y m c k P7.00 http://www.thedailyguardian.net [emails: [email protected] l [email protected]] By F. Allan L. Angelo MOVES to increase real property taxes in Iloilo City could lead to a real estate bubble, according to a business expert. Arturo R. Jimenez, former dean of the College of Business Administration of Iloilo City-based Western Institute of Technology, said drastic hikes in property taxes amid a real property boom could create a bubble similar to what happened in Hong Kong sometime in 2007. According to investopedia. com, a bubble is an economic cycle characterized by rapid expansion followed by a contraction. It is a theory that security prices rise above their true value and will continue to do so until prices go into freefall and the bubble bursts. Jimenez property tax hikes are likely to drive up rents and prices of houses and office spaces in the city. “Prices could go up and when the bubble pops because consumers cannot anymore afford, it could trigger a sudden drop in prices and lead to recession. That’s what happened in Hong Kong when government suddenly increased taxes because of the real estate boom,” Mr. Jimenez said. Jimenez said the tax hike could also push prospective investors out of the city as they will be discouraged by exorbitant rents and property acquisition costs. “That will definitely dampen the expansion of businesses in the city. In the end, we might be left holding the bag,” he added. Earlier, the Iloilo Business Club (IBC), Inc. also expressed Tax /p7 Entered as Second Class Mail at Iloilo City Post Office P7M WORTH OF ‘SHABU’ SEIZED vol. xiii No. 049 Tax hike could lead to property bubble y m c k PAGES Western Visayas, Philippines = 16 2 Sections = Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Drugs hidden in shoes, sandals sent via LBC By Dolly Yasa and Jennifer P. Rendon ANTI-illegal drugs operatives scored major victories in separate operations in the cities of Bacolod and Iloilo Monday. PDEA-6 Director Paul Ledesma with suspected pusher Edgardo Justo (left photo). A kilo of suspected shabu (right photo) hidden in the soles of shoes and sandals sent via LBC was seized from Justo Monday. (Dolly Yasa) In Bacolod City, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) operatives arrested a resident of Murcia, Negros Occidental for possessing a kilo of suspected shabu with an estimated street value of P7 million. Edgardo “Rey Roman” Justo, 36, of Barangay Sta. P7M /p7 There’s hope for LGU-hired teachers Fake adjudication certificates at Super By Wenceslao E. Mateo Jr. CONTRACTUAL teachers hired by the Iloilo City government can still retain their jobs once they are absorbed by the Department of Education (DepEd). Dr. Nelly Valerio, Iloilo City Schools Division superintendent, said local government unit (LGU)-funded teachers are qualified for regular teaching plantilla under DepEd. LGU-hired teachers are funded by city’s Special Education Fund (SEF). “They are all qualified to be absorbed into the DepEd plantilla. They have all passed the Licensure Exam for Teachers, including the substitutes,” Valerio said. In his field memo dated May 20, 2014, DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro ordered a hiring freeze of new LGU-funded teachers, including kindergarten volunteer teachers, starting this school year, 2014-2015. But Luistro said the newly created plantilla positions for Teacher I will absorb qualified LGUhired teachers. DepEd recently created 61,510 teacher items C in 2013. For school year 2014-2015, an additional 33,194 items for kinder, elementary and secondary teachers were also created with a P9.52-billion funding. Valerio said Iloilo City presently funds 165 teachers who are hired on a yearly contract but are equally paid and enjoy the same benefits that regular teachers in the DepEd plantilla receive. The province of Iloilo has 345 LGU-funded teachers, though they have lower pays compared to their counterparts in Iloilo City. There are about 37,000 LGU-hired teachers who augment the regular teaching force of the DepEd. The new 33,194 teachers are expected to fill the shortage for the school year and to meet the ideal teacher-to-student ratio set by DepEd. The ideal ratio for kindergarten is 1:23-35 while for elementary multigrade (different levels in one classroom), the ratio should be 1:less than 30. One teacher is needed for 40 to 50 pupils in elementary monograde (Grades 1 to 2); one teacher for 45 to 55 pupils in Grades 3 to 8; and one teacher for 45 to 55 students in the secondary level. ONLU CUSTOMS BROKERAGE & CARGO HANDLING SERVICES Door No. 3, One Rodolfo Place Corner Montinola & Muelley Loney Sts. Brgy. Pres. Roxas Iloilo City We provide for all your Importation & Exportation needs: l l l l Tariff Consultancy Import/Export Documentation Customs Clearance Exemption processing l l l l Application/Renewal of Accreditation Trucking Services Freight Forwarding Ship Agency Cell No: 0917-623-2100 Telefax:(033) 509-81-82 (033) 336-38-32 y m c k Email: [email protected] [email protected] y m c k By Wenceslao E. Mateo Jr. A NEW anomaly has been discovered at the Iloilo Terminal Market or popularly known as Super Market in Iloilo City. Reports reaching the office of City Councilor Rodel Agado, Committee on Markets and Slaughterhouses chairman, said that a certain Joy has been selling fake copies of the certificate of adjudication since last week. The certificate of adjudication is issued to a qualified Fake /p7 2 TopNews Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Sex scandal probe hits snag By WenceslaoE. Mateo Jr. THE investigation on the alleged sex scandal rocking the Iloilo City Hall cannot proceed sans a formal complaint or witness despite orders from Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog to go deeper into the case. City administrator Norlito Bautista said they don’t know where to start in the probe if no one is willing to talk. Mabilog instructed Bautista along with city legal administrator Daniel Dinopol and Human Resource Office Chief Leo Elevencione to investigate the purported sex scandal involving an executive assistant of the mayor and a lady contractual employee. The sexual tryst is believed to have happened on the third floor of the city hall. “Everybody who is suspected of having knowledge of the incident said that they do not know anything about it. More importantly, there is no complainant. If only the guy’s wife or the husband of the woman would complain, we could then proceed with the investigation. Otherwise, how could I?” Bautista added. Asked on the content of the CCTV footage in the third floor, Bautista said the CCTV is only focused on the cor- Man hacked inside own house By Angelica L. Tapalla A 62-YEAR-old man was wounded after being hacked by a suspected thief inside his own house. Police identified the victim, who was sleeping when was attacked inside his house around 12:30 a.m. Monday, as Eduardo Hollega of Oton, Iloilo Police said theft may have been the motive for the incident. The suspect remains at-large. ridors, not inside rooms and offices. “Because of this sex scandal, we could probably think of providing each office with a CCTV camera,” he said. Guardian the daily Western Visayas Most Read and Respected ‘Freedom Ride from Oil 2014’ By Maricyn A. De los Santos HUNDREDS of bikers from Iloilo City and nearby Iloilo towns will ride in the name of freedom on Independence Day, June 12, 2014. Event organizer Rock Drilon said the “Freedom Ride: Declaration of Independence from Oil” will start 5:30 a.m. at Jaro Plaza. ‘Freedom /p7 c m y k c m y k c m y k c m y k 4 Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Opinion Guardian the daily Guardian the daily Western Visayas Most Read and Respected Western Visayas Most Read and Respected is a publication of Kayo & Partners Co., a SEC-registered company Main office: Guzman Street, Mandurriao, Iloilo City Te l . N o s . 3 2 1 - 6 1 2 4 • 5 0 8 - 2 6 9 2 Manila Office: Unit 2417 Cityland Shaw Tower, Shaw Blvd., cor. St. Francis Street, Mandaluyong City, M.M. Tel. (02) 6329859 M I S s i o n To become an independent guardian of truth and justice; socially responsive and un-compromising exponent of positive change and public enlightenment. V isi o n A successful and reliable newspaper the Ilonggos are proud of; highly respected by its readers; and trusted by the community it responsibly serves. Lemuel T. Fernandez Publisher (On leave) Francis Allan L. Angelo Editor-in-Chief jigger s. latoza Editorial Consultant Lyndon b. mitra Sports Editor Justine Christia marie S. Obando Lifestyle Editor atty. Israel ian feliciano Atty. patrick gellada Atty. Leo Monserate Atty. rey Canindo Legal Counsels Stateside Alex P. Vidal W E BEG to disagree with the claims of some politicians that public service will only make them poor if they are already rich, or will make them poorer if they enter politics as poor. We also don’t buy it hook, line and sinker that most of them run for public office during the elections because they are motivated by a philanthropic desire and commitment that “we sincerely want to serve the people and we are willing to make sacrifices to ensure that our constituents get the kind of service that they deserve.” The opposite is what is actually happening. In fact, most of them become rich while in public office. The poor became rich and the rich became richer in their ranks. Their statements of assets and liabilities (SAL) show their wealth has increased by leaps and bounds while in public office. Their sudden transformation from rags to riches has become eye-catching and headturning. BUSINESSES Unless they have other businesses or huge sources of income other than their salary in government, it boggles the mind as to how so many of them became millionaires overnight. Many aspirants for public office, in fact, were adamant to pursue a career in politics for fear that they would only end up as milking cows of their poor constituents who will badger them for cash assistance for funeral, hospitalization, barangay basketball tournaments, among other forms of solicitations and financial requests. They fear that their salary in government would be no match or would not enough Marketing Consultant LARRY WAYNE SARACHO OIC-Marketing/Circulation Manager City hall, capitol millionaires “There are people who have money and people who are rich.” – Coco Chanel JOY A. CAÑON ROMYLEEN ‘BEM’ B. MITRA to sustain these gargantuan financial needs of their poor constituents on a daily basis, thus many of them shied away from public service. We know a lot of elected and appointed officials in government whose lifestyles have changed dramatically while enjoying the pelf and privileges that go with their positions in both local and national offices. EXPENSIVE Their expensive and sophisticated lifestyles and hobbies are a far cry from the time they were not yet in government. Even the way they laugh in public has alarmingly changed, the tone of their voices are now smeared with arrogance, pomposity and conceit. Their egos bloated. Power and money have intoxicated many of them. Their feet are no longer planted to the ground that even ordinary members of the hoi polloi can no longer reach them or sit alongside them for a brief Stateside /p7 Bureau Chief, Manila Editorial/Business Offices Cell: 0929-9765533 Albert t. mamora Cor. Gen. Leandro Fullon & Bagumbayan Street Brgy., 8, San Jose de Buenavista, Antique angelique l. inocencio Roxas Bureau Chief, McKinley St., Roxas City • Tel. No. (036) 6215-316 DOLLY Y. YASA Negros Bureau Chief, 1722 Phi St., Greenville Subd., Bacolod City, Cell: 09205927958 Email: [email protected] Sherryl Mallorca Kalibo/Boracay Bureau Chief Sitio Lugutan, Manoc Manoc, Boracay, Malay, Aklan 09175511733/09983988913 http://thedailyguardian.net • e-mail: [email protected] Member Exclusive Marketing Partner Education Updates Dr. Rex Casiple Oplan Balik Eskwela and advisory for college students C LASSES in the tertiary level started on June 2, 2014. Some schools may start their classes after this date but not later than June 30, 2014. In Western Visayas region, around 210,000 college students are expected to be back to schools this academic year (AY) 2014-2015; 61,000 of these are freshmen students and one-fourth, or around 52,000, are enrolled in Business Education courses. Students are advised to enroll in priority courses or those in