POLICE ORDER NO. 286/89 test for the post of 1. In modification of previous Police OrderslCjrculars' the recruitment ent shall be conductedby a selection constablelwoman constable/sepoy of rjitttir:t7d;lii""i*t"uurn Committee consisting of the following members :(a) Constable/Woman Constable : (i) Supdt. of Police of the district Chairman (ii) DY. Commandantof OSAP Bn' Member (iii) Senior D. S. P./A. S. P- of the district Member (b) $epoy : (i) Commandant of the OSAP Bn. Chairman (ii) Addl. s. P. Member (iii) Senior-mostAsst. Comdt. of OSAP Bn. Member look icto (c) The Range D. I.- G. of police shall overseethe entire .process.of .recrujtment and of allegatioo preventigg to ygw a o1-wiitr -Committee at the.pot an[ aitpotlln.m complaints/grievances also' Selection the of 1U" results rfriff-*rtifi H? later on. malpractices,-.etc. for the educaticr"s 2. Out of full marks of 10, marks will be awarded in the following manner :qualification of the candidate Marks Awarded Division Educational qualification (i) GeneralMatriculation (ii) S. C./S.T. Matriculation Non Matriculation 1st Division l0 Marks 2nd Division 5 Marks 3rd Division 3 Marks Compartmontal 0 Marks lst Division 10 ]vlarks 2nd Division 5 Marks 3rd Division 3 Marks Compartmental 2 Marks ClassIX 0 Marks 319 3, Physical Standatd-Out following mannef :- of full marks of 10, marks will be awarded flor the height in tho (i) Constable/Sepoy: (a) General (b)s.c./s.T. Height Height 168-170 CM '0'Mark 17r-173 CM 2 Marks 174-176 CM 4 Marks 177:i79 CM 6 Marks 180-182 CM 8 Marks 183 & 10 Marks above 163-16s CM '0'Mark 166-168 CM 2 Marks 169-171 CM 4 Marks 172-174 CM 6 Marks t7s-t77 cM 8 Marks 178 & above l0 Marks 157-1s9 CM '0' Mark (ii) Woman Constable : (a) General (b)s.c./s.T. Height Height 160-162 CM 2 Marks 163-165 CM 4 Marks 166-168 CM 6 Marks 169-171 CM 8 Marks 172 & above 152-154 CM l0 Marks '0'Mark 155-157 CM 2 Marks 158-160 CM 4 Marks 161-163 CM 6 Marks 164-166 CM 8 Marks 167 & above l0 Marks 4. Weight : (i) Constable/SePoY (ii) Woman constablc General . 55 Kgs. s.c.,/s. T 50 Kgs. General 47'5 Kgs. s.c.,/s. T. 45 Kgs. General 79 CM 84 CM 76 CM 8l CM 5. Chest : (i) Constable/SePoY s.c./s.T. (Un-expanded) (Expanded) (Un-expanded) (Expanded) 6.A g e : ConstablelWoman Constable/Sepoy: Between18-25 yeersfor generalcandidatesand relaxableup to 5 yearsin caseof S. C./S. T, candidates. 320 7. The candidate>for recruitment to the rank of Constable/Sepoywill bo put through a physical test in the following manner:(i) Rururing-1'6 Kms. in 3 minutes (ii) Cross country'--8 I{ms. in 50 minutes (iii) tsroad Jump-3'66 Meters (3 chances) (iv) High Jump -1'22 Metres(3 chances) (v) Cycling--l'6 Kms. (5 minutes) (vi) Swimming-(qualify) Failure in any onE of these testsshrll lead to disqualification. Besidesthe candidate will not be allowed to competl further' in thal recfuifment test. 8. The candidatesfor recruitment ro the rank of Woman Constableshall be put through a. physical t est in the following manner:(i) Running-1'6 Kms. in l0 minutes (ii) 80 Metres low hurdles in 30 seconds (iii) Cycling-1'6 Kms. in 7 minutes (iv) Broad jump ot 2'71 Metres (3 chances) (v) Swimming (qualify) Failure in any one of these tests shall lead to disqualification. Besidesthe candidate will not rllowed