NOTICE OF MEETING TO: Chairperson: Members: Mr Don Deane Mr Jamie Lloyd Ms Samantha Mitchell Ms Ashlee Jansen Ms Madison Kennewell Mr Daniel Niutta Mr Cody Davies Ms Lucy Hazledine Mr Andrew Welch Mr Ryen Archer Mr Jordan McGreen Cr Paul Koch Cr Karen Redman NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provision of Section 87 (4) of the Local Government Act, 1999, that the next meeting of the Gawler Youth Advisory Committee of the Town of Gawler will be held in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, 89 Murray Street, Gawler on Monday, 3 February 2014 commencing at 6.30pm. A copy of the Agenda for the above meeting is supplied as prescribed by Section 87(8) of the said Act. ………………………… Ebony Steadman Youth Development Officer 28 January 2014 1 GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 TOWN OF GAWLER Meeting of the Gawler Youth Advisory Committee of the Town of Gawler to be held on Monday, 3 February 2014 at 6.30pm in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, 89 Murray Street, Gawler. AGENDA 1. Statement of Acknowledgement Chairperson We would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the greater Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today. 2. 3. Attendance Record 2.1 Present 2.2 Apologies 2.3 Absent Confirmation of Minutes 3.1 GYAC Meeting 2 December 2013 (Folio 42-46) 4. Business Arising from Minutes 5. Chairperson’s and Members Reports 6. Reports 6.1 The Bunyip - NOW Generation Column 6.2 Youth Development Officer Report 7. Correspondence 8. Items for Discussion at Future Meetings 9. Closure 10. Next Committee Meeting 3 March 2014 Page No. 2-5 6-11 Nil 2 GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 Item Number 6.1 Title THE BUNYIP – NOW GENERATION COLUMN Date 3 February 2014 Author(s) Youth Development Officer Reference CC14/54; CR14/2626 Previous Reference/ Motion 17 December 2013 - 2013:12:458 Background At the Council meeting dated 17 December 2013 the following was endorsed: That: 1. The Bunyip – NOW Generation Column report be received and that the article writing continue. 2. Mr C Davies be congratulated for a well written article as published in the Bunyip on 13 November 2013. 3. The Gawler Youth Advisory Committee commit to providing stories for the ‘Generation NOW’ pages in the Bunyip during 2014 by nominating the below Members for the first half of the year to complete an article by the correlating date, and provide to the Youth Development Officer: a. Madison Kennewell Wednesday 1 January 2014 b. Andrew Welch Wednesday 5 February 2014 c. Sam Mitchell Wednesday 5 March 2014 d. Joint Effort Wednesday 2 April 2014 e. Daniel Niutta Wednesday 7 May 2014 f. Ashlee Jansen Wednesday 4 June 2014 Attachment(s) Attachment 1 – Gawler Youth AC Generation NOW Article, appeared 11 December 2013 Attachment 2 - Gawler Youth AC Generation NOW Article, appeared 15 January 2014 Comments/Discussion The fourth article was written by Ms A Jansen and the fifth article by Ms M Kennewell. and submitted via Council processes for the December 2013 and January 2014 Bunyip – NOW Generation columns. The article was well written, one highlighting the school holiday programs and the other that Gen Y. See Attachment 1 and 2. The next article will be written and supplied by Mr A Welch on 5 February 2014 to the Youth Development Officer to fulfil Council process. The theme will be around heading back to school. Communication Nil Consultation (internal/external) Gawler Youth Advisory Committee Member Acting Chief Executive Officer Youth Development Officer Editor, The Bunyip 3 GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 Policy Implications Nil Statutory Requirements Nil Financial/Budget Implications There are no financial implications in respect to this initiative. The Bunyip is sponsoring the space to allow publication of the article. Strategic Plan Implications Outcome 3.1 : Well informed community Outcome 3.3 : A resilient community Outcome 3.5 : A community that is engaging and participating (welcoming) Outcome 5.2 : Creating a future Outcome 5.4 : Good administration OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION Item 6.1 – The Bunyip – NOW Generation Column (CC14/54; CR14/2626) That the Gawler Youth Advisory Committee recommends to Council that: 1. The Bunyip – NOW Generation Column report be received and that the article writing continue. 2. Ms A Jansen and Ms M Kennewell be congratulated for well written articles as published in the Bunyip on 11 December 2013 and 15 January 2014. 4 GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 ATTACHMENT 1 5 GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 ATTACHMENT 2 6 GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 Item Number 6.2 Title YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICER REPORT Date 3 February 2014 Author(s) Youth Development Officer Reference CC14/54; CR14/2627 Previous Reference/ Motion 17 December 2013 - 2013:12:458 Background At each Youth Advisory Committee Meeting the Youth Development Officer (YDO) provides a report on her activities since the last meeting. During the meeting the YDO can answer questions. Attachment(s) Attachment 1 - Youth Development Officer Priorities Comments/Discussion For a full overview of activities refer to the YDO Priorities in Attachment One. Some projects are highlighted here. 1. Child Safe Environments, Department of Community & Social Inclusion - Training for Gawler Youth AC Booked Tuesday 4 February 2014 – Rotary Room, Gawler Sport and Community Centre. 