ENEWS 19th September 2014 INDEX Growing in God Roadshows Local Giving Advisors’ Training Ministry Bursary Award 2015 Back to Church Sunday services and events Remembering Together – a service for those who have lost a child or baby Churches Together in Suffolk Council Meeting Monday, 13th October Handling Tension in Church Life ACAT Foundation Course How can you make your historic church building work for mission? Harvest THE FILLING STATION 1st October Stratford St Mary Christmas Starts with Christ campaign ‘stemming the tide’ Riding Lights inspire with Fantastic Acts! Wednesday 26 October, 7.30pm Advance Notice: Open the Book 7th March 2015 Please vote for The Link Lunch Club in Beccles Ipswich Cemetery & Crematorium Public Open Day The Churches Together PRAYER BREAKFAST 100 hymns for 100 years Annual Book Sale at St James South Elmham Village Hall 27th and 28th September Alpha at St John's Woodbridge Hunger for Justice – prayer and action to tackle climate change Inspire Counselling & Training : ‘WHEN CHURCH HURTS’ Bury Theatre Workshop Presents The Comedy of the Virtuous and Godly Susanna by Thomas Garter All Inclusive? The church and disabled people Dedham Lecture 2014 – Beautiful Feet – 16th October Freedom Sunday : New Human Trafficking Church Resource Book Sale : All Saints Church, Acton 1st November 2014 “Songs of Life and Love” performed by Opera and More 1st November 2014 7pm Ipswich Deaf Society services An evening with Stuart Townend 4th November “Angels”- Jane Williams – speaks about Angels St Mary’s Church, Grundisburgh ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’ with Mark Vernon Saturday 18th October CRIBFEST – St Mary’s Church, Grundisburgh Iraq Crisis September’s Rural Report ST EDMUNDSBURY CATHEDRAL’s September eZine publication Disability Awareness Day Saturday 4th October 2014 10.00am to 2.00pm All inclusive? The Church and Disabled People Day Conference Westcott Foundation - Leadership in Ministry Training Days Local Giving Advisors’ Training : 26th and 27th September at Belsey Bridge Conference Centre, Ditchingham We will be confirming attendance numbers for this event in the first week of September. Please let Lisa Lock ([email protected] ) know if you are sending someone from your parish to train as a Local Giving Advisor. We now have over 40 LGAs throughout the diocese and hope to have one in every benefice. For details about the September training event click the link http://www.cofesuffolk.org/assets/downloads/life_faith/LGA%20Sept%2014%20leaflet.pdf Growing in God Roadshows Bishop David would like to invite you most warmly to join in one of the Diocesan Growing in God Roadshows this autumn. “I believe that our four priorities of growing in depth, number, influence and younger offer a powerful and practical framework within which each of us can discover and develop God’s good future for our own parish or place. The Roadshows are a great opportunity to start praying and planning your response.” Dates for your diary 3.00pm Sunday 28th September : All Saints Church Newmarket 7.30pm Monday 29th September : St John’s Church Ipswich 3.00pm Sunday 19th October : St Luke’s Church Beccles 3.00pm Sunday 26th October : St Peter & St Mary’s Stowmarket 7.30pm Thursday 6th November : St John’s Church Saxmundham 7.30pm Tuesday 18th November : St Peter’s Sudbury For more information contact The Revd Dave Gardner, Director of Mission, 01473 298521 [email protected] The Season of Invitation is now in full swing, and many churches across the Diocese and country are due to hold their Back to Church Sunday services and events. There is still time to order publicity packs from www.seasonofinvitation.co.uk. The website also contains other resources and training videos to help you make the most of the Season of Invitation. Songs of Praise this coming Sunday at 4.25pm will feature Bishop Paul Bayes from the national team talking about Season of Invitation. For information and support contact Revd Rich Henderson 01502 722192 [email protected] Ministry Bursary Award 2015 – Final Reminder We would like to remind you that the closing date for Ecclesiastical’s annual Ministry Bursary Awards is fast arriving. In order to allow some extra time for entries we are able to extend the close date for entries to 30th September 2014. The awards are open to all clergy in Anglican Christian faiths and aim to provide financial support to members of the clergy for sabbatical breaks and projects undertaken in 2015. Judging of the applications will take place and awards will be made during November 2014. To find out more about the Ministry Bursary Awards, eligibility criteria and to