Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue Folltropin®-V ViGRO™ Media SYNGRO® Media Catheters Collection Supplies Embryo Freezing Equipment Educational Resources 06/08 BION ICH E A N I M A L H E A LT H Bioniche Animal Health is a division of Bioniche Life Sciences, a research-based BION ICH E R E PRODUC T I V E PRODUC TS Canadian biopharmaceutical company that discovers, Call to Order Product: develops, manufactures, and markets proprietary productsNonfor human and markets veleniam vent lor adipanimal elisim zzrit health wis elessim nis atum aut vulputatin velit wissectet worldwide. The inci company has three nos nonullam tet venis ero odolorp erostie principle magna atet ad dunt lore min utatum velesse divisions: Human Health, Animal Health, and feum iliquip ea feuguer accum quat. Food Safety. Corporate offices are in Belleville, Rem iusto od tis augait accumsandre dipsusc erciliq uipsustiemanufacturing, facincil euisl Ontarioipsuscinibh with exresearch, and ipsustrud modit amet, quismodionum iureetum marketing/sales facilities in Belleville, Montreal, autat. Vel diam zzriustrud elestin hendio odolendre commodo ea consent alit et wissi. Quebec; Athens, Georgia; Pullman, Washington; Dolobor sent pratem dolendit wis nulputpat. and Armidale, Australia. Si. Rem exerosto dipit, volore tat ver ing ex esto commy nullum essi bla commodolore feuguerit nis ad ercipisim dolore commy niat ipit del iril ea at. Ing enis autat, conse commy nullaor sustis nit praesse modo odit lum velessed diam ex elisi. 1-8XX-XXX-XXXX www.bionicheanimalhealth.com BION ICH E A N I M A L H E A LT H R E PRODUC T I V E PRODUC TS C ATA LOGU E Key areas of strategic focus for Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. include: effective therapies for bladder cancer and potentially other cancers; a cattle vaccine to prevent E. coli O157:H7 infection in humans through contaminated food or water; and technologies to potentially replace antibiotics and improve reproduction in livestock. In 2007, Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. was recognized as one of the Top 10 Life Sciences companies in Canada. Bioniche Animal Health brought Folltropin-V, a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), to the market in order to provide a high quality and consistent FSH product for Embryo Transfer (ET) practitioners. Today, Bioniche is still committed to continued research in the area of livestock reproduction and embryo transfer. Areas of research include endometritis, mastitis, non-animal origin media, semen extenders, bovine embryo vitrification, and improved synchronization protocols. Bioniche Animal Health is pleased to have a strong relationship with universities and professional organizations and to sponsor wetlabs and embryo transfer courses around the globe. The Company has several expert consultants who are available to answer technical questions and offer advice. In this, the 2008-2009 edition of the Bioniche Animal Health Embryo Collection and Transfer catalogue, you will find detailed information regarding our extensive line of products. If you would like additional information, please visit our website www.bionicheanimalhealth.com or contact one of the facilities listed. SY NGRO ® MEDIA ViGRO™ FLUSH MEDIA ViGRO™ HOLDING MEDIA ViGRO™ FR EEZE MEDIA ViGRO™ THAW MEDIA 4 5 5 5 6 OTHER ViGRO™ MEDIA EQUINE MEDIA CATHETERS COLLECTION SUPPLIES FILTERS DISHES PIPETTES & TIPS HANDLING SUPPLIES STR AWS SEALING & L ABELING EMBRYO TR ANSFER SUPPLIES FR EEZING SUPPLIES GR ADING, SPLITTING & SEXING EQUIPMENT EMBRYO SEXING CONSUMABLES EDUCATION STROUD VIDEO LIBR ARY 6 8 9 9 10 12 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 27 28 1 See back page for ordering details Batch after batch, vial after vial, country after country. Reproducible Results The world over, Folltropin®-V is the global standard in superovulation. F O L LTRO P I N -V ® The global standard of FSH excellence Folltrop ®-V is used for the induction of Folltropin superovulation in reproductively mature heifers superov and cows. cow Folltropin®-V is highly purified, sterile, and a has consistently low LH:FSH ratio. Folltropin®-V is a highly purified extract Folltrop obtained from carefully selected porcine pituitary glands. It is lyophilized to maintain pituitar potency under normal storage conditions. Each 20 mL vial contains FSH equivalent mg of NIH-FSH-P1. to 400 m * When reconstituted according to label directions, the final solution contains directi mg/mL. Folltropin®-V Diluent is a 20 mL 20 mg vial of Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride Injection USP.# Product Description Injecti 2 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue Cat # Product Descript ion PHD075 Folltropin®-V (case of 48 units) V iGRO ™ M E DI A R e a g e nt Q u a l i t y ViGRO™ media are designed specifically for the exacting needs of embryo transfer in both commercial and research applications. These media are unique because they embrace modern cell culture technology, making the entire range complete and ready to use. The process begins with purified, certified chemicals. Particular attention is paid to heavy metal contamination and endotoxin levels. Protein ingredients originate from animals that were inspected both pre-and post-mortem and are free of List A diseases and transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), including bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), in accordance with OIE guidelines. Production is carried out in FDA-registered and inspected clean rooms where all media batches must pass a series of quality control tests before being transferred to inventory for sale. Furthermore, the ultra filtering process used during manufacturing ensures that no additional filtering is required before use. Recommended storage of ViGRO™ media is between 2–8oC (except where noted). All of these features have made ViGRO™ a benchmark for embryo transfer solutions throughout the world. Wa t e r Q u a l i t y Water purification starts with a pre-conditioning system involving sodium ion exchange for divalent and multivalent ions, followed