Yishun 2015 2015 2015 Enrichment Programme (January – May) 1. Phase One Registration : Student members who are currently on CDAC Activity Fee Subsidy Scheme Please bring the CDAC Activity Fee Subsidy Scheme successful notification letter for the registration of programme. A number of vacancies for each class will be allocated to this group of student members on first-come-first served basis. Students who missed Phase One registration or are not allocated any places can only register for programmes during Phase Two registration. !"# $%&' Registration Date: 23/11/2014 – 29/11/2014 : (Sun - Sat ) 2. Phase Two Registration : All other student members Registration Start Date From: : 30/11/2014 (Sun ) Blk 145 Yishun St 11 #01-41 S(760145) ℡ : 6752 7760 Operating Hours : Mon – Fri(1pm – 10pm) Sat & Sun(10am – 5pm) Closed on Public Holidays Reg. No. 199202625K REGISTRATION INFORMATION i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. As part of our effort to go green, the module outline is not included in this flyer. The module outline is available at CDAC@ Yishun. Alternatively, members could also download the module outline from CDAC Website (www.cdac.org.sg). Availability of programmes is on a first-come-first serve basis. No booking by proxy. Parents are allowed to only register your own child/children for the programmes. There are 2 mass registrations per year. The next mass registration will be held in May/June 2015. Unless otherwise stated , there will be no priority registration for students who are attending the January to May programme. The Enrichment Programme (January – May 2015) is a half-year programme unless otherwise stated. Each class would consist of 16 lessons. Payment will be collected based on per 8 lessons. Registration would be closed three weeks after the commencement date of per 8 lessons or when the enrolment is full. For registration, please bring along your Student EZ Link Card . A new class will need to meet the minimum class size before it could commence. There shall be no book and computer loaning services on the first day of registration for both phases. Payment either by cash or cheque only. Payment must be made at the point of registration. Cheque should be made payable to “CDAC”. The centre will cease collection of fees half an hour before the centre’s closure time. The timings for the last collection of fees are 9.30pm on Monday to Friday and 4.30pm on Saturday and Sunday. The CDAC reserves the right to cancel or amend the course schedule, venue and teaching staff if and when necessary. Programmes are open to Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents. You have to register as a member of CDAC@ Yishun in order to register for programmes. Please bring along your birth certificate/ NRIC to register as our member. Membership is free. Chinese students from low-income families who meet the eligibility criteria can apply for CDAC Activity Fee Subsidy Scheme !"#$ %& '()*+,-./"/0123 456789:)*;%<=+,>?456787@ABCD EFGHIJ !"#$%&'(&)*')+,-./012 K EFGHIJL !"#$%&'(&)*')345(!"67!"80 &9:!;<=>6?@:!AB+C D =>67?:!EF:!GH !?)*,MNOPQRST+, K +,UVWX0YZ[\]^_`ab K cdefghi"jklmnope K?qd+,rst<Vuv>wxyz{|}~ uvST !W?+,P. WJl >?dPQRQRP- ¡¢£¤ ^¥¦<§¨b ©%ª«¡¢£¤ ^¥¦¬©® ¯°±P²¡!³´jµ xii. p¶·¸¹º»¼©¸¹º½¾¿¼ÀÁÂÃ@ .Ĺ)*WYZÀ\]/¿¼]ÅÆ.ÇÈà xiii. ÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑ[\.