Rappahannock Record, Thursday, August 14, 2014, Section A

Rappahannock Record
The lower Northern Neck’s most complete news source since 1916
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Volume 97 No. 44
Opposition pending:
Lancaster school board
will study American
history curriculum issue
by Audrey Thomasson
KILMARNOCK—Advance American history curriculum is undergoing
a radical shift in high schools across the U.S.—but is it rewriting history
at the expense of the founding fathers and the principals of Constitutional
Lancaster school board chairman Dr. Robert Westbrook opened a debate
at Monday’s school board meeting challenging the College Board’s changes
to advanced placement (AP) history courses and tests which he said bypass
American heroes and glory and present a deeply stained and dark past. The
changes will be reflected in the
2015 spring SAT testing period.
“Our American education
The College Board is a pritradition has been to give the
vate organization which issues
facts without personal bias or the SAT college entrance and
advanced placement exams. Critopinion and allow students
ics of the new curriculum point
the freedom to make up their
to the board’s new president and
executive officer David
own minds and form their own chief
Coleman as the architect of the
opinions. How can anyone
curriculum changes. He is also
the architect of the controversial
know history without learnCommon Core.
ing all sides of the issues that
“He (Coleman) has every
right to his private beliefs but he
defined the struggles of the
not have a right to impose
past...and led us to become the should
his beliefs on our children in this
nation we are today?”
manner,” said Westbrook. “Our
—Dr. Robert Westbrook, American education tradition has
been to give the facts without perLancaster school sonal bias or opinion and allow
board chairman students the freedom to make up
their own minds and form their
own opinions. How can anyone know history without learning all sides of
the issues that defined the struggles of the past...and led us to become the
nation we are today?”
Westbrook noted the new curriculum and test questions largely leave
out those who shaped America, like the Pilgrims, James Madison, Thomas
Jefferson, Ben Franklin and George Washington, except when they are presented as examples of conflict and believers of their own superiority by
culture, class and race over Indians and blacks.
Great statements from leaders like Patrick Henry and Martin Luther
King are also omitted, he added.
“Everything in this view of history is negative...Should this distorted view
of America go unchallenged and remain unchanged, we will each have to share
in the result of our children being transformed into adults with a cynical view
OPPOSITION PENDING, continued on page A2
Fun on the farm
Farm Museum’s Young Farmers Day, August 9. Photo by Maggie Somerville
Change of watch, grant activity
necessitate audit for White Stone
by Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi
WHITE STONE—With a new
mayor taking office next month
and the town receiving several
development grants, council took
care of some overdue house-cleaning matters last Thursday.
Mayor-elect Randy Reeves, who
will vacate his council seat to sit
at the head of the table at the September meeting, made a motion to
advertise for bids to have a town
audit completed.
“With the changes happening,
I think it needs to be done,” said
Reeves. “We put money in the
budget every year for one” and
don’t do it, he added.
Reeves will replace Mayor Lloyd
B. Hubbard, who has served as
White Stone’s mayor for 16 years.
With the town recently being
offered two grants for revitalization, an audit is a “good idea,”
added town manager Patrick Frere.
Town attorney Matson Terry said
the audit will likely be required
by the state because of the grants.
White Stone has been offered two
grants totaling $40,000, including up to $30,000 for planning
and development from the Virginia Department of Housing
and Community Development
(DHCD) and one for $10,000 from
the Virginia Housing Development Authority(VHDA). Plans are
under way for a residential housing
upgrade as the first phase of the
Reeves’ motion to solicit bids
for the audit was seconded by Jennifer Hodges and approved 5-0
by Reeves, Hodges, David Jones,
Joe Sliakis and William Hubbard.
Councilmen Blair Kenyon and Joe
Sliakis were absent.
Meeting rescheduled
Council also decided to move its
September meeting date from September 4 to September 9 to accommodate previous plans by both
Reeves and Mayor Hubbard.
Reeves will be sworn in as mayor
prior to the meeting, which begins
at 7 p.m. in the town hall at 433
Rappahannock Drive.
Flood plain ordinance
In other business, council voted
5-0, following a public hearing, to
adopt a new flood plain ordinance
for the town’s participation in the
National Flood Insurance Program.
The amendments were basically
state mandated, according to Frere,
and the surrounding localities also
are amending their ordinances.
Infrastructure engineering
Frere also reported to council
on the progress of the Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG)
planning grant and reviewed the
minutes of a management team
meeting that was held on July 29.
The town will begin its search for
an engineering firm to conduct a
preliminary engineering review.
The review will help determine the
most cost-effective way to upgrade
sewer and drainage systems within
the town.
“We’re going to do a really good
study,” said Frere. “Possibly have
as much as $25,000 available for
the study.”
Frere said the town has already
received $5,000 of a $10,000
VHDA Mixed Use Mixed Income
Some of that money can be used,
Visitors to the 79th annual Kilmarnock Volunteer Fire Department Firemen’s Festival enjoyed one last evening of festivities August 9. along with VDHC money, to “get
The “parting shot” (left) was taken from the top of the Ferris wheel. At the conclusion of the carnival, Nancy McGettrick of Powhatan as thorough a sewer study” as pos[SRXLIVEJ¾IKVERHTVM^IERI[*SVH1YWXERK1IER[LMPIPSRKXMQI/:*(QIQFIV0IWXIV&VIRXVMKLX[EWVIGSKRM^IHJSV]IEVWSJ sible, said Frere.
79th annual carnival concludes
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August 14, 2014
Rappahannock Record
New superintendent focuses
on higher education initiatives
by Audrey Thomasson
KILMARNOCK—Superintendent Steven Parker is rolling
out some programs to inspire
high school students to attend
At Monday’s school board
meeting, Parker announced
that all sophomores will take
the PSAT tests this year as a
way to acclimate them to the
possibility of attending college. The $17 fee per student
will be paid by the school district.
By taking the test, they may
find out they don’t have that
far to go to qualify. “We want
them to know they can attend
college,” he said.
Also, in October the nonprofit organization Great Aspirations Scholarship Program
(GRASP) will begin assisting and advising students to
develop an educational success
plan for college. Advisors also
help students and their families secure college financing
through scholarships and federal funding programs.
“Ninety percent of students
(in their program) go on to secondary education,” Parker told
the school board. “Every one
dollar received in donations
results in $133 in financing.”
The addition of the program
is to ensure that every student
has an equal opportunity for
continuing their education,
regardless of financial or social
“If I could make one kid
believe in themselves, its worth
it,” said Parker.
