Remnants of Wash Goads—Fabrics Regularly to 29c O n e to five-yard lengths of Ginghams, Prints,' Percales, Linenes and other fine fabrics.. Great choice of patterns and colors CatTs Main Floor, Bear Today! ft! The Greatest Sensation of the Anniversary Sale! The Most Amazing Sale of "Napanee" Dutch Kitchenets Select From Any of Ever Offered Anywhere! These -:V • ' " • & • ' a»V BH -•' ?M 8 Model " G 5 " 40-inch Oak Cabinet* a t . . $39.99 B/mk (Regularly $79.98) ,;»jg 5 Model " G 5 " 40-inch White Cabinet* at. $44.99 f ^ M (Regularly $89.98) ' xSw/ ^^™ 1 Model " G 5 " 40-inch Gray Cabinet at. . . $44.99 iftH (Regularly $89.98) 1 Model " T 6 " 40-inch Oak Cabinet at. . . . $37.50 -If jS/Jl (Regularly $75.00) Ml Mm 1 Model "T6" 40-inch Gray Cabinet at. . $39.99 ^f^B| (Regularly $79.98) 4 Model "B7" 40-inch Gray Cabinet* at . $36.25 Ml mm (Regularly $72.50) 5 Model "B7" 40-inch Oak Cabinets at. . . $32.50 I^TH (Regularly $65.00) 1 Model "J5" 48-inch Gray Cabinet at. . . . $49.50 &W \ (Regularly $99.00) 3 Model "J5" 48-inch Oak Cabinets at. . . .$47.50 J0jS (Regularly $ 9 5 . 0 0 ) 44 1 Model "L6" 36-inch Gray Cabinet at. . (Regularly $89.98) 2 Model "L6" 36-inch Oak Cabinets at. . . . $39.99 M/M (Regularly $79.98) 7 Model " D " 40-inch White Cabinet* at. . $37.50 1&1B jpy/ ^p (Regularly $75.00) 2 Model " D " 40-inch White Cabinets at. . . . $37.50 W/mi (Regularly $75.00) 2 Model "K" 40-inch White Cabinets at. . • • $44,99 J|> J (Regularly $89.98) 1 I 6 Model "K" 40-inch Gray Cabinets at. . . . $44.99 M/mi (Regularly $89.98) .2 Model "W" 24-inch White Cabinets at. . . .$32.50 Jftl| (Regularly $65.00) 4 Model "W" 24-inch Gray Cabinets at. . . . $32.50 m. m (Regularly $65.00) ;Wa\ ^ | * A wonderful assortment of the very finest 'Napanee' Kitchen Cabinets to be sold today at— • ' ^ •J If'I "•>*« Exactly Price! 55 Napanee Cabinets in This Sale t $ " All finishes—Oak, White or Gray Enamel. All sizes—24-inch, 36-inch, 40-inch and • 48-inch. Styles and sizes for every type of city and country home. mV| 1 Tne Sale Calls for Quick Action t 10 Deposit Will hold any of these kitchen cabinets for future delivery at the Anniversary Sale price which is one-half regular retail value. Every cabinet in this sale is a desirable one. But the quantities of each size, color and style are limited. To be sure and get just the exact cabinet, the exact color, the exact size—Come down when the store opens this morning—9 o'clock! Carl's Busy Basement Garment Bags at 49c, or 3 ^ '1.37 2 8 x 5 7 inch Cedar odor garment bags that are -jnpth-proof, dust-proof and damp-proof. Side opening and with space for two or three garments in each bag. —Coverall Aprons. Large size daintily trimmed with pocket and ruffle. Colors: gray, red, blue and green. Special 57c •—^Dress Linings made of excellent quality lawn. Camisole and built-up top. Sizes from 34 to 44. Specially priced at 37c —Sanitary Step-Ins in medium and large sizes. Flesh color only. Pair 39c —"Perfecta" Hair Nets. Double mesh, cap shape. A l l colors except grey and white. 37th Anniversary Sale p r i c e . . . . . . . . . . . .6* for 19c — B u c k l e s and'Slides. Big variety a t . . . .19c Carl's Main Floor, Rear Stamped Dry-Well Towels 23c . T o w e l s 6f a splendid quality, absorbent toweling. Stamped to be embroidered. Carl's Greater. Second Floor, Rear One $ Day Only—Today—In Carl's 72x90-incb, 3 lb. comfortable bats made of pure natural cotton. Quilted so that it will not pull apart. Just enough for a good warm comfort. T o day only at 96c—don't delay. $ Yes, the regular $1.00 size box with silk powder container. Just one gross— 144 b o x e s — s o be here early. Colors: white, flesh and brunette. Carl's Main Floor * 1.00 u Beaux Art.