download an application form, please go to www.ecclesiastical.com/mba Iraq Crisis Bishop David commends to all clergy and parishes a dedicated Iraq Crisis resource page which has been set up on the Church of England’s website. https://www.churchofengland.org/our-views/internationalaffairs/north-africa-and-the-middle-east/iraq.aspx Remembering Together – a service for those who have lost a child or baby ‘Remembering Together’ is a special service which will be held at St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds on Saturday 20th September at 3.00pm. The service is open to all who have lost babies and children, sons and daughters, whatever their age and whatever the cause. A Crèche will be available. This is the second time that this service has been held at the Cathedral and following feedback last year, it was felt appropriate to hold an annual service. Canon David Crawley, Cathedral Chaplain, who is one of the organisers of the service comments, ‘By offering this time to be together with others who have suffered a similar loss, we hope to provide support and comfort while acknowledging that the sense of bereavement may continue, for some, for the rest of their lives.’ Canon Crawley is working alongside health professionals and other clergy in the town in response to an awareness that people often try to deal with these sorts of issues on their own, when in fact there are many ways to gain support and help. For further information about the service, please contact Canon Crawley at the Cathedral on 01284 748720 or email him on [email protected] Ipswich Cemetery & Crematorium Public Open Day Saturday 20th September 2014 – Burials and Cremations can be a taboo subject and as a result a number of myths have built up around burials and cremations and the open day aims to dispel these. The Crematorium will open for members of the public to look ‘behind the scenes’ with staff on hand to explain the cremation process. Many other activities will be taking place, ie. guided walks around the Old Cemetery taking in some of the interesting and unusual memorials. Talks on the wildlife found in and around the Cemetery, letter cutting and floral displays. We hope that you and exhibitors from all aspects of the funeral business will be taking part. If you are interested in this event and would like further information and an information pack, please contact Selina Pearson, Bereavement Services [email protected] The West Suffolk Hospital Chaplaincy Department are hosting The Churches Together PRAYER BREAKFAST at The West Suffolk Hospital, Time Out Restaurant on Saturday 20th September 2014 8-10am Please contact Andrea Kerridge, email: [email protected] or telephone: 01284 713486 if you are planning to attend. Crisis in the Middle East (SIFRE) If you are concerned about the various conflicts in all parts of the world especially in the Middle East come along and join us for : An hour of Sorrowful Reflection, with music, readings, poetry and silence : Sunday 21st September at 7.30pm at Christ Church, Tacket Street, Ipswich. People of all faiths and none are very welcome. Christ Church is next to Tacket Street Car Park (IP4 1AU) Contact Suffolk Inter-Faith Resource for further details on 01379 678615. You can download a pdf flyer advertising the event from http://www.sifre.org.uk/downloads/peace.pdf How can you make your historic church building work for mission? ‘Getting the best out of your building’ is an informative participative and friendly seminar designed to help clergy care for and develop their church buildings. Organised by the Church of England Cathedral and Church Buildings Division, the event is being held at St Albans, Hertfordshire on 23rd September. Speakers, including ChurchCare Director Janet Gough, will introduce ways in which our churches and churchyards can be used for both the mission of the Church and as places of culture and heritage. To book visit: http://www.churchcare.co.uk/events/813-getting-the-best-outof-your-building-23-september-getting-the-best-out-of-your-building-23-september Handling Tension in Church Life On Saturday 27th September in London, Alastair McKay Executive Director of Bridge Builders will be leading a workshop on The event is designed for lay and ordained leaders to be able to come together. It will provide an opportunity to learn more about: Your own approach to handling conflict: its strengths and limitations Improving communication when emotions run high Helping a church learn more constructive patterns of behaviour in the face of tension Hanging onto hope in trying circumstances For further details and to book please visit http://www.bbministries.org.uk/component/option,com_eventbooking/Itemid,47/event_id,74/task,view_event/ Please pass on the details to friends and colleagues. We are hoping to attract lay leaders, as well as ordained, by holding it on a Saturday. Information about the whole 2014-2015 programme of workshops is on the website at www.bbministries.org.uk/component/option,com_eventbooking/Itemid,47/view,category/ These workshops are open to all – you don’t need to have done previous training with Bridge Builders. A number of them will extend your training beyond our standard courses. Do come and bring a friend! 