In other business, Charlie
Costello, head of the committee to review the teacher pay
USPS (455-600)
27 N. Main St., P.O. Box 400
Kilmarnock, VA 22482-0400
Fax: 804-435-2632
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Gaskins,
General Managers
Robert D. Mason Jr., Editor
J.E. Currell, Publisher, 1927-1993
step scale, presented the board
with the committee’s proposal
for salaries starting in 2015-16
school year.
The committee also includes
teachers Jason Bellows and
Tara Booth, assistant superintendent Dan Russell, former
acting superintendent Sandy
Spears and Bill Warren.
Based on salaries of the
surrounding counties, the
committee is proposing a
starting salary base for step
1 of $38,431. Incremental
increases to the base will result
if the teacher holds advanced
degrees. The scale increases
with each additional year of
Current step 1 salary in Lancaster is $35,666; Northumberland is $37,370; Mathews
is $38,120; Richmond is
$38,610; Essex is $38,805; and
Gloucester if $39,108.
The committee also recommended a medical premium
benefit increase to $475 at all
schools. At the primary school,
teachers currently receive
$405. Middlesex pays $430
and Northumberland $485.
If the step salary increase
was applied to the upcoming
school year, it would result
in a total additional cost of
$359,000. In the 2015-16 year,
with the identical staff the additional cost would be $475,000.
The annualized increase in
medical premium assistance
for the current 159 personnel is
Costello noted the increase
is the equivalent of a 2 cent
increase in the county real
estate tax rate. However, school
board chairman Dr. Robert
Westbrook noted the district
might be able to cover it in the
“We don’t know if we’re
going to have offsets; it’s not
off the table,” he said.
“We’re going to find a way to
be competitive and equitable”
for teachers, Parker said after
the meeting. “We want this to
be a place they want to come to
every day and teach.”
at Kilmarnock, Lancaster Co., VA
continued from page A1
Periodicals Postage Paid at Kilmarnock,VA
of America’s place in history
instead of their recognizing
America’s greatness. Political indoctrination of children
happened in Germany and was
known as the Hitler Youth Program; it has no place here.”
Westbrook recommended
the board approve a formal
letter to the state’s Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr.
Steven Staples to express “our
dissatisfaction with coercing
any political ideology upon
our students” and to postpone
introduction of the changes.
During the public comments section, Beth Clarke
read the opinions of conservative critics of the changes
who claim the framework is
a radical departure from history standards that will jettison high school history into a
left-leaning emphasis.
While District 1 member
Bob Smart called it “rewriting history” and District 4
member Patrick McCranie
said he supported Westbrook’s proposal, two members asked for more time to
review the curriculum.
“I’m not willing to write a
letter based on one periodical’s opinion,” said District
3 member Don McCann. He
compared the College Board’s
changes to the “shift going on
with the SOL tests. It’s dealing with concepts—a conceptual change to let students
wrestle with the concepts.”
Noting they only learned
of the changes the day before
the meeting, McCann asked
that they take time to review
all the materials and vote on
sending a letter at the September meeting.
District 2 member Ella
Davis introduced the motion
seeking more time to study
the issue before acting on a
letter expressing “dissatisfaction,” which passed 5-0.
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Jazzing up Music by the River
he Northern Neck Big
tonight big band jazz. I think
Band brought a big jazz
it’s a great thing for the comsound to Music by the River
munity. I hope the audience
last Saturday at Belle Isle
had as much fun listening as
State Park.
we had playing.”
The 14-piece ensemble, led
The variety continues Saturby Kenny Flester, featured
day, August 16, with Southern
lots of brass and a rhythm
Grace, a country gospel group
section. The band’s finale, “In
from the Shenandoah Valley.
the Mood,” drew a standing
The concert, presented by
ovation and the audience was
the Friends of Belle Isle, will
treated to “Wood Chopper’s
begin at 6 p.m. A $4 parkBall,” for an encore.
ing fee is payable at the park
Band members included
entrance, 1632 Belle Isle
Flester on tenor sax, Celeste
Road, Lancaster.
Gates on alto sax, Dr. Floyd
Sponsors for the 2014 series
Griffith on alto sax, Fred Paul
include Bay Seafood Festival;
on tenor sax, Brennan CorneBethel Emmanuel United
lius on baritone sax, Britney
Methodist Men; Chesapeake
Cornelius on trumpet, Robbie 4LMPPMT,YQTLVI]WSRXVSQFSRIXEOIWXLIPIEHSR±7SRK Bank; Dehnert, Clarke & Co.
Spiers on trumpet, Glen Burt- of India.”
P.C.; Eugene Duffer Foundaner on Trumpet, Phillip Humtion; EVB; Commonwealth
phreys on trombone, Dr. Barbara Kahler on trombone, Barry
Assisted Living at Farnham and Kilmarnock; Friends of Belle
Sudduth on trombone, Suzy Cuthbertson on piano, David
Isle; Metrocast Communications; Kilmarnock-Irvington-White
Humphreys on bass and Keith Miller on drums.
Stone Rotary; Neal, Nickel and Faulkner Wealth Management;
“It was a great night, with a wonderful appreciative crowd,”
Rappahannock Foundation for the Arts; Rappahannock Record;
said Flester. “I like that this music series has had such variRiver Country 107.5; Tri-Star Supermarket; Wealth Planning
ety. I’ve heard bluegrass, folk, country, rock, blues, r&b, and
Solutions, Robert E. Walker, LUTCF; and 105.5 WRAR.
NHS principal plans to bring in more college classes
by Renss Greene
LOTTSBURG—Northumberland High School is set to
bring more college courses in
to the high school.
“I’m excited to say to you
that I’m ready to open the
floodgates, and say let’s start
exposing more children to college-level opportunities within
our school,” said Northumberland high school principal Dr.
Travis Burns.
The school board on August
11 approved a proposal outlined by Burns to bring concurrent enrollment courses at
Rappahannock Community
College on-site at Northumberland high school. Burns
said the participation in concurrent enrollment classes
during classroom hours will
likely be limited to juniors and
To take a concurrent enrollment course, a student applies
to take a course at RCC not
offered at NHS. If approved
by the superintendent and
principal, the student can earn
credit at both RCC and NHS.
Students and parents bear the
cost of enrollment and school
supplies for these courses.
Currently students must
travel to RCC to take concurrent enrollment courses. This
distinguishes the courses from
Advanced Placement (AP)
and dual enrollment courses,
Counseling program finds
a home in Northumberland
by Renss Greene
Northumberland school board on
August 11 voted to bring a day
treatment counseling program
into schools.
