Mt. Morris NY Enterprise 1959

Wednesday, December 30, 1959
The Mou nt Morris Enter pi
Represent County
17 :
Extension Service
Sheriff McColl Lists
ArrestspFor Violation
Of Traffic Laws
Organizations Mak
Happy Holiday at
County Home
The Agricultural Department of the
m County Extension Service is
The following organizations and peosupported in its work by about 200 pfe contributed to make the folks happy
fanners who serve in various capacities a t the Livingston County Home this
as committeemen.
I year,* according to J. Donald Root, ComThe membership of the Executive missioner.
uttee, which determines policies,
Dec. 12: The Livingston County Pomoprograms and is responsible for ©a Grange under the direction of Mrs.
the administrative affairs of the depart- Edkh Flory gave apples, candy bars,
ment, is made up of Leslie Cole of Avon Cl&m to men &tu\ individual gifts of
as Chairman, Leon Mehlenbacher of cologne, powder, hand cream to the laWayhuid as vice-Chairman, Robert Mc- ^^
For entertainment, Carl Windrum
Clellan of Genesee as Secretary, Clar- a m j Charles Beebe played violin and
ence Gibson of Huttf m Supervisor Rep- tbe group sang songs including carols,
fesfntative, Vincent Kurtz of Livonia,, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Traxkr were presRobert Pkkard of Dansville, Thomas ^ ^
Macauley of Groveiand and Fred Nagel
r>ec. i& n , 6:30 p.m.: Wesley Fellowof Wadsworth. Leslie Cole will retire ^p cho m i Group >of Genesco State
from the committee at the end of this Teachers College, under the direction of
year. E. O. Anderson of Mt. Morris has Carol Rabsky, sang carols,
been elected to the committee. Officers j 730 p j n . : xhe Women's Relief Corps
Richard J. Northrup
of the committee for 1960 will be elect- [of Geneseo under supervision of Mrs.
Richard J. Northrup, 21, of 5 Clark
ed in January.
j Doris Passage, gave candy to all, cigars Street, died Tuesday, Dec, 22, 1959 in
Each township has a community com- jg men, and powder puff and hand lo- Buffalo, following a long illness.
whkh annually solicits member-I tion to ladies. Guy Constanza played
Born in Rochester, he attended St.
nominates for appointments to the the accordion.
Patrick's Parochial School and Mt Morcommodity committees, and assists with | Dec. 17: Mr. Zufelt's 6th Grade of ris High School and was in his senior
local program needs. The committees by | the Holcomh School presented entertain- year at Massachusetts Institute of Techare as follows: (The first. mem and gave each one a bag of candy nology at Cambridge, Mass. He was a
named is the 1960 Chairman).
and an orange. Student- raised the funds member of Theta Chi fraternity.
Avon—Kenneth Blakely; J. D. Ander- j f^ thk cause on their own.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jr.; Mark Davin; W. J. Coyne; Clyde
Dec. 19th: The Ladies* Auxiliary of George Northrup of Mt. Morris; two
Oman; Hines Sliker; Edward Collins; the Fred Totten V.F.W. Post, under the brothers, David A. Northrup and George
William McKeown; Hoyt Mason, and direction of Mrs. Cora Wilcox and Mrs. H. Northrup, and one sister, Carol Ann
Livingston Mulligan.
Delores Bartlett, gave out candy bars Northrup, all at home.
Caledonia—William DeNoon, Howard and oranges.
A prayer service was held at the J.
Smith; Joseph Krenzer; Edward LeatherDec. 20th: Avon Sub District Metho- W. Martin & Son Funeral Home, Chapel
sich; Howard Raymond; Robert Peter- dist Youth Fellowship, sang Christmas street at 9:30 a.m. Saturday with
son; Leonard Callan; Ross Leathersich; car ots and gave recitations.
Solemn High Mass at St Patrick's
Guthrie and
Church at 10 a.m., with the Rev. John
W. Stoltman; Gordon Post 271, under direction of Command- Woloch
officiating. Burial( was in Holy
Warren Cranmer, and Brace er Ken Britton, gave each one candy Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester.
and oranges.
Dec 20th: Council of Church Women EDWARD LEARY
C—rto—Walter Kingston, Jr.; Francis Thorn; James Banker; James Sin- of Avon, including St Agnes Church
Word has been received here of the
clair, Paret Magee; Ernest LaVigne; Women of Avon, brought cellophane
of Edward Leary, ST., 87, former
packages of gifts and goodies for each
Francis Farley, and Fred Willard.
resident, who died Monday,
M rs. Arvie Mahar and Mrs. HarGroveiand—Tim Macauley; H. Ward one.
in Buffalo.
