Zuora User Guide © 2013 Informatica Corporation. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior consent of Informatica Corporation. All other company and product names may be trade names or trademarks of their respective owners and/or copyrighted materials of such owners. Abstract Zuora user guide provides a brief introduction on cloud connectors and its features. The guide provides detailed information on setting up the connector and running data synchronization tasks (DSS). A brief overview of supported features and task operations that can be performed using Zuora connector is mentioned. Table of Contents Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Zuora Connector .............................................................................................................................. 3 Supported Objects and Task Operations ........................................................................................ 3 Pre-requisites for Installing the Zuora Connector Plug-in ............................................................... 5 Compatibility .................................................................................................................................... 5 Enabling Zuora Connector ............................................................................................................... 5 Creating a Zuora Connection .......................................................................................................... 5 Creating a Zuora Data Synchronization Task ................................................................................. 7 Data Filters .................................................................................................................................... 11 Filters and Operators ..................................................................................................................... 12 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 13 Increasing Secure Agent Memory.............................................................................................. 13 Known future enhancements / issues............................................................................................ 14 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers ................................................................................... 15 2 Overview Informatica cloud connector developed using SDK framework are off-cycle, off release “add-ins” that facilitate data integration to SaaS and on-premise applications, which are not supported natively by Informatica cloud. The cloud connectors are specifically designed to address most common use cases such as moving data into cloud and retrieving data from cloud for individual application. Figure 1. Informatica Cloud Architecture Once the Zuora cloud connector is enabled for your ICS ORG Id, you need to create a connection in Informatica cloud to access the connector. Zuora Connector The Informatica Cloud Connector for Zuora allows you to integrate Zuora Information like Contacts, Accounts, Products, Rates, Subscription, etc., with other SaaS Applications or onpremise Applications. Supported Objects and Task Operations The following table provides the list of supported modules and operations by Zuora connector. Objects Task Operation DSS Src DSS Tgt query/ lookup insert update delete NA NA Account Amendment 3 Contact CreditBalanceAdjustment NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NS NA NA NA NA NA InvoicePayment NS NA NA Payment NS CommunicationProfile NA Export Import Invoice InvoiceAdjustment InvoiceItem InvoiceItemAdjustment NA PaymentMethod Product ProductRatePlan ProductRatePlanCharge ProductRatePlanChargeTier NA RatePlan NA RatePlanCharge NA RatePlanChargeTier NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Subscription NA NA TaxationItem NA Usage NA Refund RefundInvoicePayment : Supported NA: Not Applicable NS: Not Supported 4 NA NA Pre-requisites for Installing the Zuora Connector Plug-in You need to have following details for installing Zuora Connector Plug-in: Zuora Portal Access (User credentials) for using a Zuora Connector. you need to provide the WSDL Path (downloaded wsdl from Zuora portal) and Endpoint Url belonging to the WSDL version. Compatibility Zuora Connector was developed and tested for Zuora WSDL Version 45. This connector supports Customization of WSDL and WSDL version change. Any new addition of web operation or web Object (Zuora table/entity) or web object is not supported by the connector. You can find the web-object or operation support matrix mentioned in Section 2. You need to create the Metadata data stub for any other version of wsdl or customization of the current WSDL version 45. Enabling Zuora Connector To enable Zuora connector, contact Informatica support or Informatica representative. It usually takes 15 minutes for the connector to download to secure agent, after it is enabled. Note: To install secure agent, see Installing Informatica Secure Agent. Creating a Zuora Connection To use Zuora connector in data synchronization task, you must create a connection in Informatica Cloud. The following steps help you to create Zuora connection in Informatica Cloud. 1. In Informatica Cloud home page, click Configure. 2. The drop-down menu appears, select Connections. 3. The Connections page appears. 4. Click New to create a connection. 5. The New Connection page appears. 5 Figure 2. Creating a new connection 6. Specify the following details. Connection Property Description Connection Name Enter the name of the connection. Type Select Zuora from the list. Secure Agent Select the required secure agent. Username Enter the Username of Zuora portal. Password Enter the Password of Zuora portal WSDL Url Enter the Zuora WSDL Url. (Tested for 45 Version wsdl url). EndPoint Url Enter the Zuora Endpoint Url. UTC Offset Time Offset, data is stored in zuora endpoint/server. It is used for offsetting the $LastRuntime, when used in data filter. UTC is its default value (i.e., zero offset). 