100 hymns for 100 years To mark the 100th anniversary this year of the Diocese of Ipswich and St. Edmundsbury Peter Lucas, the organist at St. Mary the Virgin Church in Gislingham, will be playing 100 hymns in the church on Saturday 27th September commencing at 10am and finishing at about 4pm. He hopes that people will pop in for tea, coffee and cake and join in singing along to some of the hymns. Donations gratefully accepted to help pay the Parish Share. The Annual St James Book Sale At St James South Elmham Village Hall IP19 0HN on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th September 10am-4pm. Entrance 50p (children free). Tea coffee snacks and light lunches available. In aid of church funds. The first ACAT Foundation Course is on Monday 29th September at The Memorial Hall, Newmarket. This training day is a comprehensive introduction to all the issues a Treasurer might meet and includes the following topics: Legal overview – Role of the Treasurer (to include any recent changes); Accounting records and IT; Preparing the Annual Accounts; The Annual Report: Preparing annual budgets; Independent examination; Taxation issues including Gift Aid and VAT; Employment issues. Registration is from 9.30am for a 10.00am start and the day will finish by 4.00 p.m. A buffet lunch will be provided. The second is the ACAT Strategy Training Workshops on Saturday 4th October at St John’s Community Centre, Colchester when delegates take part in sessions on Taking over as Treasurer; Fundraising and Tax Pitfalls; Strategic Planning and Budgeting. These specific areas are covered in more detail than the ACAT Foundation Course. It is not necessary to have completed the Foundation Course prior to attending the Workshops. Working in small group format, participants are taken through common scenarios and advised on how to avoid pitfalls and how to identify the best solutions. Registration is from 10.00am for a 10.30am start and the day will finish by 4.15pm. A buffet lunch will be provided. Whether you have been a Treasurer for 2 months or 20 years, you will find something in both courses to benefit you. Both members and non-members of ACAT are cordially invited these events. The cost is a modest £35 (plus booking fee) as a means of covering some of the outgoings. TO BOOK A PLACE Online (booking fee £1.25) – For Newmarket: www.thegoodbook.co.uk/ACAT-FDNNewmarket and for Colchester: www.thegoodbook.co.uk/ACAT-WKS-Colchester Or by telephone (booking fee £2.50) – Tel: 0333 123 0880 (Your booking will be acknowledged by email or post and will include more information for the day and a detailed map and directions to the venue. Book early - places are limited to 45 closing date for receipt of bookings is 10 days prior to event). THE FILLING STATION 1st October We meet every first Wednesday of the month in the Parish Room at Stratford St Mary (junction 30 off the A12, CO7 6JH) for a time of being uplifted by the Spirit through worship music, testimonies, a speaker and prayer ministry, all washed down and digested with good coffee and muffins. This time our speaker will be David Freeman, Methodist Preacher and Chaplain to Norfolk Constabulary. All are welcome to come and join us. For further details, please email: [email protected] Alpha at St John's Woodbridge Alpha runs on Wednesday evenings from 7pm to 9.30pm at St John's Church, Woodbridge, IP12 1HS. The next Alpha starts on 1st October for eleven weeks and includes sessions over one weekend. Alpha Introduction evening at St John's, Woodbridge If you are interested in finding out about Alpha then why not come along to the Alpha introduction evening, 'no strings attached', at St John's Church on 24th September at 7pm. There will be a free meal, some great music and an opportunity to find out why over 3 million people have attended Alpha in the UK. For further details please contact St John's Church Office, St John's Hill, Woodbridge, IP12 1HS, telephone 01394 383162 or email [email protected] Disability Awareness Day : How can the local church help? Share