- Glass Elephants 57c Filled with high-grade bath salts. You have seen them here and elsewhere at $1.00 and $1.25. Buy them today in Carl's 3 7th Anniversary Sale at 5 7c each. Carl's Main Floor M All Swamee soft top corselets and a number of all satintex corselets lightly boned. A thorough control for light type model. Splendid for summertime. 1 Lace back plain coutil corsets, Low bust models with elastic inserts and four hose supporters. Sizes 24 to 30. 75c Athletic 50c ) 30c ( Made of 72x80 pin check nainsook and built as full sized as any dollar suit. Sizes 36 to 46, and all perfect. Carl's Main Floor Other One<*Day Feature Values for Men** for Boys 0* Genuine Fruit-of-the-Loom Shirts! Night ( arl's Main Blue Chambray Carl's Shirts Men's $1.00 Khaki jackets 2.97 All wool, in light and medium colors, some with zipper fronts. Well made and full cut. $4.95 and $5.95 values. Limited supply. Floor Work Second Floor, Hear Lumber J 47c Main Orcutcr Boys' triple stitched for and with two butLast chance to get price. / Made of closely woven wool-mixed suiting in grey and tan Just the quality for school and play wear. They wear well. Floor Work Knickers '1.37 Our regular $1.50 quality. Cut wide and long, with V neck. A limited supply to close out today at 97c each. (nrl'» Size "Peter Pan" Cold or Vanishing Cream Regular one dollar fancy corrugated glass jars of these high-grade 'IH creams at a "give-away" price. . Ml Boys' $1.79 97c Of strong material, strength and wear, ton-down pockets. your supply at this Wool Soup Shampoo is one of the highest grade 50c shampoos made and Maxine Elliott toilet soap is a consistent 10c favorite. Suits 47c 80c Value Special Price 4 7 c Union I art's (.renter Second F'.oor, rear. Pants! Boys' $1.98 Wash Suits 89c '1.44 A heavy quality khaki, well made, strongly stitched and full cut. All sizes, from 30 to 42 waist. A large variety of fabrics, colors and styles. Expertly tailored, in button models, with self belts. Carl's Main Floor Cert's (irenter Srrond Floor, Rear (arl't (.renter Second Floor, rear. * '••—r and 13. Saturday afternoon and evening, and.Sunday afternoon. The. Saturday afternoon sessions wilt begin at 1:30. o'clock. After the dlecuwrton groups there will be a dinner s«rved In the Scot la Methodist Church. Sunday afternoon the session 1 , begins At 2:30 o'clock sharp. The nialn speaker for the conference ta Mrs. Grace Sloane Orertoir who-corpes from SMox City, Iowa." Mrs. Overton waa formerly ISM •rtructor of dramatics a t Chfcag^ University, but now aha la toaring the country talking- t o young people of high schorl and coliego age. Mrs. Ovorton w a s speaker at the State Youth Conference last y e a r ; *he was s o well llkeil and such a forceful speaker that shw-waw thh speaker a t this year's state youth .conference.. Explain County Youth \ Conference to Be ftela In Gty May 12,13 The Schenectady Coonty Youth Council Is tgglng Ion* etrtdee..forward tp the accomplishment of Ba "*** Journey, ihe fourth annual youth conference. Sunday w a s the,tfret Um« t h e young people visited «n« churchea to explain the coming conferenc*. < • 1 1 * conference wilt be held May IS • ;| ftJ8* nwm.'i'ftiL'f Saagjafe t i I "'.mass* Band or