by 5 μm filtration and activated carbon absorption to remove chlorine, particulate matter, and other organic compounds. The pre-conditioned water then travels to a reverse osmosis (RO) unit where 98% of remaining ions, microbial impurities, and most of the remaining organics are removed. Storage of ultra-pure water in glassware and non-polyethylene containers may result in increased levels of heavy metals and/or total organic carbons within only a few days’ time. Therefore, our RO water is stored in rigid polyethylene reservoirs that will not leach impurities. After passing though a second activated carbon absorption filter to insure removal of organics and chlorine, the water passes through a macroreticular resin to remove colloids, then passes through a two-bed cation and anion resin which removes the majority of ionic components. Finally, it passes through an ultrapure mixed-bed cartridge, which removes all remaining ions, yielding up to 18.3 mega-ohm water, which is essentially free of ionic contaminants. Any remaining organics are removed by using a high-efficiency synthetic carbon filter. A final 0.2 μm cross-flow filter is incorporated in the dispenser for even greater assurance of freedom from contamination. Laborator y Procedure The media production facility is a positive pressure, HEPA-filtered clean room equipped with Class 100 isolation areas. It is in these Class 100 isolation areas where media that has been serially filtered is packaged. Certificates of analysis are available for each batch of ViGRO™ media. Pa c k a g i n g Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), utilized in our media packaging, is superior to traditional plastic film because it is manufactured specifically for packaging pharmaceutical products. EVA has an ultra low level of extractibles and contains no plasticizers. The full transparency of EVA is a major advantage for visual inspection of both the solution and the empty bag. The 8 mL tubes are made from low density polyethylene (LDPE) and have been extensively tested with bovine embryos at Colorado State University. These tubes are non-toxic, and media stored in them maintains its integrity throughout the recommended shelf life. 3 See back page for ordering details S Y NGRO ® M E DI A SYNGRO® Holding SYNGRO® Holding is the first product in a new, complete system of non-refrigerated, non-animal origin based media designed for the embryo transfer specialist. The product contains hyaluronan, a linear polysaccharide of alternating D-glucaronic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. Embryos have been shown to have surface receptors for hyaluronan, which is involved in the regulation of gene expression, cell proliferation and cell differentiation. Hyaluronan has been used very successfully as a replacement for serum or serum-based products in a number of embryo culture and freezing studies. Practical Benefits with Every Use • Eliminates concerns regarding animal-based formulas. • Eliminates costly air shipments of refrigerated media. • Eliminates the ‘down-time’, waiting for media to warm to room temperature with each use. • Eliminates wastage of ‘re-warmed’ refrigerated Holding; store extra SYNGRO® medium at room temperature. • Eliminates need to change current procedures—just substitute for any holding medium now used. Recommended use: Embryos should be recovered from the flushing solution and transferred to a covered Petri dish containing SYNGRO® Holding. Embryos can be held at room temperature for up to 9 hours or up to 20 hours at 4°C. Embryos can be transferred using a straw containing SYNGRO® Holding. Recommended storage: 2–30°C. DOES NOT REQUIRE REFRIGERATION. This product does not contain materials of animal origin. # Product Descript ion Cat # Product Descript ion ESM024 SYNGRO® Holding 50 mL ESM824 SYNGRO® Holding 8 mL (sold 6 tubes per box) SYNGRO® Equine Vitrification Kit This kit was developed by the Equine Reproduction Laboratory at Colorado State University. Suitable for the vitrification of equine embryos without the need for additional, expensive equipment. Cat # Product Descript ion EQU030 SYNGRO® Equine Vitrification Kit, 4 x 8 mL vials Each kit comes with complete, detailed directions and contains one 8 mL vial of each of the following four media: VS1, VS2, VS3 (vitrification solutions 1, 2 and 3), & Diluent. SYNGRO® Bovine Vitrification Kit This Vitrification Kit is based on technology developed in co-operation between Bioniche Animal Health and the Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory at Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado. Suitable for the vitrification of in vivo-derived bovine embryos ranging from the late morula to expanded blastocyst stage, without the need for additional, expensive equipment. This technology is not ideally suited for cryopreservation of in vitro-derived bovine embryos. Each kit comes with complete, detailed directions and contains one 8 mL vial of each of the following three media: VS1, VS2, (vitrification solutions 1 and 2), & Diluent. 4 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue Cat # Product Descript ion ESM030 SYNGRO® Bovine Vitrification Kit, 3 x 8 mL vials V iGRO™ F LUSH M E DI A ViGRO Complete Flush Solution • The surfactant properties of proteins are provided by 1 mg/mL poly vinyl alcohol (PV-OH). Because proteins also act as heavy metal chelators, Bioniche has added other components necessary to fulfill this function. • Packaged in 1, 2 and 4 Liter EVA infusionstyle bags with a total of three ports: one port for filling and two extraction ports (a needle septum port and a spike port). Cat # Product Descript ion EVM014 ViGRO™ Complete Flush Solution 1 Liter EVM015 ViGRO™ Complete Flush Solution 2 Liter EVM019 ViGRO™ Complete Flush Solution 4 Liter • Shelf life is 2 years from date of manufacture. • Recommended storage is 15–30°C; this product will not be harmed by refrigeration. V iGRO™ HOL DI NG M E DI A ViGRO Holding Plus Holding Plus is the first bovine embryo transfer holding medium based on a formula adapted from a proven embryo culture medium. Holding Plus is designed