NEWSLETTER CALL FOR PAPERS “Lutherans and Popular Culture” Throughout history religious institutions continually negotiate, resist, and often participate in the creation of popular culture. In addition, religious communities grapple with popular culture’s influences on the church and its members. North American Lutherans are no exception. However, Lutherans’ complex relationship with popular culture has gone understudied. This conference will explore the theme of Lutherans and popular culture. Specifically, it will Filming Martin Luther, 1953, with director Irving Pichel, at camera. Pichel also played Chancellor Brueck in the film, which was examine ways in which popular produced by Lutheran Church Productions, a forerunner of Luculture has influenced Lutheran theran Film Associates. theology, forms of worship, schools, missions, and engagement with local and national communities. In addition, this conference will investigate how Lutherans both contributed to popular culture, as well as pushed back and resisted popular cultures’ influences on the church. Papers detailing any aspect of this theme are welcome, as are topics outside of the theme! Presenters will be given 20-25 minutes for their presentation, followed by a question and answer session. Paper proposals should include a title, 250 word abstract, and brief biography. The 2014 LHC Conference will be held October 10-12 at Milwaukee Lutheran College, Milwaukee, Wis. Proposals and inquiries are due April 15, 2014 and should be sent electronically to the Program Chair: Julieanna Frost, Ph.D., [email protected]. Davey and Goliath, famous TV Lutherans. Volume 51, No. 3 Winter 2013 ISSN 0460-0274 Inside this issue: WELS marker 2 Journal 2 Bibliography 3-11 New members 11 Page 2 LHC Newsletter, Winter 2013 WELS HISTORICAL MARKER A Wisconsin state historical marker, designating Salem Lutheran Landmark Church, Milwaukee as the birthplace of the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod, was dedicated on August 10, 2013, at the sesquicentennial of Salem’s building, which was dedicated on October 28, 1863. The August 10 event featured an address by WELS president Rev. Mark Schroeder and music by the First Brigade Band, which plays Civil War-era music with period instruments. More information and plenty of pictures can be found at WELS president Rev. Mark Schroeder speaking at the dedication of the Wisconsin state historical marker, commemorating Salem Lutheran Landmark Church, Milwaukee, as the birthplace of the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod, August 10, 2013. JOURNAL OF THE LHC The first issue of the LHC’s new serial publication, the Journal of the Luther an Historical Conference was issued in October and has been mailed to members. This new publication will be produced annually, and will include articles on North American Lutheran his- tory, as well as an annual bibliography of other publications in this field. World,” by Kathryn M. Galchutt The editor of the Journal is Mark Gran- quist, Associate Professor of Church History, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. He can be reached at [email protected]. Please con tact him if you have manuscripts or ideas for submissions. “Laughing with the Lenape: Swedes and Native Americans in Colonial Delaware,” by Kim-Eric Williams The first issue continued papers from the 2011 conference. Those were: “From Piety to Policy: The Danish Lutheran Mission School for Indians in Oaks, Oklahoma,” by Maria Erling “Arthur Simon: From Manhattan’s Lower East Side to Bread for the “Trexler’s Travels: Samuel Geiss Trexler and the Emergence of International Lutheranism,” by Michael G. L. Church Sources,” by David D. Grafton “Answering the Call: The Pioneer Church Engages the World,” by Kathy Graumann “Fellow Workers: Lutheran’s Service to Refugees as Public Engagement,” by L. DeAne Lagerquist “Equality Denied: Lutheran Responses to the Equal Rights Amendment,” by Elisabeth A. Unruh “Lutherans, Watergate, and Morality: Engaging the Political Realm,” by David E. Settje “Images of the Inupiaq: The Pho- tography and Mission Work of Helen C. Frost,” by Julieanna Frost “Hannah and Marie Larsen at the Schreuder Mission in Zululand,” by Rachel Vagts 2009 and 2010 Indexes of Writings in the Field of American Lutheranism as Published in the November 2010 LHC Newsletter “Revolutionary Accompaniment: Lutherans and Nicaragua, 19791990,” by Richard M. Chapman “Sister Margaret Fry at Willow Run,” by Marilyn H. Stauffer “An Early American Orientalist Lutheran Perspective of Islam: Lewis Eichelberger and his Additional volumes can be purchased through Lutheran University Press at Volume 51, No. 3 Page 3 2012 INDEX OF WRITINGS IN THE FIELD OF AMERICAN LUTHERANISM Compiled by Dr. James W. Albers, Mr. John N. Dickmeyer, and Rev. Robert E. Smith This is the latest installment of the bibliography of items related to the history of Lutheranism in America. It covers items published in the calendar year 2011 and items from prior years which were missed in previous indexes. The 2011 and previous bibliographies are also available on the LHC Web Page: As in previous years, we once again appeal to LHC members for help in compiling next year’s index. Although the tools of modern library research are excellent, such as searching WorldCat, such searches are not, nor are they likely to become, exhaustive. Please send us citations of your own work as well as those of your colleagues. We are especially interested in local, private and unindexed theses of note. Send relevant citations to: The Rev. Robert E. Smith Concordia Theol. Seminary 6600 N. Clinton St. Fort Wayne, IN 46825 FAX: 260-452-2126 [email protected] Articles "Theological axioms: Part V." Tr. Christopher S. Doerr. Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly 109 (2012) No. 1: 3852. Atwood, Craig D. ""The Hallensians are Pietists; aren't you a Hallensian?" Mühlenberg's conflict with the Moravians in America." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Journal of Moravian History 12 (2012) No. 1: 47-92. Baepler, Richard. "Andrew Baepler." [American born LCMS pastor (1850-1927)] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly 85 (2012) No. 2: 4-27. Bakke, Odd Magne. Black Critics of Lutheran Mission in Zululand and Natal in the 1950s, with Particular Emphasis on Socio-Political Issues. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, Vol 38, No 1, Pp 75-94. Church History Society of Southern Africa, 2012. <http://>. Bernát, Libor. "The Shaping of the Lutheran Teaching Profession and Lutheran Families of Teachers in the 16th and 17th Centuries," Journal of Pedagogy / Pedagogický Casopis. 3 (2012) No.1: 101-116. Blaufuss, Dietrich. "Wilhelm Loehe and Enlightenment Movements." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Currents in Theology and Mission 39 (2012) No. 1: 56-57. Mission 39 (2012) No. 1: 38-44. Denlinger A.C. "Men of Gallio's Naughty Faith?: The Aberdeen Doctors on Reformed and Lutheran Concord". Church History and Religious Culture. 92 (2012), No.1: 57-83. Doege, Theodore C. "D-Day on the Cape." [The story of Arthur Doege, a Lutheran chaplain at Camp Edwards on Cape Cod during the D-Day invasion. The camp evaluated soldiers who went AWOL to determine their punishment and/or reassignment] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly 85 (2012) No. 2: 47-49. Doyle, Mike. "Thank You for Letting Me Play with You: The Life of Dr. Paul Manz." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly 85 (2012) No. 3: 11-45. Erling, Maria. "What America wanted and Swedish American youth." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Currents in Theology and Mission 39 (2012) No. 3: 229-238. Failinger, Marie A. "Lutheran and Yet Not Lutheran A Church School Tests the Dilemma of Church and State." [Reflection on the Supreme Court decision in Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Cresset 75 (2012) No. 3: 19-25. 2.html. Breener, John F. "Walther and the Election Controversy." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly 109 (2012) No. 2: 83-119. Ferguson, Jack D. "The Reverend Friedrich Schmid: first German-speaking Lutheran pastor in Michigan (1833-1883)." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly 85 (2012) No. 2: 30-46. Brenner, John M. "John Bading and the First Fifty Years of Wisconsin Synod History." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly 109 (2012) No. 3: 163-196. Fickenscher, Carl C., II. "The Preaching of C. F. W. Walther (Part 1)." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Pulpit Resources 21 (2011) No. i: 3-6. Brug, John F. "Walther and fellowship." [C. F. W. Walther's views on church fellowship] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly 109 (2012) No. 1: 7-37. Fickenscher, Carl C., II. "The Preaching of C. F. W. Walther (Part 4)." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Pulpit Resources 21 (2011) No. 4: 3-5. Christianson, Gerald. "The making of a modern seminary: Augustana Seminary in the 1930s." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Currents in Theology and Mission 39 (2012) No. 3: 219228. Fickenscher, Carl C., II. "The Preaching of C. F. W. Walther (Part 2)." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Pulpit Resources 21 (2011) No. 2: 3-5. Corbin C.M. "The Irony of Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School V. Eeoc". Northwestern University Law Review. 106(2012), No. 2: 951-972. Chung, Paul S. "Confession and Global Mission: Contextualizing Wilhelm Loehe." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Currents in Theology and Fickenscher, Carl C., II. "The Preaching of C. F. W. Walther (Part 3)." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Pulpit Resources 21 (2011) No. 3: 3-5. "Freedom of Religion - Ministerial Exception: Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School V. EEOC." Harvard Law Review, 126 (2012) 126, No. 1: 176-185. Page 4 LHC Newsletter, Winter 2013 2012 INDEX OF WRITINGS IN THE FIELD OF AMERICAN LUTHERANISM Fridolfsson, C., and I. Elander. "Faith and Place: Constructing Muslim Identity in a Secular Lutheran Society". Cultural Geographies. (2012) Helmke, John E. "A Eulogy for a Prep School: Concordia Milwaukee 19511957." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly 85 (2012) No. 1: 20-29. gian Lutheran Church in America (NLCA), and cooperative Lutheran activities.] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Lutheran Quarterly 26 (2012) No. 4: 412440. Hallgeir Elstad. "Teologi og politikk Alfred Eriksens rolle i «professorsaka»." Teologisk Tidsskrift. 1(2012), No. 01: 29-46. of Faithful Leadership." [Sermon for C. F. W. Walther's 200th Birthday on Hebrews 13:7] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Pulpit Resources 21 (2011) No. 4: 4546. Lohrmann, Martin J. "Loehe and the Ministerium of Pennsylvania: Wilhelm Loehe's reception among contemporaries in the eastern United States." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Currents in Halvorson, Britt, "Woven Worlds: MateHelmke, John E. "Frederick William Theology and Mission 39 (2012) No. 1: Danker: A Personal Tribute by His Stu- rial Things, Bureaucratization, and Di72-79. dent, Pastor John Helmke, with Valua- lemmas of Caregiving in Lutheran Humanitarianism". American Ethnologist. Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. "A ble Contributions by His Daughter, new look at an old document: Ger39 (2012), No. 1: 122-137. Kathleen Danker." Comp. Carl F. W. man/English edition of the 1847 constiWalther. Concordia Historical Institute Hatoss, Aniko. 2012. "Language, Faith tution of the German Evangelical LuQuarterly 85 (2012) No. 2: 28-29. and Identity: A Historical Insight into theran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Discourses of Language Ideology and Hendel, Kurt K. "Augustana: A Lively Other States." [Includes German text Planning by the Lutheran Church of Tradition." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. and English translation] Tr. Jack D. Australia". Australian Review of Applied Currents in Theology and Mission 39 Ferguson. Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Linguistics. 35(2012), No. 1: 94-112. (2012) No. 3: 186-187. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly Hjelm, Norman A. "Augustana and the Hjelm, N.A. 2012. "Augustana and the 85 (2012) No. 1: 30-60. Global Church". Currents in Theology global church." [Augustana Lutheran Lystig, Lawrence J., and NA. The Miliand Mission. 39(2012), No. 3: 206-218. Church] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. taryChaplaincy Program of the EvanCurrents in Theology and Mission 39 Holm, Ole. Etableringen af "Den Dans- gelical Lutheran Church, 1917-196 0.” (2012) No. 3: 206-218. ke Kirke i Amerika". ReligionsvidenLuther Theological Seminary, 2012. skabeligt Tidsskrift; Nr. 5 (1984). AarHonold, Matthias. "From Neuen<>. dettelsau to Frankenmuth: in search of hus Universitetsforlag, 2012. <http:// MacKenzie, Cameron A. "A Faith Worth historical connections." Comp. Carl F. Imitating." [A Sermon on the CommemW. Walther. Currents in Theology and article/view/6961>. oration of Wather's 200th Birthday, Mission 39 (2012) No. 1: 52-55. Honold, M. "From Neuendettelsau to Hebrews 13:7] Comp. Carl F. W. WalFrankenmuth: In Search of Historical Huggins, Marvin A. "A Bicentennial ther. Concordia Pulpit Resources 21 Bonus: More Walther Resources Orga- Connections," Currents in Theology (2011) No. 4: 39-40. nized." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Con- and Mission. 39(2012), No. 1: 52-55. Manteufel, Thomas. "Faithful to the cordia Historical Institute Quarterly 85 Hultgren, A.J. "Augustana and Luther- Word." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Con(2012) No. 1: 4-5. an Identity in America". Currents in cordia Pulpit Resources 21 (2011) No. Theology and Mission. 39 (2012), No. Hultgren, Arland J. "Augustana and 4: 41-42. 3: 188-205. Lutheran identity in America." Comp. Mayes, D. "Heinrich Heshusius and Carl F. W. Walther. Currents in TheoloKothmann, T. "Wilhelm Loehe: As Reli- Confessional Polemic in Early Lutheran gy and Mission 39 (2012) No. 3: 188gious Instructor," Currents in Theology Orthodoxy," German History, 30 205. and Mission. 39 (2012), No. 1: 5-12. (2012), No.1: 129-130. Hultgren, Arland J. "Augustana and Liczbinska G. "Fertility and Family Mengsteab, Yohannes. "The road to Lutheran identity in America." Comp. Structure in the Lutheran Population of diversity--an evaluation of the mission Carl F. W. Walther. Currents in Theolothe Parish of Trzebosz in the Second history of the LCMS." [Lutheran gy and Mission 39 (2012) No. 3: 188Half of the 19th Century and the Begin- Church--Missouri Synod] Comp. Carl F. 205. ning of the 20th Century," History of the W. Walther. Missio apostolica 20 Jacobson, Thomas E. "Conflict at the Family. 