Empowering Youth for Positive Change (EYPC), began as
an intensive in-home service, but
has branched to group therapy,
family therapy, individual sessions, and now therapeutic day
treatment, according to assistant
director for day treatment program Ulysses Turner.
“With so many people in the
classroom, it’s sometimes hard
for the individual teacher to
understand the mental health
needs of the student, and that’s
what we’re here for: to assist the
teacher to be able to teach the
student, to assist the student to be
able to perform at an appropriate level in the classroom,” said
The program will help address
behavior problems, provide academic support, and teach study
habits and homework strategies,
he continued. Students can be
referred by the school, guidance
counselors, or parents, and if they
are found to have a need, will
be given an individual treatment
plan. Counseling sessions are
after classroom hours, and students are only pulled out of class
if there is a behavior problem.
“What we want is the time in
the classroom to be quality time,”
Turner said. “If the time in the
classroom is not quality time, him
staying in the classroom is not
which are both offered at NHS
at no cost to the students.
Burns noted that the cost of
taking a course at RCC is half
the cost of taking a course at a
four-year college.
School board chairman Dick
Saxer expressed concerns
about the cost of taking a concurrent enrollment course.
“Are we opening a door to
students whose parents can
afford to pay this, where the
students whose parents cannot
afford it are going to be left
behind?” Saxer asked.
“I think you make a very
valid point,” Burns replied.
“Some families can’t afford
this opportunity, but my
response to that is this: There
are AP and dual enrollment
courses that those children can
take at our school that are of
no cost. There are also virtual
learning opportunities that are
at no cost to those children.”
■ Gardening help
The Northern Neck Master
Gardeners have a Help Desk
available for gardening and
lawn questions from 9 a.m. to
noon three mornings a week.
On Tuesdays, contact the Northumberland Extension Office,
580-5694; and Thursdays, the
Lancaster Extension Office,
462-5780. Folks also may email
[email protected].
53rd Annual Labor Day
Ulysses Turner
beneficial for him or anyone else.”
The program will not cost the
schools anything, he added. As
licensed mental health care professionals, EYPC bills Medicaid
for services.
“All we need is a place to
work,” Turner said.
EYPC already works in other
schools in the Northern Neck,
including Lancaster schools, he
Students who do not qualify
for Medicaid are not necessarily
disqualified. Turner said EYPC
does not turn away any student
in need.
“We do probably too many
pro bono cases, but if there is a
child in need, we will meet those
needs,” Turner said. “Our goal
is to change the atmosphere of
the community and change the
atmosphere of the school systems in general.”
The board voted unanimously
to allow EYPC into Northumberland schools.
Art Show
August 27 - September 1
RAL Studio Gallery
19 North Main Street,
Kilmarnock, VA
RAL is a proud affiliate of VMFA and is partially supported by
grants from VCA, NEA, RFA and RCCF
State Police investigating fatal
shooting of former state trooper
MATHEWS—The investigation continued this week into
the shooting death of a Mathews
County resident.
The Virginia State Police
Bureau of Criminal Investigation’s Chesapeake Field Office
is conducting the ongoing investigation and is still processing
the scene. The Mathews County
Sheriff’s Office is assisting with
the investigation.
According to State Police
public information officer Sgt.
Michelle Anaya, shortly after
1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August
5, the Mathews Sheriff’s Office
received a 911 call from a residence in the 180 block of Ballast Point Road in Hudgins for a
gunshot victim. When deputies
arrived on scene, they found a
deceased male subject inside a
camper located on the property
of the residence.
Further investigation revealed
the male subject to be the
recently retired Virginia State
Police Master Trooper Tommy
E. Hudson. Hudson was currently employed as a part-time
deputy with the Mathews Sheriff’s Office.
Hudson’s body will be transported to the office of the State
Medical Examiner in Richmond
for examination and autopsy.
An obituary appears on page
0ERGEWXIV 'SYRX] 7LIVMJJ 6SRRMI with crowd control at the community center, to a
'VSGOIXt this week reported charges against five motorist complaint of a reckless driver in the area
of Regina—Crawfords Corner Road, to the area of
Old Fairgrounds Way on a complaint of vagrants
Randy M. Phipps, 45, of Greenwood Court was begging money from motorists, to a public drunkcharged August 6 on Richmond County warrants enness complaint on Twin Branch Road (arrest
of two counts of issuing bad checks (both felonies) reported above), to assist Northumberland authorities with a disturbance call in the Browns Store area,
on/between June 24-2
and later to a drive-by shooting incident on Light
A Belmont Drive man, 43, was charged August Street, to an E911 disconnect call in the 1400 block
of Goodluck Road (child playing on the phone),
7 with two counts of domestic assault and battery.
A River Road man, 21, was charged August 7 to a missing person complaint on Pembroke Lane
with nonpayment of fines/court costs and violation (subject was located visiting with neighbors), and
with Virginia State Police (VSP) to a single-vehicle
of probation.
A Lancaster man, 20, was charged August 7 with traffic crash near Mary Ball Road and Whites Lane;
reckless driving and hit-and-run (property dam- received a walk-in complaint of violation of protective order (criminal warrant issued), and a walk-in
ages) in a Richmond County case.
A Crabbe Town Road man, 40, was charged complaint of an assault (incident determined to
have occurred in Northumberland County).
August 9 with public intoxication.
%YKYWX Staff checked on the well-being of
Activity Report
%YKYWX Staff received a residential burglary a Chesapeake Drive resident at the request of a conreport from a Clubhouse Drive resident (costume cerned citizen (no emergency services required);
jewelry, damage to door; $750 loss); and responded responded to a domestic disturbance involving
to a possible mental health emergency on Gill child custody on Slabtown Road, to a domestic disturbance in the 900 block of Beanes Road, and to a
%YKYWX Staff responded to a prowler com- burglary in the 11000 block of River Road (metal
plaint in the 3700 block of Merry Point Road, to door; $150 loss; 3 juveniles involved and released
a suspicious person complaint in the 400 block of to adult supervision; juvenile petitions pending);
White Chapel Road, with Emergency Medical Ser- received a complaint of a missing/overdue person
vices (EMS) to a medical emergency in the 8700 who went to hear a local band event (after checkblock of Mary Ball Road, to a trespassing vehicle ing voicemail, overdue person called in to report
complaint on Saltwater Drive, and to a trespassing he/she had been at a friend’s house; no emergency
vehicle complaint in the 18300 block of Mary Ball services needed); and checked on the well-being
Road; notified Virginia Department of Transporta- of a resident on Sea Shell Lane at the request of a
tion (VDOT) of a downed stop sign at River and concerned citizen (no emergency services needed).