demand in the next 5 to 10 years. Some of these courses identified by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) are Agriculture and Fisheries, Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Information Technology, Teacher Education and Health related programs. In order to attract many bright students, CHED allocated a big number of scholarship slots for these programs. One month before the scheduled opening of classes in the tertiary level, CHED implemented OPLAN BALIK ESKWELA 2014, thru CHED Regional Office 6 Memorandum No. 54, series of 2014. In compliance with this Memorandum, all public and private higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Region conducted some activities in preparation for the opening of classes, preferably on crime prevention and control, food services/ safety and student services, drug abuse prevention and control, anti-smoking law implementation, posting of the copies of new permits and recognition of courses offered, conduct student orientation with campus tours, among others. On Crime Prevention and Control, HEIs conducted crime prevention seminar with the Philippine National Police (PNP) personnel and Fraternity/Sorority officers. On Food Services/Safety and Student Services, some HEIs constructed new canteens, conducted annual check-up for the sanitation permit of the canteen and nearby “carinderia”, constructed students dormitory, conducted annual evaluation of school dormitories and nearby boarding houses, installed elevators for PWD and students with special needs, conducted seminar on disaster preparedness, etc. On Drug Abuse Prevention and Control, HEIs also conducted lectures on dangerous drugs and drug abuse prevention and awareness. As to compliance with anti-smoking law (RA 9211 or Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003), HEIs posted “No Smoking” notices inside the campus. Public and private HEIs are required to report to CHED their implementation of these activities every opening of classes. During enrolment period, students have been advised to enroll in a duly recognized school or in a duly recognized or authorized program. This simple advice has been missed by many parents and students in the past. Hence, until now many graduating students and their respective parents have been complaining against their schools that cannot graduate them for lack of authority to do so. Many graduates were disqualified from tak- ing licensure examinations because they graduated from non-recognized or non-authorized programs. The transfer of a student to another institution after enrolment is discouraged, especially when the student is expected to graduate during the academic year. No students shall be accepted for enrolment unless they present the proper school credentials on or before the end of the enrollment period for the school term. Any violation of this rule may subject the erring HEI to possible administrative penalties and sanctions, which may include, but not limited to, the revocation of their permit or recognition. Refresher course students, or students who failed for several times in any licensure examination, may be admitted to an HEI at any time during a school term for audit purposes without earning credits, subject to requirements and conditions that the concerned HEI may prescribe. At the discretion of the HEI, a refresher course student may be exempted from class assignments and examinations. c m y k Opinion Guardian the daily c m y k Western Visayas Most Read and Respected Focus T the US and the rest was used for local consumption. The reserve was on standby in case the US asked for more sugar in which case portions of the “C” is converted to “A”. The US market price, quoted in dollars, is usually good as it is based more on political considerations than purely economic sense. It is dictated by the US government and the quota is given to friendly countries. The friendlier the country, the bigger the quota it gets. The political nature of the US quota sugar is graphically portrayed in Cuba. When in 1961, Fidel Castro overthrew the government of Cuba which was supported by the still America imposed sanction against Cuban sugar which was the mainstay of the country as much as sugar is Negros’. Castro declared “sin quota, sin amo!” (No quota, no master.) Each year the US Department of Agriculture proposes the quota to supplier countries so the Philippines has to maintain an expensive lobby there to ensure we get a good slice. An increase in our sugar quota is usually hailed as an achievement by any administration despite the “con quota, con amo” reality. In the event that there is a shortage or tightness of supply for the local market, then portions of the “C” is converted to “B”. In 1974 the Laurel-Langley Agreement was terminated and it freed the US from a mandated quota from the Philippines. This forced the Philippines to enter into the world market, a free market where most sugar producing dump their excess sugar at low prices. It was then that we classified for the fourth alphabet, the “D” sugar and since this is “a homeless sugar” it is normally bought by traders at a lower price. The traders had to sell them to the world market where they can get a contract or keep them and wait for “a miracle” – the conversion. This system created the present controversy - conversions of cheaply bought “D” to the expensive “B”. The weakness of this system is that those who are close to the authority to make the initial classification of sugar still to be produced will have the advantage of knowing the quantity to buy. The present situation arose, culling from last week’s anonymous advertisement (I finally got the name of the advertiser) because the SRA overallocated for the cheap “D”. This in effect reduced the composite price of sugar that planters get. The View Point A PPLAUSE is the end and aim of “weak minds,” parliamentarian Edmund Burke once wrote. But it also spurs “noble minds.” That’s tailor-fit for Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales. She didn’t dally for the standing ovation that erupted after she hauled, before the anti-graft court, Senators Juan Ponce Enrile, Jinngoy Estrada, Bong Revilla and associates for plunder. Instead, she lodged an urgent petition with the Supreme Court: Please create two special divisions, in the anti-graft court, to conduct, without break, the trial of the pork barrel scam. Morales cited four compelling reasons: “national magnitude of these cases, complexities of the issues; multiple numbers of accused and far-reaching consequences.” The Constitution, precedent, plus Sandiganbayan’s own rules underpin swift action. In January 2002, the high court crafted a special division, in Sandiganbayan, to tackle plunder charges against President Joseph Estrada and co-accused. It convicted Erap with dispatch. Sen. Ramon Revilla Jr. – charged with repeatedly slurping into the pork barrel for bogus NGOS – scurried to the Sandiganbayan Saturday with motions for suspension of proceedings. If granted, that’d stave off the arresting posses for now. But what if denied? Then, his lawyers would lodge a petition for certiorari with the Supreme Court. “If you are in his shoes, you will not also want to be jailed,’’ the senator’s counsel said. Sure. But “never grow a wishbone where your backbone should be,” columnist Dorothy Parker would josh friends in New York’s lower East Side. And backbone is what this Ombudsman has always had. As a Supreme Court justice, Morales penned the 8-7 decision that scrubbed President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s memorandum of agreement with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front on ancestral domain. “The biggest joke to hit the century,” she bristled at the Corona court majority allowing Eduardo Cojuangco to dip into levies extorted from indigent coconut farmers. The tycoon pocketed 16.2-million San Miguel shares. “Our fears are shaped by past betrayals,” Viewpoint noted (Inquirer, 3/23/10). “A Supreme Court that grovels... whistles up a gross image (of) a Chief Justice trotting behind Imelda Marcos, as parasol bearer.” The lady ombudsman’s petition will be heard Tuesday by a court led by a lady chief justice: Maria Lourdes Serreno. “Ing mayap a babai / Maiguit ya karing rubi,” a Pampango proverb says. “A good woman is worth more than rubies”. Shattered hopes in constitutional institutions are reviving – thanks to Filipinas of “burnished steel.” That includes Gabriela Silang, executed in 1763 for rebelling against colonizers to “housewife” Corazon Aquino who sent a dictator packing. “Women are only good for the bedroom,” Ferdinand Marcos sneered when told that Cory reluctantly agreed to a draft. “Walang alam yan.” And Cory snapped back. “True. I don’t know how to steal, cheat, lie or murder.” “People Power One” installed Aquino as the 14th – and the first woman - president. She re-established constitutional government, served with integrity, oversaw peaceful transition of power and returned to her modest Times Street home. Marcos corpse molders in a mausoleum as his heirs badger for denied Libingan Ng Mga Bayani honors. People respect women who refuse to be cowed and hewed to principles. That includes today’s Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, Commission on Audit’s Grace Pulido Tan and Heidi Mendoza, Social Welfare Secretary Dinky Soliman to BIR commissioner Kim Henares. They’re cut from the same bolt of Cecilia Muñoz Palma (19132006). The first woman Supreme Court justice didn’t buckle when male colleagues surrendered to Marcos the 12th-century prerogative of courts to rule on habeas corpus pleas. She flayed, in January 1975, the farcical “Citizens Assemblies.” “A referendum under View Point /p7 On Whitsun Wings Lucell Larawan Breakthrough to a flight A composite price is the average planters get after combining the prices of the three sugar alphabet. SRA conducts field surveys’ (some claim the survey is on top of the table which make the result arbitrary) so it must have known the expected production for the year and the consumption. Any deviation can be covered by the “C” sugar. SRA, however, claimed that there was an upsurge in consumption because of the summer and the significant reduction in smuggled sugar. In short, SRA underestimated the domestic demand and now must cover this shortfall by converting the “D” into “B”. That seems fine and regular enough, but the critics say that since “D” was purchased at a low price (P800) don’t because of the producer then they must be paid with a differential which runs to an estimated P700 per bag. This evens up the “B” price of P1,500. Sounds fair enough otherwise if they were not compensated, then the traders would reap a bountiful harvest indeed without planting a single stalk of cane. There are other ramifications of this conversion, like foreknowledge by both SRA and the traders that smells corruption because it gives undue advantage to traders and those with inside information. Juan L. Mercado Wishbone – or backbone? T THE outset of exposés related to the lechonaromatic revelry of the putrid, the public outrage has pressured to jail the guilty. The Supreme Court already ordered to abolish the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) but has been inhibiting itself, out of courtesy to the Office of the President, to also include President Aquino’s discretionary fund—the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP). Now, however, that we see the imminent conviction of senators Juan Ponce Enrile, Jinggoy Estrada and Ramon Bong Revilla, there is a reason to rejoice in a historic breakthrough in our society’s governance that got its “sacred spark”— if I have to borrow the theory of motivation that works among academics—from whistleblowers who risked their lives to tell the truth. This is no ordinary achievement to take for granted through partisan politics which downplays the merits of each party. We can 5 Modesto P. Sa-onoy Sugar alphabet HE CONTROVERSIAL conversion of “D” sugar to “B” remains up front despite the decision of the Sugar Regulatory Administration with the concurrence of the Sugar Alliance composed of planters and millers. Since 1935 when the quota system was imposed by the United States to ensure that Philippine production is controlled to suit the market and business interests of the American sugar industries, the