17 (2012), No 2: 142-156. (2012) No. 2: 190-200. Bethany Indian Mission in Wittenberg, Liczbińska, Grażyna. "Marriage PatMeyer, Scott J. "Concordia Historical Wisconsin." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. terns among Lutherans from the Parish Institute: A Unique Organization." [A Lutheran Forum 46 (2012) No. 4: 24of Trzebosz in the Second Half of the brief history of CHI] Comp. Carl F. W. 28. 19th Century and the Beginning of the Walther. Concordia Historical Institute Kothmann, Thomas. "Wilhelm Loehe as 20th Century," The History of the Fami- Quarterly 85 (2012) No. 2: 50-63. religious instructor." Comp. Carl F. W. ly. 17(2012), No.2: 236-255. Naumann, Cheryl D. "Lutheran deaconWalther. Currents in Theology and MisLoest, Mark A. "Loehe's Michigan colo- esses in North America: assessing sion 39 (2012) No. 1: 5-12. nies: then and now." Comp. Carl F. W. Loehe's influence." Comp. Carl F. W. Lagerquist, L DeAne. "Lars W. Boe Walther. Currents in Theology and Mis- Walther. Currents in Theology and Mis(1875-1942)." [Ordained in the United sion 39 (2013) No. 1: 58-64. sion 39 (2012) No. 1: 21-27. Norwegian Lutheran Church. President, Loest, Mark A. "The Blessed Memory Nessan, Craig L. "Wilhelm Loehe in St. Olaf College. Active in the Norwe- Volume 51, No. 3 Page 5 2012 INDEX OF WRITINGS IN THE FIELD OF AMERICAN LUTHERANISM Deindoerfer's history of the Iowa Synod." rents in Theology and Mission 39 (2012) Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Currents in The- No. 1: 13-20. ology and Mission 39 (2012) No. 1: 65-71. Schulz, Klaus Detlev. "Wilhelm Loehe's Nessan, Craig L. "Friedrich Bauer (1812missiological perspective." Comp. Carl F. 1874), hidden behind the giant of NeuenW. Walther. Currents in Theology and Misdettelsau." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Lusion 39 (2012) No. 1: 28-37. theran Quarterly 26 (2012) No. 4: 395-411. Schwan, Henrich C. "Sermon for the FunerNessan, Craig L. and Thomas H. al of C. F. W. Walther in Trinity Church, Schattuaer. "Wilhelm Loehee: Theological 1887." [With introduction by Matthew C. Impact and Historical Influence." Comp. Harrison, translator, and President of the Carl F. W. Walther. Currents in Theology Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod] Tr. and Mission 39 (2012) No. 1: 2-4. Harrison, Matthew C. Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Historical Institute Noland, Martin R. "C. F. W. Walther: Our Quarterly 85 (2012) No. 4: 27-32. Father in Christ." [Sermon for C. F. W. Walther's 200th Birthday on 1 Corinthians 4:15- Settje, David E. "Lutheran responses to 16] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Watergate." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Pulpit Resources 21 (2011) No. 4: 43-44. Lutheran Forum 46 (2012) No. 1: 20-23. Nytroe, Sarah K. "The American Reformation quadricentennial, 1917." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Lutheran Quarterly 26 (2012) No. 1: 57-82. Paris, Paris. "Sociolinguistic effects of church languages in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea". International Journal of the Sociology of Language. (2012), No. 214: 39-66. Stechholz, David P. "Faith driven--future focused: the English District celebrates 100 years (centennial year--2011-2012)." [Revised fr paper presented at Spring Professional Church Workers' Conf of the English District-LCMS held at Sheraton Hotel, Detroit Metro Airport, Romulus, Mich, My 10-12 2011] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly 85 (2012) No. 1: 6-19. (2011) No. 2: 6-9. Walther, C. F. W. "The Son of Man Has Come to Seek and to Save That Which was Lost." [Sermon for a Church Dedication in 1849 on Luke 19:1-10] Tr. Baseley, Joel R. Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Pulpit Resources 21 (2011) No. 3: 7-10. Wangelin, William R. "God's Plans Prevail." [Sermon for C. F. W. Walther's 200th Birthday on Proverbs 16:9] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Pulpit Resources 21 (2011) No. 4: 47-48. Witte, John. "Church, State and Marriage: Four Early Modern Protestant Models." Oxford Journal of Law and Religion. 1 (2012), No.1: 151-168. Wollenburg, David W. "Reports of Chaplain F. W. Richmann in Der Lutheraner." [LCMS Civil War chaplain] Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly 85 (2012) No. 4: 33-37. Wood, Kathryn F. "A new look at the Missouri schism through the lens of "Americanism"." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Lutheran Forum 46 (2012) No. 3: 14-18. Yeago, David S. "Modern but not liberal: a confident Christian faith can absorb and Stephenson, John R. "Wilhelm Loehe, an sustain the achievements of modernity." ecumenical Lutheran? From "Nein" through [“Modern but Not Liberal” is one of three "Jein" to a qualified "Ja"." Comp. Carl F. W. addresses given to a symposium on “After Walther. Currents in Theology and Mission Liberalism,” put on in late February with the 39 (2012) No. 1: 45-51. support of the Simon/Hertog Fund for Policy Tjelle, Kristin Fjelde. "New" Men and Wom- Analysis and of Fieldstead and Company. en: Gender Perspectives on Norwegian Shalom Carmy and Thomas Joseph White, Missions and Indigenous Christianity in O.P., responded to this paper. The first KwaZulu-Natal, 1840-1940,” Studia Histori- address and responses appeared in the Pless, John T. "The C.F.W. Walther bicenae Ecclesiasticae, Vol 38(2012), No 1: 95- May issue; the last address and responses tennial (2011), observed." Comp. Carl F. W. 109. Church History Society of Southern will appear in the August/September issue.] Walther. Lutheran Quarterly 26 (2012) No. Africa, 2012. <http:// Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. First Things 1: 87-89.>. (2012) No. 224: 25-30. Range, Matthias. "Communal Assertive Walther, C. F. W. "The Doctrine of the ness and the Importance of Pastoral Care: odern-but-not-liberal. Church : One of the Most Precious Fruits of Flooding and Parochial Reorganization on the Lutheran Reformation." [Sermon on Zersen, David John. "An exciting find in a the German North Sea Coast in the SevenReformation Day 1854 on Matthew 21:12Wendish vault in Texas." Comp. Carl F. W. teenth Century". German History. 30(2012), 13] Tr. Baseley, Joel R. Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Historical Institute No. 1: 22-44. Walther. 21 (2011) No. 4: 8-12. Quarterly 85 (2012) No. 3: 46-64. Reigersberg, Muriel Swijghuisen. "'We are Walther, C. F. W. "That We Find More Ziegler, Roland F. "Walther and AC V." [C. Lutherans from Germany': Music, LanAgain in Bethlehem Than We Had Lost F. W. Walther's understanding of Article guage, Social History and Change in Back in Paradise." [Sermon on Christmas Five of the Augsburg Confession] Comp. Hopevale". Aboriginal History. 36(2012): 99 Day 1852 on Luke 2:1-14] Tr. Baseley, Joel Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Theological -117. R. Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. Concordia Quarterly 76 (2012) No. 3-4: 313-334. Roelants N.W.J. 2012. "The Physical Sta Pulpit Resources 21 (2011) No. 1: 7-10. tus of Astronomical Models Before the herACV.pdf. Walther, C. F. W. "How Can it Be Revealed 1570s: The Curious Case of Lutheran AsThat a Person is, Indeed, Weak in Faith, Books and Monographs tronomer Georg Joachim Rheticus". Theoland not an unbeliever." [Sermon on Easter ogy and Science. 