1 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of HARDWARE ITEMS The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of HARDWARE ITEMS In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Emery paste ( Coarse) Universal carborandom Emery paste ( Fine ) Universal carborandom E- tape roll ( Coarse) Universal carborandom 2”x50mtr E- tape roll ( Fine ) Universal carborandom 2”x50mtr Emery Cloth (60 no) Universal carborandom Emery Cloth (100 no) Universal carborandom Shellac Compound (tubes) victor make Brasso (200ml packing) Rustolene ( ½ ltr packing ) Graphite powder ( ½ ltr packing ) M-Seal (Mahindra) one kg packing Elfi Tubes Araldite (1.800Kg packing) with Hardner Nylon Rope ½” Nylon Rope ¾” Nylon Rope 1” Coir string Aluminium Rivit ¼” x 1” Flat head U-Clamp ¾” for steel rope Lead wire 1mm, 0.50 mm Teflon Tape Roll ¾” x 10 mtr Champion make Hack saw Blade ½’ x 12” ( Marinda make) Namda 1.5mtr x1.5mtr x 3mm thick Blue paste ( 25gm) Old Car kamani rear of ambassador car Split pins ¼” x 2” Split Pins 5/32” x 1 ¼” Spring Washer ½” , 5/8” Grinding Wheel Universal carborandom for AG -9 Grinder Angle grinder wheel 7”(Bosch make) Angle grinder wheel 4”(Bosch make) Wheel Size 8” x 1” (Rough) Wheel Size 8” x 1” (Fine) Half round file 12” Rough & fine Borax Black Lead ( Shalimar) Tin Tin Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Set Nos. set Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Nos. Mtr Nos Nos Nos Nos kg Kg Kg Kg Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Kg Kg - 5 5 5 3 200 200 10 02 10 06 10 06 03 25 35 35 100 1 12 20 48 200 2 12 100 50 35 10each 00 15 50 01 01 04each 15 15 Rate quoted. (p/unit) 2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Crucible 60 no ( Pigeon make ) Tin soldering Steel wire brush White lead Red Lead Klinger Reflux Boiler Gauge Glass Austria Make A(VI) Cotton Waste Flat belt 12” x 16’ (Dunlop Make) 6 Ply rating Flat belt 3” x 20’ (Dunlop Make) 6 Ply rating Simplex Roller Chain pitch 2” Make Diamond Brass liner 0.01, 0.02, 0.04 mm size 1’ x 2’ HT Bolts & Nuts 19 x 35 mm Bolt & Nuts 17 x 35 mm L-Key Bolt 1/2” x 1.1/4” G.I. Nut Bolts ¼” x 2” --do-3/16” x 1” Copper rods dia ¾”, 5/8” , approx. 6’ each Tin wire SS Rod 1”, ¾” & ½” x 6’ length S.S. Rod 1”, 2”, 2.1/2” G.I. washer ½” Fiber sheet ¾” x 9” x 4’ Steel wire rope construction 6 x 37 hemp core with test Certificate (Usha martin/Anchor make) size ¾” (19mm). Copper bare conductor size 4 SWG . Drill 1.1/8” . “ 15/16” “ 8mm “ 1.1/4” Bolt Tap ¼” -do- 3/8” -do- 5/8” -do- 7/8” Tin (Ingot) Tool cutter (Miranda make S-400) 8” x 1” ---do---- ½” x 4” , 3/8” x 3” Tool Bit YG 6 (Left side & Right side & Noki ) Chip Bit YG 15 Brass rod ¾” X 6 FT. --do-- 1.1/4” ---do-- 1.1/2” Flat File 12” (Rough) single cut Flat File 12” Polish Drill Adison 5/8” ---do--- 5/16” Ferredo / Narka-500 brake liner 12 mm thick, width 12”. Bosch make Angle Grinder size 4” Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Nos gms Nos Kg Kg Nos Qtls Ft Ft Mtr Pcs Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Nos Nos Kg Kg Kg. Kg roll Kg Nos. Nos Nos Nos. Nos Nos. Nos Nos Kg Nos Nos Nos Nos Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Ft Pcs 02 500 24 20 25 10 05 00 15 20 01each 05 02 05 02 02 04 04 20each 50each 05 10 01(305 mtr) 25 06 06 01 02 02 02 02 01 05 01 01each 06 02 02 01 02 05 05 02 02 05 01 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 3 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of BUILDING MATERIAL The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of BUILDING MATERIAL In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1 Bitumen 85/25 grade, Ist Quality ISI Marked Kg 4900 2 Tar felt Roll Krishna Make Size 1M wide x 20 Mtr. Length. Roll 170 Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Rate quoted. (p/unit) Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 4 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Transmission Coupling & its Spares The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Transmission Coupling & its Spares In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1 Rubber Tyre coupling complete (Unique Make) Size 50 60 80 110 250 Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 2 4 8 1 1 Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 06 05 10 06 25 5 2 02 Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Spare Rubber Tyre (Unique Make) Size 40 50 60 70 80 110 250 3 4 Star coupling L-95 (Love Joy Make) Spare rubber star for coupling (Love Joy Make) Size L-50 L-80 L-90 L-95 L-110 L-150 L-190 Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Rate quoted. (p/unit) Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 5 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of IBR Valves The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of IBR Valves In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate quoted. (p/unit) KSB/WJ/Audco Make valves 1 2 3 Cast Steel Globe valve, flanged end Class -600 Specification off Indian Standard for steam Size 15mm 20mm 25mm 40mm 50mm Cast steel Globe valve, socket welded Class-600 Specification off Indian Standard for steam Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 06 10 06 04 02 Size 15mm 20mm 25mm 40mm 50mm Cast steel drain trap socket welded Class-600 Specification off Indian Standard for steam Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 06 03 06 02 01 Nos 06 Size 20 mm Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 6 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of TOOLS & TACKELS The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of TOOLS & TACKELS In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate quoted. (p/unit) Chain Block Pulley Make INDEF / MORRIS 1 2 Capacity 1 Ton (10Mtr Chain) Capacity 2 Ton (10Mtr Chain) 1 2 3 5 6 7 Spares For Chain Block Capacity 1& 2 Ton INDEF make Spur Wheel Assembly Load Wheel Assembly Rachet Ring Tatchet Ring Pawl Spring Hand Chain Wheel Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Nos. 01 Nos. 02 . Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 02 02 02 02 03 04 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 7 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of TOOLS & TACKELS The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of TOOLS & TACKELS In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate No quoted. (p/unit) Tools Taparia, Jhalani, JK, Everest Make only 1 Pipe Wrench Size 12” Nos 2 2 Pipe Wrench Size 14” Nos 2 3 Pipe Wrench Size 18” Nos 2 4 Screw Wrench 12” Nos 2 5 Screw Wrench 14” Nos 2 6 C.I. Straight edge 10’ long Nos 1 7 Filler gauge of 9” long in mm scale. Nos 1 8 D-Spanner Size ¼” x 5/16” Nos 4 3/8” x 7/16” Nos 4 ½” x 5/8” Nos 6 5/8” x ¾” Nos 6 7/8” x 1” Nos 4 5/8” x 3/8” Nos 4 9 D-Spanner Size14-15 mm Nos 3 16-17 mm Nos 6 18-19 mm Nos 6 20-21 mm Nos 3 22-24 mm Nos 3 24-26 mm Nos 3 30-32 mm Nos 3 27-32 mm Nos 1 10 Ring Spanner Size ¼” x 5/16” Nos 4 3/8” x 7/16” Nos 4 ½” x 9/16” Nos 4 5/8” x ¾” Nos 4 7/8” x 1” Nos 4 - 8 5/8” x 3/8” 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 - Nos 4 Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Set Set Set Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2each 2each 4each 1 4 4 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 2each -1 1 1 1 1 ---1 Nos Nos 1 1 Ring Spanner Size12-13 mm 14-15 mm 16-17 mm 18-19 mm 20-21 mm 22-24 mm 24-26 mm 30-32 mm 27-32 mm Allen key set mm Size (3 to 20mm) Allen Key Set inches size (1/8” to 5/8”) Allen Key 10mm Measuring tape 3 mtr freeman (steel) Measuring tape 30 mtr freeman (steel) Flat File !2” Rough Flat File !4” Rough Flat File !2” Smooth Flat File !4” Smooth Plier (Tararia) size 8” Screw driver 4” (Taparia) Screw driver 12” (Taparia) Screw driver 14” (Taparia) Phase Tester 4” Taparia Nose Plier size 4” Digital Technometer Varnier caliper size 350 mm length with dial indicator. Tin cutter Circlip plier size 4” (Inner/outer) Socket for Ratchat. Goti ½”, 5/8” , ¾” , 11,13, 15 , 17,18,19, 38mm Bandsaw Blade size 2” x 36’ Vibrator nozzles 2”dia with flexible shaft 6 mm long Goti ½”, 5/8” , ¾” , 11, 13, 15 , 17 mm 28 , 30 , 32 mm Bandsaw Blade size 2” x 36’ Vibrator nozzles 2”dia with flexible shaft 6 mm long -do3” -------------do---------------C.I. Straight edge 10’ long Dial gauge indicator in mm digits dia 2” complete with Base etc. make Nitutoyo. Filler gauge of 9” long in mm scale. Varnier caliper size 350 mm length along with dial indicator. 