pROCEEDINGS oF TI{E r0'n coNSriNT coMMrlrEE MEETING (cFE & CFO) I.OR TIIE YEAR-2014 Time:3:00 PM Date:21.04.2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Vaman Achary4 Chairmaq KSPCB. Sri. Vijaya Kumar, IFS, Member Secretary, KSPCB. CorChaiIIIllan ■││■ │■ ■ │││‐ Sfii Shivlよ 血臓Ⅲ,President │■ ││■ FKCCI. Sri,S.Nanda K岬 ,CEO,KSPCB。 S五 .Shivaranlu KoP,Asst_DirectoL Town Plaming, CJok_ Sri.B.覇 u Shan■ uK… BWSSB. ,Deputy ChiefEnginecr9 Sri. Shivaramaiah, Asst. Director, Town Planning BBMP. Smt. Vijayalakshmi, Environmental Officer, KSPCB. Review on action taken on the proceedings of Consent Committee Meetings. a. The committee noted ttre action taken on the Proceedings of previous meeting held on25.03.20t4. b. Proceedings ofprevious CCM held on 05.04.2014 was read and confirmed. c. The Member Convener informed that the action taken on the proceedings CCM held on 05.04.2014 will be placed before next meeting. INGS OF CONSEM COMMHTEE MEEllN(lH出 .l)ON ,104,2014(CFE&CFO) Page l q[s!'-H Member vener CFE SUNECTS t 匿 Si No_ DECIS10N sunrucr I SEO-Infrastructure @tructures 1. … I I sv. No. lolll,-21 of Pvt Ltd., Alambadi Talulq viltrg", t-akkur Hobli, Malur of after receipt of Recommended to consider issue CFE with conditions administrative charges. I Kohr Disrict. 2. 575_ SLS Dcvdopa Ka■ a No_112 Sy. No_ Rocommended to issue CFE with conditions. 88/1-83/2, Bddur ViHagcp Hobli,3mgalore Mr-D-Nag*trusfrananL Sy- No- 2712- Dc臨 28/t of t{oedralti Village, Jala Hobli" Bansahrc CMRS Inframctur(秀 Pvt園 _,Sy_ Recommcndod to issuc CFE with K_R_P― 3_ 576_ 4_ 577_ 瞥'ΨI 為臨雲 平 5_ 578. Mr_H.B=G田 聰熙狙v&Sidambiに li Sy_Nこ 114/1-114/3, =‐ VilLぶちB… 6_ r€gafding drc occupier of tlrcuoposod proioct Occarxrs Dwellings h/t Ltd-, Sy- No. Recommcndod to issnc CFE with lVl-2!0l3, ChilkdrinrydrY Viilag€, conditi<xrs only after roceipt of t-al*ur Hobli, Malur Talulq Kolar administration charges- 580. District Mr RThilak & Mr. M. ThYagarajulu 581. Naidu, Sy. No- 89 D-Byagadadenahalli Village, Kasaba Hobli, Anekal Talulg Bangalore LAA Bull出Isで L Develo卜 rs Sy‐ No。 10. 582. 583. docurnents Recommended to consider CFE with conditions after administrative charges. to issuc CFE, with after veri$ing the Rcruommcndcd 34,New Sy.No.34/1,Gollahalli conditions Villar,Attibele HoblL Anekal Talut documents regarding the occupier the proposed proiect. BHgadc Enterp五 ses Limited,B五 gade Deferred. Banttore 9. 1l HOblL Bangalorc _____ Conlmcrcial Development Katha No.70/401 6yo No.44/1-44/4)Hebbal Vill曇、Kasaba Hobli,Bangalore Hita Infra, Katha No.1523, Sy. No. 7O/1, Yafihur Village, Varthur Hobli, Recommended to conditions. OF CONSE卜 J COMMlllEE MEttNG HEID ON of issue CFE with Bangalore 謙感が"ヽ ソ f f 0 0 8. to issrrc CFE with conditkms aftcr veti$ing the Rmomrncnded ︼ 呻 ・ 7_ 579_ ‐ 識壁 2104.2014(CFE&CFO)Page 2 584 11_ Niwara Builders & Deepak Construction, Geneshbaag S),. No. I 73ll-C]'S No.5712. Neat' Mat'atlta Mandir, lndraprastha Nagar, .lakkcri Honda, BelgaunT 12. 585. Vishal Infrabuild Limited CTS No.5853 Emerald @rner, maradta colony, Belgaum. (SKY PARK, R.S No.l10/15-40 of Chougulewadi, Belgaum.) 