rower Nicola Indian Band Q 181 Nawishaskin Lane, Merritt, BC VIK 047 Ph: 250.378.5157 !g Fax: 250.378.6188 Email: [email protected] s sx I Nts*Gtba yi w: m ip Notice imiiimiiimiiiiivimim ' I ?1 1JL.LJ %?kk!L%J%i0 ?l%JlJ?l-l l-111 ljjlR!M&?%4;15 l??PL?MM€klLl%lll ?mkl% lljl ??- @ Executive Director Report bor Day statutory holiday. * Fire Department * Arena * Richard Jackson i iJai n" 4ji;iai Uii. i4,a 'lAi s.s@sZ fi!i li * Natural Resources l l * Community Health Rep * RCMP Newsletter i7 i 14 i 21 l l * Public & Capital Works i 28 CONTACT / INFORMAT?ON NUMBERS ' 'l i * Health & Soc Dev Manager * Band School i!i'; 7ai l"i 7 m ii l I 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 22 i i i i l 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 l' 29 30 11 111' 11 LNIB ADMIN...... ............. .....250.378.5157 i l * Executive Assistant ' IIlI 1111 ' 111 (? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?-? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?-i I I FAMILY & REC.....................250.378.2162 i i GENERAL MEETING: I l l LNIB SCHOOL. . . . . . .. . .... . . .. . ....250.378.5527 LOWER NICOLA INDIAN BAND l l LNIB ARENA......... .......... .....250.378.5180 THE tvexr REGULAR SCHEDULED I LNIB HEALTH......................250.378.4089 i i I I September 29, 2014-6:00 P.M. I I & LANDS & EC DEV..............250.378.5157 l l NATURAL RESOURCES SHULUS BAND HALL l l l PUBLIC WORKS........... ...... ...250.378.!5157 I I LNIBFlREDEpT...................250.378.5110 i i I I POLICE DEPT. .. ... ... ... ... ........250.378.4262 =.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..-.. ..J We, The Lower Nicola Indian Band Council, as Stewards of Nle?kepmx Pel Timixt, in the spirit, devote our efforts in pursuing socio-economic opportunities while protecting and enhancing our traditional land and cultural values. l < < > '! r Executive Director-Helder Ponte Exeas? DareCmr Report Helder ?e August 2014 LNl8 Communjty Newdetter l am pleased to submit to you a summary of the activittes thatl have been involved and tasks completed as Executive Director of LNIB during the month of August, 2014. As usual, wfth peopie takfng vacation in the summer months, the pace of work in the offfce slows down a bit, although we are all still very busy. We contfnue to focus on orga nizing the work of the different programs and departrrients, as well a.s continue to meet people from stakeholders organizaUons mth whom LNIB works with on a variety of programs and services, The following is a brief outline of the adivftfes which l was tnvotved during this past month: 1. LNIB Audned Financial Statements for the fisgl year ended March 31, 2014 - Our auditors, Reid Hurst Nagy lnc, Certified General Acoountarits, of Kelowna, BC, completed on Ume the audited finanaal statements of LNIB for the year ended March 31", 2014. One copy of the audited firiancial statements is available at LNIB Administratiori office for Band Members to consult, arid is also published tri our websRe (www, Please note that there fs more than one set of audned finaricial statements: one (the main one) for programs and services that LNIB provfdes to its members, one aboi.rt LNIB Housing, and one about the CMHC Housing program. In addition, each company owned by LNIB, such as Shulus Enterprtses and Shulus CatUe Co., has its own separate set of financiat statements. l take this opportunity to thank the Accounting Team at LNIB (Barry Torgerson, Marcy MacLeod, and Thomas Spence), who, in spite of the staff turnover in the last few months, were pivotal in helping the auditor to complete LNIB audit on time, 2. Workplan & Budget for LNIB lnfrastructure Sector - Chief and Coun61 has now approved the workplan and provisfonal budget for the programs that make up LNIB lnfrastructure Sector (Public Works and Capital, Housing, Fire department, and Shulus arena). We are now working on holding a special session of C&C in November to focus on revising and updating LNIB's Capital Plan. In the next few weeks C&C will review the workplaris and budgets for Human Services Sector (Education, Band School, Health and Social l r l * < > 1 r development), and then Lands and Economic development, and then Finance and Ad miriistraUon. 3. LNIB Summer Recreatin program - Wtth the help of Gina Basil, Tanya Berit, Joe Quewezance, and Brfdget LaBelle, LNIB offered a successful Summer Recreatfon Program for youth. The program oftered a range of acUvities, including, cutture, dance, ballet, gym, jazz, swimming, golf, fishtng, anoeing, and other field activFtfes, and will end with a two-day cultural aimp on August 26'h to 28", Joe Quewezance (manager of the Shulus Arena) is now working on us offerFng a Fall-Winter program, 4. Communtty Volunteering - As in past years and in accordance with LNIB's communal fishing license, LNIB organized a group of LNIB member vo[u nteers to go fishing and donate the catch to people in the community who could not do it for themsetves (elders, single parerits wtthout a vehicle, and persons with disabilities). l take the opportunity to reoognize and thank Councillor Arthur Dick, Joe Shuter, and Solomon Dick, who went on an all-night salmori fishfng outing, and Dedee Voght, Rossana Narcisse, Sondra Tom, and Rylan Kerber, who did the packagfng and distribution of fish. Still in the topic of voluriteering, regrettably, we did not get anyone volunteering for the proposed trespassing committee, However, we are still working on the Trespassing bylaw, so it is not too Iate for you to volunteer. We still need the particfpatjon of the community on this effort. s. FN Land Management Regime - At the invRation of LNIB Chief & Council, Chief Robert Louie, of Westbank First Nation and Ctiair of the Lands Advisory Board, and Denise Kel)y, of the First Nations Land Management Resource Centre, made a presentation and answered questions related with the trarisfer of Iand management responsJbilities from Aborig'nal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (urider the Indian Act) to LNIB under the First Natjons Land Management Act. The process will likely take approximately two years to complete, arid wfll end with the development of a LNIB Land Code that will be submitted to LNIB membership through a referendum vote, This is an important step for LNIB, as n will allow for more business development, quicker turnover for housirig and other land-related inftiatives, as wel) as it wilt facilitate the completion of a number of estates, which have not settled for a number of years. i r ! < > '! r 6. Se€ection of law firm for solLnor services to LNIB-owned companies - We are now complete mth the setection process of the law firm that will assist us in the ongoing corporate affairs work, such as the arinual report to the Regtstrar of Companies, annual generaJ meeUng, selection and appo[ntment of dtrectors, appointment of auditors, and other legat matters required for the oornpames owned by LNIB. 7. Trespassing By-law - We have developed the first draft of a "T respassing By-law" for LNIB, that will now be submitted to C&C for comment, revtew, and approval after three read#ngs, before it is sent to AANDC for acceptance and regtstration, We have a copy of the draft Trespassing By-law at the receptionist desk (in LNIB Admintstration Office), and copy of the draft document posted in our website for comment and review by LNIB members. You can also contact me dfrectly at rielde r@lmo,zet ff 90U need a copy of the draft by-raw or want to ask questions or provide comments on this much needed regulation. 