Philippines has retained the quota system even after the country had become independent. The division of sugar into using alphabet classification system – A, B, C, and D creates an annual controversy. Most people outside the sugar industry do not understand the classification. They are concerned only of the availability of supply and the price. It does not matter to them who gets skimmed or gets fat under this alphabet system. Initially there were only three alphabets – “A” for the US quota, “B” for domestic use and “C” for reserve. At that time, our sugar only went to Tuesday, June 10, 2014 remember that the fall of a dictator did not just become an isolated case of adventurism to topple the decrepit likes of drunken emperor Nero. After the fall of President Marcos, President Estrada also got his payday for plunder. Had it not been for a fiddling presidential discretion to give him a “pardon”, the sentence could have strengthened the message that plunder does not pay. As for the three senators about to face arrest, the scenario implies that even the “big fish” won’t be spared when it comes to facing the frying pan (only that the size of the pan will be adjusted). This could be everybody’s dream. Albeit this looks like selective justice for the moment, it is eloquent enough to dissuade abuses of discretion among the legislators and the executive branch constituents alike. This move sends strong messages and it perhaps becomes the chef d’oeuvre of the three branches of the government. Upon hearing witnesses’ accounts and seeing the files of Benhur Luy, the move of the Ombudsman to file the case against the senators and Napoles before the Sandiganbayan is laudable. Without its promptness, we could c m y k have thought of conspiracy theories or bribery winning behind the scenes—or another venality to be uprooted. The Supreme Court also decided with circumspection in denying the petitions of the accused to cancel the filing of plunder cases against them. President Aquino announced through his spokesperson that he wants to speed up the trial of pork barrel scam-related cases and even supports the creation of special courts to handle such cases. The palace clarifies that “this constitutes a major step forward in our mission to find out the truth about these anomalies”, spokesperson Valte said. Moreover, Senate President Franklin Drilon clarified that we are not a country governed by men but by laws. The arrest of the three members of the Senate, he said, will not hamper the body’s function as it will lead to the strengthening of government institutions. Rightly said, Senator Drilon. Without the removal of the guilty, the Senate becomes a complete copycat of Enron and Worldcom – the most notorious firms in the world. Our society should be thankful for the efforts c m y k of our whistleblowers, past and present. After clearly seeing the role of whistleblowers in unearthing frauds, our government should have hastened the approval of bills for the encouragement and protection of whistleblowers pending in the senate. For those who see selective justice working at the moment, their vision needs to be stretched because the imminent conviction of the three senators is not an end-all. It just came to the fore because the principal witness could have been temporarily intimidated with power (that is why he struggles to pinpoint Abad and other presidential allies) as he seeks vindication from serious illegal detention of Napoles. But we see that public vigilance has grown in power to pressure the unearthing of valuable facts about the issue. Though we notice president Aquino’s struggle to inculcate the real meaning of “daang matuwid” (straight path) and would be rated only 60% in terms of consistency, it would not be matched by down players and rhetoric-makers who could at best prove only 10% suppose they have the same core value proposition. Do not despise initial breakthroughs. c m y k 6 c m y k news Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Guardian the daily Western Visayas Most Read and Respected COKALIONG SHIPPING LINES, INC. Tel. # (033) 335-8833; 5093333 ILOILO-CEBU CEBU-ILOILO COMBINED members of the Iloilo City police and Land Transportation Office (LTO) mount a checkpoint on Guzman Street, Mandurriao district to crack down on violators of traffic laws. (Angelica Tapalla) Armed ‘RPA-ABB’ member arrested B y A ngelica L. T apalla AN ALLEGED member of the Revolutionary Proletarian Army-Alex Boncayao Brigade (RPA-ABB) was arrested for possessing a loaded gun at Brgy. Bungol, Janiuay Iloilo Sunday night. Police identified the suspect as Lorito Caba, 60, of Brgy. Bungol. Police Insp. Felix Alianza, Janiuay PNP chief, said Caba has two arrest warrants: one for illegal possession of firearms and one for homicide with the use of unlicensed firearm. Alianza said they had been monitoring the suspect for several weeks. Police have yet to confirm if the suspect is an RPA-ABB member. Driver hurt as van plunges into river A DRIVER was wounded after the delivery van he was driving plunged into a river in LaPaz, Iloilo City Monday afternoon. Reports from the LaPaz poDriver /p7 CEBU-ILOILO Tue- Thu –Sat Departure: 7pm Arrival: 7am One way / Economy Class Prices and promos are subject to changes w/o prior notice. M\V WEESAM EXPRESS SCHEDULE OF DEPARTURES By Angelica L. Taplla Rebels attack transloading station By Dolly Yasa Bacolod City – Troops of 303rd Infantry Brigade are pursuing a group of rebels who allegedly attacked a transloading station of a sugar central in Hacienda Ana, Barangay Mabini, Escalante City last Sunday night, June 9, 2014. Col. Jon Aying, commander of 303IB, said they suspect that the 15 men are members of the New People’s Army (NPA). Reports revealed the NPA rebels attacked the transloading station, disarmed the security guard whom they brought to the sugarcane fields, then torched the equipment by planting two improvised explosive device (IED). Aying said it was fortunate that the other EID did not explode. Damaged equipments of the Lopez Sugar Milling Company were a transloading crane, sugarcane testing machine and gas pump, which cost P10 million. ILOILO-CEBU Wed- Fri- Sun Departure: 7pm Arrival: 7am PROMO RATES FIRST CLASS P 460.00 ONE WAY PROMO P695.00 ROUNDTRIP PROMO ECONOMY P365.00 ONE WAY PROMO P595.00 NEW SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE May 22, 2014 ILO BAC 6:20AM 9:20AM 12:30PM 3:30PM 7:50AM 10:50AM 2:00PM 5:15PM ONE WAY FOR AS LOW AS P260.00 (W3 ONLY) (NON AIRCON) LIMITED SEATS ONLY!! ROUNDTRIP PROMO BAC ILO Schedule subject to change without prior notice. **All Rates Inclusive of Terminal Fees ** **Non- Refundable** ALL ACCOMODATIONS FULLY AIRCON!! For details please call: ILOILO (033) 3373282 / 5098423 / 09228660338 BACOLOD (034) 7090830/ (034) 4339125 / 09228200270 VISIT. Officials of Barangay Aranda in Hinigaran town visit Negros Occidental Vice Governor Eugenio Lacson (5th from left) and Board Member Len Gatuslao (5th from right) at the provincial capitol recently. Priest: No communion for Murcia executives THE priest whom Murcia town officials wanted removed said he and his assistant will no longer give the sacraments to local officials who earlier passed a resolution seeking their replacement. Fr. Greg Patiño said during his Sunday Homily at the Immaculate Conception Parish that since these officials “rejected” them as their priests, they will also exercise their power not to give them the sacraments. The Sangguniang Bayan of Murcia passed a resolution last June 2 asking Bacolod Bishop Vicente Navarra to replace Fr. Patiño and Fr. Agustin Hinayan, the parochial vicar. The council accused the priests of using the pulpit to attack them for their supposed inaction over the town’s drug and gambling problems. Mayor Andrew Montelibano already met with Bishop Navarra last week to discuss the conflict. During the meeting, Navarra told Montelibano that he will look into the matter but asked the mayor and the rest of the local officials to refrain from giving public statements regarding the issue. Patiño also refused to comment further on his controversial homily because he has also been ordered by the bishop not to issue further statements anymore. Montelibano, in response to the homily, said Patiño cannot refuse to give them the sacraments because it would violate their mandate as priests. (Marty Go, ABS-CBN News Negros) Daily Promo Rates ILOILO – CEBU CEBU – ILOILO ILOILO – CEBU Tue-Thu-Sat-Sun Departure: 6 pm Arrival: 7 am CEBU – ILOILO Mon-Wed-Fri-Sat Departure: 6 pm Arrival: 7 am 335-8499;5099909 for details P7M... Cruz, Murcia was arrested in a buy-bust from p.1 operation in a mall parking lot in Bacolod City Monday afternoon. PDEA regional director Paul Ledesma said they have been monitoring Justo for his alleged illegal drug activities. On Monday, Justo picked up a parcel from commercial courier LBC inside the mall. A PDEA agent posed as a buyer and made a deal with the suspect at the mall’s parking lot. After the successful test buy, PDEA agent arrested Justo and searched a pickup truck where he loaded the suspicious package. Upon opening the box, PDEA agents discovered 10 pairs of sandals and shoes. Further examination of the items led to the discovery of 22 sachets of suspected shabu hidden in between the soles. The suspect’s pickup truck with registration plate XSU-373 was also seized by PDEA agents. “This is the biggest volume of illegal drugs we have recovered so far,” Ledesma said. Criminal charges are being readied against Justo. The suspect’s native town, Murcia, is torn between its parish priests and local officials who are in the middle of a dispute over illegal drugs and gambling. Frs. Greg Patiño and Agustin Hinayan of the Immaculate Conception Parish are at loggerheads with Mayor Andrew Montelibano because of illegal activities Fake... from p.1 stall applicant whose status at the Super was verified and validated by the executive market committee. A stall holder who has secured a certificate of adjudication is entitled to a certificate of award from the office of Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog. More or less 1,000 stall holders at Super underwent Tax... in their town. The priests slammed Montelibano and other town officials for turning a blind eye on illegal drugs and gambling. The officials have petitioned the Catholic Church hierarchy in Negros Occidental to remove Patiño and Hinayan from the town. This is not the first time that antinarcotics agents intercepted illegal drugs sent via commercial courier LBC. On April 21, 2014, PDEA agents also seized more than P1 million worth of suspected shabu from Romana de la Cruz, 46, of Brgy. Cuartero, Jaro, lloilo City. The suspected drug stash was also sent to Iloilo from Cavite via LBC. A week after, PDEA also seized almost P4 million worth of shabu from Jonathan Badilles in a buy-bust operation in Cadiz City, Negros Occidental. ‘TRES MARIAS’ Meanwhile, three women were arrested in a buy-bust operation in a suspected shabu den early Monday morning at Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City. Senior Inspector Edgar Anonoy, officerin-charge of Mandurriao police station, identified the suspects as Rhea Olmido, 24, also of Bakhaw; Andrelyn Tabugon, 30, of Brgy. Infante, Molo, Iloilo City; and Elma Mirasol, 42, of Brgy. Hibao-an Norte Mandurriao. The raiding team recovered 12 sachets of suspected shabu, a weighing scale, adjudication since March in a bid to weed out illegal vendors inside the market. Agado said he was shocked by the report which he received while attending a conference of the Philippine Councilors League in Cebu. “She was selling the certificates at P100 each. I do not know how she ever produced the copies when the original papers may lighters, and P1,350 cash. Supt. Gilbert Gorero, spokesman of the Iloilo City Police Office (ICPO), said Olmido was the target of the operation. The marked money was also recovered from Olmido who is included in the police’s watch list of illegal drug personalities. Tabugon and Mirasol were arrested for visiting Olmido’s place which is belied to be a drug den. POTOTAN RAID In another operation in Pototan, Iloilo, police arrested a tanod (village watchman) of Guinacas village for possession of suspected shabu and unlicensed firearms. Chief Insp. Aron Palomo, Pototan police chief, said they arrested Ernesto Bolivar of sitio