Macauley; Larry R. Turner; Morris Nie- old Batzel visited our home and brought
Mr. Leary was emdermaier, Stewart Anderson; Milton Og- these gifts from the above organizations.
Dec. 24th: The Kiwanis Club reprc- :<P^d ** a conductor on the Erie Railden; Andrew Macauley, and Arnold
sented by John Duff, brought two ra- road here and about 40 years ago moved
r; Baratt M. dios, and an electric razor, stationery to Buffalo to make his home.
He is survived by three children, WilVincent Christiano; Thomas and playing cards for our folks.
Leary, Edward Leary, Jr., and Mrs.
Muscarella; Milo Patrick; Vincent YaDec. 24th: St Mary's Catholic Church
Klaus, all of Buffalo.
roonaco, and Wayne Pendergast
and Father Jankowski sent one cram of
Lima—Elmer Wemett; Harwood Mar- oranges.
tin; Philip J. Perry; Elton Burmeister; W.
Dec. 24th: Christmas tree favors and MRS.
J. Hamilton; Gerald Martin; Richard cellophane wrapped plate of cookies for
West Sparta — Mrs. Myrtle Spiesz
Yorks, and Richard Kase.
each individual from Five Corners Home Conklin, 59, wife of Walter Conklin of
Livonia—Willard Schoonover; Harold Bureau brought by Mesdames Hocha- West Sparta, died Saturday, Dec. 26,
Kiehle; Elwood Peck; John J. Murphy; dale and Smith of West Lake Rd.
in Dansville Memorial Hospital,
Glenn Wingate; H. L. Beecher; Donald
Dec 24th: Ladies' Auxiliary of St. following a long illness.
Rossborough, and William VanDer Meid. Michael's Mission, Piffard, sent each
She was born in' Cheektowaga, Oct. 2,
Mount Morrla — Stuart Thompson;
a memo pad and pencil.
In 1940 she was united in marRaymond Bryant; Henry Swanson; GorDec. 24th: Baskets of fruit were given j riage to Walter Conklin and have made
don Martin; Clair Dalrymple; Albert to each Avon resident of the Home by their home in West Sparta since that
Love; Adrian E. Foote, and Edward O. the Lions Club of Avon.
time. She was a member of the LivingAnderson.
Dec. 24th: St. Michael's Altar Society ston County Home Bureau and West
of Livonia Center gave baskets to two Sparta Grange.
William Moder, and Richard Roberts. of the members of the home.
Besides her husband she is survived by
N—da Ronald Chasey; Robert L.
The folks had a turkey dinner for her father, Phillip E. Spiesz, and a brothFox; Merlyn Timothy; Burdette Gallton; Christmas. At
date there are er, Carlysle Spiesz, both of Buffalo, and
Freeman Barber, and Howard Veley.
45 men and 16
two nieces and two nephews.
Ossian — Burrell Knapp; Russell
Funeral services were conducted TuesKnapp; Robert Barron, and Clarence GRADUATES FROM FLEET SCHOOL day at 1 p.m. from the J. W. Martin &
Son Funeral Home, Chapel Street, Mt
Portage—Kermit Ferry; Clarence GibMorris, with the Rev. Richard Olsen,
eon; LaVergne Thompson; Otto Hinz;
pastor of St. Paul's United Lutheran
Byron Thompson; Richard Buchinger;
Church of Dansville, officiating. The
and Fred Holly.
body was then removed to the Beach
Sparta— Robert Teeter; William Sterand Toyn Funeral Home in Wiliiamsner; Steve Szymanski; John Hammond,
ville where funeral services were held
and Clyde Sterner.
Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., with Rev.
Spriagwater—Kenneth Walker; T. R.
Charles J. Menge officiating. Burial was
in Williamsville Cemetery.
and Norbert Buckley.
Wait Sparta Wilbur Veley; Clarence
Keating; Donald Renif f, and Ralph WoiMiss Inez Bush, Genesee Street, has
from her position at the Mt
York—Kenneth Simpson; Sharon GalMorris
effective Feb. 1, 1960.
braith; Emory Hicks; N. Reid Simpson;
at the Mt Morris
Joseph Lawson; John Noble; Ralph MorHospital
William Korth; Stewart ParneU; J.