8. Permit for Sale of Tobacco Produds on Reserve - C&C passed a resolution in support of Delores Jacksori, owner operator of St>ulus Enterprises Limited, doing business as "Johnny's on the Ref, to be grarited a Iicense to sell a certakn volume of tobacco products per months to LNIB members and other persons with 'lndian status" at prices wRhout taxes. As it is the case with any vendor of tobacoo products elsewhere, a number of restrictjons apply, and a prescribed protocol must be strictly followed and enforced, 9. Open Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper - Eariy fn the month, Chief Aaron Sam wrote an open letter to Prime Mfriister Stephen Harper expressfng some concerns about the process of revjew and approval of the proposed expansion of the TransMountairi Pipeline, which crosses LNIB reserve Iands, and on the rieed of a nationat energy strategy for Canada. lO.Vehicle and Equipment, and housinB loans - We are working on an applfcation for a loan from All Natfons Trust Co, (ANTCO) for the purchase of an excavator for our forestry operations. We are also working on the purchase of a new truck to complement the fleet of vehicles of Shulus Forestry Enterprises. Stifl on the topic of financtng, LNIB has also signed the renewal of the loan agreement with ANTCO for one of our CMHC social housing phases. The term of the renewal is s years. r < < > k r 11.FNFA and FNMB certifigtion - Earlier in the month, Chmf & Counal had presentations from two key national First Nations institutions estabtished under the FN Financial Management and Statistical Act : the First Nations Finance Authority (FNFA, based out of Kelowna, BC), and the First NaUons Management Board (FNMB, based out of Squamtsh, North Vancouver, BC). LNIB is now working towards being certified by the FNMB and become a member of FNFA, so we can aocess credtt for housing and community infrastructure buildings am facilittes at much tower cost. 12.Break of tailings pond of Mt. Polley Mine - We followed very cJosely the evoMng of the situation of tm break of the tailings pond of the Mt, Polley mine, near the Quesnef River, a mine owned bylmperial Mines Corporation operating in the tradRional territory of the Tsilhqot'in Nation, as we were concerned about the potential effect on Iife. It seems that the breach is now more oontained, and the situation under better controt and all the water restrictions and advisories have been lifted by the BC Ministry of Environment, However, this incident fs seen by many as a wake-up oIl for the Govemment of British Columbta to engage in mueh needed higher envirorimerital staridards for the mtriing industry in tbe province. 13.Remediation of Godey Ptt Salt Contamination - LNIB and the Ministry of Transportation and lnfrastructure (MOTI) have resumed discussions with respect to the remediation of satt contamination in Godey Pit and adjacent lands (which affects part of Joyaeska Indian Reserve # 2 of LNIB). Much work still lays ahead on this file; however, we expect some substantive progress during the next few months. 14.New Staff at LNIB - On behalf of everyone, l would ltke to weleome Richard Jackson to our LNIB Dream Team, Richard has been hired as Male Counseltor as of August 18th. He brings to this much rieeded service a wealth of knowledge and experience, We encourage you to contact Richard directly, if you feel that he could tx of help to you, a relative or a friend. l also want to say "Weloome back!" to Rylan Kerber, who is our Community Support Worker, after a very brief absence. Rylan brings back his commitment to excellent work in community development and wellness. l i < < > '! l r 15.Meetings - During this month l met with a number of people/organizatfons to advance the interests of LNIB, including All Nations Trust, Community Futures Development Corporation of the Central Interior F?rst Nations, Peace Hills Trust, Corix (installers of BC Hydro Smart Meters, Ajax Mining, Kinder Morgan pipeline maintenance, and Stuwix Resources. We had a vfsR of Jackae Tegart, MLA for Fraser-Nicola, who came to LNIB to discuss and hear matters of common concern. 16.New School Year - The new school year is just around the corner, and with it the exciting days of summer are coming to an end, However, at the same time everyone is excRed about going back to school to meet old and new frfends and teachers, learn new things, or just enjoy ... wakfng up fri the morning and gettjng ready for school. Piease feel free to contact Angfe Sterling, ff your child ts attendirig the Lower Nicola Band School, or Lynne Charlton, if your child (or yourself) are attending other schools, coflege, or untverstty. l thank you for the attention and interest in reading my report and the interest that you have in LNIB-related issues. If you have any questfons, comments, request, or concerns, please contact me at helder<ail nia,ne t or by phone at (250) 378 5157, local extensmon 701, or at (250) 315 9657 (cell), or visrt me at the LNIB Administration Office at your convenience, Yours truiy, Helder Ponte Executme Director Lower Nicola Indian Band ! J'JJ 1 ? 7 'jk f j i > < < '! r Lower Nicola Band School-Angie Sterling LOW'IR NICOLA BAND SCHOOL Job Posttng POSmO?N: Hot Lundi Cook DESCRIPIION: Reporting to k Principal. the Hot Lunch Cook is responsible to cook a hot lundi pro@am for the students attending the SchoolDuties iclude: * Cook Hot Lundi for approximately 75 students, twice per wedc * Lunch * to be served at 12 noon * Save limch to students * Clean up mcludes washing dishes and put away foTh afterwards * Shopping for groceries REQKTIREADENTS: * A Valid Drivers license and reliable vehicle * Must pass a ? records check * Must have their Food Safe Certificate Salary: $15.00,/hour Deadune: September s, .2014 Staxt Date: ASAP Appli?ts are required to submit a resuw with cover letter and 3 refereaces to: Angie Sterling, Principal Lower Nicola Band School 20? Horn Road Merritt, BC VIK-1M9 Fax 250-3 78-6389 e-mail: [email protected] I l < < > r > -? m i % k ---? ?% ? % 'L,- '4.? Newsletter Submissions The Lower Nicola Indian Band would like to ask the LNIB members to please start sending in submissions such as: * * Business Opportunities Poems * Wrffleups I * Stories * Recipes * Pictures Classffied Ads * Announcements * Birthday Greeting/ 0 Anniversartes Events * QUOtes * Etc- lf you would like to have something published in the Lower Nicola Indian Band Newsletter, you can send it to adminofficesupporat2( or bring it to front desk at the Lower Nicola Indian Band Office. Also at any time you can log onto the LNIB website to view the monthly newsletter. Best regards! We are looking forward to seeing your newsletter submissions, Thank You. *ff a submission is inappropriate the newsletter editor roll edit the text accordingly. a? l'- 4 . 4 -"?, % ? % ?, ?? ;? i < > < '! I r Deputy Fire Chief-Tony Allen Tony Allen Deputy Fire Chief The Fire Dept. will be conducting chimney cleaning from mid-September to early October. If any Band member would like to have a pre-winter cleaning done, they can call the Lower Nicola Indian Band Fire Hall at 250-3 78-5110 anytime with a name, address and phone number, and we will put them on our list. Please make the request promptly, as no cleaning will be considered after snowfall. M%- J r ? rr fl M r 4 -1. f J '1 i:?i Th 11 11 ? l? x l-' l k 7 1 l J ?l J ? 14 Q l' !,l kq 7- i r /1 J l l jl i l n l ? 