9 41. Circlip plier size 4” (Inner/outer) Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Nos. 1 each Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 10 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of RUBBER MATERIALS ( V BELTS ) The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of RUBBER MATERIALS ( V BELTS ) In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. V BELTS Fenner Make B-48 B- 65 B-78 B-105 B-125 B-144 C-78 C-82 C-105 C-136 C-144 C-150 D-225 C-140 C-71 Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… 04 10 06 10 06 08 10 10 06 10 10 24 12 06 06 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Rate quoted. (p/unit) 11 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of RUBBER MATERIAL The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of RUBBER MATERIAL In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Description of materials/items Units Qty. RUBBER BUSHES with Brass liner Bore OD x Length x Bore Size 1 ¼” x 1 ¼” x ¾” Size 2” x 2” x 7/8” Size 2” x 2” x ¾” Size 2” x 2” x 1” Size 1 ½” x 1 ½” x 5/8 ” Size 1 ¼” x 1 ¼” x 1/2” Size 2 ½” x 2 ½” x 1 ¼” Size 3” x 2 ½” x 1 ¼” Size 3” x 3” x 1 ¼” Size 2 ½” x 3 ¾” x 1 ¼” Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Rate quoted. (p/unit) 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 12 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of BEARINGS The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of BEARINGS In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate quoted. (p/unit) SKF / FAG Make Bearings Please quote your price list along with maximum Discount alongwith terms & conditions for indigenous & imported Ball and Roller Bearings of above make. The bearings should be pre-inspected. Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 13 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of LUBRICANTS The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of LUBRICANTS In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate No quoted. (p/unit) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Lubricants :Brand Indian Oil Corpn Ltd./Hindustan petroleum/Bharat Petroleum/Tide Water Oil Co./Balmer Lswrie C. Circulating Oil EP-320 Servo Mesh SP 320 Servo Prime 57 Servo SM 85 Servo 20 W 40 Servo Mesh SP 460 Servo 68 Servo Coat 120 Transformer Oil Grease - Servo Gem - 3 - Servo Gem – HTXX 1 Litre Litre Litre Litre Litre Litre Litre Litre Litre Litre Kg. Please quote your list price with maximum discount along with terms & conditions for the above mentioned Lubricants. Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 14 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Nut & Bolts The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Nut & Bolts. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 - Description of materials/items BSW Half thread M.S. Bolts with good quality white extra wide nuts :¼” x 1” ¼” x 1.1/2” ¼” x 2” ¼” x 2.1/2” ¼” x 3” ¼” x 3.1/2” M.S. Bolts with Nuts :5/16” x 1” 5/16” x 1.1/2” 5/16” x 2” 5/16” x 2.1/2” 5/16” x 3” M.S. Bolts with Nuts Half thread : 3/8” x 1” 3/8” x 1.1/4” 3/8” x 1.1/2” 3/8” x 2” 3/8” x 2.1/2” 3/8” x 3” 3/8” x 3.1/2” M.S. Bolts with Nuts half thread : ½” x 1” ½” x 1.1/2” ½” x 2” ½” x 2.1/2” ½” x 3” ½” x 3.1/2” Units Qty. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 10 10 12 12 10 15 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 10 10 10 12 15 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 25 250 50 75 100 75 Rate quoted. (p/unit) 15 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 - ½” x 4” ½” x 5” M.S. Bolts with Nuts (H. Brand) BSW Half thread : 5/8” x 1” 5/8” x 1.1/2” 5/8” x 2” 5/8” x 2.1/2” 5/8” x 3” 5/8” x 4” 5/8” x 5” 5/8”x 6” 5/8” x 7” 5/8” x 8” M.S. Bolts with Nuts (H. Brand) BSW Half thread : : ¾”x 1.1/2” ¾” x 2” ¾” x 2.1/2” ¾” x 3” ¾” x 4” ¾” x 5” ¾” x 8” M.S. Bolts with Nuts (H. Brand) BSW Half thread :: 7/8” x 2” 7/8” x 2.1/2” 7/8” x 3” 7/8” x 3.1/2” 7/8” x 4” 7/8” x 4.1/2” M.S. Bolts with Nuts(H. Brand) BSW Half thread : 1” x 3” 1” x 4” 1” x 5” 1.1/8” x 7” M.S. Bolts with Nuts (H. Brand) BSW Half thread : 1.1/4” x 8” 1.1/4” x 5” 1.1/2”x 3.1/2” 1 1/4” x 7” M.S.Bolts with Nuts in mm size : 8 x 20 mm 12 x 40 mm 12 x 50 mm 16 x 30 mm 6 x 40 mm 8 x 100 mm 10 x 50 mm Kg. Kg. 75 50 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg Kg. 25 120 150 200 100 50 50 50 50 50 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 50 50 100 100 100 50 50 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 50 50 50 50 50 50 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 50 50 50 50 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 50 25 50 50 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 05 25 20 20 05 10 05 16 65 10 x 90 mm stud Kg. 30 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 M.S. Nut 2.1/2” Good Quality ----do-- 2” -----do—1.3/4” ----do--- 1.1/2” ----do---- ½” ----do--- 5/8” Nylock Nuts 1” G.I. Nut Bolts ¼” x 1.1/2” full thread round head. Cane Cutter bolts Fig.A as per drg no SM 87 / 80 Cane Cutter bolts Fig.B as per drg no SM 87 / 80 Cane Cutter bolts Fig.C as per drg no SM 87 / 80 M S Studs ½” x 3” M S Studs 3/8” x 3” M S Studs 5/8” x 3” MS Bolts with Nuts Half thread Good Quality 10x35mm a)SS full thread nut & bolt size 3/8 x 2” b)-do3/8 x 1.1/2” c) –do5/16 x 1.1/2” d) –do½ x 3” e) –do½ x 1.1/2” f) -do ½ x 2” g) -do5/8 x 2” Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg 25 25 50 50 120 75 100 100 100 50 50 10 10 10 100 02 02 01 02 02 05 02 Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 17 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Industrial Paints The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Industrial Paints In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Description of materials/items Berger make Anti –acid alkali heat resistance upto 120 deg.C and ph 6.5 to 7.5 white paint Red oxide zinc chromate metal primer. Anti acid alkali heat resistance upto 120 deg.C and ph 6.5 to 7.5 Black Paint. Smoke grey synthetic enameled paint. Aluminium paint. Bus Green enameled paint. Azur Blue enameled paint. Golden yellow enameled paint. Enameled white paint. Rustax 1. Rustax 3 Chimney Paint Post Office Red Paint. Thinner Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Units Qty. Ltrs. 600 “ “ 600 200 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 160 200 120 100 120 180 60 80 100 40 400 Rate quoted. (p/unit) Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. ………………………… 18 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase Pipe & pipe fittings. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Pipe & pipe fittings. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate No quoted. (p/unit) 1. 2 3 - M.S. Pipe ERW ISI specification C-Class (Heavy Duty). As per IS 3589-1991 Size ¼” 3/8” ½” ¾” 1” 1 ½” 2” 2 ½” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8” 10” 12” Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 04 10 04 05 02 02 01 Size ½” ¾” 1” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8” Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 Size 3” 4” 5” 6” 8” Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 04 04 03 02 02 MS Short Bend Heavy Duty ISI C Class MS Long Bend Heavy Duty ISI C Class 19 4. MS Flange Size 80 mm 1” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8” 10” 12” Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 06 06 12 12 12 12 06 06 06 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 20 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Packing & Jointing The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Packing & Jointing In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 - Description of materials/items Hindustan Composite make Steam joint ( non-metallic AMJ -321 ) Size 1/8” 1/16” 1/32” Steam joint (metallic AMJ- 545) Size 1/8” 1/16” 1/32” Rubber joint sheet Neoprene Size ½” 1/8” Asbestos packing Size 1/8” ¼” 3/8” ½” ¾” 1” Graphite Steam packing ( Non-metallic ) Size 1/8” ¼” 5/16” 3/8” ½” 5/8” ¾” 7/8” 1” Units Qty. Kg. Kg. Kg. 150 50 30 Kg. Kg. Kg. 150 50 20 Kg. Kg. 50 50 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 15 7.5 15 7.5 15 15 Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 Rate quoted. (p/unit) 21 6 7 8 Graphite Steam packing ( Metallic 1916 special ) (3 mm) (6 mm) (10mm) (12mm) (16mm) (19mm) Leatheriod paper Rolls Rolls Rolls Rolls Rolls Rolls Roll Cotton graphite grease packing (Non-metallic) Size ¼” 3/8” ½” Rolls 03 Rolls 03 Rolls 03 Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - 06 06 03 03 03 01 01 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 22 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Special Welding Electrodes. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Special welding electrodes L&T make or its equivalent. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate quoted. (p/unit) Make L&T /Advani / Essab / Diffusion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Hard facing electrodes 6006 4mm Hard facing electrodes 6006 3.15mm Hard facing electrodes Cobalarc -9 4 mm C.I. electrodes Xuper 2240/Ferolid 1 4 mm C.I. electrodes Xuper 2240/Ferolid 1 3.15 mm C.I. Electrodes non-machinable a) 3.15 mm b) 4 mm Straintrod BL 3.15 mm Straintrod BL 4 mm Eutec staintrod 4 mm Bronze rod XHD 2800 4 mm Welding electrodes 2B , 4 mm Hard facing powder EWAC 1001 ET ---do--------EWAC 1002 ET S.S. Electrode for grade 202 pipes & 409 S.S. electrode welding. Welding Electrods NH-660 Super Bond SS Advani make Welding Electrode 2.5 mm Super Bond SS Advani make Welding Electrode 3.15 mm S.S. Welding Electrode Grade 308/3.15 mm & 4 mm S.S. Welding Electrode Grade 309/3.15 mm & 4 mm Note : The party should submit their rate list along with Quotation. Con tact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg 25 10 20 15 10 Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Nos “ Kg 05 05 10 10 10 25 10 05 03 10 Kg Kg Kg Kg. Kg. 20 30 15 10 10 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 23 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Welding material. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Welding material. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Rubber pipe red for gas cutter (Good quality) Mtr. “ Nos “ “ “ “ Set Nos “ “ Kg “ Pkt. Mtr. Nos Nos. Nos. Nos. --do---- black -doCutter nozzles 1/16” PNM make Advani only for LPG Cutter nozzles 3/64” PNM make Advani only for LPG Regulator for LPG gas Heavy Duty --do--Oxygen Advani/Essab Cutozen set make Advani only Welding gloves (Leather) Good quality Welding Holder for 600 Amp. Heavy duty (Good quality) Welding glass black (Germany make) --do-white Brass welding rod 1/8” ---do-¼” Flux for brass welding /Brazing Welding cable (Copper lead) 600 Amp. Essab make Hand welding screen of fibre glass with glass. Helmet screen of fibre glass with glass White gas cutting goggles , fully covered Gas cutting Lighter Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Rate quoted. (p/unit) 60 60 06 06 4 4 4 8 8 18 40 5 5 4 60 06 02 04 06 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 24 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Iron & Steel. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Iron & steel. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 M.S. Plate 3 mm M.S. Plate 4 mm M.S. Plate 6 mm M.S. Plate 8 mm M.S. Plate 10 mm M.S. Plate 25mm M.S.Plate 32mm M.S. Angle ISA 25 x 25 x 4 --do-50 x 50 x 6 --do-65 x 65 x 8 --do-75 x 75 x 8 Flat Iron 50 x 10 --do-- 63 x 10 -do- 25 x 5 mm M.S. channel ISMC-300 --do-ISMC-250 --do-ISMC-200 --do-150 x 75 - ISMC --do-100 x 50 - ISMC M.S.Beam -300 M.S.,Beam-400 M.S. Round dia 2” ---do-- 1.3/4” M.S. square 5/8” x 10’ long --do-½” x 10’ long EN-9 Round dia 90 mm x 2 mtr.long EN-9 Round dia 25 mm Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Mtr. Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Rate quoted. (p/unit) 01 01 10 20 04 01 01 01 01 02 01 0.5 01 0.5 01 01 02 01 01 01 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 15 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 25 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of ACC/CGI sheets The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of ACC/CGI sheets. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1. ACC sheets (3 x 1.05 mtr.) ACC super ISI / Charminar. ACC Ridge Standard size CGI sheets (3 x 0.9 mtr.) ISI (0.80 mm) Make Tata Shakti ISI / SAIL. GP sheets 18 gauge (2.5 x 1 mtr.) Make Tata Shakti ISI / Charminar. J or L type Hooks as per samples. G.I. Nut for Hooks. G.I. Cup washers. Bitumen washers STP. Transparent sheets (3 x 1.05 mtr.) Nos 300 Nos Nos 200 50 Kg 04 Kg Pkt. Pkt. Pkt. Nos 50 12 12 12 06 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Contact Numbers Mobile no. Fax No………………… - Rate quoted. (p/unit) Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 26 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Pump & Pump spares The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Pump & Pump spares. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6 7 - Make : Sintech/Kirloskar/ABB Flow Tech/Jyoti/Gita (i)Self Priming Sludge Pump complete make Sintech/Kirloskar Suc. Delivery 75 x 75, size 75 LF. S.S. Impeller, C.I. Body EN-9 Shaft (ii) C.I. Body for Sr.No.1(i), Make : Gita/ABB Flow Tech. (iii) S.S.Impeller for Sr No.1(i), Make : Gita/ABB Flow Tech (i) Raw Juice Pump: CD 125 x 100 x 400 Head 50 mtr., capacity 41.5 LPS RPM-1450, HP-50 (ii) C.I.Body for Sr.No.2(i). (iii) S.S.Gland Plate for Sr.No.2(i) Mud Pump Sintech make Suc. Delivery 75 x 75 C.I.Body rpm 1440,Head 15 mtr.. capacity 8 Litre/sec (i)Lime Pump Sintech/Kirloskar make Suc. Delivery 65 x 50 S.S.Body & Impeller rpm 1440,Head 20 mtr. capacity 1.5 Litre/sec. (ii) Rubber Lined Impeller for lime pump Make:Gita (iii) Rubber Lined C.I.Covers for lime pump Make:Gita (i)Clear Juice Pump Kirloskar make Type SHD 65/32 Suc. Delivery 80x100 rpm 1440,Head 45 mtr. capacity 35 LPS (ii) Spare CI/CS Disc plate (Gland plate) for Sr.No.5(i) Nos. 2 Nos 1 Nos. 3 Nos 1 Nos 1 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 Nos 1 Nos 1 Nos. 1 Nos 1 Nos 2 (i)Condensate Pump Kirloskar make Nos D.B. 65 x 32 rpm 1440,Head 32 mtr. capacity 20 LPS Multi stage Pump with S.S.Impeller and shaft size 1.1/2” x 1.1/2”,Head 50 mtr. RPM 1440 Cap.5 Ltr/sec (ii) C.I.Body for Sr.No.6(i) Nos (iii) S.S. Impeller for Sr.No.6(i). Nos (i)KSB make Pump for Water Super Heater(Hot water Automate) Nos Type Mego 4=40=315 Size 2.5” x 2” 1 1 1 1 Ra te 27 Capacity 20M³/Hr. Head 40 Mtr. (ii)Spare Impeller for Sr.No.7(i) Nos. 1 8 Molasses Pump Size 4” x 4” (Star) Suc.Delivery 100 x 100 mm Nos. 1 Type: Double helical type teeth gear pump with external mounted Ball Bearing. 9 Molasses Pump Size 150 x 150 mm Nos. 1 Suc.Delivery 150 x 150 mm Type: Double helical type teeth gear pump with external mounted Ball Bearing. 10 Massecuite pump Type Rotary Pump Suc.Delivery 150 x 150 mm Nos. 1 11 Massecuite pump Type Rotary Pump Suc.Delivery 200 x 200 mm Nos. 1 12 SS/GM Impeller for Condensate pump, Make Vikas,Type BKWNos. 1 65 x 32, size 100 x 65, Cap.18 Ltr/Sec. 13 Filterate Pump Jyoti make, type 50 LE, Cap.8 Ltr/sec. SS/GM Impeller for Mud pump, Make Gita, Size & Type 3x3 0/L , Suc Del. 75 x 75 mm 14 Spare for Spray pump Jyoti make, 350 HS1A8, RPM 720 Head 12.2 mtr. (8498D) Capacity 250000 gallons/hr. (i) S.S.Impeller Nos. 1 (ii) C.I Body Nos 1 15 C.I Side cover (opposite end of drive) for Rotary pump Size 6” dia Size 8” dia 16 C.I Body Rotary pump Spares Size 6” dia Size 8” dia GM Impeller for condensate pump type DB 65x32 Kirloskar make 17 18 Nos. 1 Nos. 1 Nos. 1 . Nos. 1 Nos. 1 Nos. 1 SS/GM Impeller for Mud pump, Make Gita, Size & Type Nos. 1 3x3 0/L , Suc Del. 75 x 75 mm Contact Numbers Signature ……………… Mobile No. M/s ………………………. Fax No………………… …………………………… - 28 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Vacuum Pump The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Vacuum Pump In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate 1. Vacuum Pump Nos. 01 ³ Capacity – 18M /min Vacuum – 710 mm of Hg. at closed suction pump rpm-980 Motor – 40 HP Cap. 100 LPM. Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 29 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase CENTRIFUGAL MACHINE SPARES The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of CENTRIFUGAL MACHINE SPARES In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Description of materials/items Spares for NHEC C/F machine capacity 01 & 1.5 Tonn Make Energy Tech Engineers Pune 3/2 Solenoid Valve Single coil Kushako/Energy tech make Nos. 5/2 Solenoid Valve Single coil Kushako/Energy tech make Nos. 5/2 Solenoid Valve Double coil Kushako/Energy tech make Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for Control valve 20NB Make Kushako Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for 3/2 single coil solenoid valve Make Energytech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for 5/2 single coil solenoid valve Make Kushako Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for 5/2 double coil solenoid valve Make Kushako Nos. DN-300 size Butter fly valve seal kit Virgo Make Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for Plough up/down Cylinder Make Energy Tech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for Plough in/out Cylinder Make Energy Tech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for Plough unlock Cylinder Make Energy Tech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for hood Cylinder Make Energy Tech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for break Cylinder Make Energy Tech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for MTC Cylinder Make Energy Tech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for Control valve 20NB Make Energy Tech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for Control Valve 25NB Make Energy Tech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for 3/2 single coil solenoid valve Make Energy Tech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for 5/2 single coil solenoid valve Make Energy Tech Nos. Rubber Seal Kit for 5/2 double coil solenoid valve Make Energy Tech Nos. 06” Butter fly valve seal kit Nos Rubber Seal Kit for Plough up/down Cylinder (1.5T m/c) Make Energy TNos Rubber Seal Kit for Plough in/out Cylinder (1.5T m/c) Make Energy Tech Nos FRL unit complete ¾” Nos Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Units Qty. Rate quoted. (p/unit) 02 03 03 06 06 06 06 01 02 03 03 03 03 03 06 12 06 06 06 01 01 01 02 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 30 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of CENTRIFUGAL MACHINE SPARES The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of CENTRIFUGAL MACHINE SPARES In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - Description of materials/items Units Qty. Spares for Continuous Centrifugal Machine NK 1100 NHEC Make Water nozzle assembly with SS pipes and nozzles. Nos S.S Cheese head Screw M8 x 16 for clamp Nos S.S locating pin for Product Distributor Nos SS Hex head bolt M 10 x 20 for Product Distributor Nos SS Washer M 10 for Product Distributor Nos Lock for Bearing & Lock nut of Shaft Nos Rubber ‘V’ Seal ALT I Nos Rubber ‘V’ Seal ALT II Nos Rubber ‘O’ Ring Nos Complete Bearing Housing assembly without pulley with Nos Bearing No.NU-2215 =2Nos. and QJ-215 = 1 No. FAG/SKF) Bare Bearing Housing with top and bottom end Nos plate including both supporting plate of Bearings & Sleeves Rubber Buffer / pad 6” x 3” hole ½” Nos Shaft of above Machine Nos Wire Breaded Flexible Steam pipe size 1/2” x 1mtr Nos with adapter & Nipple Female end Wire Breaded Flexible Steam pipe size 3/8” x 1mtr Nos with adapter & Nipple Female end Wire breaded flexible steam pipe size ¼” x 1 Mtr with Nos. adapter & nipple female end High Tensile base plate Nut & Bolt, half thread Nos. dia 16 x 130 mm 5/2 Solenoid Valve Single coil Energy tech make Nos. 5/2 Solenoid Valve Double coil Energy tech make Nos. Nos. Auto Feed Control with IRIS Valve for Continuous 2 36 3 3 50 05 12 12 06 01 02 24 02 12 12 12 50 02 02 02 Rate quoted. (p/unit) 31 21 22 Centrifugal Machine NK-1100 size DN 150 Product distributor central bolt Sugar wash nozzles Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Nos. Nos. 04 18 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 32 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of INSTRUMENTS The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of INSTRUMENTS In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1 PRESSURE GUAGES/ VACUUM GUAGE Make : H-Guru/Forbes Marshal/Bells/Bestowell only. Sensing element : SS Bourdon tube Mounting : Direct Zero adjustment facility Moment : all pressed components AISI 304 SS & turned part of AISI 430F Case : Dia cast Aluminum alloy enameled black & stove weather proof case Accuracy : + 1%, RANGE Dial Connection BSP(M) 2 a) 0-10 kg/cm 6” 3/8” Bottom b) 0-60 kg/cm2 6” ½” Bottom 2 c) 0-60 kg/cm 10” ½” Bottom d) 0-1.5 kg/cm2 6” 3/8” Bottom e) 0-60 kg/cm2 4” ½” Bottom f) 0-30 mmHg 6” ½” Bottom Vacuum Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 2 TEMPERATURE GUAGES: Mercury in steel thermometer fitted with imported bourdon tube SS 304, Case dia cast Aluminum alloy enameled Black & Stoved weather proof case. Accuracy + 1% fitted with adjustable nut SS ¾” Zero adjustment pointer with heavy duty movements. Stem SS 304 Bulb length 10” dia ½” Range a)0-120 oC - 06 04 02 06 04 06 4” dial size bottom connection Nos. 04 Rate quoted. (p/unit) 33 b) 0-120oC 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 - 6” dial size bottom connection stem length 2Mtrs Nos. 04 Recorder Pen Drum type Nos. Recorder Pen Sketch type Color Blue long tip Nos. Recorder Pen Sketch type Color Green Nos. Recorder Pen Sketch type Color Red Nos. Digital Temperature Indicator Nos o Range 0-200 C Input: RTD Pt-100 type 3 wire Display : 3 ½ digits Size : 96 x 96 Panel mounted Thermocouple probe Cr/Al (K type) Nos Bulb length 10” (adjustable) Bulb Dia 8mm Connection ½” BSP Thermocouple probe RTD 3 wire Nos. Bulb length 8” (adjustable) Bulb Dia 8mm Connection ½” BSP Thermocouple probe Cr/Al (K type) Nos. Bulb length 1 mtr long (adjustable) Bulb Dia 8mm Connection ½” BSP Microprocessor based PID temperature controller cum Nos indicator along with temperature transmitter Range 0-200oC and connecting cable 20 mtr long. Digital Temperature Indicator Nos o Range 0-600 C Input: K type Cr/Al Display : 3 ½ digits Size : 96 x 96 Panel mounted Stainless steel high Pressure Gauge cock ½” Nos Circular Charts Different Sizes Nos Temperature recorder Nos Case MS Stove enameled black Sensing element : Phosper Bronze Chart drive: Hand winding Rotation 24 Hrs. Chart : 10” Circular Accuracy : +1% Range : 0-200oC Bulb : 12 mm, Dia of stem 9mm Mercury in steel panel mounted , Copper capillary 3 meter long pinion sector moment made of brass with zero adjustment pointer. I to P convertor Make ABB/ Forbes/ Nos Input : 4-20 mA Output : 3 to 15 psi LED type Two digit Jumbo Display unit both side Nos 06 10 10 10 03 03 03 03 01 03 06 1600 03 02 02 34 Digit size 9” to reset after every hour to count Juice and Water tank. 18 19 20 21 - Compensating Cable K Type Simpex 1.0 mm2 2 core each Mtrs core diameter wires of two different alloys of specified thermal conductivity eg (Copper Constantum/Constantum) confirming to ANSI – MD – 96.1 Individual core, insulated with extruded PVC Type confirming to IS-5831-1984 Make AES / General Instruments / Elind Compensating Cable Pt-100 Suitable for RTD 3-Wire Mtrs Draft Guages Accuract : + 2.5% Ambient/Process Temp:-20 ºC to +60 ºC Case / Bezel Press Steel Black Painted Element : Capsule in SS 304 Dial : Aluminium Black graduation of white backgroud Pointer : Aluminium Black externally zero adjustment Window : Plain Glass Gasket : Neoprene Make: Waaree / Switzer RANGE : a) -200 to 0 MMWC Nos. b) -100 to 0 MMWC Nos. Steam flow Indicator a) 4” Size ANSI 300# ORIFICE PLATE ASSEMBLY with SET WNFR IBR Certified flanges MOC of flanges: ASTM A 106 with SS 3167, Concentric square edged type Orifice plate with High tensile Nuts & Bolts and CAF gaskets Taps: ½” NPT (F)- 2 Nos. per flange: Plug: ½” NPT (M) Make:Premier Engineering/Micro Precision/General instructionsFlow rate 10 TPH @ 32 kg/cm2 at 380ºC QTY 1 No. b) THREE VALVE MANIFOLD MOC : CS with Teflon O ring ,nuts & Bolts Suitablefor Rosemount/ABB/Forbes DP Transmitter QTY 01 