Bugtong, Brgy. Guinacas Monday afternoon. The raid was conducted by the Iloilo Provincial Police Office (IPPO) intelligence branch with support from the Pototan police force. Palomo said Bolivar was involved in a murder case which the suspect was able to amicably settle. Palomo said they recovered 19 sachets of suspected shabu, 2 caliber .45 pistols, and an M16 Armalite rifle. The suspected drugs was valued at more or less P44,000. Aside from Bolivar, eight other persons were arrested during the raid inside the compound owned by the suspect. not be given out except by the market committee to the qualified stall applicants. We also give them for free,” Agado told The Daily Guardian Monday. “Worse, each copy was already notarized even as it did not even bear the name of the stall applicant for which it is supposed to be issued. The lawyer who notarized the papers must also be made to answer,” from p.1 its opposition to the RPT hike mulled by the City Hall. Lea Lara, IBC executive director, said the club’s board of trustees decided to oppose the RPT hike as it could discourage investors to do business in Iloilo City. The Iloilo City government plans to increase RPT assessment levels by at least 50 percent. The assessment level is the percentage applied to the market value to determine the taxable or assessed value of the property. The City Council’s committee on ways and means is set to conduct hearings on the RPT hike. The City Assessor’s Office (CAO) recom- View Point... from p.5 martial rule can be of no farreaching significance,” Palma wrote with Justice Claudio Teehankee. “It is accomplished under a climate of fear.” Under the watch of the late Presidential Commission on Good Government’s Haydee Yorac, the treasury recovered $683 million from Marcos’ Swiss bank accounts. That same feistiness showed in Yorac’s work, from peace negotiator to Commission on Elections official. “Yorac knows she will not complete the task herself,” the 2004 Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation citation noted. “Others will rise to it. No one is indispensable, she ‘Freedom... mended the RPT adjustments to the council in February 2014. Local government units have the power adjust the RPT every three years. The last RPT increase in Iloilo City was passed in 2006 but it was implemented on a staggered basis until it reached full enforcement in 2012. The City government did not adjust property taxes in 2009 because of the destruction caused by Typhoon Frank in 2008. Lara said RPT increases will also jack up rents and market prices of properties. Investors and developers might put off their plans if the RPT is increased. reminds us all. Making a difference is enough.” Then senior vice president of Equitable-PCI Bank Clarissa Ocampo made a difference when she witnessed, from “a foot away” President Joseph Estrada signing a P500-million loan as “Jose Velarde.” “I refused to certify it,” Ocampo said. She later received threats on her life and for some years lived abroad. She is now a senior broadcast executive. Heidi Mendoza audited the comptroller’s office of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and documented that, under Maj. Gen. Carlos Garcia, the office plundered AFP funds. from p.2 The 18-kilomter ride will cover the city’s six districts. Upon registration, which is free, the participants can sign the manifesto of support to the Iloilo City government’s initiatives to make the city a walkable, bikable and livable city. They can also sign a petition to the Sangguniang Panlungsod and the Office of the City Mayor to pass an ordinance to set safe, connected, convenient bicycle lanes and walkways encompassing the city. “This year’s Freedom Ride which will go to all six districts is a people’s initiative in support of a walkable, bikable and livable Iloilo City and is supported by the very same biker-volunteers who helped organized the 1st Iloilo Bike Festival held last March,” said Drilon. Last year, advocacy group Dakila with iFold organized the first Freedom Ride in Iloilo to campaign against human trafficking. Last year saw around 500 bikers join the ride which traversed Iloilo’s five districts. That included a P200-million reimbursement check from the United Nations for Filipino peacekeepers. Mendoza resigned thje Asian Development Bank job to testify after her report on almost P510million of AFP losses had been refrigerated. Her congressional testimony led to action. Garcia landed in the clink. A stacked Commission on Appointments, meanwhile, keeps Mendoza’s confirmation in the freezer. “Who shall find a valiant woman?” asks the Book of Proverbs.” Far, and from the uttermost coasts is the price of her...and her works praise her in the gates...” Stateside... from p.4 tête-à-tête. And they call themselves “public servants.” There is a famous quote saying that if we want to know a person, let’s give him power. Once they have tasted fame and glory and their whims and caprices have been satisfactorily taken care of, they will cling to political power like leeches. They will become regular clients in every electoral exercise mesmerizing gullible voters and taking them for a ride. Old habits die hard. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, so goes a popular adage. he added. Agado said copies of fake certificates are still with Super Market in-charge Virgilio Tonogbanua. He said he has ordered Tonogbanua to “ground” the market employee responsible for selling the certificates pending further investigation. Guardian the daily Western Visayas Most Read and Respected Driver... Tuesday, June 10, 2014 7 from p.6 lice said the driver lost control of the wheel while he was navigating the road at Brgy. Baldoza, LaPaz. The van (with registration plate FXA-618) was carrying boxes of diapers to be delivered to one of the stores in LaPaz Market. Police said they have yet to determine if the driver is guilty of reckless driving. No bystanders were reported hurt in the accident. The driver was rushed to the West Visayas Medical Center for treatment. Kia... from p.8 the possibility that another squad would snap him up before Kia. “Yung paglalaro, hindi ko pa alam yan. Ang focus ko ngayon any yung pagco-coach,” he said in relation to that issue. Pacquiao was also player-coach with his Liga Pilipinas squad, the MP GenSan Warriors. (GMA News) Chip... from p.8 “I’m a huge fan of Philippine basketball, and it just keeps growing across the world because of American-Filipinos who are going back and playing, representing their country. It’s fantastic.” Blatche on Sunday arrived in Manila for a short visit, and for the first time met some of his future Gilas Pilipinas teammates. “I’m here for a short term (visit),” Blatche said in a short press conference after his arrival. “What I wanna try to do is to learn the culture, to soak this in. This is an amazing opportunity, I really want to make the best of it.” (With a report from TJ Manotoc, ABS-CBN News) Heat... from p.8 James canned a trey on the other end for essentially a seven-point swing. Manu Ginobili managed 19 points off the bench. The Heat shot 52.9 percent while holding the Spurs to a 43.9 percent clip. Both teams made over 40 percent of their triples, while the Heat got just one more free throw attempt, 21-20. Miami had a 44-34 advantage in points in the paint, while the Spurs lost despite committing just 11 turnovers, two less than the Heat. (GMA News) Heat bounce back, tie with Spurs at 1-1 8 Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Guardian the daily Western Visayas Most Read and Respected MIAMI HEAT forward LeBron James (6) drives to the basket against San Antonio Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard (2). (Bob DonnanUSA TODAY Sports/Reuters) THE MIAMI Heat evened the 2014 Finals series, 98-96, against the San Antonio Spurs, Sunday (Monday, PHL time) at the AT&T Center in San Antonio Texas. Games three and four will first period, and that allowed the be played in Miami, Flori- Heat to catch up. Back-to-back da, on Tuesday and Thursday hits by Tony Parker with 2:55 (Wednesday and Friday, PHL left had the home team up five, 41-36, but they missed their last time). A Tony Parker triple gave six shots, to create that tie. After the break, James the Spurs the lead, 93-92 with 2:26 left, but Chris Bosh came missed just one of his seven up with a pair of big plays, first field goal attempts, to register nailing a triple, which turned 14 in the third period alone, but out to be the go-ahead basket, after a Ray Allen layup made it and then finding Dwyane Wade a five-point game, 71-66, a pair for a layup, 98-93, 9.4 seconds of Mills treys swung the lead left. Manu Ginobili’s triple back to San Antonio, 74-73, under minute left. came right at the buzzer. A pair of jumpers by Dwyane After being shut down in the fourth quarter of game one Wade found the bottom of the due to cramps, LeBron James net, but a floater by Tony Parker exploded for a game-high 35 capped of the period, with the points, along with 10 rebounds, Spurs on top anew, 78-77. Tony Parker had 21 points three assists and two steals. Chris Bosh added 18 points, and seven assists, while Tim while Rashard Lewis and Duncan compiled a doubleDwyane Wade both added 14 double of 18 points and 15 boards. The duo however was markers. LeBron James finished a involved in a key turning point vicious dunk to tie the game at in the final canton, when Mario 15-all, the Spurs closed out the Chalmers was called for a flagrant foul on Parker for throwfirst quarter on an 11-4 run. In the second period though, ing an elbow. Both Parker and the Spurs’ offense ground to a Duncan missed free throws on halt. They shot just 30.4 percent, the subsequent possession, then compared to 57.9 percent in the Heat /p7 Chip Engelland has Djokovic fails again at mission impossible in Paris advice for Andray Blatche San Antonio Spurs assistant coach Chip Engelland, who became a naturalized Filipino in the 1980s, offered some words of advice for Brooklyn Nets big man Andray Blatche, the latest recruit of Gilas Pilipinas. “I love the players that want to play. He wants to play and represent a country, and that’s great,” Engelland said of Blatche. Engelland said the key for Blatche is to get to know the people of the Philippines and their culture, as he will be playing for them in the FIBA World Cup later this year. “It’s difficult to represent anything if you don’t know the people, and that’s what felt at home for me. I understood the Filipino people and felt honored to represent them,” he said. Engelland was part of the Philippine national team that won the 1985 Jones Cup Championship, although he is now more known as the “shot doctor” of the Spurs. “When I lived there (in the Philippines), I really felt part of the culture,” the 53-year-old Engelland said. “For two to three years, we were working towards this chip (the Jones Cup), we were working towards that, so we’d feel part of the country.” Although it’s been years since he wore a Philippine uniform, Engelland only has good things to say about Philippine basketball and Filipino fans. “Philippine basketball has the greatest fans in the world,” he said. “I’ve always said that. They’re the best basketball fans in the world.” “I was always a huge fan of the PBA. Luckily, I got to play in it and play against some of the early greats in PBA history,” he added. Chip /p7 PARIS – Beating Rafa Nadal at Roland Garros is not impossible but it requires sustaining a furious pace over five sets which, as Novak Djokovic experienced in Sunday’s French Open final, is easier said than done. Djokovic made a brilliant start to win the first set but suffered a lapse in form by the end of the second that carried through most of the third and eventually lost 3-6 7-5 6-2 6-4 as Spain’s world number one claimed a record-extending ninth title. Serbian second seed Djokovic, looking to complete a career grand slam in Paris, had won four of their last eight meetings on clay but had never prevailed in a best-of-five match on the surface, indicating the size of the mountain he was attempting to climb in hot and humid conditions. Sunday’s loss was his sixth in as many attempts against Nadal at Roland Garros, where the man from Mallorca now holds a 66-1 record. “It’s not impossible, but it’s very, very difficult to stay with Rafa on this court throughout the whole match on the