Announcements Elder Chairman - Tom Alexander will be the elder chairman for the months of January through April. His House - items needed: sheets and blankets. Steering Committee - will meet today at 4 p.m. in Room 233. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of White County - will be conducting another volunteer training beginning February 6. These individuals make a huge difference in our community as they advocate for children who are brought before the court for reasons of abuse or neglect. For additional information on how to get involved in this very special work, contact Laura Burks at 501-305-3428 or by email at [email protected]. Serving Today NURSERY... 8:15 - Jennifer & Hallie Carger, Camie Citty, Jenny & Kizzie Citty, Ann Harrington, Sara Jo Neal 10:45 - Anna Layne, Tonya Morgan CRADLE ROLL... 5:00 - Jill Baber CHILDREN’S WORSHIP... Evie Baxley, Dana Hanna, Paul & Jan Morgan, Charles & Harriet Raley, Sheri Shearin GREETERS... 8:15 - Liz Howell, Bob Kelly, Brett Kirkman, Kent Jones 10:45 - Tony Timms, John & Paula Vines, Tim Westbrook WELCOME CENTER... 8:15 - Pam Bangs, Michael Claxton, Paul & Jan Morgan 9:45 - Peggy Heusel, Ted & Marcie Lloyd 10:45 - Dana Evans, Suanne Walker, Danny & Cathy Wood 5:00 - Bob & Mary Diles, Gene & Janice Luna PRAYER MINISTRY... Retta Dean, Tom & Jill Holaday, Steve & Jan Smith, Linda Tanner COMMUNION... 8:15 - West: Mike Keese, Bob Kelly, Brett Kirkman, Ryan Koch, Scott LaFerney East: Jerry Laird, Randy Lambeth, Jerry Landis, David Lawyer, Chris Layne Center: Donald Lea, Donny Lee, Kevin Lee, Ted Lloyd, Larry Long, Tommy Love, Roger Luallen, Gene Luna, Britt Lynn, Jake Mackey 10:45 - West: Larry Heusel, Ken Hobby, Glen House, Larry Hunt, Dale Johnson East: Taylor Kelton, Daniel King, Gary Kirby, Kevin Klein, Sam Klein Center: Jeff Kreh, Greg Laing, Paul Love, Reid Maddox, Caleb Manor, Josh Medley, Brent Morgan, Jim Nichols, Jackie Norris, Howard Norton East Balcony : Nathan Ogburn, Seth Ogburn, Brock Olree POWERPOINT... 8:15 - David Cole 10:45 - James Mackey 5:00 - Laura Hearn MONITORING PROGRAM... 8:15 - Keith Cronk, Scott Diles 9:45 - Rusty Jones, Jerry Laird, Doug Langston, Britt Lynn 10:45 - Ronnie Harlow, Rick Harper 5:00 - Mark White, Don Wood WEDNESDAY: Travis McNeal, Glen Metheny HARDING PLACE DRIVER... 8:15 - Glenn Dillard 10:45 - Karyl Bailey Bible Classes Cradle Roll 1 – 124 Cradle Roll 2 – 125 Cradle Roll 3 – 122 Cradle Roll 4 – 123 Sheep – 116 Birthdates 1/2011-7/2011 Alligator – 118 Birthdates 8/2010-12/2010 Frog – 117 Birthdates 1/2010-7/2010 Zebra – 119 Birthdates 8/2009-12/2009 Monkey – 112 Birthdates 1/2009-7/2009 Giraffe – 114 Birthdates 7/2008-Pre-K Kindergarten – 111-113 1st Grade – 218 2nd Grade – 216 3rd Grade – 214 4th Grade – 213 5th Grade – 217 6th Grade – 219 YOUTH All in 228/9 to start 7th Grade – 230 8th Grade – 230 9th Grade – 230 10th Grade – 228 11th Grade – 228 12th Grade – 228 COLLEGE God Quest – FR Couples – 121 Chinese – Shores Chapel ADULT All Ages – Auditorium Apprentices – 224 Barnabas – 211 Berea – 235 Bona Fides – 204 C.O.R.D.S. – 201 Faith Builders – 100 Faith’s Foundations – 233 Growing Among Friends – 234 Home Builders – 223 Living Servants – 236 Searchers – 102 Women in the Word – 232 Young Married – 207 Mission Guided by the Spirit and God’s holy word in the Bible, our mission is to glorify God and engage the world for Jesus Christ by speaking truth in love, doing good works, loving one another, and equipping every member for service. We gather each Lord’s Day to sing, pray, teach the Word, commune, contribute, worship, fellowship, encourage, connect and inform. Through Bible classes and other assemblies, we equip, empower, evangelize and educate each other so that we may reach out to the needy, lonely, sick, grieving or downtrodden in our community and throughout the world. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Today 8:15 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship 9:45 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Classes 10:45 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship 5:00 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship 7:15 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship Taking Responses Service Elder Deacon 8:15 a.m. D. Burks K. Moran 10:45 a.m. D. England P. Love 5:00 p.m. J. Bucy J. Morgan Wednesday 4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . Early Bird Class 7 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Classes 5:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . Campus Bible Class Mabee 101 Monday 6:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . Caring & Sharing Tuesday 9:30 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Bible Class Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-12:30 . . . . . . . . . Carpenter’s Kids Saturdays 9:30-12:30 . . . . . . . . . . . Resource Room 1-12-2013 ATTENDANCE Worship a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1288 Children’s Worship . . . . . . . . . . . Dismissed Bible Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155 Worship p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 Worship 7:15 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 FINANCES Budget for 1/12/13 . . . . . . . . . $38,306.00 Giving for 1/12/13 . . . . . . . . . . $41,620.87 Budget thru Week 20 . . . . . . . $818,700.00 Giving thru Week 20 . . . . . . . . $856,132.43 CONTACT INFORMATION Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F Closed daily 12-1 p.m. 712 E Race Ave, HU Box 10798 [email protected] or [email protected] 501-268-7156 FAX: 501-268-2684 College/Community Outreach 268-4191 Today Deadline-NOON, THURSDAYS y a d To at January 19, 2014 Welcome, Visitors! ORDER OF WORSHIP Thank you for coming! 8:15 a.m. SERVICE • Please fill out an attendance card and place it in the collection plate. • For your convenience... Training rooms are located in back of the auditorium. An attended nursery is located on the east side of the building. Children’s Worship Center is located on the west side of the building. Today’s Events 8:15 a.m. – Worship 9:45 a.m. – Bible Class 10:45 a.m. – Worship 4:00 p.m. – Steering Committee 5:00 p.m. – Worship 6:00 p.m. – Care Group 11 fellowship 7:15 p.m. – Worship Ministry Staff Kerri Behel - Early Childhood Carlton Burke - Senior Servants Todd & Debbie Gentry - College/Outreach Nick McNabb - Grades 7-9 Lew Moore - Counseling Zach Neal - Grades 4-6 Ruth Simpson - Carpenter’s Kids Dwight Smith - Visitation Rick Watson - Prison Noel Whitlock - Pulpit Brent Wilhite - Grades 10-12 Steven Yeakley - Equipping/Administration Support Staff Julie Daughety - Office Manager Charlie Howell - Facilities Manager Jan Milner - Office Assistant Trish Price - Rock House Winston Reed - Accounting Manager Song Service - Warren Casey Song #177 - “God Himself Is With Us” Welcome and Family News - Craig Russell Prayer - Mike Plummer Song - “Here I Am to Worship” Song #140 - “Father and Friend, Thy Light, Thy Love” Song - “Faithful Love” Song #968 - “Shine, Jesus, Shine” Lord’s Supper - Usen Akpanudo Song #275 - “I Love to Tell the Story” Children’s Worship is dismissed during this song Scripture Reading - Mavis Baldwin, Acts 2:29-38 “The Power of the Gospel Illustrated” - Milo Hadwin Song #272 - “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” Song #910 - “Boundless Love” Shepherd’s Prayer - David Burks 10:45 a.m. SERVICE Song Service - Botham Jean Song - “Wonderful, Merciful Savior” Welcome and Family News - Craig Russell Prayer - Jimmy Harper Song #282 - “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Song #177 - “God Himself Is With Us” Song - “Salvation Belongs to Our God” Song - “How Deep the Father’s love” Lord’s Supper - Paul Morgan Song - “You’re the One, You’re the only one” Scripture Reading - James Dillard, Acts 2:29-38 “The Power of the Gospel Illustrated” - Milo Hadwin Song #272 - “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” Song #968 - “Shine, Jesus Shine” Shepherd’s Prayer - Don England 5:00 p.m. SERVICE Song Service - Tom Ritchie Scripture Reading - Psalm 139:7-12 “Living in God’s Presence” - Bruce Black 7:15 p.m. SERVICE Song Service - Wesley Bland Speaker - Scot Harris Shepherd’s Prayer - Don England Noel’s Notes We have started the year in a very positive way regarding our attendance and giving! It is exciting to think of the opportunities and victories God will provide throughout this year. We can also look ahead with the great assurance of God’s presence and His providential care. May our walk