No c) CONDENSATE POT Size 80 NB, SCH 80 MOC : Forged steel A 106 with IBR Certificate Make Premier Engineering/Micro Precission/General Instruments. QTY 02 Nos d) IBR ISOLATION VALVES Type Globe Valve Class 800 MOC: Forged Steel A 105 Socket Welded/ Screwed Make Sant / WJ QTY 04 Nos e) FLOW INDICATING T OTALISER 100 100 01 01 01 35 Microprocessor Based Input : 4-20 mA Range : Programmable 0-10 TPH Display : Process Value 0.56” 4 Digit Totalised Value 0.56” 6 Digit Accuracy : +0.25% FS + 1 Count 24 V DC to the transmitter, 2 Wire System Power Supply 230 V AC Panel mounted QTY 01 Nos f) DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER Application Steam flow Measurement Make ABB/ Forbes Output : 4-20 mA, Accuracy +0.25% of Caliberation Span of URL Stability : +0.20% of URL Power Supply : 24 V DC, 2 Wire System Caliberation : As per DP of Orifice Calculation QTY 01 Nos g) IMPULSE PIPING ½” SCH 40 MS Seamless Pipe with required number of ½” Elbow, Tee, All fitting IBR Approved Estimated Length of Impulse Pipe : 10 mtr. h) S IGNAL CABLE 2 Core x 1 mm2 Each core PVC Overall PVC with Aluminim Myler Tape, Drain wire, Anneled Tin Copper Conductor, Multistranded Over All Screened and Armoured. QTY 30 mtrs Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 36 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Insulation & Lagging Material. General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Insulation & Lagging Material In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rate for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of job/item Units Rate No quoted. 1 Glass wool fresh 3000 kg 2 Hessian cloth/Taat 3 Chicken/Murga Jalli SWG 22 (50 ft per Roll) 2500 Sq.Mtr. 70 Roll 4 M-coat paint 20 Kg. Drum packing 80 Drum Contact Numbers Mobile No. Terms & conditions are given overleaf - Signature ………………… M/s ………………………. 37 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of S.S. Pipe and Plate. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of S.S. pipes. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description of materials/items Units Qty. S.S. 304 Pipe Grade 202 Schedule 10: 401.1/4” N.B. x 3 mm thickness 2” N.B. x 3 mm thickness 3” ------do--------4”-------do--------6” ------do--------8” ------do--------2” N.B. Long Bend of Grade 202 3” --------do--------------- Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr Nos. Nos. 12 48 18 72 24 18 4 6 Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Ton Mtr. 50 12 18 24 04 03 18 Rate quoted. (p/unit) SS Flange -304 drilled as per table ‘D’ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Size 2” 3” 4’ 6” 8” SS Plate grade 202 4mm thick SS Pipe grade 304 6” dia Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No……………… - Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. 38 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of VALVES & COCK The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of VALVES & COCK In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate No quoted. (p/unit) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - CI/GM valves (Leader/Sant/Crona/Kartar Make) Nos. Bronze spring Relief valve ( Straight Type) open Discharge Max Temp 435o F Screwed type inlet tested to 300 PSI Hydraulically Size 1” GM Gate Valve screwed end 300 PSI with S.S.spindle & Bronze working parts IS 778 Class-I Size ½” Nos. ¾” Nos. 1” Nos. 2” Nos. GM Gate Valve flanged 300 PSI with S.S.spindle & Bronze working parts IS 778 Class-I Size ½” Nos. ¾” Nos. 1” Nos. 2” Nos. 3” Nos. GM Globe Valve (screw end) 300 PSI with long S.S.Spindle & Bronze working parts IS 778 Class-I Size ½” Nos. ¾” Nos. CI Gate valve (Non rising spindle) flanged end with Bronze working parts Size 2” Nos. 3” Nos. 4” Nos. 5” Nos. 6” Nos. CI Gate valve (Rising spindle) flanged end with Bronze working parts. Make Leader/Corona Size 6” Nos. 8” Nos. 8” width 9.1/4” Nos. 10” Nos. CI Glass lined sounders valve heavy duty flanged end Nos. size 6” GM Angle valve screw end 300 psi with SS spindle and Bronze Nos. working parts IS 778 Class-I CI Angle valve 4” dia Nos. CI Angle Valve 2”dia Nos. GM wheel valves 2”dia Nos. 1 6 12 12 2 2 3 2 1 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 12 2 2 4 39 12 13 14 15 16 CI Vertical NRV 5”dia (Metal seated) CI Vertical NRV 4”dia (Metal seated) G.M/C.I. Cock Valve 3” dia G.M/C.I. Cock Valve 3” dia Rubber seated Butter fly valves : Size 3” size 4” Size 5” Size 6” Size 8” Size 10” 17 18 C.I. Body Sluice Valve Metalic sheet SS working parts Size 18” Make : Kartar. Rubber sheeted Angle valve for steam Size 16”/18” Contact Numbers Mobile No. - Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos 2 2 3 3 Nos. Nos Nos Nos. Nos. Nos 04 04 04 02 02 03 Nos. 01 Nos. 01each. Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. 40 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of S.S.Tubes The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of New S.S.Tubes. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items 1 Cold drawn annealed Stainless Steel Tube Grade 304 conforming to IS:13316 a) Size 102 mm O.D. Thickness 1.6 mm length 3’-9” Nos. b) Size 102 mm O.D. Thickness 1.6 mm length 4’-0” Nos. Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Units Qty. Rate quoted. (p/unit) 100 100 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 41 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Butterfly Valve for NHEC 1.5 Ton Machine. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Butterfly Valve for NHEC 1.5 Ton Machine. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1 Butterfly Valve EPDM Sheets SS Sheet, C.I. Body, S.S. Spindle, gear operated size 12” dia. Nos. 01 2. Actuator for Sr.No.1 Nos. 01 3 Butterfly Valve EPDM Sheets SS Sheet, C.I. Body, S.S. Spindle, gear operated size 6” dia. Nos. 01 4 Actuator for Sr.No.3 Nos. 01 Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Rate quoted. (p/unit) Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… 42 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of RUBBER MATERIAL The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of RUBBER MATERIAL In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate No EPDM Rubber quoted. (p/unit) 1 Super Butyl Rubber seat OD485mm ID 375mm thick 25mmPcs 2 2 Super butyl rubber seat OD 950mm ID 830mm thick 25mm Pcs 2 3 Super Butyl Rubber seat Size OD 26 ½” ID 22” thick 1” Pcs 2 4 Super Butyl Rubber seat Size OD 26 ½” ID 20½” thick 1” Pcs 8 5 ManHoleRubberSeat size OD650mmID520mmThick25mm Pcs 2 6 SBR Rubber seat size OD 498mm , ID 466mm thick 25mm Pcs 2 7 SBR seat size OD 37” ID 32 3/8” thick 1” Pcs 2 8 Super Butyl rubber seat size 540 X 495 X 25 Pcs 6 9 Neoprene Synthetic rubber buffer tapper Pcs 4 as per Drg No: SM 285/98 Fig.No.1 10 Main Hole SBR rubber ring 650 X 565 X 25mm Pcs 4 11 Discharge valve SBR rubber seat As per drg no.36/89 Pcs 5 12 Flat belt 6” width 8 ply 16 ½” long Pcs 02 13 Neoprene Rubber seat Pan man hole as per Drg no. MD/41 Nos 4 14 Neoprene Rubber stripe ½” x ½” Mtrs 50 15 Rubber Channel for sight glass size 5” Pcs 25 16 Rubber Channel for sight glass size 7” Pcs 25 17 Rubber Hose pipe steam quality ¾” Mtr 50 18 Rubber diaphragm for sounders valve size 6” Sets 20 19 Neoprene rubber ring for 5 ½” , 8” telescopic valve Pcs 12 20 Neoprene rubber ring for 7 ½” , 9” telescopic valve Pcs 12 21 Neoprene rubber ring for 5 ½” , 7 1/2” telescopic valve Pcs 12 22 Neoprene rubber/SBR rubber size 12mmx12mm Mtr 100 23 Neoprene rubber/SBR rubber size 12mmx15mm Mtr 300 24 Super Butyl Rubber seat for vapour exhaust valve having Pcs 02 Temp 200º c OD 800 mm, I.D 625 mm, Thickness 25 mm 25 Rubber Plug for ID 42mm dia. Tube Pcs 50 Rubber Plug for ID 47mm dia. Tube Pcs 50 26 - Super Butyl Rubber seat for Pan Discharge valve Size OD = 24” Pcs I.D (Bore) = 20” 04 43 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Thickness 1” with ½” groove at external Round end (As per Drg.No.SM/36/89)enclosed. Super Butyl Rubber Ring for Pan manhole Pcs Size OD = 21 ½” I.D (Bore) = 19 3/4” Thickness = ¾” Super Butyl Rubber Ring for Pan manhole Pcs Size OD = 19 5/8” I.D(Bore) = 18.3/8” Thickness = ¾” Super Butyl Rubber seat for vapour/exhaust valve bearing Pcs temp.200º c Size OD = 848 mm I.D = 