to support optimal embryo survival in air at room temperature and provides essential amino acids, growth factors, enzymes, energy substrates and antibiotics. Cat # Product Descript ion EVM024 ViGRO™ Holding Plus 50 mL EVM224 ViGRO™ Holding Plus 20 mL EVM824 ViGRO™ Holding Plus 8 mL (sold 6 tubes per box) • Holding Plus is not an appropriate medium for long-term culture of bovine embryos in a CO2 incubator. • Packaged in EVA pouches with a needle septum port and in 8 mL disposable tubes. • Shelf life is 18 months from date of manufacture, provided sterile technique is used. • Recommended storage is 2–8°C. V iGRO™ FR E E Z E M E DI A ViGRO Freeze Plus, 10% Glycerol Freeze Plus is a complete glycerol freezing solution. This medium contains 10% cell culture grade glycerol, 0.4% BSA and 0.1M sucrose. The addition of a low concentration of sucrose decreases blastomere membrane damage from osmotic stress during cryoprotectant equilibration. • Packaged in EVA pouches with a needle septum port and 8 mL disposable tubes. Cat # Product Descript ion EVM032 ViGRO™ Freeze Plus, 10% Gylcerol 50 mL EVM232 ViGRO™ Freeze Plus, 10% Glycerol 20 mL EVM832 ViGRO™ Freeze Plus, 10% Glycerol 8 mL (sold 6 tubes per box) • Shelf life is 18 months from date of manufacture, provided sterile technique is used. • Recommended storage is 2–8°C. 5 See back page for ordering details V iGRO™ FR E E Z E M E DI A ViGRO Ethylene Glycol Freeze Plus (with or without sucrose) The success and convenience of freezing embryos in ethylene glycol for direct transfer brought about a dramatic change in the ET industry. Because ethylene glycol moves across cell membranes more readily than glycerol, embryos can be transferred directly into recipients after thawing, without removing the embryo from the straw, eliminating time-consuming rehydration steps. • Shelf life is 18 months from date of manufacture, provided sterile technique is used. Ethylene Glycol Freeze Plus media with and without 0.1M sucrose both contain 1.5M ethylene glycol and 0.4% BSA. EVM234 ViGRO™ Ethylene Glycol Freeze Plus with Sucrose 20 mL • There is no data available which indicates that either formula (with or without sucrose) is superior to the other. • Packaged in EVA pouches with a needle septum port and in 8 mL disposable tubes. V iGRO™ T H AW M E DI A • Recommended storage is 2–8°C. Cat # Product Descript ion EVM034 ViGRO™ Ethylene Glycol Freeze Plus with Sucrose 50 mL EVM834 ViGRO™ Ethylene Glycol Freeze Plus w/ Sucrose 8 mL (sold 6 tubes per box) EVM035 ViGRO™ Ethylene Glycol Freeze Plus without Sucrose 50 mL EVM235 ViGRO™ Ethylene Glycol Freeze Plus without Sucrose 20 mL EVM835 ViGRO™ Ethylene Glycol Freeze Plus without Sucrose 8 mL (sold 6 tubes per box) ViGRO One-Step Thaw Plus The use of a 1M sucrose solution for rapid onestep rehydration of embryos is convenient for thawing embryos cryopreserved in glycerol. • Packaged in EVA pouches with a needle septum port and in 8 mL disposable tubes. • Shelf life is 18 months from date of manufacture, provided sterile technique is used. Cat # Product Descript ion EVM047 ViGRO™ One-Step Thaw Plus 50 mL EVM247 ViGRO™ One-Step Thaw Plus 20 mL EVM847 ViGRO™ One Step Thaw Plus 8 mL (sold 6 tubes per box) • Recommended storage is 2-8°C. ViGRO Thaw Plus Kit 1,2,3 This kit contains three solutions (Thaw 1 Plus, Thaw 2 Plus, and Thaw 3 Plus), for three-step embryo rehydration. Each solution is a complete mixture containing 0.4% BSA, decreasing concentrations of glycerol (5%, 2.5%, 0.0%) and increasing concentrations of sucrose (0.5M, 0.5M, 0.6M). This combination of glycerol, sucrose, and BSA has proven to work very well across various freezing protocols. • Packaged in EVA pouches with a needle septum port and in 8 mL disposable tubes. • Shelf life is 18 months from date of manufacture, provided sterile technique is used. • Recommended storage is 2–8°C. Cat # Product Descript ion EVM048 ViGRO™ Thaw Plus Kit 1,2,3 50 mL EVM248 ViGRO™ Thaw Plus Kit 1,2,3 20 mL EVM848 ViGRO™ Thaw Plus Kit 1,2,3 8 mL (sold 2 kits per box) OT H E R V iGRO™ M E DI A ViGRO Trypsin Wash (.25%) Trypsin Wash is formulated to maintain maximum cell viability while meeting IETS/OIE specifications (IETS Manual, third edition). It is a 1:250 solution of Hank’s Balanced Salts Solution(HBSS) serine proteases derived from porcine pancreas. Trypsin Wash is highly purified, virus and mycoplasma-free, and 0.22μ filtered. Packaged in biofreeze vials. 6 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue • Shelf life is 9 months from date of manufacture. • This product must be shipped and stored frozen. Cat # Product Descript ion EVM050 ViGRO™ Trypsin Wash (.25%) 5 mL OT H E R V iGRO™ M E DI A ViGRO Splitting Plus Embryo splitting is the most effective and rapid method of increasing the number of offspring in an ET program. This medium is designed for safe and rapid splitting or biopsy without the need for a holding pipette. It contains no protein and, consequently, allows proteins in the zona pellucida to form an electrostatic attraction to the bottom of the tissue culture dish. This holds the embryo in place during the splitting procedure. Used in conjunction with Bioniche Animal Health’s Twinner System. • Packaged in EVA pouches with a needle septum port. • Shelf life is 2 years from date of manufacture, provided sterile technique is used. • Recommended storage is 15–30°C. Cat # Product Descript ion EVM062 ViGRO™ Splitting Plus 50 mL ViGRO Retrieval Supplement PF This is a protein-free (PF) solution which provides the “non-stick” characteristics of serum or BSA without the viral, antibody or DNA contamination problems that are associated with the use of animalderived products. Following bisection or biopsy, a few microliters of this supplement neutralize the electrostatic attraction of the culture dish. This allows for easy recovery of demi-embryos or the riskfree transfer of biopsies to amplification capillaries. Contaminating DNA can produce false positives when using PCR diagnostic testing and this supplement eliminates the possibility of introducing bovine DNA, which is often found in FCS or