Chen-Yu Chiang, CE, NTPU, 20140917 edition 2014 Fall CE/CSIE Seminar National Taipei University Objectives The invited speakers of different expertise and from different research areas will give students several interesting talks on a large variety of topics. The purpose of the seminars is to broaden students' visions and help them develop multi-dimensional thinking abilities. Maybe you don’t understand what invited speakers talk about, but at least, you can learn: 1. how to present a topic or a work 2. how to make good presentation slides 3. how to hold great composure on stage (台風穩健) 4. good attitude/manner in learning Grading Rules 1. Grading of the seminar strongly emphasizes students’ participation and attendance. 2. Before the seminars start and right after the seminars end, each student can retrieve his/her own two passcodes from the posted name/passcode lists; meanwhile, students are asked to sign in and sign out. 3. There are two passcodes for each student, i.e. the sign-in passcode and the sign-out passcode. The sign-in passcode will be announced at 1:25pm (5 mins before starting) BUT removed at 1:45pm (15 mins after starting) while the sign-out passcode will be announced right after the end of the seminar. 4. The sign-in and sign-out passcodes are required to put on your submitted summary reports identifying your attendance in the seminars. 5. Absence without a notice may be allowed THRICE (事不過三), but you will fail the class (grade < 70) when the FOURTH absence happens. If you need to request absence due to a personal reason, send out your notice to the TA and the seminar host (Professor) before the seminar day. 6. The native students are required to attend each seminar session, while non-mandarin speaking students may only attend English seminar sessions. 7. For each lecture, you are required to submit your summary report to the e-learning system (數位學苑) before the next seminar. A late report and no report get Chen-Yu Chiang, CE, NTPU, 20140917 edition respectively a 50% discount and a 100% discount in grades automatically. 8. Summary Report format: Raw text saved in $StudentID_$SeminarDate.txt with Big-5/ASCII encoding by Text Editor (記事本); where $StudentID is your student ID and $SeminarDate is the seminar date (eight digit: yyyymmdd). Format: Line1: sign-in passcode Line2: sign-out passcode Line3: Name Line4: Student ID Line5~: Report content An example: 9. Requirement for Summary Report Content: I encourage you to spend more time on listening to talks rather than writing wordy reports. Therefore, it is enough to list highlights of a talk and give short explanations to each highlight. Total 10 sentences in a report are enough. Report scores will depend on the contents, not a number of words once you have 10 sentences in the report. 10. Each report is graded in 5 levels: Chen-Yu Chiang, CE, NTPU, 20140917 edition A = 90 points, excellent B = 80 points, good C = 70 points, fair D = 50 points, late submission, very poor quality or plagiarizing (抄襲) E = 0 points, absence (no sign-in and no sign-out) or no report submitted 11. Plagiarizing (copy & paste) can be easily detected since we will use Natural Language Processing Technologies (like Google or Microsoft) to automatically identify your wording, word order, word count, grammar, meaning, etc, so as to calculate the similarity between the submitted reports by different authors. 12. Grading: (report average) x 88% + question credits. Maximum score is 99. 1st question*: 7%, 2nd question: 5%, the rest: 2% Go check with TA in the end of a class and notice him/her to record your credits. TA will notice your participation when you ask a question. Example 1: Report average = 85; 3 questions asked. Total= 85x0.88 + 14 = 89 Example 2: Report average = 80; 0 question asked. Total= 80x0.88 + 0 = 70** * We strongly encourage you to ask at least one question. ** If you do not ask any question, you’d better make sure your report average is higher than 80, or you will fail the seminar. Contact Information Seminar Host: Chen-Yu CHIANG (江振宇), Communication Engineering, NTPU Office: Room 8F08, College of Law Ext: 67732 Email: [email protected] TAs: 1. You-Chih DENG (鄧有志), CE, NTPU Office: Room 5F24, College of Law Ext: 67733 Email: [email protected] 2. 詹朝淵, CSIE, NTPU Office: Ext: Email: [email protected] 3. 熊祺諺, CSIE, NTPU Office: Ext: Chen-Yu Chiang, CE, NTPU, 20140917 edition Email: [email protected] Schedule 1 週三(日期) 邀請人 演講者 現職 2014/9/17 白宏達 韓永祥 國立台灣科技大學 電機系 講座教授 2 2014/9/24 黃俊堯 王詮章 墨匠科技股份有限 公司 執行長 3 2014/10/1 江振宇 李宏毅教授 國立台灣大學電機 系 2014/10/8 莊東穎 林豪鏘院長 國立臺北商業大學 創新經營學院 2014/10/15 陳裕賢 移到 10/3 (早上場次) " 跨領域「提升台灣人才競 爭力」高峰論壇" 4 5 6 7 8 9 (期 中考 週) 2014/10/22 楊致芳 莊樹諄研究員 2014/10/29 陳裕賢 移到 10/3 (下午場次) ʺ 跨領域「提升台灣人才競 爭力」高峰論壇ʺ 2014/11/5 江振宇 英文 演講 題目 地點 Novel Polynomial Basis and Its Application to Reed-Solomon Erasure Codes 社 1F06 法 2F01 Yes Spoken Content Retrieval - Beyond Cascading Speech Recognition with Text Retrieval 法 2F01 中研院基因體研究 中心 賴穎暉博士 中央研究院 資訊科 技創新科技研究中 心 博士後研究員 法 2F01 行政大樓4 樓第一會議 室 法 2F01 Yes 行政大樓4 樓第一會議 室 Adaptive amplifier scheme for sensor-neural hearing loss (SNHL) 法 2F01 2014/11/12 10 2014/11/19 江振宇 古孟霖 國立中央大學通訊 工程學系 助理教授 法 2F01 11 2014/11/26 黃俊堯 張銘光技術長 樂陞科技 法 2F01 12 張玉山 2014/12/3 主任 移至 11/1(六)校慶專家演 講 TBA 臺科大資工系特聘 教授 13 2014/12/10 林道通 李育杰 14 2014/12/17 陳裕賢 周禮復董事長 音律電子系列講座 TBA 15 2014/12/24 陳裕賢 周禮復董事長 音律電子系列講座 TBA 16 2014/12/31 陳裕賢 周禮復董事長 音律電子系列講座 TBA 陳裕賢 周禮復董事長 音律電子系列講座 TBA 2015/1/14 陳裕賢 周禮復董事長 音律電子系列講座 TBA 17 18 (期 末考 週) 2015/1/7 法 2F01
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