ÒWÓÔ(ÁhÕÖ×Ø) @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 Subject K1 & K2 English Phonics Date Day/Time / Fee(8 lessons) (8 ) L1 – L8 : 6/1 - 24/2 L9 – L16 : 3/3 - 21/4 Tue 6.30pm - 8.00pm $ 102 L1 – L8 : 6/1 - 24/2 L9 – L16 : 3/3 - 21/4 Tue 8.00pm – 9.30pm $ 102 L1 – L8 : 3/1 - 28/2 L9 – L16 : 7/3 - 25/4 Sat 11.30am - 1.00pm $ 105 Fri 6.30pm – 8pm $ 220 PRIMARY 1 & 2 English Phonics K2 Chinese Lesson 1 – 16 : Hanyu Pinyin [Tablet Enhanced E-Learning] K1 to PRIMARY 4 Junior Robotic Lesson 1-8: Usage of Gears Lesson 9-16: Usage of Pulleys L1 – L8 : 2/1 - 27/2 L9 – L16 : 6/3 - 8/5 PRIMARY 5 & 6 Senior Robotic Lesson 1-16: Introduction to Robotics Fri L1 – L8 : 2/1 - 27/2 8.00pm – 9.30pm L9 – L16 : 6/3 - 8/5 !"# $ %&'() No classes on 18 – 22/2 (Chinese New Year) , 3/4 (Good Friday) , 1/5 (Labour Day) 18 - 22/2 , 3/4 1/5 $ 220 @ YISHUN New Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 The programmes consist of 16 lessons. Payment is collected based on per 8 lessons . Subject Level Focus Students will: Be introduced to vowel and consonant sounds of the alphabet Learn how-to-read formula. Be introduced to beginning, middle, and K1/K2 ending sounds in order to decipher words when learning to read. Develop phonemic awareness skills to reinforce reading. Be introduced to the long sounds of the alphabet and word families. Improve spelling by learning and recognising spelling patterns. Listen to accurate oral readings – story / poem / non-fiction text. Learn to read with expression and clarity. Cultivate good penmanship skills. (Improve handwriting) English Phonics Students will: Learn to put expression into the voice when reading or speaking Further develop phonemic awareness skills in context using Literature P1/P2 To have more opportunities to show & tell, express feelings, experiences, and ideas, give instructions, deliver mini-talks etc Learn to develop the ability to give information or instructions Learn to speak in front of an audience Develop effective oratory skills Learn to become a confident public speaker Learn to present Show & Tell effectively for school requirements @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 The programmes consist of 16 lessons. Payment is collected based on per 8 lessons . Subject Level Focus New Lesson 1 – 16 : Hanyu Pinyin [Tablet Enhanced E-Learning] ! Chinese " K2 #$% !&' "#$%&' !()*+,-./012345'6789:;<=> !/?6 6@ABC9DE DBF.GF 23-)*+,-.HI @ Yishun Homework Clinic! (Primary School English and Maths) Having Problems with Homework? No one to seek help from? Every Monday and Tuesday 8.00pm – 9.30pm *Call us at 6752 7760 to make an appointment * 6752 7760 @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 New The programmes consist of 16 lessons. Payment is collected based on per 8 lessons . Subject Junior Robotic () * Level K1-P4 + Focus Introduction to robotics as a field of study. Introduction to building and programming of robots using the LEGO® Education WeDo Construction Set. Identifying and understanding the different mechanisms powering the robots. Learn to explain how these mechanisms work. Students get to create their own models by making use of the knowledge acquired from the past lessons. Lesson 1-8: Usage of Gears Building of robots that make use of gears. Lesson 9-16: Usage of Pulleys Building of robots that make use of pulleys. Subject Level Focus Lesson 1-16: Introduction to Robotics )*./ Senior Robotic ,) * P5 & P6 - Introduction to robotics as a field of study. Introduction to the LEGO® MINDSTORMS EV3. Learn how to identify and name the different parts in the set. Understand how the different motors and sensors work, and how to incorporate them into the robots. Learn how to build and program LEGO® MINDSTORMS EV3 robots. Learn how to modify the robots and programs to enable the robots to fulfil differet task requirements. @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 Subject PRIMARY 1 Date Day/Time / Fee(8 lessons) (8 ) 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 12.30pm - 2pm $ 105 3/1 - 28/2 7/3 - 