with God only grow closer and stronger in 2014! I want to thank Milo Hadwin and Bruce Black, who will be preaching today. Lael and I were in Orlando, Florida, this past week with dear friends. Although I will be in the worship assemblies today, it was nice to relax and not feel the responsibility of sermon preparation while on vacation. I know you will be blessed by their messages today! I also am grateful to Howard Norton, who delivered an excellent lesson last Sunday. Our heartfelt love and sympathy is extended to one of our shepherds, Winfred Wright, in the passing of his wife Dottie on Tuesday, January 14. We will all miss her big smile and her gregarious spirit that made everyone welcome. Her funeral service was at College Church on Saturday. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Sean and Clarissa Mahanay in the loss of his mother, Susan Mahanay, on Friday, January 11. The funeral was in Dallas, Texas, on Friday. Please remember these two precious families in your daily prayers. It’s good to see the Harding students back on campus in full force again. You were greatly missed during the holidays! I know many students will be in our assemblies today, some for the very first time. Welcome to College Church. My family moved to Searcy more than seven years ago to become part of the College Church family, and I am more excited be part of this spiritual family now than ever be- fore. If you are a student looking for a church home away from home, I trust you will find a community of believers here who have a heart for Jesus and Harding students. College Church offers students many opportunities to explore faith and grow faith, and to help serve the needs of the hurting and marginalized through ministries that serve others. Our campus ministry is called The Rock House, and it is found directly behind Midnight Oil. Todd and Debbie Gentry, Trish Price, and dedicated interns help provide a safe place to explore questions of faith and truth during one’s time at Harding. They seek to partner with students to serve the needs of people. Please don’t hesitate to contact them, or me, for help with any questions. More congratulations are in order this week. Ben and Mindy Yaeger were married in Bentonville, Arkansas, on Saturday, January 4. Ben is the son of Doug and Taunya Yaeger. Best wishes to this new couple! There was a retirement reception in the Health Sciences Building for Bill White, who is retiring from Harding’s Physician Assistant program. Bill serves as one of the shepherds of this church. We love you, Bill. If you have ever had questions about evolution, where have the dinosaurs gone, and the scientific accuracy of the Bible, then you are invited to a “Truth About Origins” seminar with Brad Harrub, the director of Focus Press and co-editor of Think Magazine. This free event, sponsored by the Foothills congregation, will be held at the Searcy High School Performing Arts Center on Saturday, February 1, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For more information call Randy Rankin at (501) 920-9119. Family Concerns Maxine Carroll (CG 18) and Owen Morrow (CG 5) are at home; Linda Grunwald (CG 18) is in WC South 121; Joyce Lee, Dottie Frye’s (CG 21) mother, is in WCMC 3306; Kaitlyn Davis, granddaughter of Doyle & Aunean Rainwater (CG 19), is in a hospital in Fayetteville with pneumonia; Larry Henson, son-in-law of Doyle & Aunean Rainwater, is in a hospital in Little Rock with pneumonia. The Crossing at Riverside: Wanda Arnold (CG 14) 315; Wanice Beckett (CG 4) 409; Winnie Murray 417; Mayme Staggs (CG 6) 314; Frances Wood 401. River Oaks Village: Laura Smith (CG 2) 308; Darlene Wallace (CG 2) 309; Ruby Williams (CG 2) 207. Searcy HealthCare: Curtis Manor (CG 6) 64. NEW MEMBERS Welcome! Joshua Picker, 108 River Oaks Blvd, 618-570-5961, CG 2. SYMPATHY Dottie Wright (CG 12) passed away Tuesday, January 14. Services were Saturday at College Church. Sean Mahanay’s (CG 24) mother, Susan Mahanay, passed away Saturday, January 11. Services were Friday in Dallas. Linda Wright, sister of Patricia Berry (CG 1) and Woody Wilson (CG 8), passed away Thursday, January 16, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. DIRECTORY UPDATE Moved Away: Chase & Kelsie Gentry Wild Winter Country 