September Newsletter - Weaverville United Methodist Church

September, 2014
Weaverville United Methodist Church
Dear friends,
Final words are important words. The last words a dying loved one utters are special.
We listen intently. We strain to hear their every word. George Washington said, "I die
hard but I am not afraid to go." Some last words may be funny like the words on a
tombstone that read, "I told you I was sick!" The last words Jesus spoke were commands to his followers. He said, "go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you
always, to the end of the age". (Matt. 28:19-20)
Those final words have been the marching orders for the church for over 2,000 years.
The command is first to go. We are called to go. The Greek reads more like "as you go
or continue going!". We are to be a people who are on the move to make disciples to
reach those who have not yet decided to follow Jesus! Our mandate is to go out into
our families and communities to tell others about our Jesus. It is about building relationships. Then the real work is to help them along on the faith journey.
We are good in the church about sharing information but our task is to help others to
grow as a new Christian. We teach them how to pray. We teach them the value of a
devotional life. We take the time to love them and show them how to love and forgive. It
is in the context of community we nurture newcomers to the faith. It is in the fellowship called the church we show them how to "be" a witness. It is not about learning
more info as much as we show them how to "be" a Christian. Interesting enough, they
teach us as well. They remind us of the joy of the Christian life and their enthusiasm is
contagious. Through them we see with fresh eyes. Just as importantly, they help to
carry us when we are broken. These new friends empower us and inspire us to a
deeper walk of obedience. Newcomers have much to teach us!
Later this fall we will begin new small groups to provide a place for us to be about the
disciple making process. Jesus was part of a small group of men who transformed the
world. He modeled small group ministry. John Wesley built the Methodist movement
on the small group model as well. We shall look afresh at this old but faithful model. I
hope you can be a part of this exciting tool to make disciples. Who knows, you may
enjoy the deep fellowship and be encouraged by the accountability. I hope you will be a
part of growing to look more like Jesus.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Mitch
Thursday, Sept. 18, the M&M
(Mature and Methodist) program
invites everyone to join in for the
first luncheon of the season. Our
featured speaker is new pastor,
Rev. Mitch Wilson. We will be
blessed as Pastor Wilson shares
from his heart his vision for
WUMC. Food line begins at
noon sharp,
and what food
we will enjoy! Ardell
menu includes
sliced, marinated, grilled
chicken breast,
a big salad bar so you can create
your own entree salad, assorted
greens, slices of fresh garden vegetables, shredded cheese, homemade croutons, home baked rolls,
butter and strawberry jam. Beverages will be iced tea and water. So
that we can prepare for the correct
number, please sign up by Monday morning, Sept. 15, with a pew
reservation slip placed in the offering, email to the church office, or
email or phone to Bob and Barb
Scott at [email protected] or 828
-645-0290. Cost is $4 per person,
cash or check, when you sign in at
the luncheon. Looking forward to
a great time!
September Birthdays
Rick Broadhurst
Mandy Williams
McKenzie Mallicoat
Susan Anderson
Anna Horrell
Brad Horrell
Joanne Rzeszotarski
Carol Pond
Joanie Strohm
Monica Weinstein
Mitch Wilson
Jon Corbin
Delise Childress
Marilyn Clausen
Grace Rodrigue
MakeMake-a-Wish Project
One of our church members, Marcia
Whiting, has accepted the challenge of
hiking 28.3 miles on Saturday, October 11th, to help
raise funds and awareness
for the Make-a-Wish
Organization. Make-aWish helps fulfill dreams
and last wishes of children with lifethreatening medical conditions, enriching the human experience with hope,
strength, and joy. It has granted more
than 3,000 wishes since 1985. To help
raise funds and meet her goal, Marcia
will have a donation-based bake sale on
Sunday, September 14th, after both
church services. Please help her out in
this worthy endeavor.
WUMC ChurchChurch-Wide Annual Picnic
Our church-wide annual picnic will be held
on Sunday, September 28th,
from 4pm to 7pm at Big Ivy
Community Center in
Barnardsville. The UMM and
Minevia Brittain Circle will be
providing BBQ, hotdogs, cole
slaw, beans, beverages and paper goods.