25/4 Sat 10.00am -11.30am $ 105 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 10.30am - 12pm $ 131 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 10.30am - 12pm $ 105 3/1 - 28/2 7/3 - 25/4 Sat 11.30am - 1.00pm $ 105 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 12.30pm - 2pm $ 131 English : Lessons 1 – 16 : Systemic Coverage of Foundational Knowledge Chinese : Lesson 1 – 16 : Hanyu Pinyin and Textbook-Sync Learning Math PRIMARY 2 English : Lessons 1 – 16 : Systemic Coverage of Foundational Knowledge Chinese : Lesson 1 – 16 : Textbook-Sync Learning, Comprehension and Oral Math !"# * %&'() No classes on 18 – 22/2 (Chinese New Year) , 3/4 (Good Friday) , 1/5 (Labour Day) , 3/4 1/5 18 - 22/2 @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 Subject Date Day/Time / Fee(8 lessons) (8 ) 5/1 - 23/2 2/3 - 20/4 Mon 6.30pm - 8pm $ 105 8/1 - 5/3 12/3 - 30/4 Thu 6.30pm - 8pm $ 105 7/1 - 4/3 11/3 - 29/4 Wed 6.30pm - 8pm $ 141 6/1 - 24/2 3/3 - 21/4 Tue 6.30pm - 8pm $ 149 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 10.30am - 12pm $ 132 6/1 - 24/2 3/3 - 21/4 Tue 8pm - 9.30pm $ 123 PRIMARY 3 English : Lessons 1 – 16 : Systemic Coverage of Foundational Knowledge Chinese : Lesson 1 – 16 : Textbook-Sync Learning, Comprehension, Creative Writing and Oral Math Science : Lesson 1 – 8: 01 Diversity Lesson 9 – 16: 21 Cycles Challenging Mathematics (E-Learning) -Eligibility Criteria: 70% and above Chinese E-Speed Reading (E-Learning) !"# * %&'() No classes on 18 – 22/2 (Chinese New Year) , 3/4 (Good Friday) , 1/5 (Labour Day) , 3/4 1/5 18 - 22/2 @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 Subject Date Day/Time / Fee(8 lessons) (8 ) 5/1 - 23/2 2/3 - 20/4 Mon 8pm - 9.30pm $ 105 8/1 - 5/3 12/3 - 30/4 Thu 8pm - 9.30pm $ 105 7/1 - 4/3 11/3 - 29/4 Wed 8pm - 9.30pm $ 141 6/1 - 24/2 3/3 - 21/4 Tue 8pm - 9.30pm $ 149 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 12pm - 1.30pm $ 132 6/1 - 24/2 3/3 - 21/4 Tue 6.30pm - 8pm $ 123 PRIMARY 4 English : Lessons 1 – 16 : Systemic Coverage of Foundational Knowledge Chinese : Lesson 1 – 16 : Textbook-Sync Learning, Comprehension, Creative Writing and Oral Math Science : Lesson 1 – 8: 01 Energy & Cycles Lesson 9 – 16: 21 Energy Challenging Mathematics (E-Learning) -Eligibility Criteria: 70% and above Chinese E-Speed Reading (E-Learning) !"# * %&'() No classes on 18 – 22/2 (Chinese New Year) , 3/4 (Good Friday) , 1/5 (Labour Day) , 3/4 1/5 18 - 22/2 @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 Subject Date Day/Time / Fee(8 lessons) (8 ) 5/1 - 23/2 2/3 - 20/4 Mon 6.30pm - 8pm $ 133 8/1 - 5/3 12/3 - 30/4 Thu 6.30pm - 8pm $ 105 7/1 - 4/3 11/3 - 29/4 Wed 6.30pm - 8pm $ 136 6/1 - 24/2 3/3 - 21/4 Tue 6.30pm - 8pm $ 149 5/1 - 23/2 2/3 - 20/4 Mon 8pm - 9.30pm $ 132 7/1 - 4/3 11/3 - 29/4 Wed 8pm - 9.30pm $ 145 * PRIMARY 5 English : Writing, Oral, Comprehension/Cloze / Chinese : Lesson 1 – 16 : Textbook-Sync Learning, Comprehension, Creative Writing and Oral Math Science : Lesson 1 – 8: 01 Systems Lesson 9 – 16: 21 Cycles Challenging Mathematics (E-Learning) -Eligibility Criteria: 70% and above Chinese E-Speed Reading (E-Learning) +,-./0123 4567 No classes on 18 – 22/2 (Chinese New Year) , 3/4 (Good Friday) , 1/5 (Labour Day) * 1/5 !"# 18 - 22/2 , 3/4 %&'() *For students taking subject in standard level only @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 Subject Date Day/Time / Fee(8 lessons) (8 ) 5/1 - 23/2 2/3 - 20/4 Mon 8pm - 9.30pm $ 133 8/1 - 5/3 12/3 - 30/4 Thu 8pm - 9.30pm $ 105 7/1 - 4/3 11/3 - 29/4 Wed 8pm - 9.30pm $ 136 6/1 - 24/2 3/3 - 21/4 Tue 8pm - 9.30pm $ 149 5/1 - 23/2 2/3 - 20/4 Mon 6.30pm - 8pm $ 132 7/1 - 4/3 11/3 - 29/4 Wed 6.30pm - 8pm $ 145 * PRIMARY 6 English : Writing, Oral, Comprehension/Cloze / Chinese : Lesson 1 – 16 : Textbook-Sync Learning, Comprehension, Creative Writing and Oral Maths Science : Lesson 1 – 8: 01 Interactions Lesson 9 – 16: 21 Interactions Challenging Mathematics (E-Learning) -Eligibility Criteria: 70% and above Chinese E-Speed Reading (E-Learning) *For students taking subject in standard level only +,-./0123 4567 !"