Séminaires et autres manifestations sur Paris Ile de France : semaine du lundi 16 au vendredi 20 février 2015 Date Unité Titre Heure Nick Brooks Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London Triggering Dynamic Structural Changes in Model Lipid Membranes Amphithéâtre Jacques Monod, sous-sol bâtiment Jacques Monod Institut Pasteur 25,28 rue du Docteur Roux Paris 15ème Lundi 16 Lipid membrane structural dynamics and micromechanics are vitally important to a wide range of cellular processes including mediating protein activity, signalling, material transport and apoptosis (programmed cell death). Developing model systems to study the structural and energetic behaviour of membranes, and methods to trigger changes in these parameters are essential to understanding the contributions of the many components that make up biological membranes. 11h00 En savoir plus : http ://www.pasteur.fr/conferences/Conferences.do Département Biologie Cellulaire et Infection Francis IMPENS Ph.D Institut Pasteur 25,28 rue du Docteur Roux Paris 15ème Unité des Interactions Bactéries-Cellules Institut Pasteur 25 rue du Dr Roux 75724 Paris cedex 15 Proteomic profiling of host and pathogen during Listeria infection 12h00 Auditorium du Centre François Jacob En savoir plus : http ://www.pasteur.fr/conferences/Conferences.do http://www.biologie.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/les_seminaires.html Page 1 Séminaires et autres manifestations sur Paris Ile de France : semaine du lundi 16 au vendredi 20 février 2015 Date Unité Titre Heure SÉMINAIRE CDC Dr Alexis LOMAKIN Harvard University Medical School, Boston Shape & Pattern Formation in Biology: A minimal mechanism for cell polarization via spatial competition of two structurally distinct actin networks Centre de Recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Antoine Lacassagne Mardi 17 Institut Curie 26, rue d’Ulm Paris 5ème I am currently the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology at Harvard Medical School, trying to use self-propelled intracellular bacteria as kinematic probes for studying mechanical properties of the host cell. Physical properties of living cells and tissues appeared to be crucially involved in many physiological and pathophysiological processes such as emryo- and tumorigenesis. However, our understanding of the physical biology of the cell is still in its infancy mainly due to the lack of appropriate experimental tools and models. My experimental strategy contrasts conventional approaches that cell biologists utilize to explore or manipulate basic cell processes. Traditionally, investigators have relied heavily on pharmacological or genetic interventions which are rarely perfectly specific due to massive cell stimulation and compensatory cell responses. Since pathogenic bacteria have co-evolved with their hosts and fine-tuned their interactions, human cell biologists can learn much about basic mammalian cell activities by watching how bacteria have learned to interfere with them. 11h30 En savoir plus : https://seminars.curie.fr/seminaire/index.php?id=984 http://www.biologie.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/les_seminaires.html Page 2 Séminaires et autres manifestations sur Paris Ile de France : semaine du lundi 16 au vendredi 20 février 2015 Date Unité Titre Heure David KNAFF Texas Tech Univ, Lubbock, Texas Mechanistic and Protein/Protein Interaction Studies of Two Ferredoxin-Dependent Enzymes Bât. 532 P. 204 Mercredi 18 3 BIO (Biomembrane ; Bioénergétique ; Biophysique) CEA / Saclay The nitrate reductases that catalyze the two-electron reduction of nitrate to nitrite in cyanobacteria – the first step in the assimilation of nitrate in photosynthetic organisms- is unique in using reduced ferredoxin as the electron donor. In contrast, nitrate reductases found in photosynthetic eukaryotes use NAD(P)H is the electron donor. These enzymes are monomeric soluble proteins with molecular masses of ca. 78 kDA and contain one [4Fe-4S] cluster and a single Mo bis-molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide (MGD as prosthetic groups. We have used site-directed mutagenesis, in combination with in silico modeling of the likely three-dimensional structure of the enzyme from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 to identify amino acids at the catalytic site of the enzyme. Additional in silico studies have produced a model for the 1;1 complex formed between the enzyme and ferredoxin and site-directed mutagenesis has been used to test the model. Flash photolysis studies have been used to measure the rate of electron transfer from photo-reduced ferredoxin to the enzyme. The last redox step in the pathway for nitrate assimilation in photosynthetic organism involves the two-electron reduction of 2-oxoglutarate plus glutamine to form two glutamates. Glutamate synthases, the enzymes t hat catalyze this reaction, are soluble monomeric enzymes with molecular masses of ca. 170 kDa and contain one [3Fe-4S] cluster and one FMN as prosthetic groups. In silico modeling and site-directed mutagenesis have been used to map the interaction domain between the enzyme and ferredoxin, in the 1:1 complex formed by the proteins from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Invitation: Pierre SETIF 11h00 En savoir plus : http://3bio.saclay.org/summary.cgi?2015021811 http://www.biologie.