Please bring a dish to share:
A-J Desserts;
K-Z Side Dishes and/or salads
There will be a cake walk after dinner. Come
and enjoy the food and fellowship!
Randy McKinney
Karen Gilbert
Jack Keeran
Hunter Isgrig
Shirley Jones
Karen Rubisch
Ken Lovelace
Paul Stallard
Cindy Tunnell
Phyllis Lee
Linda McCracken
9/21 Jeff Pennell
9/21 Joan Stafford
9/22 Jackson Riddle
9/22 Ann Grose
9/22 Maryworth Hilliard
Volunteers Service Group
Meeting Invitation
You are invited to attend a meeting in our old fellowship hall on
Thursday, September 11th, from
7pm to 8:30pm. At this meeting
you will have an opportunity to
influence the direction of a
“Volunteers Service Group”
which is now being formed. The
goal is to formulate an effective
structure for a volunteer group
who will be able to assist the
Church Maintenance Director and
Trustees with small physical improvement projects inside and
outside the church buildings. At
this meeting, Trustee representatives will provide you with a
short status on the proposed new
church parking lot and our Master
Planning Task Force will present
an overview of the proposed
Landscape Master Plan for the
church and answer your questions. We will then focus on exploring with you the best ways to
create and organize a more effective groups of volunteers.
We hope you will make time to
attend this evening meeting, learn
about some of the exciting plans
for our church, and provide your
inputs to help us to better organize our many valued volunteers!
Rebecca Miller
Liam Sheridan
Bob Mallicoat
Jeremy Sheridan
Lauren Corbin
Meredith Switzer
Katie Cheek
Ryan Horrell
Barbara Ruehl
Shelby Shields
Lillian Bell
David Harris
Shannon McBride
Aileen Fleming
Nick Lisenbee
21st Annual
Christmas Craft Missions Bazaar
November 17th & 18th
Weaverville United Methodist Church
Friday 12pm12pm-6pm
Saturday 8am8am-3pm
Our Contemporary worship
service will begin again soon.
Stay tuned for ways you can
get involved and help spread
the word about this outreach
opportunity and don’t forget
to pray for all of our worship
services and all that attend.
Missions Coordination
Hello! I have volunteered to be Acting Missions Coordinator for Weaverville UMC. I want to have
quarterly meetings with some like-minded folks to keep our mission needs up to date and be a filter for
requests so that they won’t be duplicated or omitted accidentally. With all that in mind, I need your
help. I need to know from everyone in the church any and all mission-like activities in which you are
involved, be they Weaverville related or not, or which your group sponsors, wish to sponsor, or no longer
sponsors but have sponsored in the past. I do need to know if this is an active mission need or activity.
Some examples are working at Haywood Street Congregation, Room in the Inn, North Samaritan
Christian Missions, Manna, ABCCM, construction projects that help others, and Madison County
Neighbors in Need as well as the upcoming work with Congregations 4 Christ. If you have done it in the
past or are involved now, please email me. I know a lot of the activities, but I might not be aware of some
of your involvement. Also, what are the UMW and the UMM doing or have done? What are the youth
doing? An example would be preparing the UMCOR kits by the Circles or the serving of meals at
ABCCM by the Circles of the UMW or the Blood Drives of the UMM or mission trips out of the city. Note
that these are all service or donation activities. I need to know the fund raising activities that support
these also, but I need to have them listed separately. Though the Boy Scouts are a separate organization,
many of our congregation participate with them in fund raising and service. Please email me if you are
involved or in charge of such activities and how many people at WUMC participate with you. As I began
to think about the individual members of the congregation, Sunday Schools, and organizations of the
church, I realized our outreach is far and multifaceted.
We need to celebrate and support one another, but first we have to know what we are doing. My email
address is [email protected]. I await the deluge I know I’ll get when you respond.