13. 586. Valmaよ Rcalty Holdings P宙 Ld.っ sy. No. 24,31/1-31/2 of McdahaHi 淵 難 創 鏃 智露 r9甲 勢 'l-he cornmitlee deliberated tlre Project advancement and recommcnded to issue rroticc directing thc Pro ject proponenl 1o slop the conslrrrction activity i nrnred iately. Also call the project proponent for PH before Chairman, KSPCB & to take decision on disposal of application. The commillee deliberated the Project advancement and recommended to issue notice directing the Project proponent to stop the construction activity immediately. Also call the project proponent for PH before Chairman, KSPCB & to take decision on disoosal of aoolicafionRecommended to issue CFE with conditions. ≒ SEO-17 CATEGORY 587. 14. Hindal∞ Ind囁慮ies Limited., Bclgaum Wo薇 島 P.B.No.01,Belgaum -560010. Re∞ mmended to issue CFE(Exp) with∞ nditio“ aftr ved取 ing for inor(Mse of po:lution ioad & the requirement ofEC. SEO― NON― EIA 588. 15_ BANGALORE Eんomctric Sracc Finishers Pvt Linlited, Shed Noo C-16, KSSIDC IndlNLial B幽 山, Bommasandrap Recommended conditions. to issue CFE with Recommended to issue CFE with Hostlr Road,Anekal Taluk,Bangalorc Urban District。 589. 16. Shiridi Sai Limited, M3議 Nutraceuticals Private conditions. 鵠 ぶ 岩 Ⅷ L躁 Stage,Bangalore-560038. 590. 17. 591. 18. Recommended to call the industry for 卜Ⅷ iF2∝ ぅ 濫話 ぽP霞 ち Technical Presentation before Chairman, KSPCB and to take Doddaballapura Bangalore. decision on disposal of application. Shri.Lakshmi Metal Udyog Limited。 , SyoNo.9-11, BelagaranahaHi Vinage, Attibele,Hosur Road,Anekal Talut Bangalorc-562107. Recommended with conditions. to issue CFE (Exp) OF CONSEM COMMll‐ lEE MEEIING HELD ON 2104.2014(CFE&CFO) Page 3 bcF 刹 ま12° lЧ SEO― NON― EIA 592. 19_ OTHER THAN BANGAIり ORE Recommended to Pol-vhvdron S-vstems Pvt Ltd Formerly lt4/s 593_ 20. Oilgear Polyhydron Pvt Ltd., at SY. No.34& 371B. Kuttalvadi Village, Navage Post, Belgaum. Belagaum Oxygen Private Limited-, Plot No.25l26, Kakati Industrial Area, BcI SEO― 594_ 21_ Toヽ vlcr issue CFE (Exp) rvith condilions. Recommended to issue CFE (Exp) with conditions. BMW The C-ommittec after detailed Sroe Siddratha Education Society, Sy-No-254/1, 254D, 25413, 25513, dcliberation rocommended to consider T$cgur, Ndarnangala Talulq issue of CFE wiftr cqrditions after ob{aining oprnion frqn RO rcgarding Bangalfrc Rurat Di{trict TGR 20tr€ in wtrich dre proposed oroiect site located- 卜取g軍暉s ● S翼 て 22_ 595:1・ 嚇 鵡 呻 二 ― Sy:No219/1 ofNalkur Village,Udupi Taluk&Dittd_ ■ お :■ 00mmtte■ ■凛 i“ 蔽 on Fom fC'issuod by dle DC vis “ a― vis resolutiOn of dle local eam Panayath_Thc Committcc opmed to dclibcac faler ota dle decislo■ of Gram Pandtayadl&to place the sublo∝ bcfOrc next CCM_ 23_ 596ゃ Baba Aldlila Sai Jyodli lndtぶ 嬌∝ IP` Lttt il】 L(1_, Syゃ No_83,87/3,91/5,Childcabaganal Vill響 Q Rocomnurdod to issrrc CFE (Exp) with conditions. Koppal Taluk&Di面 こ SEO― WMC 597. 