Keeping the Beat Mississippi Clogging Council 2014 Mississippi Extravaganza Volume 2, Issue 3 June 2014 The Mississippi Clogging Council would like to announce the 2014 MS Clogging Extravaganza will be held at the Brookhaven Recreational Center in Brookhaven, MS on August 22-23, 2014 with special guest instructor Scotty Bilz!! Our theme this year is “We love Clogging”! Host hotels are the Holiday Inn & Suites and the Hampton Inn. Check our website for prices!! Inside this issue: We will also host our annual Freestyle competition on Friday night. Competition is open to all age groups. There will be a first, second, and third place award in each age group, and all first place winners will compete for the overall award! Following the competition will be team exhibitions and the fun dance. Register now to secure your team’s spot!! Cue sheet of the Quarter 2 Officer Spotlight 3 Workshops 4 Membership Info 5 Step Highlight 5 There will also be a special feature in this years syllabus so order yours today! We are also selling ads for the syllabus if any teams would like to advertise!! Also, the council will provide a lunch plate of pizza, drink, and dessert for $5.00. There will also be a vendor on location for all your clogging needs! Make you plans now to attend, deadline for early registration is July 25, 2014. 2014 State Fair Performances The 2014 State Fair in October will be here before we know it! The council will be working to set up fair performances early this year. We would like to have performances scheduled no later than May if at all possible. If your team would like to set a date or have any suggestions for filling time slots, contact Kay Miles. In order to perform, your team has to have insurance. Make sure your team’s insurance is up to date for fair performances. For more information, contact Carol Hosch. Page 2 Keeping the Beat Volume 2, Issue 3 Page 3 Highlight of an Officer Treasurer, Joyce Wagner I learned to clog at the age of 53! I had wanted to learn this toe-tapping procedure for years but did not have a clue where to begin to learn. Soon after the death of my husband in Feb 2000, I got back involved with my line dance teacher/friend of many years, Carol Hosch. (I met her soon after my divorce in 1991 and learned where to go to learn line dancing. In the early '90s this was a big thing. I learned the knack and have taught some line dancing at different places throughout the past years.) I have been with Carol since she named our group to be Lauderdale County Country Dancers. We have met, practiced, and danced at Northeast Community Center for over 20 years in Lauderdale County, Meridian, MS. But in 2000, Carol was now teaching clogging along with line dancing and square dancing! Now there were no more excuses for me not to learn. Carol walked me through the basics: single, double, triple step/rock step etc. From there I took off clogging and have not stopped. Learning the different "names" of clogging steps has been interesting. I enjoy the type of fun and challenge that clogging has to offer. It is a great exercise without calling it exercise. (She even literally taught me how to square dance in about 12 hours so I could go to a National Square Dance Convention in Charlotte, NC on vacation with a group from our dance team.) At present time I am 67 years "young", a widow with three grown children (2 sons, 1 daughter) and 6 grandchildren. They live in the county and I presently live in the town of Meridian. As soon I sell my house, I will move to some property next door to them. I work part-time for a medical equipment company but hope one day to completely retire (got to learn how!) and go on a cruise. I have been an active member of the Mississippi Clogging Council since its beginning as the Representative from the Lauderdale County Country Dancers. I have seen MCC start from scratch with just 4 clogging teams and less than 50 members to go well over a hundred members with 10 or so teams. With life changes of some of our officers and members, MCC is still clogging along. MCC voted me in as Treasurer in August 2011. I usually help emcee the event and try to trouble shoot/ help out where needed. We all pitch in with the decorations to change the theme each year and make the event more memorable. Please try to see our MCC Extravaganza Photo Album/Scrapbook to "go back in time" to see who, what, where and when. The biggest highlight of MCC is our annual EXTRAVAGANZA held each year in August. All our teams join together to welcome a National and sometimes an International clogging instructor to teach their own dance, have fun learning and clogging. We have one big happy clogging family of which I am proud to be an active member. I enjoy each year as there is always someone new, something new, great friends, and clogging. I am not the greatest but have won 1st and 2nd places in the MCC clogging competition held during the Extravaganza.. Members from Carol's team perform at the Mississippi State Fair in Jackson, MS each year in October to include line dancing and square dancing along with clogging on the last Saturday night of the fair. Keeping the Beat Page 4 News Needed As you can see, our newsletter has gotten a makeover and we are excited to get it going again! You will begin receiving it electronically every quarter. You can also see that we have some exciting things going on in the state! We want to hear from you about your team news, activities, events, or pictures. If you have news, please send it to Karla Clearman at [email protected] or mail information to 12002 Chunky Duffee Rd, Little Rock, MS 39337 Mississippi Workshops Every year, area teams host “mini’ workshops along with a council meeting. The March was held via conference call. Officers and representatives discussed and finalized details for the extravaganza!! 2014 Workshops: July 12, 2014……………………..Phone Conference call August 22-23, 2014…………..MS Clogging Extravaganza Brookhaven, MS Today is a great day to Mississippi Keeping the Beat be a clogger! c/o Karla Clearman 12002 Chunky Duffee Rd Little Rock, MS 39337 Join MS Clogging Council today! Phone: 601-686-3012 Cell: 601-917-2163 E-mail: [email protected] Individual dues for the MCC are $10.00 per year per person. The maximum family rate (immediate family only) is $25. Team Dues for the MCC are $10.00 per year. Dues are from September to August. There is no prorating of dues. Non-Mississippi residents are welcome. We are on the web! www.msclogextravaganz For more information, contact: Mississippi Clogging Council, c/o Joyce Wagner 812 Scruggs Road, Meridian, MS 39301 Step Highlight Flea Flicker DT UP/H DS(xib) L L R L R R L R & Maggie &2 DS BO/H(if) BO/H(if) BO(xib)/BO BO/H(if) UP/SL L L R L R R L R L L R R R L R L L R L R R L &1 Shave & Haircut 1 & 2 3 STO DS(xif) S p S S(xif) L R L R L R L R L R 1 &2 & 3 & 4 & 4
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