70th Anniversary The scoop Come help the children of Ray & Juanita Dickson celebrate their 70th • January 18-20 - Teen Leadership wedding anniversary on Saturday, January 25, 2-4 p.m., at Downtown Church of Conference in Branson, Missouri for grades 9-12. Christ. Everyone welcome. • February 2 – Super Bowl Sunday Party at Downtown Church of Christ. Care Group 11 will have its annual Details coming soon. • February 9 – Sweetheart homemade chili supper tonight at 6:00 Celebration! Details coming soon. in the Family Room. • February 21-23 – CHRISTeens. Care Group 19 will have a potluck Sign-up deadline is January 26. Cost is luncheon on Sunday, February 2, noon, $30 plus meals. Please see Brent for in the Family Room. questions. • Wilderness Expeditions – June 13-21. If you have signed up, please Nelson & Jackie Ruscin would like submit your $150 deposit. See details to announce the marriage of their son in the Scoop. Derek Ruscin and Jennifer Mitchell on • Impact Houston – July 13-20. Saturday, January 4, in Daytona Beach, We invite you to pray about spending a Florida. Derek & Jennifer live in Alma, week with us impacting the children in The College Church offers elec- Arkansas. Houston, Texas. Sign-up is open! tronic giving as an optional way to contribute. Visit the church web site at and look If you read the Bible all the way thru for the online giving link. This service in 2013 and want to attend the luncheon is being provided as a convenience for on Sunday, January 26, at noon, please members who prefer electronic giving. write on an attendance card “2013” and New college Bible classes start to- Wild Winter Country family outing is next Sunday, January 26. Please sign up by today in the Children’s Worship Center or on our Children’s ministry Facebook page. Care Group News Marriage Electronic Giving Bible Readers Luncheon Membership Process We would love for you to be a part of College Church! Just check “Desire to place membership” on the visitor side of the blue attendance card and put the card in the collection plate. We realize that some of you grew up here, maybe moved away and returned, or have gotten married, etc. Or you may have been attending here for months and have not yet placed membership. Please place your membership by marking an attendance card! DAILY BIBLE READINGS Sunday ................................. Genesis 36-40 Monday ................................ Genesis 41-43 Tuesday ................................ Genesis 44-46 Wednesday .......................... Genesis 47-49 Thursday ........................Genesis 50; Ex. 1-2 Friday ........................................ Exodus 3-5 Saturday .................................... Exodus 6-8 how you want your steak cooked, or if day. The couples class (seriously dating, engaged and newly married) meets in you want chicken. Room 121. “God Quest,” a larger class, is in the Family Room. Next Sunday is a student led asSign-up today to make your pledge to sembly at both evening services. All read the Bible through in 2014. Put your students are invited to a supper at 6:00, name and Daily Bible Reader 2014 on a hosted by the elders. It is soup & chili. blue attendance card and put it in the Coping with Depression ends collection plate. The Bible reading lists tonight with Todd Patten at the Rock are at the entrances. House at 5:00. Next Month is the final seminar at the Rock House, Coping with Thank you for all the cards, support, Divorce. Continue to pray for students. Not visits and food during my illness. We only have they lost three classmates, appreciate you more than you know. but five parents died and many others Richard Boutell family lost family members and friends. KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON Sundays at 5 p.m. was a poster printed but never put out in England during WWII. It was held in case Coping with Depression: Todd Patten, January 19, The Rock of terrible tragedy like German invasion. After it was found 60 years later is has House. become a favorite, printed on everyCoping with Divorce: Sherry Pollard, February 9, 16 & 23, The thing. It is a great reminder that God is in every crisis. Trust Him and keep living. Rock House. 