to compete further in that recruitment test. 9. Out of frill malks ol 10, mai'ks will be awarded to the candidatesin possession.ofSportsl Athletic Certificatesin the fcllorving rnanner : (i) Games/Sports the School in Inter-School Tournament of thc Certificates,issueil for representlae Crrcleor iir the District --1 l,iatks (ii) Representing the district in Sports/Athletic Meet-S Marks (iii) Representingat State leval in SportsiAthlelic Meet-8 Marks (iv) Reprerentrngat Na;ionet l;r'el-l0 Marks 10. Candidatesrvho qualify in the ph;'sical test shall have to appear in a written test of 50 mar ks comprising 25 rnarks for Oriya and English dictation and 25 marks for GeneralKnowledge. 11. After conciusion of the rvritten test, e Vit'o voce test will be conductedby the Selection Committee. Full marks for Vit:i toc; test is 20 rrarks. age : 12. Condonation of phvsical r,reasilretnents/over 663. {n) Sel.'ction of recruits of strong healthy men betewen the ages of 18 and 25 and able to read 3nd rviite the vernacular riha11b; selectedas recflrits. The standards of height and chest measurementsare given below. These are the minima and Superintsndentsshould endeavour to get men of higher standards. .. (167'64Cm.) Height5feet6inches (81'28 Cm.) Cheet 32 inches (sa's3Kg.) Weight 120 lbs. Tribe the physical stsndard Caste and Scheduled In casesof can4i4atesccming frcm thr Scheduled may be reduced by 2" both in respectof height and chest and 10lbs. in weight. (c. O. Nc. 14010/P., datedthe 5th April 1975) . 'Lhe chest, the measuring tape must be applied evenly but rrot tightly. f.i61r-(l) In rneasurin_s Its upper edge touching the lon'er boider of the shoulder blades snd its lower edge passlngjust above the nifples, ihe ar65 he,ngingby the sides. The standard io the minimum measursment,with the chest fully tleflated. Just before the measurementis .taken the candidates shall be ma6e to count up to thirty, rvithout taking breath on rviihout hurrying. @ In the case of backward tribes the Inspector-Generalhas discretion to reduce these standards, if necessary (b) Recruits shall be measured by the reserve Inspector in the Superintendent'spresenceat the time of enlightmmt. 321 13. Declarationof Results: * the results of the After cornpletionaf tire test, "H.' the_Chairm-anof th; Committee shlll announce more tlran 10.-olu not ccrnprising waiiiqc.list inr a;,i"te ;i; itiit oi m:rit. ^.^.l"roit-.trl L merle. Tirs lisc siriil r:main- valid for one year frorn the "ua6;6ni"r"irr-ori"i of tjra ua*an"i.rY-ugiinti *ii"ir Ccmmittee whicheveris earlier' Soleoiion clate of poiiii"urioi- ot irotOingof anotirrr 14. Reservationof S'C'/S'T' candidates: . _ -i .- S. T. cf the vacancieshave to be reserved'The Asper the preient.rulesl5o7iforS.C.; "io l3o,/,,f9r p.rrcentage in recruitment is maintainedas per. the .,vi[ thii that" ti. .u"r" adequate take Committee of S..C./S. T. candiiates the -'iecruiting n,rnavailabilit! of ev.snt Roster maintained. However, *^]f-t." districts. The recruiting/i:ppointing pofic"'ifqi-. fi,rm olrer io.utitrg, tn"* for Siut* 'compotent Officer w1r moue-Ur" general candiiiales' appoint to dereGrveanri authotity ir'"Ji Manr;al R.,:f. Rule 663 (a) & Previous P. O. No. 167 (revised)
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