10(2012), no. 4: 367-390. Day 1871, Second Service, on Luke 24:13Anderson, Loren J., et al. Celebrating 20 Schattauer, Thomas H. "Loehe's Agende in 35] Tr. Baseley, Joel R. Comp. Carl F. W. Years Together. Tacoma, WA: Pacific LuAmerica." Comp. Carl F. W. Walther. CurWalther. Concordia Pulpit Resources 21 Phaliso, Mashudu Angelinah. “In the Midst of Purple Song and Dance: Coming to Terms with Hegemonic Systems of "Patriarchy" and "Kyriarchy" Within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Southern Africa (ELCSA),” Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, Vol 38, Supplement, Pp. 361-381. Church History Society of Southern Africa, 2012. <>. Page 6 LHC Newsletter, Winter 2013 2012 INDEX OF WRITINGS IN THE FIELD OF AMERICAN LUTHERANISM theran University, 2012. ISBN: 9780873620000 0873620003. Vii, 131 pp. “Essays and interviews dedicated to Loren and MaryAnn Anderson by Pacific Lutheran University on the occasion of President Anderson's retirement. Includes "oral history" interview with Loren and MaryAnn Anderson.” Anderson, Philip J., and Dag Blanck. Norwegians and Swedes in the United States: Friends and Neighbors. Saint Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780873518161 98735181608780873518413 9873518411, xv, 327p. Boettcher, Ruth. The Reluctant Companion: One Wife's Journey to Africa. Enumclaw, WA: WinePress Publishing, 2012. ISBN: 1414119887 9781414119885. Vii, 95 p. Bogh, Molly Schultz. Disturbing the Peace of the Church: Lutheran Youth Ministry and Social Change in the 1960s. [S.l.]: Lutheran Univ Press, 2012. ISBN: 1933794658 9781933794655. 2012. Print. ISBN: 9781610973083 1610973089. Xi, 259 p. Clement, Arthur J. Lutheranism : From Wittenberg to the U.S.A. ; Luther, the Reformation, and Lutheranism in America ; a Conservative Perspective. New Haven, Mo: Lutheran News, 2012. ISBN: 9780964479999 0964479990. Ix, 912 p. Enckell, Maria Jarlsdotter. Those Not Russian Russians: Finlanders & RusBonnell, Andrew G, and Rebecca Vonsian-American Company's Multiethnic hoff. Germans in Queensland: 150 Evangelical Lutheran Community in the Years. Frankfurt: Peter Lang GmbH, North Pacific Region 1800-1871 : with a Internationaler Verlag der WissenschafPostscript Covering 1872-1930. MarieArand, Charles P, James A. ten, 2012. Internet resource. ISBN: hamn: Aalands Emigrantinstitut, 2012. Nestingen, and Robert Kolb. The Lu9783653027419 3653027411 [174 p] ISBN: 9789526768403 952676840X theran Confessions: History and TheolBraaten, Carl E. No Other Name: Sal82 p. ogy of the Book of Concord. Minneapvation Through Christ Alone : Papers Eriksson, Anne-Louise, Göran Gunner, olis: Fortress Press, 2012. Print. ISBN: Delivered at a Theological Conference and Niclas Blåder. Exploring a Herit9780800627416 0800627415. Sponsored by Lutheran Core and the age: Evangelical Lutheran Churches in North American Lutheran Church, Authe North. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Arand, Charles P., Robert Kolb, and gust 10-11, 2011, Upper Arlington LuPublications, 2012. Print. ISBN: James A. Nestingen. The Lutheran theran Church, Columbus, Ohio. Delhi, 1620321025 9781620321027. Viii, 320 Confessions: History and Theology of New York: ALPB Books, 2012. Print. pp. Church of Sweden Research Sethe Book of Concord. Lanham: Fortress ISBN: 9781892921208 1892921200. ries, 5. Press, 2012. Internet resource [354 p.]. ISBN: 9781451410594 145141059X. Brondos, David A. , ed. Sources of Die Evangelischen Kirchenordnungen Authority in the Church: Lutheran Tradides Xvi. Jahrhunderts, Volume 2. S.l.: Baseley, Joel R. (translator and editor). tions in North American Contexts. MinSaraswati Press, 2012. Print. ISBN: Missouri Synod in Formation: Essays of neapolis, Minn: Lutheran University 1288000138 9781288000135. the Founding Fathers. Dearborn, MI: Press, 2012. Print. ISBN: Mark V Publications, 2012. Print. 9781932688665 1932688668. Exley, Vincent C. Immigrant Families in ISBN: 9780982252390 0982252390. Ebenezer Georgia. 2 vols. Ebenzer, Vi, 466 p. Burke, Clarrie, and Nicky BoyntonGA: Georgia Salzburger Society, 2012. Bricknell. Not Just a School: St. Peters Bauer, Gisa. Evangelikale Bewegung ISBN: 0971714738 9780971714731 Lutheran College: From the Beginning und evangelische Kirche in der Bun097171472X 9780971714724. the Lived Experience of Old Scholars. desrepublik Deutschland Geschichte Flanagin, David Zachariah, and ChrisBrisbane, Qld: CopyRight Pub, 2012. Eines Grundsatzkonflikts (1945 Bis topher M. Bellitto. Reassessing Reform ISBN: 9781921452024 1921452021. 1989). Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012. ISBN: 9783647557700 Xiv, 178 p. A Historical Investigation into Church Renewal. Washington, D.C.: Catholic 3647557706. 798 (on-line). <http:// Buchardt, Mette. New Forms of LutherUniversity of America Press, 2012. anism and Education in the Emerging ISBN: 9780813220000 0813220009. diNordic Welfare States 1890s-1930s. On-Line (304 p). 780813220000 rect=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nl 2012. < 081322000< abk&AN=505365>. publications/new-forms-of-lutheranismurl= Beinert, Richard A. The Formation of a and-education-in-the-emerging-nordicbooks/9780813220000/>. Pious Soul: Theology and Personhood welfare-states-1890s1930s(714b41ea56fc-4438-a55e-11421aa28833).html>. Fuhlbohm, Oscar. Maretta: Margaret in Christian Scriver's (1629-1693) Rilett (nee Fuhlbohm). Seaford, S. Gottholds zufälliger Andachten (1667). Carroll, Julius, and Kristopher LitmanAust: O. Fuhlbohm, 2012. Print. 2013. <http:// Koon. Stories African American (ELCA) OCLC: 819917079. 157 p.>. Lutherans Could Tell A Sample of 'Voices" from the ELCA Archival Materi- Geissler, Hermann Otto. Ernst Ludwig Berger, Vilhelm, and Charles John LaVine (translator and editor). A Labor als. Columbia, S.C.: s.n.], 2012. DVD. Dietrich (1897 - 1974): ein liberaler Theologe in der Entscheidung ; evanof the Brain's Ponderings. 2012. Trans- OCLC: 789684181. lation of Berger’s En hjärnarbetares gelischer Pfarrer - Landesbischof - ReliChilders, Eric S. College Identity Sagionshistoriker. Darmstadt: Verlag der funderingar. [S.l. : s.n., 1934] New gas: Investigating Organizational IdentiHessische Kirchengeschichtlichen. York: Carl Otto, 2012. OCLC: ty Preservation and Diminishment at Vereinigung, 2012. ISBN: 794224554. 42 p. [Swedish piety within Lutheran Colleges and Universities. 9783931849351 393184935X. xxiv, Augustana Synod.] Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, Volume 51, No. 3 Page 7 2012 INDEX OF WRITINGS IN THE FIELD OF AMERICAN LUTHERANISM 630 p. Haak, Douglas. The Prussian Lutherans of Ottawa, 1874-1918. Ottawa: Douglas Haak, 2012. ISBN: 9780991738908 099173890X. Haga, Joar. Was There a Lutheran Metaphysics? The Interpretation of Communicatio Idiomatum in Early Modern Lutheranism. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012. Internet resource. ISBN: 9783647550374 364755037. Harrison, Matthew C, and John T. Pless. Women Pastors? The Ordination of Women in Biblical Lutheran Perspective : a Collection of Essays. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Pub. House, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9 780758631428 0758631421. X, 523 p. Woman on a Mission. 2012. Print. ISBN: 9781932688795 193268879X. Gritsch, Eric W. Martin Luther's AntiSemitism: Against His Better Judgment. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9780802866769 080286676X. Xxiv, 158 p. Gustafson, Scott W. and Holger Roeggelin, eds. Lutheranism Legacy and Future: Essays in Honor of Eric W. Gritsch on the 50th Anniversary of His Ordination. S.l.: Infinity Pub, 2012. Print. ISBN: 0741478811 9780741478818. Klän, Werner, and Gilberto da Silva. Lutherisch und selbständig: eine Einführing in die Geschichte selbständiger evangelischlutherischer Kirchen. Göttinger, Germany: Edition Ruprecht, 2012. ISBN: 9 783846901069 3846901067. 109 p. Klän, Werner, and Gilberto da Silva, eds. Die Leuenberger Konkordie im innerlutherischen Streit: internationale Perspektiven aus drei Konfessionen. Göttingen: Ruprecht, 2012. ISBN: 9783846901007 3846901008. 199 p. Krogh, Tyge. A Lutheran Plague: Murdering Hauser, Richard. The Pathfinders: A History to Die in the Eighteenth Century. Leiden: of Australian Lutheran Schooling, 1919 to Brill, 2012. Print. 9789004221154 1999. Lutheran Education Australia, North 9004221158. vi, 226 p. Adelaide, South Australia, 2012. Hazelius, Ernest L. History of the American Lutheran Church: From Its Commencement in the Year of Our Lord 1685 to. [S.l.]: Gale Ecco, Sabin American, 2012. [Reprint] Hayden, Judy A., Matar, Nabil, and Östlund, Joachim. A Lutheran in the Holy Land: Michael Eneman´s Journey, 1711-12. Heier, Edmund. A Study of the German Brill, 2012. < Lutheran and Catholic Immigrants in Canarecord/3242912>. OCLC: 827718494. da, Formerly Residing in Tzarist and Soviet Heider Russell, Carmen Elizabeth. The Russia. University of British Columbia, Church Growth Movement as Catalyst for 2012. <>. the Rhetorical Rreconstitution of LutheranOCLC: 804162165. ism in the United States: Highlighting the Hermle, Siegfried, and Karl-Heinz Fix. Die Tension between Stability and Change. Protokolle des Rates der Evangelischen Texas A&M University, 2012. <http:// Kirche in Deutschland Band 8: 1954/55. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012. THESIS-H465>. ISBN: 9783647557694 3647557692. Hentz, John P. History of the Lutheran Ver< sion of the Bible. S.l.: Saraswati Press,>. On-Line 2012. Print. ISBN: 1249922666 resource (690 p) Topics discussed include 9781249922667. atombomb testing, biblical translations, foreign work, church finances, and the situHjarvard, Stig, and Mia Lövheim (eds.). ation the DDR (former “East Germany”). Mediatization and Religion: Nordic PerspecHopf, Friedrich Wilhelm, and Markus Bütttives. 2012. Print. [Role of social media in religion in last several decades in Europe.] ner. Kritische Standpunkte für die Gegenwart: ein lutherischer Theologe im KirchenISBN: 9789186523442 9186523449. 210 kampf des Dritten Reichs, über seinen p. Bekenntniskampf nach 1945 und zum Streit Humphrey, Karen A. Grace, Faith, and the um seine Haltung zur Apartheid. Göttingen: Power of Singing: The Alma Christina Lind Ruprecht, 2012. ISBN: 9783767571570 Swensson Story. Minneapolis, MN: Luther3767571579. 409 p. an University Press, 2012. Print. ISBN: Hovland, Stephenie M, and Larry Johnson. 9781932688726 1932688722 Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg: Hero of 9781933794549 1933794542. 126 p. Faith. St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House, Gehrke, Jason, and Jennifer H. Maxfield, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9780758630766 eds. Pastoral Theology in the Light of the 075863076X. 58p. Lutheran Confessions: Papers Presented at the Congress on the Lutheran Confessions, Kääriäinen, Jukka A. Mission Shaped by Promise: Lutheran Missiology Confronts the Bloomington, Minnesota March 25-27, Challenge of Religious Pluralism. Eugene, 2008. St. Louis, MO: Luther Academy, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2012. Print. 2012. Print. ISBN: 9781935035084 [Revision of Ph.D. Thesis, Fordham Univer1935035088. Ix, 138 p. sity.] ISBN: 1610978331 9781610978330. xviii, 275 p. Grindal, Gracia. Thea Rønning: Young Kofod-Svendsen, Flemming. Lutheranerne på heden: om Kristelig Lutheransk Trossamfunds historie. 2012. OCLC: 9788787737685 878773768x. 160 p. Krauss, Eberhard. Exulanten im Evang.Luth. Dekanat Neustadt an der Aisch. Nürnberg: Gesellschaft für Familienforschung in Franken, 2012. ISBN: 9783929865325 3929865327. 532 p. [Lutheran Refugees in Germany and Austria]. Laury, Preston A. A History of Lutheran Missions. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Pub, 2012. Print. OCLC: 9781163561720 116356172X. 265 p. Laycock, Douglas. Hosanna-Tabor and the Ministerial Exception. 2012. Offprint: Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy. Vol. 35: 3 (Summer 2012), 839-862. Lemke-Paetznick, Klaus. Kirche in revolutionärer Zeit Die Staatskirche in Schleswig und Holstein 1789-1851. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012. < EBLPublic/>. OCLC: 9783110264166 3110264161. Online (776 p). Maanga, Godson S. Church Growth in Tanzania: The Role of Chagga Migrants Within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. [Doctoral Thesis. Tumaini University, Arusha, 2011.] Neuendettelsau: Erlanger Verlag für Mission und Ökumene, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9783872149084 3872149083. 450 p. Maxfield, John A, and Jennifer H. Maxfield. Who Is God?: In the Light of the Lutheran Confessions : Papers Presented at the Congress on the Lutheran Confessions, Bloomington, Minnesota, April 22-24, 2009. Page 8 LHC Newsletter, Winter 2013 2012 INDEX OF WRITINGS IN THE FIELD OF AMERICAN LUTHERANISM St. Louis, MO: Luther Academy, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9781935035091 1935035096. Ix, 157 p. Konfession und Konflikt: religiöse Pluralisierung in Sachsen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2012. ISBN: 9783402129449 Maxfield, John A., ed. Wilhelm Loehe 3402129442. 343 p. Proceedings of a and the Nineteenth-Century Revival of conference held March 11-13, 2010 in Lutheran Confessionalism and Mission. Dresden, Germany St. Louis, MO: Concordia Historical Schmitthenner, Samuel W. Gettysburg Institute, 2012. (Pieper Lectures, 2008) and the Call to Mission in India. GettysPrint. ISBN: 9781935035077 burg: Gettysburg College, 2012. Print. 193503507X. OCLC: 796935464. 71p. Montgomery, John W, and James Lutzweiler, editor. The Papers of Dr. John Warwick Montgomery. Jamestown, N.C: Schnappsburg University Press, 2012. Print. [Index to microfilmed collection of Montgomery papers.] Moyo, Herbert. The Investigation of the Theological Implications for the Practical Pastoral Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe Posed by the Political and Socio-Economic Decline in Zimbabwe (1980-2008). Ph.D. Thesis , University of KwaZuluNatal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012. 2012. OCLC: 841911838. Print. Xxi, 344 p Schwarz, Hans, and Thomas Kothmann. Regionale Aspekte Der Globalisierung: Eine Theologische Würdigung. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 2012. Print. ISBN: 3631638795 9783631638798. 358 p. 0754665836. Stache, Christa, and Wolfram G. Theilemann, eds. Christa Evangelisch in Altrumänien: Forschungen und Quellen zur Geschichte der deutschsprachigen evangelischen Kirchengemeinden im rumänischen Regat. Sibiu: Schiller, 2012. ISBN: 9783941271708 3941271709. 645 p. Stiegemeyer, Julie, and John Martin. Dorothea Craemer: Hero of Faith. St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9780758630773 0758630778. 