Youth Advisory Council Agenda Date: Time: Place: March 10, 2014 3:30 p.m. Kirk Lindsey Center 1020 10th Street #102 Modesto CA 95354 ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON A MATTER ON THE AGENDA: Please raise your hand at the time the item is announced by the YAC Chairperson. In order that interested parties have an opportunity to speak, any person addressing the YAC will be limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes unless the Chairperson of the Board grants a longer period of time. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: Matters under the jurisdiction of the YAC, but not on this posted agenda, may be addressed by the general public at the beginning of the regular agenda. However, California law prohibits the YAC from taking action on any matter that is not on the posted agenda. Any member of the public wishing to address the YAC during the “Public Comment” period will be limited to a maximum of 5 minutes, and must complete a Public Comment Form, which may be obtained from the clerk. COUNCIL AGENDAS AND MINUTES: Council agendas, Minutes, and copies of items to be considered by the Youth Advisory Council are typically posted on the Internet at the following website: Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the Alliance Worknet’s office at 251 E. Hackett Rd, C-2, Modesto, CA 95358, during normal business hours. Such documents are also available online, subject to staff’s ability to post the documents before the meeting, at the following website: NOTICE REGARDING NON-ENGLISH SPEAKERS: Youth Advisory Council meetings are conducted in English and translation to other languages is not provided. Please make arrangements for an interpreter if necessary. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Alliance Worknet at (209) 558-2113. Notification of 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Youth Advisory Council to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. 1 YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL March 10, 2014 I. CALL TO ORDER RUANO II. INTRODUCTIONS, WELCOME RUANO III. CONFLICT OF INTEREST RUANO Commensurate with California Law, Alliance Board members who directly represent, are employed by, or act as consultants to organizations or agencies having business before the Board shall not vote on any matter or issue regarding said organization or agency. Any member having a conflict of interest will declare the conflict prior to any discussion on the matter. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT V. CONSENT ITEM VI. RUANO A. Approval of the Youth Advisory Council Meeting Minutes for September 09, 2013, Page 3. RUANO B. Approval of the Youth Advisory Council Meeting Minutes for January 13, 2014, Page 5. RUANO CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT A. Report on Issues of Interest to the YAC, Page 7. VII. ACTION ITEMS A. Approval to Transfer Careerquest Funds to Youth Contractors, Page 8. VIII IX. ROWE INFORMATION ITEM A. Appointments for the Youth Provider Review Ad-Hoc Committee, Page 9. RUANO B. Ad-Hoc Committee Performance Information Review Preferences, Page 10. RUANO C. Youth Program Statistics/Elements Reports for PY 2013/14, Page 11. RUANO NEXT MEETING DATE April 14, 2013 @ 3:30 p.m. The Kirk Lindsey Center. X. RUANO ADJOURNMENT 2 YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL CONSENT ITEM A: March 10, 2014 YAC MINUTES, September 09, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT Ross Briles Angelo Clay Blanca Rivera Marla Uliana MEMBERS ABSENT Leticia Ruano STAFF PRESENT Sue Bowman Steven Chisholm Nicole Eddlemon Andy Fiskum Eugene Garcia Steve Hopkins LaKiesha McDonald Jeff Rowe GUESTS PRESENT CVOC CUSD “Project YES” Veronica Ornelas Maggie Ramirez Keith. Copelad Elida Miranda-Zaragoza Dustin Pack CTBTI “Aspire” George Rawe CALL TO ORDER Ross Briles called the meeting to order at 3:40 pm. INTRODUCTIONS Ross Briles asked everyone to introduce themselves. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 3 YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL March 10, 2014 CONSENT ITEM A. Approval of the Youth Advisory Council Meeting Minutes for May 13, 2013. Minutes for the May 13, 2013 YAC meeting were unanimously approved. M/S/C CHAIRMAN’S REPORT A. Jeff Rowe introduced Marla Uliana and spoke briefly about Marla. ACTION ITEMS A. Recommendations for the Unexpended 2012/13 WIA Youth Funds. Marla Uliana motioned to approve the 3rd option recommended by staff. Allocate the amount that each contractor did not spend out of their 2012/13 contract to their 2013/14 contract. The number of additional youth to be served by each contractor will be determined based upon the cost per youth amount previously approved by the YAC. The remaining AW unexpended funds to be added to the amount available for youth services in the 2014/15 program year. Angelo Clay seconded the motion. M/S/C INFORMATION ITEMS A. Youth Program Statistics/Elements Report for PY 2012/2013. No questions or concerns. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. 4 YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL CONSENT ITEM B: March 10, 2014 YAC MINUTES, January 13, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT Marla Uliana Leticia Ruano MEMBERS ABSENT Ross Briles Angelo Clay Blanca Rivera STAFF PRESENT Sue Bowman Steven Chisholm Nicole Eddlemon Andy Fiskum Eugene Garcia Steve Hopkins Kasey Houck Jeff Rowe Geneva Skram GUESTS PRESENT CVOC CUSD “Project YES” Veronica Ornelas Dustin Pack CTBTI “Aspire” George Rawe Tammy Watson CALL TO ORDER Leticia Ruano called the meeting to order at 3:35 pm. INTRODUCTIONS Leticia Ruano asked everyone to introduce themselves. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 5 YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL March 10, 2014 CONSENT ITEM A. Approval of the Youth Advisory Council Meeting Minutes for September 9, 2013. Minutes for the September 9, 2013 YAC meeting were not approved due to a lack of quorum. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT A. Jeff Rowe spoke briefly about contract renewal. This is the 2nd year of a renewal since the last RFP. We are allowed to do 3 years of renewal before another RFP is needed. This will be the last year for renewal. Jeff also talked about the levels of funding returning to previous levels before the sequester. ACTION ITEMS A. None INFORMATION ITEMS A. Contractor Presentations Each Contractor gave a brief presentation to the YAC regarding their program activities. B. Youth Program Statistics/Elements Report for PY 2013/2014. No questions or concerns. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 4:16 p.m. 6 YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT A: March 10, 2014 Leticia Ruano will report on issues of interest to the YAC. 7 YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL March 10, 2014 ACTION ITEM A: Approval to Transfer Careerquest Funds to Youth Contractors. DISCUSSION: WIA requires 80% of youth funds be expended each fiscal year. After analysis of the current and projected expenditures for the 13-14 Program Year, it appears as though the expenditure requirement may not be met. Staff is recommending that up to $100,000 be transferred from the Careerquest budget and allocated to youth contractors based on their individual expenditure estimates The amounts to be allocated to the contractors would be based upon each contractors ability to enroll and serve additional youth. . . POLICY ISSUES: The YAC is responsible for monitoring youth service provider performance and making recommendations to the Alliance Board on how WIA Youth funds should be expended. 8 YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL March 10, 2014 INFORMATION ITEM A: Appointments for the Youth Provider Review Ad-Hoc Committee. DISCUSSION: An ad-hoc committee to review the current youth provider’s performance needs to be appointed. This ad-hoc committee will be responsible for reviewing the current youth providers’ performance and bringing back recommendations to the full YAC on how 2014/15 program year funds should be allocated. It is anticipated that these recommendations will be brought back before the YAC for consideration during the May 12, 2014 meeting. Chair Leticia Ruano will consider volunteers and make appointments to this ad-hoc committee. POLICY ISSUES: The YAC is responsible for monitoring youth service provider performance and making recommendations to the Alliance Board on how WIA Youth funds should be expended. 9 YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL March 10, 2014 INFORMATION ITEM B: Ad-Hoc Committee Performance Information Review Preferences. DISCUSSION: Members of the ad-hoc committee and the chair may have preferences regarding what types of information would be most helpful in assessing the success of youth provider organizations. To better meet the needs of the committee, staff seeks clarification regarding the type of information that the ad-hoc committee will be looking for during the review process. Staff will be available to answer any questions. POLICY ISSUES: The YAC is responsible for monitoring youth service performance and making recommendations to the Alliance Board on how WIA Youth funds should be expended. 