2014 Bible Readers Thank You Coping Seminar Noel’s Notes We have started the year in a very positive way regarding our attendance and giving! It is exciting to think of the opportunities and victories God will provide throughout this year. We can also look ahead with the great assurance of God’s presence and His providential care. May our walk with God only grow closer and stronger in 2014! I want to thank Milo Hadwin and Bruce Black, who will be preaching today. Lael and I were in Orlando, Florida, this past week with dear friends. Although I will be in the worship assemblies today, it was nice to relax and not feel the responsibility of sermon preparation while on vacation. I know you will be blessed by their messages today! I also am grateful to Howard Norton, who delivered an excellent lesson last Sunday. Our heartfelt love and sympathy is extended to one of our shepherds, Winfred Wright, in the passing of his wife Dottie on Tuesday, January 14. We will all miss her big smile and her gregarious spirit that made everyone welcome. Her funeral service was at College Church on Saturday. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Sean and Clarissa Mahanay in the loss of his mother, Susan Mahanay, on Friday, January 11. The funeral was in Dallas, Texas, on Friday. Please remember these two precious families in your daily prayers. It’s good to see the Harding students back on campus in full force again. You were greatly missed during the holidays! I know many students will be in our assemblies today, some for the very first time. Welcome to College Church. My family moved to Searcy more than seven years ago to become part of the College Church family, and I am more excited be part of this spiritual family now than ever be- fore. If you are a student looking for a church home away from home, I trust you will find a community of believers here who have a heart for Jesus and Harding students. College Church offers students many opportunities to explore faith and grow faith, and to help serve the needs of the hurting and marginalized through ministries that serve others. Our campus ministry is called The Rock House, and it is found directly behind Midnight Oil. Todd and Debbie Gentry, Trish Price, and dedicated interns help provide a safe place to explore questions of faith and truth during one’s time at Harding. They seek to partner with students to serve the needs of people. Please don’t hesitate to contact them, or me, for help with any questions. More congratulations are in order this week. Ben and Mindy Yaeger were married in Bentonville, Arkansas, on Saturday, January 4. Ben is the son of Doug and Taunya Yaeger. Best wishes to this new couple! There was a retirement reception in the Health Sciences Building for Bill White, who is retiring from Harding’s Physician Assistant program. Bill serves as one of the shepherds of this church. We love you, Bill. If you have ever had questions about evolution, where have the dinosaurs gone, and the scientific accuracy of the Bible, then you are invited to a “Truth About Origins” seminar with Brad Harrub, the director of Focus Press and co-editor of Think Magazine. This free event, sponsored by the Foothills congregation, will be held at the Searcy High School Performing Arts Center on Saturday, February 1, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For more information call Randy Rankin at (501) 920-9119. Family Concerns Maxine Carroll (CG 18) and Owen Morrow (CG 5) are at home; Linda Grunwald (CG 18) is in WC South 121; Joyce Lee, Dottie Frye’s (CG 21) mother, is in WCMC 3306; Kaitlyn Davis, granddaughter of Doyle & Aunean Rainwater (CG 19), is in a hospital in Fayetteville with pneumonia; Larry Henson, son-in-law of Doyle & Aunean Rainwater, is in a hospital in Little Rock with pneumonia. The Crossing at Riverside: Wanda Arnold (CG 14) 315; Wanice Beckett (CG 4) 409; Winnie Murray 417; Mayme Staggs (CG 6) 314; Frances Wood 401. River Oaks Village: Laura Smith (CG 2) 308; Darlene Wallace (CG 2) 309; Ruby Williams (CG 2) 207. Searcy HealthCare: Curtis Manor (CG 6) 64. NEW MEMBERS Welcome! Joshua Picker, 108 River Oaks Blvd, 618-570-5961, CG 2. SYMPATHY Dottie Wright (CG 12) passed away Tuesday, January 14. Services were Saturday at College Church. Sean Mahanay’s (CG 24) mother, Susan Mahanay, passed away Saturday, January 