highest level of performance,” he told reporters. “It’s normal that you have ups and downs. I was just hoping that in the fourth I would be able to come back. I started feeling a little bit better, but I wasn’t managing to bring my A game when it was most needed in the end of the fourth. “Definitely it’s not easy, best of five, to play against him in these conditions.” Kia names Pacquiao head CONSISTENCY LACKING coach of expansion team Studio Evolution Djokovic came closest to toppling Nadal in last year’s semi-final when he lost 9-7 in the fifth, but COLUMBIAN Autocar Corp. (Kia) named Filipino ring icon and congressman Manny Pacquiao their expansion team’s head coach in a press conference on Monday. “Kailangan ko mapatunayan, di lamang sa boxing, kundi sa basketball ang aking gilas,” Pacquiao said, explaining that before boxing, basketball was his passion. Earlier in May, the team tried to name him their player-coach, in an attempt to circumvent the rule that the three new expansion teams, Kia, NLEX and Blackwater, were not allowed direct hires. The PBA quickly clarified however that even if he were to go that route, Pacquiao would still have to enter through the rookie draft, thus creating Kia /p7 by Erriz “ Erickha” D. Lanceta BEST MAKE UP ARTIST OF MISS DINAGYANG FANTASY MAKE UP CONTEST Champion for 2 consecutive years, 2013 and 2014! Erriz, Jem & Diosan Stylists R&H Bldg., Gen. Luna St., Beside Metro Bank TELEPHONE NOS.: Erriz – 09989827336 09088135339 Jem – 09107639030 Diosan – 09469951923 Landline- 300-11-49 c m y k c m y k Sunday’s display lacked the consistency needed to push on for a deciding set. After losing the second set, Djokovic looked exhausted and then lost his balance on his chair at the change of ends after falling 3-0 behind in the third. Just like the 2012 final, Djokovic doublefaulted on match point. This time, he was not helped by the crowd as two spectators shouted before the Serb’s second serve. Djokovic would not criticize the interruption, only saying it was part of the sport. “When I play against Rafa, it’s always an exciting match for us to play and for the crowd to see, so they get also involved in the match,” he said. “At the end of the day, it’s very emotional. A lot of tension going on on the court. You can feel that. I cannot find excuses in the crowd. I cannot blame anybody.” Nadal was 4-2 up in the fourth set when Djokovic surged back into contention to level at 4-4, but when it really mattered the Spaniard came out on top. “In the fourth set I started to feel a little bit better, but then just on the crucial points he played better. I wasn’t playing at the level that I wanted, especially in the second part of the match,” he explained. NOVAK DJOKOVIC of Serbia attends “Congratulations to him. He was a the trophy ceremony after being defeated better player in the crucial moments. by Rafael Nadal of Spain during their Of course it’s disappointing for me, men’s singles final match at the French but life goes on. It’s not the first time Open Tennis tournament at the Roland or last time I lost a match.” (Julien Garros stadium in Paris June 8, 2014. Pretot/Reuters) (Vincent Kessler/Reuters) y m c k y m c k Tuesday, June 10, 2014 http://www.thedailyguardian.net [email: [email protected] • [email protected]] What some fund managers don’t want you to know MANILA – Thanks to mutual funds those who don’t have time to watch the market can still participate in the returns equities provide. But one problem is fees. Observe closely when someone is selling investments in a mutual fund. They will talk about historical returns, and in the same breath, say these are not guaranteed returns. They will talk about management and peso cost averaging. But they hardly talk about fees. If and when they do, they will gloss over those numbers. You need to learn to ask the right questions to get a good answer. Some mutual fund companies do not even disclose their fees prominently on their website. You have to download their lengthy prospectus written in hard-to-understand legalese and wade through all the information to find out how much you are actually paying in management fees. A solution could be to standardize the information presented in the prospectus. This will prevent fund managers from hiding other costs. In general, UITFs are better are disclosures off fees than mutual funds in the country. You have to go deep into their websites to find numbers. Compared with mutual funds, UITFs offer better diclosures. For some companies, if you don’t look at their prospectus closely, you won’t realize that you’re also paying sales load fees and incentive fees. These hidden costs can pare down your returns over time tremendously. Management fees of mutual funds and UITFs in the country range from 0.25 percent to 2 percent per year of your total investments. If you think that’s small, you’re dead wrong. Two percent of your total investment per year can be a big sum of money over time. In general, peso money market funds and bond index funds, charge the lowest fees. After all, most of the short term money market funds are just placed with the Bangko Sentral. Curiously, index funds in the Philippines charge expensve fees, a sign that they are actively managed. Equity funds and gold dollar funds charge fees that are close to the 2 percent mark. What’s interesting are redemption fees, they can be very steep at up to 5 percent of the amount if you take out the money before the holding period. Fortunately, some mutual funds and UITFs don’t charge redemption fees. Other hidden fees include front loads, back loads and sales loads which can go up to as high as 3 percent. What some /pB2 B1 SMEs told to scale up, be competitive By Maricyn A. De los Santos Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Iloilo are challenged to expand and be globally competitive as the country steps up its preparation for ASEAN economic integration next year. In an interview on the sidelights of Business Development Services (BDS) Trainers’ Training held at Hotel del Rio yesterday, Dr. Mario Lamberte, team leader of USAID-funded Advancing Philippine Competitive (COMPETE) Project, said the project aims to provide SMEs with access to credit from six partner banks, namely: Bank of Philippine Island (BPI), BPI Family Bank, BPI Leasing Bank, Secrity Bank, PSBank, and Philippine Business Bank. The formal financing institutions committed P4 billion to support the project which aims to improve SMEs by giving them access to formal financing. Of this amount, only P400 million has been accessed since Project COMPETE started last year, he added. Lamberte stressed that banks appreciate SMEs applying loans, including their great business ideas and the proposed business’ potentials. “The only problem is banks want to see a solid business plan or financial plan before lending out, especially if SMEs are not known to them,” he said. “The only way to improve what SMEs are doing is to help them get a better understanding of business plans and financial plans,” he added. Lamberte stressed the need for SMEs SMEs /pB2 Iloilo Supermart & Mondelêz: School is Cool promo School time is here! Iloilo Supermart and Mondelêz proudly bring you “School is Cool” raffle promo. Two (2) Acer net books will be given away plus 10 P3,000 worth of school supplies package from June 1 to July 15. y m c k So easy to join. For every P100 worth of purchase of any of these sponsored products (Tiger, Oreo, Cadbury, Cheez Whiz, Eden and Toblerone) gives you a chance to win. The more raffle coupon you drop, the more chances of winning. y m c k Keep shopping at all Iloilo Supermart branches - The Atrium, Jaro, Molo, Villa, Mandurriao, Delgado and Washington and get a chance to win one of these coolest prizes. Learning is fun with Tiger and Oreo. Invite your friends and rush in to your favorite Ilonggo Supermart. Aton Guid Ini! Panitan strafing suspects identified By FeliPe V. celino ROXaS City – The three persons who strafed a house in Barangay Cabangahan, Panitan will face charges after the family bury the lone victim, Richie Demoy. according to Domoy’s livein partner, mary ann, the Dapog brothers – Judy, alias Toto and alias Dikdik, of the same barangay were the ones who strafed their house last week. She said the suspects might have mistaken her partner as the one who shot one of them. They probably did that for revenge, she said. Police investigation revealed the victim and mary ann were sleeping with their two children when someone knocked on the door.No one answered when mary ann asked who was knocking. Few minutes later, a series of gunshot coming from different directions ensued. maryann said she immediately covered her one-year-old and twoyear-old children with her body. The victim’s brother, Ruben, said he heard gunshots from his brother’s house. When he went out to check the incident, Ruben said he saw his brother kneeling with gunshot wounds. The police recovered from scene several empty shells of M16 armalite rifle, caliber .45 and .9mm pistol. mary ann said her live-in partner has no known enemy in their place. B2 CAPIZ Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Guardian Capiz to host medical convention in 2015 By Joel e. caPUnDan DR. BALGOS ROXaS City – Capiz province will host a medical convention set next year at the Gerry Roxas Foundation, Inc. building in Barangay Dayao here. Dr. abundio Balgos, one of the top officials of the american College of Chest Physicians-Philippine Chapter, told The Daily Guardian that some 300 doctors in the country will participate in the medical convention. “This is the biggest medical convention that the daily Western Visayas Most Read and Respected we have here so far in Capiz,” he said. The Philippine College of Physicians aklan-Capiz chapter will host the confab. Dr. Balgos, president and chief executive officer of Health Centrum, Inc., said tentative schedule of the convention is on april, after the Capiztahan 2015 celebration. Previous convention venues were Baguio City, Cebu City and Cagayan de Oro City. He added that he already requested the city and the province to develop all tourist destinations so the participants can enjoy their stay here. DPWH hit for neglecting Cagay roads P3-m hall to rise By FeliPe V. celino ROXaS City – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Capiz First Engineering District is blamed for the “bad roads” in Barangay Cagay here. Barangay Captain moreno Gonzaga said the bad roads in the village already caused several traffic accidents. The roads are now under the DPWH jurisdiction after these were converted to national road as mandated by Republic act No. 10407, converting Roxas City-CagaySibaguan-Balijuagan-Cuidian-Ivisan road into a national road. The said republic act mandated the DPWH Secretary to include in the department’s program the improvement, repair Slain parolee a drug pusher – cops By FeliPe V. celino ROXaS City – The wanted parolee who was shot dead after resisting arrest and throwing a hand grenade to the police last June 5 at Barangay Daan Banwa, Tapaz was also allegedly involved in illegal drug trade. Senior Insp. leomindo Tayupon, Tapaz police chief, said Vincer Barnizo of Brgy. Daan Sur, Tapaz allegedly supplied illegal drugs in the towns of Tapaz, Dumalag and Jamindan. “We had been monitoring his illegal activities for the past months”, he said. Barnizo died on the spot due to gunshot wounds peppered by the police in the different part of his body. The incident happened when Tapaz police implemented the order of arrest and recommitment against Barnizo who was convicted by Regional Trial Court Branch 16 in Roxas City for frustrated murder. The arrest was requested by Natividad Dizon, chairman of the Board of Pardons and Parole, after Barnizo failed to report. Investigation showed Barnizo got alarmed when he saw the approaching policemen. He took a hand grenade from his jacket and threw it to the police. Fortunately, the hand grenade did not explode because the secondary safety pin was not released. The suspect ran from the police and took another hand grenade, which prompted the police to shoot him resulting to the suspect’s instantaneous death. HV HOTEL VITA 3rd Flr. Black and White Bldg., Burgos St. Tel. No.: 6210810/6210-290 SMES... and maintenance of the said road, the funding of which shall be included in the annual General appropriation act. The