1 [l'Vw /] l 3- j t J r i < < > r k 7 Richard Jackson Jr., CAC n Health & So6al Development Commuriity Senrices Counsellor 181 Namshaskin Lane Meiiitt BC Canada VIK 1N2 Tel 250-378-4089 Cell 250-280-2424 Fax 250-378-9137 Email ?gci(dllaibioet To the Lower Niayla Indian Band Community my name is Richard Jackson Jr, I am a Lowei- Nicola Band member and am honored to be working as one of the Heah & So6al Development Cornmun§ Serv? Counsellors. l have over twenty year expeiiena: tri the Counselling fiekJ. In rriy journey of Iffe, I am a wounded War Veteran. I served in the United States Aimy 19661969 Vietnam War. } was honorably didarged in Fort Lems, Washington. My Father Richard Jadson Sr, was WWI 1 Air Force Veteran, My brother Karl Jackson was a Korean war veteran, I come from a Militaiy family. I have provided over Twenty Years of Counselling Seivms mth a number of Organizations they are: Lytton First Nations, Hesk'wen'scubce Heah Socmty, Conayt Friendship Cenbw So?, Nmmen Indian Band, Ki Low Na Fiiemship Soc*ffl and the Westbank First Nations. The Ciyator has blessed Me to come home and work for my own community afb- all these years. My sbength lies mthin the Mediane Wheel teadiings, Respeding our Cukure and tad&nal teadiings of my gi;andfather/and father, I cany a Ham Drum and sing songs of Healing I work with our Gi'ass Roots people to tmp them on their healing journey. I util#e Clinml counselling and Tradtonal Teaching to help our people move forwam to a heahier life-style. I belmve we need to share both Tiadkional & Cultural lffe-styles, ?felong Iearning and k 11 teaching. I kxok forward l ? to working whin the LowerNmla?mian Band and wdfi our Grass Roots people. My office hours at'e Monday thru Fiiday 8:30 4:30, Please call me at the o? or my cell to set up appointnent. All my relations, Ridiard Jackson Jr. cac n ll ? 7 l,e ['? !, l L/"h ' ;![ ."ia*]? 'l ff a l: 't? :v:? !?v3 -a1 l"V'!5? i < < > I > rTTl i g [ n k li lThl wl?wlam' rTTTTiil ri'T'J1 ? i swi ? k? eRAWTOMtHTOR AMaA8$l$TWlTH rllVul CmJa mliuTmmi lrwm'sliceasa h?fbwb @;fa s&jlga (:Sllllll:45illl(1 m0iia mmiiw fiiiiiw n r rl '7ay';y?ayI A I l y@ W I'lll l'l -l :- . riiiiw I? rrv I ll rl anymmwi art ri n ,'l ] $weam lrummakins MH! wMmlr lFla ? 'fl'l ? 01 ? % ffi N J% # ? ? # l A wido $ctnlm includIng SllpQl menloring, axtta curricular aeMties, w ? m1 kasic lile skills and cllnufal aCliVmlleS lnp allP? hu 11 rmw m*m mTTl ml 1 COOW$tllHla Pl@880 c*imim me to set up appmiments: J JT!TJ 1 t R)jUlfl KOrllOr Work: [250] 378-4089 Cell: [250] 315-8044 TIW, lower Wmla lfldiaW 6004 ? 4 I i J j #? 1 [email protected] l 11 1m l i < < > '! 7 SHULUS CQ??UNNTY' ARENjak Hello Membership, I would like to thank Gina Basil and Tanya Bent for the great work they put in to the summer recreation program. The program hosted as many as 21 kids throughout the summer. We hope that your chi ldren enjoyed the activities and culture camp. Vanessa (ballet Instmctor) was very happy with the improvement of each 6hild. Vanessa informed me that our youth have natural talent for ballet. I have spoken with Sydney (golf pro) about our youth participating in golf lessons. Sydney was very happy to have worked with our youth and hopes that the youth continue with golfing. Unfortunately, due to low ticket sales we had to postpone the giant bingo until the spring of 2015. We look forward to seeing you all at next year's giant bingo. As we look forward to the winter months, I want to inform the community that we will be hosting skating clinics for youth. Once the winter ice schedule is set, I will be posting our skating clinic dates and times. I encourage youth of all ages to register for these skating clinics. For safety reasons your child will need skates, helmet, stick and gloves. The Shulus Arena is scheduled to have the ice installed and ready for Monday September 22nd. Throughout the winter months, we will be seeking volunteers for the concession. If you are interested or know of someone please contact Joe Quewezance. I hope that everyone has enjoyed their summer holidays. I look forward to seeing all hockey players and parents at the arena throughout the winter. If you have any questions please contact Joe Quewezance @ 250-525-0084 orioeq@)! Thank you, Joe Quewezance r l < > < l '! r Community Support Worker-Rylan Kerber Well hello again, I will start by saying a quick hello to all of you out there that I have not had a chance to meet or to the people that I have had the pleasure of meeting. My name is Rylan Kerber I had worked for the band for about s years working as a youth and family worker. Just until recent I had spread my wings and worked with high risk youth for Axis family resources. I have just returned to the lower Nicola Indian Band as a Community support worker, which means I look forward to working with youth, Adolescences and families to help them reach whatever goal they might have set out for themselves. Also I look forward to working with the community again in many aspects. With that being said I look forward to meeting with you and providing you the support you and your families deserve. All my relations, Rylan Kerber Community support worker <*>V7'?;'-' ": ?;' R* i) '!l (r)> * J %la; Daa! *E)-, * (? ' <-) $ ' GJ * 'iJ -TJI 'j-j'@ffi€fifi i).)i3 m-s 1.% )ii-aj:ta?ai)a?iil % * a i, ,(,7J'J',??7 '? <)a'.g l < > < i > (1 LOWER NICOLA INDIAN BAND '101 MmQ L? l W4 8tHbb ThM@, taeM* VIK 07 &w& rx?mkm* j ?i BgJ?l &??w Looking for Volunteers T@* uo m.stsy ?ax ? ff!010 TRESSPASSING COMMl"TTEE ? ? & ?m vm iso ns.aa* @w 80 ?tl3? r? l 1 l 1 1 1 r 1 1 l J l 1 il LNffl &? % 2% 371sm 1 ?w ? 371&W* Lmm %* ? vmmo'misuo @u ? ?? %'€1 ?wyww,9 ?w? i i ? ?a vmaso? ?? 2!50 '%1&.%1S1 ?@abwd R?mw, Laswls & hemwab ? ? w t 'W'P vmuoya.sisy ?wx m l?aJl?ffla 1 1 1 l 1 l l l LNIB is planning on creating a trespassing bylaw to help with the people entering onto LNIB Reserves without prior corisent. If you feel strongly about this topic please call the LNIB band office 250-378-5157 and leave your name with Sondra Tom; when a meeting date is set we will contact you to come help with this process? i < < > > Heuo, Please be adiised that the First Nations Health Authoxitv hart hired Sondra Tom, Cheslie Iom and Jiui Biuy as the Data Couectors for the upcoming First Nations Regional ]Early ('hildbood, Iducation & Employment Survey for the Lower Nicola Indian First Natton communky. 'll"e win be contacting members that have been xaandomly selected froui the band membership list and going m the5x home to inteiiiew theui for the F'SWJ[ Suxi-ey. 11-e antiapate contacting band members as soon as the Random Sekecrion of Band Members has been completed. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Sondiaa Tom at 250-315-9153 oia email [email protected] or contact the Cre'w Leader Ra+Anne Sasakamoose at 250-571-3668 or email [email protected] I'hank you, Sondra I'om Sondra Tom, Data Couector for Intexior and Northern BC First Nations Regional Early ( hudhood, Iducation, & Imployment Suxi-ey Tirst Nations Health Authorih- (Contracmr) I If you are selected and co:mplete the l suri-ey you nill be entered into a m & k i u l Paal i %? k? draiv to ivin an ipad mini! i l I l r k < > '! ? Dm you know that ... ':l The Lower Nicola Indian Band is one of the region's largest bands. Currently, we have 1,198 members of whom apprommately 660 lming in three main neighbourhoods on reserve. The majority of our off-reserve members live in Merritt, Kamloops and Vancouver, with smaller numbers spread throughout BC and beyond. tE As of Decerriber 2011, we had 534 members living on reserve, 449 living on other reserves (not LNIB), and 566 living off-reserve, '.:: In accordance with the Nationa[ Aboriginal Household Survey of 2010, conducted by Statistic Canada, the total number of persons living on reserve was 660, of whom 345 members were mate and 315 were female, 95% of persons on reserve identified thernseJves as North Amerfcan Indian, €E In terms of age, 28% were 15 years or younger (175 persons), 62,2% were between 15 arid 64 (390 persons), and 9.8% were 65 or otder {60 persons). ':J= There were 225 dwellings, mostly (160) buit't between 1980 and 2011. of the 225 dwellings, 25 were classified not suitable. 47% of the dwellings were more than 30 years old, and 24% of them were in need of major repair, Most houses had one or two bedrooms (71%). I:V In terms of marital status, 210 people were married orlived fn a common-Iaw relaUonship, 195 were single arid 40 were separated, divorced or widowed, ('E Two thirds of the households had only one maintainer (income from one person only; not kth spouses). (-": The participatton rate (percentage of those in the job market - working or tooking for work, and unemployed) was 53%. The percentage of those working was 38.9%, and the unempfoyment rate was 25% (31.1% for male and 16. 