collar attached styles. T o o good to miss. Buy a summerful today. Carl's Greater Second Floor 1 Wool Soap Shampoo 3 Cakes Maxine Elliott Soap ONLY! Made of 144x76 high luster broadcloth by a malcsr of good shirts. Not a thing different than when the price is $1.95. Same buttons—same workmanship—same size. Because it is the $1.95 grade. Special Corset Value at 97c f - Belt! De Bevoise Corselets $2.97 Complete Bridge Lamps Several n e w and clever designs in ruffled marquisette curtains with tie-backs to match. In white, ivory and ecru color. Full length. - Carl's Third Moor Controlling Made of rayon brocade batiste for women who like to wear the combination type garment. Sufficient abdominal control is assured by an inner belt while heavy boning provides control over the hips and back section. MONT A G "London Crushed Bond" Stationery. A beautifully finished, very high grade paper. A pound b o x in one-fold style, with deckle e d g e or flat, and two packages ( 5 0 ) envelopes to match, for $1.00. Carl's Main Floor 1 . 5 7 p* ; -— All sorts of broadcloth shirts are advertised. Here's one we're sold on. Nemo>flexw Combinations *3.87 Stationery at $1.00 ir TODAY Men's " M O N T A G " ripple bond. Full pound box of this beautiful paper and two packages of envelopes to. match. Both for 59c today. Carl's Main Floor $ - Men! Here's the $ 1.95 White Broadcloth Shirt 1 . 0 0 "Peter Pan" FaCC P o w d e r 4?C • 59c New Ruffled Curtains —- Carl's Main Floor, Rear Ripple Bond Stationery Black wrought iron lamp fitted with decorated tarchment paper shade, adjustable arm, long ead and attachment plug. Sensational value at this 37th Anniversary Sale price today. Carl's Greater Second Floor, Rear Anniversary! 1.29 Quilted Cotton Bats, 96c With 97c 37 th • This y e a r the conference will b« conducted on a hew plan, that o f having discussion group*. Tha topics for discussion « r r : "Prayer and Popularity" *hd "What t»rlc« Popularity". Theae discussion groups will b«, under the guidance, of;«an adult and youth leader. The adult leaders will be the ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J J ^ ^ oiit*tan.ling religious education workers <>( I he county. A registration chairman has been njipotntecl for each church And a quota ssfilgned. The age limit U 16 to 2.V The churches visited and the speaker* are: U s h a Kill, Comer niclmrds : Trinity Methodist, George Clark: Rotterdam Reformed, Murray dray; United PresbyterlAn, l > W l t t Mower: TAbemscle Baptist. I>onald I,usk: CalVAry Baptist, Daniel D e y o e : Union Presbyterian, StAnley Weeks: Klrst PresbyterlAn. rtanlel Deyoe; NlskAyuna Reformed. Oeorge B o e l l : Albany £<reet Methodist. Alice Coxven: Mt. Horob, MAbel McFec: A. M. K. 7Aon. Mal>el McFee: 8tate Street Presbyterian. Hatel Cooper: Mlzpah Reformed, Carolyn Wells'; Scotia Baptist, Alice Hoffman ; Kastern !V»rkway Methodist, LydlA Cornell; Fisher Methodist, Loralne Segebarth: Stanford Methodist, Ruth Van V l a c k : First English Luth* •ran, Eleanor B l o w n ; First Reformed, Edna Becker: German Methodist, Beatrice Tweedle; Mt PleaaantMteformed, H a t e l L e t t s ; Christian Temple, RAIph Smith! Advent Christian, John Clark; Emanuel Baptist, Elisabeth Clark; Hellovuc Reformed, (llacsford R a m s a y : Woodla wn .Reformed. <Jtn,lvs Uakei : Scotia Melho<llat. Edward Henh a m ; Grace Methodist, 1-aura Coldw e l l ; First 'Baptist, Blanche 1/ockwood : Glenvlllo Center MethodIM, Margaret Weldman ; Cobblestone Reformed, Randolph Glllespio ; Broadway Methodist. John Clark. Christ's Declples. Arthur Van Vlack ; Second Reformed, KAthr>'ti Flleklnger: Carmnn Methodist. Margery De Witt ; Sootln Reformed. Arthur Ix>ekrow, and Rotterdam Methodist, Elsie Smith. Untitled Document ,.. Mrs/Magill Will Speak al Dinner Of Rexford Club RKXFORD, April ?t (Special).