47 p. Strandquist, Jason, and R. Po-chia Hsia. From Moral Reform to Civic LuSchallow-Gröne, Bärbel. Ideologisiertheranism Protestant Identity in Sevenung des Kirchenbaus in der NS-Zeit am teenth-Century Lübeck. [University Beispiel der Kirchenneubauten (1934Park, Pa.]: Pennsylvania State Univer1941) im Erzbistum München und sity, 2012. <https:// Freising und Evang.-Luth. Dekanat>. München. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, OCLC: 823508787. On-line (336 p). 2012. ISBN: 9783653015249 Suelflow, August R., and Ken Schurb. 3653015243. X, 379 p. <http:// "The District-Synod Relations of the LCMS in Historical Perspective". S.l: dis.n, 2012. OCLC: 844513920. 14 p. Price, Chris. The Old Church on Walnut rect=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nl [Reprint] abk&AN=487416>. Street: A Story of Immigrants and Evangelicals. Grand Forks, N.D: Grand Schemmel, Udo. Laien in lutherischen Svendsbye, Lloyd. One in Mission: Luther and Northwestern Seminaries Forks Community Land Trust, 2012. Kirchenordnungen die unterschiedliche Unite. Minneapolis, Minn: Lutheran Print. OCLC: 813236245. Iv, 76 p. Entwicklung ihres BeeinflussungspoUniversity Press, 2012. Print. ISBN: [Norwegian Lutherans] tentials auf Gemeindebelange im 18. 9781932688757 1932688757. 66p. Jahrhundert in Pennsylvania im VerRadano, John A, and Walter Kasper. gleich zu Kirchenordnungen des lanTschoerner, Helmut. Arthur Malmgren-Celebrating a Century of Ecumenism: Theologe, Pfarrer, Bischof in Rußland Exploring the Achievements of Interna- desherrlichen Kirchenregiments ; und der Sowjetunion: ein Leben für die tional Dialogue : in Commemoration of dargestellt an der Genese der Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche. ErlanKirchenordnung der St. Michaelisthe Centenary of the 1910 Edinburgh Gemeinde in Philadelphia, Pennsylva- gen: Martin-Luther-Verlag, 2012. ISBN: World Missionary Conference. Grand nia. Würzburg: Ergon-Verl, 2012. ISBN: 9783875131772 3875131770. 109 p. Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co, 9783899139006 3899139003. 272 p. 2012. Print. ISBN: 9780802867056 Traditions of the German Community: 0802867057. Xxv, 330. Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod of Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the the Evangelical Lutheran Church in University of Adelaide on the 12th of Rahn, Robert. Jesus Never Fails: An America. Southwestern Pennylvania May 2012. Adelaide, S. Aust: Friends of Autobiography and History of the LuSynodical Women's "History in a NutLutheran Archives for the German Hertheran Heritage Foundation. Macomb, shell. Pittsburgh: Southwestern Penn- itage Research MI: Lutheran Heritage Foundation, 2012. Print. OCLC: 793103781. 336 p. sylvania Synod of the Evangelical LuVan der Merwe, Johan Matthys. Early theran Church in America, 2012. Church Settlements in the ZAR : a Reller, Jobst. "Die Mission ist weiblich": OCLC: 832737194. 85 p. Comparison of Parish Life in the Dutch Frauen in der frühen Hermannsburger Reformed Church in Rustenburg and Sparn, Walter. Frömmigkeit, Bildung, Mission. Berlin: LIT, 2012. ISBN: Kultur: theologische Aufsätze I: Luther- the Evangelical Lutheran Church of 9783643115478 3643115472034. 203 ische Orthodoxie und christliche AufSouthern Africa in Kroondal, 1840p. 1899. Church History Society of Southklärung in der frühen Neuzeit. Leipzig: ern Africa, 2012. <http:// Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2012. Ristau, Harold. At Peace with War: A>. OCLC: ISBN: 9783374026586 3374026583. Chaplain's Meditations from AfghaniXii, 365 p. 795996550. stan. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2012. Spicer, Andrew. Lutheran Churches in Walther, C F. W, and Joel R. Baseley ISBN: 9781620323700 1620323702. (translator). C.F.W. Walther's Original X, 98 p. [Canadian Lutheran Chaplain.] Early Modern Europe. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2012. Print. Xxi, Der Lutheraner: Volumes One through Rosseaux, Ulrich, and Gerhard Poppe. 512 p. ISBN:9780754665830 Three (1844-47): The LCMS in For- Volume 51, No. 3 Page 9 2012 INDEX OF WRITINGS IN THE FIELD OF AMERICAN LUTHERANISM novation and Tradition. Thesis (D.Min.)-Parable. [North Dakota]: G. Wunderlich, 2012. [Slight variations from 2007 version.] Drew University, 2012, 2012. OCLC: OCLC: 9781469913087 1469913089. Viii, 813305445. Vii, 188 p. 58 p. [Swedish Lutheran in North Dakota.] Lor, Tou Pao. The New Life in a New Land: Walther, C F. W, Martin Luther, and Matthew Carver. Walther's Hymnal: Church Younan, Munib, and Frederick M. Strickert, Hmong Christians in the U.S. Thesis eds. Our Shared Witness: A Voice for Jus- (Ed.D.)--Saint Mary's University of MinneHymnbook for Evangelical Lutheran Consota, 2012, 2012. OCLC: 811350742. vii, gregations of the Unaltered Augsburg Con- tice and Reconciliation. Minneapolis, MN: Lutheran University Press, 2012. Print. 81 p. fession : Containing the Most Popular Hymns of the Blessed Dr. Martin Luther and ISBN: 9781932688696 1932688692. 235 p. Lorbeer, Lukas. Die Sterbe- und Other Spiritual Teachers. St. Louis: Concorin deutschen lutherischen Theses and Dissertations Ewigkeitslieder dia Pub. House, 2012. Print. ISBN: Gesangbüchern des 17. Jahrhunderts. 9780758641175 0758641176. Xvii, 440 p. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012. Prinstone, Ben. The Countercultural MisThesis (doctoral) - Eberhard-KarlsWalther, C F. W, and Matthew C. Harrison. sion and the Upper Cloth Revolt: A WomanUniversität, Tübingen, 2011. ISBN: The Church & the Office of the Ministry: ist Theological Interpretation. Thesis (Ph. 9783525564028 3525564023. 738 p. The Voice of Our Church on the Question D.)--Lutheran School of Theology at Chicaof Church and Office:A Collection of TestiMensching, Brian. School Accreditation and go, 2012, 2012. [Nineteenth century mismonies Regarding This Question from the sions in India.] OCLC: 824502433. v, 203. Its Impact on Our WELS Schools. Thesis Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran (M.S.Ed.)--Martin Luther College, 2012, Church and from the Private Writings of Fowler, Caroline O. Between the Heart and 2012 Orthodox Teachers of the Same. St. Louis, the Mind: Ways of Drawing in the SevenMO: Concordia Pub. House, 2012. ISBN: teenth Century. Dissertation Abstracts Inter- Mnene, Peter Matano. Use of Sacraments in Church Discipline as a Challenge to Mis9780758634030 075863403X. Print. Xxv, national. 74-04. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Princeton sional Transformation in Kenya's Main495 p. University, 2012, 2012. <http:// steam [I.E. Mainstream] Churches: A Case Weitman, Sarah L., and Sue M. Moore. Study of Kenya Evangelical Lutheran url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/ Using Archaeological Methods in Cemetery fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&res_dat=xri:pqm&r Church. Thesis (M. A.)