%YKYWX Staff discovered an open door to
White Chapel roads, and Mathews County of a
a Kilmarnock area business while conducting roudomestic disturbance on Osprey Road.
%YKYWX Staff received a walk-in complaint tine late night business checks (no criminal incident
involving a civil matter, and a larceny complaint involved).
The sheriff’s staff also conducted 13 traffic stops,
from a Saltwater Drive resident (item recovered;
five summonses, assisted nine motorists,
no criminal incident); and responded to a mental
two deer strikes, handled a traffic control
health emergency in the 2900 block of Lara Road,
to Holly Haven Road to assist the homeowner in request, investigated six building alarms, processed
removing a snake from the house, and to a domes- a mental health order, logged three inmate transtic disturbance (parent/adult child) on Turner Lane. ports and fielded four calls for animal control.
%YKYWX Staff responded with EMS to a Fire calls
The Upper Lancaster Volunteer Rescue Squad
medical emergency in the 1000 block of Beanes
Road, and to Belmont Drive on a third party report responded to a brush fire on Morattico Road. The
of a domestic disturbance; and received a walk-in White Stone Volunteer Fire Department responded
report of vandalism (paint damages to 2 vehicles, to a dumpster fire on Tom Morris Drive and to a fire
tampering with farm tractor; damage estimate alarm on Woodlawn Road. Kilmarnock Volunteer
Fire Department responded to a smoke report on
%YKYWX Staff received a reckless driv- Goodluck Road.
ing complaint from a resident in the 11000 block
;MPOMRW this week reported misdeof River Road, a walk-in complaint of curse and
abuse, a complaint of a possible attempted fraud meanor charges against six individuals.
A Heathsville woman, 48, was charged August 4
by telephone call; received a vandalism report from
being drunk in public.
an Ice House Drive resident (window screen; $30
A Callao man, 22, was charged August 4 with
loss), a motorist’s complaint of a reckless driver
entering the county from Topping (no officer in being drunk in public.
A Reedville man, 23, was charged August 9 with
position to attempt to intercept), and an overdue
motorist complaint from a King Carter Drive resi- driving under the influence of alcohol and consumdent (motorist arrived within 5 minutes of receipt ing alcohol while driving a motor vehicle.
A Heathsville man, 35, was charged August 10
of the initial complaint); and responded to an E911
disconnect call from a Kathy Drive residence (no with driving under the influence of alcohol and
contact with residents), and to a vandalism com- reckless driving.
A Lottsburg woman, 49, was charged August 10
plaint in the 2500 block of Merry Point Road (comwith assault and battery of a household member.
plainant declined to prosecute).
An Alexandria woman, 23, was charged August
%YKYWX Staff responded to the Browns
Store area to assist Northumberland authorities 11 with assault and battery of a household member.
Body of
woman washes
ashore near
It’s HOT!
Please don’t forget to give us
fresh water and shade everyday!
by Audrey Thomasson
discovery August 8 of a Maryland woman’s body floating in
the Potomac River off Greenwood Beach near Vir-Mar
Beach resulted in jurisdictional
issues for the Northumberland
sheriff’s department.
The body, which was spotted
by a resident on a walk Friday
afternoon, was tentatively
identified as a Gaithersburg
resident who drove her car to
Lookout Point in Saint Mary’s
County, Md., and committed
suicide. It is estimated she was
in the water less than 24 hours,
according to Sheriff Chuck
“Since she was still in the
water, it was Maryland’s case”
leaving Northumberland deputies to watch over the body
until Maryland’s Department
of Natural Resources arrived
to pull her out of the river, he
The Potomac River from
the low water mark on the Virginia side is considered to be
in Maryland. Since the body
remained in the water, officers
were not allowed to take action
and could only stand by and
prevent the tide from moving
the body into the Chesapeake
Bay. By the time Maryland
authorities arrived five hours
later, it was after dark and their
boat was too large to make it
across a sandbar, said Sheriff
“It’s only a three mile
shot, but you have to have a
decent boat to get across,” he
At this point, Sheriff Wilkins
decided to pull the body out
of the water because of shifting tides. “This (jurisdictional
problem) is something I’ve
been dreading for 30 years,”
said Sheriff Wilkins. “We
couldn’t pick her up. We could
only stand by and wait.”
He noted the issue also
occurs when citizens call 911.
“In areas with weak reception,
911 calls go to Maryland and
we get some of their calls,” said
Sheriff Wilkins.” If we have a
street with the same name, we
respond to the call” only to find
out the location is in Maryland.
Law enforcement from both
jurisdictions plan to sit down
together and try to work out a
solution, he added.
River Market
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Pre Labor Day Sale!
Great savings on selected items
25% off selected pillows,
rugs, furniture & accessories
Sale dates August 9th
through September 1st
The Lancaster County Sheriff ’s Office seeks information
on the whereabouts of Ronald
Carter Landon and Malachi
Charles Hooker. Both men are
wanted for non-payment of child
Landon, 40, is described as a
black male with black hair and
brown eyes. He is 5 feet 10 inches
tall and weighs 155 pounds. His
last known address was 591
Light Street, Heathsville.
Hooker, 35, is described as
a black male with brown hair
and eyes. He is 5 feet 8 inches
tall and weighs 200 pounds. His
last known address was 9818
Benspark Road, Chesterfield.
Report related information to
Lancaster County Crime Solvers, 462-7463.
Callers do not have to give
their name or appear in court. If
the information is useful to law
enforcement, the caller could
receive a reward up to $1,000.
Court Appointed Special Advocates
Northern Neck Court Appointed Special Advocates (NNCASA)
77 King Carter Drive, Irvington
Across from the Hope & Glory
Monday- Saturday 10-5
Sunday: 12-4
We’re CLOSING and having a BIG SALE!!!
We’ve LOVED it, but lives change & it’s time for a change!
We appreciate ALL of you and hope you will take
advantage of this GREAT SALE!
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A One-Woman Play Based on the Life of Emily Dickinson
White Stone, VA
September 12 & 13, 2014 8:00 PM
September 14, 2014 3:00 PM
Callao, VA
September 19 & 20, 2014 8:00 PM
September 21, 2014 3:00 PM
Tickets: $20 Adults/$10 Students
Phone: 804-462-0881
The Agenda
Local Government News
LANCASTER—The board of supervisors will continue
a closed session on possible litigation and a personnel issue
within county administration positions at a special meeting at 7
p.m. Thursday, August 14.