7% for females). i:J The average income per household was 938,046, and 920,75) per person, About 2/3 of residents had an annual income of tess than 915,000, Most of income was derived from employment {74.2%), pension income (12.4%), chi?d benefits (8.1%), and social assistance (6,1%). ', '= In terms of employment, 73% were employed arid 27% were unemployed. The partjapaUon rate in the Iabour force was 53.3%. 215 people were not in the Iabour force (less than age of 15 and oJder than 64). 6.3% were setf-ernpJoyed, Of those employed, only 2796 worked the whole year, with an average per person of 34.3 weeks per year. 12.5 % did not work at alt durfng the year. ':X About one third of those employed had steady emptoyment (48 or more weeks per year), but 40% worked for less than 26 weeks (6 months), mth an overall average of 34.3 weeks, r i > < r ! r > ':5 In terms of edu>tion attainment, about 1/3 of peopie did not complete High School, 18% had oompleted university or coflege, and about lOoJ had a trade certificate or dipioma. ':I In terms of language characterBtics, 110 resident members (16,896) knew how to speak, but onty 1.6% spoke it most often at home. l.E About 1/6 of restdents (105) professed tradRtonal Aborigirial spirttuafity, 43.3% considered themselves Christtan, arid 40% did not have religious affilfation, €:U In terms of mobility (change of residence to/from another community), 40% lffed in one of LNIB's neighbourhoods for more than s years; however, about 1/6 of the residents had moved wRhin the tast year. 'r We estimate that our resident population will roughly double in the next 10 to 12 years, ff recent trend in populatjon growth rates hoJd. The following is a table highlighting the composition of the membership of Lower Nicola Band as of July 20", 2014: %of A@e(iroup M?m 0 to 14 117 123 240 19112 15 to 34 157 185 342 28-33 35 to 44 101 115 216 17-84 45ToS4 87 85 172 14-25 55 to 64 55 75 130 10-56 65 to 74 48 33 81 6-68 75+ 11 18 29 2-38 Total 576 634 1,210 FemJe Total Tot?l ICX)-00 In terms of neighbourhood and residence, people living on LNIB reserves were distrfbuted as follows: r < < > Number of Numberof Rmdad< = Houses ' Shulus Subdmion (lR#l) 126 66 Springs Subdmismn (lR#l) 182 35 Rody Pmes (lR#l> 273 98 joyesaska (lR#2} 42 u Zoht (lR#4} 35 14 Hamitton (lR#7} 0 2 Pipseul 2 1 Spius Creek 3 1 663 232 '! r N??kni s??e :41:4tl l W? $41 T l fi ) affllu Tota Is Please note that these estjmates were based on the Natjonal Household Survey of Aboriginal Population, included in the 2011 Census conducted by StatBtis Canada, and on data collected by Geraldine Shuter, LNIB Membership Clerk, from the National Indian Registry of AANDC. Helder Ponte, August 2014. r i < < > > Executive Assistant-Sondra Tom r p- W'J j 4 ('l J r j Q a Sondra Tom Executive Assistant This past month I have assisted Helder Ponte, Executive Director with the coordination of the Chief and Council meetings by preparing the packages, caterers and minute taker. This ensures the smooth process for the Chief and Council meetings. I also am directed to provide the newsletter electronically so if you would like a copy emailed to you call the main office to provide me with your email address. This is just in the early stages and we are hoping to have this feature up and running in September. We will also eliminate the door to door from your house if you choose electronic delivery. So it will be interesting to coordinate the upcoming door to door deliveries with this new option as well. We would also like to include some articles submitted by band/community members so if you're a writer please submit your short stories, poems, lyrics and jokes. We would like to implement interviews of members as well so if you have an interesting event happening call the office and we will interview to include in the newsletter. I also ensure that the office supplies are ordered before the stocks dwindle. Our receptionist Rosanna Narcisse will be attending a few courses at NVIT. We are promoting improving our staff by providing training so we are excited for this opportunity to improve her skills. I will also be doing classes through Thompson River's University Open Learning to gain knowledge in the Human Resources department, when I have spare time during my day or evening. l l < < > i > Kekuli Cafe Opens in Merritt Around Town... - Mer?itt has the newest Kekuli Caf6 ! A very nice place to go; enjoy the place and the food. Enjoy bannock, breakfast, lunch, desserts, and hot and cold beverages. Kekuli Caf6 has been featured and is listed in the much acclaimed list of the Food Network TV's "You Gotta Eat Here!? in the meantime, don't panic. .. Kekuli has the bannock! Kekuki Caf6 is located in downtown Merritt at 2015 Voght Street, Merritt. ?Kekuli Caf6 is owned by Sharon Bond, who is a member of Nooaitch, just a few kilometers west of Lower Nicola. Sharon has been dreaming of owning her own business since 1992. She wrote many business plans, and one day, after many rejections for financing, she successfully opened her first restaurant in 2009, inspired by her First Nations roots! She worked on the successful business plan, while operating Patricia Sam's Bannock Stand at the local carwash since 2005, Sharon was determined to open a restaurant. Now, 9 years operating her own businesses with her husband Dar?en Hogg, they are successfully working on franchises in Canada, and just opened their second location in Merritt. This paragraph is an adaptation of the text included in Keluli Caf6's website, which I also recommend you to visit at . TWO DIFFERENT LOCATIONS Westbank, B.C. Merritt, B.C. l r q r r I J r r l l J 1 r +l :&'? *A % i'W ?I ? j n r-s' ? L? @ , n. e l < < > > i 4w- d @7i "9 S :J!17 !;!l e€' T "H ' o "a% jF:?afa' ! ::' a?a?'?? oN ?: 4""' W ?'a'??" o% ?':" j'aa; '1e"- fl? ?a' rt <!' (,) r ww- p ? A'i%';l? 7= ; !04?' ! K @* %,o3 9 C/) %€ t '%J L'i * g 1 :) 0 ;,,, ? d <' Prri $1 rVl f'l l r 1 l l g 7 7 7 7 ? 7 ? 7 i i i l i i i i w?J i i ! i ] i ?s v aJ G!l > j r r'z r ;0 z:E :.2g r'z mi W., m.m l 41.- r l t?ii /r d9 ;z ffl C} ?.; C): i W i 7 r 1 FJ j l l i Q Nal w kTh ? ?L i&wi l < < > > Natural Resources Manager-Todd Chamberlain Natural Resources Department Update for August We are currently still working on our two contracts with BC Hydro for the MAT line from Highland Substation to Merritt. We anticipate finishing the Clearing contract by the end of September and the Road Constmction contract by the end of October. We have just signed two more contracts with them, the first is to do the excavation of the actual pole holes and the second is a more general contract. In this one, we will be supplying supplies and labour as they require. We have also rented a portion of the MOJO yard to them and they have set up office trailers, storage containers and are storing the poles and equipment that they will need. Stan, Craig and Alec are busy working with Dave Caswell continuing to monitor all the activities on the new hydro line to ensure that everyone is in environmental compliance. Josh and Cedric have been busy with Tolko Industries working with one of their crews doing Site Plan data collection. Lindsay also has been busy with Tolko doing road and logging supervision on some of their logging contractors as well as supervising all the ILM work that has to be completed for the contract. Ted as always is out doing PFR's for all the Forest Licencees (Tolko, Aspen and Weyerhauser) Hope everyone has had a good summer and as always, if anyone has any questions or would like a tour of what we are up to, please contact me at the band office. Kwukwscemxw, Todd Chamberlain I i < < > I 1 r Natural Resources Manager-Todd Chamberlain Ministry of Forests, Lands And Natural Resource Operations ?stxav