--Luther Seminary, Surveys with Emphasis on the Application ft_dat=xri:pqdiss:3545721>. Contains sec- 2013, 2013. OCLC: 846900653 V,52 p. of Lidar. Statesboro, GA. Georgia Southtion dealing with Lutheran, inter alia, under- Ntsimane, Radikobo Phillip. An Historical ern University, 2012. MA Thesis, Georgia standing of the relationship of the body to Evaluation of the Lutheran Medical Mission Southern University. [Compares use of the divine. ISBN: 9781267783929 Services in Southern Africa with Special GPS, total station, and Light Detection and 1267783923. Emphasis on Four Hospitals : 1930s-1978. Radar (LIDAR) in mapping cemeteries.] OnLine (184 p). One of two tests sites was Gajere, Ishaya. Religious/Ethnic Violence in Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of KwaZuluNatal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012, 2012. OCLC: Ebenezer, GA. http:// Northern Nigeria: A Product of Both Con849283382. Xx, 336 p. temporary Religious Media and the Relispring2012/sarah_l_weitman/ gious History of Northern Nigeria. Thesis Nunes, John. Postcolonial Implications of weitman_sarah_l_201201_mass.pdf.>. (Ph. D.)--Lutheran School of Theology at Die Anerkennung for Human Identity and OCLC: 808721439. Chicago, 2012, 2012. OCLC: 819421603. Christological Identity as Explored in SeXxi, 278 p. lected Poetry of Derek Walcott. Thesis (Ph. Wengenroth, Winfried. Evangelische PfarD.)--Lutheran School of Theology at Chicarer im Rheinland und wissenschaftliche Greggs, Tom, and Godebo Debanchor, go, 2012, 2012. OCLC: 819423376. 161 Theologie im 19. Jahrhundert: der Yacob. The Impact of the Charismatic p. rheinische wissenschaftliche PredigerMovement and Related Tensions on the Verein 1868-1892. Bonn: Habelt, 2012. Traditional Lutheran Worship of the South Rowold, David Patrick. English-Language ISBN: 9783774937888 3774937885. 248 Central Synod of the Ethiopian Evangelical Liturgy in the Lutheran Church--Missouri p. Church Mekane Yesus Since 1991. Doctor- Synod: Its Growth and Development. Theal dissertation, University of Chester, 2012. sis (Ph.D.)--Drew University, 2012, 2012. Winter, Christine. Looking after One's Own: <>. OCLC: 823745187. Vi, 407 p. The Rise of Nationalism and the Politics of OCLC: 785797337. the Neuendettelsauer Mission in Australia, Sitanggang, Pintor Marihot. The Seed of New Guinea and Germany (1921-1933). Herder, Jewel Lee. Baptized and Betrayed: the Word: A Study of the Development of Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2012. Print. Three Case Studies of Charismatic Authori- Christianity in the Life of the Toba Batak ISBN: 3631603207 9783631603208. Xii, ty and Violence in American Religious His- People in Indonesia from Missionary Wit238 p. tory. Thesis (S.T.M.)--Lutheran Theological nesses to the Present. Thesis (Ph. D.)-Seminary at Philadelphia, 2013, 2013. [Jim Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Wissemann, Volker. Johannes Reinke LebJones; Jacob A. O. Preus; Eddie Long.] 2012, 2012. OCLC: 819421604. iv, 208 p. en und Werk eines lutherischen Botanikers. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012. <http:// Hetland, Ruth Elizabeth. The Power of Congregational Histories, Place and Story in Preaching: An AutobioptiID=1034376>. ISBN: 9783647570204 graphical and Pastoral Reflection. Project Records, Cemetery Plots 3647570206. On-line and print versions (D. Min.)--Iliff School of Theology, 2012, Alm, Diana. God Spoke in English...and We available. 158 p. 2012. OCLC: 827608613. Iii,130 p. Understood: 1912 – 2012. Trinity Lutheran Wunderlich, Gene. Stone Church: A Prairie Lindsay, Carol A. A Tail of Two Tales: InChurch. Moline, IL: Trinity Lutheran mation. Dearborn, MI: Mark V Publications, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9780982252383 0982252382. Page 10 LHC Newsletter, Winter 2013 2012 INDEX OF WRITINGS IN THE FIELD OF AMERICAN LUTHERANISM Church, 2012. Print. OCLC: 828672035. 42 p. Jonke, Sue. St. John Lutheran Church, Marblehead, Ohio: Baptismal Records, 1912-1935. Port Clinton, Ohio[?]: OttaBaker, Jon. Cemeteries of Wayne wa County Genealogical Society, 2012. Township, Darke County, Ohio. [S.l.]: J. Print. OCLC: 823028207. 35 p. Baker, 2012. OCLC: 805221704. 353 p. Baker, Lois Ann. Cemeteries of Northern Darke County. 2 vols. [Greenville, OH]: J.A. Baker Pub, 2012. OCLC: 812013332. Includes Lutheran cemeteries. English Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the Northwest. Minutes of the ... Annual Meeting of the English Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the Northwest. ISBN: 1249975018 9781249975014. Saraswati Press, 584 p. Furlow, Suzanne B. Bergstrasse Lutheran Cemetery. Ephrata, PA: Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley, 2012. Print. OCLC: 823518339. Kelly, Arthur C. M. Vital Records of St. James Lutheran Church, Guilderland, New York, Albany County, 1784-1873: Baptisms, 1784-1873; Marriages, 18281873; Deaths, 1848-1854; 1864-1868. Rhinebeck, N.Y: Kinship, 2012. Print. OCLC: 813442501. Iv, 146p. Kelley, Dawn Westcomb, and Diana Iversen. Cemetery Maps & Information Muskegon County, Michigan. Muskegon, Mich: Muskegon County Genealogical Society, 2012. OCLC: 821618113. Kleinschmidt, Robin. Nazareth Lutheran Church 1862-2012: A Journey under Grace. Woolloongabba, Qld: Nazareth Lutheran Church of South Brisbane, Gravatt, Cynthia Louise Sinclair, Pame- 2012. Print. ISBN: 9780646578521 la Atkins Schmidt, Kathryn Bloom, and 0646578529. 112 pp. Shirley Poinsett Slater. Cemetery TranOur Redeemer Lutheran Church scriptions and Photographs, Adams (Cedar Falls, Iowa). 50 Years of God's Township, Allen County, Indiana: InGrace. Cedar Falls, Iowa[?]: Our Recludes Adams Family, Adams Towndeemer Lutheran Church[?], 2012. ship, Connors Family, German EvanOCLC: 825821853. Iii, 43 p. gelical Lutheran, Koehlinger Family, Martini Lutheran, St. John's Catholic, Tilbury Family, Trier Family, and Trinity Rudolph, Orion A. Church Book I: Evangelical Lutheran Cemeteries. Fort Evangelical Lutheran Hoffnungs Gemeinde, 1904-1944. Fargo, ND: GerWayne, IN: Mary Penrose Wayne mans from Russia Heritage Collection, Chapter, NSDAR, 2012. OCLC: NDSU Libraries, 2012. Computer file. 780115083. 326 p. OCLC: 812019605. Huebschmann, Joan, and Marlene PolSafford, Merle W, and Susan M. Frost. ster. St. John's Lutheran Church, Evanston, Spencer, Indiana Early Deaths, A History of the First Five Churches of 1851 to 1903. Evansville, IN: M. PolEast Longmeadow, Massachusetts 1807-2012. , 2012. Print. [St. Paul Luster, 2012. OCLC: 845624309. 16 p. Immanuel God with Us: 150th Anniver- theran Church, East Longmeadow, sary, 1862-2012, Immanuel Evangelical MA]. OCLC: 839275492. Xxii, 277. Lutheran Church, East Dundee, Illinois. Sager, Ann, and Kris Sager. With God's Virginia Beach, VA: Donning Co. Publishers, 2012. ISBN: 9781578647804 Grace: 100 Years of Faith : a History of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Neenah, 1578647800 127 p. Wisconsin : September 22, 1912-2012. Ingersoll, Dolores M, Dee Miller, and Neenah, WI: St. Paul Lutheran Church, Patricia Schmidt. Zion Evangelical Lu2012. Print. OCLC: 823509517. Xvi, theran Church, Peoria, Illinois: ... Rec158 p. ords, 1893-1931. Peoria, Ill: Peoria Salem Lutheran and Reformed Church County Genealogical Society, 2012. (Moore Township, Northampton Co., Print. OCLC: 828136914. Pa.), Timothy A. Gruber, and Dale E. Johnson, Barbara, and Peggy Smith. Berger. Salem Union Church CemeHolton Evangelical Lutheran Church tery: PA Route 946, Moorestown, Cemetery Headstone Readings. MusNorthampton County, Pa. Easton, Pa: kegon, MI: s.n, 2012. Print. OCLC: Easton Public Library], 2012. OCLC: 815967381. 6 p. 793521343. 63 p. Seeds of Blessings: History of the Lutheran Church in Mount Gambier. Mount Gambier: St. Martins Lutheran Church Mount Gambier, 2012. 