The meeting will be held at the County Administration Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster.
Q Fracking panel
IRVINGTON—Town council will meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight,
August 14, at Town Hall, 235 Steamboat Road, Irvington.
Agenda items include a presentation by Kilmarnock assistant town manager Susan Cockrell and Middlesex County tourism and economic development coordinator Chris Ingram on
regional branding and tourism for the area.
Also, town attorney Wes Charlton will brief council on the
state mandated floodplain ordinance.
COLONIAL BEACH—The Potomac River Fisheries
Commission recently announced three upcoming advisory committee meetings.
The meetings will be held in the John T. Parran Hearing Room
at the PRFC Building, 222 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach, reported
executive secretary Martin L. Gary.
All three committees will conduct prioritization exercises for recommendations for a 1- to 5-year planning horizon for the top priorities
of each committee.
Any recommendations developed by the committee will be forwarded to the PRFC for consideration prior to implementation. The
next PRFC meeting will be held September 12 at the PRFC Building.
The meetings are open to the public.
The ½R½WLEHZMWSV]GSQQMXXII will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday,
August 19.
Agenda items will include an Atlantic States Marine Fisheries
summer meeting briefing, an update from the Striped Bass Allocation
Review Work Group meeting, and recommendations for the upcoming 2014-15 gill net season restrictions and commercial striped bass
catch and size limits.
There also will be an update on the menhaden quota and the artificial reef project.
The GVEFEHZMWSV]GSQQMXXII will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday,
August 21.
Agenda items will include a discussion on how to achieve the
remaining 1.9% reduction in female crab harvest by June 30, 2015.
Monday, August 25.
Agenda items will include updates from the Rotational Natural
Oyster Harvest Plan, Oyster Management Reserve, NSSP Model
Ordinance and oyster bushel tags. The committee will adopt recommendations for the upcoming 2014-15 oyster season dates, days and
time limits.
Other items include discussions on the Swan Point Development
Company proposed marina and Jones Shore. There will be a sanctuary mapping exercise to solicit new candidate bars for oyster sanctuaries.
LANCASTER—The planning commission for Lancaster
County will review the revised Article 23 of the zoning ordinances
dealing with the Floodplain Overlay District on Thursday, August 21.
The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the County Administration
Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster.
Review and approval of the floodplain overlay is required by FEMA
as a result of its recent flood insurance study and rate map revisions.
So Long Summer
Easy picking
The Steamboat Era Museum’s third annual Irvington Crab Festival August 9 sold out
well in advance and packed a massive tent on the Irvington commons. More than 70
NMS principal pledges to
address gaps in education
by Renss Greene
LOTTSBURG—Addressing Northumberland school
board on August 11, new middle
school principal Michael Ransome said NMS is “very close to
being great.”
“My goal is quite simple: All
students will achieve academically, show substantial growth,
and make significant progress,”
Ransome said. “I know that
sounds quite general, and to
some it may even sound like an
old, worn-out educational cliche;
however, I mean it with the most
firm conviction.”
He said achievement gaps can
become the “big pink elephant in
the room” in educational circles,
and that educators sometimes
shy away from talking about
“When you talk about the
achievement gap, you’re forced
Ransome said he wants to
address gaps in a way that benefits all students. He mentioned
two gaps in particular, by way
of illustration: the gap between
local white students in English
and white students statewide,
and the gap between black students and white students in math
and reading.
“If we do that, and I’m inclined
to believe that we can, then our
school will definitely move from
being a good school to what we
consider a great school,” he said.
Michael Ransome
to talk about groups of people,
and whenever you talk about
groups of people, there’s a potential that things can get heated,”
Ransome said.
The Northern Neck Chesapeake Bay Region Partnership
will sponsor a panel discussion
on hydraulic fracturing in the
Northern Neck. The session
will be held at 2 p.m. September 3 at Rappahannock Community College, 52 Campus
Drive, Warsaw.
Panel members will include
Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade Maurice
Jones, Virginia Secretary of
Natural Resources Molly
Ward, a representative from
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Southern Environmental Law Center senior
attorney Richard A. Parrish
and Virginia Gas & Oil past
president Greg Kozera.
Q Hazardous and
electronics waste
Lancaster and Northumberland citizens are reminded of
the September 20 household
hazardous and electronics
waste collections.
The Lancaster collection site
will be open from 7:30 to 11
a.m. at the Kilmarnock Refuse
Center, 320 White Pine Road,
Kilmarnock, off Irvington
Road. The Northumberland
site will be open from 1:30
to 5 p.m. at Northumberland
Middle School, 175 Academic
Lane, Claraville.
Residents who have questions regarding specific times
for disposal may call Northern Neck Soil & Water Conservation District, 333- 3525,
ext 102; Lancaster Extension,
462-5780; or Northumberland
Extension, 580-5694.
The Friends of Northumberland Public Library daylily fundraiser continues through September 27. Award-winning hybrid
daylilies, raised at 123 Courthouse Road, Heathsville, will be
offered for sale to benefit library programs and projects.
Orders may be placed at the library, 7204 Northumberland
Highway, Heathsville.
Coming: A Rappahannock
Record for the digital age!
August 16
1. Subscribe to the Record’s new e-edition through our
website, www.RRecord.com.
2. Flip through the pages and sections each week with the
click of a mouse (or finger swipe on your phone or tablet).
3. Click or tap on the article, advertisement or stand-alone
photo you want to see.
It will open in a new, uncluttered
window for easy reading!
Watch for more details in coming weeks. The system is going live
September 4, but you need to be a subscriber to take advantage
of the easiest way yet to read the Record.
Fiction or Fact from Bob’s Almanac
by Robert Mason Jr.
Give us a real tax break.
The Commonwealth’s recent sales tax holiday on school supplies and clothing came up
The holiday applies to sales and use taxes,
generally 5.3% of the total cost. From August
1-3, purchases of qualifying school supplies
selling for $20 or less per item, and purchases
of qualifying clothing and footwear selling for
$100 or less per item were exempt from sales
One of the most essential and popular educational tools, the lap-top computer, was not
on the list of temporary tax-exempt items—
neither were any other computers or school
computer supplies.
The academic world is becoming more
dependent on computers. Many colleges and
universities require their students to have computers. Some request, or even require, forms
including applications, class registration and
physicals online.
Papers and tests are due online. Grades are
reported online. Correspondence with professors is online. Colleges and universities urge
folks to pay online.