10 YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL March 10, 2014 INFORMATION ITEM C: Youth Program Statistics/Elements Reports for PY 2013/14. DISCUSSION: The YAC requested that at each meeting staff provide information on how the Youth programs are performing. The report shows each service provider’s enrollment goal, service elements provided, cost per exited participant, and cost per successful exit. In addition to the report, staff will share any concerns about youth contractors as appropriate. Staff will be available to answer any questions. POLICY ISSUES: The YAC is responsible for monitoring youth service performance and making recommendations to the Alliance Board on how WIA Youth funds should be expended. 11 Youth Program Statistics Summary - FY 13-14 Data through February 2014 Contract Information Agency PROGRAM A g e n c y Enrollment Goal T o t a l P l a n A c t u a l Service Elements Provided % P r o v i d e d * Employment or Education at Exit** (Standard = 72%) Avg per Client P o s s i b l e A c t u a l % E m p l o y e d E d u c a t i o n # AW Careerquest CVOC - At Risk Youth Project CUSD Project YES Computer Tutor ASPIRE All Programs Cost per Participant Allocation $ Total Expended to Date *** Total Exits Cost per Participant Served Cost per Successful Exit 199-13 116 51 44% 135 2.6 1 0 0.0% 0 0 570,649.00 207,275.00 2 4,064.22 N/A 921-13 24 80% 61 2.5 2 2 100.0% 1 1 148,843.00 82,482.85 3 3,436.79 N/A 922-13 128 130 102% 566 4.4 15 12 80.0% 10 4 599,368.00 349,872.27 16 2,691.33 N/A 923-13 30 60 60 100% 283 4.7 13 13 100.0% 12 2 287,089.00 263,571.06 18 4,392.85 N/A 334 265 79% 1045 3.9 31 27 87.1% 23 7 1,605,949.00 903,201.18 39 3,408.31 N/A * = Client data entered into JTA system as of 3/04/2014. **=Clients may meet both employed and education standards. ***=Expenditures are through prior month. Service Elements Detail Report FY 13-14 Youth Programs as of February 2014 13/14 Service Providers Alliance Worknet Careerquest 199-13 CVOC At Risk Youth Project 921-13 CUSD Project YES 922-13 Computer Tutor ASPIRE 923-13 ALL PROGRAMS 51 24 130 60 265 Clients Enrolled P r o v i d e d % P r o v i d e d % P r o v i d e d % P r o v i d e d % P r o v i d e d % Tutoring 23 45% 9 38% 75 58% 34 57% 141 53% Volunteer Community Service 33 65% 6 25% 88 68% 51 85% 178 67% Alternative Secondary School Services 5 10% 0 0% 25 19% 0 0% 30 11% Work Experience 8 16% 2 8% 76 58% 0 0% 86 32% Occupational Skills Trng. (YTRA) 2 4% 11 46% 4 3% 60 100% 77 29% Occupational Skills Trng. (OJT) 1 2% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 0% Leadership 15 29% 3 13% 72 55% 60 100% 150 57% Supportive Services 13 25% 10 42% 62 48% 18 30% 103 39% Adult Mentoring 0 0% 0 0% 34 26% 0 0% 34 13% Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling 35 69% 20 83% 130 100% 60 100% 245 92% 566 4.4 283 4.7 1045 SERVICE ELEMENTS PROVIDED TOTAL ELEMENTS / AVERAGE ELEMENTS PER CLIENT 135 2.6 61 2.5 3.9 LOCAL SUCCESS MEASURES EXPLANATIONS LOCAL SUCCESS MEASURE ENROLLMENT GOAL Enrollment goal per contract SERVICE ELEMENTS PROVIDED Tutoring Alternative Secondary School Services Work Experience Occupational Skills Training (YTRA) Occupational Skills Training (OJT) Leadership Supportive Services Adult Mentoring Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling EMPLOYMENT OR EDUCATION AT EXIT "NEE" = participant who, at the time of enrollment, is not enrolled in post-secondary education, not employed and not in the military COST PER PARTICIPANT SERVED COST PER SUCCESSFUL EXIT FORMULA VERIFIED BY WIA PERF. STND. Number of participants enrolled divided by the number of participants planned. Enrollment is recorded in the JTA system. None Detail Report: (for each element): Number of participants enrolled in a service element divided by Number of participants enrolled. Activity enrollments recorded in the JTA system and verified during program monitoring None Statistics Summary: Total and Average Service Elements from Detail Report (Only one activity per element will be counted for each participant.) Number of exited "NEE" participants who, at the time of exit, were Wage verification employed or in the military or enrolled in post-secondary education or form, pay stub, phone verification advanced training or e-mail divided by submitted with Number of "NEE" participants exited. exit form Cost of the program (excluding AW overhead costs) to date divided by Number of participants served. 72% (State Level PY '12-13) Program Expense Summary and data supplied by FACT Unit None Cost of the program (excluding AW overhead costs) to date Program Expense divided by Summary and Number of exited "NEE" participants who, at the time of exit, were data supplied by employed or in the military or enrolled in post-secondary education or FACT Unit advanced training None
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