# * %&'() No classes on 18 – 22/2 (Chinese New Year) , 3/4 (Good Friday) , 1/5 (Labour Day) 18 - 22/2 , 3/4 1/5 @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 New The programmes consist of 16 lessons. Payment is collected based on per 8 lessons . Subject Level Focus P3 7 Lesson 1 – 8: 01 Mental Sums Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division Reversing Method Order of Operations Multiples & Age problems with Models Sum & Difference with models Lesson 9 – 16: 21 Regulation Problems Number & Periodic Patterns Grouping & Substitution Allocation & Transfer problems Money Time P4 + Lesson 1 – 8: 01 Place Values & Rounding Off Mental Sums of Addition & Subtraction Factors & Multiples and Division Order of Operations Reversing Method Fractions (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division) Lesson 9 – 16: 21 Decimals Sum & Difference with Models Multiples & Models Grouping & Elimination Allocation & Transfer Problems with Models Double “If” & Remainder Problems with Models Challenging Math 3456 (E-learning % ) Entry requirement: P3-P4 students should score at least 70 marks in Maths. Please submit latest Maths result slip during registration. ! "#$% @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 The programmes consist of 16 lessons. Payment is collected based on per 8 lessons . Subject Level Focus P5 - Lesson 1 – 8: 01 Order of Operations & Mental sums Reversing Method Multiples & Models Allocation Problems with Models Fractions I Project Problems Lesson 9 – 16: 21 Tree Planting Problems Grouping & Elimination Regulations & Number Patterns Sum of Number Patterns & Periodic Patterns Guess & Check Problems Insufficiency Problems Average P6 Lesson 1 – 8: 01 Reversing Method Order of Operations & Mental Sums Algebra Basic Algebra Substitution & Elimination Grouping & Periodic Patterns Lesson 9 – 16: 21 Regulations & Number Patterns Fractions & Branching Method Ratio Percentage Allocation & Internal Transfer Double “If” & Remainder Problems Project & Inductive Problems Challenging Maths 3456 (E-learning % ) Entry requirement: P5-P6 students should score at least 60 marks in Maths. Please submit latest Maths result slip during registration. &' ( ! "#$% @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 The programmes consist of 16 lessons. Payment is collected based on per 8 lessons . Subject Level Focus Lesson 1 – 16 : Chinese E-SPEED Reading E-Learning! " ,89: ! JK9LMNOPQRS'TUVDMT9WX> P3 7 Chinese ESPEED Reading " ,8 9: YZ[\ ]^_`Zab cdab-JeOPfdghij fdVDab klhmab VDMTWX MTnU-To.UoWX Lesson 1 – 16 : Chinese E-SPEED Reading E-Learning! " ,89: ! JK9LMNOPQRS'TUVDMT9WX> P4 + YZ[\ ]^_`Zab cdab-JeOPfdghij fdVDab klhmab VDMTWX MTnU-To.UoWX @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 The programmes consist of 16 lessons. Payment is collected based on per 8 lessons . Subject Level Focus Lesson 1 – 16 : Chinese E-SPEED Reading E-Learning! " ,89: ! JK9LMNOPQRS'TUVDMT9WX> P5 Chinese ESPEED Reading " ,8 9: YZ[\ ]^_`Zab cdab-JeOPfdghij fdVDab klhmab VDMTWX MTnU-To.UoWX Lesson 1 – 16 : Chinese E-SPEED Reading E-Learning! " ,89: ! JK9LMNOPQRS'TUVDMT9WX> P6 YZ[\ ]^_`Zab cdab-JeOPfdghij fdVDab klhmab VDMTWX MTnU-To.UoWX @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 Subject SECONDARY 1 Date Day/Time / Fee(8 lessons) (8 ) English (EX/NA/ 2/1 - 27/2 6/3 - 8/5 Fri 8pm - 9.30pm $ 143 Chinese (EX/NA/ 8/1 - 5/3 12/3 - 30/4 Thu 8pm - 9.30pm $ 116 E. Maths (EX) 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 12.30pm - 2pm $ 220 E. Maths (NA) 2/1 - 27/2 6/3 - 8/5 Fri 6.30pm - 8pm $ 123 Science (EX) 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 10.30am - 12pm $ 118 English (EX/NA/ 2/1 - 27/2 6/3 - 8/5 Fri 6.30pm - 8.00pm $ 143 Chinese (EX/NA/ 8/1 - 5/3 12/3 - 30/4 Thu 6.30pm - 8.00pm $ 116 E. Maths (EX) 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 2pm - 3.30pm $ 220 E. Maths (NA) 2/1 - 27/2 6/3 - 8/5 Fri 8pm - 9.30pm $ 123 Science (EX) 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 12.30pm - 2.00pm $ 118 SECONDARY 2 !"# * %&'() No classes on 18 – 22/2 (Chinese New Year) , 3/4 (Good Friday) , 1/5 (Labour Day) , 3/4 1/5 18 - 22/2 @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 Subject SECONDARY 3 Date Day/Time / Fee(8 lessons) (8 ) English (EX/NA/ 2/1 - 27/2 6/3 - 8/5 Fri 8pm - 9.30pm $ 176 Chinese (EX/NA/ 8/1 - 5/3 12/3 - 30/4 Thu 6.30pm-8.00pm $ 127 E. Maths (EX) 3/1 - 28/2 7/3 - 25/4 Sat 12.00pm - 1.30pm $ 246 E. Maths (NA) 2/1 - 27/2 6/3 - 8/5 Fri 6.30pm-8.00pm $ 123 Additional Math ,6; (EX) 3/1 - 28/2 7/3 - 25/4 Sat 2.30pm - 4pm $ 246 7/1 - 4/3 11/3 - 29/4 Wed 7.30pm - 9.30pm $ 167 3/1 - 28/2 7/3 - 25/4 Sat 10.00am - 12pm $ 167 Combined Science - Physics <= >?@A(EX) Combined Science - Chemistry <= >B A(EX) SECONDARY 4/5 /SECONDARY 4 & 5 (NA) !") English (EX/NA/ 2/1 - 27/2 6/3 - 8/5 Fri 6.30pm-8.00pm $ 176 Chinese (EX/NA/ 8/1 - 5/3 12/3 - 30/4 Thu 8pm - 9.30pm $ 127 E. Maths (EX) 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 12.30pm - 2pm $ 246 E. Maths (NA) 2/1 - 27/2 6/3 - 8/5 Fri 8pm - 9.30pm $ 123 Additional Math ,6; CDEFGHIJK->LMNO PH 4/1 - 1/3 8/3 - 26/4 Sun 10.30am - 12pm $ 246 8/1 - 5/3 12/3 - 30/4 Thu 7.30pm - 9.30pm $ 167 3/1 - 28/2 7/3 - 25/4 Sat 12.30pm - 2.30pm $ 167 Combined Science - Physics <= >?@A (DEFGHIJK->LMNO PH Combined Science - Chemistry <= >B A CDEFGHIJK->LMNO PH !"# * %&'() No classes on 18 – 22/2 (Chinese New Year) , 3/4 (Good Friday) , 1/5 (Labour Day) 18 - 22/2 , 3/4 1/5 @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 New The programmes consist of 16 lessons. Payment is collected based on per 8 lessons . Subject Level Focus Lesson 1 – 8 0 S3 (Express) K7 >FGA Simultaneous Equations Polynomials Remainder and Factor Theorem Partial Fractions Indices and Surds Quadratic Functions Characteristics of Roots Lesson 9 – 16 2 Power Graphs and Modulus Functions Binomial Theorem Logarithm Mid-Year Examination Revision Additional Math ,6; Lesson 1 – 8 0 S4 (Express) & S5 (Normal Academic) K+ >FGAJ K>NO PH Differential of Polynomial Equation of Tangent and Normal Stationary Point and Its Nature Minima and Maxima Rate of Change Differentiation of Trigonometry Lesson 9 – 16 2 Differentiation of Logarithm and Exponential Functions Integration Area Under Graph Kinematics Mid-Year Examination Revision @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 New The programmes consist of 16 lessons. Payment is collected based on per 8 lessons . Subject Level Focus Lesson 1 – 16 S3 (Express) K7 >FGA Combined Science Physics <= >?