Promotional materials and press releases
distributed by the Commonwealth directed
folks to visit the Virginia Department of Taxation’s Sales Tax Holiday Information Center at
www.tax.virginia.gov for an “all-inclusive list
of school and office supplies, a list of exempt
clothing and footwear items, guidelines for
shoppers and retailers, and answers to fre-
quently asked questions.”
You could even shop online for exempt
items, sales tax-free.
Apparently, computers are considered leisure items, or at least that’s what a friend was
told when she went to pay for a new computer
to equip her son for college. I can see where
stereos, televisions, telephones and computer
games might be considered leisure items.
“School supply” is defined at www.tax.
virginia.gov as an item commonly used by a
student in a course of study. “For purposes of
the sales tax holiday, the term includes ‘school
art supply,’ ‘school instructional material,’ and
‘school music supply.’
The guidelines specifically state “The term
does not include computers or ‘school computer supplies,’ and such items may not be purchased exempt of the tax.”
However, suppose students enrolled in music
appreciation are required to download music
from the internet, and this is an item commonly
used by a student in a course of study?
The tax-exempt list for clothing includes
baby bibs and clothes, baby receiving blankets,
corsets and corset laces, diapers, disposable
diapers, garters, garter belts, leg warmers, lingerie, fur coats and wedding apparel.
Although items purchased under the school
supplies exemption need not be intended for
use in school, these items most definitely
aren’t used in school activities unless there are
Standards of Learning requirements I never
years of operating “Pick-Up
Ducks” providing fun for three
generations of children.
We were honored to see the
So many neighbors have
picture of Shorty in last week’s served this community. We live
Record. He won that vase at the in a wonderful place.
very first Kilmarnock Fireman’s
Carnival. The picture gave us
pause to reminisce.
We remember E.J. Webb 5YIWXMSRMRKXLI
eating a corn dog in the money GSQQSRKSSH
stand with Edward J. Davis Sr.
and Captain Bob Crowther at SJ'SQQSR'SVI
the boats with a working out)HYGEXMSRJSVXLI
board motor. The boats took
on water during the night and 'SQQSR[IEPXL
wet feet were part of the thrill.
Sparky Sparshot and Top Purcell throughout the U.S. are becomoperated the Ferris wheel while ing aware of Common Core
Henry Pittman and Mr. Pugh Education (CCE) curriculum
operated the dart stand.
and standards being forced upon
Fred Swaffin had the pop guns pupils and teachers in 45 states
that shot at candy cigarettes and by the federal government.
sometimes real cigarettes were
Despite 45 years of increason the top row. Carlton Headley ing federal involvement—and
made snow cones, Billy Bellows nearly $2 trillion taxpayer
operated the merry-go-round money, education outcomes
and Johnny Christopher ran the have been largely unchanged.
coke bottle stand. Bingo gave Math achievement has increased
out prizes in the day when Hurst only nominally, reading achieveHarvey ran it. Now Dean Loudy ment has flat-lined, and graduaassures each winner receives tion rates are the same today as
their portion of the pot.
they were in the 1970s.
Over the years different
CCE mathematics standards
ones have spun the wheel at fail compared to better state
the nightly prize stand. George standards. Constitutional authorWyatt Cutler ran that stand ity for education rests with states
and Boots McKenney spun the and localities, not the federal
wheel. Then Moon Webb spun government.
that wheel and now Joe Forrester
The new AP history curricuis there nightly. Ralph Ransone, lum is biased, revised to downFrancis Talley and George Saun- play the greatness of Amerders ran something called Big 6. ica. George Washington receives
There were little cars operated only a quick acknowledgment.
by Garland “Tubby” Winstead. The Declaration of IndepenDr. and Mrs. Garvatt designed dence gets two mentions.
and ran a stand called “Add There is no history of America,
Them Up” where you rolled founded with the belief that all
golf balls into numbered slots. If men are created equal, that they
your total was over 21 or under are endowed by their creator
11 you won.
with certain unalienable rights,
Lester Brent celebrated 50 that among these are life, liberty
Focal Point
Photo by Genny Chase, from the cockpit of her 1956 Cessna 172.
August 14, 2014
Rappahannock Record
and the pursuit of happiness....
There is no mention that our
constitutional republican government brought mankind more
progress in the last 200 years
than was made in the previous
5,000 years.
In all areas, CCE is found
wanting. It does not encourage
critical thinking, but promotes
indoctrination and collective
thinking rather than individual
development. Virginia did not
“sign on” to common core.
However, the CCE approach is
implemented in the SAT exams.
This penalizes students taking
college entrance exams not
under CCE dictates.
The constitutional authority
for education rests with states
and localities. The people should
demand a boycott of this curriculum and testing that does not
serve our country’s education
Submit your interesting photos capturing the life and times in the Northern Neck to editor@
rrecord.com subject line Focal Point.
(Reprints from the August 12, 1904, issue of
the Virginia Citizen.)
The lair of the blind tiger has last been raided
and the officials of Pocahontas county have
decreed that the reign of lawlessness along the
lumber districts of the Greenbrier must cease.
The illegal sale of toxicants has gone on until
the traffic had assumed mammoth proportions,
and men have amassed fortunes.
Run mad by the immense monetary return,
adventurous men showed a recklessness that
surprised the natives, and their boldness being
mistaken for desperation and bravery, many
good people hesitated to report, while they
deplored and condemned such lawless conduct.
The first decisive steps toward the crusade
of extermination were taken at the last session
of the Pocahontas County Court, when a little
0]R2IMVE Amazon of the mountains, Miss Nellie Burner,
0ERGEWXIV appeared before the grand jury with evidence
which she had gathered while in the disguise
Speaking up
of a lumberman, and upon which the result
A Christian holocaust taking the body took immediate action. As a result
place in the Middle East is of this self-constituted detective’s noble work,
the speakeasies of Cass were raided and all the
coming to America.
Christian men, women and half-dozen or more violators were roped in.
children, and other minorities, 'ERSI7XSPIR
From Irvington’s wharf, Carter’s Creek, Va.,
are being crucified, butchered,
beheaded, raped and sold into August 4, 1904. Was painted white, pea green
slavery by the most grotesque, washboards, 50 feet long, rather narrow and
repugnant brutality unheard of very flat bottom, a new strip in leech of jib,
from top to bottom, new piece on foot of forein modernity.
What makes this atrocious is
the fact every taxpaying American is funding it.
America, under Obama,
provided the “Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria,” with training,
arms and equipment, including MRAPS, Hellfire missiles, Humvees and millions of
rounds of ammunition. That’s
sail from mast back, snap hook in bottom of jib
that fastens to staple in bow sprit. Any information of her whereabouts or her return to the
undersigned will be liberally rewarded.