BSA. • Packaged in EVA pouches with a needles septum port. Rinsing Solution is the same formula as Complete Flush Solution, except that it does not contain any surfactant. Rinsing Solution is designed for rinsing embryo collection filters at the end of the collection with a minimum of foaming. Cat # • Shelf life is 2 years from date of manufacture, provided sterile technique is used. • Recommended storage is 15–30°C. Cat # Product Descript ion EVM064 ViGRO™ Retrieval Supplement PF 50 mL ViGRO Rinsing Solution Product Descript ion EVM100 ViGRO™ Rinsing Solution 1 Liter • Packaged in 1 Liter EVA infusion-style bags with a total of three ports: one port for filling and two extraction ports (a needle septum port and a spike port). • Shelf life is 2 years from date of manufacture. • Recommended storage is 15–30°C. ViGRO TL Hepes (with or without BSA) TL HEPES is used for rinsing oocytes in certain steps of IVF protocols. TL HEPES is produced both with and without 0.3% BSA and is packaged in sterile 500 mL high-density PETG bottles with screw closure and a tamper-proof heat seal band. • Shelf life for both versions of TL HEPES is 1 year from date of manufacture, provided the neck seal is unbroken. • Recommended storage for TL HEPES with BSA is 2–8°C. Cat # Product Descript ion IVF022 ViGRO™ TL Hepes without BSA 500 mL IVF032 ViGRO™ TL Hepes with BSA 500 mL • Recommended storage for TL HEPES (without BSA) is 15–30°C. 7 See back page for ordering details EQU I N E M E DI A Equine Holding This medium was developed at Colorado State University for collection of oocytes and other in vitro procedures. Cat # Product Descript ion EQU024 Equine Holding, 50 mL Bioniche and Colorado State University modified the medium to be ideal for equine embryos. EQU224 Equine Holding, 20 mL EQU824 Equine Holding, 8 mL (sold 6 tubes per box) • Packaged in EVA pouches with a needle septum port and in 8 mL disposable tubes. • Shelf life is 18 months from date of manufacture, provided sterile technique is used. • Recommended storage is 2–8°C. BAH Equine Uterine Lavage This medium is appropriate for use in mares with post-foaling, bacterial, mycotic, or placental endometritis. It is also useful in pre- or post-breeding and pre- or post-insemination lavage. An iso-osmotic electrolyte solution, it is buffered to a physiological pH of 7.1 and is made from water purified by reverse osmosis to 18 megohms resistance. It contains PVA as a surfactant and is filtered to 0.2 microns. Packaged in 2 Liter, sterile, EVA infusion-style bags, it can be stored at room temperature. Shelf life is one year from the date of manufacture. Cat # Product Descript ion EQU100 BAH Equine Uterine Lavage 2 Liter • Not suitable for embryo collection. • Recommended storage is 15–30°C. Equine Embryo Recovery Kit Convenient, specialized kit that includes everything needed to flush a mare. Kit contains: • 1 EVM019 ViGRO Complete Flush Solution 4 Liter • 1 ECE128 Equine Lavage Catheter 37 Fr. 75 cc 36 inches Autoclaved • 1 ECE038 Equine Y Flush Tubing with Spike • 1 ECE056 Millipore Non-Vented Embryo Collection Filter Gamma Irradiated • 2 tubes EQU824 Equine Holding Media 8 mL • 1 EPW022 Round Searching Grid Dish 100 x 15 mm 20/pack • 1 ETE044 Straws Gamma Irradiated Clear 0.5 cc 5/pack EVM019 ECE056 ECE128 Cat # Product Descript ion EQU016 Equine Embryo Recovery Kit ECE038 EQU824 EPW022 8 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue ETE044 C AT H E T E R S High Recovery Catheter • 100% pigment-free clear silicone. Cat # • Also available autoclaved. ECE015 14 Fr. 5 cc 22 in. length • They can be repeatedly autoclaved and reused. ECE105 16 Fr. 5 cc 22 in. length • The 22-inch (55.9 cm) length is 4 inches (10.2 cm) longer than a standard Foley catheter, making this ideal for uterine horn flushes of deep, mature cows. ECE009 16 Fr. 30 cc 22 in. length • The four openings at the distal end ensure a high flow rate and are designed to minimize the chance of the stylette slipping through a hole when repositioning the catheter. • An internal cup in the distal end accepts Bioniche’s stainless steel stylette. • When inflated, both the 30 and 5 cc cuffs (balloons) remain concentric, keeping the catheter tip free in the uterine horn lumen. Product Descript ion ECE016 16 Fr. 30 cc 26 in. length ECE010 18 Fr. 5 cc 22 in. length ECE011 18 Fr. 30 cc 22 in. length ECE017 18 Fr. 30 cc 26 in. length ECE012 20 Fr. 5 cc 22 in. length ECE013 20 Fr. 30 cc 22 in. length ECE100 20 Fr. 30 cc 26 in. length ECE014 22 Fr. 5 cc 22 in. length ECE120 3-Way 20 Fr. 30 cc 26 in. length Equine Lavage Catheter • 100% pigment-free clear silicone. Cat # Product Descript ion • Autoclaved. ECE125 32 Fr. 75 cc 34 inches autoclaved • They can be repeatedly autoclaved and reused. ECE128 37 Fr. 75 cc 36 inches autoclaved • 75 cc balloon. • Open-ended. Available in 2 sizes • 32 Fr. 34 in. (86.34 cm) length with 2 side ports. • 37 Fr. 36 in. (91.44 cm) length with 3 side ports. COL L EC T ION SU PPL I E S BAH Stainless Steel Stylette This instrument is used inside bovine catheters during insertion through the cervix into the uterus. Cat # Product Descript ion ECE021 Stainless Steel Stylette 22.6 in. length ECE023 Stainless Steel Stylette 26.6 in. length Bovine Y Flush Tubing with Spike • Embryo recovery tubing set fitted with a flush solution bag connection spike, a catheter connector, and a filter connector. Cat # Product Descript ion ECE035 Bovine Y Flush Tubing with Spike • There are two tubing clamps for regulating fluid flow into and out of the uterus. • Gamma sterilized. 