Linda McCracken
Immediate Mission Needs:
Haywood Outfitters
Haywood Outfitters( the Clothes Closet at Haywood Street Congregation) has a variety of items that we
distribute besides clothing. Because food stamps do not cover anything but food, we have a steady need
for indispensable personal items like toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, diapers (especially Sizes 35 for children), bath soap, and travel size shampoo. Please keep us in mind when you go to the drug store
or the supermarket.
Senior Meal Site Items
Powdered Creamer—plain
Jane Morrow, Parish Nurse
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise
him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 42:5
Depression has been called the “common cold of mental illness.” The recent tragic suicide of Robin Williams
is a harsh reminder that depression can be fatal. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If
you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, get help immediately. You can call 911, go to an emergency room, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255). Any talk of
suicide should be taken seriously and the person should not be left alone.
Symptoms of depression may include:
Feelings of sadness, emptiness or unhappiness
Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration, even over small matters
Loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities
Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or sleeping too much
Tiredness and lack of energy, so that even small tasks take extra effort
Changes in appetite — often reduced appetite and weight loss, but increased cravings for food and weight gain
in some people
Anxiety, agitation or restlessness — for example, excessive worrying, pacing, hand-wringing or an inability to
sit still
Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures or blaming yourself for things that are not your
Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things
Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches
Frequent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts or suicide
Untreated depression often gets worse and can cause other mental and physical problems. If you think you or
a loved one has depression, go see the doctor. If depression is diagnosed, people who get counseling in addition to medication that may be prescribed usually do much better. Dr. Stephen Ilardi, associate professor of
clinical psychology at the University of Kansas, has developed some very effective ways to deal with depression based on his many years of experience and research. His approach uses healthy lifestyle choices. You
can see him discuss his work at His book The Depression
Cure gives details about his program. If you are diagnosed with depression, you may want to discuss Dr.
Ilardi’s treatment with your physician.
Fall Events
Weekly Schedule
9/7– Back-in-the-Habit Sunday
After worship church-wide
luncheon and Kickball Tournament.
Fall 2k14 Youth Group begins
9/14– Parent Meeting
3:30pm Meeting to go over 2014-15 calendar, youth group rules, procedures, and
9/27 Dollywood
Vans will leave the FC parking let at
7:30am for a fun-filled day at Dollywood.
Cost is $55 +spending.
Sign-up/Money in by 9/14
10/17-18 Boone Overnight
We will leave after school and go to
Tweetsie Railroad’s Ghost Train Friday
night and then spend Saturday shopping
and exploring around Boone, NC.
Cost is $40 +spending
Sign-up/Money in by 10/5
EPIC Youth Ministries of WUMC,
is for youth 6th-12th grades.
We resume regular meetings on 9/7
Sunday evening 5-7pm
4:30-Counselors/staff arrive
5– Welcome & Gathering
5:15– Group Bonding
5:30– Breakout Groups
6– EPIC Reflections
6:30– Sundee Supper
11/2– Parent Meeting
3:30pm Meeting for Nov-Jan Events
11/9 Youth Sunday
Our turn as youth to honor God as we
lead worship fro WUMC.
11/14-15 Missions Bazaar
It’s all hands on deck as the youth help
out with this annual fundraiser
for missions.
6:30-7:30am- Bible Study @ WVL
Bojangles begins 9/3.
All youth are welcome, Josh buys
breakfast your first time!
EPIC Leadership
Meeting Schedule
10/26 Destination Unknown
We will leave after church and go to an undisclosed location or two for an afternoon of fun.
Cost is $20 Dinner included.
Wednesday Mornings
Bojo’s & Jesus
Our meetings will be held on Saturdays from 2-4:30pm in the room 302 of the
Education Building.
Meeting One-Sept 6th
Meeting Two– Nov 1st
Meeting Three– Jan 17th
Meeting Four– March 7th
Meeting Five– May 16th
Goal for 2014: Strengthen & Develop Mission Minded Servant Leaders
12/6 WVL Christmas Parade
We’ll help the town kick off the “Holy”day
season with a “BANG”
12/21 Christmas Parties
Our yearly tradition continues with a progressive meal and of course “Dirty Santa”.
Bring a $5 gift & dessert.