your story and discuss what we can do Saturday 4th October 2014 10.00am to 2.00pm, The Priory Room, the Causeway, WALSHAM LE WILLOWS IP31 3AA. The Disability Research council says 38% of the UK population have a disability or long term illness. Yet we don’t see that represented in our churches. So where are the missing 38%? Please contact Revd David Messer to express an interest in the day 01359 250239 [email protected] All Inclusive? The church and disabled people The Connect group, which works to raise awareness about disability in the diocese, in partnership with Spectrum, has organised a day course on Saturday 11th October from 10am to 3.30pm (registration from 9.30am). It will be chaired by Bishop David and will take place at All Saints Church, Park Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3QW. The keynote speaker, Revd Professor John Swinton, is internationally known for his work as Director of the Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability at the University of Aberdeen. This challenging day is aimed at clergy and lay people from across denominations who wish to learn from the experiences of disabled people and ensure that church communities are places where barriers are broken down, all people valued and where everyone belongs. Tickets £20 per person, concessions £10, advance booking essential (please bring a packed lunch). Find out more and book online at www.spectrumchristianstudies.com Otherwise contact the Spectrum office. Bella Vista, Mill Road, Great Barton, Suffolk IP31 2RU, or email [email protected] or telephone 07749265571 Churches Together in Suffolk Council Meeting Monday, 13th October at 7.30pm (tea and coffee from 7pm) at Southgate Church, Caie Walk, Bury St Edmunds IP33 2PJ. After the short business section, this meeting provides a unique opportunity to meet and talk with the County's denominational Church Leaders. Our theme for this year's meeting is loosely, 'Ecumenism & Mission'. For further information please email Julie Mansfield [email protected] Dedham Lecture 2014 – Beautiful Feet – 8pm on Thursday 16th October (small group bible studies and the growth of the church world-wide) The Revd Sandy Millar, Honorary Assistant Bishop of Uganda, London and St Edmundsbury and Ipswich (former vicar of Holy Trinity, Brompton). For further information please visit www.dedham-parishchurch.org.uk or email [email protected] The Lecture will take place in Dedham Parish Church and is arranged by the Dedham Ecclesiastical Lectureship Trust. ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’ with Mark Vernon Saturday 18th October 2014 at St Andrew’s, Britannia Road, Ipswich IP4 5HF. Dreams have been a common feature of many religious lives in the past, and today we have developmental and depth psychology to help with the crucial issue of discernment. How might we take more notice of dreams in our spiritual lives? Mark Vernon is an author and psychotherapist. His most recent book is Love: All That Matters (Hodder) and he writes regularly for the BBC as well as the Church Times, TLS, and Third Way . He teaches at The Idler Academy and The School of Life in London. For more info: www.markvernon.com. These training days are aimed at those involved or interested in the ministry of spiritual accompaniment but are open to anyone. Cost £15. The whole fee is due in advance. It is non-refundable. To book, contact Caroline Redman, The Cottage, Great Livermere, IP31 1JG or email [email protected]. Hunger for Justice – prayer and action to tackle climate change Millions of the world’s poorest people are feeling the impact of climate change right now. Over the weekend of 18th-19th October, hundreds of churches nationwide will be urging their local MPs to tackle climate change, and praying for our sisters and brothers around the world. Will yours be one of them? For more details there is a meeting on 18th October from 1012noon at St John the Baptist Church, Cauldwell Hall Road, Ipswich. You could hold a special service, create a prayer room or arrange a walk of witness – whatever you do, please invite your MP along and challenge them to act. Christian Aid is providing lots of campaign resources such as wall chart, postcards and briefings to help you, plus worship materials (prayers and preaching notes), discussion starters and inspiring stories about climate change impacts. Resources for letter writing are being provided by Hope for the Future which aims to engage churches in letter-writing campaigns to their MPs on climate change issues. Please visit http://www.christianaid.org.uk/index.aspx for more details. Representatives from some local