140 p. Print. ISBN: 9780646587431 0646587439. St. Jacob's Lutheran Church: Celebrating 165 Years, 1847-2012. North Canton, Ohio: St. Jacob's Lutheran Church, 2012. Print. OCLC: 801402655. Ii, 33801402655 p. 33. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church (Howards Grove, Wis.). Celebrating God's Faithfulness: Sesquicentennial, 1862-2012. Howards Grove, Wis: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church], 2012. OCLC: 811343927. 60 p. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church (1851- ), and Chris Applin. Church record book, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Saginaw, Michigan: [1851-2011]. 2012. OCLC: 822027764. Tanunda Lutheran Home Celebrating Sixty Years 2002-2012: Supplement to a Memorial of Thanksgiving 1952-2002. Tanunda, S. Aust: Tanunda Lutheran Home, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9780958027519 095802751X. West, Thomas E., and Joan E. West. Now Thank We All Our God: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church : 175th Anniversary. Fort Wayne, IN: St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2012. OCLC: 823031981. 96 p. Chapters in Books DeMoed, Verena, “Gnapheus and the Confessionalization of the Lutheran Church” in Drama, Performance and Debate: Theatre and Public Opinion in the Early Modern Period, edited by Jan Bloemendal , Peter Eversmann, and Elsa Strietman. Leiden: Brill, 2013. Print. ISBN: 9789004240636 9004240632 9789004236998 9004236996. Vi, 373 p. Dickinson, Richard C. “Lutherans and Mission History,” in Profiles of AfricanAmerican Missionaries, Stevens, Robert J, and Brian Johnson, eds. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9780878080083 0878080082. vii, 322 p. Erling, Maria, “Americanization of American Lutheranism: Democratization of Authority and the Ordination of Volume 51, No. 3 Page 11 2012 INDEX OF WRITINGS IN THE FIELD OF AMERICAN LUTHERANISM Women, a Case Study, Part One,” in Brondos, David A., ed. Sources of Authority in the Church: Lutheran Traditions in North American Contexts. Minneapolis, MN: Lutheran University Press, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9781932688665 1932688668. siastical History Society by the Boydell Press, 2012. Print. Raheb, Mitri, “Konversionsproblematik im Verhältnis zwischen christlichen Minderheiten Filo, Julius, “The Lutheran Church and Sound dominanten nichtciety in Slovakia during the Cold War,” in christlichen MehrheitsreliChristian World Community - and the Cold gionen = The problem of War: International Research Conference in conversion between Bratislava on 5-8 September 2011, Július Christian minorities and Filo, ed., Bratislava: Evangelical Theologiother religions representcal Faculty of the Comenius University in ing a dominant majority. Bratislava, 2012. ISBN: 9788088827412 Christianity in the context 8088827418. 366 p. of Israel-Palestine and within the context of two Finkelman, Paul. "Toleration and Diversity in New Netherland and the Duke’s Colony: major monotheistic religions = Christentum im The Roots of America’s First DisestablishKontext von Israelment," chapter 5 in No Establishment of Religion: America’s Original Contribution to Palästina und im Kontext Religious Liberty, Gunn, T. Jeremy, editor von zwei grösseren mono(Al Akhawayn University); Oxford University theistischen Religionen,” in Religiöse GrenPress, 2012. OCLC: 9 780199860371; züberschreitungen: 9780199950164. Studien zu Bekehrung, Kleinhans, Kathryn A., “Sources of AuthoriKonfessions- und Relity in the Lutheran Tradition: Back to the gionswechsel = Crossing Future,” in Sources of Authority in the Religious Borders:Studies Church: Lutheran Traditions in North Amerion Conversion and Relican Contexts, David A. Brondos, ed. Mingious Belonging, Christine neapolis, MN: Lutheran University Press, Lienemann-Perrin and 2012. Print. ISBN: 9781932688665 Wolfgang Lienemann, 1932688668. eds. 2012. ISBN: 9783447067959 Lehtonen, Risto, “The Lutheran World Fed344706795. X, 956 p. eration under the Cold War,” Christian World Community - and the Cold War: InRamirez, David, “A Taxonomy of American Luternational Research Conference in Bratislava on 5-8 September 2011, in Július theran "Evangelical CathFilo, ed., Bratislava: Evangelical Theologiolics," in Theology Is Eminently Practical: cal Faculty of the Comenius University in Essays in Honor of John T. Pless, Jacob Bratislava, 2012. ISBN: 9788088827412 Corzine and Bryan Wolfmueller, eds.. Fort 8088827418. 366 p. Wayne, IN: Lutheran Legacy, 2012. ISBN: 9781613270066 1613270062. McArver, Susan Wilds, “Americanization of Rusama, Jaakko, “George Bell and the American Lutheranism: Democratization of Promotion of Anglican-Lutheran Relations,” Authority and the Ordination of Women, a in The Church and Humanity: The Life and Case Study, Part Two,” in Sources of AuWork of George Bell, 1929-1958, Andrew thority in the Church: Lutheran Traditions in Chandler, ed., Farnham, Surrey, England: North American Contexts, David A. BronAshgate, 2012. Print. ISBN: dos, ed. Minneapolis, MN: Lutheran Uni9781409425564 1409425568 versity Press, 2012. Print. ISBN: 9781409425571 1409425576. 9781932688665 1932688668. Ryman, Bjorn, “The Church of Sweden in Interchurch Relations in an Age of TotalitarPajunen, Mika K. T. “The Nordic Network Shows its Weakness as the Cold War Sets ian Ideologies,” in Christian World Community - and the Cold War: International ReIn : The Visit of the Rev. A. Cotter to the search Conference in Bratislava on 5-8 Nordic Lutheran Churches of Denmark, September 2011. Július Filo, ed., BratislaFinland, Norway and Sweden, 1946,” in International Religious Networks, Gregory, va: Evangelical Theological Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava, 2012. Jeremy, and Hugh McLeod, eds. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Published for the Eccle- ISBN: 9788088827412 8088827418. 366 p. NEW MEMBERS Rincker Library Concordia University Wisconsin Mequon, Wisconsin Timothy D. Grundmeier 9408 Hill Ln Woodway TX 76712 He is a student at Baylor University. Joel Thoreson, Editor Newsletter Lutheran Historical Conference Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 8765 W. Higgins Rd. Chicago, IL 60631 BOOK REVIEWS NEEDED: YOUR NEWS! Those interested in contributing book reviews or wishing to suggest a book, please contact David Settje at [email protected]. This newsletter is intended as a clearinghouse of information for archivists, historians and librarians. It needs you to provide material for it. Each review should be between 500 and 750 words long, be sent as a MS Word document or in a compatible format, and specifically evaluate the book and its Lutheran content/context. Please send material for publication to the editor. Items of interest include notice of research in progress, new appointments, publications, meetings and celebrations planned or held, bibliographical materials, and anything of general interest to LHC members. The LHC Newsletter is issued three times a year: Winter, Summer, and Fall. Have You Renewed Your Membership? If the mailing label on your newsle er shows an expira on date (Exp:) of “13” or less, please renew now for 2013. Send a check for $35.00, payable to the “Lutheran Historical Conference” to Richard O. Johnson P.O. Box 235 Grass Valley, CA 95945 Please send items to [email protected]. FOR THE NEXT NEWSLETTER Deadline: March 31, 2014
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