24. Global Greetr Agrotech-, No.290ff, 5e Cross, SArvindnagar, Mysore -570023. Sdみ Sd/‐ MEMBER SECRETARY C Sd/― CHIEF ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER-1 INCS OF CONSIふ r CoM― ber Rccomlnended to obtain report from RSEO and to Place the suttect befOre next CCM. 寧ゞ Y 鴇 ヽ 、 ■ onvener irh\t\"'rr 15 iNLR う 剛 M□ ERごじ` EE MEttG HET,D ON 2104 2014(CFE&CFO) RlgC 4 CFO SUBJECTS sl- Agenda No. No. 25. 59& 26. s99. I SUBJECT I l__-I DECIS10N SEO-17 CATEGORY R""o* tAmrrth Distil leries Lim ited., Kambipura, Mysore Water & Air Acts for the period of Mile, No.+1, I3'h I 01.07.2014 to 30.06.2015 with I Road, Bangalore. conditions. Laila Sugars Private Limited., (t essee of lr,[/s Bhagyalakshmi SSK Niliamith), Kupatageri Village, Khanapur Talulq Belgaum Disrict-591 302. to issue CFO under Air Acts for the period of 01.07.2014 to 30.06.2015 with Recommended Waler & conditions. 27. 600. Bhavani Khandasari Sugars Private Recommended to refuse the consent Limited-, Sy-No. 2891 ANz, Barror Village -585 ,for the non-compl iances. 257 . Bidar Taluk & District. 28. 601. 29. 602. 30. 603. 31 604. 32. 605. 33. 606. Recommended to issue addendum to Total Oil India Private Limited., Village, the Yelechegere CFO by slmchronizing the validity No- I 3511, 135f2, period upto 30-06.20 I 5. Nelamangala Taluk Bangalore Rural. Airport Rocommendod to issue CFO under the International Bangalore Water & the Air Acts for{re pedod of Limitod01.07.2014 to 30.06.2015 with Devanahalli, Bangalore -560 300. conditionsRecommendcd to issue CFO under NSP Electronics Limited., No.5Zl, Virginagar Industrial Areq Water & Air Acts for the period of Veeranahalli Village, Bangalore 01.07.2013 to 30.06.2014 with conditions-s60 049 No recommendations as the subject is J.P. Electro-Tech, No.3, 106 Cross, Rajgopalnagar Main on policy mattorroad, Opp;Padma Bar, Ganapathinagar Bansalore -560 058. Aerospace Recommended to issue CFO under International Water & Air Acts for the period of Manufacturing Private Limited., Sy.No.3, Kempapura Village, Varthur 01.07.2014 to 30.06.2015 with conditions. Hobli. Bangalore - 560 037. Deepika Industries, Lakshmi No recommondations as the subject is No.49llA, Sri. Venkateshwara Industrial Estate, 8tr on policy matter. SEO― NON―EIA BANGALORE Main Road, Peenya zfr Bangalore PROC 6mber - Stage, 560 058. INGSoF CONSENTCOMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 21 04.2014(Cm a\h \s lr-r, v vener &CrO) Pas,c5 34 607. Shree Benaka Metal Finishers, No. t 8, Sy.No-78, Karihobanalralli Village. lhigalarapalya. PeenYa 3'd Stage, Ilangalote -560 058. IBANCALORE. SBo-NONffi 35. 608. Polyhydron Systems Pv1 Ltd-, Formerly M/s Oilgear Towler Recommended to issue CFO under Polyhydron Pvt Ltd., at SY. No- 34 & Water &, Air Acts for the period to 37/8, Kuttalvadi Village, Navage 30 -06.20 14 with cond itions. Post Belgaum36_ 37. 0_ 610. klagauln Oxygcn hvate Limitod., Rccon3mcndcd to issuc CFO undcr Plot No125′ %,(燕 面 Ind“ 由ぼ メ《為 urater&Air Att for thc period up to Bdgattn_ 30_06_2018 by catego遜 ng thc industy ttm Orange to Rcd. smukaFamt Ihe Shimoga Disftict- qttKling quanttty Of Water required commiuee after detailed Per birds and also compliallce repon to 畿 conditions stipulated in CFE魚 om kglom1 01漁 ▼ &to pl“e ttt sutteCt before ncxt CCM_ 38_ 611 Bhadra Packids Private Limitod-, Bommaruhalli Taluk Bhadravathi District, Shimoga39. 