J. Carroll Harding, Weems, Va.
Mr. Goad, who has been running a saw-mill
near here for some time, has moved his family
from Lancaster Courthouse to this place and is
occupying a part of James Brent’s house.
Mrs. Bezeleel George is very sick at this
Allie Cralle, who has been home on vacation
the past few days, returned to his duties in Tappahannock Wednesday.
John P. Crowther, the enterprising butcher at
Reedville, states that he will in a few weeks try
his luck with branch houses here and Wicomico
Church, supplying us with fresh beef.
Mr. and Mrs. Crozier, of Wilmington, Del.,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawson George.
Capt. Hasting, of Crisfield, Md., with a party
of ladies and gentlemen on board his gasoline
launch, was blown ashore on Point Francis
during the storm Sunday night. After several
trials by gasoline of boats this harbor, the boat
was floated Monday afternoon.
Miss Mollie Brent, of Ocran, and Miss Ruby
Sanders, of White Stone, are visiting Miss
Bonibel Cross.
(Transcribed by Stephen A. Redd, volunteer
of the Mary Ball Washington Museum and
SPEAKING, continued on page A7
There’s an app for each with the new electronic edition
(e-edition) of the Rappahannock Record coming this
fall. Watch for details about how to subscribe and
easily read the entire paper online, anywhere.
by Henry Lane Hull
omer now has been with us for almost
four months. He obviously enjoys,
indeed thrives upon, family life. He has
adjusted to domestic tranquility, but still likes
to get outside to play the game of nature. He
exudes love, and asks nothing more than food
and companionship. In short, he is, in my
opinion, the perfect canine.
As I sat to write this item, I contemplated
several topics, then I looked down on the floor,
and saw his eyes full of devotion staring at me,
and I decided to let the other subjects wait, for
today should be Homer’s day. He appears to be
a beagle-bassett hound mixture, with the head
of a beagle and the body of a bassett.
From the moment I heard the leaves rustle
back at the barn as he crawled out of the
brush, he has been ubiquitous, by my side
wherever I go from early morning to sadly
saying good night as I put him to bed. He
arrived with no training, but has adapted well
to the instructions I have been conducting
each day. He is about five years old, which
probably is not that aged, but dispels the
adage about not being able to teach an old beats a hit but a miss, and look for success
dog new tricks.
next time as they slowly move away.
His most weighty challenge has been in
Homer is an excellent passenger. He finds
getting to know the two Welsh Corgis. Ini- pure delight in a car ride, and has learned
tially, they treated him as an unwelcome that, unlike in the house, he cannot lie under
alien capable of eating what they thought my feet while I am driving. I do have to lift
all should be theirs, but as time has passed, him into the pickup, but once inside, he sits
and we gradually introduced
quietly on the seat, paying no
them to him, they have come
attention to the scenery, but
to get along quite well. As Homer reminds me of
simply happy to be there.
with all dogs, they think Ferdinand the Bull. He
I cannot understand why
they should be petted whenhe needs to be lifted into
ever he is, and naturally fed is gentle to the point of
a vehicle, a distance much
shorter than the height of the
Corgis have a penchant for following the concept of table upon which the two cats
gluttony, which expresses “live and let live.”
are fed, a span that he has not
itself sometimes in eating
a bit of difficulty jumping up
their meals in a hurry to be
to see what they are eating.
able to push Homer aside and have his plate Despite his interest in their cuisine, the cats
as dessert. He is a gentleman through and clearly prefer his company to that of the bossy
through, and does let them have their way, Corgis, as they resent deeply experiencing the
but I have to intervene lest the Corgis come herding instinct of the latter.
to resemble canine Sumo wrestlers. The
Homer reminds me of Ferdinand the Bull.
Corgis seem to take the position that nothing He is gentle to the point of following the
concept of “live and let live.” If a chicken
walks by, he shows no aggression, whereas
the Corgis are ready to lunge. Homer’s forte
comes from his olfactory nerve. He can smell
and track any animal that has been on the
property. When I walk him on the leash, he
often sounds like a thrashing machine, as his
nose leads us along the way. He always wants
to know who was where and when. Scents
completely fascinate him.
As for time passages, Homer cannot distinguish a long period from a flash in the
pan. In the morning he greets me profusely,
leaping in the air, doing backflips and manifesting exquisite pleasure in realizing that
we are together. I receive the same response
throughout the day, when I step outside for a
few moments, or have to be gone for several
hours. Each time I return, he expresses the
same level of enthusiasm that begins the day.
I close this item with a self-apparent truth,
specifically that Homer has been at my feet
for every word that I have written. Did I mention that he is the ideal canine?
Rappahannock Record
Display Advertising:
Monday @ 5 p.m.
Classified Advertising:
Tuesday @ NOON
Tuesday @ NOON
Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote:
“Silence in the face of evil is
continued from page A6
evil itself.
God will not hold us guiltwhat was ‘officially’ supplied to
Iraq and ‘left’ for ISIS.
Not to speak is to speak.
The list does not include
Not to act is to act.”
massive amounts of covert
munitions collected in BengIrvington
hazi, shipped through Turkey
and supplied directly to the
‘freedom fighters,’ attempt- ,YRXMRKMW
ing to overthrow Syria, via VIWXVMGXIH
the subversive, seditious and
treasonous actions of the MR-VZMRKXSR
Obama Administration, intent The Record’s July 17 article
on aiding and abetting, nay, about Irvington’s new hunting
facilitating and coordinating ordinance was incorrect on sevthe establishment of an Islamic eral points.
Caliphate entirely engulfing
The headline for the article in
what was once a stable Middle question was, “Hunting is now
allowed in Irvington.” There
Jesus said “Ye shall know were also other factual errors in
them by their fruits.”
the article that have caused conAs Obama fans the flames of cern among town residents, such
Islam globally, Christians and as the statement: “As approved,
Christian chaplains throughout the ordinance allows deer to be
our military are forbidden to taken with…general firearms
pray in Jesus name and being during deer season.” None of the
purged, while Islamic ‘chap- above quoted language is found
lains’ from the The Muslim in the ordinance. The Record ran
Brotherhood are being installed. a clarification article the followObama
repeatedly ing week, July 24, which cordeclared and demonstrated his rected the above factual errors.
devotion to Islam.
Feedback from town residents,
John Brennan, director of the however, is that many of them
CIA is a Muslim convert, as missed this subsequent article
evidenced by his pilgrimage to completely and are still confused.