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/les_seminaires.html Page 3 Séminaires et autres manifestations sur Paris Ile de France : semaine du lundi 16 au vendredi 20 février 2015 Date Unité Titre Heure Département des Neurosciences Fondamentales & Service de Neurologie Institut Pasteur 25,28 rue du Docteur Roux Paris 15ème Pr Christian Luscher Université de Genève From synaptic causalities to novel treatments for addiction 11h30 Auditorium du Centre François Jacob En savoir plus : http://www.pasteur.fr/conferences/Conferences.do Jeudi 19 SEMINAIRE CONJOINT DEPARTEMENTS GENOMES & GENETIQUE et MICROBIOLOGIE Calum JOHNSTON Groupe à 5 ans Biologie structurale de la sécrétion bactérienne Institut Pasteur – Paris Institut Pasteur 25,28 rue du Docteur Roux Paris 15ème An intertwining of the homologous recombination machineries for genome maintenance and transformation in the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae 11h00 Salle Jean-Paul Aubert, rdc du bâtiment Fernbach En savoir plus : http://www.pasteur.fr/conferences/Conferences.do http://www.biologie.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/les_seminaires.html Page 4 Séminaires et autres manifestations sur Paris Ile de France : semaine du lundi 16 au vendredi 20 février 2015 Date Unité Titre Heure Raphaël Voituriez LPTMC, Université Pierre et Marie Curie) First-passage times of random walks and transcription kinetics Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes Jeudi 19 UMR 7057 CNRS, Université Paris 7 Diderot, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet 75205 Paris cedex 13 en salle 454A du bâtiment Condorcet. How long does it take a "searcher" to reach a "target" for the first time? This first-passage time is a key quantity for evaluating the kinetics of various processes, and in particular chemical reactions involving "small" numbers of particles. A striking example is given by gene transcription, where specific proteins search for target sequences on DNA. I will present asymptotic results which enable the evaluation of the distribution of the first-passage time to a target site for a wide range of random processes in confined domains. This approach quantifies explicitly the amplitude of fluctuations of the first-passage time and reveals its general dependence on the geometry of the problem, which can become a key parameter that controls the kinetics. I will show how these results apply to reactions involving "small" numbers of particles, and highlight their implications in transcription kinetics. 11h30 En savoir plus : http://www.msc.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article618&lang=fr http://www.biologie.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/les_seminaires.html Page 5 Séminaires et autres manifestations sur Paris Ile de France : semaine du lundi 16 au vendredi 20 février 2015 Date Unité Titre Heure Philippe Lopez, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Institut de Biologie des Plantes – UMR 8618 Plateau du Moulon de l’Université Paris sud - Bâtiment 630 91405 Orsay Vendredi 20 Réseaux de similitude et évolution moléculaire Salle de Conf 362 Campus Orsay 12h00 En savoir plus : http://moulon.inra.fr/index.php/fr/news/79/220-seminaire-j-marc-meynard-06021512h00 Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes, Comportement, Vendredi 20 février – 12 h Salle de Conf 362 Campus Orsay Ecologie CNRS Université Paris-Sud UMR 9191, IRD UMR 247 CNRS, Avenue de la Terrasse, Bâtiment 13, Boite Postale 1 “Réseaux de similitude et évolution moléculaire” Philippe Lopez, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 12h00 ATTENTION VACANCES SCOLAIRES 91198 Gif sur Yvette http://www.biologie.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/les_seminaires.html Page 6 Séminaires et autres manifestations sur Paris Ile de France : semaine du lundi 16 au vendredi 20 février 2015 Date Unité Titre Heure Differentiation – Transdifferentiation Auditorium du Centre François Jacob Mini-Symposium 08:45 Welcome – Coffee 09:00 Introduction 09:05 Title to be announced Sophie Jarriault - IGBMC, France Vendredi 20 Institut Pasteur 25,28 rue du Docteur Roux Paris 15ème 09:50 Modeling genetic and epigenetic disorders using human pluripotent stem cells Nissim Benvenistry - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 10:35 Coffee Break 11:00 Single-cell contributions to a community during pancreas development Anne Grapin-Botton - University of Copenhagen, Denmark 11:45 Title to be announced Robin Lovell-Badge - MRC National Institute for Medical Research, UK 12:30 Lunch Cocktail En savoir plus : http://www.pasteur.fr/conferences/Conferences.do http://www.biologie.