Ksenia Pachueva 32 ans 30, rue Pavillon 13100, Aix-en-Provence - France Tél : +33 E-mail : [email protected] Document Controller Trilingue anglais-français-russe, je souhaite partager mes connaissances et mon expérience en gestion de l’information (gestion de la documentation, veille) dans le cadre d’une nouvelle mission me permettant de mettre au service d’une équipe l’ensemble de mes compétences professionnelles, ainsi que mes capacités d’adaptabilité, de rigueur, d’autonomie, et mon sens de l’organisation . - COMPÉTENCES Développement et mise en place des outils de gestion documentaire Gestion de la documentation de projet Veille, communication LANGUES Russe (maternel) Français (courant) Anglais (courant) INFORMATIQUE Bureautique : MSOffice suite, Acrobat Pro, Adobe FineReader GED: SGTi, Lotus, IDM (ITER document management system), … Graphisme: MSVision, CorelDraw Web design: SharePoint Montage vidéo: Ex. : CamStudio, VSDC Video Editor, … Gestion de requis: DOORs FORMATIONS 2009 – Master «Valorisation de l’Information» IEP Aix-en-Provence (France) 2003 – Master «Linguistique – Traduction/Interprétariat» Université Polytechnique de Tomsk (Russie) EXPÉRIENCES PROFESSIONNELLES De Août 2013 à présent, d’Avril 2012 à Novembre 2012, de Mars 2010 à Septembre 2011 (contrats de prestation) ITER Organization, fusion nucléaire DOCUMENT CONTROLLER Développement d’un système d’échange de la documentation projet (Chine, Etats-Unis, Europe, Inde, Japon, Korée, Russie), et de la procédure afférente ; Préparation de supports de formation à l’utilisation de l’outil de gestion documentaire IDM (présenations, tutoriels vidéo, pages SharePoint) ; Organisation et conduite de sessions de formation du public technique et scientifique ; Contrôle de livrables documetaires ; Suivi du planning de livraison documetaire et reporting hebdomadaire/mensuel au service procurement ; Elaboration de rapports. De Novembre 2012 à Juillet 2013 (contrats de prestation) Technip France, Oil&Gas ; Bombardier Transport, ferroviaire DOCUMENT CONTROLLER Participation à la révision de la procédure de gestion documentaire projet ; Vérification et mise à jour du Master Document Register du projet ; Enregistrement de bordereaux de transmission ; Impression de plans, archivage ; Suivi de commentaires techniques, enregistrement de données, relances. De Novembre 2011 à Décembre 2011 (contrat interim) Consortium ENGAGE (pour l’Agence Européenne ITER), BTP ASSISTANTE EN GESTION DOCUMENTAIRE Proposition d’une méthodologie et assistance à la constitution des dossiers TQC. D’Octobre 2008 à Décembre 2009 (alternance) Thales Alenia Space, aérospatial ASSISTANTE EN VEILLE ET COMMUNICATION Recherche de l’information technologique, économique, géopolitique relative aux différents projets spatiaux (observation, télécom) ; Rédaction de notes de synthèses et d’un rapport de veille final ; Recherche de fournisseurs potentiels et élaboration de grilles de contact en fonction des compétences clés requises ; Traduction des specifications techniques ; Rédaction de correspondance officielle destinée aux partenaires russophones ; Interprétariat lors de réunions techniques et négociations contractuelles. CENTRES D’INTÉRÊT: lecture, randonnées, musique Ksenia Pachueva 30 rue Pavillon 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France +33 6 32 20 83 50 e-mail [email protected] Career Objective Resourceful professional specialised in technical and administrative document management activities in international engineering/scientific environments with strong ability to communicate effectively with multi-cultural audiences looking to demonstrate my project-oriented skills and contribute to the successful execution of various projects. Core Qualifications • • Documentation management Technology scouting • • International communication Translation/interpreting Professional Experience Current employment - Document controller (ITER Organization, external contractor) • • • • • • • • • • Organising EDMS work spaces for the storage of internal documentation and the delivery of external documentation Monitoring the delivery of external administrative and technical documentation according to the written procedures and in line with requirements and procurement related documentation (scheduling, QA plans, etc.); checking documentation compliance with editing and formatting requirements Communicating with internal and external engineering staff and external document management offices on the implementation of procurement documentation management practices Participating in the development of reporting tools to measure