6 No of Records for Batch Enter the Number of records to be read per batch. Enable Debug logger Check this box to print SOAP Request and Response in the Session log. 7. Click Ok to save the connection. Note: It is recommended to test the connection before saving it. Click Test to evaluate the connection. Creating a Zuora Data Synchronization Task Note: You need to create a connection before getting started with data synchronization task. The following steps help you to setup a data synchronization task in Informatica Cloud. Let us consider the task operation Insert to perform the Data synchronization task. 1. In Informatica Cloud home page, click Apps. 2. The drop-down menu appears, select Data Synchronization. 3. The Data Synchronization page appears. 4. Click New to create a data synchronization task. 5. The Definition tab appears. Figure 3. Definition Tab 6. Specify the Task Name, provide a Description and select the Task Operation Insert. 7. Click Next. 8. The Source tab appears. 7 Figure 4. Source Tab 9. Select the source Connection, Source Type and Source Object to be used for the task. 10. Click Next. 11. The Target tab appears. Select the target Connection and Target Object required for the task. 8 Figure 5. Target Tab 12. Click Next. 13. In Data Filters tab by default, Process all rows is chosen. 14. Click Next. 15. In Field Mapping tab, map source fields to target fields accordingly. 9 Figure 6. Field Mapping Tab Note: To perform field mapping, drag and drop the required fields from source to target. 16. Click Next. 17. The Schedule tab appears. 18. In Schedule tab, you can schedule the task as per the requirement and save. 19. If you do not want schedule the task, click Save and Run the task. 10 Figure 7. Save and Run the Task After you Save and Run the task, you will be redirected to monitor log page. In monitor log page, you can monitor the status of data synchronization tasks. Data Filters Data filters help you to fetch specific data Zuora connector. Note: Advanced data filter is not supported by Zuora Connector. The following steps help you to use data filters. 1. In Data synchronization task, select Data Filters tab. 2. The Data Filters tab appears. 3. Click New as shown in the figure below. Figure 8. Data Filters 11 4. The Data Filter dialog box appears. Figure 9. Data Filters-2 5. Specify the following details. For supported filter fields, see Filters and Operators. Field Type Description Object Select Required Object. Filter By Select the Filter Field Operator Select the corresponding operator Filter Value Enter the Filter value 6. Click Ok. Filters and Operators The following table provides information on the available filters for Feed object. Zuora Operator Infa Supported Data Types Zuora Supported Data Types != String, Int, DateTime, Double, Boolean booleans, dateTimes, numbers, strings = String, Int, DateTime, Double, Boolean booleans, dateTimes, numbers, strings >= Int, DateTime, Double, Boolean dateTimes, numbers,strings <= Int, DateTime, Double, Boolean dateTimes, numbers, strings like String strings 12 Troubleshooting Increasing Secure Agent Memory To overcome memory issues faced by secure agent follow the steps given below. 1. In Informatica Cloud home page, click Configuration. 2. Select Secure Agents. 3. The secure agent page appears. 4. From the list of available secure agents, select the secure agent for which you want to increase memory. 5. Click pencil icon corresponding to the secure agent. The pencil icon is to edit the secure agent. 6. The Edit Agent page appears. 7. In System Configuration section, select the Type as “DTM”. 8. Edit JVMOption1 as “-Xmx512m” as shown in the figure below. Figure 14. Increasing Secure Agent Memory-1 9. Again in System Configuration section, select the Type as “TomCatJRE”. 10. Edit INFA_memory as “-Xms256m -Xmx512m” as shown in the figure below. 13 Figure 15. Increasing Secure Agent Memory-2 11. Restart the secure agent. The secure agent memory has been increased successfully. Known future enhancements / issues 14 CLOB, BLOB or base64Encode data field attached to the Zuora table are not supported. The Big Data fields will be supported in the future release. Validate Button in the Field Mapping is not supported. Multi-Source is not supported in the current version. Variable like $LastRunTime and $LastRunDate is not supported in the Advanced filter. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers 1. How to Download Zuora WSDL? Answer: Please find the Zuora knowledge base link to download the WSDL from Zuora site: http://knowledgecenter.zuora.com/C_Zuora_User_Guides/A_Billing/A_ZBilling/C_Billing_Settings/M_Download_the_Zuora_WSDL 2. How to get the WSDL Url? Answer: You can find the Endpoint Url in the WSDL document. Try to search for <soap:address location. 3. How to create Metadata Jar out of Zuora WSDL Answer: Follow the given steps to create a Stub that is Zuora-metadata.jar for the Zuora Custom WSDL You need to have the Environment set-up to begin with stub creation 1. Download jdk 1.6.0_31 from the link given link. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javasebusiness/downloads/java-archivedownloads-javase6-419409.html#jdk-6u31-oth-JPR 15 2. Open a command prompt and set wspath variable as shown below: set wspath="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31\bin" set JAVA_HOME=”C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31” 3. Create a zuora.xjb binding file using the below contents: <jaxb:bindings version="2.1" xmlns:jaxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" xmlns:xjc="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb/xjc" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <jaxb:globalBindings generateElementProperty="false"/> </jaxb:bindings> 4. Run the following command from the command prompt: %wspath%\wsimport.exe -b <binding file path>\zuora.xjb -p com.zuora.api XadditionalHeaders -verbose <Zuora modified wsdl>\zuora.wsdl - 5. The above command generates stub class files in a directory structure com/Zuora/api. 6. Run the below command to generate jar out of the class files: jar cvf Zuora-metadata.jar -C <directory path of generated ‘com’ folder > com Once you run the above command, a Zuora-metadata.jar. file will be created. 7. Stop the Informatica Cloud Secure Agent. 8. Copy the Zuora-metadata jar to the following paths: c:\Progra~1\Informatica Cloud Secure Agent\main\bin\rdtm\javalib\<plugin-id number> c:\Progra~1\Informatica Cloud Secure Agent\main\tomcat\plugins\<plugin-id number>. Note: Do not take backup of the existing metadata jar in the same path or in the secure agent installation path. 9. Start the Informatica Cloud Secure Agent. 16
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