organisations are working together. Simon Snell from Christian Aid, Mark Morgan from the Diocesan Environment Group and Richard Stainer of the Diocesan World Development Group are hoping that together we can make a real difference for God's Planet and those most at risk. We do this with countless others who are doing the same. Please sign up now http://act.christianaid.org.uk/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=48&ea.campaign.id=29349 to let us know you’re interested in joining in prayer and action for our climate. Freedom Sunday : New Human Trafficking Church Resource The Archbishop of Canterbury recently issued a statement to mark UN Day Against the Trafficking in Persons. http://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/articles.php/5379/archbishops-statement-on-the-first-un-anti-traffickingday The statement helpfully drew attention to a new ecumenical resource, Freedom Sunday, that has been designed to enable churches to take part in a day of prayer and worship on 19th October to help raise awareness of the crime of human trafficking. The resource pack also includes suggestions as to how churches can play an active role locally tackling this injustice. The Freedom Sunday resource pack is now up on the CofE website and can be accessed at: https://www.churchofengland.org/our-views/international-affairs/humantrafficking/resources.aspx Bury Theatre Workshop Presents The Comedy of the Virtuous and Godly Susanna by Thomas Garter (published 1569) Thursday 23rd to Saturday 25th October, 7.30pm (Sat matinee 2.30pm) at Churchgate (Unitarian) Meeting House, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1RH. Tickets £10 (£8 Sat mat, £12 sat eve) Available on the door and from www.burytheatreworkshop.org.uk Call Tim on 01359 259361 for more information. Westcott Foundation - Leadership in Ministry Training There are a series of three one-day events planned this year focusing on Leadership in Ministry. These will provide a theologically serious and practically helpful opportunity for those working at the incumbency level to reflect on and improve their own leadership as parish priests. The first one day event is on the 22nd October at Westcott, 10am-5pm, at a cost of £45 (including lunch and refreshments). The two following days will be on the 11th February and 20th May. Attendees are welcomed to one or all of these events. Further information, including a brochure and contact details, can be found at: http://www.westcott.cam.ac.uk/foundation/ Riding Lights inspire with Fantastic Acts! Riding Lights Theatre Company have a new show to enliven autumn in Lavenham. Hilarity and vitality abound as Riding Lights Theatre Company presents Fantastic Acts! York-based Riding Lights Theatre Company is returning to Lavenham following the success of a different drum performed in Lavenham last October and the Passion Play Inheritance staged in St Edmundsbury Cathedral at Easter. Fantastic Acts! is on: Wednesday 26th October, 7.30pm, The Parish Church of St Peter and Paul, Lavenham, Suffolk, CO10 9QN Box Office: 01904 613000 Tickets: £10 (groups: buy 10 and get the 11th free) For a full tour schedule visit www.ridinglights.org/acts Inspire Counselling & Training is delighted to offer: ‘WHEN CHURCH HURTS’ Thursday 30th October 2014 : £70 Cost includes a light buffet lunch and refreshments at Colchester Road Baptist Church, Ipswich, IP4 4ST 10am to 4.30pm Led by Pauline Andrew Ideally, Church is a place of acceptance and understanding yet many people experience hurt and disappointment instead. Pauline Andrew takes an honest and heartfelt look at the painful relationship dynamics that can be experienced in Church communities, exploring the deep spiritual and emotional wounding that can occur, albeit unintentionally. This day is intended for counsellors, student counsellors, Church Leaders, Pastoral carers and some clients. Pauline has an MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy and is a practising counsellor and supervisor. She is a founder and Director of Deep Release Counselling and Training, a Director of Barnabas Counselling Training and a highly experienced and popular trainer across the UK. Her relaxed, interactive and experiential style makes learning easy and her courses both fun and memorable. For further details regarding course content please contact Inspire on 01473 217694 or e-mail Susie Donaldson at [email protected]. Book Sale : All Saints Church, Acton 1st November 2014 - 10am–3pm –good quality 2nd hand books from 40p upwards. Free admission, refreshments available. “Songs of Life and Love” performed by Opera and More 1st November 2014 7pm This