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/les_seminaires.html Page 7 Séminaires et autres manifestations sur Paris Ile de France : semaine du lundi 16 au vendredi 20 février 2015 Date Unité Titre Heure Séminaire de l'Institut Institut Jacques Monod Bât. Buffon - 15 rue Hélène Brion 75205 Paris cedex 13 Vendredi 20 François ROBIN Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago, USA Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement, Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine invité par Julien Dumont A blueprint for actomyosin assembly and disassembly underlies pulsed contractions in C. elegans Single-molecule analysis of actomyosin dynamics in a developing embryo 11h45 Salle des séminaires de l'Institut Jacques Monod (Aile B - RdC bas) En savoir plus : http://www.ijm.fr/ijm/seminaires-et-colloques/ VAHID ASNAFI – INEM, équipe Institut Fédératif de Recherche Necker-Enfants malades 149 rue de Sèvre - Tour Lavoisier 7 75743 Paris CEDEX 15 TCR : un nouveau suppresseur de tumeur ? Faculté Paris Descartes, INEM Inserm U1151 CNRS UMR8253 - Site Broussais - Amphithéâtre Leriche - Porte 10 - 14 rue Maria Helena Vieira Da Silva - 75014 Paris Invité(e) par P. van Endert 12h00 En savoir plus : http://www.necker.fr/sfr-necker/index.php?menu=seminar http://www.biologie.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/les_seminaires.html Page 8 Séminaires et autres manifestations sur Paris Ile de France : semaine du lundi 16 au vendredi 20 février 2015 Date Unité Titre Heure Marie Stampe Ostenfeld Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, Denmark Exosomal miRNAs in tumor spread and as circulating cancer biomarkers Centre de Recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Antoine Lacassagne Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles (30-100 nm) that are secreted by most cell types. They can transfer their content to other cells upon uptake and hereby modulate recipient cell characteristics. In cancer, exosome secretion is implicated in primary tumor growth, modulation of local tumor microenvironment, and stimulation of distant metastatic niche formation during tumor spread. Vendredi 20 Institut Curie 26, rue d’Ulm Paris 5ème We have studied exosomes in relation to molecular events of bladder cancer aggressiveness as well as their utility in diagnosis of colorectal cancer. We observed that exosomal pathways may discard tumor-suppressor miRNA that could otherwise restrict metastatic progression. Secreted miRNA characterized from isogenic bladder carcinoma cell lines with differing metastatic potential showed relative increase in secretion of miRNA with tumor-suppressor functions, including miR23b, miR224, and miR921. Ectopic expression of miR23b inhibited invasion, anoikis, angiogenesis, and pulmonary metastasis. Silencing of the exocytosis regulator RAB family members RAB27A or RAB27B halted miR23b and miR921 secretion and reduced cellular invasion. Clinically, elevated levels of RAB27B expression were linked to poor prognosis in two independent cohorts of patients with bladder cancer. Moreover, highly exocytosed miRNA from metastatic cells, such as miR23b, were reduced in lymph node metastases compared with patient-matched primary tumors and were correlated with increments in miRNA-targeted RNA. In colorectal cancer patients, immuno-affinity capture of EpCAM+ extracellular vesicles in plasma identified specific cancer-related miRNAs that were present at reduced abundance after surgical removal of the tumor. 10h30 During this talk, I will present our latest results suggesting exosome-mediated secretion of tumor-suppressor miRNAs as a tumor-promoting mechanism and how analysis of circulating tumor-derived exosomes may serve as a tool for noninvasive diagnostic testing of cancer patients En savoir plus : https://seminars.curie.fr/seminaire/index.php?id=981 http://www.biologie.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/les_seminaires.html Page 9 Séminaires et autres manifestations sur Paris Ile de France : semaine du lundi 16 au vendredi 20 février 2015 Date Unité Titre Heure Séminaire technique Vendredi 20 Université Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale (IMRB) Thierry Salomon Proteinsimple) Inserm U955- Groupe Hospitalier Universitaire Albert Chenevier Henri Mondor 51 av du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 94010 Créteil Salle 3058, 3ème étage de la Faculté de Médecine de Créteil Nouvelle approche en électrophorèse multicapillaire / immunoassay alternative au western blot traditionnel 11h30 Séminaire IMRB-U955, contact : Flavia Castellano En savoir plus : http://www.imrb.u-pec.fr/seminaires/seminaires-250224.kjsp Xavier Nicol Intracellular signal codes for axon guidance UCL building Institut de la Vision 13 rue Moreau 75012 paris Institut de la Vision 12h15 17 rue Moreau - 75012 Paris En savoir plus : http://www.institutvision.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=172%3Aseminaires&catid=2%3Ainstitut -de-la-vision&Itemid=49&lang=fr http://www.biologie.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/les_seminaires.html Page 10
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