely nobility and gentry, but by almost anyone with claims to stand ing above labouring class; moreover, until Hardwicke's Act came into operation in 1754 it seems almost to have been customary, for those with such pretensions, to marry away from their home parishes, often in the neighbouring market or county town. .... a Licence did not mean that the marriage necessarily took place. ..." 146 BOOK REVIEWS RECORD OFFICES: How to Find Them . Street maps, showing location of record offices with car parks, railway and bus stations, ed. Jeremy Gibson and Pamela Peskett,1981\ is designed to be used in connection with other pamphlets available from the Federa tion of Family History Societies, 96 Beaumont Street, Milehouse, Plymouth, PL2 3 AQ CENSUS INDEXES AND INDEXING, ed. Jeremy Gibson and Colin Chapman, Federation of Family History Societies, 1981(L 1.00 plus postage) is designed to be used by those contemplating preparation of indexes of Census Returns, discusses use of microfilm, coding of information in transcriptions, even though emitted from the inde;. itself,' reviews projects conducted by various county societies in England, locating previous transcriptions which may have been made, checking against the original microfilm, standard abbreviations used, method to be pursued - full transcriptions and indexing or a condensed form (the system being used by societies in Bedfordshire, Doncaster, North-West Kent and Northamptonshire, amongst others as reported by Colin Chapman) computer indexing for larger areas and manual index for more rural parts of Surrey, indexing names/Ages with a Published Index Guide, as done by the Bristol and Avon Family History Society, or publishing a surnames only index (Nottinghamshire Family History Society). Existing Census Indexes are listed as are Indexing Projects in Progress or Planned ( pp. 33-36. A form of transcription sheet is reproduced, is designed to be cut into slips for alphabetizing and is available for purchase from the Federation.. TRACING YOUR ANCESTORS IN MINNESOTA: A Guide to the Sources, Vol. 1, by Wiley R. Pope and Alissa L. Wainer, 2nd ed. revised and enlarged by Wiley R. Pope, Minnesota Family Trees, 718 Sims Ave., St. Paul, MN 551606,, 228 pages, $12.50, plus postage $1.00. In furnishing a review copy, Mr. Pope stressed the fact that many county records are be ing transferred to the State Archives. In the case of court records being transfer red, the court retains the index. Vol. 2, by Wiley R. Pope and others, about 125 pages, is a supplement for the counties of Blue Earth, Brown, Faribault, Freeborn, LeSueur, Martin, Nicollet, Rice, Sibley, Steele, Waseca, Watonwan and includes information as to records in the county courthouses, local libraries, The Minnesota Historical Society's Manuscripts Collec tions, Newspaper Library, Reference Library and State Archives. It is available for $6.50 plus $1.00 postage for the first book ordered and S.50 for each additional book included in one order. Vol. 1, 2d ed., is the first of a projected series. It contains a guide to start ing a family history, many useful forms, some copyrighted by Everton Publishers, with completed examples to give more explicit guidance. Much of the volume is directed toward an unitiated user with little knowledge of research methods or available re sources. Early records are discussed and the diversity of possible locations,with specific suggestions relating to Minnesota records. Naturalization records are noted as among the few which may list the town an immigrant came from as well as the ship, port and date of arrival in the United States. Attention is called to the U. S. Immi gration Service index of naturalizations beginning 27 Sept. 1906 and that in 1972 permission was granted to make uncertified copies of naturalization records. Cemetery records are discussed, with suggestions for a "Cemetery Kit" for making rubbings. There are many lists of organizations, libraries, genealogical and historical socie ties, maps showing changes in boundaries and areas within the borders, census charts, etc. There are several pages of footnotes and an index More detailed coverage of the Minnesota area from 1654-1975 commences at page 64. There is little recorded on the earliest settlers - the Dakota and Chippewa Indians. Earliest non-Indians were fur traders, explorers and the military. Much information in not printed vut can be located in manuscript collections. By 1836 parts of Minne sota were included in census records. As counties were froroed, land records and mar riage records began to be kept. In 1870 there were birth and death records also. Also to be consulted are church and cemetery records. City directories for the larger cities from 1860*s; many county atlasses, some including maps showing names and loca tion of landowners in the 1870's, and by 1900 there were many county histories. In 1907 the Minnesota vital records law was passed for registration of births and deaths. Earlier records may be found in court houses of the county where the event occurred. The Minnesota Historical Society has the most complete collection of genealogical and historical manuscripts and published works. Less extensive collections are in many large libraries. Many