9 See back page for ordering details COL L EC T ION SU PPL I E S Equine Y Flush Tubing with Spike • This is a large diameter embryo recovery tubing set for recovery of equine embryos, fitted with a flush solution bag connection spike, a catheter connector, and a filter connector. Cat # Product Descript ion ECE038 Equine Y Flush Tubing with Spike • There are two tubing clamps for regulating fluid flow into and out of the uterus. • Gamma sterilized. BAH Cervical Dilator Cervical dilation is sometimes needed, most frequently with heifers, to facilitate passage of the embryo recovery catheter. This stainless steel dilator is 18 inches in length and 0.25 inches in diameter, with a tapered, rounded tip. Cat # Product Descript ion ECE040 Cervical Dilator 18 in., 0.25 in. diameter Catheter LuerLock Connector Connects a luerlock syringe directly to a High Recovery Catheter for use in syringeflushing systems. Cat # Product Descript ion ECE090 Catheter LuerLock Connector 1.5 inch F I LT E R S Millipore Vented Embryo Collection Filter • Vented, secure, tight-fitting lid. Cat # • 150 mL capacity. ECE050 Millipore Vented Embryo Collection Filter, Gamma Irradiated • 75μ nylon mesh. • Universal in-flow port. • Flow control thumb clamp. • Gamma sterilized. 10 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue Product Descript ion F I LT E R S Millipore Non-Vented Embryo Collection Filter • Non-vented, secure, tight-fitting lid. Cat # • 150 mL capacity. ECE056 Millipore Non-Vented Embryo Collection Filter, Gamma Irradiated • 75μ nylon mesh. Product Descript ion • Universal in-flow port. • Flow control thumb clamp. • Gamma sterilized. EZ Way Embryo Collection Filter • High flow filter and search gridded dish all-in-one. • Filter mesh is angled along the side of the cup. Cat # Product Descript ion ECE051 EZ Way Embryo Collection Filter, Gamma Irradiated • Flow control thumb clamp. • Maintains minimum 50 mL fluid level. MiniFlush Embryo Collection Filter • Vertical filter and gridded dish all-in-one. Cat # • Maintains minimum 20 mL fluid level. ECE052 MiniFlush Embryo Collection Filter, Gamma Irradiated • Mesh size 44μ, Surface diameter 2.87 in. (73 mm). Product Descript ion • Gamma irradiated. HY-Flow Embryo Collection Filter • Valve in the lid allows filter to be used in either vented or non-vented recovery systems. • 150 mL capacity. Cat # Product Descript ion ECE049 HY-Flow Embryo Collection Filter, Gamma Irradiated • 75μ steel mesh. • Flow control thumb clamp. • Gamma sterilized. 11 See back page for ordering details DISH E S 4-Well Cluster Dish, Round Bottom • Numeric markings allow easy identification of samples. • Packaged with lid. Cat # Product Descript ion EPW012 4-Well Cluster Dish, Round Bottom, Gamma Irradiated • Gamma irradiated. 6-Well Cluster Dish, Round Bottom • Numeric markings allow easy identification of samples. • Packaged with lid. Cat # Product Descript ion EPW014 6-Well Cluster Dish, Round Bottom, Gamma Irradiated • Gamma irradiated. 2-Well Cluster Dish, Round Bottom • Numeric markings allow easy identification of samples. • Packaged with lid. Cat # Product Descript ion EPW016 2-Well Cluster Dish, Round Bottom, Gamma Irradiated • Gamma irradiated. 4-Well Mini Cluster Dish • Polystyrene dishes with round bottom wells. Cat # • Numeric marking allow easy identification of samples. EPW019 4-Well Mini Cluster Dish, Gamma Irradiated • Packaged with lid. • Gamma irradiated. 12 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue Product Descript ion DISH E S EPW050 EPW024 EPW022 EPW040 EPW030 EPW023 Splitting Dish Round, Sterile Non-treated, polystyrene Petri-dish. Cat # Product Descript ion EPW040 Splitting Dish Round 60 x 15 mm 20/pack Sterile Holding Dish, Round Ideally suited for holding multiple embryos. Cat # Product Descript ion EPW030 Holding Dish Round 35 x 10 mm 10/pack Gamma Irradiated Round Searching Grid Dish Polystyrene Petri dish with lid with gridded bottom ideal for embryo searching applications. Cat # Product Descript ion EPW022 Round Searching Grid Dish 100x15 mm 20/pack Embryo Searching Bowl • Gamma irradiated. Cat # Product Descript ion • Mouse embryo tested. EPW050 Embryo Searching Bowl 120 cc 10/pkg. Round (Non-Gridded) Searching Dish Polystyrene Petri dish with lid. Cat # Product Descript ion EPW024 Round (Non-Gridded) Searching Dish 100 x 15 mm 20/pack Square Gridded Dish, Sterile Premium quality polystyrene Petri dish with covers, featuring 13 mm grid marks. Ideal for embryo searching applications. 30% more surface area than round dishes. Cat # Product Descript ion EPW023 Square Gridded Dish 100 x 15 mm 10/pack, Sterile 13 See back page for ordering details PI PE T T E S & T I PS EHP002 EHP029 EHP031-033, EHP035-039 0.5–10 μL Dual Control Pipette • Ergonomic design. Cat # • Shorter and more easily handled than standard pipettes, providing better control at the tip. EHP002 0.5–10 μL Dual Control Pipette Product Descript ion • Variable volume (0.5–10 μL). • Durable. • Unique air vent improves precision. • Fully autoclavable. 2–20 μL Adjustable Pipette • ±4.0 to ±0.8% accuracy. Cat # • Ergonomic hand grip. EHP029 2–20 μL Adjustable Pipette Product Descript ion • Easy-to-read display is positioned to remain visible during pipetting. • Tip ejector is removable & adjustable. • 1-year warranty. Embryo Handling Pipette • Ideal for embryo handling. Cat # • Small, plastic, accurate and smooth to operate. EHP031 1 μL Embryo Handling Pipette • Each size will fit a variety of our pipette tips. EHP032 2 μL Embryo Handling Pipette • Tip ejectors are not included on these pipettes. EHP033 3 μL Embryo Handling Pipette Product Descript ion EHP035 5 μL Embryo Handling Pipette EHP036 10 μL Embryo Handling Pipette EHP037 15 μL Embryo Handling Pipette EHP039 30 μL Embryo Handling Pipette EHP038 50 μL Embryo Handling Pipette 14 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue PI PE T T E S & T I PS Eppendorf Individual Sterile Tips • Volume 2–200 μL. Cat # • Universally applicable, for use with pipettes from most manufacturers. EHP009 Eppendorf Individual Sterile Tips, 10/pack Product Descript ion • Tips feature fine volume graduations and a soft, flexible tip cone. Embryo Handling Tips, Sterile • Volume 0.1–10 μL. Cat # • Length 1.235 in. (3.1 cm). EHP012 Embryo Handling Tips sterile 96/rack Product Descript ion • Ultrafine, unbeveled points. • Graduated at 2 and 10 μL. • Tips and hinged boxes are fully autoclavable to 252°F (122°C). Biopsy Tips • Small volume gel loading tips. Cat # • Orifice dimension (outside): 0.033 in. (0.84 mm). EHP013 Biopsy Tips 204/rack • Volume 1–200 μL. Cat # • ID: 0.012 in. (0.30 mm). EHP051 General Purpose Tips, 204/rack; 200 μL Product Descript ion General