INVITATION FOR APPLICATIONS 2014-2015 NIEMAN FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM The Asia Foundation is inviting Korean candidates for consideration as a nominee for the 2014-2015 Harvard Nieman Fellowship. This prestigious Fellowship is awarded to print, broadcast and online reporters, editors, photographers, producers, and editorial writers with full-time, professional experience in the news media. It allows for journalists from the U.S. and other countries to come to Harvard University for a year of learning and exploration in a subject of one’s choosing. The upcoming Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University is scheduled to begin in September of 2014 to May of 2015 and a Korean candidate will be jointly sponsored by The Asia Foundation, Sungkok Journalism Foundation, and YBM, Inc. Nomination by The Asia Foundation does not ensure acceptance as a Nieman fellow. Final selection is made by the Nieman Foundation. If the Korean nominee is given final approval by the Nieman Foundation, he or she will be provided with round-trip airfare, tuition, and partial living allowance. There are no educational prerequisites to apply for the Nieman Fellowship. Nevertheless, applicants must be currently full-time employed with at least five years of professional experience in journalism. All applicants must also be fluent in written and spoken English. In addition, the applicants should not have participated in any fellowship programs within the past two years or taken a leave of absence from work that lasted longer than four months during that time. Interested applicants are required to submit the following to The Asia Foundation Korea Office: – Korean and English curriculum vitae – English personal statement of 1,000 words or less that describes his/her journalistic experience and career plans and aspirations – A Letter of recommendation from the head of his/her affiliation – A certificate issued by TOEFL or IELTS which evaluates both spoken and written English proficiency A joint committee of The Asia Foundation, Sungkok Journalism Foundation, and YBM, Inc. will review the applications, and selected candidates will be contacted for interviews in midOctober. Please note that the applicant selected by the joint committee will still be subject to final approval by the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University, thus the nomination does not guarantee automatic acceptance as a Nieman Fellow. All applicants will however be notified of the results of the review by the Korean screening committee by late-October. Application Deadline All application materials should reach The Asia Foundation office at Bunam Building, 7th Floor, 63-7 Gyeongun-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-310 or via e-mail to [email protected] no later than October 15, 2013. For more information, please contact Ms. Lee Ji-eun at Tel: 02-732-2042, or e-mail: [email protected]. For more information on the Fellowship, please visit the Nieman Foundation’s website: 하버드대학교 니만 펠로우십 선발 공고 아시아재단은 2014–2015 니만 펠로우십 프로그램에 참가할 중견 언론 인을 선발합니다. 한국 니만 펠로우는 아시아재단과 성곡언론재단, YBM, Inc.가 공동으로 선발하고 경비(왕복 비행기표, 등록금, 일부 생활비)를 지원합니다. 한국 위원회에 의해 선발된 후보는 하버드 니만재단이 최종 합격 여부를 결정합니다. 참가자격과 제출서류는 다음과 같습니다. □ 선발인원: 1명 □ 연수기간: 2014년 9월 – 2015년 5월 □ 참가자격: 1. 2. 3. 4. 관련 최근 최근 영어 □ 제출서류 1. 2. 3. 4. 영문 자기소개서 국/영문 이력서 기관장 추천서 TOEFL 혹은 IELTS 성적 □ 접수처: 서울특별시 종로구 경운동 63-7 부남빌딩 7층 아시아재단 (우: 110–310) [email protected] □ 접수마감: 2013년 10월 15일 (화) □ 선발과정: 1차 - 서류전형 (합격자 개별 통보): 10월 16-19일 중 2차 - 심층면접 (영어면접): 10월 25-29일 중 3차 - 니만 재단 최종 합격여부 결정 □ 문의: 이지은 과장 (02-732-2042 / [email protected]) 경력 5년 이상의 언론인 2년간 다른 펠로우십 연수 경력이 없는 언론인 2년간 4개월 이상의 휴직기간을 갖지 않은 언론인 토론과 작문에 능통한 언론인 아시아재단 서울특별시 종로구 경운동 63-7 부남빌딩 7층 (우110-310) 전화: (02) 732-2044; 팩스: (02) 739-6022 /
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