612. Rooommcndod to issue CFO under Water & Air Acts for tlre period of Ol.O72Ol4 to 30.06.2015 with conditions. Papcr Packaging P五 vate Limited。 , KIADB Industl・ ial Areap Mandi Kallur Recommended to issuc CFO under Road,Mandi,Shimiga District. 01.07.2013 Water 8し Air Acts for the periOd Of to 30.06.2014 with cOndilions 40. 613. SEO― MINES The Sandur Manganese&IЮ n Ores Recommended to issue CFO under Watcr&Air Acts for the pcriod of Limited., ML No. 2580, Deogiri Village, Sandur Taltt Bellary Distri∝ 01.07.2014 to 30.06.2015 with conditions_ SEO― WMC 41. 614. Haat lncinerators lndia P宙 No。 35B&C,Jigani Ltd。 , lndustrial Areap Banf攀 lore-560105_ to issue Authorization under Hazardous Waste (M H & TM) Rules for the period of 29.02.2014 to Reommended INC HELD ON 2104.,014(CFE&CFO) Page 6 Member 3106_2018、 vith cOnditions 42_ 615 Neo Surface Technology (lndia) Privale Limited., No.l5l & 152. KIADB Industrial Area, Mund aragi -lll Stage, Bellary. 43. 616. Vardhaman Entcrpriscs, No.24/F3 Kumbalgodu, ISt Phase, Industria Area, Kengeri Hobli, Banga10re 560105_ 44. 617_ Anticr Fragttnces Private Lilnitcd。 , B-109,Balkampady lndustrial Area, Mangalorc-575011. Rccomnrcndcd to issuc Arrfhorization undcr Ilazardous Waste (M. Il & TM) Rulcs for the period of 15.03.2014 to 3 I .06.201 8 with conditions. Recommended to issue Authoriz-ation under Hazardous Wasl.e (M, H & TM) Rules for the period of 19.03.2014 to 3 1.09.2018 with conditionsRocommcnded to issuc Authorization under HЯ η rdous Wastc(M,H&TM) Rules for thc pcnod of 15.02.2014 to 30.09_2018■ fith oonditio■ s_ VIEW SUBECr 即 SI. dl ALこ 蓋 No。 No. Decision Subject SEO-17 CATEGORY 45_ 618. Rocommmdod to issuc CFO undcr Shiraguppi Works Limited., Sy.No_40cP), 48(P), 49(P), 5∝ P), 53(P) 54o),41(P),49, 23, Kard Vil等、 Adlani Talut Belgaum Watcr&Air Acts for the period of 01_072013 to 30_062014 価 conditions. Disttct Sd/― Sd/― MEMBER SECRETARY CHAIRMAN Sd/― CHIEF ENⅥ RONMENTAL OFFICER-1 INCS O「 CONSENT COMMll‐ JllF MEErttNG TTET,D ON )^ヽ Ч gヽ く 気、 ゝ fぃヽ ぶい〕 MEMBER CONVENER '10412014(C「 E&CFO) Pa8じ 7 Copy: l. PA to Chainnan. for inlbmration & bringirtg, it to the notice ol l{ott'blc Chainnan- 2. PA to MS, for information & bringing it to the notice of MS3. President, Federation of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FKCCI), Bangalore for information- 4. Sri- S- Narda Kumar, CEO, for informafion- 5. Diroctorof Town Planning GOK Bangalorg for information6- Additional 7. Diroctor, Town Planning, BBMP, for infornratioa- F;xe*utive Engineer, BWSSB, for information- 10-Sri. N-R Rqiq EO, for information and for uploading tlrc proceedings in the Board's websitcI t-Corporate Cdl for information. l2-Offtce C-py. 0「 CONSEM COMM― .ht51藝 Ч E MEEΠ NC IIELD ON 2104.2014 (C[E & CFO) Page B
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