Purpose Tips • OD: 0.024 in. (0.61 mm). Product Descript ion EHP052 General Purpose Tips, 1000 bulk; 200 μL 15 See back page for ordering details PI PE T T E S & T I PS 0.5–10 μL Pipette Tips Ideal for use with the 0.5–10 μL Dual Control Pipette and Embryo Handling Pipettes. Cat # Product Descript ion EHP055 0.5–10 μL Pipette Tips 204/rack 20 μL Filtered Gel Loading Tips • Made from virgin polypropylene. Cat # • Precision molded for an airtight fit. EHP058 20 μL Filtered Gel Loading Tips, 204/rack, Sterile • Filter inside to prevent aerosol DNA contamination of the pipette. Product Descript ion H A N DL I NG SU PPL I E S Cook Syringe-Straw Connector Connects Monoject 1 cc syringe to straw for embryo handling and straw loading applications. Cat # Product Descript ion C050010 Cook Syringe-Straw Connector 0.25 cc C050011 Cook Syringe-Straw Connector 0.5 cc IVF Catheter, 3.5 inch, Non-Sterile • Effective for embryo handling applications. Cat # • Straight cut tip. EHP015 IVF Catheter, 3.5 inch, Non-Sterile, 50/pack • Connect directly to 1 mL tuberculin syringes. • Semi-rigid polypropylene catheter. • Clean, non-sterile. 16 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue Product Descript ion H A N DL I NG SU PPL I E S Syringe/Pipette Tip Connector This adapter connects syringes to general purpose pipette tips for embryo handling. Cat # Product Descript ion EHP054 Syringe/Pipette Tip Connector Monoject Syringe 1 cc, Sterile Disposable plastic tuberculin syringes with rubber gaskets. Cat # Product Descript ion GPS030 Monoject Syringe 1 cc, Sterile, 100/pack GPS031 Monoject Syringe 1 cc, Sterile, sold individually S T R AWS IMV Straws, Gamma Irradiated, Clear • Straws specially designed for freezing embryos. Cat # Product Descript ion • Red, white and blue wick and powder plugs. ETE040 IMV Straws Gamma Irradiated, Clear 0.25 cc 5/pack Straws, Non-Sterile, Clear 0.25 cc PVC Straw with wick and powder, 5.25 in. (13.3 cm) length. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE042 Straws Non-Sterile, Clear 0.25 cc 1000/pack 17 See back page for ordering details S T R AWS Straws, Gamma Irradiated, Clear 0.5 cc PVC Straw with wick and powder, 5.25 in. (13.3 cm) length. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE044 Straws Gamma Irradiated, Clear 0.5 cc 5/pack Straws, Non-Sterile, Clear 0.5 cc PVC Straw with wick and powder, 5.25 in. (13.3 cm) length. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE045 Straws Non-Sterile, Clear 0.5 cc 100/pack Marking Straws, Non-Sterile 0.5 cc • PVC Straw without wick and powder, 5.25 in. (13.3 cm) length. • Attaches to 0.25 cc straw with ETE053 adapter plug and is used as a label for the 0.25 cc straw. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE055 Marking Straws, Non-Sterile Yellow 0.5 cc 100/pack ETE056 Marking Straws, Non-Sterile Blue 0.5 cc 100/pack Straws, Gamma Irradiated 0.25 cc PVC Straw with wick and powder, 5.25 in. (13.3 cm) length. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE060 Straws, Gamma Irradiated 0.25 cc 5/pack ETE063 Straws, Gamma Irradiated 0.25 cc 10/pack 18 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue S T R AWS Straws, Gamma Irradiated, Yellow 0.25 cc • PVC Straw with wick and powder, 5.25 in. (13.3 cm) length. • Specific for embryos frozen in ethylene glycol for direct transfer (DT). Cat # Product Descript ion ETE062 Straws, Gamma Irradiated, Yellow 0.25 cc 5/pack 0.25 cc to 0.5 cc Straw Adaptor Plug The small end seals 0.25 cc straws, while the opposite end accepts a 0.5 cc straw for labeling purposes. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE053 0.25 cc to 0.5 cc Straw Adaptor Plug 100/pack SE A L I NG & L A BE L I NG Sealing Rods, Non-Sterile Plastic I.D. plug with a 1.68 in. (42.55 mm) extension designed to fit 0.25 cc straws. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE084 Sealing Rods Non-Sterile Yellow 0.25 cc 100/pack ETE085 Sealing Rods Non-Sterile White 0.25 cc 100/pack ETE086 Sealing Rods Non-Sterile Red/Orange 0.25 cc 100/pack ETE087 Sealing Rods Non-Sterile Blue 0.25 cc 100/pack Sharpie Extra Fine Point Marker, Black • Fade and water resistant ink. Cat # Product Descript ion • Specially formulated for industrial, laboratory and commercial use. ETE071 Sharpie Extra Fine Point Marker Black 19 See back page for ordering details E M BRYO T R A NSFE R SU PPL I E S IMV 0.25 cc Deep Chamber Gun Stainless steel embryo transfer gun. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE010 IMV 0.25 cc Deep Chamber Gun 21 inches 0.25 cc Blue Side-Delivery Sheath Used with IMV 0.25 cc Deep Chamber ET Gun. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE020 0.25 cc Blue Side-Delivery Sheath 21 inches 5/pack Sanitary Over-Sheath • These provide a sanitary barrier as the gun traverses the vagina. • The gun is punched through the over-sheath at the entrance to the cervix. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE030 Sanitary Over-Sheath 21 inches 80/roll ETE031 Sanitary Over-Sheath 18 inches 100/roll IMV 0.5 cc Embryo Transfer Gun Stainless steel embryo transfer gun for 0.5 cc straws. 20 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue Cat # Product Descript ion ETE017 IMV 0.5 cc Embryo Transfer Gun 20 inches E M BRYO T R A NSFE R SU PPL I E S 0.5 cc Side Delivery Sheath with Chemise, Sterile Used with IMV 0.5 cc ET gun. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE018 0.5 cc Side Delivery Sheath with Chemise, Sterile Disposable Embryo Transfer Gun, Sterile • Embryo transfer gun and delivery sheath all-in-one. • Sterile. Cat # Product Descript ion ETE011 Disposable 0.25 cc Embryo Transfer Gun Sterile 21 inches ETE012 Disposable 0.5 cc Embryo Transfer Gun Sterile 21 inches FR E E Z I NG SU PPL I E S Freeze Control Freezer & Case FREEZE CONTROL® systems are controlledrate, liquid nitrogen freezers that are precision engineered for cryopreservation of biological specimens. Each modular system consists of a temperature controller, cryochamber, and cryobath. No special installation is required and systems can be quickly set up and packed away. Cat # Product Descript ion EFE011 Freeze Control CL2200 Freezer & Case EFE012 Freeze Control CL3300 Freezer & Case EFE014 Freeze Control CL5500 Freezer & Case EFE016 Freeze Control CL8800i Freezer & Case These patented systems provide a reliable method for freezing embryos and other biological materials for long-term preservation. Canes for 10 mm Goblets Aluminum canes for holding 10 mm goblets or cryo vials. Designed to hold 2 vertically-stacked goblets. Note: A single goblet per cane should be used for storing embryo straws. Cat # Product Descript ion EFE100 Canes for 10 mm Goblets 25/pack 21 See back page for ordering details FR E E Z I NG SU PPL I E S Goblets 10 mm Polyethylene 10 mm goblets for holding straws. Cat # Product Descript ion EFE105 Goblets, clear 10 mm 10/pack EFE106 Goblets, blue 10 mm 10/pack EFE108 Goblets, yellow 10 mm 10/pack ID Tabs Aluminum identification tabs for either 10 mm or 13 mm canes. Cat # Product Descript ion EFE120 ID Tabs, white 100/pack EFE122 ID Tabs, yellow 100/pack EFE136 ID Tabs, blue 100/pack GR A DI NG, SPL I T T I NG & SE X I NG EQU I PM E N T Wesco WS7 Zoom Stereo Microscope • • • • Working distance – 4 inches or 100 mm Zoom magnification range – 13 to 90X Field diameter – 20 to 2.9 mm Inter-pupilary distance – 55 to 75 mm Cat # Product Descript ion MSA060 Wesco WS7 Zoom Stereo Microscope This modestly priced stereo microscope is an excellent choice for embryo transfer work. It has excellent optical quality and a smooth zoom mechanism. Equipped with 20X eyepieces, the WS7 provides magnification from 13–90X. A specially designed stand with a mirror base and rear illumination system makes the WS7 ideal for grading and selecting of embryos. Wesco 20X 13 mm WF Eyepiece with 10/100 Micrometer • Used to measure embryo diameter during evaluation. • Primarily used for measuring equine embryos prior to cryopreservation. • Pre-installed micrometer has 10 mm/100 divisions with cross hair. Cat # Product Descript ion MSA064 Wesco 20X 13 mm WF Eyepiece with 10/100 Micrometer Wesco Stage Micrometer Scale Used for calibrating a microscope fitted with a micrometer eyepiece. 100 divisions. Each division is 10 microns. 22 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue Cat # Product Descript ion MSA066 Wesco Stage Micrometer Scale GR A DI NG, SPL I T T I NG & SE X I NG EQU I PM E N T Olympus SZ51 Zoom Stereo Microscope • Working distance – 4.3 inches or 110 mm • Zoom magnification range – 8 to 40X • Field of view – 37.5 to 5.5 mm Cat # Product Descript ion MSA010 Olympus SZ51 Zoom Stereo Microscope The newly developed “Comfort View” eyepiece design and the accessible, responsive controls of this microscope make operation easier and less fatiguing. The compact design, incorporating the Greenough optical system, delivers excellent flatness and ample depth of field as well as clarity, detail, and accurate color. Dependable, highperformance optics are central to the production of consistent, accurate results, as are ergonomic features which make even long-duration tasks easier and less demanding to perform. Twinner System Embryo splitting is the most effective and rapid method of increasing the number of offspring in an ET program. The Twinner is a precise system that enables trained operators to quickly and accurately biopsy and/or split both morula and blastocyst stage bovine embryos without a holding pipette. Cat # Product Descript ion ESE008 Twinner System with Video Option ESE010 Twinner System Binocular This system consists of a high-quality, inverted microscope, a precision-crafted electronicallydriven micromanipulator, and a tool holder which attaches to a Bioniche Ultra-Sharp Splitting Blade. The system is packed in a durable, foam-lined, wheeled case. Tool Holder This device is recommended for use with Bioniche’s Twinner and Ultra-Sharp Splitting Blades. Cat # Ophthalmic surgical blades adapted for use with the Bioniche Twinner system for embryo biopsy and/or splitting. Cat # Product Descript ion ESE012 Tool Holder Ultra-Sharp Splitting Blades Product Descript ion ESE020 Ultra-Sharp Splitting Blades 4/box 23 See back page for ordering details E M BRYO SE X I NG CONSU M A BL E S Quick-TEST A durable, compact, portable system in which each component has been specifically selected for its suitability with Bioniche’s YCD™ embryo sexing reagent. The system includes a high quality DNA thermocycler, a gel electrophoresis unit, and an ultraviolet light source. The system is packed in a durable, foam-lined, wheeled case. Cat # Product Descript ion EST020 Quick-TEST Quick-TEST Pipette Package This kit contains all of the pipettes and tips for use with the Quick-TEST System. EHP002 EHP029 ART014 • 2 x EHP051 General Purpose Tips 204/rack, 200 μL • 2 x EHP029 2–20 μL Adjustable Pipette • 2 x EHP055 0.5–10 μL Pipette Tips, 204/rack • 1 x EHP002 0.5–10 μL Dual Control Pipette • 1 x ART014 Micropipette, 100 μL • 1 x EHP058 20 μL Filtered Gel Loading Tips, 204/rack, Sterile Cat # Product Descript ion EST025 Quick-TEST Pipette Package EHP051 EHP055 EHP058 Bovine & Caprine YCD Assays The YCD™ embryo sexing assay enables trained operators to quickly and accurately determine the sex of bovine embryos before they are transferred to recipients. Cat # Used in conjunction with Bioniche’s Twinner and Quick-TEST systems, this cost-effective, commercially proven reagent turns embryo sexing into a simple procedure which can be completed in less than two hours. YCD is supplied in a ready-to-use formulation designed for use in a DNA amplifier. Each batch is pre-tested to ensure complete efficacy. It is manufactured with an expectation of 95% accuracy. YCD is conveniently packaged in 3,4,5, and 10 assay vials. EST012 Bovine YCD 5 assays 24 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue Product Descript ion EST010 Bovine YCD 3 assays EST011 Bovine YCD 4 assays EST013 Bovine YCD 10 assays EST015 Caprine YCD 3 assays EST016 Caprine YCD 4 assays EST017 Caprine YCD 5 assays EST018 Caprine YCD 10 assays E M BRYO SE X I NG CONSU M A BL E S Bovine Male/Female Control Samples Diluted white blood cells which provide control samples of male and female DNA in the Bovine