popular group of highly experienced local singers will present an evening of popular songs to suit all tastes, from popular classics of opera through to choices from films and music hall. There will be familiar songs and some new ones, songs of deep emotion and songs to make you laugh. During the interval there will be a glass of wine or fruit juice, light refreshments, and a chance to look round one of Suffolk’s historic churches, which houses the memorial brass of Sir Robert de Bures (1331) (“The finest military brass in England”) and the fascinating tomb of Robert Jennens, “the richest commoner in England” and the father of William Jennens, the miser whose death provided the inspiration for Dicken’s “Bleak House” Tickets £12.00 available from St Nicholas Hospice Care Shop, Sudbury, from the church, by telephoning 01787 379275 or via the website at http://allsaintschurchacton.vpweb.co.uk/ All profits will be shared equally between St Nicholas Hospice Care and All Saints Church. Harvest Celebrations If you want your Harvest celebration to relate to the festival’s agricultural roots then Self Help Africa has produced a Harvest Pack linking the Bible to the charity's work helping rural families overcome hunger and poverty. Paper copies can be ordered through their office (01743 277170) or the resources, including schools material, can be downloaded from www.selfhelpafrica.org/uk/harvest" Are you looking for some fun resources for those Harvest assemblies and family services? www.kingdomstory.net has a wealth of dramas, stories and other material for use throughout the year. New for 2014 are resource indexes for Harvest, Mothering Sunday, Christmas, Passiontide, St George’s Day, the miracles of Jesus and the parables of Jesus, as well as several new scripts. You’ll find a variety of resources including: fully staged dramas, drama series for holiday clubs etc, interactive stories, dramatized readings, reflective stories and meditations and the ‘Billy Story’ series – over 40 fun stories for use in school assemblies and other children’s/family activities. Everything on www.kingdomstory.net is free and easy to use. UK churches get their wellies on to Give Hunger the Boot this Harvest Farm Africa’s annual Harvest Appeal, Give Hunger the Boot, has gone from strength to strength in recent years as churches embrace an appeal which fosters a very real sense of connection between their UK congregations and families in need thousands of miles away in Africa. To find out more about how churches can help African farmers to Give Hunger the Boot this harvest, or to download your fundraising pack today, visit www.farmafrica.org/ghtb . Or churches can contact the community team at Farm Africa to request a fundraising pack through the post: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 020 7430 0440 Downloadable and captioned images of Give Hunger the Boot activities at churches in 2013 are available at: http://resources.farmafrica.org/?c=559&k=29f15db567 Please vote for The Link Lunch Club in Beccles The Link Lunch Club is run by St Luke’s Church Centre in Beccles. For 30 years it has provided a 2 course cooked meal along with friendship and support for 70+ elderly people each Thursday. Customers in their 70s, 80s and 90s enjoy a few hours together with specialised transport provided for those with mobility problems. The Link Club has recently been shortlisted for a ‘Lloyds Bank Community fund’ grant. The highest grant available is £3,000 but we need your vote to secure this amount. The money is to install a new ventilation system in the kitchen and ensure that the club can keep providing this vital service. Vote for the Link Lunch Club by Visiting www.linkclubbeccles.co.uk and clicking on the ‘Vote for us’ link. Sending a text message saying ‘CBB’ to 61119. Tweeting #CommFund CBB. Calling in at Lloyds Bank branches in Beccles, Southwold or Halesworth and casting your vote for The Link Club. If you vote on line you will be sent an e-mail asking you to confirm your vote. Don’t forget to do this as if you don’t your vote will not be counted. Text message votes will be charged at your standard single message network rate. Please forward this request to as many people as you can. Every vote will count towards the club receiving this much needed grant so please help us out! An Evening with Stuart Townend Performance, chat and Worship with one of today’s leading Worship Songwriters. Tuesday, 4th November 2014 – starts at 7.30pm. The Apex, 1 Charter Square, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3FD. Tickets £15 and £12 Box Office 01284 75800 Book online: www.theapex.co.uk Presented by Southgate Church supporting the work of Chaplain in the Workplace Ipswich Deaf Society : All services take place in the St Nicholas Centre, 4 Cutler St at 3.30pm, and use sign interpretation, voiceover and loop system. All are welcome. 