@A Physical Quantities and Measurement Kinematics Dynamics Mass, Weight and Density Turning Effect of Forces Pressure Work, Energy and Power Mid-Year Examination Revision Lesson 1 – 16 S4 (Express) & S5 (Normal Academic) K+ >FGAJ K>NO PH Reflection and Refraction of Light / Thin Lenses General Wave Properties Electromagnetic Waves / Sound Wave Static Electricity Current Electricity DC Circuit Practical Electricity Mid-Year Examination Revision @ YISHUN Enrichment Programme (Jan – May 2015) ֨15 New The programmes consist of 16 lessons. Payment is collected based on per 8 lessons . Subject Level Focus Lesson 1 – 8 0 S3 (Express) K7 >FGA Ionic and Covalent Chemical Formula Balancing Chemical Equations Kinetic Model of Matter Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Experimental Techniques Atomic Structure Lesson 9 – 16 2 Chemical Bonding Periodic Table Mid-Year Examination Revision Combined Science Chemistry Lesson 1 – 8 0 <= >B A S4 (Express) & S5 (Normal Academic) K+ >FGAJ K>NO PH Acids, Bases and Salts Air and Atmosphere Stoichiometry and Mole Concept Redox Reaction Lesson 9 – 16 2 Energy Changes Rate of Reactions Metals Qualitative Analysis Mid-Year Examination Revision Project Excellence 2015 Promising students from humble family could realise their dreams It comprises experiential learning and weekend integrated sessions to inculcate life-skills and good values !"#$% &'()*+$,-./01 23456 Join us for a Preview Session to understand more! Ϥͪ // (Wed ) pm-. !pm Call $$! %/ $$! %% & to register now! Programme Structure Primary (P3 to P5 ) Weekday Lessons English Math Science Weekend Sessions Revision, project work & activities to cultivate values School Holiday Activities December Finale !" Learning Journeys Outdoor June Camp !" Graduation Ceremony Eligibility Criteria #$%& 1. Result P3: Scored 70 marks & above for English, Math or Science P4-6: Scored 66 marks & above for English, Math or Science QRSTUV WWSTUV 2. Gross Monthly Household Income Applicant must be a recipient of CDAC Activity Fee Subsidy Scheme. Criteria as follows: • Gross Monthly Household Income does not exceed $3,300; or • Gross Monthly Per Capita Income does not exceed $900 !"#$%&'()* +,-./01 • 2345676889 :;2345<88 Programme Fee (via GIRO monthly payment) #'(()*+,-./01) S10 S25 After 90% fee subsidy: $10 per subject per month #$%&'()* ++,-$. After 75% fee subsidy: $25 per subject per month /0%&'()* ++,10. Schedule 234 Level P3 7 P4 + P5 - P3-P5 7- Subject Day X Time YZ English MON 6.30pm - 8pm Math WED 6.30pm - 8pm Science TUE 6.30pm - 8pm English MON 8pm - 9.30pm Math WED 8pm - 9.30pm Science TUE 8pm - 9.30pm English MON 6.30pm - 8pm Math WED 6.30pm - 8pm Science TUE 6.30pm - 8pm Fortnightly Integrated Session =>?@ ABC SAT 10am - 12pm 2015 UPERVISED OMEWORK ROUP 2015 !"#$%&'()*+,Supervised Homework Group Programme aims to provide a caring and fun learning environment for Primary 4 to 6 students, in discovering the right attitude towards their studies and life. ./001123456 789:;<=> ?@ABCDEFGH*I What happens in SHG? Volunteers to guide in students’ school work, Focus on English and Math subjects Indoor and outdoor educational and enriching activities JKLMNOPQRN STUVWXYZ 9:E<[\]^_`ab Vcdefgh]^_ijkjaaOVc deYlgh]^_imaa Eligibility criteria Primary 4 to 6 students Singaporean or PR students (at least 1 parent is a Chinese) English and Math results not exceeding 70 marks Monthly gross household income not exceeding $3,300 or monthly gross per capita income not exceeding $900 dnopqr sjtZ uvwxayz{xey|} deyz~ >XVc 89 :;<=>?@ABCDE GHFI=> • FKLMNOPQRSTUV WWXYZ[OPQ • J RS\WWX =]^_QRS` Wa • cdefghijklm • b Activity Day Every Saturday afternoon (3 hour duration) First day of SHG: 14/02/2015 Fees $15 per month SHG fees waiver will be applicable to existing beneficiaries of CDAC assistance schemes Note Priority will be given to the following students: • P5 and P6 students • Family’s monthly gross household income not exceeding $2,100 or per capita income not exceeding $700 • Academic results not exceeding 50 marks • Currently not receiving any tuition / Enquiry/Registration: 6603 5480/ 6603 5586/ 6603 5578/6603 5580
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