Ten Words in Context In the space provided, write the letter of the meaning closest to that of each boldfaced word. Use thg context of f}te sentences to help you figure out each word's meaning. One author was refused permission to give a speech on campus because hg / advocates violence as a means of social reform. 1 advocate (Idrve-kat') _ -verb Some gardeners consider chemicals and pesticides harmful; instead, advocate using "organic" methods of growing fruits and vegetables. Adt,ocate means a. to oppose. thery' c. to understand. b. to promote. (in+itpa-the) Bud's parents didn't understand why he hated school.until they found fhat the, reason for his antipathy was poor eyesight: he couldn't see the chalkboard. -noun I can't 2 antipathy believe that my sister is going to marry Frank. Just a few months ago she showed complete antipathy toward him. _ a. Antipathy means c. a preference. b. a lack of concem. a strons dislike. (e-mlnf si-pat') The salesman promised that hid amazing machine-a vacuum cleaner, floc( polisher, and carpet shampooer in one-would emancipate us from hours o -verb backbreaking housework. 3 emancipate When the Allies entered. Germany at the end of World War tr, the/ emancipated many foreigners and political'prisoners who had been used a slave laborers in German indusfries. _ a. to encourage. Emancipate means c. to free. b. to administer justice. My uncle asks very personal questions, but piease don't be offended-it's juSt an idiosyncrasy of his. He doesn't realize how odd it seems to others. 4 idiosyncrasy (id'e-o-sing tkra-se) -noun For as long as I've known Clara, 6jre's had the unusual idiosyncrasy oS dressing only in black. _ a. a personal Idiosyncra,vy means 5 imminent a dangerous habit. c. a selfish habit. As word spread that the king's death was imminent, the people began to -adjective gather at the palace gates. They wanted to be nearby when he died. Imrninent means a. over. 6 impede b. delaved. i c. likelv to occur soon. -verb Muddy roads impeded the progress of the trucks,biinging food to the refugees The construction work at the mall impeded shop,pers, who had to step around piles of planks, cables, crates, tools, and sacks of cement. Impede means a. to Gm-pedt) 76 b. We canceled the picnic because a thr,rnderstonn seemed imminent. (imte-nont) _ habtt. a a oppress. b. to hinder. c. to include. Chaprer . 7 inclusive (in-kloo'siv) ' Inclusive means Jurisdiction means . The united states has no jurisdiction over foreign embassies on American soil; those embassies are under the authority of their own governments. b. beliefs. c. control . The icy roads made travel precarious. ' The old, worn-out electrical wiring in the building puts all the residents precarious -adjective flL c.- about to start. shakespeare's theater, the Globe, was built across the river from London. Officials had forbidden theaters in London, but the other side of the river was beyond their jurisdiction. a. advice. (pre-kdrte-as) in a precarious position. At any moment, it could fail, causing a fire. Precarious means preposterous (pr6-p6s ttar-es) -adjective Preposterous b. lacking something. it printed u ' -noun _ all visits, tests, The newspaper's coverage of the trial was inclusive; day by day, word-for-word transcript of the courtroom proceedings. a. complete B jurisdiction (obr'is-dik tshan) 10 TT treatments, and olher services. -adjectiue _ The medical center's annual fee is inclusive, covering 13 a. unsafe. b. illegal. c. unusual. ' Louis always comes up with preposterous get-rich-quick schemes. Now he wants to open a doughnuf stopin Antarctica. ' The discovery of x-rays in 1895 was followed by some preposterous ideas and fears. For example, merchants in England sold "x-ray-proof, underwear. means a. risky. b. exciting. c. ridiculous. Watching Words with Definitions Following are definitions of the ten words. Clearly write or print each word next to its deflnition. The will help you decide on the meaning of each word. sentences above and on the previous page l. To delay or slow; get in the way of Including much or everything; broad or complete in coverage To speak or write in favor of; support The authority to administer justice; authority; range or extent authorify A strong dislike or distaste; hatred To set free from slavery, captivity, or oppression Contrary to nature or reason and thus,laughable; absurd A personal peculiarity; quirk Dangerous ; risky; dangerously uncertain About to happen CAWION: Do not go any further until ybu are sure the above answers are corect. Then you cari use-the definitions you in the following practices. Yorlr goat is eventually to know the words well enough so that you don't need fo lelp to check the definitions at all. of I - Uneflr ii Alfk1nfi' ut r a. advocate f. w. tu b. impede antipathy g. incf emancipate usive h. jurisdiction l/ \ fTr)/i},{ d. idiosyncrasy o L precarious j - imminent l:efosterous Fol sorneone allergic r,, Lv c_rccupation. 2. Nutiitioni,srs roday__.,_ .l l lrc ,tiilr.t.L-i ,i . - ;,...--. rrr,)( (.1 a cijcr .,e r c..,r cireck.,,-',,r,",",,,'i 5. I sivore that rrcthiire tiine, but I *as __(e: iliil:'i:.,;;o,',:::"'' be a(n) u'ine' r'ror^re,s. rre,::r;ialjons, rhe rawyers, reporrers, a'cr ,\,rrirIr-l t,oo, -'"' nccP^nte ),J woLilci low in fiirs anci high in fiber, ,Yffi :,J:..,1il'o':"',ii"lli,X;'"i, r nttCS. irc.t.kr,eping flotn ge by a traf.fic';anr. rting to ciio.a's rv.e spex1n11,,, rldin_{ ,rr 6. One aint oi the nroclern ,"i,onren,s liber atlon nlovellent ltorl job anci rvage discriniination. is to --.--'_.- wornen 7' Since the bank robbery had invorveci governrnent fie fecleral had u has a(n) .?i.l.: think's it _- in the case. =--'fbr crossrng .state itnes, everyrhing thar isn,t ,,100 percent American.,, He I think a dislike of foreigners or foreign makes hir but ways shows ,rno.ul.l.oatrrot' 9' When tlie ritrre boy. saicl rhere was o fr:g in his grass of mirk, laughed at his _ idea__Lrntil fr" l0 ,n"*.0 ris the fi.og. Tamiko aiways rakes olT her shoes before just a(n) .enterirg the hoirse. Itarph thoughr of her.s, bur rre rarer r.,rrn.o ,rroi',,r, .'r';r:l:r - ,1 ir,u J tt.r,,i?.{-i, t, i/g rJr"/g everyone u Japanesc 5 Using the answet' lines provicied, conlplete each itenr below r,vith Lwo r,vorcis fronr ihe box. Use each v;ord once. _rI-2 One merrber of the school boarci _s a nroie _ high scirotrl curliculum, with cor,rrses in sr-rbjects syc,h as f.'r!crliing lnrl plesclvirrg the environnent ns rveli as the ilore trail?iionat acaciemic subjects. 3-4 Chet refuses to use a telephone. For most people, this _ '"voulcl certainly _ their attelnpts to have a social iit-e. but Chet rsn't vciy gregariouso anyway. 5*6. Being outdoors storrn is .-, in an electrical storm is a(n) __ sitr.ration. lvheir the optimrrmo strategy is to go indoors a'cr stay tirere. a 7-8. During the civil war, presicrent Lincoln's aclministr:ation could not Itt iLilrll\ iir'.' :;llrt,i,:., l).:,-:iiLl;,.: lti:, rlr,r,,-'r rrrrrr,rtf llltl lro irt thrt South. 9*10. Ellen's in a toward Jack is baseci on her _ but tenacions" belief that former life, Jack robbed her family of its life,s savings. -
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