Mecca and Medina, which are
To be clear, the new ordinance
closed to non-Muslims.
states in pertinent part: Deer can
Obama’s be taken with bows and arrows
National Security advisory (which by definition includes
team are members of the crossbows), according to appliMuslim Brotherhood.
cable state statutes and regulaWe have sown the wind. We tions, during the urban archery
are about to reap the whirlwind, season, the early archery season,
and with few exceptions, the and the general firearms deer
church remains silent.
season established by the Virginia
Republican committee
will meet in Lancaster
Lancaster County Republican Committee will meet at 7
p.m., Tuesday, August 19, at Chesapeake Training Center, 51
School School Street, Kilmarnock.
Tony Riley, Hampton Roads field director for the Gillespie
for Senate campaign, will be the featured speaker, reported
committee chairman Sue Clingan.
All interested persons are urged to attend the meeting, said
Clingan. Campaign materials will be available.
Lee Family Reunion
Lenzy Robert & Mary Jane Lee
Saturday, August 23
3-7 P.M.
American Legion Adams Post 86
For more info call 580-4046
144 School Street, Kilmarnock, VA
It’s Tough to
When You
Can’t Lift
Your Arms.
Do you remember?
Speaking up
Kilmarnock Antique
Department of Game and Inland
Nuisance species, as defined
under state law, can be taken
according to applicable state statutes and regulations.
Lastly, the ordinance states that
at no time may canines be used to
hunt either deer or nuisance species.
I welcome any questions concerning this ordinance, and can
be reached at wes@irvingtonlaw.
com. A copy of the ordinance is
available to the public at Irvington’s town office.
A commercial daffodil farm is no place for severely
damaged shoulders. Read how
orthopedic surgeon Barbaro Perez, MD,
helped Jean get her range of motion back
and return to what she enjoyed.
Read Jean’s story at
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Northern Neck Master Gardeners’
Lawn Seminar August 23
Featuring Professor Mike Goatley, Ph. D.
9am to 11am in Transportation Building, Rice’s Hotel/
Hughlett’s Tavern, Heathsville
Repeated from 1 pm to 3 pm at the School Board
Meeting Room at 141 Opal Lane, Montross
There is no charge to attend.
* Must be 18 years of age or older to register for the prize drawings. Drawings will
be held on Friday, December 19, 2014. You do not have to be present to win.
Northern Neck
Come See Us
at the
Richmond County Fair
Tuesday, August 12th through Saturday, August 16th
Come Register to WIN:
ONE YEAR of FREE Service
at the Richmond International Raceway.
Registration Boxes will be under the
Northern Neck Chevrolet tent.
We will have candy and glow sticks for the kids.
2013 Chevrolet Cruze
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2014 Chevrolet Cruze
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2014 Chevrolet Cruze
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2014 Chevrolet Cruze
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2014 Chevrolet Impala
18,545 miles, White
Stock #P21365 $16,914
2014 Chevrolet Impala
20,629 miles, Gray
Stock #P21458 $16,914
2014 Chevrolet Impala
10,719 miles, White
Stock #P21457 $18,914
2014 Chevrolet Impala
9,599 miles, White
Stock #P21453 $18,914
2014 Chevrolet Malibu
20,590 miles, Silver
Stock # P21456 $18,914
2014 Chevrolet Cruze
36,062 miles, Red
Stock #P21370 $16,914
2013 Chevrolet Malibu 1LT
35,922 miles, Silver
Stock #P21432 $16,914
2013 Chevrolet Malibu 1LT
19,494 miles, Gold
Stock #P21308 $17,914
2013 Chevrolet Malibu
31,688 miles, Black
Stock #P21455A $20,914
2013 Chevrolet Sonic
43,198 miles, Gray
Stock # P21435 $13,914
2013 Chevrolet Spark
5,530 miles, Black
Stock # P21427 $12,914
2012 Chevrolet Captiva SF
64,435 miles, Gold
Stock # P21431 $15,995
2012 Chevrolet Malibu
42,321 miles, Silver
Stock # P21434 $16,950
2011 Chevrolet HHR
57,522 miles, White
Stock # P19864B $11,899
2008 Chevrolet HHR
84,990 miles, Black
Stock #P21163B $ 10,950
2008 Chevrolet Malibu
117,084 miles, Gray
Stock #N21310B $10,950
2004 Chevrolet Corvette
33,601 miles, Gray
Stock #N21478A $23,950
2013 Dodge Avenger
35,619 miles, Gray
Stock # P21433 $14,914
2008 Mini Cooper Convertible
68,846 miles, Red
Stock # N21326A $10,597
2011 Chevrolet Silverado 1500
65,696 miles, Gray
Stock # N21288A $17,914
2008 Chevrolet Silverado 1500
108,749 miles, Black
Stock # N21147B $19,950
2005 Chevrolet Silverado 1500
220,315 miles, White
Stock #P21466 $9,980
2007 Dodge Ram 1500
85,385 miles, Gray
Stock # P21446A $17,950
2007 Hummer H2
98,474 miles, Blue
Stock #N2135A $27,950
2014 Ram 1500
12,679 miles, White
Stock #P21437 $30,914
2011 Toyota Tundra 4WD
40,580 miles, Red
Stock #N21264B $29,950
2014 Chevrolet Captiva LT
26,443 miles, Tan,
Stock # P21510 $21,950
2014 Chevrolet Captiva
9,707 miles, Red,
Stock # P21441 $22,914
2014 Chevrolet Captiva
9,884 miles, White
Stock # P21442 $22,914
2014 Chevrolet Captiva LT
9,500 mile, Black,
Stock # P21439 $22,914
2014 Chevrolet Captiva
9,724 miles, Red,
Stock #P21443 $23,914
2014 Chevrolet Captiva SF
15,895 miles, Silver
Stock #P21509 $20,950
2014 Chevrolet Traverse
17,724 miles, Silver
Stock #P21459 $29,914
2012 Chevrolet Traverse
10,594 miles, Gray
Stock # P21521 $22,950
2012 Chevrolet Traverse
22,774 miles, White
Stock #P21513 $22,950
2011 Chevrolet Equinox
31,311 miles, Gold
Stock # P21371A $18,950
2008 Chevrolet Equinox
96,987 miles
Stock #N21287A $9,950
2012 Nissan Rogue
23,215 miles, Gray
Stock #P2144A $23,215
2005 Toyota Highlander
134,359 miles, Red
Stock #N21322A $10,950
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2012 Chevrolet Traverse
23,206 miles, White
Stock #P21517 $22,950