of Forests, Lands and Namral Resomre Operarions it-ddfire ALinagemnt Branch Kxx?s Fm Cetre KFC2014-012 Augad21,2014 O[N IFIRI PROH]BmON ORDER Under section 10(l) off the the nll@re nll@reAct, Ai and pursuant to my designa.tion .gn'lticm as an. offi6al under rohibitii.on sithin the uea that Act, LI, Les Hiffiand, Husband,hereby herebyRESC RES L')l"D -the open burning prohi useof ofthe the fouowing fo] desffibed below that restricted the lighting, fuelling or ruse types of open fires: h Open fires in an outdoor stove * Campfires as defined in the u?ildfire Regulation I bereby.P.ROHn3rT hereby PROHn3iT within within the the restricted :area described below, the lighting, fuelling or use of the follow"ing types of open fires: Category 2 fires as defined in k Wildfire Regulation Categorj3 fires as defined by the Wildfire Regulation :F:urthepore, I or$ au persons lighting- fuelling or using any category 2 or category 3 fires ss?i?thin the restricteA ar-ea to ?edoing &mg ?d to- ertin7iuisM cted area to cease so and to ertinzuishMla[l6uch suchru:aes ru:aes..' This Order rescinds and replaci replaces Order Niunber Jff(1013-010 and takes effect Thursday,, August 21 at s:o?0 pro PST. ::00 pn These fires uill remain prohibited tbroughout all fire zones wit? the Kamoops Fire Centre and these orders -will remain in force until the date desaibed in the foll6uing table or until tlx Orb m resc'm?. ' ' 'Fire Zone Elev'affon ' Dmii'm! :r6iifiiffi6m' ' ' naii'6f'reicffia Kanffoops " fiMe " Zone ' ' ' ' " Vernon Fire Zone Penticton Fm Zone Merritt Fire Zone Lillooet Fire Zone AU eevations Miv 15, 2014 October 15. 2014 Aboi-et200 metres t ' eeiaation September Clearuaater Fire ZoneSalmon Ann Fire Zone 15,2014 All elevations June 15. 20.14 . All eleva @"ons October 1, 2014 r '! > < < 7 Natural Resources Manager-Todd Chamberlain Ministry of Foregts, Iands and Natgal Resource Operations Ministry of Forests, Lands and Na'mral Resouxce Operations Wildfire Management Brmich The prohibition applies tk e?e ?oops ? #er-.Centr.e area, as describe4 as lne @ohlDltlofl appnesto? to the entffe ffl00ps follows and as set out in the attadied map which is for reference purposes only: * North Boundar)a: Wells Gray Park north of Blue River * East Boundary5 Monashee Mountains. east of Lumby * South Boundi: United States border south of Osoyoos * West Bounda0: Bridge River Glacier West of Gola Bridge /,./,9 J'? 1l d jr ?M ?' T I,ES HUSBAND F#e C entre Manager Mizfflstry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Ops J BRI? ISH ( :( 11 U'sll31 S @* *@m , @t , FORMOREINFORMATION b PLEASE GO TO: http:// www. env. gov. bcparks/ campfire bans.html W u!K J I& 5(l l 4 a € JV iS J [1 a ] m m s m m mm s s m l ! c e lM I E Cz l l ' 1 .FIRESAFEBC.CA: r' I W l,@W1 r i < < > I '! r Natural Resources Manager-Todd Chambelrain Ministry of Forests- Lands and Nahril Resomce Operations J BR?IISH ('.(?1.131131 '( Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natura? Resource Operations Ii7ildfire ){anagement Branch Attacbment(s): maps Area of Open Fire Pro'liibitiou, Order m ]kFC 2014-012, efk#e 5:00 pro PST August 21. 2014 ?;? %" ? * l ; IWI Ma .i k0 "l ,'?.h,k.:a%"'74'.'4'u:"'=??'.-'I-??;???'? ?" ' l < < > I > m l ffi Lower Nicola Indian Band r & Nicola Valley Institute of Technology l l l i r l "QwemQwemt-QwamQwmf' (Q,2) Program "Everything is Right' Th r? i Everyone Welcome!l Student intake for Upgrading & Adult Dogwood Diploma! r LNIB members are eligible for a financial incentive. l r lasses for the Q2 Program start in September 2014. l l l Beverages, Snacks & Light Lunch Provided! For all students interested in participatinB in our proBram please contact: Lymm Charlton, Fdiarsitlon Msinmger @260.37a.5157 r l Carol* Baill or Brldg*t l aBml* @?H 37a.40a9 l This program is in partnership with NVn' and the five fouriding Bands. l l W t'w & b ? ?'9 x'yi-ia ? Jy ? :g l mmmmmmmmmmmm J > k r I < < B4et [aBeffe, BSW Health & Social Development Manager - (250)-378-4089 September 2014 Rylan Kerber, Community Support Worker and Richard Jackson Counsellor have started their positions for more information and or to book an appointment to meet with them feel free to call our office both of them are located here in the Community Services building. It has been a great summer, we have a lot of fish, tomatoes and peaches. ...Thank-you to all who have fished for the community we have given out to elders and single parents, persons with disabilities. We have been fortunate enough to get some for our freezers and have canned some as well. If you didn't receive any and are in need please let us know. m l l m L ui % b. c! p' ? g pc ! l r I 'll 7 ?l ffl! s !! I l !'J -# ,l M k r l P'?- L We didn't get a lot of berries but did go out for some black caps and they were given to the soup kitchen. ?? r? S-:' 6'3 rJ? r [ ,W K !!?: :? 'l 1 b &? 'q?a l'7, :? N 11 1 We had Jorge Lewis come and make dmms with LNIB staff and some youth. We will be making drum sticks and bags soon as well. We would really like to start learning some of our songs together and sharing with the community at a later date. '? 4 / * (t'< 4? l l v4 08 'i"j!'! '41j * 1 i IB %B I l [1l [ l 1 i 1 I am looking forward to the Country Hoe down at the Peterson Farm, hope to see everyone there will give an update next month. We will be having our quarterly Acknowledgement din?ner if you have anyone you would like to acknowledge please let us know A.S.A.P. We are looking for suggestions for upcoming events and or workshops feel free to call us and or email bridgetl( l < < > '! 7 Community Health Rep-Rhonda Dunn Health Coordinator Programs for the Month of September 2014 Family Swim for LNIB community members living on Reserve - The swimming pool will be closed for maintenance and tentatively open on September l 5'h (Mondays Only). However, the gym will be open from (Mon-Fri 7:00 am -7:00 pm). When signing in for swimming/gym be prepared to show your status card/and or on-reserve house address. As there have been times non-band members have tried to sign-in under LNIB. Good Food Bag -Wednesday, September 1 8'h pickups after lunch. We remind people that it is very important to pick up your good food bag that day as it is not being refrigerated. Elder's Lunch - Will be on Thursday, Sept 25'h at the Soup Kitchen at 12:00 noon. Diabetic Gathering and Information Session - Will be sometime in September we will keep you posted. This will be our second session in getting together to discuss and learn about living a quality life with diabetes. We have invited Jill Starrs who is a registered Dietician with the Interior Health. Jill will teach us how to read food labels, proportion size etc. Also we will learn how to make our own nutritional ?Healthy Shakes?. Patient Travel Requests New Update: Due to my other programs and duties we are now going to be only taking in Patient Travel Requests on Monday and Tuesdays; and pmcessing the following Monday and Tues for Purchase Orders; For Cheques they will be ready Friday's after 11:00 am. Patient Travel forms must be completely filled out one week prior to appointments. Patient Travel Request forms are available at the Health Centre reception area. If you need assistance filling out the form contact myself (Rhonda). If I am out of the office Robin can assist you. It is very important that I receive your confirmation that you attended your appointment they can be faxed (250-3 78-913 7) or hand delivered back to the Health Centre following your appointment. If I do not receive your for confirmation I will not be able to process future appointments. i > < < > Community Health Rep-Rhonda Dunn STI Serjes - Nimber 08m October 2010 HIV/AIDS What is HIV/AIDS? Some people think t?my may get HIV if dwy donate Acqi:iired T?imodefiripnrv S)ndrome (AnDS) * a very se'ous dizase. You z get it fro? tbe Hum a n V'uus (HIV),HIV hmms your ? s>rstem, compromising its ability to to protect protect you you against Medious S'mce peopk s* si*AJD'i AJDSdo donot have ? protection. tbey can get many different infections and ('ane eff - How can l get HIV/A1 DS? You can get A[)S onl5r if the HTh' xis gets into your boo. The s? can be c? into your bod5a in seme2 fluid from the vagina, or blood. People m get the H?