12th 0ctober – The Revd Toby Tate 9th November (Remembrance) – The Revd Canon Charles Jenkin 14th December (Carols) – The Revd Canon Graham Hedger “Angels”- Jane Williams – speaks about Angels - St Mary’s Church, Grundisburgh – 14th November 6.30pm. Tickets £6.50 - available from the Revd Canon Clare Sanders 01473 735183 – [email protected] CRIBFEST – St Mary’s Church, Grundisburgh From 25th November-30th November a festival of nativity cribs from across the world - this year includes a celebration of angels. There will be artists in residence ; refreshments available throughout the day. Guided group tours £5.00 per person can be arranged with the Revd Canon Clare Sanders- 01473 735183 – [email protected]. These tours are available from the 25th- 28thNovember. We can open in the evening if groups with to come then - otherwise we are open from 10.00am-5.00pm each day. Christmas Starts with Christ campaign ‘stemming the tide’ The Christmas Starts with Christ church advertising campaign, started six years ago, is making in-roads into raising awareness about the true meaning of Christmas, according to a ComRes survey. The release of the survey results come as organisers say that the campaign is backed by the largest number of churches ever. 4,500 churches joined the campaign last year. All of the resources are available free of cost for download and use through the website http://christmasstartswithchrist.com/ for churches, church groups, Christian organisations, radio stations, newspapers and anyone who needs material to promote the true meaning of Christmas in their local areas. There are 16 posters, three radio ads, 10 web banners & social media images, the campaign logo and a resource pack for churches available for use this year. Last year – the fifth anniversary of the Christmas Starts with Christ campaign – saw it become multi-platform driven, adding a significant increase in its digital and social media presence to the traditional poster and radio advertising. As a result, it reached five million listeners on the Vodafone Top 20 network chart and Xfm and 1,000 people using the #ChristmasStarts hashtag reaching just over 1.3 million people. There were 22,000 downloads of posters, 9,000 downloads of the radio advertisements and 140,000 page views of the website. ComRes says that 67 per cent of people thought that the Christmas message was conveyed effectively and 49 per cent of people felt that the advertising made them think more about the true meaning of Christmas. ChurchAds.Net was formally setup in 1992 after it ran an experimental Christmas advertising campaign in Oxford in 1991. It has since run many high-profile campaigns around Easter and Christmas. The 2009 Christmas campaign, which was the first to run under the Christmas Starts with Christ theme, was intended to last for five years but so successful is it that it continues into its sixth year, this year. Advance Notice: Open the Book : 7th March 2015 There will be a full day of Open the Book Training for both new and experienced teams and for those interested in exploring this ministry on 7th March 2015. The venue is still being decided but it will be worth coming wherever you are based in the county. Some national trainers are coming to join us and we hope to involve local teams in the delivery too. We have such a lot to share and celebrate in this county with the continuing success of Open the Book in so many schools. Put the date in the diary now. If you would like to register your interest, please do so with Di Barker [email protected] Click on the link below to read a copy of September’s Rural Report :http://www.cofesuffolk.org/assets/downloads/newscentre/Publications/Ruralnews/Rural%20Report%20%20September%202014.pdf ST EDMUNDSBURY CATHEDRAL’s monthly eZine publication contains lots of information about what’s going on in the Cathedral – please click on the link below to view the September edition! http://www.stedscathedral.co.uk/images/stories/pdfs/ezineSeptember2014.pdf Please note there will be no ENews on Friday 26th September 2014 If you would like to submit an item to ENews please contact Diane Matthews, Archdeacons’ Administrator/PA, email : [email protected] / telephone 01473 298504. Please include your contact details and keep words to a minimum as readers will be able to use your weblink for further information.
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