YCD assay. Cat # Product Descript ion EST030 Bovine Male Control 50 μL EST031 Bovine Female Control 50 μL Caprine Male/Female Control Samples Diluted white blood cells which provide control samples of male and female DNA in the Caprine YCD assay. Cat # • Thin-walled plastic tubes specifically designed for PCR. Cat # Product Descript ion EST032 Caprine Female Control 50 μL EST033 Caprine Male Control 50 μL PCR Reaction Tubes Product Descript ion MBC033 PCR Reaction Tubes 0.2 mL 1000/pack • Compatible with all major PCR machines. • Certified RNase, DNase and pyrogen free. E-Gel PowerBase v.4 Cat # A compact, disposable electrophoresis unit that provides a quick and simple alternative to traditional electrophoresis units. For use with Invitrogen’s ready-to-use E-Gels. EST022 E-Gel PowerBase v.4 Product Descript ion EST027 E-Gel Single Replacement Pack Single Replacement Pack Invitrogen’s convenient, ready-to-use agarose gel disposable ‘cassette’ for use with the E-Gel PowerBase v.4. 25 See back page for ordering details E M BRYO SE X I NG CONSU M A BL E S Ultraviolet Spectacles Protective eyewear for use when viewing a UV transilluminator. Cat # A non-electrophoretic system used to determine the sex of bovine pre-implantation embryos. Cat # Product Descript ion EST041 Ultraviolet Spectacles Ampli-Y Bovine Sexing Kit The kit consists of a lysis solution (A-solution), PCR solution (B-solution), reaction tubes, and male and female control tubes. Product Descript ion EST070 Ampli-Y Bovine Sexing Kit (100 Reactions) EST072 Ampli-Y Bovine Sexing Kit (25 Reactions) After amplification of the samples in a thermocycler, sex is determined directly by UV illumination of the PCR tubes. Pink fluorescence indicates the presence of a male sample. Ampli-Y Pipette Package This kit contains all of the pipettes and tips for use with the Ampli-Y system. • 2 x EHP051 General Purpose Tips 204/rack, 200 μL EHP002 • 1 x EHP029 2–20 μL Adjustable Pipette • 2 x EHP055 0.5–10 μL Pipette Tips, 204/rack EHP029 • 1 x EHP002 0.5–10 μL Dual Control Pipette • 1 x ART014 Micropipette, 100 μL ART014 Cat # Product Descript ion EST074 Ampli-Y Pipette Package EHP051 EHP055 26 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue E DUC AT ION Bovine Embryo Splitting & Bovine Embryo Sexing Training Courses These training programs are designed to provide the participant with a complete understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of the techniques using the equipment and related supplies marketed by Bioniche Animal Health. Embryo Splitting This intensive two-day course covers: • Theory of embryo splitting. • Selection and maintenance of equipment. • Preparation of materials. • Practical training in embryo splitting and biopsy. • Economic considerations. Embryo Splitting & Sexing This intensive five-day course covers all of the Embryo Splitting material as well as: • Theory and practical training in embryo biopsy and sexing. • Theory of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). • Selection and maintenance of equipment. • Practical aspects of laboratory design. • Practical training in PCR and gel electrophoresis. • Freezing sexed embryos. Cat # Product Descript ion ETC030 Bovine Embryo Splitting Training Course ETC040 Bovine Embryo Splitting & Sexing Training Course 27 See back page for ordering details S T ROU D V I DEO L I BR A RY These excellent training videos are made specifically for practitioners looking to broaden their skill range. Produced by Dr. Brad Stroud of Stroud Veterinary Embryo Services, these videos are available in DVD format. Direct Transfer DVD Running time: 37 minutes Cat # Product Descript ion This video provides a concise training tool for the practitioner new to the ‘direct transfer’ technique or training of field technicians. The utilization of skilled technicians for embryo implantation transfer is an excellent way to greatly improve the overall efficiency of any ET practice. ETC150 Direct Transfer DVD, English, NTSC Also available in: NTSC; ETC060 English, PAL; ETC070 Spanish, NTSC; ETC080 Spanish, PAL. Bovine Reproductive Utrasonography Running time: 65 minutes Cat # Product Descript ion This video emphasizes fetal sexing. It also gives excellent coverage of early pregnancy diagnosis, early embryonic death, uterine and ovarian anatomy, ovarian superovulation response, ovarian cyst diagnosis and treatment evaluation, transvaginal ovum pickup and multiple pregnancy diagnosis. ETC152 Bovine Reproductive Utrasonography DVD, English, NTSC Also available in: NTSC; ETC064 English, PAL; ETC074 Spanish, NTSC; ETC084 Spanish, PAL. Fetal Sexing DVD Running time: 75 minutes Cat # This video is an excellent learning tool that prepares practitioners for the mulititude of ‘less-than-ideal’ circumstances encountered on the farm. The tape also includes ‘in-field’ footage of 52 clinical examinations and offers invaluable tips on the use of trans-rectal probes and the manipulation of the gravid uterus. ETC154 Fetal Sexing DVD, English, NTSC Also available in: NTSC; ETC062 English, PAL; ETC072 Spanish, NTSC; ETC082 Spanish, PAL. 28 Bioniche Embryo Transfer Products Catalogue Product Descript ion To order product, please contact us at one of our locations below and ask for the order desk. BIONICHE ANIMAL HEALTH CANADA P.O. BOX 1570 Belleville, Ontario K8N 5J2 TEL: (613) 966-8058 (800) 265-5464 FAX: (613) 966-4177 BIONICHE ANIMAL HEALTH USA, INC. (WASHINGTON) 1335 NE Terre View Drive Pullman, Washington 99163 TEL: (509) 335-4047 (800) 335-8595 FAX: (509) 335-1064 BIONICHE ANIMAL HEALTH USA, INC. (GEORGIA) 1551 Jennings Mill Road, Suite 3200A Bogart, Georgia 30622 TEL: (706) 549-4503 (888) 549-4503 FAX: (706) 548-0659 BIONICHE ANIMAL HEALTH A/ASIA PTY. LTD. 242 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield, Victoria, Australia 3161 TEL: 1 800-032-355 (03) 9524-3161 FAX: (03) 9524-3111 BIONICHE ANIMAL HEALTH (EUROPE) LTD. Unit 80, Bracetown Business Park Clonee, Co Meath Ireland TEL: +353 1801 4000 FAX: +353 1801 4100 www.bionicheanimalhealth.com w w w.bionichea nima lhea lth.com
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