['v' infection when they have !)!€KX!. This is not tue,. The mu'se wbo takes your blood uses a new ? fo? each pmon- Thire is no contact with m>vne dse's blood w? you @sre blood. ? blood that people @ve is atways checked for HIV, so there M a xqa-low rim of jetting REV ffom k blood given m a ffispitaL Is kissing safe? You can not get Hn7 or A?DS from kism7 Deep kissq or "Frendi kissin7" is sde. How wn I tell ifl have HIV infection? sex -or qin they sbue drug-? equipment amda There is a blood test for HIV call=ed tbe H{'y7 s5?es- An infected mo? am her baby babyduring duringpregnancy. pregpmq. pass H?V tixs on to her dehsaery,', or breastf:? whether to use their naws or initials for the test. How can l prevent HIV/AIDS? are Wected with HIV - You can get HIV o'A[)S from o$r mected If yom ?' test result is negative, it probably malls that you do not have Hr'b' antibodies. Most people as neeaes or people through tbioughc< contact with their blood or body Most 'HN HIVinfections shappen fluias. Most happen when you needIes *widi someone bave m or share injection needIes who is infected. It is also possible to get HIV from dirty tattooo equipment, or by sharing aa razor or a tooffibrushwith withsomeone someone ui has who has HIV. You can not get HIV Jrom toud? shaking ?ds, or person ui bas HIV or A?DS. You can hugging aaps not get nor i ?'?HIV from pets or biting insects su& as mos'?toes- C[€ BC Centre for Disease Control luii ? d ? ? M? $m? ? antibody test. hrsons testing for H[V ? choose If youx HRT test result is positive, it meaux tbat you who-are infected with Hn7 dexvlop ?bffles, between 4 and 6 weeks after bec? Mected with the virus, and almost au people wiu develop mffibodies by three mo?? U this amcmnt of time has not passed pmor to 1? test, yom test ? be negative but you could stiu ?mre the vints- Jf there is a c?e you rove been .mected re?$, tbe only way to be mmi you do tut haiv H[V 'w to hise a gmml test ? mmJbs ab your first test. I l r < i '! > < 7 Community Health Rep-Rhonda Dunn .'aS is the Iast stage : stageofoftbe tbeHI!v' HJI' WectioiC. Peopli.e 'who have A][DS may becomeo very ill and die from & disease or its c?lications. But you can protect y? against HIV and-A][DS- How cani I.Iprl .protect myself HIV/ against HI'9/AIDS? Use a new condom esqa '? you '%iake sure that all tattoo equip? is sterile. Iidorni yoir ?s) Since ?E-m.' is a reportable diseav in British Columbii. h is important it your sex part?s) and anyone you have sbsred needlpq with be notified fiyou have HIV. They win bve to deicide if they want to be tested frsx HIV infection have sex, even oral sex. You may want to teu tbm yoursdf. I[f Hasrmg many sex pmtners ? yom risk. you cm? tell tbem then tm to the Do not share injection needles, gyringes or other injection ?nt. ao not need to reid yom test remIts-to Do not share razors or toothbrushes. uyou take ri*s hang sex, you can get inktii ntections, and yoti can pau on the ?ti? to people who have m sith you amd to their ?rn babies. Protect doctor ox ni?. Tbey can he?p to mtify pa'mm m a confidemial manner. so )ou others. BC Center for Disease Control An agency of the provincial services authority yourself and othen by having mfe sex. For more HealthLink BC File topics, visit yoi Wjiat rhoi ild I do tftfyo?i www. He althL inkB al th fi le s/ index . stm think I may have Hn/ ior HM AID!S? H you think 5sti have s5rmphmi, or if 5rou tom a risk having m or using drugs, see your doctor or go to a STI (sexually '?tted infection) clinic- You may need to have a b}ood test. I[f your blood test p+ositive. h means you have been is pc+,iitive. infeeted vwith *'i HIV. and you oould pas it Click on or call 8-1-1 for non-emergency health information and services in B.C. For deaf and hearing-impaired assistance, call 7-1-1 in B.C. Translation services are available in more Than 130 languages on request. on to o'd?. :[t does not-mean that-you have AJDS or that you s* get it. Wlia! €s the treatment for HIV/AIDS? Thare is no cure for H][V infection or your body. bo ATDS. The virus sbys mn your Hmesw, doctors ffive effecke medi<ainm to mat HI!!' and its romplicationq. Getting early teatment can slow down the I'jnls and help you stay mal$. C[€ BC Centre for Disease Control l < < > > Capital & Public Works-Vonna Moses Re: LNIB Blue Bag Recycling Program Pick up for your Blue Bag Recycling will be every Wednesday. If you have a pick up please Ieave it at the end of your drive way in first thing in the morning. If you happen to miss the Wednesday pick up please call the office and we may be able to schedule a pick up for you. Blue Bag Recycling program the following is accepted: it Aluminum trays - pie plates, baking trays & more * Steel (tin) cans - soup cans, tuna cans, coffee cans & more * Aluminum Cans - non-deposit beverage cans & more * Plastic tubs - butter tubs, sour cream tubs & more * Plastic food containers - ketchup, mustard, yogurt & more i+ Plastic cleaning product containers - bleach, liquid Iaundry detergent, all-purpose cleaner, spray bottles & more * Plastic toiletries containers - shampoo, liquid soap, mouthwash, contact Iens solution, body wash &more * Plastic drink bottles - non deposit only * Paper - Writing paper, Computer paper, Newspaper, flyers, junk mail, envelopes i+ Egg Cartons - cardboard only * Cardboard - Empty Paper Towel, Toilet Paper, Cereal box, cracker box, detergent boxes & more Look for the following symbols on the bottom of containers these items are included in the Blue Bag Recycling program /,, I/.,11,1 /"%, u,:>iu, sif 3,)iL,) PETE HDPE l V I LDPE /'%, l /., 11, eAleAA'A PP I PS IOTHER Please do not put Glass, Styrofoam, Bubble wrap or anything you can get a Deposit for in Blue Bags. If you have any questions please call the office and ask for Hyrum Peterson, Public and Capital Works Manager or Vonna Moses, Public and Capital Works Clerk. r i < < r '! 7 > Capital & Public Works Department A w loeyaska & Zolit Capital Projects Update --- --a The upgrades to tf'ie Domestic Water syStemS at Joeyaska and ZOm are nearing completion The new pumps have been installed, and the next step wilt be to install new pressure reducing valves (pry's). In order to complete this next step workers will be going to each house to I Rocky Pines l l Splash ll'ater Park l l I .-tnd Playground install the PRV's. C:onstruttion viu be starting soon on the new p?ay area located within the Cougar Crescent area in Rock7a Pines $Please clear a path to allow clear acvss to the waterline inside your hory or residence. We are currently in the process of acquiring proposals to produce feasibility studies to upgrade the community water syStemS at 50th JoeYaska and ZOht. Ttie main goal of these projects is to have water systems that provide fire protection. ? [;?, ; l',%? or .) ee Ga mG;j! To our 2 sunm*r students m sm w s l M i r m & m mm r m ! l Farewell l l Wa m s W'j i !Jm W 2!" m !!!!:il m !l l R% 9'pba?e 'pia'e'e?bins'o'ut':'n the at!J eurb for p'xck up & tie the blue bags up -" ? ? ::. . s l? %i? anikka uitoine arid Josepli ?akum. They did air amaziiig job at cleariiig weeds all over the rez... r € m uThl r? to tug ym ? jk 7 mays use a p?m when you wash [E [- very km wastes mg- % them im dT the faucet when you ? m ? sa*e vr%r l < < > l > !,lLOWER NICOLA INDIAN BAND SCHOOL Lu ml HORN ROJID j u*rmt, @rffil@b Ca4wi?, eaaam VI K I Wk M40mli F!00 378 HX? ?? ? 