610 mm Thickness of Rubber seat = 25 mm Super Butyl Rubber for sealing of Mud from compartment Mtr of Clarifier Size = 20 x 20 mm having ground size 5mm wide x 10 mm Deep, as per detailed Drg. No.239/2011 enclosed Super Butyl Rubber seat for double Beat valve having bearing Nos. temp. 200º C Size 185 mm OD x 20 mmIDx12mm thick Super Butyl rubber seat size 610 X 508 X 25mm Nos. Super Butyl rubber seat size 654 X 546 X 25 mm Nos. Super Butyl rubber seat size 540 X 489 X 25 mm Nos. Super Butyl rubber seat size 508 X 467 X 19mm Nos. Super Butyl rubber seat size Nos. 955 mm ODx 800 mm ID X 25mm thick Super Butyl rubber seat size Nos. 557 mm ODx 297 mm ID X 10mm thick Super Butyl rubber seat size Nos. 650 mm ODx 512 mm ID X 25mm thick Super Butyl rubber seat size (Strips) Nos. 610 mm lengthx 200 mm width X 15mm thick Super Butyl rubber seat size Nos. 480 mm ODx 25 mm ID x 18 mm thick Super Butyl rubber seat size Nos. 356 mm ODx 25mm ID x 18 mm thick Mill Hydraulic bucket inside cloth braded Nos. as per Drg No SM 288/01 Mill Hydraulic Leather ring Nos. Super Butyl rubber seat size Nos. 560 mm ODx 25mm ID x 18 mm thick Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No……………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. 02 02 05 50 25 04 04 04 04 04 04 02 100 06 06 16 16 04 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 44 Tender Form for the purchase of SPARES FOR VACUUM FILTER. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of SPARES FOR VACUUM FILTER. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items 1 S.S.Screen 8’ x1’ suitable for 8’ x 16’ Vacuum Filter No. Grade 304, Weight 1.5 +/- 5% kg.SALEM/JINDAL Brass zig zag strips each 24” long for 8’ x 16’ Filter No. drum S.S.Decker 8’ x 1’ for 8’ x 16’ Filter drum No. Monarch type Heavy duty right angle spray nozzle size No. 3/8”dia(Male Thread). Straight type spray nozzles size 3/8” dia(Male Thread) No. Wire braided hose pipe heavy duty size 2.1/4” x 18” No. long)alongwith ss clamps bearing Socket 3/8” dia Female Thread No. S.S. Binding strips (Standard size) No. S.S. Screw for strips fitting size ¼” x ¾” No. Bottom roller assembly with bearing hosing for mud No. carrier belt Top-3 Roller assembly alongwith frame complete No. in all respects for mud conveyor belt Side roller assembly complete in all respects No. Oil Lubricator with indicator & sprocket having No. 8 points S.S Divisional Strips No. S.S. Circumferencial strips Ft. Copper Rivets Size 3/16” dia x 5/8” Kg. Copper Rivets Size 5/32” dia x 5/8” Kg. S.S. Nipples Standard Size Nos. S.S. Junction Box Nos. S.S. Pipe ¾” dia 16 gauge Nos. S.S. Pipe ½” dia 16 gauge Nos. S.S. Screw ¼” dia x ¾” Nos. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 - Units Qty. 60 500 60 100 50 10 50 100 100 08 16 08 02 50 75 13 05 240 48 48 240 240 Rate quoted. (p/unit) 45 23 GM High Flow Valve left & right side without bear plate Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… 01 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. ……………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Set. 46 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Tender Form for the purchase of MACHINERY SPARES The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of MACHINERY SPARES In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items 1 Tube Expander alongwith Ratchet Handle Make Power Master To expand Brass /SS tubes (i) Size ID - 42mm OD – 45mm (ii) Size ID – 22.6 mm OD – 25 mm (iii)Size ID – 98mm OD – 102mm (Tube Expander should be in such a way that Tube to be expended From Top Tube Plate on both Top & Bottom sides). Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No……… Nos. Nos. Nos. Rate quoted. (p/unit) 1 1 1 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Units Qty. 47 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Mud Scraper The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Mud Scraper. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1 Mud scraper for O.C.Filter 16 ft. long into 4 pieces, spring loaded & completed in all respects including fitting charges in your supervision in our existed vacuum filter drum. Set Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… 1 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Rate quoted. (p/unit) 48 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the supply of Spare for Mixed Flow Vertical Pump Sintech make. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub: - N.I.T. for the supply of Spare for Mixed Flow Vertical Pump Sintech make. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1. Rubber Bush (Cutlet bearings) for high flow mixed flow vertical type injection pump VMF-500-1616GM-105/7540/4 Make syntax, capacity 1800 cum per hours. Nos 02 sets 2. Rubber Bush (Cutlet bearings) for high efficiency mixed flow vertical type injection pump VMF-350 V.T. 180T/349 Capacity 750 cum per hours. Nos 01 set 3 Suction bell for VMF-500-1616GM-105/7-540-4 Capacity 1800 cum/hr Nos. 02 4 Suction bell for VMF-350VT-180T/349 Capacity 750 cum/hr Nos. 01 Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Rate quoted. (p/unit) 49 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Spares of Air Compressor (Ingersoll) The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Spares of Air Compressor (Ingersoll) In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate No quoted. (p/unit) Spare for Ingersoll Compressor size 11 x 7 ESV-1, Lub :1 Oil pressure switch, Part No.156A 12 x 1 PS70 (X1535TI). Nos 01 2 Channel set & spring set Part No. A43 C 33. Nos 02 3 Gasket valve seal Part No. X1014T52-46. Nos 04 4 Discharge valve complete A 43C2AC. Nos 02 5 Lubricator Assly. Oil pumping unit i) Single glass ©. Nos 06 ii) Sight glass upper coupling nut (D) Nos 06 6 Valve Inlet complete Part No. A43 C 1A Nos 01 7 C.I. C-Belt Fly wheel with sleeve alongwith bolt completeNos. 01 Size Dia of wheel = 31” Groove = 6 Nos. (C section) Fly wheel bore dia taper = 131 mm & 126 mm Dia of Crankl shaft = 95 mm 8 Head outer complete Nos. 01 No.8284D I A P 17 9 Gasket Head outer Nos. 02 No.597 6C 1 P 1 10 Rod Piston complete Nos. 01 No.9930 C 1 P2T 11 Ring & Spring packing set Nos. 01 3PR rings per set No.03G245 12 Gasket-valve seat Nos. 12 X1014T 63-57 13 Cover Gasket Nos. 12 1W2 6133 Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No…………… Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - 50 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Spares of Air Compressor (Ingersoll) The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Spares of Air Compressor (Ingersoll) In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate No quoted. (p/unit) Spare for Ingersoll Compressor size 9.1/2” ESY-1-LUB, RPM 514 max. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Automatic Oil pressure Regulator Type RT-116. Cylinder Head Gasket . Piston Rings Valve strips Inlet valve/suction valves Discharge valve Safty valve 2”/ 3’’ dia Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No…………… 01 02 03 25 01 01 03 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 51 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Spares for Air Compressor General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the purchase of Spares for Air Compressor. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rate for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of item Units Qty Rate No quoted. Spares for Kirloskar make Air Compressor Model EH 200M 1 Automatic Air Governor 0122400050 Nos. 2 2 Oil Pressure Gauge 9960011011 Nos. 2 3 Joint cyl to cyl head 0450130150 Nos. 4 4 Joint cyl to crank case 0251408050 Nos. 2 5 Cap for Fork assembly 0230058050 Nos. 4 6 Circlip 9991387650 Nos. 10 7 Bush for Fork 0230057050 Nos. 4 8 Small End Bush 0250208050 Nos. 4 9 Piston Ring 0250502050 Nos. 4 10 Scrapper Ring 0250503050 Nos. 2 11 Diaphragm U/L Assembly 0251200050 Nos. 2 12 Sleeve Bearing Half 0250204050 Nos. 2 13 Circlip 9991372150 Nos. 4 14 Gudgeon Pin 0250504050 Nos. 2 15 Spring Plate 0270904050 Nos. 4 16 Valve Plate 0270903050 Nos. 8 17 Delivery Valve Packing 04500803050 Nos. 4 18 O-Ring Suction Valve 9991243000 Nos. 4 19 Packing for Rings S.V. 0450080350 Nos. 4 20 Oil Pressure Safety 9995206943 Nos. 1 21 Suction valve assembly Nos 4 22 Delivery valve assembly Nos.. 4 23 Suction + Delivery valve plates Nos. 8 24 Suction + Delivery valves spring plates Nos. 16 25 Suction valve load/unload fork Nos. 4 26 Suction valve load/unload fork bush Nos. 4 27 Suction valve fork circlip Nos 10 - 52 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 For suction & Delivery valve’s copper rings For suction & Delivery valve’s lintern rubber rings Cylinder head joint gasket (Packing) Cylinder block joint gasket (Packing) Load/unload assembly Piston rings Oil pressure gauge For Suction valve’s split pins Connecting rod nut & bolts Connecting rod nut & bolts split pins Air Suction Filter element Contact Numbers Mobile No. Nos. Nos. 8 8 Nos. Nos. Nos. Sets Nos Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 4 4 4 2 2 10 4 10 4 Signature ………………… M/s ………………………. TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 53 Tender Form/N.I.T. for the purchase of Black polythene Sheet. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Black polythene Sheet. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items 1. Ton Black polythene Sheet. Thickness 250 Micron Specifications as per IS:2508-1984 Re-affirmed 2003 having 1 Kg. weight for 40-45 sq.ft. Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… Units Qty. Rate quoted. (p/unit) 1.5 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 54 Tender Form for the supply of Toughened Glass. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Toughened Glass. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items 1 Toughened Glass (Bearing temp. 400 º C) - Size 127 mm dia 10 mm thick - Size 175 mm dia 10 mm thick - Size 170 mm dia 20 mm thick - Size 127 mm dia 20 mm thick Contact Numbers Units Qty. No. No. No. No. Rate quoted. (p/unit) 12 06 06 04 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… Mobile No. Fax No………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 55 Tender Form for the supply of Nickel Screen for NHEC make Continuous Centrifugal Machine. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Nickel Screen for NHEC make Continuous Centrifugal Machine. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No 1 2 3 4 Description of materials/items Units Qty. Specifications: Hardness of all screens should be 1000 H.V. Nickel % - 99.8 Slot opening should be uniform Chromium thickness to be 10 Micron . Nickel Screen having above mentioned specification with slot size mentioned as under:a) .04 x 2.98 x .34 mm b) .05 x 2.10 x .34 mm c) .06 x 2.11 x .34 mm d) .09 x 2.14 x .32 mm Contact Numbers Rate quoted. (p/unit) Set Set Set Set 02 05 04 04 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… Mobile No. Fax No………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 56 Tender Form for the purchase of Fire Fighting Hose Pipe. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Fire Fighting Hose Pipe. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items 1. Inside rubber coated Fire Hose pipe 2.5” dia with male & Nos female coupling & G.M. at both end IS:5903 ISI make Jayshree Nova Brand ISI No.636 in15 Mtr. length Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… Units Qty. Rate quoted. (p/unit) 05 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 57 Tender Form for the purchase of Purchase of Optical SapreParts of Polarimeter & Microscope. General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub: N.I.T. for the Purchase of Optical Sapre Parts of Polarimeter & Microscope. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rate for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of item Units Rate No quoted. (A) (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 - Servicing of Polari Meter Optical Spare Parts of Polarimeter Outer filters (XL 2500) Inner filter(IF 1000) Outer Flang filter (OFX-1500) Inner Flang filter (IFX-1400) Window lens (WL5M) Nicle Prisem (NPL) Nicle Prisem (Lens) (NPL-1400) Moon Lens (MN-4000) Moon filter (MFL 1000) Moon Window (MW 900) Pol Lens (4 MAG) Pol filter (FP 200) Polrizetr Lens (LP5000) Analyser lens (AL4001) Polrizer Inner filter (PFI1600) Polrizer outer filter (PFO1900) Analyzer Light lens (ALF932) Analyzer Inner filter (AIF3400) Analyzer outer filter (AOF 2000) Eye lens (4MAG) Scale lens (SL 1300) Scale Eye Window (SWE 900) Scale Filter (SFX 1000) Error lens (ELS 2100) Eye window (EWE 1600) Pol Poro lens (PLPL14 MG) Half Bay lens (HBL 1300) Light control lens (LCL 1200) Lamp filter (FL 700) Lipch Prism (LPS 2100) Lipch Filter (LFT 1100) Lipch Error lens (LET 1130) One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. Lumpsum 58 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Shadow filter (SF 1000 MG) Colour Filter (CF 220X) Veg lens (VLX) Scale gear set (SGS 121) Single wedge Glass (SWG 2001) Glass poro (GLPX 19) Error Prism lens (ERL 1021) Service charges One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. ( C) Servicing of Microscope One No. (D) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. One No. Spare Parts Objective 5 X Objective 10 X Objective 45 X Objective 100 X Light filter Blue filter Bulb 6V 20 watts Mechanical stage Rack/Pinion Eye Piece Eye scale 0-100 Service charges Contact Numbers Mobile No. Signature ……… M/s ………………………. …………………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 59 Tender Form for the purchase of Lab Chemicals & Apparatus. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Lab Chemicals & Apparatus. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 - Description of materials/items Make Flat Bottom Flask 1000 ml Borosil Test Tube 6” x ½” Borosil Thermometer 0-110° C with Mercury Indian -dowith Red Alcohal Indian Bagasse Digester 500 gms capacity Brass Brix Hydrometer (20° C) 0-10 NPL certified Brix Hydrometer (20° C) 10-20 NPL certified Brix Hydrometer (20° C) 10-20 GDR Hellige Comparator tube Lovibond Pol tube 200 ml Central filling Counter Stroke glass ,screen size 4.5x8mm Keltron Bronzer Balance 05 Kg capacity Lead Sub Acetate Devis Hydrochloric Acid (Concentrated) Qualigens Nitric Acid (Concentrated) Qualigens Testing Solution Ammonia Solution Qualigens N/56 EDTA solution Qualigens Universal Indicator (Full Range) Qualigens Knife for Rapi Pol Extracbr Sugfab Fehlings solution – A Qualigens Fehlings solution- B -doWhatman Sheet No.I Size 46 x 57 cm made in England Filter paper(18.5 cm dia & 100 circle in each packet). Kalpi/Yamuna Sugar special Iso Propyle alcohol 500 ml α Nepthol 100 gm Volumetric Flask 500 ml Borosil Funnel with tail 4” dia Borosil Pippet with stopper 2 ml. Borosil Pippet with stopper 5 ml. Borosil Measuring pippet 0-10 ml Borosil Units Qty. Nos Doz Nos Nos. Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Kg Ltrs Ltrs ml ml ml. ml. set ml. ml. Nos Pkt. 4 5 12 12 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 40 2.5 2.5 8x500 500 500 8x500 2 500 500 100 300 Bottle. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 2 1 2 12 2 2 2 Rate quoted. (p/unit) 60 31 32 33 34 35 36. 37. 38 39 40 41 42 Beaker 250 ml Borosil Conical Flask 250 ml Borosil Pol tube 100 ml central filling Pol tube 400 ml central filling Analysis kit for Dissolved oxygen (D.O.) Analysis kit for Chemical oxygen Demand (COD) Analysis kit for Biological oxygen Demand (BOD) Electromagnetic TDS meter for water Electromagnetic D.O.Meter(Dissolved oxygen in water Electromagnetic COD meter(Chemical oxygen demand in water Electromagnetic BOD meter(Biological oxygen demand in water) Electronic weighing scale 5 Kg. capacity Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 6 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nos. 1 Nos. 1 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 - 61 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of Printing & Stationery (Mfg.Department). The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Printing & stationery In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1 2 3 4 Mfg.Chemist Log Book (150 pages) 4 Hourly Report Pad (100 pages) Juice Weighment Register(150 pages) Mills Sanitation Register (100 pages) General Stationery Slip Pad Big Slip pad small Typing paper Photostat paper Paper plain (full size) Paper Ruled (full size) Ball Pen Reynold Refill for Reynold pen Ball Pen Ordinary Register 1 Quire Register 2 Quire Register 3 Quire Register 4 Quire Gum Paper Pins Pin cushion Scale (One Ft.) Stappler Punching Machine Leave Application Form File Cover with Big tag/laces Overtime/Extra Wages Carbon papers (Blue) Stamp pad Gate pass Stapple/pins Nos “ “ “ 3 50 4 4 “ “ Ream “ Pkt “ “ Nos. Nos Nos Nos. Nos. Nos. Bottle Pkt Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Pad Nos. Pads Box Nos. Pad Pkt 24 24 5 3 2 2 3 12 24 24 24 06 06 04 04 04 04 04 02 20 60 24 02 02 200 06 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 - Rate quoted. (p/unit) 62 31 32 33 34 35 Indent Book Store Requisition slips Canteen Tea Requisition slips ETP Log Book (150 pages) Sugar Bag numbering Log Book (300 pages) Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… Pad Pad Pad Nos. Nos. 06 20 12 02 25 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 - 63 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of S.S.Wire Netting The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of S.S.Wire Netting. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Description of materials/items S.S.Wire Netting 4 mesh x 4 ft. width x 16 swg 6 mesh x 4 ft. width x 18 swg 10 mesh x 4 ft. width x 20 swg 12 mesh x 4 ft. width x 22 swg 14 mesh x 4 ft. width x 22 swg 16 mesh x 4 ft. width x 23 swg 18 mesh x 4 ft. width x 24 swg 20 mesh x 4 ft. width x 26 swg 24 mesh x 5 ft.width x 28 swg 1 mesh x 4.5 ft.widthx 3 mm S.S.wire netting (having 1” sq.hole 50 mesh x 2.5 ft.width M.S. Wire Netting 3/8” thick 5’ wide 4 mesh x 5 ft. width x 16 swg. Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… Units Qty. Rate quoted. (p/unit) ` Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Ft Ft. Ft. 50 50 50 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 64 Tender Form for the purchase of Tube Cleaning Equipments. General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the Tube Cleaning Equipments. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rate for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of job/item Qty. Rates No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - Extra heavy duty flexible shaft 8 mtr.long double tensile Inner core dia 19 mm pierced in flexible metallic heavy Gauge outer casing spring steel inside the full length of outer casing for antifriction coupled with guard coupling and hand piece having double ball bearing GM bush suitable for driving the tool head cutter/brush of 42.6/47 mm dia having ½” BSW/Female Thread. Ball bearing for flexible shaft hand piece Turk Head brush having ½” BSW/Female thread and fitted with 30 SWG spring steel wire suitable to cleana) 42mm ID tubes b) 42.6 mm ID c) 47 mm ID tubes Turk head brush having ½” BSW female thread fitted with 28 SWG spring wire suitable to clean 98 mm ID tubes 12 Nos. 12 Nos. 200 Nos. 400 Nos. 200 Nos. 75 Nos. Foundry brush with handle fitted with steel wire 2” x 6” size 60 Nos. 3” x 6” size 70 Nos. 15 Rollers tool head cutter (12 straight + 3 bevelled) made from best carbon steel) EN-31 material duly tempered spring loaded for longer services having ½” BSW Male thread suitable to clean the ID tubes. a) 42mm ID tubes 100 Nos. b)42.6 mm ID tubes 100 Nos. c)47 mm ID tubes 50 Nos. Spares for tool head cutters (15 rollers) 42 mm ID and 42.6 mm ID:- 65 8 9 10 a) Straight rollers b) Bevelled rollers c) Washers d) Springs ¼” x ½” e) Hing pins 9/16” x 5/32” f)Arm/ Spindle pin (Long) Spare hand piece for flexible shaft(Item No.1) Spares for Tool head suitable to clean the 47 mm ID tubes – a) Hing pins b) Springs c) Washers d) Straight Rollers e) Bevelled Rollers Descaling machine (without flexible shaft) 3.7 KW with 2900 RPM to operate 400/440 volts 3 phase 50 cycles,AC supply totally enclosed fan cooled type with glass A or B insulated horizontally fitted on precision ball bearing & mounted on a 3 wheel trolly having provision with guide to connect the flexible shaft for easy transportation with Bush Bottom type starter having over loading relay and CTS cable. Contact Numbers Mobile No. 800 Nos. 300 Nos. 400 Nos. 600 Nos. 600 Nos. 300 Nos. 12 Nos. 300 Nos. 300 Nos. 200 Nos. 400 Nos. 150 Nos. 2 Nos. Signature ………………… M/s ………………………. TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 66 Tender Form for the purchase of Electric Heating Element for Molasses Conditioners. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Electric Heating Element for Molasses Conditioners. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. ` Electric Heating Element for Molasses Conditioner 1 Modification of existing steam heating molasses conditioner into Electric Heating with all necessary Equipment as per our requirement. Specification Heater S.S. 304 grade. Contractor specimen make, M.C.B. 63/100 Amp. RTD/Thermocouple temp. Controls, Indicator/M.C.B. Channel, Pipe heater, Thermowell copper cable heavy duty. Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No……………… Rate quoted. (p/unit) Nos 03 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 67 Tender Form for the purchase of Spares for NHEC make Fully Automatic Centrifugal Machine Cap.1 and 1.5 ton per charge for A-Curing The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Spares for NHEC make Fully Automatic Centrifugal Machine Cap.1 and 1.5 ton per charge for A-Curing. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. Description of materials/items Units Qty. Rate No quoted. (p/unit) 1 . ` Spares for Fully automatic self-discharging NHEC make Centrifugal Machine having capacity 1 Ton and 1.5 Ton per charge for A-Curing – (A) Nozzles assembly alongwith nozzles for selfNo. discharging NHEC make C/F machine having capacity 1 Ton per charge for A-Curing (B) Nozzles assembly alongwith nozzles for self- No. discharging NHEC make C/F machine having capacity 1.5 Ton per charge for A-Curing 01 01 (C) Spare sugar wash nozzles for above mentioned No. 24 items A & B (D) Gates green line wire braided steam hose pipe No. 06 19 mm x 1mtr long with washer, adopter, nipple female thread end bearing pressure 200 pis & temp. 200º C for steam and super heated water wash . Contact Numbers Signature ……………… Mobile No. M/s ………………………. Fax No……………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 68 Tender Form for the purchase of Pneumatic Clamps. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Pneumatic Clamps. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1 2. 3 4 5 6 Cylinder as per Sample Silencer ¼” BSP Male/Female PVC Connector ¼” x 8 mm Socket as per sample. PVC Pipe 8 mm dia. Hand Operated Valve Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Mtrs. Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… 12 60 100 100 50 12 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. - Rate quoted. (p/unit) 69 Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of pH Meter.. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of pH Meter.. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1. pH Meter (Good Quality) Nos. 01 Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… Rate quoted. (p/unit) Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 - 70 Tender Form for the purchase of Teeth Gear of Lime Slaker. The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of Teeth Gear of Lime Slaker. In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Units Qty. 1. Teeth Gear of Lime Slaker as per Sample. No. Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… Rate quoted. (p/unit) 01 Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. …………………………… TENDER FORM / N.I.T. Press Tender Notice in the News Paper Indian Express & Akali Patrika dated 16.05.2014 - 71 Negotiation will be held on 30.05.2014 Tender Form for the purchase of . The General Manager, The Batala Coop. Sugar Mills Ltd., Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur. Sub :- N.I.T. for the supply of In response to above reference, I/we hereby quote my/our lowest rates for the following items subject to the terms & conditions mentioned overleaf :Sr. No Description of materials/items Contact Numbers Mobile No. Fax No………………… - Units Qty. Rate quoted. (p/unit) Signature ……………… M/s ………………………. ……………………………
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