conversion was approved in march 19, 2013. District Engr. Sonny Boy Oropel of Capiz First Engineering District has yet to comment on the complaint of the barangay officials. FROM P.B1 to double time in becoming globally competitive. “We are trying to improve competitiveness in enterprises, especially in 2015, when there will be new economic environment, and there will be free flowing movements of goods and services amongaSEaN nations,” he said, referring to the full implementation of aSEaN Free Trade agreement next year. “So with the BDS project, we want the SmEs to prepare, improve their competitiveness and beyond 2015, we want the SmEs to join in the production network not only in asia but in other parts of the world, so, SmEs can offer better services and goods to markets in the Philippines and abroad,” he said. Hesaidaccesstocreditisimportant for a business to be competitive. “access the credit is very important, because when you want to improve your operations, you have to scale up or expand, and also improve technology in the production and processing, so you can improve your productivity,” he said. “Expansion or scaling up needs additional resources, maybe beyond the SmEs existing resources. So you have to tap the formal financial market,” he added. lamberte said many SmEs still borrow from the informal financing institutions. The problem with the informal financing is sometimes the loan limit is low, so they would need to access capital from formal financing, which has higher loan limits and longer loan tenure,” he explained. an applicant can borrow as low as P200,000 to as high as P60 million, payable in eight years. The project is focused on SmEs in the following sectors: Energy, Construction, Tourism, Health, manufacturing and agriculture. SmEs who want to avail of the project can avail of the training from BDS providers. The COmPETE Project is spearheaded by USaID, in partnership with Iloilo Business Club, Department of Trade and Industry-6, and Taytay sa Kauswagan, Inc. Julieta’s “So Nice To Come Home To” Julieta’s Apartelle Hotel Tel. No. (036) 621 2088 / (036) 621 4088 arnaldo Boulevard, Roxas City, Capiz Philippines, 5800 ACACIA TOURS CORNER OF RIZAL & LOPEZ JAENA STREETS ROXAS CITY, CAPIZ, PHILIPPINES TEL. NOS.: (036) 621-0208 621-2203 621-3376 FAX NO.: (036) 621-1040 email: [email protected] [email protected] TERMINALS ROXAS TO ILOILO KM 1, ROXAS CITY TEL. NOS. (036) 621-2530 / 621 6273 in Barangay 3 By FeliPe V. celino ROXaS City – Barangay 3 will soon have its Barangay Hall after Roxas City mayor angel alan Celino approved its P3million budget. Village chief Ruben Fuentes welcomed the good news. He said that in the past years, they have to rent a venue to conduct the Sangguniang Barangay WHAT SOME... session. “With the realization of the said project, we believe that we could serve of people better,” Fuentes said. Under the memorandum of agreement, the Department of Public Works and Highways will construct the barangay hall and turn it over to the local government of Barangay 3. FROM P.B1 It is absolutely critical for you to consider the cost of investing. This is why we all need to be more discerning of the fees. Index funds One way to avoid these fees is to harness the power of indexing. Well-known american businessman Charles Schwab said that for 98 percent of Americans “low cost, diversified funds that track indexes are the way to go.” In fact, Warren Buffett has recently announced if his wife survives him, 90 percent of the inheritance will be placed in the Vanguard Index 500 Fund. “Both individuals and institutions will constantly be urged to be active by those who profit from giving advice or effecting transactions. The resulting frictional costs can be huge and for investors, in aggregate, devoid of benefit,” Buffett said. “So ignore the chatter, keep your costs minimal and invest in stocks as you would in a farm.” Clearly, costs hould matter to you. They should be significant to your investment philosophy. (From a report by Salve Duplito, ANC) Guardian the daily Thursday, June 5, 2014 Western Visayas Most Read and Respected DIVE ROAD Resto & Grill DIVE ROAD Auto Spa Carwash & Detailing Center “We Pamper Your Car” Brgy. San Rafael, Diversion Road, Iloilo City Tel. # 302-8178 B3 Bavaria German Restaurant WE SERVE Sausage Platters pork Knuckles Bavarian Schnitzels Spanish Paella German Beers ILOILO CITY INN Standard room 850 De luxe room 1,000 Family suite 1,800 Condo 2,000 RESERVATIONS 113 Seminario Street Jaro Iloilo City 329 00 78 09292060368 B4 Iloilo Lucky Auto Supply, Inc. B5 OCS STANDARD NHOYGLADZ INSURANCE CO., INC. G/F Angeles Arcade Building, Mabini St., Iloilo City Tel. # (033) 503-2092/09989860911 09477430528/09106034032 “Our customers’ trust in our services inspires us to be the best insurance company for them.” Kadto sa OCS LENDING… a a a a LINE OF BUSINESS Motor, Property, General Liability, Money Securities Payroll Robbery, Marine, Accident, Miscellaneous, Bonds ILOILO MAIN OFFICE G/F Emmanuel Business Center, B. Aquino Ave., Molo Iloilo City Tel. Nos. (033) 338-8880 to 85, Telefax: (033) 335-0889 Nubo ang Dali ang Wala “HIDDEN CHARGES” PENSIONERS SSS, GSIS, PVAO BFP, PNP Para sa mga OTHER LOANS Allotte, Business & Salary ILOILO CLAIMS SERVICING OFFICE NO AGE LIMIT G/F CBI Building, Diversion Road, Mandurriao, Iloilo City Tel. Nos. (033) 320-0537, 320-9753 Telefax: (033) 506-0533 plaza S.P .A de pelo Salon for men & Women Second Level Plazuela de Iloilo Manduriao, Iloilo City Landline (033) 5016521 MOBILE 0922.837.7868 Services • Manicure 75 • Haircut 100/130 • Make Up 350 • Pedicure 80 • Footspa 250 • Haircolor 680 (Rates may Change without Prior Notice) Cut & Grips Salon JETHRO CIRCLE COMPUBIZ AMERICAN SURPLUS Rm. 19 Capiz Provincial Business Center Front of Capiz high Tel. No. 336-3120/396-4034 0926-1159849 ROXAS AVE. KALIBO, AKLAN (FORMERLY ARTISTA SALON) JLTP BLDG., N0.26 LEDESMA ST., ILOILO CITY (Front Robinsons) Landline: (033) 393-0328 Mobile: 09285075143 (Smart) 09178381067 (Globe) • • • • • • • SERVICES OFFERED: Hair Rebond • Hair Color Brazilian Blow-out • Hot oil Cellophane • Hair spa Haircut (Men & Women) Manicure • Pedicure Foot Spa • Hair & Make-up Airbrush • Make-up Join Us ON FACEBOOK: [email protected] Compu Sales Salon For men and Women G/F Marymart Mall Valeria St., Iloilo City Tel# 301-14-00 Cell#. 09216392878 Services Offered: Hair Rebond l Hair Spa l Hot Oil l Hair Cut l Facial l Cellophane l Hair Relax l Foot Spa l Manicure l Pedicure l Hair and Make Up l Etc. LJK FISH DEALER B 14, L 11 Arguelles St., St. Joseph Subd. Phase 2 Brgy. Cubay Jaro, Iloilo City Tel # 320-9728 / 0917-3030597 / 0917-3050597 Dealer of High Quality Fry & Fingerlings BANGUS l MANGROVE SNAPPER (Mangagat) SEABASS (Bulgan) l PRAWN, CRABS ETC. We Also Supply And Deliver: Quality: Fresh, Frozen & Live Seafoods HOLIDAY BOUND Travel & Tours Rm 148 Marymart Mall 3 Valeria St.,Iloilo City Tel No. (033) 396-4238 Telefax ( 033) 338 -0747/ 508- 4399 Mobile No. 09189400980/ 0917634799/09228558271 Email: [email protected] Foot & Body Massage “The FIRST and the ORIGINAL TRADITIONAL THAI MASSAGE in Western Visayas sure-go travel & tours educational services LAPAZ ( 320-8870 SARABIA ( 335-8680 DIVERSION ( 508-7750 OFFERS: * Ticketing (Domestic & International) * Educational Tours * Lakbay Aral/Exploratory learnings (LGU Officials & Students) We’re open at 11:00am - 11:00pm everyday Telefax: (033) 329-5794 * (033) 396-7040 Mobile: 0917-986-9087 * 0932-705-5891 Email: [email protected] Come and Enjoy the Pleasure of Relaxation. Proprietor AXA Philippines Immediate Hiring! UNIT HEADS For Deliveries Call. 337-5645/5080365 Tel No. 321-3272 ILOILO MASTER TRADERS 2nd Level, Robinson’s Place Iloilo City Tel. No. 338-0655 Cel. No. 0928-5019744 RUSCEL PHOTOGRAPHY Q. Abeto St., Mandurriao, Iloilo City Tel. # (033) 321-1735 5083034 Mr. ROMEO G. CAHILGAN, JR. Manager Emerald Finance Corp. Iznart St. Iloilo City 336-1840 l 336-9723 l VIDEO EDITING (VCD/DVD) SkinStation • Tarpaulin printing • Sticker Printing • Panaflex Sign • Stailess Sign • Neon Sign • Brass Sign • Directional Sign • Billboard Sign • Menu Board Contact ELEANOR P. BRITO My Sanctuary Wellness Center, Inc. Lower Ground Floor SM City, Iloilo 0917-5892371 HOPE LENDING Prudential Life Insurance Company, Inc. CORPORATION Quezon St., Iloilo City Tel no. 337-6703 320-4581 FOOD WEALTH Seaman Loan Business Loan AGRO-VET TRADING Doctor’s Loan NORKIS GROUP OF COMPANIES NORKIS 5R SERVICES, INC. Stronghold Mr. Gaspar Igona Prenda-ur-car OR/CR INSURANCE COMPANY, INC. “SELLING SLIGHTLY USED MOTORCYCLE’’ Offered: Proprietor “Your complete New-Life Insurance Company” Direct clients only. Cash or installment basis ILOILO BRANCH: • Low Down payment for only P 1,000 pesos. No agents please! Tabuc Suba, Jaro • 24 months installment plan For More Information Text: • Sells volume of motorcycles with a minimum Brgy. San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City of 5 units. Contact No: Iloilo City 09173043777 l 09088954768 033-3297424/09463871937 VISIT US @ COM. CIVIL JARO ILOILO CITY Fax No. (033) 508-1490 Monday-SatOR CALL ( 033 ) 329-1646/509-3020 urday Tel # (033) 396-5743 l 396-5744 8:00am to 5:30pm Tel. No. 329 6001 SILVER & U @ UR FASHION CJP BLDG., BALANTANG, JARO, ILOILO CITY LGF SM CITY, ILOILO TEL. NO. (Near Toy Kingdom) 1. Cookery NC II (316 hrs.) 2. Food and Beverage Service NC II 3. Bread and Pastry Production NC II 4. Bread and Pastry Production NC II + Singapore 45 D.B Ledesma Street, Jaro, I.C. Tel Nos. (033) 509-7477 509 -3272 / 320-5106 email: [email protected] RESTAURANT (FINE DINING/FASTFOOD) SUPERMARKET COLLECTION/BILLING SYSTEM DEPARTMENT STORE FOREIGN EXCHANGE SPECIALTY STORE DRUGSTORE WHOLESALE RJV COSMOPOLITAN “Iloilo’s beauty & wellness haven!” TEL. NOS.: 509-9530, 396-6742 CP NO.; 0917-7980-370 INC. NCI (033) 301-2161 GLASS CAR TINT Buhang Taft North, Mandurriao, Iloilo City Smart - 0939-939-0690 Tel. Nos. (033) 501-6093 * (033) 857-7053 SERVICES OFFERED: l AUTO GLASS l CAR TINT l ALUMINUM AMA Computer Learning Center 22 AMA Bldg., Delgado St., Iloilo City Tel. Nos. (033) 5086871 ) 3381229 Tel. no. 396-7139 Smart no. 0920-877-5290 Sun no. 093211857400 [email protected] SERVICES OFFERED: • Risograph • Calling Cards • Photo and Video coverage • Tarpaulin • PVC ID •Personalized ID •Streamer • Banners • Stamp Engraving • Key Duplication• Hardbound, softbound, ringbind • T-shirt printing • Embroidered logo • Computer Lay-out, Encoding, Scan & Edit • Wedding • Baptismal • Birthday • Invitation • Flyers •Brochures, • Labels • Tags • Letterhead • Stickers • Rush ID • Photo Printing • Lamination • Receipts, Invoices • Office Supplies Supplier •Corporate Giveaways CONVENIENCE STORE SHORT COURSES OFFERED Prospec Office Systems Products 2nd Floor, Sun Yat Sen Bldg. Mapa Street, Iloilo City MULTI-STAGE PURIFICATION PROCESS MULTI-MEDIA SEDIMENT PROCESS ACTIVATED CARBON WATER CONDITIONING & SOFTENING PROCESS 5 MICRON FILTRATION REVERSE OSMOSIS POLISHING PROCESS GRANULATED CARBON ULTRA VIOLENT LIGHT Brgy. Buhang Taft North, Mandurriao, Iloilo City 335-1280 Iloilo Interior, Diversion Road Mandurriao, Iloilo City Telefax: 321-3801 to 03 Cellular: 09081090939 email: [email protected] Lydia Songano Bldg., Brgy. Tagbak, Jaro, Iloilo City • Tel. # 300-3272 ROXAS BRANCH: Km. II Lawa-an, Roxas City (Infront of Rusi) Tel. # (036) 522-7818 Mobile No. 0917-300-1210 NEW VISTAMAR Triple C Repair Shop CORPoration For your Financing Contact: Mr. Vic Mina, Jr. WEDDING/BAPTISM/ We sell: c/o Asian Lumber Bldg. Door 5 & 6 Needs BIRTHDAY/DEBUT/ Electrical & Construction Materials 144 M.H. del Pilar St., Molo Iloilo City ANNIVERSARY/SCHOOL Accept Real Estate Tel. No. 33-33399/ ACTIVITIES/FUNERAL Owned & Managed by: CP No. 0920-911-5708 & Chattel Mortgage Website:www.ruscelphotography.multiply.com Mr. Bonito L. Robiso Printworx A PRODUCT OF WATER WARE INTL. Aircon HOPEWELL FINANCE (Branch Manager) G/F CCC Finance Bldg. M.H. Del Pilar St., Molo, Iloilo City Email: [email protected] Tel# 300-11-78 / 0949-805-1870 LARGE FORMAT DIGITAL PRINTING KRYZ CULINARY ARTS & G/F RSVP RESIDENCES II, WEST TIMAWA AVE., ILOILO CITY SIMPLY RELIABLE PURIFIED DRINKING WATER R&L J&R Family Digital Studio monthly subsidy of P20,000, DIGITAL PHOTO/VIDEO PRODUCTION P30,000,P50,000 for 1 year 190 COMMISSION CIVIL ST., -30 to 50 years old JARO, ILOILO CITY -At least two years sales experience, with managerial background 0927-8262049,0928-3462762 -With good communication skills SERVICES: -People Oriented Mabini St., Iloilo City -Self Motivated Tel. # l PHOTO & VIDEO COVERAGE -Passion for Success Tel.