17!I 8M9 2014-2015 school calendar Days in session 192 ' Summer lrbstitute August 25 - 29, 2014 Mon-Frf September 2, 2014 Tuesday to 12 noon- (Bus schedule to be adiusted for the first day of school.) OCtOber 13 2014 MOrlda7 Thanksgiving Day (no cl.asses) October 24, 2014 Frida',/ Non-Instructional Day (no dasses) Novem5er 11, 2014 Tuesday R*membranc* Day (no classes) December 19, 2014 Friday Last day of classes before the Winter Break December 22, 2014 - SCHOOL OPENIN@ School hours 10:00 am Winter Braak (no classes) January2, 2015 January 5, 2015 MOnda7 SCHOOLS REOPEN l February 9- 2015 Monday Family Day (no classes) Friday Non-lnstructional Day (no classes) February 20, 2015 Spring Break (no classes) March 16 - 27 l April 3, 2015 > April 6, 2015 l May 18, 2015 Friday Good Friday (no dasses) Monday Easter MOnda7 (nO ClaSSeS) Monday Victoria Day (rbo dasses) June, 25, 2015 Thursday Last Day of Classes June 26, 2015 Friday Administrativ* Day (no classes) l l l < < l > > j r rower Nieola 1 ! Indian Barm l ? SCHOOL REGISTRATION 2014-2015 1 d"' ? ? 7 y P- i ! i JfowER NICOLA BAND SCHOOL l j INVITES ALL CHILDREN i lr 'fl J La n (First Natfor?is/Non First Notions) To Register for Kindergarten to Grade 7 l l l )IJ ?s 1 '!, ( / -j l ':?! i tla) 6% FAC?LITIES: * BC Curricuiurh it Full-Size Gymnasium * Library i+ Compu+er Lok:i * Cul+ural Studies l?' r f: ?t p'T, CURRICULUM: * Nle'@kepmx l t ,@% !-'1 (;s r 'I i !? * Bosebol)/Soccer Fie[d a Fie?a Trips it Learriing Assis+once Progrom * Ex+ra Curricu[ar Ac+ivi+ies & Soorfs befrig offered r * Full T?me K.indergarten - musl be 5yrs by Dec 3 1, 201 4 * Door fo door Bus Serstice provided +o all areas of Merriff. l l HEAD START SERVICES: i+ 3 & 4yeor old Program (K4 mus+ be 4yeors o(a by Dec. 3?, 20l4j * Paven+ & To+ Drop In * Home Visifing P'rogrom * Services +o O fo 6 year oids: Priorf%i will be given fo LN(B Band Members for al[ Heod Star+ programs i+ Trarasporto'tion provide6 for ah Hecd Starf programs Education Comes First a?,.. '-=;J l l 1 1 j 7,r -i 1 r l? 1 1 l ? 1 1 j l 'j l i r r r r r '? r '1% 1 l TO REGISTER YOU WILL NEED: lmmur.izotiori Record, Birth certificate, 'Ieal'th Caae Card Iqurriber, Bond Nome ond Number. 1 l 1 l 1 1 l k 1 1 k J 'l FOR MORE INFORMATION lower Nicola Band School Ph: 250-378-5527@k 201 Horn Rd., Merritt, BC 'm i l r I i r i little < > k 7 Stars Head Star1 programs 2014/2015 p- 4 ?? ? i r,?bm -t ?.1 ':/', ? 1 k! /l i 71 'Q b ? r ? ,J ?/'? 11 '4 riihii !Q m ?s2M-[4 l riioii Lllff r/I l I ?jr 11/J i ;'?'i l?J ?r Children will start school on Tuesday, September 9, 2014. Please stop by the school to register for this school year, if you have not already done so. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis, giving band members first priority. (You will receive a call the first week of September to confirm bus times.) Programs: K3 Program Tuesday and Thursday - 9:00am - 11 :30am K4 Program Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - 11 :30am - 3:00pm Outreach Services Friday - 9:30am - 3:30pm Parent/Tot Playgroup Wednesday (Rocky Pines Building) 9:30am - 11 :00am r l < < > I > l? 'l 1 f ? ?'? i P'2 7 lll? -j .? STO ? .? 4 ? YOMA Family friendly Dental Clinic. Come meet the fun, friendly staff Everyone welcome 250-378-5877 Status First Nations patients are covered 100% by Non-Insured Health Benefits (i,e.: No Cash Nereqqary) I l Open: 8:pOam - 4:30pm r.*l 1999 Voght Street g / PO Box 3090 Merritt, BC VIK 1B8 Phone: {250) 378-5877 Fax: (250) 378-9123 E-mail: [email protected] q 4 :im 1 /, 'd a you?i- lon<=3 l'e.rr-rq t-iecilth is jn q-c?)oCJ }lar-rds k 1 % m r Van rides available +o ge+ to your appoin+men+. Please call I 250-378-5877 24 hours in advance '+o book +he van l t < < > > i l RCMP Newsletter HhMn k hmvatds Saffiw Homq fl;ah Oatnmwfflas Merritt Detachment - First Nations hlicing 2014 IACROSSECAMP ( . On August 6 and 7, Cst Rose GRANT, Cst. Jom ; cpiRick A,, h, arrm,d frorn Whm,horse, RYAN md Smnmer Student Gina EGAN Yukori. He ia rep4amng... cm. w,,s,, rissetq ,h,,. Buzz ftom T3'C gmial Spons ' wo*ed MerrittDetachment QU!d FaCtS departed 'for Atin, 8C at the em of May. fJ) Pl!f On fbe fWO dlY (:' far )" a 5 l )tol6years- Therewasy40 .1 Cpl. R AIRD haa twenty years' aaavtoe Bnd is pufh 'd kx*: 'for to womw) in Merritt. He is frorn the dry land - a with the Sautbau Frst fSlaUons whidi is ked northem B.C near Chemynd. Cpl. Fkk AIRD spent thmen i years in the Yukon where he worked in several i dses4 i' PrmtohmtransfertotheYuk ]i"aA4.i%'S} ' worked in Fort Nemri in General Duty and First , -., Ii th@ he Wa9 in Por[ Hardy : General Dmwhich arld was also tm first Rrst Natms Policing Nat Pokr4 Sectm for years. Pmr to $m &s lj i l wwm !81 lil€ r - -" '-" o . - !!, , .s-I , The '= RCMP Is Htrjm* Areyoomicm'eerwhmDoyoa ' l l 1 the knm sm wbo wo be ms*a s poJice affict? TheRCMPi:activelyrecruxtmguxdn'idu:iLwho: *teaal9yagsofmge maCsm i ' * j , i . , , iiii:- l j * bmmCmadmScboolDip&om"sor eq i * hmiasdsl* * meetphysiadmxlmemalreqmems ' l Crima')taym Tff'S uNE at IJN-n2-'ffPS (84 77). Ymi dax't esz ]m* to le your nxma, amA you rese a cash k ymr d!orts- CtimeStoppsrs is a reg'oml proBram o&rs eash x d v@ m $2,000 f"or anaa bps that lead to an a, the fi i m8 Merritt F Natioas Comm$ Polic% Seetion at ' su. aeffiity, m a Mbx by I m aH m m g !!! us i s am €sm mg s ! m mW m the F Natiaas Cties around Mexrm. u tha'e are wr about myom related to the tra0 . l 250-3 7262 or byto eoontact Ct#dbmppm. Criwies: ym knaw my a the or) please do not:[fbea% anyabout Manber of @ic 1 l The F Nationa Cammmiity PoKi S hep i dtug s i or !i l'()Pl)Ell!i ',,,"a i * mwflqmtitaCamk ToasgethattbeRC the cties tt utsm, a recm mmgy ms &ats It uX M (' fOCu aa i eocoga Aba pe k:i becam* pe &ioersl Thtimim@yexogig*sam l ttm6Aw r4rA4im ri ai in *is T:lr%JD [ :[[i mH Ea mZ A E8 8 Y!0 @ [nf[ [1 :0 !3 m mm m mmm m i < < r > > Nicola Canoe Pull 2014 We ?'w cocapleted our l ' Ammal Nmala Canoe Puu It was hekl an July 29 agad July 3 0, 20 14- We had faty-five ym6 par&apate ovt tha tac day etwt u'e had the W*stba* Ra!P att? with tham eanoe. There uere three cz? i total du& pattiri? We an spetd the idku at the C? RwJi amd there was a d? faxt. Our Boal 'f'or di es? was to help buikl better ? rehTh? with dx RQfP and smroimdmg xbox;? commmitips, the sxams organi utiotx :axwl the yoith. sr J a'auary 2014, Cst. Rose GRANI' was caatacted by Melissa Pn?ON fxom T? Higblaad %'akty Coppg &? s%o warned to zsist wffi plan? the first ammal caax jo?y. Rose am Malissa then askad otbar oygatii'mtiooi to ? p?an the evaan Them ? x?tabs*s fram 'm'mxxx Commnnity Heah (Luey HENRY usA Darlsaai RODOMIS KT), Sew' etmx Chi ld ? F amily Qtepb ,inip T MD} EY, Re? LTNDLEY ;md A udpa ?? =!?S?G), Lomm Nieo?a hidian Bam (Rylan KER B ER amd Christie H[LL: tbpu N obm TETERSON rod kLirilyn MUNRO) , Upper *rs>la Tndiati Band (T ? MeRA'B mxl Kim MICHEL) aaod S4ool Dish# s 8 (Atuy-Juae (.OT':TT .FF ?s? ANDERSON aud Crystal M4'lAS TER)We waxa to dm;k x? that pirtiripatp=d helped and eame out to see the c;uxwv departm 1 atJ arrmig. Ti was a z? emkm ?e k mys=d am Jok h was @eat to see the youJh tbat atta? Tha'e ms also youth that cxne from L? art Stoap hffiam Rpvn;e wbieh is lcy? in 'Hancpiillp BC. r r 'm 1 ffi !?! YW # * l 1 Q l:W 10 M i l Q l-q s -l ?%b? - - ' i i IQIz p r j f 4 1 Jr k. ',' Ym"!N /. ?i -'-' P %5 ,r- 4-i' ?-?-"a- - 'o ?I- -' l a 'Sw/ I l W l w 'a '?4 J ml i lffi r 1 .,-,? ? l + / 1 l l i'- j eJ ? 7,-7 ;'?!'0 %' :!-?! ='e ]r ! (4 -l t' l- r r L; i Th %? '? l? ?? l ) (?. !al !ffi R? l Z .,ff%J,,a ? P. 61-? -';j l! r '> i '? l t ml r 1 > %i r l * !!Nl :. %tM t= .' -J :WJ Wr W:W>'-,: ?4L? "4?- ? 14 P 'a?? 't?"= 'j l P % '% 'k r 1 W li * p m m ,'? ll ?Q? 1 s ffil l l l l @ 1 l I < < > r k r LOWER NICOLA fNDlAN BAND EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 181 Namshaskin Larw=, Merritt, BC, VIK OA7 Phone (250) 378 - 5157 Fax (250) 378 - 6188 E-rnait lcharlto4 START-UP SUPPLES FORM FOR KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 7 Kimergarten Rate is S30.00 and Grades 1- 7 is S4S.00 Deadline: September 12, 2014 The start-up mpplms will assist w-Th items such as th* fol lowing: Bimers, paper, pen61s, pens, glue, etc. ? s? Q0 w rmmm w w rmm ?