11. Services were Friday in Dallas. Linda Wright, sister of Patricia Berry (CG 1) and Woody Wilson (CG 8), passed away Thursday, January 16, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. DIRECTORY UPDATE Moved Away: Chase & Kelsie Gentry Wild Winter Country 70th Anniversary The scoop Come help the children of Ray & Juanita Dickson celebrate their 70th • January 18-20 - Teen Leadership wedding anniversary on Saturday, January 25, 2-4 p.m., at Downtown Church of Conference in Branson, Missouri for grades 9-12. Christ. Everyone welcome. • February 2 – Super Bowl Sunday Party at Downtown Church of Christ. Care Group 11 will have its annual Details coming soon. • February 9 – Sweetheart homemade chili supper tonight at 6:00 Celebration! Details coming soon. in the Family Room. • February 21-23 – CHRISTeens. Care Group 19 will have a potluck Sign-up deadline is January 26. Cost is luncheon on Sunday, February 2, noon, $30 plus meals. Please see Brent for in the Family Room. questions. • Wilderness Expeditions – June 13-21. If you have signed up, please Nelson & Jackie Ruscin would like submit your $150 deposit. See details to announce the marriage of their son in the Scoop. Derek Ruscin and Jennifer Mitchell on • Impact Houston – July 13-20. Saturday, January 4, in Daytona Beach, We invite you to pray about spending a Florida. Derek & Jennifer live in Alma, week with us impacting the children in The College Church offers elec- Arkansas. Houston, Texas. Sign-up is open! tronic giving as an optional way to contribute. Visit the church web site at and look If you read the Bible all the way thru for the online giving link. This service in 2013 and want to attend the luncheon is being provided as a convenience for on Sunday, January 26, at noon, please members who prefer electronic giving. write on an attendance card “2013” and New college Bible classes start to- Wild Winter Country family outing is next Sunday, January 26. Please sign up by today in the Children’s Worship Center or on our Children’s ministry Facebook page. Care Group News Marriage Electronic Giving Bible Readers Luncheon Membership Process We would love for you to be a part of College Church! Just check “Desire to place membership” on the visitor side of the blue attendance card and put the card in the collection plate. We realize that some of you grew up here, maybe moved away and returned, or have gotten married, etc. Or you may have been attending here for months and have not yet placed membership. Please place your membership by marking an attendance card! DAILY BIBLE READINGS Sunday ................................. Genesis 36-40 Monday ................................ Genesis 41-43 Tuesday ................................ Genesis 44-46 Wednesday .......................... Genesis 47-49 Thursday ........................Genesis 50; Ex. 1-2 Friday ........................................ Exodus 3-5 Saturday .................................... Exodus 6-8 how you want your steak cooked, or if day. The couples class (seriously dating, engaged and newly married) meets in you want chicken. Room 121. “God Quest,” a larger class, is in the Family Room. Next Sunday is a student led asSign-up today to make your pledge to sembly at both evening services. All read the Bible through in 2014. Put your students are invited to a supper at 6:00, name and Daily Bible Reader 2014 on a hosted by the elders. It is soup & chili. blue attendance card and put it in the Coping with Depression ends collection plate. The Bible reading lists tonight with Todd Patten at the Rock are at the entrances. House at 5:00. Next Month is the final seminar at the Rock House, Coping with Thank you for all the cards, support, Divorce. Continue to pray for students. Not visits and food during my illness. We only have they lost three classmates, appreciate you more than you know. but five parents died and many others Richard Boutell family lost family members and friends. KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON Sundays at 5 p.m. was a poster printed but never put out in England during WWII. It was held in case Coping with Depression: Todd Patten, January 19, The Rock of terrible tragedy like German invasion. After it was found 60 years later is has House. become a favorite, printed on everyCoping with Divorce: Sherry Pollard, February 9, 16 & 23, The thing. It is a great reminder that God is in every crisis. Trust Him and keep living. Rock House. 