Cromwell; James Hart; Jerry
Bruce H. Maclntyre, and FredAdditional Classified
v, Livingston County Sheriff H. Donald
McColl reports the following arrests
made by his Deputies for violation of the
Vehicle and Traffic laws, during the
past few days;
Town of Vork, Peace Justice Seth
demons presiding—Jerold Mason, 30,
East Orwell, Qtiio, speeding, fine of $10
imposed. C. Lester Sliker, 19, Leicester,
speeding, fine of $30 imposed. Richard
Murphy, 31, Moravia, passing red light,
fine of $5 imposed. David Clark, 36,
Ontario, Can/ada, speeding, fine of $10
Town of L|vonia, Peace Justice Ed
ward Lamed presiding—Donald Albert,
25, Honeoye Ralls, speeding, fine of $10
imposed. Irving Oilman. 43, Of 584 Bonnie Brae, Rochester, speeding, fine of $20
imposed. Charles Proctor, 22, Hemlock,
speeding, fine of $10 imposed.
Town of Livonia, Peace Justice Frank
Locke presidn|g—William Noll, 44, Livonia, operating vehicle while license
was revoked, | 0 day sentence in Livingston County Jail suspended and given one
yeaT probation,,
Town of Anon, Peace Justice Stephen
Browne presiding—Ralph Watkins, 20,
Mt. Morris, speeding, fine of $10 imposed.
Town of Lima, Peace Justice Harold
Hennessy presiding—Charles Swartz, 18,
6 Rittenhouse Drive, Honeoye Falls,
speeding, fine of $55 and placed on 90
day probation Imposed.
Town of Springwater, Peace Justice
Bruce Haywood presiding—William B.
Miller, 41, of §45 Shire wood Dr., Rochester, speeding, bail bond of $10 forfeited.
Licenses Needed
Under New Law
Many vehicles previously exempted
from registration requirements must carry 1960 license plates in accordance with
a new provision of the State Motor Vihicle Law.
Labeled "Special Purpose Commercial" motor vehicles, their owners must
pay a $2 licensing fee before the equipment may be operated on public highways. This includes farm tractors which
occasionally travel public roads.
Many Types Included
According to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the following mobile machinery
will require registration after January 1,
Traction engines (tractors, etc.)
road rollers, tractor cranes, power shovels, road building machines, snow plows,
road sweepers, sand spreaders, well drillers, well servicing rigs and small trucks
of the type used primarily in factories,
warehouses and railroad stations.
Motor Vehicle Commissioner William
S. Hults said he expects the Legislature
Is Diplomatic Immunity
Necessary? Asks Considine
With the laws of the land equal tor
all, why can some people get away with,
murder—literally? Why are these privileged few able to abuse diplomatic immunity? Aroused citizens are asking if
this immunity is really needed. Bob Considine, noted reporter and world traveler,
gives the pros and cons of the questions
in a timely article . . . in The American
with Sunday's Journal-American.
to amend the bill to exempt machines in
this category from safety inspection requirements. The Commissioner added the
—Sixteen pages this week.
Motor Vehicle law will be amended to
—Bom to Mr. and Mrs. John Vogt of
permit vehicles of this type to run with- Mt Morris in Dansville Memorial Hosout observing truck lighting requirements. pital, Sunday, Dec. 20, a daughter.
read the following from the American Bankers
magazine, as it might give them a new slant on
business, as well as the matter of building up their
"No business man in any town should allow a
newspaper published in his town to go without
his name and business being mentioned somewhere in its columns. This does not mean you
should have a whole, half, or even a quarter page
ad in each issue of the paper, but your name and
address should be mentioned, if you do not use
more than a 2-line space. A stranger picking up a
newspaper should be able to tell what business is
This is the best possible town advertiser. The man
• Family Features
g month* $4.50 Q
Within that three-month period, there
will be tax-due dates for all of New
York's estimated 6.8
represented in a town by looking at the paper.
who does not advertise his business in the news-
sui* Farai CWM
paper does an injustice to himself and the town.
. . . .The life of a town depends on the live, wide-
Phone 232-R
12 Clark St.
awake and liberal newspaper advertising business
Mi |
(pood Rsctdincf
for the
Whole Family
who have
—•—•.•••I •» •
Merchants who do not advertise are invited to
This year during the months of January and February, the Livingston County
Extension Service will summarize as
many 1959 Livingston County farm business records as possible. In order to dp
this it will be necessary to have the coloperation of as many farmers with inventory, cash expense and cash receipt
records as possible. Information on the
individual business would be kept confidential.