2. DCSI Screening and Background Checks/Police Checks New legislative requirements for staff and volunteers 18 years or older. The police clearance submitted when you became a volunteer is not suffice. A DCSI Screening and Background Checks/Police Check is required. This is being implemented for new volunteers working with our youth volunteer program. There is a cost involved, of which when your check is returned and brought to Council to take a copy, with receipt, we will reimburse. These new checks are required to be lodged at Australia post. Copies of the DCSI Screening and Background check to be distributed. Communication Private Facebook Page Email Gawler Youth Advisory Committee workshop Consultation Gawler Youth Advisory Committee Policy Implications Nil 7 GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 Statutory Requirements Nil Financial/Budget Implications Numerous – however all within existing budget Strategic Plan Implications Outcome 3.1 : Well informed community Outcome 3.4 : An active community Outcome 3.5 : A community that is engaging and participating (welcoming) Outcome 5.2 : Creating a future Outcome 5.3 : Responsible government Outcome 5.4 : Good administration OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION Item 6.2 – Youth Development Officer Report (CC14/54) That the Youth Advisory Committee recommends to the Council that the Youth Development Officer’s report be received. 8 GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 Attachment 1 YAC RELATED YOUTH PLAN & STRATEGY Youth Development Officer Priorities 2014 Activity/Program or Project Description: Priority Status Development of Youth Policy Medium In Progress Review and develop the Youth Services Strategy Medium Subject to Youth Week research component Facilitate Gawler Youth Advisory Committee (GYAC) Ongoing Ongoing Comment SD2 Content endorsed. Design coming. YDO to look at actions for 2014. SD2 On track New DCSI Screening and Background Checks/Police Checks for all Youth Volunteers 18yrs old + Mandated Notification Training for Gawler Youth AC Strategic Direction Booked Tuesday 4 February 2014 – Rotary Room, Gawler Sport and Community Centre. SD3 9 YAC RELATED GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 Activity/Program or Project Description: Priority Status Comment Oversee Kick Back Session Team - provide support where required Ongoing Ongoing Need to discuss as a group Coordinate the YAC writing monthly articles for the Bunyip - Generation Now column Ongoing Ongoing In progress Increase YAC Youth Membership to a 17 Members Medium Ongoing Currently 11 youth members 2 Councilors Expend or develop new project to carry over remaining $14400 left from the DPTI Partnership Project In Progress Almost complete YouthConnect Grant Urban Arts Program In Progress Working with Gawler & District College B-12 Successful In progress National Crime Prevention Fund Successful, however with new change in government on hold Funding pulled RDA - Youth Precinct Alongside of Skate Park Successful, waiting on funds to be received $120,000 RDA - Completion of Skate Park Successful $160,000 Office for Youth - Youth Advisory Committee support grant Successful GRANTS State Graffiti & Crime Prevention Grant National Youth Week 2014 Grant Medium Medium Successful Successful! Youth Network Grant Funding 2013-14 Submitted $5000 - once off Applying for Youth App Seek out potential grants to apply for Youth Activities & develop events, programs accordingly Ongoing Strategic Direction SD3 10 GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 COMMUNICATION & MARKETING Activity/Program or Project Description: Priority Progress the Social Media Policy & Paid Facebook Advertising 10% increase in nominations of variety of youth awards (Council & non Council) Status Comment Strategic Direction Since the Service Club Expo during Youth Week, it would seem we're beyond on track to achieve this SD3 Ongoing Ongoing On Track School Holiday Programmes January 2014 In Progress Music Teaching Behind Source music teachers to assist in providing a complimentary service to the Kick Back session SD3 In Progress Forms updated and provided to schools Cameron Roberts booked for the two Film Making Workshops (12-13 April & 7-8 June 2014) SD3 PROJECTS Delivery of 2014 Youth Film Festival SD3 National Youth Week 2014 After 03.02.2014 YAC meeting Promotional Films -Film Fest 2014 -Gawler Youth AC Complete Sportsperson Sponsorship High Summer Initiatives High Develop guidelines & create forms Complete - Round one closed Organised Develop Expresion of Interest forms for Venues & Artists Organised Community Infrastructure & Social Services Study Brief Development In Progress In Progress Tutoring Program In Development Approach submitted to Gawler & District College B-12 LAN Party Complete Fringe Festival Gawler 2014 (14 Feb - 16 March) High 11 GAWLER YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 February 2014 REPRESENTATION & NETWORKING Activity/Program or Project Description: Represent the Town of Gawler at the Youth Local Government Assosication network Status Ongoing In attendance SD3 Be strongly a part of the Gawler Youth Workers Network (GWYN) Ongoing Leading SD3 Gawler Community Services Forum Ongoing Secreatary Suicide Prevention Community Network Represent youth through the Child and Youth Friendly Greater Gawler Action Group (CYFGGAG) & it's 'Open Space' sub-committee Comment Strategic Direction Priority As at 21.11.13 In Progress Ongoing In attendance SD3
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