— Mrs. Ella Dodd Maglll. chief probation officer of Schenectady county and president of the Schenectady Business and l'rofesplonal Woman'* Club, will b.\ the principal speaker at the annual dinner of the Rexford Woman's Club to be held at the Twentieth Century Lunch. Schenectady, Wednesday night, May 2. The subject of Mrs. Magl'.i's talk will be "Why Children Come Into Court". Besides the principal speech, there will be several short sddresse*. The club song, written by Miss Bessie Kelly, will be sung for the Mrst time. Miss Frances Travis, Ihe club's president, has requested that reservations for this nffalr be made AS early a s possible. Tho Woman's Club will hold Its rrgular bi-monthly meeting tomorrow primary departmenl "f Die r.exfool n'ght at the Baptist hall at s o'clock. school, has resumed her >1 n11. -* nft'T l'.eii> Thierolf The meeting will lie ilevotoil to l>nsl - | an attack of mumps ness and a report of Ihe Joint meet log l« now confined to her homo with of the John McLane Ho«c Company mumps. The -indent council of Central park 1/ols Schneider h;i« discontinued her and Woman's Club Irustees hold on Tuesdav night will be given Refresh- studies at the l!oos<-\e t ^. ho< I. N • " school h i s i!->rlded that school letters •hall he awarded to pupils for achieve\'(>vk city, because of HI health ments will be served. Theae let* Joseph T. Mahnr was called to ments other than nthletlcs. Pastor Hetsrned. i tors will be giwn during or a t ttiia Schoharie by the death of his uncle Rev. James M. Cass, pastor of the end of the ninth year and will• recog* Methodist Church, has been returned ' ni7o the vorth of the pupil along lines to the Rexford charge for another of scholarship cltlsenshlp, exec«itl*# year by request of the committee on Ahtlity, music, debating And library pastoral relations. Tbe Sunday mornwork. • ing service started ihe fourth year of •i " " a; efesacMgsW the pastorate of Rev. Cas<> Village Personals. . New Way* to Hold Lotv*r Mrs. Fred Thlcrolf, teacher of the Robroy_ Rrlco. scout executive of ^SffSSSSSBSS!iSSSSSSiSSS£SS^SSSSSiCSiXSSS£SfS& "'*'• Schenectady county, and his assistant, James Boyer, will attend the scout executives' seminar at the State College for Teachers at Albany tomorrow. Ray O. Wyland of the Boy Scout deDo false teeth annoy utid tiuthef Of > partment of education, will discuss dropping and sllppitiK whan yot> e-.r* "The Ix>ca) Council leadership Train- talk or laught Jaat • p r l n k » 4 " a . l U | l » ^ , f h l a ww'3. ing Program." Other speakers will In- KAateetK on your plates. clude Robert Thorn of Albany, Thomas tAsteless u m d e r holds tetlh firm ant No gummy, gooey, mnjffii MacAuley of Troy and P. W. Schoen comfortable. tasta Mskes breath pleaaaht. Get Of Hudson Falls. . *V*t«y% today at Qulntva. I n a &« $fjL Central Park School Will Award Letters - • - « Price and Boyer Will Attend Scout Session FALSE TEETH ; Firmly in Ptacm | STAR TAXI 2-3789 IGood Curt •:• Low Rate*! Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 M M MAMIIa^MaMhB^a M M • : W , . ...•..-,::
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