The value of such a county summary
will be to make available current, average, local, farm business figures. Individual cooper a tors would be able to
compare their own figures with the average. Russell B. Parker, county agent,
said, "It will not be worthwhile to attempt such a summary unless there are
enough cooperators to provide a realistic
Agent Parker stated, "The procedure
on this would be to provide mimeographed sheets to be filled in and sent
to our office at the time the farm business records are being worked up for the
income tax returns, or for the individual
study of the farm business. We would
then complete an analysis of each business, compute averages on labor, income, machinery expense and other farm
business factors. We will appreciate hearing from any who will be interested in
participating in this program."
fluid Milk Price
Remains at $6.40
In Western Areas
Albany — Between Jan. IS and April
15, I960, five year-end deadline dates
for filing 1959 State income tax reports
and making final tax payments will fall
Planning Summary
Of Farm Business
In Livingston Area
Rochester —- (Special Correspondence)
—The Rochester Telephone Co. building
at 445 St Paul St., has been purchased
by The Genesee Brewing Co., Inc., according to John L. Wehle, brewery president.
The acquisition of this property which
adjoins the present brewing compaay
plant, is part of Genesee's $3,000,000.00
expansion project which started a year
ago with the installation of the latest highspeed can and bottle-filling lines and
progressed to the recently completed
building that now encloses modem loading docks and warehousing facilities.
The former telephone company property, which was used for garage, maintenance and service purposes, runs from
St. Paul Street w ist to the Genesee River
with a frontage of 155 feet oh St. Pan I
Street. The building contains 58,50t
square feet of space on two floors. Commenting upon the purchase Mr: Wehle
said: "The acquisition of this additional
property is part of our long range program, made necessary by increased production, sales area extension into Pennsylvania and Ohio and our expectation
of future growth.
The Genesee is the largest brewing
organization north of New York City
and the twenty-fifth largest of the 250
breweries in the U.S.A. It is one of the
most modern plants in the East, fuHy
equipped with the latest and most efficient automatic machinery, quality control equipment, and electronic inspection
devices. Genesee is one of tbe three
most solidly financed companies in the
entire industry. We employed more than
500 Rochester citizens. Our tax payments to the dry, state and federal government aggregate more than $9,000000.00 a year and are among the highest
in the area. This acquisition, plus our
expansion expenditures of the past year,
indicate our confidence in the good business possibilities in the years ahead."
Bankers Advise
FOR SALE OR RENT — 215 acre
farm, 50 more acres optional. A. R.
P. Martin
Brink, phone HOpkins 8-5780, Nunda,
Graduated from the Fleet Sonar - J
School, Key West, Fla., Dec. 4, after
completing a 24-week course in Basic
Sonar, was James P. Martin, seaman,
USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James MarTtae price received by Rochester and tin of 17 Health St., Dansville.
Before entering the Navy, he graduBuffalo area milk producers for that part
from Dansville Central High School.
of their milk used for fluid purposes, will
remain unchanged for at least the first
three months of 1960.
Commissioner Don J. Wickham of the
Department of Agriculture A Markets announced the class 1 price in those Westtana New York regulated markets will
continue at $6.40 per hundred pounds.
Before April 1, the Commissioner will
decide on the basis of evidence taken at
. . . are you sure
eight days of hearings, what price will be
pa id In tiie Niagara Frontier and Rochesmy auto insurance
ter producers for the rest of I960.
company doesn't
Milk going Into class 2a, fluid cream,
O A i l l NlWM>Af»SS
will bring 20 cents lest, or $3.80, next
have claim service
year. The reduction was made in the exin this town?
pectation that it would be passed on to
consumers and encourage cream sales.
State Farm policyholders enSour cream b to be taken out of 2a
joy "Hometown Claim Servand placed in the manufacturing class,
ice** wherever they drive. Bet2f, to enable sour cream to meet the com
ter see your State Farm agent,
listed below.
ment was made by Ralph H. McCumber,
Vice-President Electric and Steam. Tbe
customer, John Skinner, is building a
new home at 615 Embury Road in Penfield, and has signed up for service at
that address.
The 200,000m customer, is a native of
Waterloo and graduated from Waterloo
Central High School in 1950.1 After a
year of working with his father on the
farm he entered the army and went to
Korea with a tank division. He returned
in 1954, met his wife, Delores, a graduate of Monroe High School, and they
were married in 1955. Leo H. East presented to them an appliance of their selection, a General Electric surface unit
and built-in oven.
Commissioner Wickham said four days
of hearings have been conducted in both
Rochester and Buffalo. Additional evidence is still to be received in each area.
Decisions on some of the proposals already made are reserved.
206,000th Customer Genesee Brewing Co.
Joins RG&E Ranks Buys RTC Building
This month, the Rochester Gas and
Electric Corporation acquired its 200,000th electric customer. This announce- For Expansion Plan
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York