# BUILDERS, 39 Lopez Jaena Street, La Granja Lapaz, Iloilo City Tel. No. 508-0365 Tel # (033) 3213413 Fax No. 508-9069 E-mail: [email protected] Philippine 2F, Cischo Bldg., Brgy. Mabolo Delgado, Iloilo City Tel. # 508-6714 l 8570704 Cell # 0908-9289284 PC/Based (Point of Sale Systems) Front-End & Back-End Software (BIR ACCREDITED) Ave. Brgy San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City 20 MH Del Pilar St., Molo, Iloilo City Since 1963 Tel. No.: 338-3758 Glory Cell No.: 0948-4287053 G/F SM City, Mandurriao, Tess Cell No.: 0909-1325849 Iloilo City Email add.: Te l . N o . [email protected] RESTAURANT SERVICES INSTITUTE ProSpec Mr. RODOLFO L. BORRES Dra. RIZALINA V. BERNARDO Ledesma Street Iloilo City Sales: (033) 337-6140 Service: (033) 337-2083 Telefax: (033) 337-0132 283 Iznart St., Iloilo City Tel. No. (033) 336-3675 • 509-9895 P Diversion Road, Taft North, Mandurriao, Iloilo City Tel. No. 321-1012 (033) 330-2446 “INTEREST” “RELEASE” & CAR WASH G/F The Shops @ Amigo Iznart Corner Delgado St., Iloilo PROBLEMA SA KWARTA?? • PROTECT PACKAGES • CAR PROTECT • HOUSE PROTECT • BIZ PROTECT • TRAVEL PROTECT • FAMILY PROTECT • OFFICE PROTECT ADDRESS: DOOR #1, ASIAN LUMBER BLDG M.H. DEL PILAR, MOLO, ILOILO CITY TEL. NO.: ILOILO - 336-0535 ANTIQUE - 540-7765 AUTO SALES LENDING, INC. CABLE STAR, INC WESTERN DRIVING SCHOOL Urban Inn Bldg., Luna St, Lapaz I.C Tel# 033-5086090 Cp# 09499630496 09063746686 09164776516 LTO Accredited (permit to operation driving school) (Deck & Engine Officers Review for WALK-IN & WRITTEN EXAMS, Computer PLUS Lecture) G/F Perpetual Succor Business Center, #38 Jalandoni St. (San Agustin), Iloilo City Manila Branch 4th Flr. Don Lorenzo Bldg. 889 P. Paredes St. Sampaloc Manila (In Front of PRC) Pls. Contact: Capt. Nelson C. Villamor 09195607777/(033) 336-0793 Email: [email protected] EVZ PHARMACY “Customer Service is our Pride” Wholesaler & Retailer Free delivery in Panay and Guimaras Contact: Ms. Edna Pabicon (Senior Manager) Cell. No:0927-504-9705 Main Office @ Q. Abeto St., Mandurriao, Iloilo City Tel No.: (033) 5093362 Telefax: (033) 3211737 La Paz Branch: 329-7015 Mission Branch: 329-3798 Email: [email protected] www.evzcorp.com JGM FINANCE CORPORATION OFFERS: SSS / GSIS PENSIONS LOANS AT ONLY 1.67 % MONTHLY INTEREST WITH NOADVANCE INTEREST!!!! FAST AND EASY TO APPLY!!! CALL US AT OUR BRANCHES IN: JARO, ILOILO TEL NO. (033) 3297918 PASSI CITY, ILOILO TEL NO. (033) 3961325 STA BARBARA, ILOILO TEL NO. (033) 3964939 GUIMARAS BRANCH TEL NO. (033) 3967768 Y!!! HURORKON MAG TAWAG SA SUN CELLULAR NUMBER 0922-8189389 ) 0922-8946653 B6 COMMUNITY Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10 more nurses deployed in Kalibo By VenUs G. VillanUeVa KalIBO – Health services here is seen to get a boost with the deployment of 10 more nurses under the Nurse Deployment Program (NDP). Under the project, the local government will get 10 nurses who will be paid by the national government through the Department of Health. members of NDP Team met with Kalibo mayor William lachica, chairman of Community Health Team management Council, to brief the latter on the role of the nurses in the town’s health programs. The NDP in Kalibo targets to lower if not eliminate the number of maternal deaths in the barangays. The nurses will also keep track if pregnant women avail pre-natal services, or if all newborn babies are immunized. The nurses will also implement New Born Screening and Exclusive Breast Feeding along with 120 CHT Partners composed of Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS), Barangay Health Workers (BHW) and Barangay Population Officers (BPO). They will also visit houses and monitor beneficiaries of the National Household Targeting System (NHTS) Poverty Reduction. The NDP is a DOH project that aims to improve local health systems and support the Philippines’ attainment of Universal Health Care or “Kalusugang Pangkalahatan”. It also aims to give employment opportunities to the growing number of unemployed nurses in the country. (PIA Aklan) Guardian the daily Western Visayas Most Read and Respected Blare and glare W E need to be most careful about certain sounds and lights, produced mainly by us and by some worldly dynamics, which are detached from their true source and disoriented from their true goal, both of whom is none other than God. We have so many of them today that we now appear to be sinking under their sheer weight and thrown to confusion by their endless flow of complicated Fr. Roy Cimagala and complex data, information, ideas, images, etc. The play of forces they generate is truly mind-boggling. Our reaction to this phenomenon can be varied. Some simply get mindlessly sucked in by the spiral. Others take more active part and play games with them, often without realizing the risks. They even go to the extent of gambling with their destiny. We need to shield ourselves from this worldly blare and glare, and find space and time for some silence and darkness if only to rediscover the voice and the light of God, our Father and Creator. He is always around, and in fact is always intervening in our lives. Being our Creator and Father, he actually governs us nonstop, although most of the time we are unaware of his moves. That is a predicament we need to correct. We should try our best to establish firmly and deeply in our consciousness and in our culture in general the habit of praying, meditating and contemplating, so we can nourish our sense of the true foundation, meaning and direction of our life. ReFLeCtIoNs /pB7 REFLECTIONS AWARD. Civil Service Commission-6 regional director Atty. Rodolfo Encajonado (4th from right) awards posthumously the Parangal sa Lingkod Bayani to public school teacher Rogelio “Sir Elyong” Ladera, who died while rescuing victims of super typhoon Yolanda, received by his wife and daughter. Also in photo are CSC and Department of Education officials. (PIA6) Pinoy Fun at Sm City Iloilo’s Independence Day Celeb PINOY fun will fill the air as SM City Iloilo celebrates Independence Day, 8am , on June 12, 2014! Sm City Iloilo has once again taken the lead in celebrating this occasion through events that will enrich our nationalistic spirit. With this year’s contemporary, young and hip theme, the mall has lined up several events that highlight the Filipino attitude, including a Flag Raising ceremony with over 2,000 target participants from the public and private sector. adding excitement to the event is the performance of one of the country’s fast rising hip-hop artist Sheeyee. Big discounts are also in store in the Pinoy Fun Sale mallwide on June 12 with up to 70% discount on selected items. Because being Pinoy is so much fun, head to Sm City Iloilo and celebrate the pride. TREE PLANTING. Engr. Randy A. Alipis, division manager of National Irrigation Administration – Antique leads NIA employees in the planting of 1,000 tree seedlings one June 6, 2014 at Lagdo Reforestation Site, Barangay Lagdo, Sibalom. (PSM/PIA Antique) Guardian the daily Western Visayas Most Read and Respected Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Aga, Charlene have split up? maNIla – Rumors that showbiz couple aga muhlach and Charlene Gonzales decided to call it quits spread online, following a blind item detailing the separation of a celebrity couple who already have kids. In the blind item, the actress allegedly decided to end their relationship after she found out about the actor’s affair with a 20-year-old dancer. However, the couple agreed to keep their status private and just stay at the same house but sleep in separate bedrooms to protect their family’s endorsements, the report added. Netizens speculated in the comments section that the item was referring to muhlach and Gonzales. But on may 28, muhlach posted a video of Gonzales’ wedding anniversary surprise on his Facebook account, as revealed by a report on entertainment website PEP.ph. In the video recorded by muhlach himself, the actor was seen following a trail of white petals leading to a surprise special breakfast by Gonzales for their 13th wedding anniversary. REFLECTIONS.. “Good morning, guys! I woke up to this,” muhlach said in the video, referring to his wife’s early morning surprise, “man, oh man! She always does this to me.” muhlach also posted on Instagram a photo of him and Gonzales together at the recently concluded Philippine movie Press Club (PmPC) Star awards. Gonzales also posted photos on Instagram, thanking muhlach for 13 years of married life. The former beauty queen also took to Instagram to thank friends and fans who greeted them on their anniversary. To finally end the rumors about their marriage once and for all, muhlach directly denied the speculations in a published report. “Thank you for your concern my friend. Really appreciate it. Hayaan na natin sila. We’re all good, no worries,” the actor told PEP in a Facebook FROM P.B6 Christ himself, perfect God and perfect man, found it necessary to distance himself from the crowd from time to time if only to enter into a deeper and more intimate communion with his Father. Being God himself, he is always with his Father. We could say there was no need for him to pray. But being man also, he needed a way to converse with his Father and to conform his will to the will of his Father. Saints have done this and we too should do the same. This is not a call, of course, to flee from the world. We are in the world and it is God who has placed us here and who wants us to do his will in the middle of the world. We just have to be careful with the world, since not everything in it is good. Contaminated by our sin, it has many elements that can lead us away instead of toward God. That’s the reason why Christ in his priestly prayer to his Father said, “I have given them your word, and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, as I also am not of the world.” (Jn 17,14) and yet, in the next breath, Christ said, “I pray not that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them Running away from certain financial realities has great appeal, but is ineffective. Don’t expect to win the lottery. Do what’s necessary. You can be very cool, rational and objective about your relationship today. Focus on facts, but keep your sense of humor. You could feel very scattered and overwhelmed today as you try to be all things to all people. It is not your job to do EVERYTHING! Matters you thought were perfectly clear are suddenly forgotten or misunderstood. Be patient and go over everything again. Imaginative abilities are high in your household today. Go for fantasy games, role-plays, movies, TV, reading, or daydreaming. Today you can be rational and logical, detached and objective. You listen more to your intellect than to your emotions. Revise your current financial plans by taking a good hard look at what you most desire and what is currently practical to achieve. Dynamism, energy, enthusiasm and the ability to excite others are highlighted. You can pep other people up. Crowds seem a bit overwhelming. Seek out alone time and a sheltered environment. Today you feel a strong desire for smoothness and ease on the job. Your ability to create unity becomes an asset. After your long day, curling up with a book or favorite TV show is a good idea. Relax and unwind. B7 REPUBlIC OF THE PHIlIPPINES Department of Transportation and Communication LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Region VI, Iloilo City GINA RESURRECCION applicant/s CASE NO. 09-VI-306 AK NOTICE Petitioner request authority for Renewal of CPC to operate a PUJ service with conversion to dual to operate on the line: KalIBO DUmaGUIT aND VICE VERSa with the use of (1) unit. This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on June 17, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. at its office at LTFRB Building, Quintin Salas, Jaro, Iloilo City, on which date applicant/petitioner shall formally submit all its/his/her evidences. at least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/petitioner shall publish this NOTICE once in any newspaper of general circulation in Western Visayas (Region VI). Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their written opposition supported by the documentary evidence submitted by the parties unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable, ROmUlO V. BERNaRDES, Regional Director, this 9th day of June, 2014. (Sgd.) JOSE MARIE V. LAMPARERO Actg. Hearing Officer REPUBlIC OF THE PHIlIPPINES Department of Transportation and Communication LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Region VI, Iloilo City WILFREDO CARADO applicant/s CASE NO. 1994-VI-989 ILO NOTICE Petitioner request authority for Downgrading of unit from mINI BUS to PUJ service with shortening of line from: IlOIlO CITY - (ITGSI) - CalINOG to IlOIlO CITY (ITGSI) - lamBUNaO aND VICE VERSa with the use of (1) unit. This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on June 17, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. at its office at LTFRB Building, Quintin Salas, Jaro, Iloilo City, on which date applicant/petitioner shall formally submit all its/his/her evidences. at least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/petitioner shall publish this NOTICE once in any newspaper of general circulation in Western Visayas (Region VI). Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their written opposition supported by the documentary evidence submitted by the parties unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable, ROmUlO V. BERNaRDES, Regional Director, this 9th day of June, 2014. (Sgd.) JOSE MARIE V. LAMPARERO Actg. Hearing Officer message. The Buzz tried to get a statement from the former beauty queen, but she chose to remain silent about the issue. However, Charlene’s mom, Elvie, denied the rumors in a report of newspaper Remate, saying “Not true. Bayaan mo na, basta happy sila.” (ABSCBNnews.com) from evil.” (17,15) These words can only mean that while not everything is all right with the world, we should just stay there and do what we are supposed to do with God’s grace and with our all-out effort. We should not escape from doing business and politics nor belittle them and the other human and temporal affairs we have in the world. Rather we should see to it that all these necessary human activities start and end with God. They should not be pursued simply at the instance of our own designs and ambitions without making a clear reference to God’s will and laws. and so we have to be wary when certain elements in the world tend to conjure some siren calls and false lights meant to titillate us, or to intoxicate us if only to deceive and mislead us. The art of doing this has developed immensely, sad to say. We should try to avoid being naïve in the face of this unwelcome development. And the first thing we have to do is to strengthen our relation with God, by spending time praying and offering sacrifices, studying his teachings and doctrine, undertaking a lifelong program of growing in the virtues, etc. We have to realize that these practices are as basic and necessary to us as breathing and eating and drinking. We cannot survive spiritually nor aspire to reach our true ultimate goal if we consider them as merely optional. In this way, we can tend to be more discerning and discriminating in assessing the multi-level developments we have around us, and play more actively in the process of reconciling us and the whole world with God, our Creator and Father. Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Guimaras municipality of Buenavista NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CCE-0021-2014 Ra 10172 In Compliance with the publication requirement and pursuant to OCRG memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the Implementation of the administrative Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.a. 10172), Notice is hereby served to the public that WINZEL M. ESLABON has filed with this Office, a Petition for correction of entry in sex from “FEMALE” to “MALE” in the certificate of live birth of WINZEL MANGALLADORA ESLABON born at Buenavista, Iloilo and whose parents are Wennie Z. Eslabon and Melanie M. Mangalladora Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this Office. REPUBlIC OF THE PHIlIPPINES Department of Transportation and Communication LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Region VI, Iloilo City EDWIN CELIZ - Vendor CASE NO. 02-VI-902 ILO CHRISTINE C. MANGLALLAN - Vendee applicant/s NOTICE Petitioner request authority for Sale and Transfer of CPC to operate a PUJ DUal service on the line: IlOIlO CITY - (JaRO BIG maRKET) - SaN mIGUEl and vice versa/ to any point in Panay, made by: EDWIN CElIZ - VENDOR in favour of CHRISTINE C. maNGlallaN - VENDEE, with the use of one (1) unit/s. This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on June 17, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. at its office at LTFRB Building, Quintin Salas, Jaro, Iloilo City, on which date applicant/petitioner shall formally submit all its/his/her evidences. at least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/petitioner shall publish this NOTICE once in any newspaper of general circulation in Western Visayas (Region VI). Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their written opposition supported by the documentary evidence submitted by the parties unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable, ROmUlO V. BERNaRDES, Regional Director, this 9th day of June, 2014. (Sgd.) JOSE MARIE V. LAMPARERO Actg. Hearing Officer REPUBlIC OF THE PHIlIPPINES Department of Transportation and Communication LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Region VI, Iloilo City WILFREDO CARADO applicant/s CASE NO. 1994-VI-1146 ILO NOTICE Petitioner request authority for Renewal of CPC with Downgrading of unit from mINI BUS DUal to PUJ DUal service with shoetening of line from: IlOIlO CITY - (PaVIa TERmINal) BINOlOSaN - CalINOG to IlOIlO CITY - (PaVIa TERmINal) lamBUNaO aND VICE VERSa/ TO aNY POINT IN PaNaY, with the use of (1) unit. This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on June 17, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. at its office at LTFRB Building, Quintin Salas, Jaro, Iloilo City, on which date applicant/petitioner shall formally submit all its/his/her evidences. at least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/petitioner shall publish this NOTICE once in any newspaper of general circulation in Western Visayas (Region VI). Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their written opposition supported by the documentary evidence submitted by the parties unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable, ROmUlO V. BERNaRDES, Regional Director, this 9th day of June, 2014. (Sgd.) JOSE MARIE V. LAMPARERO Actg. Hearing Officer WANTED!!! FACTORY WORKERS QC Assistant FREE LODGING (Dormitory beside Brgy. Hall, just a walking distance) Qualifications: • MALE/FEMALE • 18 TO 39 Y/O • PHYSICALLY & MENTALLY FIT • GRADUATE OF BS-FOOD TECH (ANY FOOD RELATED COURSE) – for QC Asst. Applicants Requirements: • BIO-DATA/RESUME w/ 2 pcs ID Picture • BRGY. CLEARANCE/POLICE CLEARANCE/NBI • BIRTH CERTIFICATE • DIPLOMA/TOR/CERTIFICATES – QC Asst. Applicants Submit the following at: WL FOOD PRODUCTS BRGY. PAKIAD,OTON, ILOILO TEL.NO. 333-3494/Cell.No. 09328517528 Look for Ms. Sheng (for more details) Work and Earn Rewards!!! (SGD.)ELMA F. ZALDIVAR municipal Civil Registrar Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Guimaras municipality of Buenavista NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CCE-0018-2014 Ra 10172 In Compliance with the publication requirement and pursuant to OCRG memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the Implementation of the administrative Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.a. 10172), Notice is hereby served to the public that JOANN R. MUCHO has filed with this Office, a Petition for correction of entry in sex from “FEMALE” to “MALE” and father’s first name from “Valentin” to “Valentino” in the certificate of live birth of JOANN RAFIL MUCHO born at Buenavista, Iloilo and whose parents are Valentine G. Mucho, Jr. and Angeles E. Rafil. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this Office. Listen for the words behind the words today. You need to decipher the hidden messages. (SGD.)ELMA F. ZALDIVAR municipal Civil Registrar y m c k y m c k TAPALES VETERINARY CLINIC 2nd Level Ledesma Wing DR. REYNALDO S. TAPALES Veterinarian 399 Huervana Street La Paz, Iloilo City Tel. No. 320-1383 Contact us at: (033) 335-1930 0998-9864717 B8 Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2014 Mutya ng Pilipinas-Iloilo Froilene Villanueva as Reyna Elena wearing a gown made by Jun-g Bayona Candelario Melchorita Escalante Mabilog is this year’s Emperatriz in an Eric Delos Santos gown, with consort son JV Mabilog Mother Mary, Queen of Flower’s caro during the grand Santacruzan Jane Celeste Gan-Limsui in Alex Soncio gown Tweets Causing Tupas-Ballleza in Eric B. Delos Santos gown with hablon tapis made by Poli Abastillas Dolly Chua, bearer of the letter A in Ave Maria, wearing a gown by Jun-g Bayona Candelario Helen Stummer in an Alex Soncio gown Connie del Castillo in an emerald green Eric Delos Santos’s gown — with Lourdes Diocson, TDG Iloilo Press and Connie del Castillo. Gemma Arellano Cercado Pabalan in Alex Soncio gown Maritess Lim in an Eric B. Delos Santos gown Sheila M. Draper in Bo Parcon gown Reyna Mora Krisnah Catague, 2013 Mutya ng Pilipinas-Iloilo City, in a gown by Hector Totong Gellangarin — with TDG Iloilo Press. F Charmy Joy Ga as Reyna Fe in a gown made by Jaki Peñalosa 2014 Mutya ng Pilipinas-Iloilo Miss Friendship Lara Thaneza Janeo as Reyna Esperanza in a gown made by Djohn Clement OR the second time, the much-awaited Iloilo City’s Grand Santacruzan was unveiled in a glitzy procession in honor of Blessed Virgin mary, capping the last merry month of may, dahlings! leading the religious festivity was 2014 mutya ng Pilipinas-Iloilo Froilene Villanueva as Reyna Elena. She wore a dramatic white terno with a corseted bodice and a bouffant biased skirt with floral patterns traced with Swarovski crystals, seed pearls and jet beads. This year’s Reyna Emperatriz, melchorita EscalanteVda De mabilog was resplendent in her Eric delos Santos’s violet gown highlighted with intricate beadworks in dainty floral patterns. She was escorted by her debonair son JV Mabilog. Seen on the freedom grandstand endlessly taking pictures was no other than madame melchorita’s son – the very energetic Iloilo City mayor Jed Patrick mabilog. Well, upholding the elegance of the celebration were 42 beauty queens and Iloilo City’s women of style. The beauties offered their time and walked from Iloilo Provincial Capitol to San Jose Parish church in their best of the best 2014 Miss Silka Iloilo finalist Angela Bella Zarandin as Reyna Caridad in a Binky Pitogo red gown Filipiniana regalia don by Iloilo’s talented fashion designers, dahlings. as Helen Stummer said, “We are here to give honor to our Blessed mother, mama mary for all the blessings we received through her intercession.” Hard work, coupled with lots of patience, not to mention sleepless nights, went into the well-thought preparation of the event. But it certainly was well worth it, unprecedented in its history. a project of the Iloilo City Tourism Council under the leadership of mae Panes and Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry-Iloilo headed by Donna Rose Ratilla, in collaboration with the Iloilo City Government, Iloilo City Tourism Office and San Jose Parish Church, it is aimed to become a tourism attraction yearly. Surely, fashion and culture added pomp to this affair, with the stunning creations of Iloilo Designers’ Guild headed by Jaki Peñalosa, Iloilo Young Designers Guild under the helm of Jet Salcedo, miag-ao mayor macario Napulan and municipality of miag-ao for donating the hablon fabrics used by the designers for the gowns of the Sagalas . Reyna Judith Ma. Ahriana Lovely Reyna Sheba is Mary Diane Nufable, 2014 Huyaban, 2013 Iloilo Festival Queen and Fiesta Queen of Miag-ao, in a gown by First Runner-up 2014 Miss Paraw Regatta, Doddie Vril Tan in a gown of Hector Totong Gellangarin Model Daisy Batch is Reyna Esther in a gown by Hector Totong Gellangarin .2014 Mutya ng Pilipinas-Italy Patrizia Garrido Bosco as Reyna del Cielo (Queen of Heaven) in a Jun-g Bayona Candelario gown
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