the external documentation delivery compliance to the requirements defined in the relevant documentation Identifying documentation management related issues and assisting engineering staff to effectively resolve them Preparing support material (presentations, SharePoint pages) to facilitate the understanding of ITER Organization document management practices Organising training sessions on the document management activities (face-to-face, video conferencing, livemeetings) Organising/participating in meetings with ITER Organization business units involved in external documentation management. Supporting the development and testing of new EDMS system features Writing agendas, minutes of meetings, ensuring clerical tasks. Previous experience – Document controller/Technical assistant • • • • • • • • • • • • • Participated in the review of a project document management procedure (Technip France) Participated in the checking and update of Master Document Register (Technip France) Ensured the print-out of drawings, paticipated in the referncing and filing of project documentation fro archiving purposes (Technip France) Participated in the transmission of vendor documentation (Technip France) Ensured the follow-up of technical issues raised by the client through a dedicated system, maintained the data to provide the evidence that the issues are being considered and resolved within engineering departments (Bombardier Transport, France) Developed and implemented a system for project documentation exchange, and a relevant Procedure on procurement documentation exchange between ITER Organization and external stakeholders taking into account QA requirements of distribution of responsibilities, documentation traceability and access (ITER Organization) Prepared training material (presentations, video tutorials, SharePoint pages) and conducted training sessions for technical and scientific staff (ITER Organization) Prepared weekly/monthly procurement documentation delivery reports (ITER Organization) Proposed a methodology and participated in the building of As-built dossiers (Consortium ENGAGE for European ITER Domestic Agency (F4E)) Performed the search of strategic information related to the company’s activity (Thales Alenia Space) Performed the search of potential suppliers and developped contact grids based on companies' core competences (Thales Alenia Space) Wrote weekly executive summaries and a technology scouting report based on the found information for the use of the project management (Thales Alenia Space) Interpreted during international negotiations (Thales Alenia Space). Additional Skills Languages Russian (native), French (fluent), English (fluent) IT skills MSOffice, Adobe Acrobat Pro, MSVisio, SharePoint, CamStudio, SGTi, Lotus, Adobe FineReader, DOORs, ITER Document Management System… Education Master’s Degree « Law, Economics, Business Administration», specialisation in Information Management, Institute of Political Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France (2009) Master’s Degree « Linguistics, Cross-cultural Communication », specialisation in Translation/Interpreting, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia (2003) Employment History ITER Organization (fusion research, Saint Paul Lèz Durance, France) Document controller 2013 – Current, external fixed-term contract Technip France (oil and gas, Lyon, France) Document controller 2013, external fixed-term contract Bombardier Transport (railway, Crespin, France) Technical Assistant 2012-2013, external fixed-term contract ITER Organisation (fusion research, Saint Paul Lèz Durance, France) Document controller 2012, external fixed-term contract Consortium ENGAGE for European ITER Domestic Agency (civil engineering, Saint Paul Lèz Durance, France) Assistant in documentation management 2011, interim contract ITER Organisation (fusion research, Saint Paul Lèz Durance, France) Document controller 2010 – 2011, interim contract Thales Alenia Space (aerospace, Cannes La Bocca, France) Assistant in international partnership development and technology scouting 2008 – 2009, internship References Mr. Daniele Parravicini Section Leader, Document Control Section ITER Organization Phone: +33 4 42 17 67 78 e-mail: [email protected] Mr. Eric Pailharey Export Business Development and Proposal Manager, Thales Alenia Space Phone: +33 4 92 92 30 68 e-mail: [email protected] Ms. Séverine Lafage Project Documentation Control And Project Secretariats Department Manager, Technip France Phone: + 33 4 72 72 42 13 e-mail: [email protected]
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