12/24 a Magical Christmas
The Youth will help out at the 5pm service
greeting families and helping children get
ready for our impromptu pageant.
Crossover Night
for 5th graders
Monster Mash– 10/27 7-9pm
September 7, 14, 21
When John Wesley spoke about grace, he spoke about how we are
“going on to perfection”. There are moments in life when we reach a
point that God has been leading us to and in that moment for that time,
we have reached perfection. However, we reach one milestone with
God and God is still not finished with us. This series will focus on our
continued transformation and how, in this life, we are never threw
“Becoming” all that God wants us to be.
EPIC Youth Ministries
we are Everyday Heroes Starring in God’s
EPIC Story...
The Weaverville Music Study Club
Presents a Free Program
“A Showcase of Talent”
By music club members and friends
Featuring Flute; Violin, Piano, Vocal and Guitar.
Date—Friday, September 19
Place—First Baptist, Weaverville
For more info, contact Harriett Burnette—645-5798
The Minevia Brittain Circle meets monthly on the second
Wednesday of the month at 7:15. The next meeting is on
Sept. 10th at the home of Joy Pansieri, 38 Ballard Rd. in
Weaverville. Meetings consist of a devotion, short business meeting (with an emphasis on community mission
work), prayer, and fellowship with refreshments. We
invite you to join us. Contact Marcia Whiting at 398-8001
or Dedi Dillingham at 645-9257 for more details. One of
the projects the circle is involved with is serving dinner
once a month for ABCCM. They serve about 30-40
women, ages 16-24, and their children. After dinner, the
women attend meetings to help them develop skills to
better their lives. Anyone interested in helping out with a
donation of money or food, cooking, or serving food, let
either Marcia or Dedi know.
Who is your neighbor in need of food assistance? Did you
know that 1 in 4 families with an active military member
depend on food pantries for assistance, and 1 in 5 of veterans? At NBSM, we also see a lot of elderly (over 65) who
are trying to live off of their Social Security benefits as their
only source of income. Often, their social security benefits
have been reduced, if they are a widow.
In an effort to provide fresh produce at NBSM, the Weaverville Community Garden has
been growing fresh vegetables
this summer. As of the end of
August, we have provided
around 150 servings of fresh
squash, tomatoes, green peppers, and eggplant. In midSeptember, we plan to harvest
pumpkins, potatoes & onions for the food pantry. If you
would like to help with the potato harvest, please contact
[email protected].
Items needed this month at NBSM: chicken noodle or
tomato soup, grits, corn bread mix, jelly, tuna, stew.
Thanks! Fran
Lifetouch has been a provider of family photography for over 75 years. They know how important portraits are to you
and your family. They
also know it may have
been years since you
and your family have
had a professional portrait taken. If you have
not already done so,
please take the time to get on line to sign up:
Bill Fieffer is asking his church family to please collect
zip tabs from all cans that you
open. A zip tab is that little ring
thing you pull to open soft drinks
and most canned goods. His Barbershop Harmony Chapter is collecting them. One quart of zip tabs
provides an hour of kidney dialysis free to needy people. (It takes
a lot of zip tabs to fill a quart jar.) Bill is at the 11
o’clock service each week and he would truly appreciate your support with this program.
Or you can sign up at the table set up outside
the sanctuary before and after our services on
August 31st and September 7th. Let’s work
together to make this the best WUMC pictorial
directory ever! We still need a few hosts also,
especially for the evening of September 10th.
Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to
Greg Cheek in the passing of his mother,
Geneva Cheek, on Sunday, August 24,
Also, to John LaMonica in the passing of
his daughter, Carol Roberts, on Monday,
August 25, 2014.
Weaverville United Methodist Church
Primary Business Address
PO Box 37
85 North Main Street
Weaverville, NC 28787
Phone: 828-645-6721
E-mail: [email protected]
Serving God by Serving
Weaverville UMC Blood Drive
Sponsored by the United Methodist Men
Place—Fellowship Center
Sunday, September 14th
Call Rob Kraft at 828-656-2161 to schedule your appointment!