2014 Bible Readers Thank You Coping Seminar Announcements Elder Chairman - Tom Alexander will be the elder chairman for the months of January through April. His House - items needed: sheets and blankets. Steering Committee - will meet today at 4 p.m. in Room 233. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of White County - will be conducting another volunteer training beginning February 6. These individuals make a huge difference in our community as they advocate for children who are brought before the court for reasons of abuse or neglect. For additional information on how to get involved in this very special work, contact Laura Burks at 501-305-3428 or by email at [email protected]. Serving Today NURSERY... 8:15 - Jennifer & Hallie Carger, Camie Citty, Jenny & Kizzie Citty, Ann Harrington, Sara Jo Neal 10:45 - Anna Layne, Tonya Morgan CRADLE ROLL... 5:00 - Jill Baber CHILDREN’S WORSHIP... Evie Baxley, Dana Hanna, Paul & Jan Morgan, Charles & Harriet Raley, Sheri Shearin GREETERS... 8:15 - Liz Howell, Bob Kelly, Brett Kirkman, Kent Jones 10:45 - Tony Timms, John & Paula Vines, Tim Westbrook WELCOME CENTER... 8:15 - Pam Bangs, Michael Claxton, Paul & Jan Morgan 9:45 - Peggy Heusel, Ted & Marcie Lloyd 10:45 - Dana Evans, Suanne Walker, Danny & Cathy Wood 5:00 - Bob & Mary Diles, Gene & Janice Luna PRAYER MINISTRY... Retta Dean, Tom & Jill Holaday, Steve & Jan Smith, Linda Tanner COMMUNION... 8:15 - West: Mike Keese, Bob Kelly, Brett Kirkman, Ryan Koch, Scott LaFerney East: Jerry Laird, Randy Lambeth, Jerry Landis, David Lawyer, Chris Layne Center: Donald Lea, Donny Lee, Kevin Lee, Ted Lloyd, Larry Long, Tommy Love, Roger Luallen, Gene Luna, Britt Lynn, Jake Mackey 10:45 - West: Larry Heusel, Ken Hobby, Glen House, Larry Hunt, Dale Johnson East: Taylor Kelton, Daniel King, Gary Kirby, Kevin Klein, Sam Klein Center: Jeff Kreh, Greg Laing, Paul Love, Reid Maddox, Caleb Manor, Josh Medley, Brent Morgan, Jim Nichols, Jackie Norris, Howard Norton East Balcony : Nathan Ogburn, Seth Ogburn, Brock Olree POWERPOINT... 8:15 - David Cole 10:45 - James Mackey 5:00 - Laura Hearn MONITORING PROGRAM... 8:15 - Keith Cronk, Scott Diles 9:45 - Rusty Jones, Jerry Laird, Doug Langston, Britt Lynn 10:45 - Ronnie Harlow, Rick Harper 5:00 - Mark White, Don Wood WEDNESDAY: Travis McNeal, Glen Metheny HARDING PLACE DRIVER... 8:15 - Glenn Dillard 10:45 - Karyl Bailey Bible Classes Cradle Roll 1 – 124 Cradle Roll 2 – 125 Cradle Roll 3 – 122 Cradle Roll 4 – 123 Sheep – 116 Birthdates 1/2011-7/2011 Alligator – 118 Birthdates 8/2010-12/2010 Frog – 117 Birthdates 1/2010-7/2010 Zebra – 119 Birthdates 8/2009-12/2009 Monkey – 112 Birthdates 1/2009-7/2009 Giraffe – 114 Birthdates 7/2008-Pre-K Kindergarten – 111-113 1st Grade – 218 2nd Grade – 216 3rd Grade – 214 4th Grade – 213 5th Grade – 217 6th Grade – 219 YOUTH All in 228/9 to start 7th Grade – 230 8th Grade – 230 9th Grade – 230 10th Grade – 228 11th Grade – 228 12th Grade – 228 COLLEGE God Quest – FR Couples – 121 Chinese – Shores Chapel ADULT All Ages – Auditorium Apprentices – 224 Barnabas – 211 Berea – 235 Bona Fides – 204 C.O.R.D.S. – 201 Faith Builders – 100 Faith’s Foundations – 233 Growing Among Friends – 234 Home Builders – 223 Living Servants – 236 Searchers – 102 Women in the Word – 232 Young Married – 207 Mission Guided by the Spirit and God’s holy word in the Bible, our mission is to glorify God and engage the world for Jesus Christ by speaking truth in love, doing good works, loving one another, and equipping every member for service. We gather each Lord’s Day to sing, pray, teach the Word, commune, contribute, worship, fellowship, encourage, connect and inform. Through Bible classes and other assemblies, we equip, empower, evangelize and educate each other so that we may reach out to the needy, lonely, sick, grieving or downtrodden in our community and throughout the world. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Today 8:15 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship 9:45 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Classes 10:45 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship 5:00 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship 7:15 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship Taking Responses Service Elder Deacon 8:15 a.m. D. Burks K. Moran 10:45 a.m. D. England P. Love 5:00 p.m. J. Bucy J. Morgan Wednesday 4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . Early Bird Class 7 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bible Classes 5:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . Campus Bible Class Mabee 101 Monday 6:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . Caring & Sharing Tuesday 9:30 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Bible Class Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-12:30 . . . . . . . . . Carpenter’s Kids Saturdays 9:30-12:30 . . . . . . . . . . . Resource Room 1-12-2013 ATTENDANCE Worship a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1288 Children’s Worship . . . . . . . . . . . Dismissed Bible Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155 Worship p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 Worship 7:15 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 FINANCES Budget for 1/12/13 . . . . . . . . . $38,306.00 Giving for 1/12/13 . . . . . . . . . . $41,620.87 Budget thru Week 20 . . . . . . . $818,700.00 Giving thru Week 20 . . . . . . . . $856,132.43 CONTACT INFORMATION Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F Closed daily 12-1 p.m. 712 E Race Ave, HU Box 10798 [email protected] or [email protected] 501-268-7156 FAX: 501-268-2684 College/Community Outreach 268-4191 Today Deadline-NOON, THURSDAYS y a d To at January 19, 2014 Welcome, Visitors! ORDER OF WORSHIP Thank you for coming! 8:15 a.m. SERVICE • Please fill out an attendance card and place it in the collection plate. • For your convenience... Training rooms are located in back of the auditorium. An attended nursery is located on the east side of the building. Children’s Worship Center is located on the west side of the building. Today’s Events 8:15 a.m. – Worship 9:45 a.m. – Bible Class 10:45 a.m. – Worship 4:00 p.m. – Steering Committee 5:00 p.m. – Worship 6:00 p.m. – Care Group 11 fellowship 7:15 p.m. – Worship Ministry Staff Kerri Behel - Early Childhood Carlton Burke - Senior Servants Todd & Debbie Gentry - College/Outreach Nick McNabb - Grades 7-9 Lew Moore - Counseling Zach Neal - Grades 4-6 Ruth Simpson - Carpenter’s Kids Dwight Smith - Visitation Rick Watson - Prison Noel Whitlock - Pulpit Brent Wilhite - Grades 10-12 Steven Yeakley - Equipping/Administration Support Staff Julie Daughety - Office Manager Charlie Howell - Facilities Manager Jan Milner - Office Assistant Trish Price - Rock House Winston Reed - Accounting Manager Song Service - Warren Casey Song #177 - “God Himself Is With Us” Welcome and Family News - Craig Russell Prayer - Mike Plummer Song - “Here I Am to Worship” Song #140 - “Father and Friend, Thy Light, Thy Love” Song - “Faithful Love” Song #968 - “Shine, Jesus, Shine” Lord’s Supper - Usen Akpanudo Song #275 - “I Love to Tell the Story” Children’s Worship is dismissed during this song Scripture Reading - Mavis Baldwin, Acts 2:29-38 “The Power of the Gospel Illustrated” - Milo Hadwin Song #272 - “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” Song #910 - “Boundless Love” Shepherd’s Prayer - David Burks 10:45 a.m. SERVICE Song Service - Botham Jean Song - “Wonderful, Merciful Savior” Welcome and Family News - Craig Russell Prayer - Jimmy Harper Song #282 - “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Song #177 - “God Himself Is With Us” Song - “Salvation Belongs to Our God” Song - “How Deep the Father’s love” Lord’s Supper - Paul Morgan Song - “You’re the One, You’re the only one” Scripture Reading - James Dillard, Acts 2:29-38 “The Power of the Gospel Illustrated” - Milo Hadwin Song #272 - “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” Song #968 - “Shine, Jesus Shine” Shepherd’s Prayer - Don England 5:00 p.m. SERVICE Song Service - Tom Ritchie Scripture Reading - Psalm 139:7-12 “Living in God’s Presence” - Bruce Black 7:15 p.m. SERVICE Song Service - Wesley Bland Speaker - Scot Harris Shepherd’s Prayer - Don England
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