-w s? rxmm. piease sir in all sections oompme% to amm may in payment O Mail aiequeO Pick up Cheque mork Phone Home Phon* Parent/Guardian Mailir< Address CitY Postal Code Em4-rcy Conjact ' Emwg*ricy Contact Phone Reserwofrtstdence: OShuluSORockyPines OGodey OZoht Chikl/ren Narn* Grade School Birth Date Amount Band Number TOtal ACCESS TO STUDENT RECORD WAMR FORM 1, hereby re7strar to re&eam rrnation conaying mydiild/renJ, ,, ii ....Jregardinghis/her :P s .' ' authorix thei school (h&dlmai diange of address, progress, grades, attemariz, admission, inter-school trarders am transaipt inforrnation to tm Low*r Nicola lmian Band - Eduatmri Deipanment ' -rt/Gds.4N-ai+* " " - " - - !Wba " -" a l < < > i '! ? LOWER NICOLA INDIAN BAND EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 181 Namshaskin Lane, Merrttt, BC, VIK OA7 Phon* (250) 378 - 5157 Fax (250? 378 - 6188 E-mail [email protected] START-UP SUPPLIES /STUDENT ALLOWAN€E FORM FOR GRADES 8-12 Grades 8 - 10 the rate is 565,00 and for Grades 11 - 12 the rate is 975.00 Deadltne: septemeber 12'h, 2014 The start-up agbwances wiu assist wrth hms such as the foaow#g: B? /?, Jod /em, sctwxffl supplies, ejea:ive c?/mouzriot fees etc @g g g Hyf;?y, Any costs owr the aJl? amount wilt be ttte respansibitih of the yrents and studvnt- Q* t? uwlb w u wmd gm mR gmx ?-w ai? amtv gm mamit g?g. Please filt in atJ infwmotion to avoM any de/ay?ase fill in all sectmns complete% to asoM delay in payment. O Mail Chequ*O Pb up Cheque StudentNmw HomeMwm Mg / RasWen Address €ity& J%taf Oxla BmA Number OTher Mwme k***** -. , 4041000 Aanomnt Emergetbcy' CantOCt & nl # ReserveOimi*e OShulusORoc!Pines OGodey OZoht The .sd?l .aksmnw @ a ? ;mM?; ?; .e?anci m d pt?ss wa be momi kated ? yobw F? wi llAilp d Mr i ri x*?rl r mgaimi s ? wwg rw? yw ygwy sdmoi- Student Allowance Distribution Dates: Student Allowance Distribution Dates: i FIRST QUARTER Dec THIRD QUARTER Juty ACCESS TO STL?DENT RECORD WAl%ER FORM 1, aute the sdiool to release mfmnatm concerning . , regp;trar rezardmg hm/mr ' ...hereby ' m' s%m Sb* hmm diange of address, progress, grades, tbemanoe, adrn'ission, tmer-school trarmers am transaipt informaition to the Low*r Nicoli lndian aam -Educaition Deparbment. " '-?uSu!'@s-um' ' ' - '- - - ' jJ' - ' ' l > < < '! 7 RCI M1 Pyr6 RCMP Seek Public's Help to Solve Brazen Shooting The B.C. RCMP is seeking public's assistance to solve a brazen, unprovoked shooting that took place on June 1, 2014. At 1 A.M. near Spences Bridge a lone cyclist was shot while taking part in the Cache Creek 600 bicycle ride. A dark coloured vehicle was seen leaving the pullout shown below after the shooting. Police are also looking to identif2y two men in a dark coloured pickup who reportedly threw items at ride participants earlier in the ride. If you have any information about either incident please contact the Lytton RCMP at 250-455-2225 or remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers at l-800-222-TIPS(8477). l I l l l l l'j N 4, l€'M ff l 'a? 9 r i < < > > NICOLA VALLEY INDIAN SERVICES 4550CIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING LOWER NICOLA BAND MEMBERS COLDWATER BAND MEMBERS SHACKAN BAND MEMBERS NOOAITCH BAND MEMBERS UPPER NICOLA BAND MEMBERS DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 - SATURDAY PLACE: MERRITT CIVIC CENTRE - 1950 MAMETTE AVENUE ROOM: WEST AUDITORTUM TIME: 9:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. INQUIRIES: CONTACT DONNAROBINS OFFICE NUMBER: 250-378-2292 EMAIL: [email protected] or [email protected] WANTED: CATERING ?BIDS" OPEN CLOSURE FOR BIDS WILL BE SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 AT 4:00 P.M. CONTACT DONNA ROB:[NS AT: 250-378-2292 oR Email: [email protected] Email: ffi r i < i > < > HONEYPOTDAYCARE Honey Pot Daycare has openings for children 30 months to 12 years of age. Open Monday to Friday 7:30 - 5:30. Located at 211 Nawishaskin Lane. For more information call 250-3 78-3 729 r'- PICIV, D/'t e( ( 1 11 ?%,?? ?' l k %/&m l u 1 n y ona IW l k2Grow... %l"m2< '1 0pll )6Trt6r %l 12 'Q 'l Pi * 'l i /Y a'l & 4 @4 ?'la vr A, r( r( 1'l 11 AM!!!k [ DAYrARF ] 'J I i < < i > I k ? , -'#? Garbage Collection T "?@' 1 ig 1j, .,J,':$jl ;?, 'bdm=J !'! -Please make sure all garbage bags are tied shut f 4i ?': l l -Please make sure heavier bags are double bagged These steps will keep bins tidy k-ukwscemx" '.=' a?s' l Q' curred in October or November and we have not seen since. Key J 'f)a '- has one Chevrolet key and a 3 button fob, a mail key and another set of keys attached with a plastic key tag. Similar to attached photo. Please call or text me at 250-280-5470. Stephen p0 ..(J '.,i?Ag J! wmma' e -+S (,0 yci ':= '. ?i r?' Q l-J P?Q 0 w 0 m W i w 0 7 w ? e 0 0 0 p-1 ?w 0 'Q W NOTICE ? L L L 0 ? 0 r N i C 01 a g n d i a n B a n d N'l 0 rn b 0 r 8 are eligible for a 10% discount on qrocer€es at the GROCERY PEOPLE STORE located in Kamloops at 945 Laval Crescent, you will just need to have your status card present at time of purchase? P'1 y % P liH-f € ;R()(?ERI l'l€ )lal.l{ LTI-) ()45 Laval Crescent KA?L()OPS. BC V2C5P4 250-372-7710 l < < ffi r > > Come get your nails done with Bonnie Bent 250-280-0134 at 2895 Yap skim Drive, Rocky Pines " l can come to your house or you can come to me!" o,* ,,lt @sd:o@ tl"@o @40#ly 'lor a g @eds nl, @30 sr ' fl""' @aas" - Y' Hta s,o . lou t , ,%red t@ - ' -sl I f ! -' ....-& Submissions to the 600[) S0U[) Nicola Tribal Association Newsletter: 4 Y() lj ! ! ! ! ! ! 4- Bring your family by for a de- , licious lunch every Wednesday -' at the Trailer.... **The soup kitchen has been going very well and we want to thank all of you who come and join us each Wednesday to have lunch. If you have a submission for the Nicola Tribal Association Newsletter, send them to either of the below listed: elizabeth. ilchrist nicolatribal.or or administration nicolatribal.or Thanks, Liz Send your submissions in to the Lower Nicola lndian Band Newsletter to the LNIB Administration offices at 181 Nawishaskin Lane; or by emailing to [email protected]; or by fax to 250.378.6188. To the attention of: Norma Hall. lt is best if you are able to have your submission in by the thim (3rd) Wednesday of each month. Newsletters are distributed by the 1st of each month. KWukwscemxw. i < r ! > l k 7 -ANNOUNCEMENTS-BIRTHDAYS-CONGRATSSeptember 10 August 31 st September Birthstorie Happy Belated Birthday to Montana Mountain Chief Happy Birthday Curtis Love Aunty, Uncle ,Talon and Ken n From Andrea Happy Birthday Alicia Mansfield love from Grandpa and Happy Birthday Bro Love "'i- i' ).?7 1 Sept 3 September 12 a s) 1 1% yj i Sondra, Ted, Talon And Ken a r Grandma Sept 3 Happy Birthday Wenona Mike From Andrea September 3 Happy Birthday Wenona From Sondra, Ted, Talon, and Ken September's Flower is the Aster, symbolizing Love, Faith, Light, and Wisdom. September's birthstone is the Sapphire. Sept 12 Happy Birthday Natasha Mansfield Love Grandpa and Grandma Septl3 Happy Birthday Michael Sterling Love Grandpa and Grandma September Flower Sept s September 14 Happy Birthday Dave Love '? Happy Birthday Missy Coutlee Sondra Ted, Talon and Ken from Gina & Pete !'r Sept s 1 )'J Happy Birthday Hayden Love Aunty, Uncle, Talon and Ken Happy Birthday David Gregg ) From Gina & Pete Sept s i 1 ff r;,l l u Happy Birthday Pete Garn September 26th. Happy Birthday to Montana Mountain Chief Jr. From An- Happy Birthday Danielle McDougall from Gina & Pete Sept 6 September 18 '!'A ( drea September 27 September 26 Happy Birthday Rena Love Sondra, Ted, Talon and Ken Happy Birthday Jonah From From Gina Garn Happy Birthday to LNIB Staff: Joe Quewezance-September 9 Krystal TJan7ager-September 15 Sondra, Ted, Talon and Ken
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