genealogical societies have recently been formed. A section is given to BIRTH RECORDS OF ADOPTED PERSONS, (see p. 75) In 1977 a Minnesota statute was enacted, whereby a request may be filed by an ad opted person born in Minnesota and 21 years or age or older with the State Registrar of Vital Statistics, 717 Delaware St. S.E., Minneapolis. MN 55440, for information on his/her original birth certificate. The Commissioner of Public Welfare, through the local agency, has 6 months to locate and notify birth parent(s) of the request. They then have 120 days to file a consent or refusal. If one refuses or fails to be lo-" cated the record remains sealed, but the adopted person may petition the court for a decision on whether the information can be released to him or her. There is some variance between pre and post Aug. 1, 1977 records' availability. ^^ EASTERN WASHINGTON GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box 1826 Spokane, Washington 99210 Membership $6 per yr. Couples $8. Get big 50 page quarterly "Bulletin". Includes Northwest data, National and Internation al features. FREE QUERIES to members. Offers to swap for simi lar equal value: TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS, Stevens County, Wash ington $6.50; Adams and Pend Oreille County, Washington $5; Lin coln County, Washington $6.50; Whitman Co., 3 vols, each $5.00. SOUTHEAST TEXAS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2850 Driftwood Lane Beaumont, Texas 77703 Membership $7.50 per yr. - includes 4 issues YELLOWED PAGES. Offering: Jefferson Co. Texas Marriages 1837-1899 $10.50 Hardin Co. Texas Cemeteries (272pp.) $15.50 Yellowed Pages, Vols. I through V, $8.00 each DECATUR GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 2068 Decatur, Illinois 62526 $5.00 annual single membership (S6.00 family) provides CENTRAL ILLINOIS GENEALOGICAL QUARTERLY. Free queries. 20% discount on over 100 Illinois county publications, including 1830-1860 Fed eral censuses. Cemetery Inscriptions, Marriage Records, etc. Write today for free publication list. MIDWEST HISTORICAL & GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY,INC. P. 0. Box 1121 Wichita, Kansas 67201 REGISTER published quarterly. Members may submit any number of queries. Non-members may submit one query to be published as space allows. Membership Dues: Individual, $9.00 per yr. Apr.l through March 31; Family (2) S12.00 per yr. included one issue per household. Libraries, Historical Societies and/or Genealogi cal Societies $7.00 per yr. Single copies $2.25,includes tax and postage. ___ _ ____ CHEDWATO SERVICE CAL-DEL SCRIBE P. O. Box 716 Middleboro, Mass. CHEDWATO DISPATCH 02346 CAL-DEL SCRIBE - the magazine for genealogists, historians and librarians. 6 issues a year of at least 36 pp. an issue - Jan., Feb., Apr., July, Oct. and Dec. $5.00/ yr. Canada $6.00.Foreign countries $7.00/yr. Mass. residents add sales tax. 8 1/2 x 11, 2 free queries each issue; additional queries at low per word rate with name and address included. All issues carry book re views, books for sale and how-to-do-it articles.other features. CHEDWATO DISPATCH - the new quarterly for all genealogists, his torians and librarians $5.00/yr, 8 1/2 x 11 with 40 pp. each is sue; Canada $6.00; Foreign countries $7.00/yr. No queries. In cludes source information; cemetery inscriptions, Bible records, pension, census, church, probates and land records, brief gene alogies, partial family listings. A magazine of clues, of bits and pieces of genealogical information to assist the beginner or the experienced researcher. SOUTHEASTERN COLORADO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box 4086, Pueblo CO 81003 welcomes new members. Quarterly issued Spring. Summer, Fall and Winter. Free Query per Quarterly. Area covered: the original five counties of southeastern Colorado - now Baca, Bent, Crowley, Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Kiowa, Otero, Prowers and Pueblo. Mem bership dues: Individual $7.00, Family $10.00, Senior Citizen/ Student S5.00, Organization S15.00 and Life $100. One publication per membership. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY One of California's 27 original counties. While the county was actually created in 1850, the his tory of the area dates back to 1542. In that year Juan Cabrillo discovered the Santa Barbara Chan nel and later, according to legend crossed to San Miguel Island,where he died and was buried. A second Spanish explorer, Sebastian Viz caino, entered the channel on the Feast Day of Saint Barbara in 1602 and named the area accordingly. Fr. Junipero Serra founded the Santa Barbara mission in 1786. Santa Barbara Royal Presidio, establish ed April 21, 1782, was the last of four royal presidios in Alta Cali fornia - San Diego, Monterey, San Francisco and Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara had all three Spanish forms- Presidio representing the military; Pueblo, civil and Mission,religious. In 1873 Ventura County was es tablished from the southern portion iof the original Santa Barbara area. Return Postage Guaranteed SANTA BARBARA COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Box 1174, Goleta, CA 93116
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